;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; + ; Maubeuge-Elesmes, France + ; + ; Championnat regional des Hauts-de-France 2025 + ; + ; User Specified Waypoints formatted for EWView II and EWView III + ; + ; Contributed by Philippe Dubois + ; + ; Generated Wednesday, 05 February 2025 at 12:05 GMT + ; + ; This file uses , as the decimal point in latitude and longitude 1 ; + ; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> USE AT YOUR OWN RISK <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< + ; All data and information contained in these data files are provided without + ; guarantee as to their completeness or correctness. Any conclusions drawn + ; from these data and information are the sole responsibility of the user. + ; + ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Abbeville" "ABBVLL" "Direction 02 20 / Direction 13 31" "N5008,533" "E00149,867" "Albert Bray" "ALBRTB" "Direction 09 27 / Direction 09 27" "N4958,200" "E00241,550" "Amiens Glisy" "AMNSGL" "Direction1230Direction1230:Circuitparlsd" "N4952,383" "E00223,217" "Amifontaine" "AMFNTN" "_" "N4928,983" "E00355,200" "Amougies" "AMOUGS" "Direction 11 - 29 (610m Herbe)" "N5044,367" "E00329,233" "Arlon" "ARLON" "Direction 09 - 27 (150m Herbe)" "N4939,767" "E00553,017" "Arras Roclincourt" "ARRSRC" "Direction 05 23 : Circuit par le sud" "N5019,433" "E00248,167" "Avaux Les Bourdons" "AVXLSB" "Direction 11 29 Tourdepisteparlenord" "N4928,833" "E00404,500" "Aywaille" "AYWALL" "Pont/Ambleve" "N5028,200" "E00540,200" "Bapaume" "BAPAUM" "_" "N5006,083" "E00251,067" "Bar le Duc" "BARLDC" "Direction 06 24 Semble ne plusexister" "N4852,117" "E00511,083" "Baraque Fraiture" "BRQFRT" "Pont A26/N89" "N5014,900" "E00543,883" "Bastogne" "BASTGN" "_" "N5000,000" "E00542,000" "Bastogne Michamps" "BSTGNM" "Direction 07 - 25 (250m Herbe)" "N5003,167" "E00547,917" "Bavay" "BAVAY" "_" "N5017,883" "E00347,933" "Beaumont" "BEAMNT" "_" "N5013,983" "E00413,983" "Beauraing" "BEARNG" "_" "N5006,100" "E00456,517" "Bernissart" "BRNSSR" "_" "N5028,167" "E00339,017" "Bersillies" "BRSLLS" "_" "N5019,300" "E00400,300" "Bertrix Aero Mil" "BRTRXR" "Aerodrome militaire interdit a la CAP" "N4953,517" "E00513,433" "Bertrix Eglise" "BRTRXG" "_" "N4951,250" "E00515,200" "Besny Loizy" "BESNLZ" "Piste ULM" "N4935,183" "E00334,550" "Betheniville" "BTHNVL" "_" "N4917,550" "E00422,067" "Bievre" "BIEVRE" "_" "N4956,467" "E00500,983" "Billy sous Mangiennes" "BLLSSM" "Direction 07 - 25 (250m Herbe)" "N4919,517" "E00536,583" "Blercourt" "BLRCRT" "_" "N4906,617" "E00514,333" "Bohain en Vermandois" "BHNNVR" "_" "N4959,217" "E00327,283" "Bon Secours" "BNSCRS" "_" "N5029,917" "E00336,467" "Bossuit" "BOSSUT" "_" "N5043,717" "E00324,333" "Bouillon Chateau" "BLLNCH" "_" "N4947,733" "E00504,083" "Bouillon Mogimont" "BLLNMG" "Direction 09 - 27 (150m Herbe)" "N4952,033" "E00504,083" "Bullingen" "BLLNGN" "Direction 12 - 30 (290m Herbe)" "N5024,900" "E00616,583" "Buzancy" "BUZANC" "Eglise" "N4925,600" "E00457,300" "Cambrais Niergnies" "CMBRSN" "Direction 08 26 / Frequence Vav 123500" "N5008,533" "E00315,900" "Carignan" "CARGNN" "Eglise" "N4937,950" "E00510,117" "Cerfontaine" "CRFNTN" "Direction 12 30 : Circuit au sud ouest" "N5009,167" "E00423,233" "Cernelle" "CERNLL" "_" "N4946,267" "E00448,950" "CharlevilleMezieresAer" "CHRLVL" "Direction 11 - 29 (1500m Revetue)" "N4947,167" "E00438,950" "CharlevilleMeziersCntr" "CHARLE" "Centre ville" "N4945,333" "E00443,733" "Chimay Chateau" "CHIMCH" "_" "N5003,000" "E00418,000" "Chimay St Remy" "CHMSTR" "Direction 15 33 / Direction 06 24" "N5003,550" "E00417,000" "Chimay Virel" "CHMVRL" "_" "N5007,050" "E00419,833" "Chooz" "CHOOZ" "_" "N5006,000" "E00448,600" "Ciney Ronvaux" "CNRNVX" "_" "N5014,817" "E00506,833" "Coo" "COO" "Bassin" "N5023,000" "E00550,700" "Corbeny" "CORBEN" "Direction 18 - 36 (400m Herbe)" "N4927,467" "E00351,250" "Cousolre" "COUSLR" "_" "N5016,767" "E00408,783" "Couvin" "COUVIN" "_" "N5002,950" "E00428,833" "Depart Nord" "DPRTNR" "_" "N5020,350" "E00400,800" "Depart Sud" "DPRTSD" "_" "N5017,883" "E00405,850" "Damvillers" "DMVLLR" "_" "N4920,600" "E00524,033" "Dinant" "DINANT" "_" "N5014,750" "E00454,083" "Doullens" "DOLLNS" "_" "N5009,517" "E00220,533" "Dun sur Meuse" "DNSRMS" "_" "N4923,200" "E00511,033" "Eupen" "EUPEN" "_" "N5037,083" "E00605,417" "Euro Space Center" "ERSPCC" "_" "N5000,500" "E00513,167" "Finish 05" "FIN 05" "Ligne d'arrivee 05" "N5018,550" "E00401,817" "Finish 23" "FIN 23" "Ligne d'arrivee 23" "N5018,850" "E00402,317" "Florenville" "FLRNVL" "Eglise" "N4941,900" "E00518,600" "Fourmies" "FOURMS" "_" "N5000,000" "E00400,000" "Frevent Monplaisir" "FRVNTM" "_" "N5016,633" "E00217,333" "Frasnes lez Anvaing" "FRSNSL" "_" "N5040,000" "E00337,000" "Fresnoy le Grand" "FRSNLG" "_" "N4956,883" "E00325,100" "Fumay" "FUMAY" "_" "N4959,650" "E00442,450" "Gedinne" "GEDINN" "_" "N4958,017" "E00455,983" "Gerouville" "GERVLL" "_" "N4937,167" "E00525,617" "Givet" "GIVET" "_" "N5007,800" "E00449,200" "Gouvy" "GOUVY" "Pont chemin de fer" "N5010,800" "E00555,800" "Guise" "GUISE" "_" "N4954,000" "E00337,800" "Habay la Neuve" "HABLNV" "_" "N4943,017" "E00537,983" "Ham" "HAM" "_" "N4944,400" "E00304,200" "Harmignies" "HRMGNS" "_" "N5024,000" "E00401,000" "Herisson" "HERSSN" "_" "N4952,983" "E00452,983" "Heron Couthuin" "HRNCTH" "Direction 04 - 22 (300m Herbe)" "N5032,550" "E00506,917" "Hesdin" "HESDIN" "_" "N5022,417" "E00202,517" "Hirson" "HIRSON" "Gare SNCF" "N4954,867" "E00405,067" "Hollange" "HOLLNG" "_" "N4954,400" "E00541,333" "Houffalize" "HOFFLZ" "Eglise" "N5011,200" "E00556,950" "Joigny sur Meuse" "JGNSRM" "_" "N4950,300" "E00445,683" "La Boiselle" "LABSLL" "Direction 03 - 21 (180m Herbe)" "N5001,117" "E00241,450" "La Flamengrie" "LFLMNG" "Direction 01 - 19 (300m en herbe)" "N5000,017" "E00356,683" "La Gileppe" "LAGLPP" "Barrage" "N5035,283" "E00558,200" "La Roche en Ardennes" "LRCHNR" "_" "N5010,867" "E00534,567" "Lambermont" "LMBRMN" "_" "N4942,317" "E00511,533" "Landrecies" "LNDRCS" "_" "N5007,583" "E00341,450" "Laon Chambry" "LNCHMB" "Direction 17 35 / Direction 05 23" "N4935,750" "E00337,900" "Le Quesnoy" "LEQUSN" "_" "N5014,833" "E00338,200" "Lens Benifontaine" "LNSBNF" "Direction 03 21 / Direction 09 27" "N5028,033" "E00249,317" "Leuze en Hainaut" "LZNHNT" "_" "N5035,717" "E00337,200" "Liart" "LIART" "_" "N4946,267" "E00420,467" "Lierneux" "LIERNX" "Direction 04 - 22 (150m Herbe)" "N5017,200" "E00550,183" "Lille Marq" "LLLMRQ" "Direction 08 26 / Direction 17 35" "N5041,233" "E00304,533" "Limont Fontaine" "LMNTFN" "_" "N5013,050" "E00354,950" "Longuyon Gare" "LNGNGR" "_" "N4926,233" "E00536,933" "Longuyon Villette" "LNGNVL" "Direction 10 - 28 (900m Herbe)" "N4929,017" "E00534,317" "Losheimer" "LOSHMR" "X de" "N5022,783" "E00620,550" "MCA" "MCA" "Report Final 05" "N5016,650" "E00355,100" "Machault" "MACHLT" "_" "N4921,250" "E00429,900" "Maillen" "MAILLN" "Direction 09 27:AttentionremorquageDelta" "N5022,450" "E00455,667" "Malmedy" "MALMED" "_" "N5025,333" "E00601,817" "Marche en Famenne" "MRCHNF" "Pont" "N5013,500" "E00520,250" "Martelange" "MRTLNG" "_" "N4949,200" "E00543,800" "Matagne" "MATAGN" "Direction 06 - 24 (150m Herbe)" "N5006,333" "E00438,367" "Maubeuge Elesmes" "MBGLSM" "Direction 05 23 / Direction 05 23" "N5018,533" "E00401,867" "Maubray Tournai" "MBRTRN" "Direction 11 29 :Circuitaudessusdubois" "N5031,800" "E00329,700" "Mazagran" "MAZGRN" "_" "N4923,533" "E00435,017" "Mazerny" "MAZERN" "_" "N4937,067" "E00436,667" "Meix devant Virton" "MXDVNT" "_" "N4936,300" "E00528,800" "Mettet" "METTET" "_" "N5019,200" "E00439,000" "Miraumont" "MIRMNT" "_" "N5005,667" "E00243,867" "Mohimont" "MOHMNT" "_" "N4938,900" "E00522,350" "Monschau" "MONSCH" "Centre ville" "N5033,200" "E00614,700" "Montcornet" "MNTCRN" "_" "N4940,800" "E00401,200" "Montdidier" "MNTDDR" "Direction0927:Circuitmaingaucheuniquemnt" "N4940,383" "E00234,150" "Montfaucon" "MNTFCN" "_" "N4916,283" "E00508,017" "Montherme" "MNTHRM" "_" "N4952,867" "E00444,383" "Montmedy" "MONTMD" "CENTRUM" "N4931,167" "E00522,100" "Moorsele Courtrai" "MRSLCR" "Direction 04 22 / Zone para sur 2 NM" "N5051,167" "E00308,917" "Mouzon" "MOUZON" "_" "N4935,983" "E00504,700" "N40 N54" "N40N54" "Report Final 23" "N5019,367" "E00406,950" "Namur Suarlee Temploux" "NMRSRL" "Direction 06 - 24" "N5029,283" "E00446,133" "Nassogne" "NASSGN" "_" "N5007,717" "E00520,517" "Neufchatel sur Aine" "NFCHTL" "_" "N4925,933" "E00402,100" "Neuflieux" "NEUFLX" "Direction 06 24 / Direction 17 35" "N4936,617" "E00308,933" "Orchimont" "ORCHMN" "Direction 03 - 21 (150m Herbe)" "N4954,433" "E00456,183" "Oudenaarde" "OUDNRD" "_" "N5050,000" "E00336,000" "Overboelaere" "OVRBLR" "Direction 03 - 21 (600m Herbe)" "N5045,333" "E00351,833" "Peronne Saint Quentin" "PRNNST" "Direction 09 - 27 (1390m en Herbe)" "N4952,133" "E00301,783" "Pessoux" "PESSOX" "_" "N5016,800" "E00510,200" "Philippeville" "PHLPPV" "_" "N5011,000" "E00432,000" "Poix" "POIX" "Gare" "N5001,167" "E00517,550" "Profondville" "PRFNDV" "_" "N5021,767" "E00451,633" "Pussemange" "PSSMNG" "_" "N4947,783" "E00452,117" "Pussemange Kerk" "PUSSEM" "_" "N4948,717" "E00452,283" "Quevy" "QUEVY" "_" "N5022,133" "E00357,850" "Ramecourt" "RAMCRT" "_" "N4931,583" "E00351,550" "Redu" "REDU" "Eurospace Center" "N5000,417" "E00513,200" "Reims Aearo" "REIMSR" "Direction 07 - 25 (1170m Herbe)" "N4912,517" "E00409,400" "Reims Centre" "RMSCNT" "_" "N4915,250" "E00402,000" "Rethel Perthes" "RTHLPR" "Direction 06 - 24 (760m Revetue)" "N4928,867" "E00421,800" "Robertville" "RBRTVL" "Pont" "N5027,000" "E00607,200" "Rochefort Centre" "RCHFRT" "_" "N5009,450" "E00513,283" "Rochehaut" "ROCHHT" "_" "N4949,983" "E00500,000" "Rocroi Centre" "RCRCNT" "_" "N4955,483" "E00431,217" "Rocroi Vache" "RCRVCH" "Ancien terrain militaire Attentionacces" "N4954,983" "E00426,000" "Roye" "ROYE" "_" "N4942,000" "E00248,000" "Rozoy/Serre" "ROZSRR" "_" "N4942,833" "E00407,817" "Ruien" "RUIEN" "_" "N5046,000" "E00329,000" "Sedan Centre" "SDNCNT" "Centre ville" "N4942,150" "E00456,467" "Sedan Chateau" "SEDNCH" "Chateau Fort" "N4942,083" "E00456,933" "Sedan Douzy" "SEDNDZ" "Direction 08 26 / Direction 08 26" "N4939,533" "E00502,200" "Servon Melzicourt" "SRVNML" "Direction 04 22:Attentionterrainhumide" "N4912,300" "E00449,850" "Sinsin" "SINSIN" "_" "N5015,700" "E00515,133" "Sint Eloois Vijve" "SNTLSV" "_" "N5054,000" "E00324,000" "Soissons" "SOSSNS" "_" "N4922,833" "E00320,550" "Solesmes" "SOLSMS" "_" "N5010,800" "E00330,000" "Sovet" "SOVET" "Parc eolien" "N5017,183" "E00502,417" "Spa La Sauveniere" "SPLSVN" "Direction 05 23 :Circuitausuddelapiste" "N5028,950" "E00554,617" "Space Center" "SPCCNT" "_" "N5000,500" "E00513,167" "St Ghislain" "STGHSL" "Direction0927:Circuitmaingaucheuniquemnt" "N5027,833" "E00349,333" "St Hubert" "STHBRT" "Direction 14 32 Direction 05 23" "N5002,150" "E00524,233" "St Mard" "STMARD" "Usine" "N4933,167" "E00533,267" "St Menehould" "STMNHL" "Gare" "N4905,367" "E00454,200" "St Mihiel" "STMIHL" "Gare" "N4853,700" "E00532,383" "St Quentin Roupy" "STQNTN" "Direction 04 22 / Direction 14 32" "N4949,017" "E00312,400" "St Simon Clastres" "STSMNC" "_" "N4945,000" "E00313,000" "St Vith" "STVITH" "Eglise" "N5016,017" "E00607,017" "Stenay" "STENAY" "D947 D964" "N4929,533" "E00511,550" "Suarlee Temploux Namur" "SRLTMP" "Direction 06 - 24 (695m Herbe)" "N5029,333" "E00446,217" "Theux Verviers" "THXVRV" "Direction 06 - 24 (732m Herbe)" "N5033,000" "E00551,300" "Thierache Vigneux" "THRCHV" "Direction 08 - 26 (600m Herbe)" "N4943,717" "E00400,483" "Tremblais" "TRMBLS" "_" "N4950,767" "E00430,450" "Usine CCB" "USNCCB" "_" "N5036,150" "E00329,367" "Val Joly" "VALJOL" "_" "N5007,250" "E00405,600" "Valenciennes Denain" "VLNCNN" "Direction1129Direction0725/Direction1129" "N5019,483" "E00327,933" "Varennes en Argonne" "VRNNSN" "_" "N4913,617" "E00502,100" "Verdun" "VERDUN" "Pont/Meuse" "N4909,000" "E00522,667" "Verdun le Rozelier" "VRDNLR" "Direction 10 28 / Direction 10 28" "N4907,317" "E00528,233" "Vervins" "VERVNS" "Gare" "N4949,800" "E00353,600" "Vielsalm" "VILSLM" "N822/ch. fer" "N5017,067" "E00555,100" "Vieux Rang" "VIXRNG" "_" "N5019,667" "E00402,783" "Villereau" "VILLER" "Direction 02 - 20 / Longueur 255m" "N5015,100" "E00340,683" "Villerupt" "VLLRPT" "Direction 07 - 25 (666m Herbe)" "N4924,633" "E00553,350" "Virton" "VIRTON" "_" "N4934,050" "E00531,950" "Vitry en Artois" "VTRNRT" "Direction1230900mHerbeDirectn0422900mHrb" "N5020,300" "E00259,633" "Voncq" "VONCQ" "Cimetiere" "N4928,533" "E00440,000" "Waregem" "WAREGM" "_" "N5052,800" "E00325,800" "Werbomont" "WRBMNT" "Pont" "N5022,983" "E00540,983" "Wevelgem" "WEVLGM" "Direction 06 24 Aerodromecivilgeneral" "N5049,033" "E00312,617" "Willerzie" "WILLRZ" "_" "N4958,983" "E00449,983" "Yvoir" "YVOIR" "_" "N5019,083" "E00451,617"