;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; + ; Montague, California + ; + ; 20 Meter and Standard Class Nationals, 2021 + ; + ; User Specified Waypoints formatted for EWView II and EWView III + ; + ; Contributed by Noelle Mayes + ; + ; Generated Friday, 04 June 2021 at 20:56 GMT + ; + ; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> USE AT YOUR OWN RISK <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< + ; All data and information contained in these data files are provided without + ; guarantee as to their completeness or correctness. Any conclusions drawn + ; from these data and information are the sole responsibility of the user. + ; + ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Alturas" "ALTURS" "122.8" "N4128.967" "W12033.933" "Ashland" "ASHLND" "122.8" "N4211.383" "W12239.683" "Backscatter Radar" "BCKSCT" "_" "N4144.100" "W12110.167" "Beatty" "BEATTY" "_" "N4226.500" "W12116.283" "Bieber Southard" "BBRSTH" "122.9" "N4108.250" "W12107.667" "Big Springs" "BGSPRN" "_" "N4135.717" "W12224.300" "Bonanza" "BONANZ" "_" "N4211.917" "W12124.617" "Bridge at Copco" "BRGTCP" "_" "N4157.850" "W12215.717" "Butte Valley" "BTTVLL" "122.9" "N4152.883" "W12158.533" "Callahan" "CALLHN" "_" "N4119.083" "W12248.567" "Canby" "CANBY" "_" "N4126.767" "W12052.283" "Carter" "CARTER" "_" "N4113.083" "W12253.850" "Chiloquin State" "CHLQNS" "122.9" "N4234.767" "W12152.750" "China Start" "CHNSTR" "_" "N4125.750" "W12234.867" "Copco Dam" "COPCDM" "_" "N4158.650" "W12220.000" "Craggy South" "CRAGGS" "_" "N4115.533" "W12246.867" "Craggy Start" "CRGGST" "_" "N4148.867" "W12232.817" "Crater Lake" "CRTRLK" "_" "N4253.733" "W12205.683" "Deer Mountain" "DERMTN" "_" "N4134.967" "W12211.583" "Drews Reservoir" "DRWSRS" "_" "N4208.233" "W12039.417" "Dry Lake" "DRY LK" "_" "N4140.500" "W12116.083" "Dutchman" "DTCHMN" "_" "N4202.600" "W12253.450" "Duzel" "DUZEL" "_" "N4131.800" "W12244.000" "Etna" "ETNA" "_" "N4127.917" "W12253.033" "Fall River" "FLLRVR" "122.8" "N4100.967" "W12126.200" "Gerber Reservoir Dam" "GRBRRS" "_" "N4212.067" "W12108.083" "Goosenest" "GOSNST" "_" "N4143.233" "W12213.383" "Grenada" "GRENAD" "_" "N4138.600" "W12231.000" "Gunsite Start" "GNSTST" "_" "N4144.300" "W12246.583" "Happy Camp" "HPPCMP" "122.9" "N4147.250" "W12323.500" "Lake County" "LKCONT" "122.8" "N4209.233" "W12023.933" "Lake of the Woods" "LKTHWD" "_" "N4223.533" "W12213.267" "Lake Siskiyou Dam" "LKSSKD" "_" "N4116.667" "W12219.983" "Lefko" "LEFKO" "_" "N4137.483" "W12245.900" "Longbell Ranch" "LNGBLL" "_" "N4138.517" "W12153.417" "Medicine Lake" "MDCNLK" "_" "N4134.867" "W12139.150" "Midway Market" "MDWMRK" "_" "N4136.100" "W12218.150" "Montague Yreka Rohrer" "MNTGRK" "122.8" "N4143.833" "W12232.733" "Mt Eddy" "MTEDDY" "_" "N4119.200" "W12228.750" "Mt Hebron Summit" "MTHBRN" "_" "N4141.083" "W12203.583" "Paisley State" "PSLSTT" "122.9" "N4243.017" "W12033.717" "Pelican Butte" "PLCNBT" "_" "N4230.800" "W12208.750" "Pinehurst" "PNHRST" "122.9" "N4206.600" "W12223.000" "Prospect State" "PRSPCT" "122.8" "N4244.283" "W12229.617" "Quartz Valley" "QRTZVL" "_" "N4137.467" "W12258.533" "Radar Facility" "RDRFCL" "_" "N4203.883" "W12158.300" "Restaurant Exit" "RSTRNT" "_" "N4203.883" "W12236.100" "R Ranch" "R RC" "_" "N4155.300" "W12234.983" "Schonchin" "SCHNCH" "_" "N4144.283" "W12131.767" "Scott Valley" "SCTTVL" "122.8" "N4133.200" "W12251.267" "Siskiyou County" "SSKCNT" "123.0" "N4146.317" "W12228.267" "Tennant South" "TNNNTS" "_" "N4134.083" "W12155.950" "Three Sheds" "THRSHD" "_" "N4146.217" "W12148.817" "Trinity Center" "TRNTCN" "122.9" "N4059.000" "W12241.650" "Tulelake" "TULELK" "122.9" "N4153.450" "W12121.717" "Weed" "WEED" "122.7" "N4129.200" "W12227.467" "Woodrat" "WOODRT" "_" "N4213.883" "W12300.417" "Worden" "WORDEN" "_" "N4202.717" "W12151.967" "Wright" "WRIGHT" "_" "N4135.000" "W12305.233"