;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; + ; Michigan + ; + ; Region 6 North 2020 + ; + ; User Specified Waypoints formatted for EWView II and EWView III + ; + ; Contributed by Glenn Betzoldt + ; + ; Generated Thursday, 06 February 2020 at 20:11 GMT + ; + ; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> USE AT YOUR OWN RISK <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< + ; All data and information contained in these data files are provided without + ; guarantee as to their completeness or correctness. Any conclusions drawn + ; from these data and information are the sole responsibility of the user. + ; + ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Abrams" "N4246.500" "W08443.983" "Ada" "N4047.433" "W08349.750" "Agner" "N4104.217" "W08405.183" "Airbatco" "N4246.417" "W08454.000" "Airborn" "N4318.550" "W08438.633" "Almena" "N4215.150" "W08551.017" "Alpena North" "N4507.950" "W08326.733" "Ann Arbor" "N4213.383" "W08344.733" "Archer" "N4254.417" "W08428.333" "Arend" "N4115.417" "W08438.500" "Arrowhead" "N4117.567" "W08604.267" "Atlanta" "N4459.900" "W08407.833" "Auction" "N4237.033" "W08427.167" "Bakers" "N4243.933" "W08554.317" "Ball" "N4120.650" "W08608.900" "Bishop" "N4257.933" "W08344.683" "Blevins" "N4112.433" "W08416.183" "Bowling" "N4123.467" "W08337.800" "Boyne Mountain" "N4509.950" "W08455.450" "Caldwell" "N4037.467" "W08609.317" "Calkins" "N4241.500" "W08538.750" "Campbell" "N4524.500" "W08436.000" "Capen" "N4337.450" "W08519.067" "Carls" "N4204.267" "W08353.017" "Casad" "N4104.750" "W08456.567" "Cherry Capital" "N4444.500" "W08534.950" "Chicora Field" "N4228.017" "W08558.750" "Christys" "N4120.050" "W08409.817" "Cloud Nine West" "N4232.767" "W08407.667" "Confers" "N4105.867" "W08514.550" "Converse" "N4034.250" "W08553.500" "Cornish Field" "N4206.100" "W08550.267" "Creighton" "N4127.433" "W08607.467" "Curts Place" "N4245.783" "W08558.967" "Dennis Farms" "N4253.667" "W08423.533" "Detroit" "N4212.750" "W08321.200" "Dicks" "N4105.833" "W08514.533" "Dusting" "N4057.150" "W08358.933" "Eagle II" "N4448.400" "W08416.567" "East Lake" "N4213.700" "W08529.067" "Eby" "N4133.583" "W08603.183" "Elkhart" "N4143.167" "W08600.200" "Elliotts" "N4031.483" "W08330.700" "Ernies" "N4325.317" "W08411.683" "Fairplains" "N4309.433" "W08508.917" "Ferrell" "N4058.583" "W08338.500" "Flaigh" "N4236.733" "W08351.483" "Flying A Ranch" "N4306.300" "W08607.417" "Forest2" "N4049.717" "W08330.833" "Forest" "N4254.650" "W08440.500" "Fort Wayne" "N4058.700" "W08511.717" "Fox" "N4038.167" "W08541.283" "FrankfortDowMemorial" "N4437.517" "W08612.050" "Freefall" "N4055.950" "W08308.417" "Fremont MI" "N4326.350" "W08559.700" "Fremont OH" "N4119.983" "W08309.667" "Fulton IN" "N4103.933" "W08610.900" "Gage" "N4048.917" "W08455.667" "Gaylord" "N4500.867" "W08442.133" "Gerigs" "N4100.550" "W08522.283" "Gerker" "N4057.217" "W08416.417" "Goodenough" "N4044.383" "W08600.033" "Gordon" "N4107.250" "W08525.500" "Goshen" "N4131.583" "W08547.650" "Grand Haven Memorial" "N4302.050" "W08611.883" "Grand Rapids" "N4252.850" "W08531.367" "Green" "N4113.750" "W08521.483" "Green Lake" "N4436.367" "W08545.500" "Greuter" "N4122.167" "W08452.733" "Gross" "N4350.817" "W08400.683" "Hardin" "N4036.600" "W08338.650" "Harrisville" "N4440.167" "W08318.267" "Harrys Field" "N4252.583" "W08557.333" "Hat Field" "N4305.833" "W08605.683" "Heilman" "N4040.133" "W08326.617" "Hilllman" "N4504.983" "W08356.033" "Hilltop" "N4115.500" "W08451.833" "Hiltner" "N4109.300" "W08412.900" "Hoerners" "N4251.917" "W08442.333" "Holt" "N4053.967" "W08500.000" "Homestead" "N4104.550" "W08523.167" "Hook" "N4116.467" "W08448.300" "Howensting" "N4115.550" "W08447.617" "Hull" "N4129.083" "W08535.583" "Huntington" "N4051.167" "W08527.417" "Jablonski" "N4304.933" "W08605.683" "Jackson" "N4215.633" "W08427.633" "Kalamazoo" "N4214.067" "W08533.100" "Keenum" "N4159.867" "W08551.217" "Kellogg" "N4218.383" "W08515.000" "Kokomo" "N4031.667" "W08603.583" "Lk Ann AirwayEstates" "N4441.867" "W08554.817" "Lakes of the North" "N4454.717" "W08452.517" "Lansing" "N4246.717" "W08435.167" "Lautzenhiser" "N4130.133" "W08455.817" "Lazy K" "N4049.667" "W08505.167" "Lost Creek" "N4439.567" "W08414.317" "Lowell" "N4257.233" "W08520.633" "Ludington" "N4357.750" "W08624.483" "Lutz" "N4057.700" "W08335.717" "Mancelona" "N4455.500" "W08504.000" "Marion" "N4037.017" "W08303.667" "Mattawan" "N4211.750" "W08548.333" "MBS" "N4331.983" "W08404.783" "McKenzies" "N4236.183" "W08351.583" "Mecosta Morton" "N4337.750" "W08515.750" "Mentone" "N4108.750" "W08603.867" "Milan" "N4203.000" "W08344.417" "Miller" "N4043.000" "W08515.000" "Minikey" "N4309.700" "W08503.700" "Mio Oscoda Co" "N4440.483" "W08407.317" "Mishawaka" "N4139.417" "W08602.083" "Muskegon" "N4310.067" "W08614.133" "Napoleon" "N4210.267" "W08415.567" "Nappanee" "N4126.767" "W08556.167" "Newmans" "N4217.333" "W08545.000" "North Cedar" "N4315.500" "W08532.750" "Oceana" "N4338.500" "W08619.750" "Oscoda" "N4427.300" "W08322.750" "Ottawa Executive" "N4249.033" "W08555.683" "Padgham Field" "N4231.833" "W08549.417" "Park Township" "N4247.750" "W08609.717" "Peru" "N4047.150" "W08608.783" "Pippenger" "N4119.017" "W08522.283" "Piqua" "N4014.367" "W08409.183" "Plew" "N4111.133" "W08531.300" "Prairie" "N4207.417" "W08542.617" "Prices" "N4248.450" "W08346.133" "Putnam" "N4102.133" "W08358.917" "Randolphs" "N4306.750" "W08431.250" "Riverview" "N4256.200" "W08548.350" "Robison" "N4044.167" "W08606.917" "RoscommonConservatin" "N4428.400" "W08434.017" "Roscommon" "N4421.600" "W08440.317" "Rusts" "N4121.867" "W08603.800" "Rutter" "N4105.850" "W08330.167" "Schaller" "N4056.800" "W08340.800" "Schiffer" "N4302.150" "W08426.033" "Scott IN" "N4115.400" "W08611.383" "Scott MI" "N4351.850" "W08501.433" "Seneca" "N4105.650" "W08312.750" "Shaffer" "N4116.950" "W08526.317" "Silver Lake" "N4338.667" "W08627.167" "Skips" "N4050.217" "W08510.267" "Smith" "N4108.600" "W08509.167" "South Haven Area Reg" "N4221.067" "W08615.333" "Stangland" "N4118.967" "W08527.900" "St Helen Camping" "N4422.000" "W08424.000" "Steinman" "N4104.383" "W08450.450" "Strable Landing" "N4112.267" "W08429.767" "Strebig" "N4141.733" "W08502.800" "Tathams" "N4104.417" "W08341.083" "Terrys" "N4110.217" "W08525.300" "Thorn" "N4355.800" "W08609.933" "Thrall" "N4207.100" "W08530.600" "Toledo" "N4135.200" "W08348.467" "Tong Farm" "N4058.250" "W08327.500" "Triple H" "N4221.917" "W08533.350" "Tripp Creek" "N4303.883" "W08429.350" "Tropria" "N4114.683" "W08517.850" "Trudeau" "N4205.283" "W08345.933" "Tulip City" "N4244.567" "W08606.467" "Tyrone" "N4317.350" "W08546.867" "University" "N4250.417" "W08428.750" "Unsicker" "N4125.683" "W08609.200" "Valhalla" "N4100.117" "W08459.650" "Van Strien" "N4255.433" "W08522.683" "Wabash" "N4045.717" "W08547.917" "Wabasis" "N4307.700" "W08523.950" "Wagnen" "N4209.350" "W08420.067" "Walker" "N4125.867" "W08458.900" "Walle Field" "N4228.250" "W08607.633" "Wawasee" "N4125.133" "W08541.500" "Weller" "N4255.000" "W08547.000" "Wells" "N4307.700" "W08530.317" "Wigent" "N4112.550" "W08527.483" "Wightman" "N4306.617" "W08407.583" "Wilderness" "N4314.683" "W08542.700" "Willow Run" "N4214.400" "W08331.850" "Windswept" "N4111.917" "W08342.050" "Wolfe" "N4141.483" "W08535.733" "Wyandot" "N4053.000" "W08318.867" "Yoder" "N4141.150" "W08522.433" "Youngpeter" "N4047.000" "W08422.067" "Zischke" "N4251.700" "W08437.150"