Maun, Botswana Contributed courtesy of Russell Thorne Last updated Friday, 17 December 2010 at 03:44 GMT Source: The Jacana GPS List and World Aero Data and although every care has been taken in its production, it is provided on an "as is" basis with no responsibility for its accuracy. Where the exact elevation of a waypoint is not known, the generally uniform country wide elevation of 1000 Metres is used. The uncontrolled frequency outside of Maun is selected at 50nm outbound on 125.50Mhz below 9500ft. Above 10,000ft contact Gaborone Control on 126.10Mhz or 127.10Mhz. Botswana has two FIRs, one Eastern 126.1Mhz and the other Western 127.1Mhz. Use 70 mile boundaries for reporting flight levels and 20 mile boundaries at low level when approaching controlled airfields. Routine positions are given as a bearing and distance from the Airport. Variation is about 10 degrees West. UNOFFICIAL, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK Do not use for navigation, for flight verification only. Always consult the relevant publications for current and correct information. This service is provided free of charge with no warrantees, expressed or implied. User assumes all risk of use. Waypoint Latitude Longitude Abbreviations for GPS ICAO 1 Maun 118.7 19 58.350 S 23 25.867 E MN1 MN118 MN1187 Maun1187 Maun 1187 Maun 1187 Maun 1187 FBMN 2 Maun VOR 19 59.417 S 23 23.317 E MNV MANVR MAUNVR Maun VOR Maun VOR Maun VOR Maun VOR 3 Mopipi 21 12.400 S 24 52.333 E MPP MOPIP MOPIPI Mopipi Mopipi Mopipi Mopipi 4 Nxai Pan 19 54.150 S 24 46.267 E NXP NXAPN NXAIPN Nxai Pan Nxai Pan Nxai Pan Nxai Pan 5 Ghanzi 21 41.550 S 21 39.483 E GHN GHANZ GHANZI Ghanzi Ghanzi Ghanzi Ghanzi FBGZ 6 Gabasadi 20 30.300 S 25 12.467 E GBS GABSD GABASD Gabasadi Gabasadi Gabasadi Gabasadi 7 Sankuyo 19 25.717 S 23 52.467 E SNK SANKU SANKUY Sankuyo Sankuyo Sankuyo Sankuyo 8 Tsau 20 9.417 S 22 27.267 E TSA TSAU TSAU Tsau Tsau Tsau Tsau 9 Nxai Gate 19 56.100 S 24 45.717 E NXG NXAGT NXAIGT NxaiGate Nxai Gate Nxai Gate Nxai Gate 10 Muekekle 20 17.000 S 24 2.000 E MKK MUKKL MUEKKL Muekekle Muekekle Muekekle Muekekle 11 Motopi 20 11.150 S 24 10.533 E MTP MOTOP MOTOPI Motopi Motopi Motopi Motopi FBMO 12 Xhumaga 20 28.233 S 24 30.550 E XHM XHUMG XHUMAG Xhumaga Xhumaga Xhumaga Xhumaga 13 Gweta 20 11.300 S 25 12.100 E GWT GWETA GWETA Gweta Gweta Gweta Gweta FBHW 14 Nata Airstrip 20 12.950 S 26 9.533 E NTS NATAS NATAAS Nata AS Nata AS Nata AS Nata AS FBNT 15 Rakops 21 2.300 S 24 24.300 E RKP RAKPS RAKOPS Rakops Rakops Rakops Rakops 16 Letlhakane 21 25.200 S 25 35.300 E LTL LTLHK LTLHKN Letlhakn Letlhakan Letlhakane Letlhakane 17 Orapa 21 15.967 S 25 19.233 E ORP ORAPA ORAPA Orapa Orapa Orapa Orapa FBOR 18 Toteng 20 21.733 S 22 57.350 E TTN TOTNG TOTENG Toteng Toteng Toteng Toteng 19 Shorobe 19 45.900 S 23 40.267 E SHR SHORB SHOROB Shorobe Shorobe Shorobe Shorobe 20 Xhana 20 11.600 S 23 47.367 E XHN XHANA XHANA Xhana Xhana Xhana Xhana 21 Khwebe Hills 20 37.250 S 23 4.983 E KHW KHWBH KHWBHL KhwbHlls KhwebHlls KhwebeHlls Khwebe Hills 22 Mabeleapodi Hills 20 57.000 S 22 28.267 E MBL MBLPD MBLPDH MblpdHll MblpdHlls MablpdHlls MabelepdHlls 23 Haina Hills 20 41.417 S 23 27.667 E HNH HNHLL HNHLLS HainHlls HainaHlls HainaHills Haina Hills 24 Kuke Corner 21 0.050 S 23 53.050 E KKC KKCRN KKCRNR KukeCrnr KukeCornr KukeCorner Kuke Corner 25 Tsau Hill 21 15.833 S 22 47.783 E TSH TSHLL TSAHLL TsauHill Tsau Hill Tsau Hill Tsau Hill 26 Sehithwa 20 27.917 S 22 42.200 E SHT SHTHW SEHTHW Sehithwa Sehithwa Sehithwa Sehithwa 27 Tchai Gate 20 43.750 S 25 12.267 E TCH TCHGT TCHAGT TchaiGat TchaiGate Tchai Gate Tchai Gate 28 Chapmans Baobab 20 29.417 S 25 14.967 E CHP CHPMN CHPMNS ChpmnsBb ChpmnsBbb ChapmnsBbb ChapmansBabb 29 Drotskys Caves 20 1.300 S 21 21.267 E DRT DRTSK DRTSKS DrtsksCv DrtsksCvs DrotsksCvs DrotskysCavs 30 Jacks Camp 20 27.317 S 25 9.250 E JCK JCKSC JCKSCM JacksCmp JacksCamp Jacks Camp Jacks Camp FBJC 31 Bodibeng 20 38.033 S 22 32.100 E BDB BDBNG BODBNG Bodibeng Bodibeng Bodibeng Bodibeng 32 Engelbrecht 21 15.433 S 22 44.467 E ENG ENGLB ENGLBR Englbrch Englbrcht Engelbrcht Engelbrecht 33 Makalamabedi 20 18.600 S 23 54.450 E MKL MKLMB MKLMBD Makalmbd Makalambd Makalamabd Makalamabedi 34 Haina Lodge 20 57.083 S 23 40.200 E HNL HNLDG HANLDG HainaLdg HainaLodg HainaLodge Haina Lodge 35 Morematao 20 14.467 S 24 15.233 E MRM MORMT MOREMT Moremata Morematao Morematao Morematao 36 Lepepe 20 19.967 S 25 53.050 E LPP LEPEP LEPEPE Lepepe Lepepe Lepepe Lepepe 37 Dukwi 20 35.250 S 26 32.033 E DKW DUKWI DUKWI Dukwi Dukwi Dukwi Dukwi 38 Deception Lodge 20 58.900 S 23 39.533 E DCP DCPTN DCPTNL DcptnLdg DecptnLdg DeceptnLdg DeceptionLdg 39 Tsoe 20 39.217 S 24 23.900 E TSO TSOE TSOE Tsoe Tsoe Tsoe Tsoe 40 Jao 19 18.967 S 22 35.417 E JAO JAO JAO Jao Jao Jao Jao FBJA 41 Khwai 19 8.917 S 23 47.217 E KHA KHWAI KHWAI Khwai Khwai Khwai Khwai FBKR