;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; + ; Most, Czech Republic + ; + ; Control Points formatted for EWView II and EWView III + ; + ; Contributed by Aeroklub Most + ; + ; Generated Sunday, 15 March 2009 at 21:46 GMT + ; + ; This file uses , as the decimal point in latitude and longitude 1 ; + ; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> USE AT YOUR OWN RISK <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< + ; All data and information contained in these data files are provided without + ; guarantee as to their completeness or correctness. Any conclusions drawn + ; from these data and information are the sole responsibility of the user. + ; + ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Most" "MOST" "Letiste" "N5031,500" "E01340,983" "Bezdez" "BEZDEZ" "Hrad" "N5032,317" "E01443,233" "Bukov 6X27" "BKV6X2" "Krizovatka" "N5008,583" "E01329,450" "Bukova Hora" "BUKVHR" "TV Vysilac" "N5040,300" "E01413,717" "Bynovec Ul" "BYNVCL" "Ul Plocha" "N5049,583" "E01416,050" "Ceska Lipa" "CESKLP" "Letiste" "N5042,567" "E01434,000" "Ceska Lipa Mesto" "CSKLPM" "Mesto" "N5041,133" "E01432,033" "Dvur Kralove Nad Labem" "DVRKRL" "Letiste" "N5024,850" "E01550,217" "Erpuzice" "ERPUZC" "Letiste" "N4948,167" "E01302,283" "Hazmburk" "HZMBRK" "Hrad" "N5026,050" "E01401,050" "Hodkovice Nad Mohelkou" "HDKVCN" "Letiste" "N5039,433" "E01504,667" "Horice" "HORICE" "Letiste" "N5021,433" "E01534,600" "Hradcany Ul" "HRDCNL" "Ul Plocha" "N5037,167" "E01443,967" "Chomutov" "CHOMTV" "Letiste" "N5028,133" "E01328,083" "Chomutov Mesto" "CHMTVM" "Mesto" "N5027,783" "E01324,233" "Chribska Ul" "CHRBSK" "Ul Plocha" "N5051,483" "E01428,017" "Jablonne V Podjestedi" "JBLNNV" "Nadrazi" "N5046,200" "E01445,517" "Jaromer" "JAROMR" "Letiste" "N5019,883" "E01557,233" "Jesenice" "JESENC" "Nadrazi" "N5005,600" "E01328,333" "Jested" "JESTED" "TV Vysilac" "N5043,950" "E01459,117" "Jicin" "JICIN" "Letiste" "N5025,800" "E01519,983" "Klasterec" "KLSTRC" "Nadrazi" "N5023,117" "E01311,783" "Kralovice" "KRALVC" "Krizovatka" "N4958,567" "E01329,333" "Liberec" "LIBERC" "Letiste" "N5046,100" "E01501,500" "Litomerice Ul" "LTMRCL" "Ul Plocha" "N5031,600" "E01411,167" "Lomnice Ul" "LOMNCL" "Ul Plocha" "N5032,400" "E01523,283" "Lovosice" "LOVOSC" "Zeleznicni Most" "N5031,000" "E01404,867" "Mlada Boleslav" "MLDBLS" "Letiste" "N5023,900" "E01453,900" "Mnichovo Hradist" "MNCHVH" "Letiste" "N5032,400" "E01500,400" "Nechranice" "NCHRNC" "Hraz" "N5022,233" "E01325,133" "Nove Mesto" "NOVMST" "Letiste" "N5021,850" "E01606,817" "Ostrov" "OSTROV" "Ul Plocha" "N5020,200" "E01258,183" "Plasy" "PLASY" "Letiste" "N4955,217" "E01322,617" "Podborany" "PODBRN" "Nadrazi" "N5013,383" "E01324,250" "Pribram" "PRIBRM" "Letiste" "N4943,200" "E01406,017" "Rakovnik" "RAKVNK" "Letiste" "N5005,650" "E01341,333" "Ralsko" "RALSKO" "Zricenina Hradu" "N5040,467" "E01446,000" "Rana Louny" "RANALN" "Letiste" "N5024,233" "E01345,117" "Stankov" "STANKV" "Letiste" "N4934,000" "E01302,917" "Steti Ul" "STETIL" "Ul Plocha" "N5027,900" "E01424,367" "Tabor" "TABOR" "Letiste" "N4923,467" "E01442,500" "Teplice Mesto" "TPLCMS" "Mesto" "N5038,500" "E01349,583" "Teplice Ul" "TEPLCL" "Ul Plocha" "N5037,250" "E01348,633" "Trutnov" "TRUTNV" "Nadrazi" "N5033,850" "E01554,217" "Ustek" "USTEK" "Rybnik" "N5035,200" "E01419,717" "Usti Nad Labem" "USTNDL" "Letiste" "N5041,983" "E01358,183" "Vrchlabi" "VRCHLB" "Letiste" "N5037,450" "E01538,783" "Zatec Macerka" "ZTCMCR" "Letiste" "N5019,050" "E01330,767" "Zichlice" "ZICHLC" "Ul Plocha" "N4950,717" "E01327,633"