;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; + ; Minden, Nevada + ; + ; Open Class Nationals, 2024 + ; + ; User Specified Waypoints formatted for EWView II and EWView III + ; + ; Contributed by Jim Lee + ; + ; Generated Monday, 22 April 2024 at 19:35 GMT + ; + ; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> USE AT YOUR OWN RISK <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< + ; All data and information contained in these data files are provided without + ; guarantee as to their completeness or correctness. Any conclusions drawn + ; from these data and information are the sole responsibility of the user. + ; + ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Minden" "MINDEN" "MEV2305AWOS:119325UNICOM:12305Fuel:100LL" "N3900.000" "W11945.117" "Start A" "STRT A" "_" "N3906.050" "W11948.433" "Start B" "STRT B" "_" "N3855.300" "W11949.433" "Start C" "STRT C" "_" "N3907.000" "W11930.417" "Start D" "STRT D" "_" "N3857.750" "W11929.950" "Finish" "FINISH" "_" "N3900.000" "W11942.800" "Adams Peak" "ADMSPK" "E Frenchman Lk" "N3954.633" "W12006.017" "Adin" "ADIN" "A26, 09/27 22.9, CTAF: 122.9" "N4111.167" "W12057.133" "Air Sailing" "ARSLNG" "NV23, 03/21 122.9" "N3952.217" "W11942.117" "Almanor Dam" "ALMNRD" "_" "N4010.367" "W12105.317" "Alpine Co" "ALPINC" "M45, 17/35 22.9, CTAF: 122.9" "N3844.167" "W11945.967" "Alturas" "ALTURS" "AAT 228 AWOS:124175UNICOM:1228Fuel:100LL" "N4128.983" "W12033.917" "Amedee AAF" "AMEDEF" "AHC MilitarydontlandAWOS:118825CTAF:1262" "N4015.967" "W12009.167" "Austin" "AUSTIN" "TMT 229 AWOS: 132925 CTAF:1229Fuel:100LL" "N3928.083" "W11711.717" "Bailey Ranch" "BAILRC" "Landable, NV13, 07/25 26T fields" "N3916.967" "W11949.700" "Basalt" "BASALT" "Overgrown, unlandable" "N3800.617" "W11816.483" "Battle Mountain" "BTTLMT" "BAM7026352245AWOS:11945UNCM:1228Fl:100LL" "N4035.900" "W11652.500" "Beatty" "BEATTY" "BTY, A/P, CTAF: 122.9" "N3651.600" "W11647.100" "Bishop" "BISHOP" "BIH 230 AWOS:119025UNICOM:1230Fuel:100LL" "N3722.383" "W11821.817" "Black Rock City" "BLCKRC" "88NV, Burning Man" "N4045.433" "W11912.767" "Blue Wing" "BLUWNG" "Landable, Access remote" "N4013.900" "W11859.450" "Boca" "BOCA" "Landable, Land on center" "N3924.700" "W12005.117" "Bodad" "BODAD" "CA11, Landable Strip 15/33" "N3959.733" "W12012.967" "Bodi" "BODI" "_" "N3812.650" "W11900.267" "Boondocks" "BNDCKS" "Landable, Land SW corner" "N4049.017" "W11919.267" "Boundary Peak" "BNDRPK" "_" "N3750.767" "W11821.050" "Bridgeport" "BRDGPR" "O57, 16/34 22.9, CTAF: 122.9, Fuel: 100" "N3815.750" "W11913.367" "Brockway" "BROCKW" "Summit pass" "N3915.667" "W12004.300" "Buena Vista" "BUNVST" "Landable, Aero Only" "N4015.000" "W11758.000" "Carson Co" "CARSNC" "CXP 230 AWOS:119925UNICOM:1230Fuel:100LL" "N3911.717" "W11944.750" "Cedarville" "CDRVLL" "O59, 01/19 22.8, UNICOM: 122.8" "N4133.167" "W12009.983" "Cerro Gordo" "CRRGRD" "North R/F" "N3632.983" "W11748.183" "Chester" "CHESTR" "O05 228 AWOS:118275UNICOM:1228Fuel:100LL" "N4016.933" "W12114.467" "Churchill DL" "CHRCHL" "Landable" "N3917.800" "W11902.333" "Circle L Ranch" "CRCLRC" "NV27, 3/21" "N3743.650" "W11804.300" "Coaldale DL" "CLDLDL" "Landable, Col Slt Mrsh 50' width" "N3801.500" "W11753.383" "Cold Spring" "CLDSPR" "Landable, Land Near Edge" "N3939.500" "W11958.500" "Coyote Flats" "CTFLTS" "Landable, 14/32 22.8" "N3712.117" "W11828.567" "Crescent Valley" "CRSCNT" "U74, 5/23, CTAF: 122.9" "N4025.000" "W11634.133" "Crestview" "CRSTVW" "Landable, Landable Strip" "N3747.133" "W11859.950" "Currant Ranch" "CRRNTR" "_" "N3844.167" "W11528.817" "Daggett Pass" "DGGTTP" "_" "N3858.600" "W11953.267" "Darwin" "DARWIN" "Landable, 60'w Land N end" "N3615.200" "W11735.817" "Dayton Valley" "DTNVLL" "A34, 05/23 22.9, CTAF: 122.9" "N3914.267" "W11933.433" "Derby Lovelock" "DRBLVL" "LOL 228 AWOS:120675UNICOM:1228Fuel:100LL" "N4003.983" "W11833.917" "Desert Creek" "DSRTCR" "_" "N3836.833" "W11918.933" "Dixie Valley" "DIXVLL" "NV30, 16/34" "N3957.983" "W11749.650" "Donner Summit" "DNNRSM" "_" "N3921.917" "W12020.950" "Dry Lk" "DRY LK" "Landable, 12mi E Hwthrn" "N3832.733" "W11822.550" "Dyer" "DYER" "2Q9, 12/30 22.9, CTAF: 122.9" "N3736.567" "W11800.383" "Eagleville" "EGLVLL" "17/35 Overgrown Crossed" "N4118.583" "W12003.017" "Elko Muni" "ELKOMN" "EKOAWOS132175AWOS:119275NCM:1230Fl:100LL" "N4049.400" "W11547.400" "Ely" "ELY" "ELY 228 AWOS:120625UNICOM:1228Fuel:100LL" "N3917.900" "W11450.400" "Emerson Pass" "EMRSNP" "Landable, Land E/W" "N4019.300" "W11940.750" "Empire" "EMPIRE" "18NV, 07/25 22.9, CTAF: 122.9" "N4034.800" "W11921.033" "Empire Farm" "EMPRFR" "Landable, E/W Road" "N4026.100" "W11926.417" "Eureka" "EUREKA" "05URnwayLightsAWS:128325CTF:1229Fl:100LL" "N3936.250" "W11600.300" "Fallon Muni" "FLLNMN" "FLX 228 AWOS: 11825 UNICOM: 1228Fuel:100" "N3929.967" "W11844.933" "Fall River Mills" "FLLRVR" "O89 228 AWOS: 1239 UNICOM:1228Fuel:100LL" "N4101.133" "W12125.983" "Farias Wheel" "FRSWHL" "NV33, N/S, Fuel: 100LL" "N3850.000" "W11923.767" "Flanigan DL" "FLNGND" "Landable" "N4007.000" "W11954.000" "Flanigan" "FLANGN" "S of RR int" "N4010.233" "W11953.200" "Freel Peak" "FRELPK" "_" "N3851.450" "W11954.000" "Gabbs" "GABBS" "GAB, 08/26 22.9, CTAF: 122.9" "N3855.450" "W11757.533" "Gabbs S" "GABBSS" "Dirt Rough 70' width" "N3850.333" "W11756.717" "Garfield Flat" "GRFLDF" "Landable, Dry Lake" "N3822.000" "W11817.000" "Gerlach" "GERLCH" "Landable, S of RR int or dry lake" "N4039.100" "W11920.800" "Gig Factory" "GIGFCT" "_" "N3930.717" "W11926.183" "Gimmeys Bowl" "GMMSBW" "_" "N3831.900" "W11907.383" "Glass Mtn" "GLSSMT" "_" "N3746.483" "W11842.517" "Goldfield" "GLDFLD" "Landable, 17/35 22.9" "N3743.067" "W11714.300" "Hallelujah Junction" "HLLLJH" "Rts 395-70 Int." "N3946.500" "W12002.317" "Hammil" "HAMMIL" "Landable" "N3740.667" "W11823.367" "Hawthorne" "HWTHRN" "HTH 228 AWOS:120225UNICOM:1228Fuel:100LL" "N3832.667" "W11838.067" "Herlong" "HERLNG" "Landable, H37, Land W of X, CTAF: 122.9" "N4008.333" "W12010.733" "Hilton Ranch" "HLTNRC" "Landable, Flying M Rc" "N3836.717" "W11900.133" "Hudson" "HUDSON" "NV35, 17/35" "N3932.383" "W11744.867" "Huntoon DL" "HNTNDL" "Landable, Remote" "N3809.000" "W11832.000" "Independence" "INDPND" "2O7, 05/23 22.9, CTAF: 122.9" "N3648.667" "W11812.150" "Inyos South" "INYOSS" "_" "N3628.617" "W11748.150" "Kingston" "KNGSTN" "_" "N3912.150" "W11704.383" "Kurniva Valley" "KRNVVL" "Landable, Aero Only" "N4023.000" "W11905.000" "Labou Flat" "LABFLT" "Landable, Near R-4812" "N3917.000" "W11828.000" "Lake Co" "LK CO" "_" "N4209.950" "W12024.300" "Lake Tahoe" "LKTAHO" "TVL 184 AWOS:124725UNICOM:1227Fuel:100LL" "N3853.633" "W11959.717" "Lantana Ranch" "LNTNRC" "_" "N3847.650" "W11902.450" "Lee Vining" "LEVNNG" "O24, 14/32 22.9, CTAF: 122.9" "N3757.500" "W11906.383" "Lida Junction" "LIDJNC" "0L4, 02/20 22.9, CTAF: 122.9" "N3729.200" "W11711.450" "Likely" "LIKELY" "9CL3, 6/24" "N4114.367" "W12031.550" "Lone Pine" "LONEPN" "O2622813G31GAWOS:11825UNICM:1228Fl:100LL" "N3635.433" "W11802.783" "Lovelock Dusters" "LVLCKD" "Landable, 70' width" "N4011.350" "W11827.117" "Lucky Boy Pass" "LCKBPS" "_" "N3825.267" "W11846.083" "Luning DL 2" "LNNGDL" "Landable, Land NW.Summer Only" "N3829.500" "W11809.500" "Malpaise" "MALPAS" "E Edge Mesa" "N3626.350" "W11744.450" "Mammoth Lakes" "MMMTHL" "MMH 228 AWOS: 11805UNICOM:1228Fuel:100LL" "N3737.433" "W11850.267" "Manzanar" "MANZNR" "Crossed but landable" "N3644.500" "W11808.667" "Martis Peak" "MRTSPK" "_" "N3917.483" "W12001.983" "Mina" "MINA" "3Q0, 13/31 22.9, CTAF: 122.9" "N3822.800" "W11805.800" "Mineral Peak" "MNRLPK" "_" "N3902.833" "W11932.300" "Mono Shores" "MNSHRS" "HardsandGoodin40ktWwindwhenLeeViningsngd" "N3800.883" "W11908.300" "Mt Grant" "MTGRNT" "_" "N3834.217" "W11847.483" "Mt Inyo" "MTINYO" "_" "N3644.117" "W11759.133" "Mt Lassen" "MTLSSN" "_" "N4029.283" "W12130.317" "Mt Patterson" "MTPTTR" "_" "N3826.217" "W11918.283" "Mt Pluto" "MTPLUT" "Northstar" "N3914.483" "W12008.383" "Mt Rose" "MTROSE" "_" "N3920.633" "W11955.083" "Mt Siegel" "MTSIGL" "_" "N3853.367" "W11930.133" "Mt Whitney" "MTWHTN" "_" "N3634.717" "W11817.533" "Nervino" "NERVIN" "O02 228 AWOS: 11935UNICOM:1228Fuel:100LL" "N3949.233" "W12021.267" "Nine Mile Ranch" "NNMLRC" "Landable, 75' w" "N3823.067" "W11856.267" "Nixon DL" "NIXNDL" "Landable, 1.5 NE Town" "N3950.967" "W11920.433" "North Mono Lake" "NMONLK" "T IntDirtRds" "N3806.200" "W11903.233" "North Valley" "NVALLE" "9CA6, 16/34" "N3752.133" "W11805.700" "Olancha" "OLANCH" "20 deg fr395" "N3615.400" "W11759.867" "OToole Ranch" "OTOLRC" "NV02, 07/25 dirt road/strip" "N3903.983" "W11725.300" "Owens South" "OWENSS" "_" "N3628.667" "W11804.533" "Panamint DL" "PNMNTD" "Landable, Crossed but landable" "N3620.283" "W11724.017" "Parker Carson" "PRKRCR" "2Q5 229 48w Land either end CTAF: 1229" "N3912.117" "W11941.083" "Peak 7990" "PK7990" "Towers" "N4001.783" "W11958.733" "Peavine Peak" "PEVNPK" "Radio Twr" "N3935.367" "W11955.717" "Pickel Meadows" "PCKLMD" "Marine Heliport" "N3821.333" "W11931.133" "Pinenut Apt" "PINENT" "NV55, 16/34 75'w" "N3854.050" "W11938.967" "Pond Peak" "PONDPK" "_" "N3939.100" "W11927.850" "Portla Twr" "PRTLTW" "_" "N3946.133" "W12026.200" "Potato Pk" "POTATO" "_" "N3814.083" "W11905.200" "Quincy" "QUINCY" "2O1 227 AWOS: 1356 UNICOM:1227Fuel:100LL" "N3956.633" "W12056.817" "Quincy East" "QUINCE" "_" "N4000.917" "W12048.017" "Rabbit DL" "RBBTDL" "Landable, SW Silver Springs" "N3920.000" "W11923.000" "Ranch Strip" "RANCH" "Landable, Landable fields" "N4025.550" "W11803.633" "Ravendale" "RAVNDL" "Unlandable, O39, Paved, CTAF: 122.9" "N4048.183" "W12021.983" "Rawe Peak" "RAWEPK" "_" "N3911.833" "W11929.367" "Reese" "REESE" "MicrowaveTwr" "N3851.983" "W11851.000" "Reno Stead" "RENSTD" "RTS 228 AWOS:135175UNICOM:1227Fuel:100LL" "N3940.033" "W11952.517" "River Spring DL" "RVRSPR" "Landable, Mid Lake Bst" "N3755.000" "W11837.000" "Rocket 7nm" "RCKT7N" "Avoid overfly, see NOTAM" "N4053.000" "W11902.000" "Rosachi" "ROSACH" "N59, 50'w 7/25 17/35 22.9, CTAF: 122.9" "N3850.367" "W11920.283" "Round Mountain Hadley" "RNDMTN" "NV83, 17/35 22.9" "N3841.667" "W11708.817" "Rye Patch" "RYPTCH" "Fields 8SW" "N4028.167" "W11818.550" "Schulman" "SCHLMN" "T O to Loop" "N3723.133" "W11810.733" "Schurz" "SCHURZ" "Marginal, land N or E" "N3856.067" "W11848.467" "Sierraville Dearwater" "SRRVLL" "O79, 03/21 22.9, CTAF: 122.9" "N3934.867" "W12021.267" "Silver Springs" "SLVRSP" "SPZ 05/23 229 CTAF: 1229 Fuel: 100LL" "N3924.200" "W11915.117" "Soldier Meadow 1" "SLDRMD" "NV06, 18/36 N half better" "N4122.967" "W11910.133" "Soldier Meadow 2" "SOLDIE" "NV05, Land N/S" "N4107.417" "W11908.317" "Southard" "SOTHRD" "O55, 04/22 22.9, CTAF: 122.9" "N4108.383" "W12107.433" "Spanish Springs" "SPNSHS" "N86 09/27 229 CTAF: 1229 Fuel: 100LL" "N3940.267" "W11943.483" "Spaulding" "SPLDNG" "1Q2, 16/34 22.9, CTAF: 122.9" "N4039.017" "W12046.117" "Squaw VOR" "SQUWVR" "_" "N3910.817" "W12016.200" "Sulphur DL" "SLPHRD" "Landable, E/W dry lake" "N4046.383" "W11851.550" "Sulphur" "SULPHR" "Landable, 07/25 E49 Marginal, E best" "N4052.150" "W11843.717" "Susanville" "SSNVLL" "SVE 228 AWOS:1338UNICOM:1228Fuel:100LL80" "N4022.617" "W12034.383" "Swanson Ranch 3" "SWNSNR" "Landable, NV64, 16/34 25G?" "N4000.483" "W11723.517" "Sweetwater" "SWTWTR" "NV72, 18/36, CTAF: 122.9" "N3830.283" "W11913.083" "Taboose Pass" "TBSPSS" "_" "N3659.100" "W11824.850" "Teels Marsh" "TLSMRS" "Land at NE" "N3813.500" "W11820.000" "Tehachapi" "TEHCHP" "L94, 23.0 09L/27R, UNICOM: 123.0" "N3506.000" "W11825.300" "Tiger Field" "TGRFLD" "N58, 05/23 22.9, CTAF: 122.9" "N3933.517" "W11914.400" "Tinnimaha" "TINNMH" "Dam" "N3703.117" "W11813.250" "Tioga Pass" "TIGPSS" "_" "N3754.650" "W11915.467" "Tonopah" "TONOPH" "TPH 230 AWOS:118875UNICOM:1230Fuel:100LL" "N3803.617" "W11705.233" "Topaz Internat" "TPZNTR" "Landable, FlyinMouse" "N3843.867" "W11927.967" "Totem Pole Ranch" "TTMPLR" "CA38, 2/20" "N3939.133" "W12026.183" "Tracey Power Plant" "TRCPWR" "_" "N3933.750" "W11931.617" "Truckee" "TRUCKE" "TRK228AWS:1180Twr:120575NCM:1228Fl:100LL" "N3919.517" "W12007.917" "Verdi Peak" "VERDPK" "_" "N3928.333" "W12002.383" "Waucoba Mt" "WAUCOB" "_" "N3701.300" "W11800.483" "WhiteHouse" "WHITHS" "_" "N3932.417" "W12011.267" "White Mountain Peak" "WHTMTN" "_" "N3738.050" "W11815.350" "Winnemucca" "WNNMCC" "WMC 228 AWOS:120175UNICOM:1228Fuel:100LL" "N4053.800" "W11748.350" "Yerington" "YRNGTN" "O43 01/19 228 UNICOM: 1228 Fuel: 100LL" "N3900.250" "W11909.467"