* NUM NAM ID COM LAT_D LAT_M LAT_S NS LON_D LON_M LON_S EW COD ALT FRE RW_D RW_H RW_L RW_S ICAO CUP_PICS * * ============================================================================== * * Filename "mtkpszt0.stx" created Friday, 19 June 2020 at 13:00 GMT * Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange format version 0.5.2 * * Lines starting with a * are comments and are ignored by programs using this file * Lines starting with a $ are definitions of parameters available to programs using this file * The first line that is neither a comment nor a definition contains the definitions * of the contents of the columns that follow * All other lines are waypoint definitions * The line containing the column definitions can be placed anywhere before the first waypoint. * It is placed as a comment at the top of this file for convenience in using this file * with a spreadsheet program, where the first line can be placed in a separate window * to label the columns as you scroll down. * The columns are separated by the "tab" character * * The specification of the .STX file format is available at * http://soaringweb.org/TP/stx_specification.html * * This is a 'beta' release to support the release of the NK ClearNav and is subject to change. * * ============================================================================== * * Starting the definition of various parameters for the file * $STX_VERSION 0.5.2 * combine_icao run on Friday, 19 June 2020 at 20:41 GMT $HOME Matkópuszta, Hungary $FILENAME_3 mt0 $FILENAME_4 mtk0 $FILENAME_5 mtkp0 $FILENAME_8 mtkpszt0 * #F FILENAME_FULL: Matkopuszta Nationals 2020 $HEADER Alföldi Repülőklub $USE_EXISTING_SUA Y $COUNTRY HU $URL_INFORMATION $URL_TURNPOINTS_HIDE www.soaringspot.com/en_gb/65th-hungarian-national-gliding-championships-matkopuszta-2020/downloads $CONTEST 65th Hungarian National Gliding Championships, 2020 $TIMEZONE_NAME MET $CONTRIBUTOR_ Alföldi Repülőklub $ILEC_CONTRIBUTOR_NAME AloldiRepuloklub $CONTRIBUTOR_E-MAIL info@aeroclubalfoldi.hu $MODIFICATIONS 09 Apr 02: Original contribution. $MODIFICATIONS 19 Jun 04: All new data many changes. $MODIFICATIONS 09 Jul 05: All new data many changes. $MODIFICATIONS 19 Jan 10: Magnetic Variation added $MODIFICATIONS 05 Oct 14: Ilec airspace file updated with AirParse Version 2.5 $MAGNETIC_VARIATION 3.8E * 47 0.0 N 19 40.0 E T 2004.05.24 LXN Cup/ NB2004 - Kassai $MILOMEI Yes $ALTITUDE_UNIT METERS $RW_L_UNIT METERS $MODIFICATIONS 19 Jun 20: BCSABAAPT, Bacsalmas, BodaE, Elek, Gara, HERCEGSZ, Ibafa, Ingyensor, Kunpeszer, Marlelaph, Misina, Mohacs, Mokrin, Moszkva, NGYSZENSAPT, Nagybereny, Newyork, ORBOTTGY, SOLT, Sostopuszta, Start1, Start2, and TAMASI added.   Adony Tp, Biharkeresztes, Gyoma, Gyula, Jakabszállás Rp, Karad, Kiskundorozsma, Kislang, Kunszentmiklós, Lajosmizse, Nagykoros, Ocseny H, Okany, Ruzsautk, Sandorfalva, Siklos, Szatymaz, Szeged 18-AS, Szekesfehervar, Szentes Re, Szentkiralyszabadja, Telekgerendás, and Zsadany moved.   Ágasegyháza, Öcsöd, Aba, Abasar, Abda, Abony, Abonya, Acs, Acsa, Adony Va, Akaszto, Alap, Alcsutdoboz, Algyo Va, Almosd, Alsonyek, Andrashida, Apc, Apostag, Aszalo, Aszofo, Atany, Békéscsaba Va1, Babolna, Badacsonytomaj, Baja, Bakonybank, Bakonybel, Bakonysarkany, Baktaloranthaza, Balassagyarmat, Balastya Tp, Balastya Va, Balatonkiliti, Balkany, Balmazújváros, Balotaszállás, Bana, Bank, Baracs, Baracska, Barand, Battonya, Batya, Bekesszentandras, Belapatfalva, Beled, Bercel, Berhida, Besenyotelek, Besenyszog, Biatorbagy, Bicske, Biharnagybajom, Boda, Bodajk, Bogacs, Bogyiszlo, Bohonye, Boldoga, Bonyretalap, Bordany, Borgond Rp, Borgond Va, Borota, Borsodnadasd, Borsosbereny, Botpalad, Budajeno, Budakeszi, Budaors, Bujak, Buk, Carda, Casablanca, Cece, Cegled, Cibakhaza, Csabacsud, Csakvar, Csany, Csanytelek, Csaszar, Csepa, Csesznek, Csokmo, Csolyospalos, Csomad, Csongrád Hid, Csorna, Csorvás, Dad, Debrecen, Decs, Deg, Derekegyhaza, Devavanya, Devecser, Dinnyes, Disco, Doboz Hk, Doboz Tp, Domaszek, Dorog, Dudar(Banya), Dunaújváros Fiw, Dunaegyhaza, Dunakeszi Rp, Dunakeszi Va, Dunaszekcso, Dunaszentgyörgy, Dunaujvaros, Dusnok, Ebes, Ecséd, Ecseg, Edeleny, Egerszolat, Egyek, Eloszallas, Emod, Encs, Erdobenye, Erdohorvati, Erdotarcsa, Ersekcsanad Rp, Ersekcsanad Tp, Esztergom, Etyek, Fajsz, Farkashegy Fin, Farkashegy Hng, Farkashegy Rw, Farmos, Fegyvernek, Fehergyarmat, Feldebro, Ferihegy, Fertoszentmiklos Rp, Fertoszentmiklos Va, Fokto, Foldes, Fonyod, Fulesd, Fulopszallas, Fuzesabony, Gadoros, Galgaguta, Galgamacsa, Gant, Gardony, Gater, Gerecse, God, Godollo, Gorbehaza, Gyomaendrod, Gyongyos Va, Gyongyos WT, Gyongyospata, Gyongyossolymos, Gyongyostarjan, Gyor, Gyorszabadhegy, Gyorszemere, Gyorszentivan, Gyuro, Hahot, Hajdúszoboszló Va, Hajdudorog, Hajos, Halmajugra, Hamashatarhegy, Harkakotony, Hatvan, Havana, Herceghalom, Herend, Heves, Hosszúpályi, Hunya, Ikervar, Isg, Istenmezeje, Izsak, Jakabszállás Tp, Janoshaza, Jaszkiser, Jaszladany, Jaszszentlaszlo, Jobbagyi, Körösladány, Kútvölgy, Kaba, Kadarkut, Kakasd, Kal, Kalocsa/Fokto, Kaloz, Kamut, Kapolnasnyek, Kaposmero, Kaposujlak, Kaposvar, Kapuvar, Karancssag, Kardoskút, Kaszaper, Kecsked Rp, Kecsked Tp, Kecskemet, Kenderes, Kenyeri, Kerecsend, Keszeg, Kiliti, Kiralyhegyes, Kisber, Kisköre Rp, Kisköre Tp, Kiskundorozsma, Kiskunfelegyhaza, Kiskunlachaza, Kismaros, Kisnana, Kisterenye, Kocs, Kocser, Kocsord Hid, Kocsord-Also, Komadi Va, Kompoc, Kondoros, Konyar, Korishegyi, Kormend, Kornye, Kospallag, Koszeg, Kszthely, Kunagota, Kuncsorba, Kunfeherto, Kunhegyes, Kunmadaras Rp, Kunszentmiklós, Lakitelek, Legend, Lengyeltoti, Lepseny, Line 13, Line 31, Lorinci, Lovasbereny, Madocsa, Magyarnandor, Makkosmaria, Maklar Va, Mako, Markaz, Maroslele, Martely, Matraszele, Mecseknadasd, Mehkerek, Melykut, Mesterszallas, Mezobe\textit{reny, Mezogyan, Mezokeresztes, Mezokomarom, Mezokovesd, Mezoors, Mezotarkany, Mindszent, Miske, Miskolctapolca, Mocsa, Moha-Rakodo, Monostorpalyi, Nadasladany, Nagybatony, Nagydobos, Nagyigmand, Nagykanizsa, Nagyszénás, Nagyveleg, Nagyvenyim, Napkor, Nemeti, Nogradkovesd, Nova, Nyarsapat, Nyekladhaza, Nyirbator, Nyirbogat, Nyiregyhaza Va, Nyirlugos, Nyirtelek, Ocsard, Ocseny V, Ofeherto, Ofoldeak, Onga, Orbottyan, Ordas, Orgovany, Oroszlany, Ostoros, Otteveny, Ottomos, Ozora, Pakozd, Palotas, Papa, Papsziget, Paszto, Patka, Paty, Pazmand, Pecsvarad, Pely, Penyige, Per Hng, Per Twr, Perkata, Petervasara, Petofiszallas, Piliscsaba Va, Piliscsev Va, Pincehely, Pogány Fema, Pogány Finish, Pogány Silo, Polgardi, Poroszlo, Prugy, Pusztacsalad, Pusztaföldvár, Pusztaszabolcs, Racalmas, Rakamaz, Recsk, Rem, Sajopetri, Salgotarjan, Sarkeresztes, Sarkeresztur, Sarmelle, Sarosd, Sarosptak, Segesd, Selyp, Seregelyes, Sojtor, Solt, Soltvadkert, Sukosd, Szabadegyhaza, Szabadkígyós, Szakaly, Szank, Szar, Szatymaz, Szedres, Szeged Ck, Szeged Cn, Szeged Twr, Szeged Va, Szegvar, Szekesfehervar, Szendro, Szentes Va, Szentorinc, Szerencs, Szihalom, Szikszo, Szirak, Szolnok Hk, Szolnok Ld, Szolnok Le, Szolnok Ny, Szolnok Re, Szombathely, Szomolya, Szurdokpuspoki, Túrkeve, Taktaharkany, Tallya, Tape, Tapioszolos, Tapolca, Tarjan, Tarnaszentmaria, Taszar, Tatabanya, Tedej, Teglas, Telki, Tet, Tiszaderzs, Tiszafoldvar, Tiszaigar, Tiszakecske, Tiszaluc, Tiszapuspoki, Tiszasuly, Tiszaug, Tiszavasvari, Tokol, Tokorcs, Tolmacs, Toltestava, Tomorkeny, Tortel, Toszeg, Tunyogmatolcs, Ujfeherto, Ujszasz, Ujtikos, Urhida, Uszod, Vac Ba, Vac DCM, Vaja, Val, Vanyarc, Varpalota, Vasvar, Vep, Verpelet, Verseg R, Verseg T, Veszprm, Villany, Visonta, Zabar, Zalaegerszeg/Andrashida, Zalahalap, Zalalovo, Zalaszentgrot, Zalaszentmihaly, Zamoly, Zebegeny, Zirc, and Zsaka removed. $MILOMEI Yes * ============================================================================== * * Filename "mtkpszt0.stx" created Friday, 19 June 2020 at 13:00 GMT * Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange format version 0.5.2 * * Lines starting with a * are comments and are ignored by programs using this file * Lines starting with a $ are definitions of parameters available to programs using this file * The first line that is neither a comment nor a definition contains the definitions * of the contents of the columns that follow * All other lines are waypoint definitions * The line containing the column definitions can be placed anywhere before the first waypoint. * It is placed as a comment at the top of this file for convenience in using this file * with a spreadsheet program, where the first line can be placed in a separate window * to label the columns as you scroll down. * The columns are separated by the "tab" character * * The specification of the .STX file format is available at * http://soaringweb.org/TP/stx_specification.html * * This is a 'beta' release to support the release of the NK ClearNav and is subject to change. * * ============================================================================== * * Starting the definition of various parameters for the file * $STX_VERSION 0.5.2 $HOME Matkópuszta, Hungary $COUNTRY HU $CONTEST 65th Hungarian National Gliding Championships, 2020 $TIMEZONE_NAME MET $CONTRIBUTOR_ Alföldi Repülőklub $CONTRIBUTOR_E-MAIL info@aeroclubalfoldi.hu $MAGNETIC_VARIATION 3.8E * 47 0.0 N 19 40.0 E T 2004.05.24 LXN Cup/ NB2004 - Kassai $ALTITUDE_UNIT METERS $RW_L_UNIT METERS $CONTRIBUTION_DATE 18 June 2020 * * ============================================================================== * * The next line defines the contents of columns. It MUST appear before the first waypoint line NUM NAM ID COM LAT_D LAT_M LAT_S NS LON_D LON_M LON_S EW COD ALT FRE RW_D RW_H RW_L RW_S ICAO CUP_PICS * * Starting the waypoints * 1 Szatymaz AP 001SZZAP 46 19 31 N 20 3 8 E DT 77 14/32 600 G 2 Ingyensor 002INGYESOR 46 17 18 N 20 4 36 E AT 75 3 Marlelaph 003MAAPH 46 17 3 N 20 16 54 E T 74 4 Ruzsa 004RUZSA 46 17 24 N 19 45 7 E T 113 5 Zsombo 005 Church 46 19 39 N 19 58 24 E T 87 6 Mezokovacshaza 006 Church 46 24 27 N 20 55 35 E T 97 7 Abadszalok 007 Church (middle one) 47 28 38 N 20 35 37 E T 88 9 Lajosmizse LAJOSZSE 47 1 17 N 19 34 2 E T 133 10 Algyo Hid 010 Railway Bridge 46 21 2 N 20 12 13 E bT 81 11 Nagykoros NAGYKROS 47 1 39 N 19 47 28 E T 111 12 Baja 012 Railway Bridge 46 11 36 N 18 55 55 E bT 89 16 Szeged 016 Finish RWY16 46 15 3 N 20 5 20 E DT 79 17 Adony 017 Centrum 47 7 9 N 18 51 55 E T 85 18 Békéscsaba Va 018 Railway Station 46 46 22 N 21 7 25 E T 85 20 Berettyóújfalu 020 Railway Station 47 12 43 N 21 32 2 E T 93 21 Bikal 021 Church 46 19 44 N 18 17 2 E T 145 22 Boly 022 Church 45 58 3 N 18 31 14 E T 132 23 Bonyhád 023 Church 46 17 53 N 18 31 55 E T 116 24 Szentes Airfield 024 46 36 46 N 20 17 0 E AT 84 123.95 16/34 150 750 G LHSZ 27 Bekessamson 027 Church 46 24 58 N 20 37 23 E T 87 28 Bugac 028 Church 46 41 16 N 19 41 0 E T 111 30 Csanadapaca 030 Church 46 32 35 N 20 53 17 E T 91 31 Császártöltés 031 Church 46 25 20 N 19 10 43 E T 99 32 Csávolyadó 032 TV Aerial 46 11 58 N 19 8 55 E jT 130 33 Csengele 033 Intersection 46 32 12 N 19 52 0 E rT 93 36 Csongrád Va 036 Railway Station 46 42 15 N 20 8 12 E T 79 39 Derecske 039 Railway Station 47 21 50 N 21 35 3 E T 94 41 Dombegyhaz 041 Church 46 20 25 N 21 8 12 E T 99 43 Dunaujvaros 043 Airfield Twr 46 53 46 N 18 55 17 E DT 123 130.8 140 950 LHDV 44 Dunaföldvár 044 Bridge 46 48 32 N 18 56 5 E bT 97 45 Ocseny Airfield 045 46 18 31 N 18 46 4 E DT 84 127.9 16/34 170 1200 G LHOY 47 Ecsegfalva 047 Church 47 8 40 N 20 55 37 E T 83 48 Eger 048 Railway Station 47 53 30 N 20 22 58 E T 152 50 Enying 050 Railway Station 46 55 22 N 18 15 37 E T 131 52 Fábiánsebestyén 052 Church 46 40 9 N 20 27 48 E T 81 53 Fadd 053 Church 46 27 53 N 18 49 39 E T 94 54 Földeák 054 Railway Station 46 18 50 N 20 29 16 E T 81 55 Füzesgyarmat 055 Railway Station 47 6 46 N 21 11 45 E T 84 58 Gyalaret 058 Centrum 46 12 17 N 20 6 33 E T 76 61 Hajduboszormeny 061 Railway Station 47 40 5 N 21 31 34 E T 134 62 Hajdunanas 062 Railway Station 47 49 53 N 21 25 45 E T 95 64 Harta 064 Church 46 41 33 N 19 1 25 E T 96 65 Hasznos 065 Dam 47 55 40 N 19 45 21 E 2T 315 66 Hercegszanto 066 Church 45 56 48 N 18 56 5 E T 87 67 Hódmezővásárhely 067 Railway Station 46 24 48 N 20 20 27 E T 78 68 Hortobagy 068 Railway Station 47 35 7 N 21 9 23 E T 88 70 Hajdúszoboszló Twr 070 Airfield 47 27 27 N 21 23 32 E DT 102 124.2 05/23 50 900 G LHHO 73 Jaszapati 073 Railway Station 47 30 49 N 20 9 24 E T 90 74 Jaszbereny 074 Railway Station 47 29 44 N 19 53 38 E T 96 76 Jánoshalma 076 Railway Station 46 17 31 N 19 19 58 E T 132 77 Kabhegyi 077 TV Aerial 47 2 52 N 17 39 27 E jT 600 78 Kalocsa 078 Railway Station 46 32 8 N 18 59 50 E T 89 80 Kaposvar 080 Airfield 46 23 26 N 17 44 3 E AT 156 124.5 17/35 170 700 C LHKV 81 Karcag 081 Railway Station 47 18 14 N 20 55 57 E T 82 83 Kecel 083 Church 46 31 20 N 19 15 23 E T 102 85 Kekesteto 085 TV Aerial 47 52 28 N 20 0 30 E jT 1015 86 Kétsoprony 086 Church 46 43 8 N 20 53 11 E T 88 88 Kiskőrös 088 Railway Station 46 37 35 N 19 17 58 E T 100 89 Kistelek 089 Railway Station 46 28 4 N 19 58 2 E T 85 90 Kisújszállás 090 Railway Station 47 13 26 N 20 45 8 E T 86 91 Kisszállás 091 Intersection 46 16 17 N 19 31 59 E rT 126 92 Kiskunfélegyháza Twr 092 Airfield HAngar 46 44 2 N 19 53 27 E AT 97 118.85 10/28 100 800 C LHKH 93 Kiskunhalas 093 Railway Station 46 25 59 N 19 29 42 E T 125 94 Kiskunmajsa 094 Railway Station 46 30 7 N 19 43 42 E T 104 95 Kocsola Tp 095 Church 46 31 46 N 18 10 42 E T 157 96 Kolesd 096 Church 46 30 38 N 18 35 21 E T 95 97 Komadi TV 097 Aerial 47 1 5 N 21 29 39 E jT 89 98 Komlo 098 Railway Station 46 11 19 N 18 15 57 E T 218 99 Sandorfalva SANDOLVA 46 21 53 N 20 6 49 E T 81 100 Kisvarda 100 Railway Station 48 12 28 N 22 4 47 E T 104 102 Köröstarcsa 102 Railway Station 46 53 4 N 21 1 47 E T 86 105 Kunmadaras Tp 105 Church 47 25 48 N 20 47 52 E T 90 106 Kunszentmarton 106 Railway Station 46 50 53 N 20 17 35 E T 83 107 Maklar Rp 107 Maklar Airfield 47 48 44 N 20 25 31 E AT 165 134.8 17/35 170 800 G LHMR 108 Mako 108 Railway Station 46 13 48 N 20 29 55 E T 80 109 Marcali 109 Railway Station 46 34 52 N 17 25 27 E T 121 111 Martfuva 111 Railway Station 47 1 14 N 20 17 34 E T 85 112 Mateszalka 112 Railway Station 47 57 3 N 22 18 55 E T 128 113 Matkopuszta 113 Airfield 46 47 55 N 19 41 5 E HDSFT 112 134.8 130 1200 LHMP 114 Medgyesegyháza 114 Railway Station 46 29 45 N 21 1 53 E T 94 115 Melykut 115 Railway Station 46 12 47 N 19 22 17 E T 127 116 Sumeg 116 Railway Station 46 58 50 N 17 16 14 E T 165 117 Mezocsat 117 Railway Station 47 49 27 N 20 55 5 E T 93 118 Mezohegyes 118 Railway Station 46 18 38 N 20 49 7 E T 97 119 Mezokovesd 119 Railway Station 47 47 48 N 20 34 6 E T 111 120 Mezőtúr 120 Railway Station 47 0 44 N 20 37 18 E T 83 122 Miskolc 122 Airfield Hangar 48 8 10 N 20 47 45 E DT 119 132.2 17/35 160 800 G LHMC 123 Mor 123 Railway Station 47 22 7 N 18 11 25 E T 171 124 Morahalom 124 Church 46 13 0 N 19 53 28 E T 91 125 Nádudvar 125 Church 47 25 42 N 21 9 33 E T 87 126 Nagyatad 126 Railway Station 46 13 41 N 17 21 22 E T 132 127 Nagydorog 127 Railway Station 46 36 55 N 18 39 6 E T 95 128 Nagyivan 128 Church 47 29 11 N 20 55 58 E T 86 129 Nagyrabe 129 Church 47 12 22 N 21 19 17 E T 88 130 Nemesnádudvar 130 Church 46 20 23 N 19 3 16 E T 108 131 Nemetker 131 Church 46 42 57 N 18 46 6 E T 142 132 Nagymagocs 132 Church 46 34 52 N 20 29 30 E T 79 133 Nagyszenas 133 Airfield 46 41 53 N 20 40 5 E AT 87 LHNS 134 Nyiradony 134 Railway Station 47 42 37 N 21 54 11 E T 150 136 Nyiregyhaza Hng 136 Airfield Hangar 47 58 34 N 21 41 30 E AT 103 127.6 180 1000 LHNY 137 Opusztaszer 137 Church 46 29 52 N 20 3 19 E T 80 138 Orbottyan 138 Brickyard 47 41 12 N 20 18 6 E T 109 139 Orosháza 139 Railway Station 46 33 58 N 20 40 0 E T 89 141 Palmonostora 141 Church 46 37 35 N 19 56 55 E T 88 142 Pannonhalma 142 Church 47 33 20 N 17 45 27 E T 202 144 Pipishegy 144 Airfield 47 48 47 N 19 58 16 E AT 350 124.9 15/33 145 760 G LHGY 145 Pogány Twr 145 Pecs-Pogany Airfield Twr 45 59 40 N 18 14 1 E DT 198 126.9 160 1530 LHPP 146 Polgar 146 Railway Station 47 51 44 N 21 7 57 E T 90 147 Puspokladany 147 Railway Station 47 19 43 N 21 7 50 E T 86 148 Jakabszallas 148 Airfield 46 44 54 N 19 36 14 E AT 106 125.2 14/32 140 600 A LHJK 150 Sajohidveg 150 Church 48 0 13 N 20 57 0 E T 103 151 Szentkiralyszabadja 151 Airport 47 4 41 N 17 58 12 E AT 280 127.0 16/34 158 2000 A LHSA 152 Sarbogard 152 Railway Station 46 53 47 N 18 37 1 E T 105 153 Sarkad 153 Railway Station 46 44 10 N 21 24 12 E T 85 155 Siklos 155 Railway Station 45 51 36 N 18 18 29 E T 108 156 Simontornya 156 Railway Station 46 45 23 N 18 32 57 E T 97 157 Siofok 157 Mole 46 54 36 N 18 2 47 E T 108 158 Solt 158 Aerial 46 50 3 N 19 1 53 E jT 93 161 Telekgerendas 161 Airfield 46 39 9 N 20 57 44 E AT 88 80 600 162 Szabadszallas 162 Church 46 52 31 N 19 13 25 E T 97 164 Szarvas 164 Railway Station 46 51 41 N 20 34 11 E T 80 165 Szeghalom 165 Railway Station 47 0 54 N 21 8 57 E T 85 167 Székkutas 167 Railway Station 46 30 15 N 20 32 33 E T 84 168 Szekesfehervar 168 Railway Station 47 11 0 N 18 25 26 E T 108 170 Szigetvar 170 Railway Station 46 2 36 N 17 48 16 E T 112 171 Szilvasvarad 171 Railway Station 48 6 46 N 20 22 46 E T 334 172 Szolnok Twr 172 Sport-Airfield 47 8 49 N 20 12 1 E DT 85 123.3 10 1050 LHSS 173 Tab 173 Railway Station 46 44 4 N 18 2 34 E T 142 174 Tamasi 174 Church 46 37 53 N 18 17 5 E T 118 175 Bekescsaba 175 Airfield 46 40 33 N 21 9 44 E DT 90 123.25 10/28 360 1300 G LHBC 176 Tata 176 Railway Station 47 39 49 N 18 19 48 E T 138 177 Tazlar 177 Church 46 32 58 N 19 30 54 E T 114 179 Tihanyi-Apatsag 179 Abbey 46 54 49 N 17 53 28 E T 132 180 Tiszafüred 180 Railway Station 47 37 39 N 20 45 30 E T 90 184 Tokaj 184 Railway Station 48 6 49 N 21 24 32 E T 98 185 Torokszentmiklos 185 Railway Station 47 10 12 N 20 24 55 E T 85 186 Tótkomlós 186 Railway Station 46 24 31 N 20 43 42 E T 91 189 Ujkigyos 189 Church 46 35 17 N 21 1 31 E T 92 190 Ulles 190 Church 46 20 10 N 19 51 4 E T 96 192 Vamosgyork 192 Railway Station 47 41 9 N 19 55 46 E T 106 193 Vámospércs 193 Railway Station 47 31 27 N 21 53 45 E T 132 194 Vasarosnameny 194 Railway Station 48 7 42 N 22 18 30 E T 113 195 Vemend 195 Railway Station 46 9 13 N 18 36 34 E T 218 196 Vésztő 196 Railway Station 46 56 20 N 21 15 50 E T 84 198 Zsana 198 Church 46 22 57 N 19 39 45 E T 118 199 Gyoma 199 Airfield 46 57 19 N 20 52 58 E AT 92 119.35 14/32 140 400 C LHGM 216 Mokrin 216 Church 45 56 4 N 20 24 36 E T 77 221 Misina 221MIINA 46 7 5 N 18 11 55 E T 524 222 Boda E 222BODAE 46 5 55 N 18 2 45 E T 314 223 Ibafa 223IBAFA 46 9 18 N 17 55 16 E T 150 224 Mohacs 224MOACS 45 59 44 N 18 41 22 E T 86 226 Kiskundorozsma 226KKSMA 46 16 23 N 20 4 16 E T 81 227 Kunpeszer 227KUZER 47 4 13 N 19 16 35 E T 92 228 Kunszentmiklos 228KULOS 47 1 46 N 19 7 19 E T 96 229 Elek 229ELEK 46 32 5 N 21 11 28 E T 89 229 Sostopuszta 229SOZTA 47 15 3 N 19 6 42 E T 96 230 Gyula 230GYULA 46 38 38 N 21 17 35 E T 86 231 Okany 231OKANY 46 53 37 N 21 21 48 E T 84 232 Zsadany 232ZSANY 46 55 26 N 21 30 6 E T 88 233 Biharkeresztes 233BITES 47 7 33 N 21 41 40 E T 94 234 Gara 234GARA 46 2 48 N 19 1 46 E T 92 235 Bacsalmas 235BAMAS 46 7 48 N 19 20 10 E T 119 235 Siklos 235SILOS 45 52 36 N 18 18 16 E T 224 236 Kislang 236KIANG 46 58 0 N 18 23 43 E T 134 237 Nagybereny 237NAENY 46 48 5 N 18 9 49 E T 144 239 Karad 239KARAD 46 41 12 N 17 51 4 E T 182 245 Newyork 245NEORK 46 49 17 N 19 38 39 E T 115 248 Start2 248STRT2 46 46 2 N 19 46 58 E S 101 249 Start1 249STRT1 46 46 26 N 19 33 34 E S 105 250 Moszkva 250MOKVA 46 46 34 N 19 43 32 E T 106