++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Landing sites for Monte Baldo, Italy + + + + Contributed by Angelika Machinek and Walter Eisele + + Contributed on 26 August, 1999 + + + + Formatted for the world-wide version of the software + + + + Last updated Wednesday, 02 January 2002 at 04:29 GMT + + + + >>>>>>>>>> UNOFFICIAL, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK <<<<<<<<<< + + + + Always consult the relevant publications + + for current and correct information. This + + service is provided free of charge with + + no warrantees, expressed or implied. + + User assumes all risk of use. + + + + Rename this file to LNDGSITE.DAT to use with your Glide Navigator. + +Delete all of the header lines in this box, down to and including the next one+ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ MON, MonteBald, 45, 35.27, 10, 45.37, 215 ALN, Aalen, 48, 47.0, 10, 16.0, 583 ACH, Aichach, 48, 28.37, 11, 8.17, 440 AXL, Aix lsMll, 43, 30.12, 5, 22.0, 111 ALB, Albrtvll, 45, 37.38, 6, 19.47, 314 ALP, Alp dHuez, 45, 5.18, 6, 5.0, 1859 ALA, Alpnach, 46, 56.33, 8, 17.08, 440 ALT, Altenrhn, 47, 29.13, 9, 33.42, 398 ALO, Altottng, 48, 13.02, 12, 38.53, 399 ALZ, Alzate, 45, 46.18, 9, 9.53, 384 AMB, Ambri, 46, 30.57, 8, 41.17, 981 AML, Amlikon, 47, 34.32, 9, 2.55, 420 AMP, Ampfing, 48, 16.0, 12, 25.0, 415 ANN, Annecy, 45, 55.52, 6, 6.27, 460 ANE, Annemass, 46, 11.32, 6, 16.1, 490 AST, Aosta, 45, 44.18, 7, 21.45, 544 ASC, Ascona, 46, 9.33, 8, 46.58, 199 ASP, Aspres, 44, 31.08, 5, 44.08, 829 ABN, Aubenas, 44, 32.25, 4, 22.22, 280 AUB, Aubenasn, 44, 41.37, 5, 9.28, 249 AGS, Augsburg, 48, 26.0, 10, 56.0, 460 AUR, Aurillac, 44, 53.52, 2, 25.07, 638 AVG, Avignn PJ, 43, 59.48, 4, 45.2, 49 AVI, Avignon, 43, 54.27, 4, 54.12, 39 BRG, Bad Ragaz, 47, 0.38, 9, 29.07, 492 BDW, Badwrshf, 48, 1.0, 10, 37.0, 619 BSL, Basel, 47, 35.27, 7, 31.48, 270 BYR, Bayreuth, 49, 59.0, 11, 38.0, 484 BLN, Beilngrs, 49, 1.0, 11, 29.0, 369 BRM, Bermnstr, 47, 11.33, 8, 12.18, 654 BRN, Bern Belp, 46, 54.43, 7, 29.55, 509 BEX, Bex, 46, 15.35, 6, 59.15, 399 BZR, Beziers, 43, 19.28, 3, 21.17, 17 BIL, Biel, 47, 5.25, 7, 17.27, 440 BIR, Birrfeld, 47, 26.37, 8, 13.57, 395 BLB, Blaubern, 48, 25.0, 9, 48.0, 686 BLZ, Bolzano, 46, 27.37, 11, 19.37, 238 BRC, Brclnntt, 44, 23.18, 6, 36.37, 1132 BCH, Buochs, 46, 58.25, 8, 23.42, 441 BUR, Burgfrst, 49, 48.0, 11, 8.0, 509 BTT, Buttwil, 47, 16.0, 8, 18.13, 722 CNN, Cannes, 43, 32.52, 6, 57.18, 3 CRP, Carpntrs, 44, 1.23, 5, 5.27, 120 CHL, Challesx, 45, 34.15, 5, 58.45, 299 CHM, Cham, 49, 12.4, 12, 39.3, 366 CHA, Chambryx, 45, 38.23, 5, 52.52, 237 COU, Courchvl, 45, 23.48, 6, 38.02, 2005 DCH, Dachau, 48, 14.0, 11, 25.0, 490 DGG, Deggndrf, 48, 50.0, 12, 53.0, 313 DNG, Dinglfng, 48, 40.0, 12, 30.0, 355 DNW, Donawrth, 48, 42.0, 10, 51.0, 399 DNS, Donschng, 47, 58.0, 8, 31.0, 679 EGG, Eggnfldn, 48, 24.0, 12, 44.0, 409 ECH, Eichsttt, 48, 53.0, 11, 11.0, 513 ESC, Eschenlh, 47, 37.28, 11, 11.07, 627 FRR, Farrnbrg, 48, 23.13, 9, 4.4, 804 FYN, Fayence, 43, 36.32, 6, 42.1, 225 FLD, FLDKRCHN, 46, 42.32, 14, 4.38, 519 FRD, Frdrchsh, 47, 40.0, 9, 31.0, 416 FRB, Freiburg, 48, 1.0, 7, 50.0, 244 FRJ, Frejus, 43, 25.03, 6, 44.12, 2 FRS, Friesach, 46, 56.0, 14, 25.58, 619 FRT, Frstnfbr, 48, 12.23, 11, 16.07, 517 FRZ, Frstnzll, 48, 31.0, 13, 21.0, 409 FSS, Fuessen, 47, 35.07, 10, 41.12, 783 GAP, Gap, 44, 27.18, 6, 2.17, 600 GET, Geitau, 47, 41.0, 11, 57.5, 809 GNV, Geneve, 46, 14.23, 6, 6.37, 430 GRB, GRBNSTTT, 48, 32.13, 9, 26.15, 700 GRC, Grenchen, 47, 10.57, 7, 24.47, 428 GRO, Grenobl L, 45, 13.08, 5, 50.58, 220 GRY, Gruyeres, 46, 35.43, 7, 5.42, 687 GNZ, Guenzbrg, 48, 29.0, 10, 17.0, 444 HHN, Hahnweid, 48, 37.55, 9, 25.55, 352 HLL, Hallerta, 48, 39.02, 11, 35.57, 384 HCK, Hockenhm, 49, 20.0, 8, 32.0, 96 HRN, Hornberg, 48, 44.48, 9, 51.5, 675 HTT, Huttn HTZ, 47, 38.05, 7, 56.32, 872 ILL, Illrtssn, 48, 14.0, 10, 8.0, 512 ING, Inglstdt, 48, 43.0, 11, 32.0, 366 INN, Innsbrck, 47, 15.38, 11, 20.4, 580 ISN, Isny RTMS, 47, 42.07, 10, 1.22, 684 IST, Istres, 43, 31.25, 4, 55.3, 20 JSN, Jesenwng, 48, 11.0, 11, 8.0, 566 KGS, Kaegiswl, 46, 54.37, 8, 15.17, 470 KPF, Kapfnbrg, 47, 27.3, 15, 19.47, 519 KRL, Karlsruh, 48, 59.0, 8, 20.0, 116 KFB, Kaufbern, 47, 51.47, 10, 36.57, 716 KMP, Kempten, 47, 42.0, 10, 20.0, 712 KLP, Klippnck, 48, 6.3, 8, 45.5, 950 KNG, Kongsdrf, 47, 49.52, 11, 27.48, 601 KNS, Konstanz, 47, 41.0, 9, 8.0, 396 KFS, Kufstein, 47, 33.53, 12, 7.42, 480 KLM, Kulmbach, 50, 8.0, 11, 28.0, 505 LML, La Mole, 43, 12.23, 6, 28.57, 17 LAN, Landsbrg, 48, 4.17, 10, 54.27, 619 LAD, Landshut, 48, 31.0, 12, 2.0, 399 LNZ, Lanzen, 47, 33.23, 15, 19.27, 790 LSN, Lausanne, 46, 32.42, 6, 37.05, 623 LCH, Lechfeld, 48, 11.12, 10, 51.45, 474 LCS, Le CSTLLT, 43, 15.12, 5, 47.13, 420 LTK, Leutkrch, 47, 52.0, 10, 1.0, 638 LIE, Lienz, 46, 47.53, 12, 53.1, 640 LCR, Locarno, 46, 9.43, 8, 52.47, 199 LMM, Lommis, 47, 31.32, 9, 0.15, 469 LUG, Lugano, 46, 0.17, 8, 54.42, 280 LZR, Luzern, 47, 11.28, 8, 12.2, 650 MNC, Manching, 48, 43.18, 11, 31.55, 365 MRZ, Mariazll, 47, 47.23, 15, 18.05, 860 MRS, Marseill, 43, 26.17, 5, 12.58, 20 MTR, Matrndrf, 47, 7.57, 13, 41.48, 1110 MYR, Mayerhfn, 46, 58.33, 14, 22.18, 650 MGV, Megeve, 45, 50.3, 6, 39.0, 1470 MMM, Memmingn, 47, 59.23, 10, 14.27, 627 MNG, Mengen, 48, 3.0, 9, 22.0, 555 MRB, Meribel, 45, 24.35, 6, 34.37, 1717 MND, Mindelhm, 48, 7.0, 10, 32.0, 566 MLL, Mollis, 47, 4.58, 9, 3.58, 447 MON, MonteBald, 45, 35.27, 10, 45.37, 215 MOT, Montelmr, 44, 35.02, 4, 44.27, 70 MSB, Moosburg, 48, 28.0, 11, 57.0, 420 MHL, Muehldrf, 48, 17.0, 12, 30.0, 403 MNS, Muenster, 46, 28.53, 8, 15.5, 1328 NBR, Nabern, 48, 37.0, 9, 29.0, 370 NBB, Neubibrg, 48, 4.0, 11, 38.0, 551 NIC, Nice, 43, 39.57, 7, 12.57, 3 NDR, Niedrblr, 47, 28.45, 14, 0.32, 650 NIM, Nims GRNS, 43, 45.3, 4, 25.03, 89 NTS, Noetsch, 46, 34.52, 13, 37.45, 549 NRD, Nordlngn, 48, 52.0, 10, 30.0, 420 OBP, Obrpfffn, 48, 5.0, 11, 17.0, 594 OBS, Obrschls, 48, 14.23, 11, 33.22, 485 OLT, Olten, 47, 20.47, 7, 53.27, 417 PTR, Paterzll, 47, 51.0, 11, 3.47, 609 PFL, PFLLNDRF, 47, 55.0, 9, 15.0, 701 PMS, Puimossn, 43, 52.13, 6, 9.53, 769 RRN, Raron, 46, 18.22, 7, 50.32, 1320 RGN, Regnsbrg, 49, 9.0, 12, 5.0, 395 RTT, Reutte, 47, 28.15, 10, 41.33, 854 SNN, Saanen, 46, 29.15, 7, 14.53, 1007 SLL, Sallnchs, 45, 57.13, 6, 38.22, 540 SLN, Salon, 43, 39.3, 5, 0.48, 79 SMD, Samedan, 46, 32.05, 9, 53.08, 1706 SNV, San Vittr, 46, 14.12, 9, 6.03, 264 SLG, Saulgau, 48, 2.0, 9, 31.0, 580 SCH, Schaenis, 47, 10.32, 9, 2.23, 416 SCH, SCHFFHSN, 47, 41.3, 8, 31.42, 459 SRR, Serres, 44, 27.5, 5, 43.52, 719 SIN, Sion, 46, 13.12, 7, 19.43, 1380 SST, Sisteron, 44, 17.3, 5, 55.3, 540 SOL, Solliers, 45, 16.3, 6, 48.3, 1296 SON, Sonnen, 48, 41.0, 13, 42.0, 815 SPC, SPCK FHRL, 47, 22.38, 8, 45.42, 536 STB, St Auban, 44, 3.37, 5, 59.28, 459 STC, St Crepin, 44, 42.07, 6, 36.0, 903 STJ, St JohnnT, 47, 31.17, 12, 27.0, 669 STS, St Stephn, 46, 30.03, 7, 24.37, 1007 TNN, Tannhasn, 48, 17.0, 10, 27.0, 491 TAN, Tannheim, 48, 1.0, 10, 6.0, 580 THN, Thun, 46, 45.23, 7, 36.07, 565 TOR, Torin CSL, 45, 12.03, 7, 39.0, 299 TOI, Torino, 45, 5.07, 7, 36.15, 289 TRE, Trent MTT, 46, 1.17, 11, 7.33, 189 TRB, Trieben, 47, 29.38, 14, 29.52, 700 TRI, Triengen, 47, 13.4, 8, 4.48, 485 ULR, Ulrichen, 46, 30.17, 8, 18.13, 1342 UNT, Untrwssn, 47, 43.45, 12, 26.18, 555 VLS, Vilsbbrg, 48, 26.0, 12, 21.0, 422 VIL, Vilshofn, 48, 38.0, 13, 12.0, 302 VNN, Vinon, 43, 44.17, 5, 47.03, 274 VGT, Vogtarth, 47, 57.0, 12, 12.0, 467 WSS, Wassrkpp, 50, 30.0, 9, 58.0, 919 WDN, Weiden, 49, 41.0, 12, 7.0, 405 WNT, Winterthr, 47, 31.02, 8, 46.18, 438 WRZ, Wuerzbrg, 49, 49.0, 9, 54.0, 301 YVR, Yverdon, 46, 45.57, 6, 37.05, 433 ZLL, Zellam Se, 47, 17.33, 12, 47.17, 750 ZRC, Zuerich, 47, 27.33, 8, 32.57, 430 ZWS, Zweismmn, 46, 33.08, 7, 22.5, 935