* NUM NAM ID COM LAT_D LAT_M LAT_S LON_D LON_M LON_S EW COD ALT FRE RW_D RW_H RW_L RW_S ICAO * * ============================================================================== * * Filename "montaig7.stx" created Saturday, 22 July 2017 at 04:15 GMT * Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange format version 0.5.2 * * Lines starting with a * are comments and are ignored by programs using this file * Lines starting with a $ are definitions of parameters available to programs using this file * The first line that is neither a comment nor a definition contains the definitions * of the contents of the columns that follow * All other lines are waypoint definitions * The line containing the column definitions can be placed anywhere before the first waypoint. * It is placed as a comment at the top of this file for convenience in using this file * with a spreadsheet program, where the first line can be placed in a separate window * to label the columns as you scroll down. * The columns are separated by the "tab" character * * The specification of the .STX file format is available at * http://soaringweb.org/TP/stx_specification.html * * This is a 'beta' release to support the release of the NK ClearNav and is subject to change. * * ============================================================================== * * Starting the definition of various parameters for the file * $STX_VERSION 0.5.2 $HOME Montaigu-St-Georges, France $IDL_MAP_TITLE Montaigu-St-Georges, 2018 $IDL_LABEL_SCALE .20 $USE_EXISTING_SUA Y $CONTEST Inter Régionale Junior et Senior Grand Ouest 2017 * Planeur Club de l'Atlantique - Aerodrome - 85 600 -Saint Georges de Montaigu $CAI_TITLE Montaigu-St-Georges $CONTRIBUTOR Planeur Club de l'Atlantique * Jacques VIDRINE $ILEC_CONTRIBUTOR_NAME PCA $CONTRIBUTOR_E-MAIL planeur.atlantique@free.fr * Contributor e-mail: etienne.boutreux@free.fr $HEADER Planeur Club de l'Atlantique $TIMEZONE_NAME MET $DISTANCE_UNIT Kilometers $URL_INFORMATION $URL_TURNPOINTS_HIDE www.soaringspot.com/en_gb/inter-regional-grand-ouest-montaigu-saint-georges-2017/download $WEATHER $MODIFICATIONS 06 May 03: Original contribution courtesy of Philippe Champion and Jean-Noël Gabillard $MODIFICATIONS 10 May 03: Angouleme-Brie Champniers, Blois le Breuil, Châtillon/Indre, Cognac, La Roche Posay, La Rochelle Laleu, Le Blanc, Limoges Bellegarde, Loudun, Mezière/Issoire, Nantes Atlantique, Ponsavy, Pouancé, Redon Bains/Oust, Rochefort St Agnant, Royanmedis, Saintes Thénac, Soucelle, Saint Benoit du Sault, St Jean d'Angely, St Junien, St Pierre d'Oléron, Tours Sorigny, and Tours St Symphorien removed. La Tranche sur Mer, Laval Entrammes, Le Girouard, Le Mans Arnage, and Talmont Air added. Amboise Dierre, Ancenis, Angers/Avrille, Argenton/Creuse, Chateaubriand, Chateauroux Villers, Châtellerault-Targé, Chauvigny, Cholet-Lepontreau, Fontenay-le-Comte, La Flêche, La Roche sur Yon, Le Blanc, Les Sables d'Olonne, Loudun, Luçon Chanai, Mauleon, Montaigu-St-Georges, Niort Souche, Poitiers Biard, Romorantin, Saumur St Florent, Thouars, and Tours Louroux moved. $MODIFICATIONS 02 Jun 04: Many changes, all new data. $MODIFICATIONS 12 Jun 04: Chalonnes-sur-Loire, Pont Ferroviaire removed, ID's regenerated and turn points numbered. $MODIFICATIONS 13 Jun 04: Home and Départ moved to the top of the list, turn points re numbered, and ID's regenerated. $MODIFICATIONS 12 Jul 08: Départs changed and Le Lion d'Angers removed. $MODIFICATIONS 19 Jan 10: Magnetic Variation added $MODIFICATIONS 08 Jul 11: Argenton, Bonneétab, Chateau D, Fontevrau, La Pommeraye, Les Garde, Saint Ust, Selles Su, and Thouars V added.   Airvault, Craon, Descartes, Ligueil, and Saumur moved. $FILENAME_3 mt1 $MODIFICATIONS 05 Oct 14: Ilec airspace file updated with AirParse Version 2.5 $MODIFICATIONS 21 Jul 17: 0Craon, Descartes, Les Aubie, Ligueil, and Saumur moved.   Angers Arrivée, Argenton, Bonneétable, Château Vaux, Fontevraud, La Pommeraye, Les Gardes, Saint Ustre, Selles sur Cher, and Thouars V removed. $FILENAME_4 mn7 $FILENAME_4 mnt7 $FILENAME_5 mntg7 $FILENAME_8 montaig7 $CD yes $COUNTRY FR $MILOMEI Yes $MAGNETIC_VARIATION 1.5W $MILOMEI Yes * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- $ALTITUDE_UNIT METERS $RW_L_UNIT METERS $MILOMEI Yes * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ============================================================================== * * Filename "montaig7.stx" created Saturday, 22 July 2017 at 04:15 GMT * Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange format version 0.5.2 * * Lines starting with a * are comments and are ignored by programs using this file * Lines starting with a $ are definitions of parameters available to programs using this file * The first line that is neither a comment nor a definition contains the definitions * of the contents of the columns that follow * All other lines are waypoint definitions * The line containing the column definitions can be placed anywhere before the first waypoint. * It is placed as a comment at the top of this file for convenience in using this file * with a spreadsheet program, where the first line can be placed in a separate window * to label the columns as you scroll down. * The columns are separated by the "tab" character * * The specification of the .STX file format is available at * http://soaringweb.org/TP/stx_specification.html * * This is a 'beta' release to support the release of the NK ClearNav and is subject to change. * * ============================================================================== * * Starting the definition of various parameters for the file * $STX_VERSION 0.5.2 $HOME Montaigu-St-Georges, France $CONTEST Inter Régionale Junior et Senior Grand Ouest 2017 $CONTRIBUTOR Planeur Club de l'Atlantique $CONTRIBUTOR_E-MAIL planeur.atlantique@free.fr $TIMEZONE_NAME MET $COUNTRY FR $MAGNETIC_VARIATION 1.5W $ALTITUDE_UNIT METERS $RW_L_UNIT METERS $DECIMAL_SEPARATOR , $CONTRIBUTION_DATE 11 July 2017 $LATITUDE North * * ============================================================================== * * The next line defines the contents of columns. It MUST appear before the first waypoint line NUM NAM ID COM LAT_D LAT_M LAT_S LON_D LON_M LON_S EW COD ALT FRE RW_D RW_H RW_L RW_S ICAO * * Starting the waypoints * 0 Montaigu-St-Georges 000HOM Installations 46 55 52 1 19 33 W DH 56 123.5 07/25 250 900 G LFFW 1 Départ 1 001STA Les Brouzils 46 53 14 1 19 17 W S 59 2 Départ 2 002STA Rond Point 46 56 12 1 16 36 W S 42 3 Départ 3 003STA Treize Septiers 46 59 3 1 13 53 W S 4 Report 25 004REP Point de report 25 46 56 40 1 15 47 W T 58 5 Ligne 25 005ARR Seuil de piste 25 46 55 58 1 19 12 W FD 60 123.5 07/25 250 900 G LFFW 6 Report 07 006REP Point de report 07 46 55 14 1 22 56 W T 58 7 Ligne 07 007ARR Seuil de piste 07 46 55 49 1 20 0 W FD 55 123.5 07/25 890 G LFFW 8 Aire de Pirmil 008TPO Centre Ville 47 54 45 0 5 5 W T 84 9 Airvault 009TPO Eglise 46 49 52 0 8 11 W T 110 10 Aizenay 010TPO Centre Ville 46 44 25 1 36 30 W T 69 11 Amailloux 011TPO Centre Ville 46 44 46 0 19 10 W T 165 12 Angers-Marcé 012ADD AD LFJR 47 33 37 0 18 44 W AT 59 124.7 08/26 260 1800 A LFJR 13 Argenton-Château 013TPO Carrière 46 58 27 0 27 33 W T 130 14 Argenton/Creuse 014ADD AD LFEG 46 35 49 1 36 9 E AT 202 123.5 04/22 40 830 A LFEG 15 Baugé 015TPO Château 47 32 40 0 6 16 W T 56 16 Bazoges-en-Pareds 016TPO Centre Ville 46 39 20 0 54 50 W T 77 17 Beaupréau 017TPO Château 47 11 50 0 59 8 W T 100 18 Bécon-les-Granits 018TPO Centre Ville 47 29 59 0 48 5 W T 51 19 Belleville-sur-Vie 019TPO Centre Ville 46 46 52 1 25 51 W T 80 20 Berrie 020TPO Centre Ville 47 4 1 0 4 6 W T 86 21 Bonneuil-Matours 021TPO Pont D3 Vienne 46 40 58 0 34 33 E T 60 22 Bourneau 022TPO Centre Ville 46 32 21 0 49 4 W T 96 23 Bressuire 023TPO Gare SNCF 46 50 16 0 29 45 W T 190 24 Brioux sur Boutonne 024TPO Centre Ville 46 8 33 0 13 8 W T 59 25 Bussières-Poitevine 025TPO Croisement routier N14 46 14 24 0 53 37 E T 226 26 Buzançais 026TPO Gare SNCF 46 53 9 1 25 8 E T 140 27 Candé 027TPO Centre Ville 47 33 48 1 1 46 W T 57 28 Cersay 028TPO Centre Ville 47 2 43 0 21 19 W T 80 29 Chalandray 029TPO Centre Ville 46 39 41 0 0 10 W T 154 30 Chalonnes-sur-Loire 030TPO Centre Ville 47 20 57 0 45 45 W T 19 31 Champdeniers 031TPO Centre Ville 46 29 12 0 24 25 W T 94 32 Chanteloup-les-Bois 032TPO Centre Ville 47 5 43 0 41 43 W T 169 33 Chantonnay 033TPO Gare SNCF 46 41 29 1 3 15 W T 60 34 Charroux 034TPO Tour 46 8 37 0 24 25 E T 155 35 Château la Vallière 035TPO Gare SNCF 47 33 5 0 19 18 E T 96 36 Château-du-Loir 036TPO Gare SNCF 47 41 1 0 25 3 E T 50 37 Château-Gontier 037TPO Centre Ville 47 50 0 0 42 15 W T 47 38 Chateaubriand Pouancé 038ADH AD LFTQ 47 44 26 1 11 17 W AT 98 123.5 11/29 290 720 G LFTQ 39 Chateaubriant 039TPO Château 47 43 15 1 22 5 W T 89 40 Châtellerault-Targé 040ADD AD LFCA 46 46 53 0 33 7 E AT 63 120.05 18/36 180 800 A LFCA 41 Châtellerault 041TPO Echangeur Nord 46 50 16 0 32 49 E T 55 42 Châtillon/Indre 042TPO Eglise 46 59 9 1 10 25 E T 88 43 Chauvigny 043ADH AD LFDW 46 35 1 0 38 33 E AT 134 123.5 05/23 230 740 G LFDW 44 Chavagnes 044TPO Centre Ville 47 16 9 0 27 17 W T 80 45 Chemillé 045TPO Gare SNCF 47 13 7 0 43 52 W T 95 46 Chinon 046TPO Pont Routier 47 9 52 0 14 20 E T 37 47 Cholet Pontreau 047ADD AD LFOU 47 4 55 0 52 38 W AT 135 120.4 03/21 210 1380 A LFOU 48 Civray-de-Touraine 048TPO Eglise 46 8 52 0 17 58 E T 120 49 Coëx 049TPO Centre Ville 46 41 48 1 45 20 W T 51 50 Combrée 050TPO Centre Ville 47 42 16 1 1 46 W T 58 51 Confolens 051TPO Pont Vienne 46 0 45 0 40 32 E T 130 52 Cossé-le-Vivien 052TPO Centre Ville 47 56 47 0 54 42 W T 87 53 Couhé Vérac 053ADH AD LFDV 46 16 22 0 11 23 E AT 153 119.225 200 1065 54 Coulonges-Thouarsais 054TPO Centre Ville 46 55 30 0 19 21 W T 130 55 Craon 055TPO Centre Ville 47 51 18 0 56 56 W T 57 56 Descartes 056TPO Gare SNCF 46 58 28 0 41 45 E T 51 57 Doué-la-Fontaine 057TPO Zoo 47 11 15 0 17 50 W T 70 58 Exideuil 058TPO Centre Ville 45 53 11 0 40 20 E T 170 59 Faymoreau 059TPO Centre Ville 46 32 13 0 37 42 W T 99 60 Fontenay Comte 060ADH AD LFFK 46 26 29 0 47 37 W AT 28 123.5 09/27 270 960 A LFFK 61 Gencay 061TPO Centre Ville 46 22 23 0 24 13 E T 130 62 Genneteil 062TPO Centre Ville 47 35 27 0 3 3 E T 67 63 Gizeux 063TPO Centre Ville 47 23 48 0 11 34 E T 63 64 Ile de Ré 064TPO Centre Ville 46 14 59 1 29 56 W T 2 65 Ingrandes 065TPO Gare SNCF 46 52 26 0 34 5 E T 55 66 L'Absie 066TPO Centre Ville 46 38 0 0 34 39 W T 199 67 L'Isle-Jourdain 067TPO Pont sud Vienne 46 13 46 0 40 48 E T 110 68 La Châtaigneraie 068TPO Centre Ville 46 39 1 0 44 27 W T 159 69 La Croisière 069TPO Croisement Nord 46 12 11 1 23 2 E T 371 70 La Flèche 070ADH AD LFAL 47 41 39 0 0 12 E AT 37 123.5 270 1470 LFAL 71 La Roche sur Yon Aéro 071ADD AD LFRI 46 42 9 1 22 54 W AT 91 119.9 10/28 105 900 A LFRI 72 La Roche sur Yon Ville 072TPO Place Napoleon 46 40 3 1 25 30 W T 50 73 La Roche-Posay 073TPO Château 46 47 21 0 48 26 E T 110 74 La Rochefoucauld 074TPO Centre Ville 45 44 10 0 23 9 E T 95 75 La Romagne 075TPO Centre Ville 47 3 33 1 1 45 W T 112 76 La Tranche sur Mer 076ADD AD P LF8522 46 21 30 1 25 30 W AT 8 123.5 17/35 180 800 G 77 La Trimouille 077TPO Pont sur la Benaize 46 28 27 1 2 12 E T 130 78 Laval Entrammes 078ADD AD LFOV 48 1 56 0 44 34 W AT 100 119.3 15/33 150 1250 A LFOV 79 Le Blanc 079ADD AD LFEL 46 37 15 1 5 15 E AT 115 123.5 04/22 50 800 A LFEL 80 Le Dorat 080TPO Centre Ville 46 12 57 1 5 4 E T 259 81 Le Girouard 081ADD AD P LF8524 46 35 24 1 36 0 W AT 21 123.5 04/22 360 700 G 82 Le Grand Pressigny 082TPO Château 46 55 22 0 48 11 E T 61 83 Le Lude 083TPO Château 47 38 17 0 9 14 E T 50 84 Le Mans Arnage 084ADD AD LFRM 47 56 55 0 12 6 E AT 59 125.9 02/20 200 970 A LFRM 85 Le Pin en Mauge 085TPO Centre Ville 47 15 12 0 53 57 W T 107 86 Lencloître 086TPO Gare SNCF 46 49 13 0 19 51 E T 92 87 Les Aubiers 087TPO Centre Ville 46 57 18 0 35 25 W T 144 88 Les Essarts 088TPO Centre Ville 46 46 23 1 13 41 W T 81 89 Les Herbiers 089TPO Centre Ville 46 52 16 1 0 51 W T 117 90 Les Landes Genusson 090TPO Centre Ville 46 57 51 1 7 10 W T 106 91 Les Maisons Blanches 091TPO Carrefour N1 46 8 16 0 10 46 E T 125 92 Les Pont-de-Cé 092TPO Pont N260 47 25 7 0 30 19 W T 20 93 Les Sables Olon 093ADD AD LFOO 46 28 36 1 43 25 W AT 34 123.5 07/25 70 700 A LFOO 94 Levroux 094TPO Carrefour sud en ville D95 46 58 26 1 36 50 E T 135 95 Lezay 095TPO Centre Ville 46 15 58 0 0 34 W T 140 96 Ligueil 096TPO Eglise 47 2 39 0 49 11 E T 70 97 Loches 097TPO Château 47 7 38 1 0 17 E T 70 98 Longué-Jumelles 098TPO Sortie A85 47 24 26 0 7 15 W T 50 99 Lothiers 099TPO Croisement Nord 46 41 57 1 34 39 E T 154 100 Loudun 100ADH AD LFDL 47 2 14 0 6 5 E AT 96 123.5 09/27 270 790 G LFDL 101 Luçon Chanais 101ADD AD P LF8523 46 27 45 1 14 14 W AT 6 123.5 08/26 260 760 A 102 Lusignan 102TPO Pont SNCF N11 46 25 51 0 6 25 E T 135 103 Lussac-les-Chateaux 103TPO Pont Routier 46 24 13 0 42 10 E T 90 104 Martizay 104TPO Centre Ville 46 48 22 1 2 37 E T 100 105 Mauleon 105ADD AD LFJB 46 54 14 0 41 47 W AT 176 123.5 04/22 220 1300 A LFJB 106 Mauzé sur le Mignon 106TPO Centre Ville 46 11 43 0 40 20 W T 20 107 Melle 107TPO Gare SNCF 46 13 31 0 9 0 W T 50 108 Miré 108TPO Centre Ville 47 45 27 0 29 30 W T 45 109 Mirebeau 109TPO Centre Ville 46 47 6 0 10 57 E T 105 110 Moncontour 110TPO Centre Ville 46 52 53 0 1 9 W T 60 111 Moncoutant 111TPO Centre Ville 46 43 24 0 35 17 W T 193 112 Montmorillon 112TPO Pont sur la Gartempe 46 25 22 0 51 54 E T 90 113 Montreuil-Bellay 113TPO Gare SNCF 47 7 28 0 8 47 W T 40 114 Montreuil-Juigne 114TPO Gare SNCF 47 31 25 0 37 12 W T 50 115 Mortagne sur Sèvres 115TPO Centre Ville 46 59 41 0 59 33 W T 103 116 Mouzeuil-Saint-Martin 116TPO Centre Ville 46 27 55 0 59 1 W T 19 117 Néré 117TPO Centre Ville 45 58 27 0 14 12 W T 90 118 Neuville-de-Poitou 118TPO Gare SNCF 46 40 51 0 14 50 E T 120 119 Niort Souche 119ADD AD LFBN 46 18 48 0 23 40 W AT 61 119.1 07/25 70 1760 A LFBN 120 Notre Dame du Pé 120TPO Centre Ville 47 43 52 0 19 36 W T 32 121 Nouans-les-Fontaines 121TPO Centre Ville 47 8 8 1 17 57 E T 115 122 Noyant 122TPO Centre Ville 47 30 42 0 6 54 E T 82 123 Oulmes 123TPO Péage 46 23 17 0 39 18 W T 28 124 Palluau/Indre 124TPO Château 46 56 45 1 18 39 E T 120 125 Parthenay 125TPO Gare SNCF 46 38 51 0 14 13 W T 169 126 Pont de Gennes 126TPO Centre Ville 47 20 57 0 14 5 W T 24 127 Port-de-Piles 127TPO Pont Routier 47 0 22 0 36 1 E T 44 128 Pouzauges 128TPO Centre Ville 46 46 39 0 50 25 W T 169 129 Richelieu 129TPO Gare SNCF 47 0 54 0 19 9 E T 70 130 Rochetrejoux 130TPO Centre Ville 46 47 22 0 59 44 W T 107 131 Ruffec 131TPO Pont N10 Fer 46 1 33 0 10 57 E T 108 132 Sable/Sarthe 132TPO Gare SNCF 47 50 27 0 20 28 W T 50 133 Saint Benoit-du-Saut 133TPO Centre Ville 46 26 27 1 23 35 E T 199 134 Saint Denis d'Orques 134TPO Centre Ville 48 1 58 0 16 32 W T 118 135 Saint Etienne La Cigogne 135TPO Centre Ville 46 6 42 0 29 24 W T 63 136 Saint Jean d'Angely 136ADH AD LFIY 45 57 59 0 31 31 W AT 75 123.5 10/28 100 850 G LFIY 137 Saint Julian 137TPO Gare SNCF 46 30 10 1 31 33 E T 250 138 Saint Lambert-du-Lattay 138TPO Eglise/N160 N Chemillé 47 18 5 0 37 48 W T 50 139 Saint Laurent sur Sèvres 139TPO Centre Ville 46 57 32 0 53 31 W T 137 140 Saint Maixent 140TPO Centre Ville 46 24 46 0 12 15 W T 100 141 Saint Savin 141TPO Pont N151 46 34 3 0 51 54 E T 120 142 Saint Sigismond 142ADH AD P LF4923 47 25 59 0 56 0 W AT 50 09/27 280 490 G 143 Saint-Gilles-Croix-de-Vie 143TPO Port 46 41 46 1 56 32 W T 7 144 Saint-Hillaire-le-Vouhis 144TPO Centre Ville 46 41 16 1 7 52 W T 73 145 Saint-Vincent-sur-Graon 145TPO Centre Ville 46 30 59 1 23 11 W T 34 146 Sainte Hermine 146TPO Centre Ville 46 33 19 1 3 42 W T 33 147 Saumur Saint Florent 147ADD AD LFOD 47 15 24 0 6 49 W AT 82 120.6 10/28 280 970 A LFOD 148 Saumur 148TPO Pont SNCF sur Loire 47 15 18 0 3 23 W T 30 149 Sauze-Vaussais 149TPO Centre Ville 46 8 4 0 6 19 E T 100 150 Secondigny 150TPO Centre Ville 46 36 42 0 25 7 W T 179 151 Segré 151TPO Gare SNCF 47 40 45 0 51 55 W T 40 152 Sérigny 152TPO Centre Ville 46 54 21 0 20 55 E T 131 153 Sillé-le-Guillaume 153TPO Centre Ville 48 10 58 0 7 44 W T 159 154 Surgères 154TPO Centre Ville 46 6 26 0 45 8 W T 29 155 Talmont Air Park 155ADD AD P LF8521 46 29 41 1 34 30 W AT 46 123.5 04/22 220 850 G 156 Thorigny 156TPO Centre Ville 46 36 46 1 14 29 W T 62 157 Thouars 157ADH AD LFCT 46 57 43 0 9 10 W AT 104 123.35 12/30 300 950 G LFCT 158 Tiffauges 158TPO le Château 47 0 29 1 6 28 W T 100 159 Tours-Louroux 159ADH AD LFJT 47 9 0 0 42 46 E AT 126 123.5 03/21 330 274 G LFJT 160 Usson 160TPO Pont 46 16 43 0 31 45 E T 137 161 Vendrennes 161TPO Centre Ville 46 49 32 1 7 21 W T 102 162 Vihiers 162TPO Château du Coudray 47 8 19 0 34 43 W T 140 163 Villedieu/Indre 163TPO Centre Ville 46 50 52 1 32 27 E T 145 164 Vix 164TPO Centre Ville 46 21 54 0 51 40 W T 4