22 Apr 24: Coaldale VOR removed. USMC STOL renamed Pickel Meadows. Control points renumberd.
05 Jun 21: SSA airspace modified to remove the Rocket Launchpad
29 May 21: SeeYou .CUB airspace file added.
06 May 21:Airport bonus added to Air Sailing, Black Rock City, Circle L, Dyer, Gabbs, Hilton Ranch, Lida Junction, Mina, Pinenut, Sweetwater, and Topaz. Kingston and Lantana Ranch made turnpoints with airport bonus. Kingston moved slightly. Currant Ranch added with airport bonus. Turnpoints sorted and renumbered.Other non-turnpoint airports removed: Big Sand Flat EL, Blue Canyon - Nyack, Brownsville, Coaldale DL, Cosgrave EL, Desert Creek, Diamond Valley EL, Fallon NAS/Van Voorhis Fld, Milhous Ranch, Nevada County Air Park, Nixon EL, Ocala EL, Rabbit DL, Sonoma EL, Sonora Jct EL, Whiskey Ranch EL, White Plains EL, and WhiteSage EL removed.
27 Apr 21: Comment for Empire changed, ICAO ID changed.
21 Apr 21: AdamsPK, Adin, AlmanrDam, Alturas, Bailey Ranch, Beatty, Blue Wing, Bndry Pk, Boca, Bodad, Bodi, Boondocks, Brockway, BuenaVsta, CarsnCty, Cedarvlle, CerroGord, ChurchlDL, CoaldalDL, Coaldale VOR, ColdSprng, CoyotFlts, CrscntVal, Daggett Pass, Darwin, DesertCrk, DonnerSmt, Dry Lk, Eaglville, Elko Muni, Ely, Empr Farm, EmrsnPass, Eureka, Finish, FllRvrMls, FlnDryLk, Freel Pk, Gabbs S, GarfldFlt, Gig Factory, Gimmeys Bowl, Glass Mtn, Goldfield, Hammil, HlljhJnct, HuntoonDL, Inyos South, KurnivaVa, LabouFlat, Lake Co Airport, LuckyBoyPass, LuningDrL2, LvlckDust, Malpaise, MartisPeak, MinerlPK, Mono Shores, Mt Grant, Mt Inyo, Mt Lassen, Mt Patrsn, Mt Pluto, Mt Rose, Mt Siegel, Mt Whitny, NineMile, NixonDrLk, Olancha, Owens South, Panamint DL, Peak 7990, PeavinePk, Pond Peak, PortlaTwr, Potato Pk, Qncy East, RabbitDL, Rawe Peak, Reese, Rnch Strp, Rocket7nm, RvrSpngDL, Schulman, SldrMdwN1, Southard, Squaw VOR, Start A, Start B, Start C, Start D, Sul DrLk, Taboose Pass, TeelsMrsh, Tehachapi, Tinnimaha, TiogaPass, TracyPwr, USMC STOl, VerdiPeak, WaucobaMt, WhiteHouse, and WhiteMtPk added. Air Sailing, Alpine County, Amedee AAF, Austin, Basalt, Battle Mountain, Beckworth, Bridgeport, Crestview, Dayton, Empire, Flanigan, Gerlach, Hudson, Independence, Lida Junction, Lone Pine, Mammoth Lakes, Manzanar, Mina, Parker Carson, Pinenut, Quincy, Rye Patch, Schurz, Spanish Springs, Stead, Sulphur, Susanville, Sweetwater, Tiger, Totem Pole Ranch, Truckee, and Yerington moved. Armstrong, Aurora, Barker Creek Ranch Airstrip, Basalt, Battle Mountain, Bear Valley, Beckworth, Benton, Bishop, Black Rock City, Blair, Blue Canyon - Nyack, Bridgeport, Brownsville, CA-NV 167, Carson, Coleville, Crossroad, Darrow Field, Dayton, Derby, Desert Creek, Dixie Valley, Double Spring, Empire, Fallon NAS/Van Voorhis Fld, Fallon Southwest Airpark, Fallon Turnoff, Farias Wheel, Flanigan, Flying Eagle, Gibb Ranch, H Bar H, Hallelujah, Hazen, Independence, Indian Meadows, Iowa Canyon, Justover Field, Kingston, Lake Tahoe, Lantana Ranch, Lee Vining, Lida Junction, Lone Pine, Manzanar, Milhous Ranch, Mina, Nevada County Air Park, North Mono, Paiute Meadows, Palomino, Paradise Peak, Quincy, Ranch, Reno/Tahoe Intl, Rogers Field, Rolling Thunder, Rye Patch, Schurz, Sierraville, Silver Springs, Spanish Springs, Start N, Start S, Stead, Sulphur, Sweetwater, Tiger, Tonopah Test Range, Truckee, and Youngberg Ranch removed.
05 Oct 14: Ilec airspace file updated with AirParse Version 2.5
14 Jun 14: Airspace updated to version 2014b.
13 Jun 14: Airspace updated to version 2014a.
05 Jun 14:"L"andable attribute removed from Manzanar and Iowa Canyon. Bailey Ranch and Wineglass Ranch removed. Flying Eagle added. Kingston and Tonopah Test Range moved. Landing bonus ineligibility added to Amedee Aaf, Barker Creek Ranch Airstrip, Bear Valley, Darrow Field, Desert Creek, Dixie Valley, Flying Eagle , Fallon Southwest Airpark, Gibb Ranch, H Bar H, Herlong, Hudson, Justover Field, Lantana Ranch, Lida Junction, Likely, Milhous Ranch, Nevada County Air Park, North Valley, O'toole Ranch, Paiute Meadows, Palomino, Ravendale, Reno/Tahoe Intl, Rolling Thunder, Soldier Meadow 2, Swanson Ranch 3, Tonopah Test Range, Totem Pole Ranch, and Youngberg Ranch, courtesy of John Godfrey 'QT'
15 Mar 14: Bailey Ranch and Wine Glass Ranch landing sites removed.
14 Mar 14: Armstrong, Aurora, CA-NV 167, and Indian Meadows turnpoints added.
15 May 12: Circle L and Sweetwater moved. Mine and Rabbit removed. Rosachi Ranch renamed Ranch Non-control point airports added.
09 May 12: Basalt, Lone Pine, Manzanar, and Pinenut added. 160; Blair, Crossroad, Fallon Turnoff, Flanigan, Hallelujah, Hazen, Iowa Canyon, Paradise Peak, Schurz, and Topaz moved. 160; Finish and Pinenut removed. 160; Sunrise renamed Start N, and Windmill renamed Start S.
26 Apr 12: Air Sailing, Austin, Beckworth, Bishop, Bridgeport, Carson, Circle L, Dayton, Derby, Farias Wheel, Finish, Gabbs, Hadley, Hawthorne, Herlong, Independence, Lee Vining, Mammoth Lakes, Mina, Quincy, Ravendale, Rosachi Dusters, Sierraville, Silver Springs, Stead, Susanville, Sweetwater, Tiger, Tonopah, Truckee, Winnemucca, and Yerington moved.
21 May 07: Coordinates for Pinenut and Rabbit changed, courtesy of JJ Sinclair.
18 May 07: Codes for non-contest waypoints changed.
17 May 07: Waypoints reordered, renamed, and renumbered. Carson, Cross Road, Mine, Pinenut, Rabbit, and Stead added.
30 Apr 03: Formatting glitch for the HTML cleaned up.
23 Apr 03: Sunrise Start, Windmill Start, and Benton added. Basalt Int, Flying M Ranch, Minden Finish, and Hallelujah Junction moved. Alturas, Carson City, Chester, Duck Flat, Eagleville, Madeline, and Tracy Power Plant removed.
10 Jun 01: Special Use Airspace reverted to general collection..
29 Mar 01: Special Use Airspace added.
27 May 99: PDF map redrawn to reduce overlap
21 May 99: Altitude and airport attribute added to Start and Finish
20 Apr 99: Time zone changed to Pacific
06 Apr 99: Terraserver links added
24 Mar 99: Finish Point added
03 Aug 97: Flying M shifted slightly
09 Aug 95: Original contribution by Mike Schuster, Elden Hinkle, and Dave Leonard
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