Montevallo, Alabama [ Birmingham Soaring Society ] GTA 2002 Contributed courtesy of Fernando Silva Last updated Monday, 11 February 2002 at 05:32 GMT >>>>>>>>>> UNOFFICIAL, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK <<<<<<<<<< Always consult the relevant publications for current and correct information. This service is provided free of charge with no warrantees, expressed or implied. User assumes all risk of use. Waypoint Latitude Longitude Abbreviations for GPS ICAO 1 Flying X Ranch 33 9.167 N 86 51.083 W FLY FLYNG FLYNGX FlyngXRc FlyingXRc Flying XRc Flying X Rc 5AL3 2 Shelby County 33 10.667 N 86 47.000 W SHL SHLBY SHLBYC ShlbyCnt ShlbyCnty ShelbyCnty ShelbyCounty EET 3 Bessemer 33 18.767 N 86 55.550 W BSS BSSMR BESSMR Bessemer Bessemer Bessemer Bessemer EKY 4 Jemison 32 57.883 N 86 44.417 W JMS JEMSN JEMISN Jemison Jemison Jemison Jemison 5 Columbiana 33 11.183 N 86 36.217 W CLM CLMBN COLMBN Columbin Columbian Columbiana Columbiana 6 West Blocton 33 6.467 N 87 7.900 W WBL WBLCT WBLCTN WBlocton W Blocton W Blocton West Blocton 7 Woodstock 33 12.483 N 87 9.183 W WDS WDSTC WDSTCK Woodstck Woodstock Woodstock Woodstock 8 Bibb County 32 56.200 N 87 5.333 W BBB BBBCN BBBCNT BibbCnty BibbConty BibbCounty Bibb County 0A8 9 Commander 33 14.033 N 86 30.783 W CMM CMMND CMMNDR Commandr Commander Commander Commander AL17 10 Mayfield 32 50.917 N 86 52.200 W MYF MYFLD MAYFLD Mayfield Mayfield Mayfield Mayfield AL76 11 Ware Island 32 56.750 N 86 30.833 W WRS WRSLN WRSLND Wareslnd WareIslnd WareIsland Ware Island 01AL 12 Gragg-Wade 32 51.033 N 86 36.683 W GRG GRGGW GRGGWD GraggWad GraggWade Gragg Wade Gragg Wade 02A 13 Hawk 33 18.433 N 86 24.217 W HWK HAWK HAWK Hawk Hawk Hawk Hawk AL92 14 Sylacauga 33 10.317 N 86 18.333 W SYL SYLCG SYLACG Sylacaug Sylacauga Sylacauga Sylacauga SCD 15 Tuscaloosa 33 13.233 N 87 36.683 W TSC TSCLS TUSCLS Tuscalos Tuscaloos Tuscaloosa Tuscaloosa TCL 16 St Clair County 33 33.533 N 86 14.950 W STC STCLR STCLRC StClrCnt StClrCnty StClarCnty StClairConty PLR 17 Moundville 32 58.083 N 87 38.433 W MND MNDVL MNDVLL Moundvll Moundvill Moundville Moundville L44 18 Wetumpka 32 31.767 N 86 19.700 W WTM WTMPK WETMPK Wetumpka Wetumpka Wetumpka Wetumpka 08A 19 Autauga County 32 26.333 N 86 30.633 W ATG ATGCN ATGCNT AutgCnty AutagCnty AutaugCnty AutaugaConty 1A9 20 Thomas Russell 32 54.883 N 85 57.783 W THM THMSR THMSRS ThmsRssl ThmsRssll ThomsRssll ThomasRussll ALX 21 Vaiden 32 30.733 N 87 23.133 W VDN VAIDN VAIDEN Vaiden Vaiden Vaiden Vaiden A08 22 Talladega 33 34.200 N 86 3.050 W TLL TLLDG TALLDG Talladeg Talladega Talladega Talladega ASN 23 Willow Point 32 48.217 N 85 58.833 W WLL WLLWP WLLWPN WillwPnt WillowPnt WillowPont Willow Point AL71 24 Skyharbor 32 22.000 N 87 6.250 W SKY SKYHR SKYHRB Skyharbr Skyharbor Skyharbor Skyharbor S63 25 Craig 32 20.633 N 86 59.267 W CRG CRAIG CRAIG Craig Craig Craig Craig SEM 26 Greensboro 32 40.883 N 87 39.733 W GRN GRNSB GRNSBR Greensbr Greensbor Greensboro Greensboro 7A0 27 Ashland/Lineville 33 17.250 N 85 48.250 W ASH ASHLN ASHLND AshlndLn AshlndLnv AshlndLnvl AshlandLnvll 26A 28 Anniston 33 35.283 N 85 51.483 W ANN ANNST ANNSTN Anniston Anniston Anniston Anniston ANB 29 Gadsden 33 58.350 N 86 5.333 W GDS GDSDN GADSDN Gadsden Gadsden Gadsden Gadsden GAD 30 Reeves 32 30.867 N 85 52.550 W RVS REEVS REEVES Reeves Reeves Reeves Reeves 41A Tri-L Acres 33 14.917 N 86 35.850 W TRL TRLCR TRLCRS TriLAcrs TriLAcres Tri LAcres Tri L Acres 1AL2 Birmingham 33 33.783 N 86 45.217 W BRM BRMNG BRMNGH Birmnghm Birminghm Birmingham Birmingham BHM Rainey 33 9.000 N 87 26.500 W RNY RAINY RAINEY Rainey Rainey Rainey Rainey AL02 Town & Country 33 29.400 N 86 24.750 W TWN TWN+C TWN+CN Twn+Cntr Twn+Cntry Town+Cntry Town+Country 3AL6 Moore 33 36.667 N 86 28.467 W MOR MOORE MOORE Moore Moore Moore Moore 1AL8 Turkey Creek 33 43.600 N 86 43.417 W TRK TRKYC TRKYCR TurkyCrk TurkeyCrk TurkeyCrek Turkey Creek AL16 Maxwell AFB 32 22.750 N 86 21.750 W MXW MXWLL MAXWLL Maxwell Maxwell Maxwell Maxwell AFB MXF Eutaw 32 49.250 N 87 51.750 W ETW EUTAW EUTAW Eutaw Eutaw Eutaw Eutaw 3A7 Emerald Mountain 32 27.317 N 86 7.150 W EMR EMRLD EMRLDM EmrldMtn EmerldMtn EmeraldMtn Emerald Mtn 2AL3 Coosa 33 53.133 N 86 3.317 W COS COOSA COOSA Coosa Coosa Coosa Coosa 4AL1 McMinn 33 44.383 N 85 49.533 W MCM MCMNN MCMINN McMinn McMinn McMinn McMinn 25A