;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; + ; Moret-Episy, France + ; + ;Championnat Regional Ile de France / Inter-regional Junior / Les 8 Jours de Fontainebleau 2024+ ; + ; User Specified Waypoints formatted for EWView II and EWView III + ; + ;Contributed by Centre de Vol a Voile de Fontainbleau et sa Region and Comite Francilien de Vol en Planeur+ ; + ; Generated Wednesday, 03 July 2024 at 11:13 GMT + ; + ; This file uses , as the decimal point in latitude and longitude 1 ; + ; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> USE AT YOUR OWN RISK <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< + ; All data and information contained in these data files are provided without + ; guarantee as to their completeness or correctness. Any conclusions drawn + ; from these data and information are the sole responsibility of the user. + ; + ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Alencon Ville" "ALNCNV" "_" "N4825,800" "E00005,317" "Alencon Valframbert" "ALENCO" "_" "N4826,850" "E00006,550" "Amboise Dierre" "AMBSDR" "_" "N4720,550" "E00056,633" "Amboise Pagode" "AMBSPG" "_" "N4723,467" "E00058,267" "Angers Marce" "ANGRSM" "_" "N4733,617" "W00018,717" "Angers/Avrille" "ANGRSV" "_" "N4729,950" "W00034,533" "Angerville" "ANGRVL" "_" "N4818,667" "E00200,117" "Arcis/Aube" "ARCISB" "_" "N4831,650" "E00407,850" "Argent/Sauldre" "ARGNTS" "_" "N4733,717" "E00226,467" "Argentan" "ARGNTN" "_" "N4842,567" "W00000,117" "Aubigny Ville" "ABGNVL" "_" "N4729,317" "E00226,283" "Aubigny/Nere" "ABGNNR" "_" "N4728,817" "E00223,617" "Autry" "AUTRY" "_" "N4735,867" "E00236,100" "Autun Bellevue" "ATNBLL" "_" "N4658,283" "E00415,900" "Auxerre Branches" "AXRRBR" "_" "N4750,717" "E00329,867" "Avallon" "AVALLN" "_" "N4730,017" "E00354,117" "Avord" "AVORD" "_" "N4703,400" "E00238,317" "Avranches" "AVRNCH" "_" "N4839,700" "W00124,267" "Bagnoles de lOrme" "BGNLSD" "_" "N4832,733" "W00023,017" "Bailleau Armenonville" "BLLRMN" "_" "N4831,000" "E00138,433" "Bar le Duc" "BARLDC" "_" "N4852,150" "E00511,150" "Bar/Aube" "BARAUB" "_" "N4814,483" "E00442,433" "Bar/Seine" "BARSEN" "_" "N4804,133" "E00424,667" "Bazoche Gouet" "BZCHGT" "_" "N4808,250" "E00058,783" "Bazoches les Bray" "BZCHSL" "_" "N4823,900" "E00311,167" "BazocheslesGallerandes" "BAZOCH" "_" "N4809,767" "E00202,783" "Beaugency" "BEAGNC" "_" "N4746,667" "E00137,600" "Beaune Challanges" "BNCHLL" "_" "N4700,667" "E00453,850" "Beaune la Rolande" "BNLRLN" "_" "N4804,383" "E00225,483" "Bellegarde" "BLLGRD" "_" "N4759,383" "E00226,600" "Bleneau" "BLENEA" "_" "N4742,033" "E00256,900" "Blois Pont" "BLSPNT" "_" "N4735,100" "E00120,367" "Blois Onzain" "BLSNZN" "_" "N4731,483" "E00110,783" "Blois le Breuil" "BLSLBR" "_" "N4740,967" "E00112,500" "Boisville" "BOSVLL" "_" "N4819,717" "E00141,567" "Boitron" "BOITRN" "_" "N4833,617" "E00015,783" "Bonnetable" "BNNTBL" "_" "N4810,383" "E00025,167" "Bonneval" "BONNVL" "_" "N4810,933" "E00123,217" "Bonny/Loire" "BONNLR" "_" "N4733,550" "E00250,417" "Bouilly" "BOUILL" "_" "N4811,600" "E00359,883" "Bourges" "BOURGS" "_" "N4703,817" "E00222,233" "Boynes" "BOYNES" "_" "N4807,233" "E00221,550" "Briare Chatillon" "BRRCHT" "_" "N4736,683" "E00247,000" "Bricy Orleans" "BRCRLN" "_" "N4759,267" "E00145,633" "Brienne le Chateau" "BRNNLC" "_" "N4825,583" "E00427,933" "Brinon" "BRINON" "_" "N4733,967" "E00215,300" "Brou" "BROU" "_" "N4813,033" "E00109,733" "Bullainville" "BLLNVL" "_" "N4810,267" "E00130,583" "Buzancais" "BUZNCS" "_" "N4653,267" "E00125,200" "Cailletterie" "CLLTTR" "_" "N4810,133" "E00235,833" "Carvant" "CARVNT" "_" "N4740,967" "E00341,450" "Cerdon" "CERDON" "_" "N4738,183" "E00221,767" "Chailley" "CHAILL" "_" "N4804,933" "E00342,167" "Chailly" "CHAILY" "_" "N4756,817" "E00232,500" "Chalons Vatry" "CHLNSV" "_" "N4846,400" "E00412,367" "Chalons Ecury/Coole" "CHLNSC" "_" "N4854,367" "E00421,250" "Chambon" "CHAMBN" "_" "N4803,683" "E00217,717" "Chambord" "CHMBRD" "_" "N4736,950" "E00131,050" "Champgeneteux" "CHMPGN" "_" "N4817,450" "W00021,733" "Champignelles" "CHAMPI" "_" "N4746,800" "E00304,367" "Champrond en Gatine" "CHMPRN" "_" "N4823,567" "E00103,383" "Chaource" "CHAORC" "_" "N4803,483" "E00408,217" "Chapelle dAngilon" "CHPLLD" "_" "N4721,817" "E00226,517" "Chapelle la Reine" "CHPLLL" "_" "N4819,283" "E00233,933" "Charchigne" "CHRCHG" "_" "N4825,050" "W00024,483" "Charleville Mezieres" "CHRLVL" "_" "N4945,650" "E00443,500" "Charmont" "CHRMNT" "_" "N4824,533" "E00410,367" "Chartres Champhols" "CHRTRS" "_" "N4827,567" "E00131,383" "Chateau Gontier" "CHGNTR" "_" "N4749,600" "W00042,267" "Chateau Renard" "CHRNRD" "_" "N4755,867" "E00255,350" "Chateaudun" "CHATDN" "_" "N4803,467" "E00122,767" "Chateauneuf/Cher" "CHTNFC" "_" "N4652,267" "E00222,617" "Chateauneuf/Loire" "CHTNFL" "_" "N4752,083" "E00213,633" "Chateauroux Deols" "CHTRXD" "_" "N4651,617" "E00143,267" "Chateauroux Villers" "CHTRXV" "_" "N4650,483" "E00137,367" "Chatellerault Targe" "CHTLLR" "_" "N4646,800" "E00032,983" "Chatenoy" "CHATEN" "_" "N4755,083" "E00223,767" "Chatillon Coligny" "CHTLLN" "_" "N4749,267" "E00251,017" "Chatillon/Seine" "CHATIL" "_" "N4750,967" "E00434,833" "Chaumont Semoutiers" "CHMNTS" "_" "N4804,767" "E00503,533" "Chauvigny" "CHAVGN" "_" "N4634,167" "E00038,517" "Chenonceaux" "CHNNCX" "_" "N4719,483" "E00104,283" "Cheroy" "CHEROY" "_" "N4812,200" "E00300,033" "Cheverny" "CHEVRN" "_" "N4730,067" "E00127,517" "Chinon" "CHINON" "_" "N4709,867" "E00014,333" "Clamecy" "CLAMEC" "_" "N4726,467" "E00330,667" "Clermont Ferrand" "CLRMNT" "_" "N4547,150" "E00309,750" "ColombeylesDeuxEglises" "CLMBLS" "_" "N4813,417" "E00452,433" "Colonard" "COLNRD" "_" "N4824,550" "E00039,450" "Contres" "CONTRS" "_" "N4725,033" "E00125,750" "Cosnes/Loire Aero" "CSNSLR" "_" "N4721,617" "E00255,367" "Coulimer" "COULMR" "_" "N4828,550" "E00028,017" "Courson" "COURSN" "_" "N4736,867" "E00329,967" "Courtalain" "CORTLN" "_" "N4804,783" "E00105,850" "Courtenay" "COURTN" "_" "N4802,233" "E00303,467" "Courville/Eure" "CRVLLR" "_" "N4827,100" "E00114,117" "Crux" "CRUX" "_" "N4709,667" "E00331,117" "Depart club" "DPRTCL" "_" "N4820,650" "E00253,717" "Depart 8JF" "DPRT8J" "_" "N4819,000" "E00245,000" "Dijon Darois" "DJNDRS" "_" "N4723,217" "E00456,883" "Dijon Longvic" "DJNLNG" "_" "N4715,950" "E00505,700" "Dordives" "DORDVS" "_" "N4809,383" "E00245,817" "Dormans" "DORMNS" "_" "N4904,433" "E00338,283" "Dreux Vernouillet" "DRXVRN" "_" "N4842,483" "E00121,767" "Entrains" "ENTRNS" "_" "N4727,867" "E00315,367" "Epernay Gare" "EPRNGR" "_" "N4902,817" "E00357,567" "Epernay Plivot" "EPRNPL" "_" "N4900,300" "E00405,200" "Epinal" "EPINAL" "_" "N4810,650" "E00626,867" "Etampes Montdesir" "ETMPSM" "_" "N4822,867" "E00204,683" "Evreux Fauville" "EVRXFV" "_" "N4901,733" "E00113,267" "Evron" "EVRON" "_" "N4809,283" "W00023,933" "Falaise Centre" "FLSCNT" "_" "N4853,550" "W00011,500" "Falaise Monts dEraines" "FLSMNT" "_" "N4855,633" "W00008,683" "Ferte Bernard" "FRTBRN" "_" "N4811,200" "E00039,367" "Flers Saint Paul" "FLRSST" "_" "N4845,150" "W00035,367" "Fontaine Simon" "FNTNSM" "_" "N4830,500" "E00059,717" "Fougeres/Bievre" "FGRSBV" "_" "N4727,467" "E00121,967" "Fresnay" "FRESNA" "_" "N4816,867" "E00001,333" "Gannat" "GANNAT" "_" "N4605,833" "E00312,317" "Gien" "GIEN" "_" "N4741,283" "E00236,917" "Gohory" "GOHORY" "_" "N4810,017" "E00113,833" "Illiers Combray" "ILLRSC" "_" "N4817,983" "E00114,583" "Isdes" "ISDES" "_" "N4740,350" "E00215,317" "Issoudun Ville" "ISSDNV" "_" "N4656,867" "E00159,333" "Issoudun le Fay" "ISSDNL" "_" "N4653,317" "E00202,467" "Jalognes" "JALGNS" "_" "N4714,167" "E00247,133" "Joigny" "JOIGNY" "_" "N4759,700" "E00323,517" "Joinville Mussey" "JNVLLM" "_" "N4823,133" "E00508,867" "Juvancourt" "JVNCRT" "_" "N4806,733" "E00449,033" "Lethuin" "LETHUN" "_" "N4821,983" "E00152,033" "LAigle St Michel" "LGLSTM" "_" "N4845,550" "E00039,500" "La Chatre" "LACHTR" "_" "N4635,117" "E00159,800" "La Charite/Loire" "LCHRTL" "_" "N4710,567" "E00300,683" "La Fleche" "LAFLCH" "_" "N4741,450" "W00000,283" "La Motte Beuvron" "LMTTBV" "_" "N4739,333" "E00159,267" "La Roche Posay" "LRCHPS" "_" "N4647,317" "E00049,000" "Lac Settons" "LCSTTN" "_" "N4711,250" "E00404,217" "Lamotte" "LAMOTT" "_" "N4736,183" "E00201,533" "Lapalisse Perigny" "LPLSSP" "_" "N4615,233" "E00335,317" "Laval" "LAVAL" "_" "N4801,900" "W00044,417" "Le Blanc" "LEBLNC" "_" "N4637,217" "E00105,133" "Le Gault St Denis" "LGLTST" "_" "N4814,600" "E00129,067" "Le Mans Aero" "LEMNSR" "_" "N4756,817" "E00011,883" "Le Mans SNCF" "LMNSSN" "_" "N4759,733" "E00011,550" "Lencloitre" "LNCLTR" "_" "N4649,217" "E00019,867" "Les Choux" "LESCHX" "_" "N4747,883" "E00240,550" "Levroux" "LEVROX" "_" "N4658,433" "E00136,833" "Ligny le Ribault" "LGNLRB" "_" "N4742,433" "E00146,550" "Ligueil" "LIGUEL" "_" "N4702,650" "E00049,183" "Loches" "LOCHES" "_" "N4707,633" "E00100,283" "Lorris" "LORRIS" "_" "N4753,383" "E00230,833" "Loudun" "LOUDUN" "_" "N4702,233" "E00006,083" "Louroux Tours" "LRXTRS" "_" "N4709,000" "E00042,767" "Louville la Chenard" "LVLLLC" "_" "N4819,400" "E00147,150" "Luigny" "LUIGNY" "_" "N4814,433" "E00101,450" "Luplante" "LUPLNT" "_" "N4818,000" "E00123,950" "Lurcy Levis" "LRCLVS" "_" "N4642,767" "E00256,767" "Mereville" "MERVLL" "_" "N4818,900" "E00205,200" "Merinville" "MRNVLL" "_" "N4804,933" "E00256,450" "Macey" "MACEY" "_" "N4817,583" "E00354,900" "Malesherbes" "MLSHRB" "_" "N4817,567" "E00224,117" "Mamers" "MAMERS" "_" "N4821,033" "E00022,167" "Marcheville" "MRCHVL" "_" "N4822,067" "E00115,200" "Marcilly le Haye" "MRCLLL" "_" "N4820,850" "E00338,083" "Marigny le Chatel" "MRGNLC" "_" "N4824,200" "E00344,283" "Marolles" "MARLLS" "_" "N4815,117" "E00018,833" "Mayenne" "MAYENN" "_" "N4817,983" "W00036,600" "Mespuits" "MESPTS" "_" "N4821,483" "E00216,300" "Mondoubleau" "MONDBL" "_" "N4758,883" "E00053,917" "Mont St Michel" "MNTSTM" "_" "N4838,283" "W00130,783" "Montargis Vimory" "MNTRGS" "_" "N4757,383" "E00241,283" "Montbard" "MNTBRD" "_" "N4737,117" "E00420,317" "MontceaulesMinesPoullx" "MNTCLS" "_" "N4636,250" "E00420,033" "Montlucon Domerat" "MNTLCN" "_" "N4621,167" "E00234,250" "Montlucon Gueret" "MONTLU" "_" "N4613,583" "E00221,667" "Montreuil Bellay" "MNTRLB" "_" "N4707,483" "W00008,783" "Montrichard" "MNTRCH" "_" "N4720,133" "E00112,250" "Moret Episy" "MORTPS" "_" "N4820,400" "E00247,783" "Mortagne au PercheAero" "MRTGNP" "_" "N4832,467" "E00032,167" "Mortagne auPercheVille" "MORTAG" "_" "N4831,250" "E00032,850" "Mottereau" "MOTTER" "_" "N4815,233" "E00110,633" "Moulins Montbeugny" "MLNSMN" "_" "N4632,100" "E00325,367" "Moussonvilliers" "MSSNVL" "_" "N4838,233" "E00047,617" "Neung/Beuvron" "NNGBVR" "_" "N4732,233" "E00148,083" "Neuvy/Barangeon" "NVBRNG" "_" "N4718,883" "E00215,350" "Nevers Fourchambault" "NVRSFR" "_" "N4700,000" "E00306,750" "Nevers Pont" "NVRSPN" "_" "N4658,833" "E00312,933" "Nogent le Rotrou" "NGNTLR" "_" "N4819,550" "E00048,650" "Nouans le Fuzelier" "NNSLFZ" "_" "N4732,067" "E00202,217" "Noyant" "NOYANT" "_" "N4730,233" "E00007,450" "Nuits St Georges" "NTSSTG" "_" "N4708,583" "E00458,150" "OrleansMeziereslezCler" "ORLNSM" "_" "N4748,800" "E00150,333" "Ouarville" "OURVLL" "_" "N4821,250" "E00146,400" "Pezy" "PEZY" "_" "N4819,100" "E00134,450" "Parigne lEveque" "PRGNLV" "_" "N4756,367" "E00021,933" "Parthenay" "PARTHN" "_" "N4638,850" "W00014,217" "Piney" "PINEY" "_" "N4821,700" "E00419,967" "Pithiviers" "PTHVRS" "_" "N4809,417" "E00211,700" "Pleurs" "PLEURS" "_" "N4841,383" "E00352,233" "Poitiers Biard" "PTRSBR" "_" "N4635,183" "E00018,683" "Pont/Yonne Aero" "PNTNNR" "_" "N4817,433" "E00315,050" "Pont/Yonne Ville" "PNTNNV" "_" "N4817,117" "E00312,283" "Pontlevoy" "PONTLV" "_" "N4723,167" "E00113,167" "Port de Piles" "PRTDPL" "_" "N4700,367" "E00036,033" "Pougues les Eaux" "PGSLSX" "_" "N4704,433" "E00306,083" "Premery" "PREMER" "_" "N4710,517" "E00320,250" "Puiseaux" "PUISEX" "_" "N4812,250" "E00228,350" "Puy de Dome" "PUYDDM" "_" "N4546,367" "E00257,917" "Reims Champagne" "RMSCHM" "_" "N4918,617" "E00403,050" "Reims Prunay" "RMSPRN" "_" "N4912,567" "E00409,050" "Report est" "RPRTST" "_" "N4822,433" "E00251,233" "Report ouest" "REPORT" "_" "N4817,517" "E00240,850" "Rolampont Langres" "RLMPNT" "_" "N4757,750" "E00517,517" "Romilly/Seine" "RMLLSN" "_" "N4829,967" "E00345,700" "Romorantin Pruniers" "RMRNTN" "_" "N4718,917" "E00141,683" "Sable/Sarthe" "SBLSRT" "_" "N4750,467" "W00020,467" "Salbris" "SALBRS" "_" "N4725,417" "E00202,917" "Salon" "SALON" "_" "N4838,400" "E00400,233" "Santilly" "SANTLL" "_" "N4809,367" "E00151,183" "Saulieu Liernais" "SLLRNS" "_" "N4714,367" "E00415,950" "Sees" "SEES" "_" "N4836,317" "E00010,333" "Segre" "SEGRE" "_" "N4741,150" "W00052,250" "Semur en Auxois" "SMRNXS" "_" "N4728,917" "E00420,650" "Sennely" "SENNEL" "_" "N4740,717" "E00208,833" "Senonches" "SNNCHS" "_" "N4833,633" "E00102,250" "Sens" "SENS" "_" "N4812,500" "E00317,317" "Sermaises" "SERMSS" "_" "N4817,767" "E00212,083" "Sezanne St Remy" "SZNNST" "_" "N4842,667" "E00345,833" "Sille le Guillaume" "SLLLGL" "_" "N4810,917" "W00006,983" "Souesmes" "SOUSMS" "_" "N4726,883" "E00212,667" "St Aignan" "STAGNN" "_" "N4716,167" "E00122,483" "St Amand Monrond" "STMNDM" "_" "N4643,600" "E00229,450" "St Andre de lEure" "STNDRD" "_" "N4853,517" "E00114,633" "St Benoit/Loire" "STBNTL" "_" "N4747,483" "E00220,167" "St Calais" "STCALS" "_" "N4755,283" "E00044,817" "St Cosme" "STCOSM" "_" "N4816,417" "E00027,583" "StDenisdelHotelOrleans" "STDNSD" "_" "N4753,917" "E00209,817" "St Dizier Robinson" "STDZRR" "_" "N4838,000" "E00454,483" "St Ellier" "STELLR" "_" "N4831,167" "W00005,667" "St Fargeau" "STFARG" "_" "N4738,300" "E00304,350" "St Florentin Cheu" "STFLRN" "_" "N4758,850" "E00346,667" "St Malo en Donziois" "STMLND" "_" "N4718,767" "E00316,067" "St Maurice" "STMARC" "_" "N4750,050" "E00321,783" "St Pierre le Moutier" "STPRRL" "_" "N4648,117" "E00307,200" "St Yan" "ST YAN" "_" "N4624,450" "E00401,333" "Ste Aignan le Jaillard" "STGNNL" "_" "N4744,617" "E00226,117" "Ste Colombe" "STCLMB" "_" "N4719,300" "E00308,450" "Ste GauburgeSteColombe" "STGBRG" "_" "N4843,050" "E00025,783" "Ste Osmane" "STESMN" "_" "N4753,450" "E00036,567" "Subligny" "SUBLGN" "_" "N4724,150" "E00245,300" "Sully/Loire" "SULLLR" "_" "N4746,200" "E00222,417" "Tassille" "TASSLL" "_" "N4759,567" "W00005,550" "Thiron Gardais" "THRNGR" "_" "N4818,600" "E00059,683" "Thivars" "THIVRS" "_" "N4821,783" "E00126,800" "Thorigne en Charnie" "THRGNN" "_" "N4800,050" "W00021,467" "Thouars" "THOURS" "_" "N4657,717" "W00009,433" "Thury" "THURY" "_" "N4735,183" "E00317,700" "Tigy" "TIGY" "_" "N4747,717" "E00211,883" "Til Chatel" "TLCHTL" "_" "N4732,850" "E00512,717" "Tonnerre" "TONNRR" "_" "N4750,933" "E00358,983" "Toucy" "TOUCY" "_" "N4744,117" "E00317,617" "Tournon St Martin" "TRNNST" "_" "N4644,267" "E00057,533" "Tours Sorigny" "TRSSRG" "_" "N4715,883" "E00042,167" "Tours Val de Loire" "TRSVLD" "_" "N4725,917" "E00043,383" "Toury" "TOURY" "_" "N4811,317" "E00155,667" "Trainel" "TRAINL" "_" "N4824,867" "E00326,433" "Troyes SNCF" "TRSSNC" "_" "N4817,750" "E00403,883" "Troyes Barberey" "TRSBRB" "_" "N4819,633" "E00401,250" "Vezelay" "VEZELA" "_" "N4727,983" "E00344,900" "Vatan" "VATAN" "_" "N4704,483" "E00148,633" "Vendome" "VENDOM" "_" "N4748,067" "E00103,983" "Verneuil/Avre" "VRNLVR" "_" "N4844,483" "E00055,833" "Viabon" "VIABON" "_" "N4812,983" "E00142,183" "Vichy Charmeil" "VCHCHR" "_" "N4609,900" "E00323,917" "Vierzon Mereau" "VRZNMR" "_" "N4711,833" "E00204,000" "Villemorien" "VLLMRN" "_" "N4805,083" "E00417,967" "Villeneuve lArcheveque" "VLLNVL" "_" "N4814,267" "E00333,083" "Villeneuve/Allier" "VILLEN" "_" "N4639,583" "E00313,800" "Vitry le Francois Gare" "VTRLFR" "_" "N4843,033" "E00435,317" "VitryleFrancoisVauclrc" "VITRYL" "_" "N4842,200" "E00441,067" "Voulx" "VOULX" "_" "N4816,850" "E00258,150" "Vouzeron" "VOUZRN" "_" "N4715,133" "E00215,033" "Voves" "VOVES" "_" "N4816,267" "E00137,600" "Y TGV Sud Tonnerre" "YTGVSD" "_" "N4740,800" "E00404,833"