;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; + ; Ameila, Virginia [ Merlin Aerodrome] Close-in + ; + ; Control Points formatted for EWView II and EWView III + ; + ; Contributed by Jim Garrison + ; + ; Generated Saturday, 13 April 2024 at 17:13 GMT + ; + ; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> USE AT YOUR OWN RISK <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< + ; All data and information contained in these data files are provided without + ; guarantee as to their completeness or correctness. Any conclusions drawn + ; from these data and information are the sole responsibility of the user. + ; + ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Merlin Apt" "MERLIN" "_" "N3718.967" "W07752.000" "3 Barns" "3BARNS" "_" "N3714.467" "W07749.967" "4 Barns" "4BARNS" "_" "N3721.983" "W07809.633" "Amelia Lake" "AMELLK" "_" "N3727.850" "W07755.383" "Amelia Landfill" "AMLLND" "_" "N3717.883" "W07803.767" "Berry Farm" "BRRFRM" "_" "N3722.867" "W07752.150" "Big Quarry" "BIGQRR" "_" "N3721.383" "W07754.617" "Camp Barns" "CMPBRN" "_" "N3712.067" "W07758.083" "Chesdin Golf Course" "CHSDNG" "_" "N3716.617" "W07738.833" "Chicken Farm" "CHCKNF" "_" "N3713.733" "W07753.867" "Crewe Apt" "CREWE" "_" "N3710.850" "W07805.850" "Farmville Apt" "FRMVLL" "_" "N3721.550" "W07826.233" "High Sch Track" "HGHSCH" "_" "N3719.833" "W07759.333" "Hoot Owl Farm" "HTWLFR" "_" "N3716.450" "W07759.000" "Indust Center" "INDSTC" "_" "N3721.500" "W07757.383" "Jayarz Apt" "JAYARZ" "_" "N3717.217" "W07747.600" "Lake Lee Dam" "LKLEDM" "_" "N3710.017" "W07759.000" "Lodore" "LODORE" "_" "N3726.367" "W07801.333" "Lumberyard" "LMBRRD" "_" "N3711.650" "W07754.400" "Masons Corner" "MSNSCR" "_" "N3725.983" "W07753.517" "North Quarry" "NQUARR" "_" "N3731.350" "W07746.550" "Plainview" "PLANVW" "_" "N3732.150" "W07753.483" "Pond and Quarry" "PND+QR" "_" "N3718.150" "W07749.600" "Pretty Poultry" "PRTTPL" "_" "N3713.233" "W07803.100" "Rich Zoo" "RICHZO" "_" "N3722.950" "W07745.967" "Royguner Apt" "ROYGNR" "_" "N3719.817" "W07802.250" "Scotts Fork" "SCTTSF" "_" "N3719.050" "W07753.433" "Swift Creek and 360" "SWFTCR" "_" "N3724.200" "W07740.833" "Taylor Landfill" "TLRLND" "_" "N3719.550" "W07745.733" "Veterans Cemetary" "VTRNSC" "_" "N3721.733" "W07759.867" "Wilsons Corner" "WLSNSC" "_" "N3717.450" "W07752.617"