* NUM NAM COM LAT_D LAT_M LAT_S LON_D LON_M LON_S COD ALT FRE RW_D RW_H RW_L RW_S RW_W RW_G ICAO NAM_12 COM_12 * * ============================================================================== * * Filename "midltwn0.stx" created Monday, 22 February 2010 at 00:39 GMT * Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange format version 0.5.1 * * Lines starting with a * are comments and are ignored by programs using this file * Lines starting with a $ are definitions of parameters available to programs using this file * The first line that is neither a comment nor a definition contains the definitions * of the contents of the columns that follow * All other lines are waypoint definitions * The line containing the column definitions can be placed anywhere before the first waypoint. * It is placed as a comment at the top of this file for convenience in using this file * with a spreadsheet program, where the first line can be placed in a separate window * to label the columns as you scroll down. * The columns are separated by the "tab" character * * The specification of the .STX file format is available at * http://soaringweb.org/TP/stx_specification.html * * This is a 'beta' release to support the release of the NK ClearNav and is subject to change. * * ============================================================================== * * Starting the definition of various parameters for the file * $STX_VERSION 0.5.1 * and airports further than 0.9 nm to a turnpoint are appended * Airports closer than 0.9 nm are assumed to be the same, but consider using the FAA coordinates. * Any points with the attribute A that do not have an FAA airport close enough, * have the A removed from the attribute. * The periphery of the area in which airports are sought consists of the following vertices: * Freehold, Hunter Mountain, Sullivan, Delaware Water Gap, Harmony Resevoir, Somerset, Harriman, Kingston, and back to Freehold, * with a buffer of 10 Nm. $HOME_SITE Middletown, New York $HEADER Valley Soaring Club $URL_TURNPOINTS www.valleysoaring.org/xc/local/htm $TIMEZONE_NAME US/Eastern $URL_INFORMATION $CONTRIBUTOR Alasdair Crawford $ILEC_CONTRIBUTOR_NAME AlasdairCrawford $JUNK_CONTRIBUTOR_E-MAIL acrawford@kpmg.com $CONTRIBUTOR_E-MAIL alasdair@valleysoaring.org $JUNK_CONTRIBUTOR_E-MAIL valsoar@ntplx.net $FILENAME_3 md0 $FILENAME_4 mdl0 $FILENAME_5 mdlt0 $FILENAME_8 midltwn0 $WEATHER

Intellicast Weather Radar

* Magnetic Variation updated Tuesday, 19 January 2010 at 05:46 GMT $MAGNETIC_VARIATION 13.1W $MODIFICATIONS 08 Sep 00: Original contribution. $MODIFICATIONS 15 Sep 01: Aeroflex-Andover, Blairstown, Ellenville, Greenwood Lake, Highpoint, Kobelt, Lewis Landing, Middletown, Monticello, Orange County, Sullivan County, Sussex, Warwick, and Wurtsboro-Sullivan moved. Harriman, Kingston, Hunter Mountain, New Paltz, Otisville PR, and Delaware Water Gap added. Gap View removed. $MODIFICATIONS 16 Sep 01: Hunter Mountain moved. $MODIFICATIONS 13 May 03: Westown, Duster Strip, Harmony Rese, Somerset, and Freehold added.   Harriman, Blairstown, Chicken Farm, Sha-Wan-Ga Valley, Newton, Trinca, Stewart, Big Island, Gap View, In The Woods, Weiss Farm, Westbrook Valley, Airhaven, Braden, Dutchess County, Essex County, Flying Dollar, Green Acres, Maben, Morristown, Pocono Mountains, Sky Acres, Sky Park, Spring Hill, and Stormville moved.    Biglerville, Birchwood, Catfish Pond, Cherry Ridge, removed. $MODIFICATIONS 05 Mar 08: Markle and New Paltz moved. Many non-control point airports removed. $MODIFICATIONS 15 Feb 10: Blackdirt Duster added.   Big Island, and Westown removed.   Duster Strip renamed Old Duster Strip. $MODIFICATIONS 21 Feb 10: Alphabetized and renumbered. $COUNTRY US $LATITUDE N $LONGITUDE W * STATE_ABBEV added 30 Jan 10 $STATE_ABBREV NY $STATE New York * ============================================================================== * * Filename "midltwn0.stx" created Monday, 22 February 2010 at 00:39 GMT * Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange format version 0.5.1 * * Lines starting with a * are comments and are ignored by programs using this file * Lines starting with a $ are definitions of parameters available to programs using this file * The first line that is neither a comment nor a definition contains the definitions * of the contents of the columns that follow * All other lines are waypoint definitions * The line containing the column definitions can be placed anywhere before the first waypoint. * It is placed as a comment at the top of this file for convenience in using this file * with a spreadsheet program, where the first line can be placed in a separate window * to label the columns as you scroll down. * The columns are separated by the "tab" character * * The specification of the .STX file format is available at * http://soaringweb.org/TP/stx_specification.html * * This is a 'beta' release to support the release of the NK ClearNav and is subject to change. * * ============================================================================== * * Starting the definition of various parameters for the file * $STX_VERSION 0.5.1 $HOME_SITE Middletown, New York $TIMEZONE_NAME US/Eastern $CONTRIBUTOR Alasdair Crawford $CONTRIBUTOR_E-MAIL alasdair@valleysoaring.org $MAGNETIC_VARIATION 13.1W $COUNTRY US $LATITUDE N $LONGITUDE W $STATE_ABBREV NY $ALTITUDE_UNIT Feet $RW_L_UNIT Feet $CONTRIBUTION_DATE 15 February 2010 $LONGITUDE West $LATITUDE North * * ============================================================================== * * The next line defines the contents of columns. It MUST appear before the first waypoint line NUM NAM COM LAT_D LAT_M LAT_S LON_D LON_M LON_S COD ALT FRE RW_D RW_H RW_L RW_S RW_W RW_G ICAO NAM_12 COM_12 * * Starting the waypoints * 1 Middletown 26/08 122.8 41 25 53 74 23 38 TAHSF 524 122.8 26/08 62 2811 A 60 0.6 06N MIDDLETOWN 26/08 122.8 2 Aeroflex-Andover 03/21 122. 41 0 30 74 44 16 TA 584 122.8 03/21 21 1981 A 50 12N Aeroflex And 03/21 122. 3 Blackdirt Duster E/W 41 21 11 74 25 27 TL 400 Blackdirt Duster E/W 4 Blairstown 07/25 123.0 40 58 16 74 59 51 TA 370 123.0 07/25 61 3100 A 70 1N7 Blairstown A 07/25 123.0 5 Chicken Farm 41 21 2 74 18 47 T 500 Chicken Farm 6 Delaware Water Gap 40 59 0 75 8 25 T 298 Del Water Ga 7 Ellenville 04/22 122.8 41 43 40 74 22 38 TA 498 122.8 04/22 33 3838 A 75 N89 Ellenville 4/22 122.8 8 Freehold 12/30,122.8 42 21 51 74 3 57 TA 440 122.85 12/30 120 2275 A 22 1I5 Freehold 12/30,122.8 9 Greenwood Lake 02/20 122.8 41 6 45 74 20 41 TL 790 122.8 02/20 Greenwood La 02/20 122.8 10 Hackettstown 05/23 122.9 40 49 13 74 51 19 TA 669 122.9 05/23 50 2200 A 50 N05 Hackettstown 5/23 122.9 11 Harmony Resevoir 40 43 48 75 6 16 T Harmony Rese 12 Harriman 41 18 50 74 7 6 T 449 Harriman 13 Hunter Mountain N/S 122.8 42 14 4 74 14 16 TAP 2001 122.8 N/S 180 2550 V 75 97NY Hunter Mount N/S 122.8 14 Kingston 15/33 122.8 41 59 7 73 57 50 TA 147 122.8 15/33 140 3100 A 60 0.4 20N Kingston Apt 15/33 122.8 15 Kobelt 03/21 122.8 41 37 39 74 8 2 TA 419 122.8 03/21 30 2864 A 50 N45 Kobelt 03/21 122.8 16 Lewis Landing 08/26 41 24 24 74 32 19 TAP 751 08/26 80 2200 G 50 NK79 Lewis Land 08/26 17 Minard Farms 04/22 41 42 30 74 3 42 TAP 450 04/22 40 2150 G 90 1NY7 Minard Farms Ap 4/22 18 Monticello Track 41 37 22 74 42 5 T 1545 Monticello Trk 19 Monument 41 19 39 74 39 50 T 1784 Monument 20 Old Duster Strip 41 20 12 74 24 50 TPA 500 122.8 14/32 140 1500 G 100 5NY7 Old Duster Strip 21 Orange Co 03/21 122.725 41 30 36 74 15 50 TA 364 122.725 03/21 15 5002 A 100 MGJ Orange Co 03/21 122.725 22 Otisville Prison 41 29 45 74 31 47 T 1400 Otisville PR 23 Piolis 14/32 26T 41 51 55 74 19 59 TAP 1060 14/32 140 2600 G 75 6NY7 Piolis 14/32 26T 24 Sha-Wan-Ga Valley 18/36 41 34 20 74 24 7 TAP 600 18/36 180 1860 V 40 8NY7 Shawanga Val 18/36 25 Somerset 12/30 123.0 40 37 33 74 40 13 TA 105 123.0 12/30 167 1821 G 200 0.3 SMQ Somerset 12/30 123.0 26 Sullivan 33/15 122.8 41 42 6 74 47 42 TA 1404 122.8 33/15 143 6300 A 150 MSV Sullivan 33/15 122.8 27 Sussex 21/03 122.7 41 12 0 74 37 23 TA 419 122.7 21/03 16 3499 A 75 FWN Sussex 21/03 122.7 28 Warwick 08/26 123.0 41 17 15 74 17 14 TA 541 123.0 08/26 80 2250 G 80 N72 Warwick 08/26 123.0 29 Wurtsboro 23/05 122.8 41 35 50 74 27 30 TA 561 122.8 23/05 175 1250 G 150 -0.3 N82 Wurtsboro 23/05 122.8 * Starting Specified Airports ************************* Airhaven 02/20 122.9 41 49 57 73 52 33 A 449 122.9 02/20 20 1863 G 75 09N Airhaven 2/20 122.9 Braden 18/36 123.0 40 44 31 75 14 35 A 397 123.0 18/36 166 1956 A 165 N43 Braden 18/36 123.0 Dutchess County 06/24 124.0 41 37 35 73 53 2 A 164 124.0 06/24 51 5001 A 100 POU Dutchesscnty 6/24 124.0 Flying Dollar 02/20 122.9 41 13 0 75 14 58 A 1397 122.9 02/20 20 2405 G 100 8N4 Flyingdollar 2/20 122.9 Gap View NW/SE 40 51 33 75 8 1 AP 777 NW/SE 315 1800 G 100 49PA Gap View NW/SE Green Acres 03/21 122.9 42 8 55 73 45 3 A 292 122.9 03/21 30 2275 G 75 1A1 Green Acres 3/21 122.9 In The Woods 05/23 42 0 59 74 2 56 AP 498 05/23 50 2000 G 40 18NY In The Woods 5/23 Maben 03/21 122.8 42 16 20 74 23 38 A 1797 122.8 03/21 30 4000 G 50 N00 Maben 3/21 122.8 Markle E/W 40 46 21 75 9 20 AP 320 E/W 090 2200 G 65 2NJ6 Markle E/W New Platz *EMERGENY ONLY* 14/32 41 45 0 74 6 58 AP 303 14/32 140 2400 A 23 NY35 NewPltz *EMERGENCY ONLY* 14/32 Newton 24/06 122.9 41 1 38 74 45 30 A 616 122.9 24/06 60 2546 A 45 3N5 Newton 24/06 122.9 Pocono Mountains 05/23 122.7 41 8 14 75 22 44 A 1912 122.7 05/23 37 4000 A 100 MPO Pocono MTNS 5/23 122.7 Sky Acres 17/35 122.8 41 42 26 73 44 17 A 698 122.8 17/35 153 3830 A 60 44N Sky Acres 17/35 122.8 Sky Park 01/19 122.8 41 59 4 73 50 9 A 321 122.8 01/19 01 2664 A 30 46N Sky Park 1/19 122.8 Spring Hill 05/23 122.9 41 20 50 75 24 57 A 1725 122.9 05/23 39 2478 A 42 70N Spring Hill 5/23 122.9 Stewart 09/27 122.9 41 30 14 74 6 17 A 488 122.9 09/27 78 11817 A 150 SWF Stewart 09/27 122.9 Stormville 06/24 122.8 41 34 36 73 43 56 A 357 122.8 06/24 46 3315 A 50 N69 Stormville 6/24 122.8 Trinca 06/24 122. 40 58 0 74 46 48 A 597 122.8 06/24 60 1924 G 135 13N Trinca 06/24 122. Weiss Farm 05/23 40 55 25 74 52 13 AP 531 05/23 50 1800 G 50 JY24 Weiss Farm 5/23 Westbrook Valley 18/36 41 4 40 74 19 38 AP 524 18/36 90 2150 A 40 JY43 Westbrokvlly 18/36