Contest: Club Class Nationals, 2022
Courtesy of Mark Hawkins
Dated: 13 July 2022
Magnetic Variation: 9.1E, Datum: 100
Time zone: US/Mountain, Summer offset from GMT is -6:00 and in Winter it is -7:00.
The primary specification of the waypoint coordinates is degrees, minutes, and seconds
Do not use for navigation, for flight verification only.
Always consult the relevant publications for current and correct
information. This service is provided free of charge with no warrantees,
expressed or implied.
User assumes all risk of use.
"Please note that private use airports in the FAA's National
Airspace System are for the use of the owner only or with the
permission of the owner only. Other users are not authorized
and should not be attempting to land at private use airports."
NumberName Codes Links Latitude Longitude Latitude Longitude Elevation ID ICAO Frequency R/W Direction R/W Length R/W Width R/W Surface
° ' " ° ' " ° ' ° ' Feet ID Feet
1 Moriarty DHT a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G 34 59 04 N 106 00 20 W or 34 59.067 N 106 00.333 W 6204 0E0 0E0 122.9 08/26 7700 75 A #01, 0E0, RW width: 75, Home Field, Turn Point, FAA Identifier: 0E0 Elevation: 6204 ft CTAF/UNICOM: 122.9 WX AWOS-3: 118.05 (505-832-9379) Runways: 08/26 - 7702 x 75 ft asphalt 17/35 - 6201 x 75 ft asphalt
2 Alamosa AT a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G 37 26 06 N 105 52 04 W or 37 26.100 N 105 52.067 W 7540 ALS ALS 169 12 122.8 02/20 8519 100 A #02, ALS, RW width: 100, Turn Point, FAA Identifier: ALS Elevation: 7540 ft CTAF/UNICOM: 122.8 WX ASOS: 135.175 (719-589-5669) Runways: 02/20 - 8521 x 100 ft
3 Algodones Pwr Station T a,g,V,o,G 35 23 06 N 106 27 55 W or 35 23.100 N 106 27.917 W 5120 ALGDNPR 38 326 #03, ALGDNPR, Turn Point
4 Angel Fire AT a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G 36 25 19 N 105 17 24 W or 36 25.317 N 105 17.400 W 8380 AXX AXX 107 31 122.8 17/35 8900 100 A #04, AXX, RW width: 100, Turn Point, FAA Identifier: AXX Elevation: 8380 ft CTAF/UNICOM: 122.8 WX AWOS-3: 118.025 (575-377-0526) Runways: 17/35 - 8900 x 100 ft asphalt
5 Antonito T a,g,V,o,G 37 04 43 N 106 00 40 W or 37 04.717 N 106 00.667 W 7902 ANTNITO 145 9 #05, ANTNITO, Turn Point, Many irrigated fields in the area for possible outlanding. Watch for moving irrigation equipment in the fields.
6 Belen AT a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G 34 38 43 N 106 50 01 W or 34 38.717 N 106 50.017 W 5200 BRG BRG 52 253 122.8 13/31 6601 60 A #06, E80, RW width: 60, Turn Point, FAA Identifier: BRG Elevation: 5200 ft CTAF/UNICOM: 122.8 WX AWOS-3PT: 118.55 (505-864-4375) ALBUQUERQUE APPROACH: 123.9 ALBUQUERQUE DEPARTURE: 123.9 Runways: 03/21 - 6601 x 60 ft - asphalt 13/31 - 5280 x 75 ft - asphalt
7 Bell Ranch ATP a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G 35 42 28 N 104 03 40 W or 35 42.467 N 104 03.667 W 4725 NM32 NM32 120 74 01/19 5700 70 A #07, NM32, RW width: 70, Turn Point, FAA Identifier: NM32 Elevation: 4724 Private Airport 18/36 - 5700' x 75' asphalt
8 Cabezon Peak T a,g,V,o,G 35 35 58 N 107 05 44 W or 35 35.967 N 107 05.733 W 7786 CABEZNPK 75 314 #08, CABEZNPK, Turn Point, Largest of several volcanic necks that rise above the valley floor in this area. The included image shows Cabezon Peak as well as the other surrounding smaller peaks as well.
9 Carrizozo AT a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G 33 38 56 N 105 53 44 W or 33 38.933 N 105 53.733 W 5373 F37 F37 92 185 122.8 15/33 2500 90 A #09, F37, RW width: 90, Turn Point, FAA Identifier: F37 Elevation: 5373 ft CTAF/UNICOM: 122.8 06/24 - 4944 x 75 ft asphalt 15/33 - 2500 x 90 ft dirt
10 Cedarvale T a,g,V,o,G 34 22 27 N 105 41 59 W or 34 22.450 N 105 41.983 W 6395 CDRVAL 46 167 #10, CDRVAL, Turn Point, Roads may look good from the air but most have a fence running next to them.
11 Chama LT a,g,V,o,G 36 52 49 N 106 34 15 W or 36 52.817 N 106 34.250 W 8000 CHAMA 135 356 5800 100 G #11, CHAMA, RW width: 100, Turn Point, Image shows approaching from the southwest. Chama Land and Cattle Airport Elevation: 8000ft Runways: 40/22 - 5200 X 80ft - grass/dirt
12 Chilili T a,g,V,o,G 34 53 37 N 106 14 10 W or 34 53.617 N 106 14.167 W 6852 CHILILI 14 253 #12, CHILILI, Turn Point
13 Claunch T a,g,V,o,G 34 06 45 N 105 59 44 W or 34 06.750 N 105 59.733 W 6175 CLNCH 60 189 #13, CLNCH, Turn Point, 3R&HL 2/26/09 Several fields on north side of town and east and west of NM 55 appear landable (there are fences and no immediately obvious access to fields).
14 Cochiti Dam T a,g,V,o,G 35 37 08 N 106 19 11 W or 35 37.133 N 106 19.183 W 5208 COCHDM 47 347 #14, COCHDM, Turn Point, This turnpoint is located on the Cochiti Pueblo. There are numerous cultivated fields below (southwest of) the dam that could possibly be used for outlanding. The Cochiti Pueblo is a generally friendly to visitors. However please be friendly and provide appropriate respect for the people and their land/property.
15 Conchas Lake AT a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G 35 22 03 N 104 10 53 W or 35 22.050 N 104 10.883 W 4232 E89 E89 106 84 122.9 09/27 4187 60 A #15, E89, RW width: 60, Turn Point, GATE LOCK COMBINATION IS SET TO FIELD ELEVATION (4230). FAA Identifier: E89 Elevation: 4232 ft CTAF: 122.9 Runways: 09/27 - 4800 x 60 ft asphalt
16 Corona T a,g,V,o,G 34 15 10 N 105 35 40 W or 34 15.167 N 105 35.667 W 6697 CRONA 56 164 #16, CRONA, Turn Point, Not alot of good landing locations where turnpoint is. There is a bit more open area south of town.
17 Crest T a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G 35 12 53 N 106 27 11 W or 35 12.883 N 106 27.183 W 10058 CRST CRST 30 311 #17, CRST, Turn Point, Sandia Crest
18 Cuba T a,g,V,o,G 36 00 33 N 106 58 07 W or 36 00.550 N 106 58.117 W 6800 CUBA 89 332 #18, CUBA, Turn Point, Appears there could be several cultivated fields that might be used for outlanding if needed.
19 Dilia T a,g,V,o,G 35 11 30 N 105 04 00 W or 35 11.500 N 105 04.000 W 5200 DILIA 55 84 #19, DILIA, Turn Point, Several cultivated fields in the area for possible outlanding. Watch for moving irrigation equipment.
20 Double Eagle II AT a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G 35 08 43 N 106 47 43 W or 35 08.717 N 106 47.717 W 5837 AEG AEG 46 293 120.15 04/22 7398 100 A #20, AEG, RW width: 100, Turn Point, FAA Identifier: AEG Elevation: 5837 ft CTAF: 120.15 ATIS: 119.025 WX AWOS-3PT: 505-842-2009 DOUBLE EAGLE II GROUND: 121.625 [0600-2200] DOUBLE EAGLE II TOWER: 120.15 [0600-2200] ALBUQUERQUE APPROACH: 127.4 ALBUQUERQUE DEPARTURE: 127.4 Runways: 04/22 - 7398 x 100 ft asphalt 17/35 - 5983 x 100 ft asphalt
21 Double V Ranch ATP a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G 34 07 02 N 104 25 38 W or 34 07.033 N 104 25.633 W 4114 NM38 NM38 108 132 14/32 4300 50 G #21, NM38, RW width: 50, Turn Point, Looks pretty overgrown in imagery. Probably not usable. Perhaps better options nearer the large house. Elevation: 4114 Runway: 16/34 - 3500 ft x 50 ft - turf/grass
22 Dulce T a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G 36 55 29 N 106 59 23 W or 36 55.483 N 106 59.383 W 6800 DLCE DLCE 145 347 #22, DLCE, Turn Point Extinct airstrip. However there appear to be some cultivated around the town that may support an outlanding if you can't make it over to Chama.
23 El Vado Strip LT a,g,V,o,G 36 37 44 N 106 42 52 W or 36 37.733 N 106 42.867 W 7200 ELVADO 120 350 5500 120 #23, ELVADO, RW width: 120, Turn Point, This airport was stumbled across on Google maps. Its condition is unverified!
24 Encino T a,g,V,o,G 34 39 10 N 105 27 50 W or 34 39.167 N 105 27.833 W 6139 ENCINO 38 136 #24, ENCINO, Turn Point
25 Espanola AT a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G 36 01 30 N 106 02 47 W or 36 01.500 N 106 02.783 W 5790 E14 E14 72 7 122.9 16/34 5007 75 A #25, E14, RW width: 75, Turn Point, FAA Identifier: E14 Gate code: 4751 Elevation: 5790 ft CTAF: 122.9 Runways: 16/34 - 5007 x 75 ft asphalt
26 Estancia AT a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G 34 45 48 N 106 02 29 W or 34 45.800 N 106 02.483 W 6100 E92 E92 15 197 122.9 08/26 4000 50 D #26, E92, RW width: 50, Turn Point, FAA Identifier: E92 Elevation: 6100 Public airport. CTAF 122.90. 08/26 dirt and gravel strip. Recently graded and in good condition. Side and end reflectors have been removed. Picture 3/3 is from June 2022. Be advised there can be cows on the strip. 3R&HL 2/26/09 Wire tiedowns available just south of west end of runway. OK for 15 meter but 18 meter and Grob require great care to stay in center. If you land there go wait at the Windmill restaurant for your retrieve. Just start following the dirt road west to Hwy 41 and you will find it on Hwy41.
27 Fenton Lake T a,g,V,o,G 35 53 01 N 106 43 32 W or 35 53.017 N 106 43.533 W 7687 FNTNLK 74 336 #27, FNTNLK, Turn Point, The lake should be easily visible from the air when in the area. There are few possible areas/open fields which might be possible for outlanding. However care should be taken in selecting a landing location from the air. Note the power lines running across the northwest end of the lake.
28 Fort Garland T a,g,V,o,G 37 25 38 N 105 25 51 W or 37 25.633 N 105 25.850 W 7926 FTGRLND 172 20 #28, FTGRLND, Turn Point
29 Fort Sumner AT a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G 34 29 13 N 104 13 04 W or 34 29.217 N 104 13.067 W 4165 FSU FSU 107 117 122.8 03/21 5800 75 A #29, FSU, RW width: 75, Turn Point, Gate code: 2019 FAA Identifier: FSU Elevation: 4165 ft CTAF/UNICOM: 122.8 Runways: 03/21 - 5800 x 75 ft asphalt 08/26 - 5250 x 60 ft
30 G Bar F Ranch ATP a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G 33 32 40 N 105 22 32 W or 33 32.667 N 105 22.533 W 6505 NM84 NM84 106 169 10/28 3670 35 G #30, NM84, RW width: 35, Turn Point, 10/28 35' wide turf in poor condition rocky and rough.
31 Ghost Ranch LT a,g,V,o,G 36 18 10 N 106 29 17 W or 36 18.167 N 106 29.283 W 6440 GHSTRN 95 353 5200 75 G #31, GHSTRN, RW width: 75, Turn Point, Below is the official info about the airfield. However it appears there isn't much left. It may still be landable though. The original runway is outlined in the image to make it easier to see. Elevation: 6440 Runways: 14/32 - 5200 X 75 ft - dirt/grass
32 Glorieta T a,g,V,o,G 35 34 59 N 105 46 02 W or 35 34.983 N 105 46.033 W 7400 GLRETA 43 27 #32, GLRETA, Turn Point
33 Goat Mountain Strip LTP a,g,V,o,G 33 41 54 N 105 35 45 W or 33 41.900 N 105 35.750 W 6640 GOATMTN 92 174 4000 80 G #33, GOATMTN, RW width: 80, Turn Point, Private Has not been checked recently Appears to be maintained Runway: 08/26 - 4200ft X 60ft - dirt/grass
34 Grants Milan AT a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G 35 10 02 N 107 54 07 W or 35 10.033 N 107 54.117 W 6537 GNT GNT 108 286 122.8 13/31 7172 75 A #34, GNT, RW width: 75, Turn Point, FAA Identifier: GNT Elevation: 6537 ft CTAF/UNICOM: 122.8 WX AWOS-3PT: 118.3 (505-287-9890) 13/31 - 7172 x 75 ft - asphalt
35 I40+Hwy84 T a,g,V,o,G 34 58 35 N 104 59 29 W or 34 58.583 N 104 59.483 W 5266 I40HW84 57 99 #35, I40HW84, Turn Point
36 Lamy RR T a,g,V,o,G 35 28 49 N 105 52 50 W or 35 28.817 N 105 52.833 W 7166 LAMYRR 35 21 #36, LAMYRR, Turn Point, The train station in the town of Lamy
37 Las Vegas AT a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G 35 39 15 N 105 08 33 W or 35 39.250 N 105 08.550 W 6877 LVS LVS 67 55 122.8 14/32 8198 75 A #37, LVS, RW width: 75, Turn Point, FAA Identifier: LVS Elevation: 6877 CTAF/UNICOM: 122.8 WX ASOS: 118.525 (505-454-4645) Runways: 14/32 - 8199 x 75 ft - asphalt 02/20 - 5006 x 75 ft - asphalt Gate code: #6877
38 Leyba T a,g,V,o,G 35 12 10 N 105 33 26 W or 35 12.167 N 105 33.433 W 6400 LEYBA 29 68 #38, LEYBA, Turn Point, UX 4/26/08: I don't know how in the world Jimmy Wier found a place to safely put down near Leyba a few years ago. The picture attached here is of the only field I saw as I drove from WhiteLakes all the way to the Palma exit on I40. This is definitely TIGER COUNTRY!! Apparently this is the exact field that BOTH RX and EX landed in on Sept 11 2005.
39 Lincoln Station ATP a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G 34 07 19 N 105 40 18 W or 34 07.317 N 105 40.300 W 6654 NM25 NM25 63 171 07/25 4900 75 D #39, NM25, RW width: 75, Turn Point, The strip is getting overgrown. The west end where it parallels the road is best and least overgrown. It is uphill from the east and flat at the west end. Land close to the top of the rise.
40 Lindrith AT a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G 36 17 29 N 107 03 22 W or 36 17.483 N 107 03.367 W 7202 E32 E32 108 336 122.9 07/25 3300 75 D #40, E32, RW width: 75, Turn Point, Overflew Sept 2021 looks okay. See picture. FAA Identifier: E32 Elevation: 7202 ft CTAF: 122.9 Runways: 07/25 - 3300 x 75 ft - dirt
41 Lucy Road LT a,g,V,o,G 34 37 08 N 105 48 42 W or 34 37.133 N 105 48.700 W 6312 LUCYRD 28 166 122.9 2578 50 V #41, LUCYRD, RW width: 50, Turn Point, Just west of the Lucy Ranch strip is a wide gravel road with the electric power poles set way off the road. It is flat with no berms. Landing west of this gate would be possible. Watch out for the high post next to the gate. There is about a 1/2 mile stretch before berms start (about the second power pole in the picture).
42 Magdalena AT a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G 34 05 40 N 107 17 52 W or 34 05.667 N 107 17.867 W 6730 N29 N29 96 240 122.9 02/20 5650 50 D #42, N29, RW width: 50, Turn Point, FAA Identifier: N29 Elevation: 6730 ft CTAF: 122.9 02/20 - 5762 x 50 ft - gravel/dirt FC TREATED WITH FLYASH FIRM BUT DUSTY WITH VERY FEW LARGE ROCKS
43 Manzano T a,g,V,o,G 34 38 58 N 106 20 36 W or 34 38.967 N 106 20.600 W 6801 MNZNO 30 229 #43, MNZNO, Turn Point
44 Manzano Peak T a,g,V,o,G 34 35 27 N 106 26 46 W or 34 35.450 N 106 26.767 W 10120 MNZPK 37 232 #44, MNZPK, Turn Point
45 Mora T a,g,V,o,G 35 58 27 N 105 19 48 W or 35 58.450 N 105 19.800 W 7192 MORA 78 38 #45, MORA, Turn Point, Many cultivated fields in the area for possible outlanding. Watch for movable irrigation equipment.
46 Mosca Peak T a,g,V,o,G 34 48 41 N 106 24 07 W or 34 48.683 N 106 24.117 W 9500 MOSPK 25 251 #46, MOSPK, Turn Point
47 Mountainair AT a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G 34 32 00 N 106 13 26 W or 34 32.000 N 106 13.433 W 6492 M10 M10 34 211 122.9 08/26 2578 50 D #47, M10, RW width: 50, Turn Point, FAA Identifier: M10 Elevation: 6492 Public airport. CTAF: 122.90 Runway: 26/8 dirt and gravel strip. UM May 2022. Nicely graded but markers were added along the sides 63' apart. See picture 5. Still good to land if you keep the wings level until the glider is stopped. UM June 2021: Landed in a power plane condition of the runway is still good. 15m glider landed here in 2017 no problem. The berms on each side have been graded. Enough width for 18m and 21m. There is an entrance gate code is 1229 comm frequency. Pictures 3 & 4 from June 2021.
48 Ortiz Mine T a,g,V,o,G 35 20 19 N 106 08 13 W or 35 20.317 N 106 08.217 W 7000 ORTZMN 26 352 #48, ORTZMN, Turn Point
49 Palma - I40 T a,g,V,o,G 34 59 52 N 105 26 45 W or 34 59.867 N 105 26.750 W 6320 PLMI40 32 97 #49, PLMI40, Turn Point
50 Park Springs LT a,g,V,o,G 35 15 39 N 104 55 08 W or 35 15.650 N 104 55.133 W 5115 NM76 64 82 4000 50 #50, NM76, RW width: 50, Turn Point, Overflew August 2021 see pictures. Looking overgrown. Needs to be viewed on the ground. The place sold nothing known about owner. Good fields 7 nm SW near Turnpoint Dilia see pic 3.
51 Penasco T a,g,V,o,G 36 10 12 N 105 40 55 W or 36 10.200 N 105 40.917 W 7700 PNASC 84 22 #51, PNASC, Turn Point
52 Questa AT a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G 36 48 00 N 105 35 51 W or 36 48.000 N 105 35.850 W 7690 N24 N24 128 19 122.9 17/35 6861 75 A #52, N24, RW width: 75, Turn Point, FAA Identifier: N24 Elevation: 7690 Gate code: 7670 CTAF: 122.9 AWOS: 118.2 (575-586-2019) Runway: 17/35 - asphalt Dimensions: 6861 x 75 ft.
53 Raton AT a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G 36 44 31 N 104 30 12 W or 36 44.517 N 104 30.200 W 6352 RTN RTN 148 43 122.8 02/20 4425 75 A #53, RTN, RW width: 75, Turn Point, Identifier: RTN Elevation: 6352 Unicom/CTAF: 122.80 ASOS: 118.375 (575-445-7624) Runways: 02/20 - 6215ft X 75ft - asphalt 07/25 - 4425ft x 75ft - asphalt FBO Manager lives on airport
54 Roswell AT a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G 33 18 06 N 104 31 53 W or 33 18.100 N 104 31.883 W 3671 ROW ROW 144 153 118.5 03/21 7425 200 A #54, ROW, RW width: 200, Turn Point, To enter gate after hours call 575-626-1827. FAA Identifier: ROW Elevation: 3671 ft CTAF: 118.5 UNICOM: 122.95 ATIS: 128.45 306.2 WX ASOS: 128.45 (575-347-0040) Runways: 03/21 - 13001 x 150 ft concrete 17-35 - 9999 x 100 ft asphalt
55 San Louis T a,g,V,o,G 37 11 48 N 105 25 23 W or 37 11.800 N 105 25.383 W 8000 SNLUIS 156 21 #55, SNLUIS, Turn Point, Town is easily visible from the air. Many cultivated fields in the area for possible outlanding. Watch for moving irrigation equipment.
56 San Mateo T a,g,V,o,G 35 19 52 N 107 38 44 W or 35 19.867 N 107 38.733 W 7080 SNMTEO 96 294 #56, SNMTEO, Turn Point, There appear to be several cultivated fields around this turnpoint. The best landing choice would be Grants-Milan Airport (approx. 13 miles). Note this is Native American land so please be friendly & provide appropriate respect to the local residents.
57 San Miguel ATP a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G 35 30 36 N 104 35 02 W or 35 30.600 N 104 35.033 W 6300 NM53 NM53 88 74 04/22 5600 100 A #57, NM53, RW width: 100, Turn Point, FAA Identifier: NM53 Private Elevation: 6300 ft Runways: 04/22. 5600 ft by 100 ft wide asphalt. Owner: SAN MIGUEL RANCH PO BOX 2534 LAS VEGAS NM 87701 Phone 505-641-5340 Manager: JANE MCNAIRN 7051 HOLLYWOOD BLVD LOS ANGELES CA 90028 Phone 323-661-3524
58 San Ysidro T a,g,V,o,G 35 33 19 N 106 46 46 W or 35 33.317 N 106 46.767 W 5475 SNYSDR 59 321 #58, SNYSDR, Turn Point, Intersection of NM 550 & NM 4. There are a few cultivated fields in this area that might be used for outlanding if required. Look carefully for power lines and moving irrigation equipment.
59 Sandia East AT a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G 35 05 41 N 106 09 36 W or 35 05.683 N 106 09.600 W 6565 1N1 1N1 12 320 122.8 09/27 4830 30 A #59, 1N1, RW width: 30, Turn Point, Identifier: 1N1 Elevation: 6565 CTAF: 122.80 Runway 09/27 Only 30' wide. Active paved runway with gas service (expect other traffic). Land uphill to the west unless wind is very strong from east. Be careful of runway lights only 60 feet apart. Keep off of center line if crosswind.
60 Santa Fe Airport AT a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G 35 37 00 N 106 05 23 W or 35 37.000 N 106 05.383 W 6349 SAF SAF 44 3 119.5 02/20 8342 150 A #60, SAF, RW width: 150, Turn Point, FAA Identifier: SAF Elevation: 6349 ft CTAF: 119.5 UNICOM: 122.95 ATIS: 128.55 WX ASOS: 505-474-3117 SANTA FE GROUND: 121.7 [0700-2100] SANTA FE TOWER: 119.5 239.3 [0700-2100] Runways: 02/20 - 8366 x 150 ft - asphalt 15/33 - 6316 x 100 ft - asphalt 10/28 - 6301 x 75 ft - asphalt
61 Santa Fe Ski Lodge T a,g,V,o,G 35 47 46 N 105 48 09 W or 35 47.767 N 105 48.150 W 10400 SNTFLG 57 21 #61, SNTFLG, Turn Point
62 Santa Rosa AT a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G 34 56 22 N 104 38 15 W or 34 56.367 N 104 38.250 W 4791 SXU SXU 78 101 122.8 01/19 5013 75 A #62, SXU, RW width: 75, Turn Point, FAA Identifier: SXU Gate access code: 9942. Elevation: 4791 ft CTAF/UNICOM: 122.8 WX AWOS-3: 118.1 (575-472-9943) Runways: 01/19 - 5013 x 75 ft asphalt 08/26 - 4294 x 60 ft asphalt
63 Sierra Blanca Peak T a,g,V,o,G 33 22 27 N 105 48 34 W or 33 22.450 N 105 48.567 W 12001 SRBLNCPK 112 183 #63, SRBLNCPK, Turn Point, Image shows the peak from the final to runway 24 at Ruidoso Airport
64 Socorro AT a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G 34 01 21 N 106 54 11 W or 34 01.350 N 106 54.183 W 4875 ONM ONM 84 227 122.8 15/33 5841 100 A #64, ONM, RW width: 100, Turn Point, Identifier: ONM Elevation: 4875 ft UNICOM/CTAF: 122.8 AWOS: 118.325 (575-838-3993) Gate code: 4850 Runways: 06/24 - 4590ft x 60ft Paved 15/33 - 5841ft x 75ft Paved
65 Springer AT a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G 36 19 37 N 104 37 11 W or 36 19.617 N 104 37.183 W 5894 S42 S42 121 49 122.9 01/19 5000 60 A #65, S42, RW width: 60, Turn Point, RY ARPT ROAD GATES LOCKED FOR ENTRY & EXIT CALL 575-483-2321 EXTENSION 217 BEFORE ARRIVAL. FAA Identifier: S42 Elevation: 5894 ft CTAF: 122.9 ASOS (RTN) - 118.375 Runways: 01/19 - 5003 x 60 ft - asphalt
66 SR55 Cnr T a,g,V,o,G 33 55 24 N 105 54 12 W or 33 55.400 N 105 54.200 W 5720 SR55CNR 74 185 #66, SR55CNR, Turn Point
67 Taos AT a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G 36 27 29 N 105 40 21 W or 36 27.483 N 105 40.350 W 7095 SKX SKX 104 19 122.8 13/31 5803 75 A #67, SKX, RW width: 75, Turn Point, FAA Identifier: SKX Elevation: 7095 ft CTAF/UNICOM: 122.8 WX AWOS-3PT: 132.975 (575-758-5663) Runways: 13/31 - 8600 x 100 ft. concrete 04/22 - 5504 x 75 ft. asphalt
68 Taylor Peak T a,g,V,o,G 35 14 19 N 107 36 31 W or 35 14.317 N 107 36.517 W 11334 TLRPK 92 291 #68, TLRPK, Turn Point
69 Tercio Ranch ATP a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G 37 04 08 N 105 00 58 W or 37 04.133 N 105 00.967 W 7957 3CO4 3CO4 154 30 13/31 3000 75 G #69, 3CO4, RW width: 75, Turn Point, Identifier: 3CO4 Elevation: 7957 ft Runway 13/31 Dimensions: 3700 x 75 ft. / 1128 x 23 m Surface: turf in good condition Runway edge lights: medium intensity Traffic pattern: 13 - right & 31 - left Obstructions: 58 ft. trees 1200 ft. from runway
70 Transwestern N6 T a,g,V,o,G 35 01 08 N 107 24 57 W or 35 01.133 N 107 24.950 W 5960 TRNSW6 80 281 D #70, TRNSW6, Turn Point, There is an older dirt runway at this turnpoint however it has not been inspected recently. Care should be taken to properly inspect the runway from the air if landing is required.
71 Transwestern N7 T a,g,V,o,G 34 19 13 N 106 15 18 W or 34 19.217 N 106 15.300 W 6900 TRNSW7 48 206 #71, TRNSW7, Turn Point, ABSOLUTELY UNLANDABLE! Old paved strip. Bushes along side of runway will wreck a 15m glider. UX 4/4/04 Transwestern 7 is no longer landable. Chris Wilson & I did a recon mission Saturday. The runway is full of pretty good size saplings. B.Carlton 3/10/08
72 Transwestern N8 T a,g,V,o,G 33 55 20 N 105 20 02 W or 33 55.333 N 105 20.033 W 5800 TRNSW8 83 161 A #72, TRNSW8, Turn Point, The old runway has trees in the asphalt on the east end. There are many weeds in the runway some cactus will stop or ground loop a glider. Not recommended. Updated 6/2020
73 Tres Piedras T a,g,V,o,G 36 38 42 N 105 58 03 W or 36 38.700 N 105 58.050 W 8130 TRSPDRS 115 10 #73, TRSPDRS, Turn Point, Generally rocky area with a few cultivated fields around the turnpoint especially along 285 to the north of town.
74 Truchas Peak T a,g,V,o,G 35 58 44 N 105 37 57 W or 35 58.733 N 105 37.950 W 13041 TRUCHPK 72 26 #74, TRUCHPK, Turn Point
76 UFO TP a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G 34 11 57 N 105 09 51 W or 34 11.950 N 105 09.850 W 5571 UFO 2NM9 72 147 09/27 5280 95 V #76, UFO, Turn Point, Real name is High Desert. We call it UFO. Elevation: 5571 ft New ranch airstrip in our database for 2011. Does appear on sectional as a private strip. Runway surface is extremely nice for a gravel runway. If you have to land here you will not harm your glider. It's a very nice runway. 3/26/11
77 Unmarked LTP a,g,V,o,G 34 55 09 N 104 10 15 W or 34 55.150 N 104 10.250 W 4815 UNMRKD 104 101 5500 30 D #77, UNMRKD, RW width: 30, Turn Point, All values measured by google earth Has not been reviewed recently Is on sectional Elevation: 4815 ft Runway: 06/24 - 5000 ft x 50 ft - dirt/gravel Levy 5/22/04 This private strip is about 20nm east of Santa Rosa. It is on the sectional as a private unverified airport. It looks great from this altitude (13500 MSL) though I thought I saw some plants growing along the edges and I have not made a low pass over it. This strip is not in the electronic turnpoint database as of April 2004.
78 Vaughn AT a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G 34 36 17 N 105 11 31 W or 34 36.283 N 105 11.517 W 5936 N17 N17 53 128 122.9 09/27 5936 60 A #78, N17, RW width: 60, Turn Point, FAA Identifier: N17 Airport Elevation Elevation: 5936 ft CTAF: 122.9 Runways: 09/27 - 5150 x 60 ft
79 Villanueva T a,g,V,o,G 35 15 42 N 105 21 22 W or 35 15.700 N 105 21.367 W 5800 VILANUV 41 71 #79, VILANUV, Turn Point, A few cultivated fields in the area for possible outlanding. Be careful of hills north and south of the valley which may limit the field options for landing.
80 VLA T a,g,V,o,G 34 04 46 N 107 37 06 W or 34 04.767 N 107 37.100 W 6958 VLA 111 245 #80, VLA, Turn Point, NRAO Very Large Array - The attached photo provides a decent view of what you will see from the air. The antennas/dishes can be moved into many configurations depending on what is being studied/viewed. So they may not be in the star pattern shown. There is not runway/airport in this area the various access roads around the array facility combined with careful inspection from the air should provide adequate outlanding options if needed.
81 Wagon Mound T a,g,V,o,G 36 00 26 N 104 42 44 W or 36 00.433 N 104 42.733 W 6210 WGNMND 101 55 #81, WGNMND, Turn Point, A few cultivated fields for possible outlanding. Would AVOID the Salt Lake to the north. Will likely NOT be dry.
82 Wagonwheel T a,g,V,o,G 35 00 14 N 105 49 30 W or 35 00.233 N 105 49.500 W 6600 WGNWHL 10 92 #82, WGNWHL, Turn Point
83 Watrous T a,g,V,o,G 35 47 26 N 104 58 59 W or 35 47.433 N 104 58.983 W 6400 WATROS 80 55 #83, WATROS, Turn Point, Several cultivated fields in the area to support outlanding if necessary. Watch for moving irrigation equipment in many of the fields.
84 Wheeler Peak T a,g,V,o,G 36 33 24 N 105 25 01 W or 36 33.400 N 105 25.017 W 13163 WHELRPK 114 26 #84, WHELRPK, Turn Point
85 Willard T a,g,V,o,G 34 36 00 N 106 02 00 W or 34 36.000 N 106 02.000 W 6100 WILRD 27 193 #85, WILRD, Turn Point
86 Zorro Ranch LT a,g,V,o,G 35 15 07 N 105 58 40 W or 35 15.117 N 105 58.667 W 6749 ZORRO 19 14 4000 60 #86, ZORRO, RW width: 60, Turn Point, Very safe landing strip. Oriented NW/SE. Several gliders landed here in 2020 with no issues. The gate from Hwy 41 is locked but Bob Hudson has the phone number to contact the grounds people working there.
100 Finish A FD a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G 34 58 55 N 105 59 38 W or 34 58.917 N 105 59.633 W 6204 FINA 0E0 0.7 114 122.9 08/26 7702 75 A #100, FINA, Finish Point, Finish A
101 Finish B FD a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G 34 58 34 N 106 00 05 W or 34 58.567 N 106 00.083 W 6204 FINB 0E0 0.6 167 122.9 08/26 7702 75 A #101, FINB, Finish Point, Finish B
102 Start A S a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G 34 58 56 N 106 00 18 W or 34 58.933 N 106 00.300 W 6204 STRTA 0E0 0.2 178 122.9 08/26 7702 75 A #102, STRTA, Start Point, Start A
103 Start B S a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G 34 58 23 N 105 59 38 W or 34 58.383 N 105 59.633 W 6204 STRTB 0E0 1.0 149 122.9 08/26 7702 75 A #103, STRTB, Start Point, Start B