++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Control points for Montaigu-St-Georges, France + + + + Contributed by Planeur Club de l'Atlantique + + Contributed on 11 July 2017 + + + + Formatted for the world-wide version of the software + + + + Last updated Saturday, 22 July 2017 at 04:15 GMT + + + + UNOFFICIAL, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK + + + + Do not use for navigation, for flight verification only. + + + + Always consult the relevant publications for current and correct + + information. This service is provided free of charge with no warrantees, + + expressed or implied. + + User assumes all risk of use. + + + + Rename this file to TURNPTS.DAT to use with your Glide Navigator. + +Delete all of the header lines in this box, down to and including the next one+ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1, Depart 1, 46, 53.23, -1, -19.28, 59 2, Depart 2, 46, 56.2, -1, -16.6, 42 3, Depart 3, 46, 59.05, -1, -13.88 4, Report 25, 46, 56.67, -1, -15.78, 58 5, Ligne 25, 46, 55.97, -1, -19.2, 60 6, Report 07, 46, 55.23, -1, -22.93, 58 7, Ligne 07, 46, 55.82, -1, -20.0, 55 8, AiredePirml, 47, 54.75, -0, -5.08, 84 9, Airvault, 46, 49.87, -0, -8.18, 110 10, Aizenay, 46, 44.42, -1, -36.5, 69 11, Amailloux, 46, 44.77, -0, -19.17, 165 12, AngersMarc, 47, 33.62, -0, -18.73, 59 13, ArgentonCh, 46, 58.45, -0, -27.55, 130 14, ArgentnCrs, 46, 35.82, 1, 36.15, 202 15, Bauge, 47, 32.67, -0, -6.27, 56 16, BazgsnPrds, 46, 39.33, -0, -54.83, 77 17, Beaupreau, 47, 11.83, -0, -59.13, 100 18, BcnlsGrnts, 47, 29.98, -0, -48.08, 51 19, BellvllsrV, 46, 46.87, -1, -25.85, 80 20, Berrie, 47, 4.02, -0, -4.1, 86 21, BonnelMtrs, 46, 40.97, 0, 34.55, 60 22, Bourneau, 46, 32.35, -0, -49.07, 96 23, Bressuire, 46, 50.27, -0, -29.75, 190 24, BrixsrBtnn, 46, 8.55, -0, -13.13, 59 25, BussrsPtvn, 46, 14.4, 0, 53.62, 226 26, Buzancais, 46, 53.15, 1, 25.13, 140 27, Cande, 47, 33.8, -1, -1.77, 57 28, Cersay, 47, 2.72, -0, -21.32, 80 29, Chalandray, 46, 39.68, -0, -0.17, 154 30, ChlnnssrLr, 47, 20.95, -0, -45.75, 19 31, Champdenrs, 46, 29.2, -0, -24.42, 94 32, ChntlplsBs, 47, 5.72, -0, -41.72, 169 33, Chantonnay, 46, 41.48, -1, -3.25, 60 34, Charroux, 46, 8.62, 0, 24.42, 155 35, ChlaVallir, 47, 33.08, 0, 19.3, 96 36, Ch du Loir, 47, 41.02, 0, 25.05, 50 37, Ch Gontier, 47, 50.0, -0, -42.25, 47 38, ChtbrndPnc, 47, 44.43, -1, -11.28, 98 39, Chateabrnt, 47, 43.25, -1, -22.08, 89 40, ChtllrltTr, 46, 46.88, 0, 33.12, 63 41, Chatellrlt, 46, 50.27, 0, 32.82, 55 42, Chatllnndr, 46, 59.15, 1, 10.42, 88 43, Chauvigny, 46, 35.02, 0, 38.55, 134 44, Chavagnes, 47, 16.15, -0, -27.28, 80 45, Chemille, 47, 13.12, -0, -43.87, 95 46, Chinon, 47, 9.87, 0, 14.33, 37 47, CholetPntr, 47, 4.92, -0, -52.63, 135 48, CivraydTrn, 46, 8.87, 0, 17.97, 120 49, Coex, 46, 41.8, -1, -45.33, 51 50, Combree, 47, 42.27, -1, -1.77, 58 51, Confolens, 46, 0.75, 0, 40.53, 130 52, CosseleVvn, 47, 56.78, -0, -54.7, 87 53, CouheVerac, 46, 16.37, 0, 11.38, 153 54, ClngsThrss, 46, 55.5, -0, -19.35, 130 55, Craon, 47, 51.3, -0, -56.93, 57 56, Descartes, 46, 58.47, 0, 41.75, 51 57, DouelaFntn, 47, 11.25, -0, -17.83, 70 58, Exideuil, 45, 53.18, 0, 40.33, 170 59, Faymoreau, 46, 32.22, -0, -37.7, 99 60, FontenaCmt, 46, 26.48, -0, -47.62, 28 61, Gencay, 46, 22.38, 0, 24.22, 130 62, Genneteil, 47, 35.45, 0, 3.05, 67 63, Gizeux, 47, 23.8, 0, 11.57, 63 64, Ile de Re, 46, 14.98, -1, -29.93, 2 65, Ingrandes, 46, 52.43, 0, 34.08, 55 66, LAbsie, 46, 38.0, -0, -34.65, 199 67, LIsleJordn, 46, 13.77, 0, 40.8, 110 68, LaChatagnr, 46, 39.02, -0, -44.45, 159 69, LaCroisier, 46, 12.18, 1, 23.03, 371 70, La Fleche, 47, 41.65, 0, 0.2, 37 71, LaRochsrnr, 46, 42.15, -1, -22.9, 91 72, LRchsrnVll, 46, 40.05, -1, -25.5, 50 73, LaRochePos, 46, 47.35, 0, 48.43, 110 74, LaRochfcld, 45, 44.17, 0, 23.15, 95 75, La Romagne, 47, 3.55, -1, -1.75, 112 76, LTrnchsrMr, 46, 21.5, -1, -25.5, 8 77, LaTrimoull, 46, 28.45, 1, 2.2, 130 78, Lavlntrmms, 48, 1.93, -0, -44.57, 100 79, Le Blanc, 46, 37.25, 1, 5.25, 115 80, Le Dorat, 46, 12.95, 1, 5.07, 259 81, LeGirouard, 46, 35.4, -1, -36.0, 21 82, LGrndPrssg, 46, 55.37, 0, 48.18, 61 83, Le Lude, 47, 38.28, 0, 9.23, 50 84, LeMansArng, 47, 56.92, 0, 12.1, 59 85, LePinenMag, 47, 15.2, -0, -53.95, 107 86, Lencloitre, 46, 49.22, 0, 19.85, 92 87, LesAubiers, 46, 57.3, -0, -35.42, 144 88, LesEssarts, 46, 46.38, -1, -13.68, 81 89, LesHerbirs, 46, 52.27, -1, -0.85, 117 90, LsLndsGnss, 46, 57.85, -1, -7.17, 106 91, LsMsnsBlnc, 46, 8.27, 0, 10.77, 125 92, LesPontdeC, 47, 25.12, -0, -30.32, 20 93, LesSablsln, 46, 28.6, -1, -43.42, 34 94, Levroux, 46, 58.43, 1, 36.83, 135 95, Lezay, 46, 15.97, -0, -0.57, 140 96, Ligueil, 47, 2.65, 0, 49.18, 70 97, Loches, 47, 7.63, 1, 0.28, 70 98, LonguJmlls, 47, 24.43, -0, -7.25, 50 99, Lothiers, 46, 41.95, 1, 34.65, 154 100, Loudun, 47, 2.23, 0, 6.08, 96 101, LuconChns, 46, 27.75, -1, -14.23, 6 102, Lusignan, 46, 25.85, 0, 6.42, 135 103, LssclsCht, 46, 24.22, 0, 42.17, 90 104, Martizay, 46, 48.37, 1, 2.62, 100 105, Mauleon, 46, 54.23, -0, -41.78, 176 106, MzsrlMgnn, 46, 11.72, -0, -40.33, 20 107, Melle, 46, 13.52, -0, -9.0, 50 108, Mire, 47, 45.45, -0, -29.5, 45 109, Mirebeau, 46, 47.1, 0, 10.95, 105 110, Moncontor, 46, 52.88, -0, -1.15, 60 111, Moncoutnt, 46, 43.4, -0, -35.28, 193 112, Montmrlln, 46, 25.37, 0, 51.9, 90 113, MontrlBll, 47, 7.47, -0, -8.78, 40 114, MontrlJgn, 47, 31.42, -0, -37.2, 50 115, MrtgnsrSv, 46, 59.68, -0, -59.55, 103 116, MzlStMrtn, 46, 27.92, -0, -59.02, 19 117, Nere, 45, 58.45, -0, -14.2, 90 118, NeuvlldPt, 46, 40.85, 0, 14.83, 120 119, NiortSoch, 46, 18.8, -0, -23.67, 61 120, NotreDmdP, 47, 43.87, -0, -19.6, 32 121, NnslsFntn, 47, 8.13, 1, 17.95, 115 122, Noyant, 47, 30.7, 0, 6.9, 82 123, Oulmes, 46, 23.28, -0, -39.3, 28 124, Palluandr, 46, 56.75, 1, 18.65, 120 125, Parthenay, 46, 38.85, -0, -14.22, 169 126, PontdGnns, 47, 20.95, -0, -14.08, 24 127, PortdePls, 47, 0.37, 0, 36.02, 44 128, Pouzauges, 46, 46.65, -0, -50.42, 169 129, Richelieu, 47, 0.9, 0, 19.15, 70 130, Rochetrjx, 46, 47.37, -0, -59.73, 107 131, Ruffec, 46, 1.55, 0, 10.95, 108 132, SableSrth, 47, 50.45, -0, -20.47, 50 133, SteBntdSt, 46, 26.45, 1, 23.58, 199 134, StDnsdrqs, 48, 1.97, -0, -16.53, 118 135, SttnnLCgg, 46, 6.7, -0, -29.4, 63 136, SteJndngl, 45, 57.98, -0, -31.52, 75 137, SteJulian, 46, 30.17, 1, 31.55, 250 138, StLmbrtdL, 47, 18.08, -0, -37.8, 50 139, StLrntsrS, 46, 57.53, -0, -53.52, 137 140, SteMaixnt, 46, 24.77, -0, -12.25, 100 141, Ste Savin, 46, 34.05, 0, 51.9, 120 142, SteSgsmnd, 47, 25.98, -0, -56.0, 50 143, StGllsCrx, 46, 41.77, -1, -56.53, 7 144, StHllrlVh, 46, 41.27, -1, -7.87, 73 145, StVncntsr, 46, 30.98, -1, -23.18, 34 146, SteHermin, 46, 33.32, -1, -3.7, 33 147, SmrStFlrn, 47, 15.4, -0, -6.82, 82 148, Saumur, 47, 15.3, -0, -3.38, 30 149, SauzeVsss, 46, 8.07, 0, 6.32, 100 150, Secondign, 46, 36.7, -0, -25.12, 179 151, Segre, 47, 40.75, -0, -51.92, 40 152, Serigny, 46, 54.35, 0, 20.92, 131 153, SilllGllm, 48, 10.97, -0, -7.73, 159 154, Surgeres, 46, 6.43, -0, -45.13, 29 155, Talmont, 46, 29.68, -1, -34.5, 46 156, Thorigny, 46, 36.77, -1, -14.48, 62 157, Thouars, 46, 57.72, -0, -9.17, 104 158, Tiffauges, 47, 0.48, -1, -6.47, 100 159, ToursLorx, 47, 9.0, 0, 42.77, 126 160, Usson, 46, 16.72, 0, 31.75, 137 161, Vendrenns, 46, 49.53, -1, -7.35, 102 162, Vihiers, 47, 8.32, -0, -34.72, 140 163, Villedndr, 46, 50.87, 1, 32.45, 145 164, Vix, 46, 21.9, -0, -51.67, 4