;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; + ; Reedsville, Pennsylvania [ Mifflin County ] + ; + ; 20 Meter Multi-seat and Standard Class Nationals, 2023 + ; + ; User Specified Waypoints formatted for EWView II and EWView III + ; + ; Datum: 100 + ; Contributed by John Good + ; + ; Generated Friday, 12 May 2023 at 04:14 GMT + ; + ; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> USE AT YOUR OWN RISK <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< + ; All data and information contained in these data files are provided without + ; guarantee as to their completeness or correctness. Any conclusions drawn + ; from these data and information are the sole responsibility of the user. + ; + ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Albert" "N4058.300" "W07814.583" "Baker Sell" "N4014.917" "W07821.583" "Barnhart" "N4043.583" "W07832.483" "Beers Farm" "N4013.783" "W07755.183" "Bellefonte" "N4053.167" "W07748.900" "Bendigo" "N4033.550" "W07633.583" "Benton" "N4112.000" "W07623.233" "Bermudian" "N4000.983" "W07700.217" "Blue Knob" "N4023.800" "W07827.233" "Blue Mtn Academy" "N4033.133" "W07601.767" "Botsford" "N4006.800" "W07727.267" "Bowtie" "N3954.500" "W07712.317" "Broadt" "N4059.883" "W07623.050" "Capital City" "N4013.033" "W07651.083" "Carlisle" "N4011.267" "W07710.450" "Carsonville" "N4029.250" "W07645.950" "Catoctin" "N3938.717" "W07722.067" "Centre Apk" "N4048.700" "W07739.433" "Chambersburg" "N3958.383" "W07738.600" "Circle W" "N3957.517" "W07658.250" "Clearfield" "N4102.950" "W07824.900" "Cove Valley" "N4027.267" "W07814.283" "Crosswind" "N4102.100" "W07601.317" "Danville" "N4056.900" "W07638.633" "Derick" "N4011.667" "W07731.100" "Drillmore" "N4007.950" "W07737.700" "Eagle Field" "N4049.467" "W07759.550" "Ebensburg" "N4027.667" "W07846.517" "Egolf" "N4020.067" "W07718.000" "Fairview" "N4032.217" "W07627.967" "Farmers Pride" "N4026.567" "W07626.567" "Finkhaven" "N4122.100" "W07704.267" "Five Lakes" "N3954.783" "W07731.983" "Flying Eagle" "N4038.750" "W07648.650" "Fox" "N4029.167" "W07713.150" "Fox Hollow" "N4059.567" "W07654.117" "Gettysburg" "N3950.483" "W07716.483" "Gilfert" "N4047.067" "W07712.600" "Green" "N3934.333" "W07758.100" "Grimes" "N4029.117" "W07615.817" "Gusler" "N4027.917" "W07650.400" "Hackenburg" "N4109.533" "W07653.850" "Hagerstown" "N3942.483" "W07743.750" "Hamilton" "N4025.533" "W07844.367" "Harman" "N4031.350" "W07650.800" "Harrisburg" "N4011.600" "W07645.800" "Hartman" "N3951.600" "W07859.250" "Haunstein" "N4019.100" "W07707.517" "Hazleton" "N4059.200" "W07559.700" "Heberlig" "N4009.867" "W07722.250" "Hinamin" "N4107.950" "W07712.200" "Homan" "N4043.183" "W07757.683" "Hostetler" "N4037.867" "W07750.983" "Ickes" "N4011.067" "W07833.550" "Jansen" "N4039.150" "W07703.267" "Jersey Shore" "N4112.383" "W07713.583" "J F T" "N4056.683" "W07702.683" "JJ and PK" "N3947.600" "W07746.683" "Johnstown" "N4019.017" "W07850.067" "Kampel" "N4002.900" "W07658.683" "Lincoln" "N4019.383" "W07802.450" "Logue Field" "N4125.467" "W07655.633" "Lost Acres" "N3956.317" "W07736.950" "Marsh Creek" "N3949.300" "W07717.517" "Masser" "N4038.033" "W07636.000" "Mathna" "N4000.950" "W07702.533" "McCardle" "N4038.683" "W07733.383" "McDonalds" "N4053.133" "W07609.233" "Memmi" "N4010.167" "W07759.500" "Mexico Farms" "N3936.283" "W07845.633" "Mills" "N4008.600" "W07751.767" "Muir AAF" "N4026.083" "W07634.167" "Numidia" "N4051.967" "W07623.850" "Old Orchard" "N4100.600" "W07833.683" "Pennfield" "N4051.067" "W07736.783" "Ponderosa" "N4118.500" "W07731.417" "Rocktop" "N3958.500" "W07733.467" "Sauers Haven" "N4052.500" "W07658.533" "Scheck" "N4107.067" "W07630.717" "Schrenkel" "N4015.783" "W07806.083" "Schulteis" "N3957.617" "W07715.483" "Seesholtz" "N4102.667" "W07621.317" "Shreveport N" "N4002.100" "W07659.650" "Snook" "N4043.900" "W07716.150" "Tidmore" "N4042.283" "W07614.167" "University Park" "N4050.933" "W07750.950" "Vicars" "N4032.867" "W07823.517" "Wagner" "N4033.133" "W07736.683" "Williamsport" "N4114.517" "W07655.300" "Yingst" "N4023.750" "W07644.833"