Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange

Unofficial Coordinates for the Minden, Nevada ( Cross Country ) Control Points

Courtesy of Peter J. Kelly ( pjkelly(at) )
Dated: 31 March, 2003
Magnetic Variation: 14.2E
Time zone: US/Pacific, summer offset from GMT is -7:00 and in winter it is -8:00.

Information about soaring at Minden, Nevada ( Cross Country ) is available at

The primary specification of the waypoint coordinates is degrees and decimal minutes

Cross country turnpoints, version mind303b.dat
See also the Minden Region 11 control point list
  • Asterisk (*) at beginning of the TP name keeps that name at the top of the list. All other TP's are alphabetical: The Name of Each TP is somewhat constant. The number associated with each TP varies with each revision of this file.
  • Most Elevations are rounded to nearest ten feet.
    Classification contained in name:
  • Last 3 characters of each TP is classification: -R = Runway on sectional, -E = Emergency Landing area, -U = Unlandable area
  • After the letter is a qualification number: 1, 2, or 3 is good, 7, 8, or 9 is bad.
    Comments at end of line may include:
  • Runway direction e.g. 14/32, N/S, 16/34
  • Length in hundreds e.g. 25=2500 ft, 30=3000 ft.
  • Type of runway surface e.g. H=Hard (concrete, asphalt), S=Soft or other (sod, dirt, gravel).
  • Radio frequency UNICOM e.g. 22.9=122.9 at private fields 22.7=122.7 UNICOM, etc ATIS OR AWOS weather e.g. WX24.5=124.5 Control Tower Freq e.g. CT18.7=118.7


    Do not use for navigation, for flight verification only.

    Always consult the relevant publications for current and correct
    information. This service is provided free of charge with no warrantees,
    expressed or implied.
    User assumes all risk of use.

    "Please note that private use airports in the FAA's National
    Airspace System are for the use of the owner only or with the
    permission of the owner only. Other users are not authorized
    and should not be attempting to land at private use airports."

    Use is subject to these conditions.

      ID  NumberName            Codes               Links                Latitude    Longitude        Latitude     Longitude   Elevation   Frequency
                                                                         °  '  "      °  '  "         °   '         °   '           F                
      1  * Minden  R1    TASFH  Q,I,Z,R,T,O,g,S,V,M,G                39 00 00 N  119 45 07 W  or  39 00.000 N  119 45.120 W     4718     12/30   22.8    22.8                  
      2  7990 Peak       T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              40 01 41 N  119 58 38 W  or  40 01.690 N  119 58.640 W     7990                                           
      3  Adams8197 U7    T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              39 54 42 N  120 05 57 W  or  39 54.700 N  120 05.950 W     8197     E Frncmn Lk                           
      4  Adin      R3    TA     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              41 11 10 N  120 57 08 W  or  41 11.160 N  120 57.130 W     4229     09/27   22.9    22.9                  
      5  Air Sailg  R1   ATF    Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              39 52 13 N  119 42 07 W  or  39 52.220 N  119 42.120 W     4300     03/21 123.3     123.3                 
      6  Almanr Dam U8   T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              40 10 48 N  121 05 00 W  or  40 10.800 N  121 05.000 W     4500                                           
      7  Alpine Cty R3   AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              38 44 10 N  119 45 58 W  or  38 44.160 N  119 45.970 W     5867     17/35   22.9    22.9                  
      8  Alturas  R3     AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              41 28 59 N  120 33 55 W  or  41 28.980 N  120 33.920 W     4374     03/21   22.8    22.8                  
      9  Amedee   R9     TA     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              40 15 58 N  120 09 10 W  or  40 15.970 N  120 09.160 W     4008     DO NOT LAND                           
     10  Austin    R3    AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              39 28 05 N  117 11 43 W  or  39 28.080 N  117 11.720 W     5730     36/18   22.9    22.9                  
     11  Basalt    U7    T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              38 00 37 N  118 16 29 W  or  38 00.610 N  118 16.480 W     6280                                           
     12  Battl Mtn R1    TA     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              40 35 54 N  116 52 30 W  or  40 35.900 N  116 52.500 W     4530     702-635-2245                          
     13  Bckly Flat U7   T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              38 43 07 N  118 29 05 W  or  38 43.110 N  118 29.090 W     5840     Int w T O                             
     14  Beatty   VOR    T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              36 48 00 N  116 44 54 W  or  36 48.000 N  116 44.900 W     3200     BTY VOR                               
     15  Beatty AP R2    TA     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              36 51 36 N  116 47 06 W  or  36 51.600 N  116 47.100 W     3170     A/P                                   
     16  Bishop AP R2    AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              37 22 23 N  118 21 49 W  or  37 22.390 N  118 21.820 W     4120     07/25   23.0    23.0                  
     18  Bndry Pk  U8    T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              37 50 46 N  118 21 00 W  or  37 50.770 N  118 21.000 W    13560                                           
     19  Bodi-395  U5    T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              38 10 30 N  119 11 37 W  or  38 10.500 N  119 11.610 W     6830     T Int                                 
     21  Boron Strp R4   TA     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              35 00 13 N  117 36 25 W  or  35 00.220 N  117 36.420 W     2500                                           
     22  Bridgeprt R2    AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              38 15 17 N  119 13 19 W  or  38 15.280 N  119 13.320 W     6468     16/34   22.9    22.9                  
     23  Brockway U2     ST     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              39 15 40 N  120 04 18 W  or  39 15.670 N  120 04.300 W     7199     Summit pass                           
     25  Cal City  R1    TA     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              35 09 06 N  118 00 48 W  or  35 09.100 N  118 00.800 W     2440     MUNI A/P                              
     26  Cal Pines R3    TA     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              41 24 44 N  120 41 04 W  or  41 24.740 N  120 41.060 W     4398     05/23   23.0    23.0                  
     27  Cantil N  E4    TL     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              35 20 00 N  117 58 00 W  or  35 20.000 N  117 58.000 W     2050     12.5N CalCty    12.5                  
     28  Carsn Cty R2    ATSF   Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              39 11 43 N  119 44 45 W  or  39 11.720 N  119 44.750 W     4697     09/27   23.0    23.0                  
     29  Cedarvlle R4    TA     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              41 33 10 N  120 09 59 W  or  41 33.160 N  120 09.980 W     4623     01/19   22.8    22.8                  
     30  Cerro Gord U8   T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              36 32 59 N  117 48 11 W  or  36 32.990 N  117 48.180 W     9280     North R/F                             
     31  Chester   R4    AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              40 16 56 N  121 14 28 W  or  40 16.940 N  121 14.470 W     4525     05/23   22.8    22.8                  
     33  Circle L  R2    AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              37 43 23 N  118 04 10 W  or  37 43.390 N  118 04.160 W     4835                                           
     35  Coaldale VOR    T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              38 00 12 N  117 46 10 W  or  38 00.200 N  117 46.160 W     4800     OAL STATN                             
     36  Cold Sprng E4   LT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              39 39 30 N  119 58 30 W  or  39 39.500 N  119 58.500 W     5100     Near Edge                             
     37  Coleville U2    T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              38 34 43 N  119 29 03 W  or  38 34.710 N  119 29.050 W     5120                                           
     38  Coyot Flts R7   TA     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              37 12 07 N  118 28 34 W  or  37 12.120 N  118 28.570 W     9988     14/32   22.8    22.8                  
     39  Crowfoot  E4    TA     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              40 14 30 N  118 25 00 W  or  40 14.500 N  118 25.000 W     4000     Btwn I80 EW                           
     40  Crscnt Val R4   AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              40 24 48 N  116 33 43 W  or  40 24.800 N  116 33.720 W     4787     05/23                                 
     41  Crystal   R1    AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              34 29 27 N  117 49 30 W  or  34 29.450 N  117 49.500 W     3420     23.0 2.5k       23.0                  
     42  Darwin    R7    TA     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              36 15 12 N  117 35 49 W  or  36 15.200 N  117 35.810 W     4730     S End CDH                             
     43  Dayton Vly R3   AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              39 14 16 N  119 33 26 W  or  39 14.260 N  119 33.440 W     4412     05/23   22.9    22.9                  
     44  Dbl Sprng F U5  T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              38 48 14 N  119 36 22 W  or  38 48.230 N  119 36.360 W     5960                                           
     45  Desert Crk U6   T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              38 36 30 N  119 18 18 W  or  38 36.500 N  119 18.300 W     8958                                           
     46  Dixie Val  R3   TA     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              39 57 59 N  117 49 39 W  or  39 57.990 N  117 49.650 W     3443     16/34                                 
     47  Doyle Hwy  E3   TL     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              39 59 06 N  120 04 36 W  or  39 59.100 N  120 04.600 W     4400     12/30 E 395                           
     48  Drby Lvlck R1   AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              40 03 59 N  118 33 55 W  or  40 03.980 N  118 33.910 W     3904     01/19   22.8    22.8                  
     51  Dyer      R3    TA     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              37 36 34 N  118 00 23 W  or  37 36.570 N  118 00.380 W     4899     12/30   22.9    22.9                  
     52  Egls Rst Rc R3  AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              39 43 28 N  119 53 58 W  or  39 43.460 N  119 53.960 W     5220     11/29   22.8    22.8                  
     53  Elko Muni R1    TA     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              40 49 24 N  115 47 24 W  or  40 49.400 N  115 47.400 W     5130     AWOS 132.175    132.175               
     54  Ely       R1    TA     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              39 17 54 N  114 50 24 W  or  39 17.900 N  114 50.400 W     6260                                           
     55  Empire    R6    TA     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              40 34 40 N  119 21 10 W  or  40 34.670 N  119 21.160 W     3990     07/25   22.9    22.9                  
     56  Empr Farm E5    TL     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              40 26 00 N  119 26 31 W  or  40 26.000 N  119 26.520 W     4085     E/W Road                              
     58  Eureka    R1    AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              39 36 15 N  116 00 18 W  or  39 36.250 N  116 00.300 W     5950     Rnway Lights                          
     59  Fallon    R1    TA     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              39 29 58 N  118 44 56 W  or  39 29.970 N  118 44.940 W     3963     03/21   22.8    22.8                  
     60  Farias Whl R3   AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              38 50 00 N  119 23 46 W  or  38 50.000 N  119 23.760 W     4848     N/S                                   
     61  Flanigan  U2    T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              40 09 58 N  119 52 59 W  or  40 09.960 N  119 52.980 W     4000     S of RR int                           
     62  Flln Trnf  U8   T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              39 56 04 N  118 44 54 W  or  39 56.060 N  118 44.900 W     3900     NOT Landable                          
     63  Fll Rvr Mls R2  TA     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              41 01 08 N  121 25 59 W  or  41 01.130 N  121 25.990 W     3323     02/20 22.8      22.8                  
     65  Freel Pk  U4    T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              38 51 27 N  119 54 00 W  or  38 51.450 N  119 54.000 W    10881                                           
     66  Frnch Dam U6    T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              39 53 51 N  120 11 24 W  or  39 53.850 N  120 11.400 W     5500                                           
     67  Gabbs     R2    AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              38 55 27 N  117 57 32 W  or  38 55.450 N  117 57.540 W     4547     08/26   22.9    22.9                  
     68  Gabbs S   E5    TL     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              38 50 14 N  117 56 00 W  or  38 50.240 N  117 56.000 W     4645     Dirt Rough                            
     69  Garfld Flt E4   TL     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              38 22 00 N  118 17 00 W  or  38 22.000 N  118 17.000 W     5500     Dry Lake                              
     70  Gerlach   E9    T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              40 38 55 N  119 21 26 W  or  40 38.910 N  119 21.430 W     3950     SW of RR int                          
     71  Glass Mtn U9    T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              37 46 30 N  118 42 36 W  or  37 46.500 N  118 42.600 W    11120                                           
     72  Goldfield R4    TA     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              37 43 04 N  117 14 18 W  or  37 43.070 N  117 14.300 W     5680     17/35   22.9    22.9                  
     73  Hawthorne R2    AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              38 32 40 N  118 38 04 W  or  38 32.660 N  118 38.060 W     4215     05/23   22.8    22.8                  
     74  Hazen     U8    T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              39 33 35 N  119 02 17 W  or  39 33.580 N  119 02.280 W     4000     US95 &RR INT                          
     75  Herlong   R6    TA     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              40 08 20 N  120 10 44 W  or  40 08.330 N  120 10.730 W     4060     06/24 22.9      22.9                  
     76  Hilton Rnc R1   AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              38 36 43 N  119 00 08 W  or  38 36.720 N  119 00.130 W     4950     FlyingMRc                             
     77  Hlljh Jnct U4   T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              39 47 04 N  120 04 17 W  or  39 47.060 N  120 04.280 W     4760     RVR & RT 70                           
     78  Hudson    R4    TA     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              39 32 40 N  117 45 02 W  or  39 32.660 N  117 45.040 W     5180     17/35                                 
     80  Indepndnc R3    AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              36 48 20 N  118 12 19 W  or  36 48.330 N  118 12.310 W     3900     05/23   22.9    22.9                  
     81  Inyokern  R1    TA     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              35 39 30 N  117 49 42 W  or  35 39.500 N  117 49.700 W     2460     22.8            22.8                  
     82  Iowa Cnyn  U8   T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              39 52 04 N  117 03 37 W  or  39 52.060 N  117 03.610 W     5890     Brush Poor                            
     83  Justover  R8    AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              39 45 19 N  119 35 58 W  or  39 45.310 N  119 35.960 W     4480     11/29    Poor                         
     84  Keeler    U8    T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              36 29 20 N  117 52 07 W  or  36 29.330 N  117 52.110 W     3640                                           
     87  Lake Tahoe R2   AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              38 53 38 N  119 59 43 W  or  38 53.630 N  119 59.720 W     6264     18/36   18.4    18.4                  
     88  Lee Vining R3   AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              37 57 30 N  119 06 23 W  or  37 57.500 N  119 06.390 W     6802     14/32   22.9    22.9                  
     89  Lida Jct  R5    TA     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              37 29 12 N  117 11 27 W  or  37 29.200 N  117 11.450 W     4690     02/20 22.9      22.9                  
     90  Likely    R4    TA     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              41 14 25 N  120 31 34 W  or  41 14.410 N  120 31.560 W     4420     06/24                                 
     91  Lonepine  R2    TA     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              36 35 18 N  118 03 06 W  or  36 35.300 N  118 03.100 W     3680                                           
     92  Luning Dr L E2  TL     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              38 29 00 N  118 09 00 W  or  38 29.000 N  118 09.000 W     4486                                           
     93  Luning Int U7   T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              38 30 42 N  118 11 29 W  or  38 30.700 N  118 11.480 W     4480     US95 & NV361                          
     94  Lvlck Dust E3   TA     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              40 11 20 N  118 28 00 W  or  40 11.330 N  118 28.000 W     3960     NE of Town                            
     95  Madelin   U6    T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              41 01 54 N  120 28 20 W  or  41 01.900 N  120 28.330 W     5300                                           
     96  Malpaise  U8    T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              36 26 20 N  117 44 24 W  or  36 26.330 N  117 44.400 W     7730     E Edge Mesa                           
     97  Mammth Lks R3   AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              37 37 26 N  118 50 16 W  or  37 37.440 N  118 50.270 W     7128     09/27   22.8    22.8                  
     98  Manzanar  R4    TA     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              36 44 30 N  118 08 40 W  or  36 44.500 N  118 08.660 W     3830     WW2 Strip                             
     99  Mina      R2    AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              38 23 00 N  118 06 04 W  or  38 23.000 N  118 06.060 W     4552     13/31   22.9    22.9                  
    100  Mina     VOR    T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              38 33 54 N  118 02 00 W  or  38 33.900 N  118 02.000 W     4500     MVA VOR                               
    101  m Minden  R1    TASFH  Q,I,Z,R,T,O,g,S,V,M,G                39 00 00 N  119 45 07 W  or  39 00.000 N  119 45.120 W     4718     12/30   22.8    22.8                  
    102  Mnrl-8319 U4    T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              39 02 44 N  119 32 07 W  or  39 02.740 N  119 32.110 W     8319                                           
    103  Mojave    R2    TA     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              35 03 30 N  118 09 00 W  or  35 03.500 N  118 09.000 W     2790                                           
    104  Montague  R1    TA     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              41 46 54 N  122 28 00 W  or  41 46.900 N  122 28.000 W     2650     17/35                                 
    105  Mt Grant  U5    T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              38 34 13 N  118 47 27 W  or  38 34.210 N  118 47.450 W    11320                                           
    106  Mt Inyo   U8    T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              36 44 08 N  117 59 03 W  or  36 44.130 N  117 59.050 W    11107                                           
    107  Mt Lassen U9    T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              40 29 00 N  121 30 18 W  or  40 29.000 N  121 30.300 W    10460                                           
    108  Mt Patrsn U6    T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              38 26 07 N  119 18 11 W  or  38 26.120 N  119 18.180 W    11673                                           
    109  Mt Rose  U3     TS     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              39 20 24 N  119 55 00 W  or  39 20.400 N  119 55.000 W    10776                                           
    110  Mt Siegel U4    T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              38 53 36 N  119 30 12 W  or  38 53.600 N  119 30.200 W     9451     Siegel Pond                           
    111  Mt Whitny U7    T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              36 34 54 N  118 17 42 W  or  36 34.900 N  118 17.700 W    14490                                           
    112  N Mono Lk U7    T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              38 06 12 N  119 03 14 W  or  38 06.200 N  119 03.230 W     6780     T IntDirtRds                          
    113  N Valley  R3    TA     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              37 52 08 N  118 05 42 W  or  37 52.140 N  118 05.700 W     4960     16/34                                 
    114  Nervino   R2    AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              39 49 14 N  120 21 16 W  or  39 49.240 N  120 21.260 W     4894     07/25   22.8    22.8                  
    116  Nixon Dr Lk E4  TL     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              39 51 00 N  119 20 30 W  or  39 51.000 N  119 20.500 W     4000     1.5 NE Town     1.5                   
    117  OToole Rc R4    AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              39 03 59 N  117 25 18 W  or  39 03.990 N  117 25.300 W     6520     07/25                                 
    118  Pant Spgs U7    T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              36 13 00 N  117 23 00 W  or  36 13.000 N  117 23.000 W     2000     9 SE                                  
    119  Parkr Crsn R4   TA     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              39 12 07 N  119 41 05 W  or  39 12.120 N  119 41.090 W     4900     06/24   22.9    22.9                  
    120  Peavine Pk U3   T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              39 35 22 N  119 55 43 W  or  39 35.370 N  119 55.710 W     8266     Radio Twr                             
    121  Pnut Apt  R4    AT     Q,I,Z,R,T,O,g,S,V,M,G                38 54 03 N  119 38 58 W  or  38 54.050 N  119 38.970 W     5260     16/34                                 
    122  Pond Peak U5    T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              39 39 06 N  119 27 51 W  or  39 39.100 N  119 27.850 W     8035                                           
    123  Portla Twr U6   T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              39 46 03 N  120 26 00 W  or  39 46.050 N  120 26.000 W     7250                                           
    124  Qncy East U7    T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              40 01 00 N  120 48 06 W  or  40 01.000 N  120 48.100 W     7711                                           
    125  Quincy    R3    AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              39 56 38 N  120 56 49 W  or  39 56.630 N  120 56.810 W     3415     06/24   22.7    22.7                  
    126  Rabbit DL  E2   LT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              39 20 00 N  119 23 00 W  or  39 20.000 N  119 23.000 W     4300     SW Slvr Sprng                         
    127  Ravendale R4    AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              40 48 11 N  120 21 59 W  or  40 48.190 N  120 21.980 W     5299     Powerlines                            
    128  Rawe 8343 U6    T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              39 11 50 N  119 29 22 W  or  39 11.830 N  119 29.370 W     8340                                           
    129  Reese     U8    T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              38 51 59 N  118 51 00 W  or  38 51.980 N  118 51.000 W     6680     MicrowaveTwr                          
    130  Reno Intnl R4   TA     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              39 29 55 N  119 46 05 W  or  39 29.910 N  119 46.080 W     4412     118.7 135.8wx   118.7                 
    131  Reno Stead R2   AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              39 40 02 N  119 52 31 W  or  39 40.040 N  119 52.520 W     5046     08/26   22.8    22.8                  
    132  Rnch Strp E5    AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              40 25 00 N  118 03 00 W  or  40 25.000 N  118 03.000 W     4400     SE Star Peak                          
    133  Rnd Mtn Had R2  AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              38 41 40 N  117 08 49 W  or  38 41.670 N  117 08.810 W     5744     17/35   22.9    22.9                  
    134  Rosachi Rc U5   T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              38 43 02 N  119 19 10 W  or  38 43.030 N  119 19.160 W     5020     Rd Int                                
    135  Rsch Dstrs R2   AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              38 50 36 N  119 20 21 W  or  38 50.600 N  119 20.350 W     4809     02/20   22.9    22.9                  
    136  Rvr Spng DL E4  TL     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              37 55 00 N  118 37 00 W  or  37 55.000 N  118 37.000 W     6500     Mid Lake Bst                          
    137  Rye Patch  U4   T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              40 28 10 N  118 18 25 W  or  40 28.160 N  118 18.410 W     4150     Fields 8SW                            
    138  Sacatr Mdw R7   TA     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              35 59 24 N  118 04 49 W  or  35 59.400 N  118 04.820 W     6427     11/29                                 
    139  Schulman  U6    T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              37 23 01 N  118 10 53 W  or  37 23.020 N  118 10.880 W     1002     T O to Loop                           
    140  Schurz    U8    T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              38 55 50 N  118 48 21 W  or  38 55.830 N  118 48.350 W     4200     Unlandable                            
    141  Sieravl D  R3   AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              39 34 52 N  120 21 16 W  or  39 34.860 N  120 21.260 W     4984     03/21   22.9    22.9                  
    142  Sldr Mdw N1 R3  TA     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              41 22 58 N  119 10 08 W  or  41 22.960 N  119 10.140 W     4494     18/36                                 
    143  Sldr Mdw N2 R4  TA     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              41 07 25 N  119 08 19 W  or  41 07.410 N  119 08.310 W     4150     Land N/S                              
    144  Slvr Sprng R4   AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              39 24 12 N  119 15 07 W  or  39 24.200 N  119 15.110 W     4269     05/23   22.9    22.9                  
    145  Southard  R3    TA     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              41 08 23 N  121 07 26 W  or  41 08.380 N  121 07.430 W     4158     04/22 22.9      22.9                  
    146  Spaulding R4    TA     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              40 39 01 N  120 46 07 W  or  40 39.010 N  120 46.110 W     5116     16/34   22.9    22.9                  
    147  Spnsh Spr R3    AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              39 39 59 N  119 43 23 W  or  39 39.990 N  119 43.390 W     4600     09/27   22.9    22.9                  
    148  Spoonr Smt U5   T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              39 06 15 N  119 53 49 W  or  39 06.250 N  119 53.810 W     7146     Summit pass                           
    149  Squaw VOR U7    T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              39 10 48 N  120 16 06 W  or  39 10.800 N  120 16.100 W     9010                                           
    150  Sul Dr Lk  E4   LT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              40 46 12 N  118 51 30 W  or  40 46.200 N  118 51.500 W     4266     E/W dry lake                          
    151  Sulphur   R6    AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              40 52 08 N  118 44 04 W  or  40 52.130 N  118 44.060 W     4068     07/25   E49                           
    152  Susanvlle R3    AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              40 22 37 N  120 34 23 W  or  40 22.610 N  120 34.380 W     4148     07/25   22.8    22.8                  
    153  Swanson   R3    TA     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              40 00 29 N  117 23 31 W  or  40 00.490 N  117 23.520 W     4940     16/34    25G                          
    154  Sweetwatr R3    AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              38 30 17 N  119 13 05 W  or  38 30.280 N  119 13.080 W     6868     18/36                                 
    156  Tehachapi R2    TA     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              35 06 00 N  118 25 18 W  or  35 06.000 N  118 25.300 W     4220                                           
    157  Tgr Fld Frn R3  AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              39 33 31 N  119 14 24 W  or  39 33.520 N  119 14.400 W     4346     05/23   22.9    22.9                  
    158  Tinnimaha U7    T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              37 03 15 N  118 12 40 W  or  37 03.250 N  118 12.660 W     4100     Dam                                   
    159  Tioga Pass U5   T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              37 53 48 N  119 13 24 W  or  37 53.800 N  119 13.400 W    13060                                           
    160  Tonopah   R1    AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              38 03 37 N  117 05 14 W  or  38 03.610 N  117 05.230 W     5426     11/29   23.0    23.0                  
    161  Topaz Int  R2   AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              38 43 22 N  119 27 51 W  or  38 43.360 N  119 27.850 W     4990     FlyinMouse                            
    162  Totem Pole R4   AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              39 39 04 N  120 26 19 W  or  39 39.070 N  120 26.310 W     4986     02/20                                 
    163  Tracy Pwr  U7   T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              39 33 30 N  119 31 15 W  or  39 33.500 N  119 31.250 W     4270                                           
    164  Truckee R1      TASFH  Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              39 19 18 N  120 08 01 W  or  39 19.300 N  120 08.020 W     5900     01/19   22.8    22.8                  
    165  Trona     R4    TA     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              35 48 45 N  117 19 38 W  or  35 48.750 N  117 19.640 W     1720     A/P                                   
    166  USMC STOL U8    TL     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              38 22 00 N  119 31 00 W  or  38 22.000 N  119 31.000 W     6800     Marginal                              
    167  Verdi Pk  U5    TS     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              39 28 20 N  120 02 23 W  or  39 28.340 N  120 02.380 W     8444     Lookout Tower                         
    168  Waucoba Mt U8   T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              37 01 20 N  118 00 23 W  or  37 01.330 N  118 00.380 W    11123                                           
    169  Wesinger  R4    TA     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              41 26 00 N  120 35 51 W  or  41 26.000 N  120 35.850 W     4480     03/21                                 
    170  White Hous U8   T      Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              39 32 24 N  120 11 16 W  or  39 32.400 N  120 11.260 W     8140                                           
    171  White Mt Pk U7  TS     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              37 38 04 N  118 15 17 W  or  37 38.070 N  118 15.280 W    14246                                           
    172  Williams  R1    TA     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              39 09 48 N  122 07 54 W  or  39 09.800 N  122 07.900 W       68     16/34                                 
    173  Winnemucc R2    AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              40 53 48 N  117 48 21 W  or  40 53.800 N  117 48.350 W     4304     02/20   22.8    22.8                  
    174  Yerington R1    AT     Q,I,Z,R,r,T,O,g,S,V,M,G              39 00 15 N  119 09 28 W  or  39 00.250 N  119 09.470 W     4378     01/19   22.8    22.8                  

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