++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Control points for Muenster, Switzerland + + + + Contributed by Andrea Schlapbach + + Contributed on 14 August, 1999 + + + + Formatted for the world-wide version of the software + + + + Last updated Wednesday, 02 January 2002 at 04:33 GMT + + + + >>>>>>>>>> UNOFFICIAL, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK <<<<<<<<<< + + + + Always consult the relevant publications + + for current and correct information. This + + service is provided free of charge with + + no warrantees, expressed or implied. + + User assumes all risk of use. + + + + Rename this file to TURNPTS.DAT to use with your Glide Navigator. + +Delete all of the header lines in this box, down to and including the next one+ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1, Logis duPin, 43, 46.65, 6, 38.47, 1025 15, Barreme, 43, 59.55, 6, 23.21, 780 23, Albertvill, 45, 37.63, 6, 19.78, 315 24, Altenrhein, 47, 29.13, 9, 33.42, 398 25, Annecy, 45, 55.87, 6, 6.43, 461 27, Argentiere, 45, 59.0, 6, 5.8 28, Aspres, 44, 31.13, 5, 44.25, 831 29, Bad Ragaz, 47, 0.38, 9, 29.07, 493 31, Birrfeld, 47, 26.37, 8, 13.57, 400 32, Mt Cervin, 45, 59.0, 7, 40.8, 4478 33, Ch lesEaux, 45, 33.68, 5, 58.62, 300 35, Chasseral, 47, 8.73, 7, 3.6, 1609 36, Courtelary, 47, 10.65, 7, 5.15, 600 37, Dagmerslln, 47, 12.58, 7, 59.28 40, Ecot, 45, 22.5, 7, 4.7 41, FL Rousses, 46, 28.83, 6, 3.38, 750 42, Faucille, 46, 22.22, 6, 1.13, 1320 44, Fleurier, 46, 54.42, 6, 35.02, 700 45, Gap, 44, 27.3, 6, 2.27, 598 46, Grenchen, 47, 10.57, 7, 24.47, 429 49, Hausen, 47, 14.38, 8, 30.97, 590 50, Klosters, 46, 53.0, 9, 52.28, 1179 51, La Dole, 46, 25.92, 6, 7.6, 1677 52, L dEmosson, 46, 4.28, 6, 55.87, 1930 53, Landeck, 47, 12.0, 10, 34.0, 816 54, Landquart, 46, 58.02, 9, 33.33, 530 61, MuensterFp, 46, 28.85, 8, 16.17, 1330 62, Plampinet, 45, 0.0, 6, 40.0 63, Pontresina, 46, 29.53, 9, 53.8, 1700 67, RothenbrgF, 49, 23.5, 10, 13.2, 425 68, Saanen, 46, 29.0, 7, 14.82, 700 70, Sallanches, 45, 57.23, 6, 38.35, 535 72, Schanis, 47, 10.32, 9, 2.23, 416 73, Sisteron, 44, 17.25, 5, 55.82, 540 74, Sollieres, 45, 15.38, 6, 48.08, 1297 75, St Auban, 44, 3.6, 5, 59.48, 460 76, St Crepin, 44, 42.1, 6, 36.02, 903 77, St Croix, 46, 49.25, 6, 29.98, 1066 80, Thun, 46, 45.53, 7, 35.17, 560 81, Triengen, 47, 13.4, 8, 4.48, 486 84, Vinon, 43, 44.27, 5, 47.05, 275 85, Viso, 44, 40.0, 7, 5.5, 3841 87, Zernez, 46, 41.97, 10, 5.43, 1473 88, Ziegelbrck, 47, 8.22, 9, 3.68, 435 89, Zweisimmen, 46, 33.0, 7, 24.0, 800 90, Agno Fp, 46, 0.16, 8, 54.41, 279 91, Aigen IE F, 47, 31.59, 14, 8.21 92, Airolo Bhf, 46, 31.44, 8, 36.37, 1141 93, AiroloKasr, 46, 31.44, 8, 36.53, 1145 94, AlbulaHosp, 46, 35.02, 9, 50.19, 2312 95, AllAquaDor, 46, 29.13, 8, 28.3, 1614 96, Alpnach Fp, 46, 56.33, 8, 17.08, 440 97, AltdorfBhf, 46, 52.35, 8, 37.56, 447 98, Ambri Fp, 46, 30.57, 8, 41.17, 981 99, Amlikon Fp, 47, 34.31, 9, 3.0, 417 100, AndrmttBh, 46, 38.2, 8, 35.44, 1436 101, AnzereDrf, 46, 17.54, 7, 24.02, 1515 102, Ascona Fp, 46, 9.24, 8, 47.19, 198 103, AxamerLzm, 47, 11.45, 11, 18.0, 1564 104, BedrettoK, 46, 30.27, 8, 30.43, 1402 105, BellaLuBr, 46, 20.49, 7, 29.11, 2543 106, BellagioK, 45, 59.2, 9, 15.48, 333 107, BllnKrcch, 46, 2.37, 9, 18.19, 230 108, Belp Fp, 46, 54.43, 7, 29.55, 510 109, BergSinKl, 47, 14.37, 9, 1.02, 706 110, BerninHsp, 46, 24.4, 10, 1.28, 2304 111, Beromnstr, 47, 11.34, 8, 12.18, 654 112, BiascaBhf, 46, 21.03, 8, 58.34, 301 113, Binn K, 46, 21.55, 8, 11.06, 1401 114, Bivio K, 46, 28.1, 9, 39.07, 1769 115, Blatten K, 46, 21.33, 7, 59.04, 1322 116, BlitzngnK, 46, 26.39, 8, 12.12, 1293 117, Bozen Fp, 46, 27.3, 11, 19.3, 241 118, Brigels K, 46, 46.09, 9, 3.43, 1287 119, Brennrpss, 47, 0.0, 11, 30.0, 1374 120, Brig Bhf, 46, 19.13, 7, 59.2, 681 121, Buochs Fp, 46, 58.25, 8, 23.42, 442 122, ChambryFp, 45, 38.0, 5, 53.0, 237 123, CdelaFrcl, 46, 3.29, 7, 0.1, 1526 124, CdesMosss, 46, 23.58, 7, 6.1, 1445 125, CduPillnP, 46, 21.17, 7, 12.21, 1546 126, CPtStBern, 45, 41.0, 6, 53.0, 2188 127, CorvtschM, 46, 26.02, 9, 49.3 128, CourmayrK, 45, 47.34, 6, 58.27, 1226 129, CrapSgnGn, 46, 49.56, 9, 13.28, 2213 130, DavosDrfB, 46, 48.41, 9, 50.38, 1560 131, DavosJkbs, 46, 46.25, 9, 51.0, 2590 132, DiablrtsB, 46, 21.1, 7, 9.23, 1162 133, DiavolzzB, 46, 24.48, 9, 58.02, 2973 134, DiavolzzT, 46, 26.03, 9, 59.35, 2093 135, DisntsBhf, 46, 42.22, 8, 51.26, 1142 136, DisentsKl, 46, 42.28, 8, 51.27, 1142 137, DixancSTM, 46, 4.54, 7, 24.15, 2364 138, DDossolBH, 46, 7.01, 8, 17.57, 270 139, Dorenaz B, 46, 8.44, 7, 2.46, 465 140, EggshrnBS, 46, 25.56, 8, 5.43, 2926 141, Engstlgnl, 46, 26.58, 7, 33.57, 1964 142, EntrevsTn, 45, 49.07, 6, 57.09, 1306 143, FieschBhf, 46, 24.18, 8, 7.53, 1062 144, FlueelpHs, 46, 45.04, 9, 56.52, 2383 145, Fully K, 46, 8.19, 7, 6.53, 461 146, Furka PH, 46, 34.26, 8, 25.0, 2431 147, Galmihutt, 46, 29.27, 8, 14.38, 2113 148, GeschinnK, 46, 29.48, 8, 16.53, 1351 149, GltschBhf, 46, 33.46, 8, 21.45, 1759 150, GoppnstBH, 46, 22.08, 7, 45.19, 1217 151, GGratBahn, 45, 59.08, 7, 46.58, 3089 152, Gtschngrt, 46, 51.37, 9, 50.53, 2285 153, GotthrdHs, 46, 33.24, 8, 34.06, 2108 154, GrStBernr, 45, 53.59, 7, 11.39, 1914 155, GrStBerna, 45, 52.13, 7, 10.18, 2469 156, GrtBernar, 45, 51.08, 7, 9.46, 1860 157, GrimselPH, 46, 34.24, 8, 20.02, 2166 158, HospentlK, 46, 37.15, 8, 34.09, 1493 159, IlanzRhBr, 46, 46.3, 9, 12.2, 699 160, InnsbrckF, 47, 15.39, 11, 20.4, 581 161, Ischgl K, 47, 0.44, 10, 17.28, 1390 162, KlostersD, 46, 53.06, 9, 52.34, 1124 163, Kuehboden, 46, 24.51, 8, 6.15, 2226 164, LdeFllyST, 46, 10.35, 7, 5.42, 2250 165, LdeMoryST, 46, 8.2, 7, 34.2, 2249 166, LdeTseuzr, 46, 20.56, 7, 26.13, 1777 167, LVEmosson, 46, 3.49, 6, 53.58, 2205 168, LandckBhf, 47, 8.5, 10, 34.2, 816 169, MagadinFp, 46, 9.43, 8, 52.51, 198 170, LodrinoFp, 46, 17.51, 8, 59.31, 261 171, LukmanrPH, 46, 33.51, 8, 48.1, 1916 172, MuestairK, 46, 37.5, 10, 26.53, 1247 173, NaudrsBhf, 46, 53.36, 10, 30.12, 1395 174, Nendaz TS, 46, 10.53, 7, 17.31, 1365 175, NufenenPH, 46, 28.31, 8, 23.2, 2478 176, OberaarsS, 46, 32.56, 8, 16.27, 2303 177, OberalpPH, 46, 39.36, 8, 40.19, 2044 178, ObrwldBhf, 46, 31.53, 8, 20.35, 1366 179, Ofen PH, 46, 38.29, 10, 17.37, 2149 180, Olivone K, 46, 31.52, 8, 56.33, 890 181, OrsirsBhf, 46, 1.48, 7, 8.4, 901 182, OvronnazK, 46, 12.19, 7, 10.03, 1332 183, PontresnK, 46, 29.41, 9, 54.15, 1805 184, Raron Fp, 46, 18.21, 7, 50.31, 635 185, ReschensN, 46, 49.55, 10, 30.47, 1507 186, LRitomSTM, 46, 32.0, 8, 41.0, 1851 187, SaasAlmgl, 46, 5.48, 7, 57.29, 1672 188, SamedanFp, 46, 32.05, 9, 53.08, 1707 189, StBernrdn, 46, 27.56, 9, 11.13, 1608 190, SanVittor, 46, 14.11, 9, 6.03, 261 191, SantschPH, 46, 20.13, 7, 17.11, 2251