*+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ * + * Tasknav data for Marion, Ohio + * + * Contributed by Paulo Santos + * File created Friday, 07 May 2004 at 03:15 GMT + * + * Available from the Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange at + * http://acro.harvard.edu/SOARING/JL/TP [ North America ] + * or http://soaring.xinqu.net/JL/TP [ New Zealand ] + * + * UNOFFICIAL, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK + * + * Always consult the relevant publications for current and correct + * information. This service is provided free of charge with no warrantees, + * expressed or implied. + * User assumes all risk of use. + * + *+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ADA Ada U# 404726N 0834945W ARL Aero Lake Farm U# 410243N 0815612W AGN Agner U# 410413N 0840511W ALG Alge U# 405417N 0833841W AMN Amanda U# 393807N 0824417W AND Anderson U# 395000N 0824400W ANY Andy Barnhart U# 395551N 0840049W APP Apple U# 400836N 0841019W ARN Aring U# 412130N 0833330W ASH Ashland U# 405411N 0821520W AGS August Acres U# 400945N 0824655W BND Bandit U# 411326N 0825728W BAS Bayes U# 402024N 0831703W BED Bea-D U# 413114N 0831631W BCH Beachy's U# 400529N 0832133W BCK Beckman U# 394433N 0830218W BLL Bellefontaine U# 402220N 0834908W BEN Bender U# 403717N 0823202W BRL Berlin Station U# 401532N 0830043W BLV Blevins U# 411226N 0841611W BLF Bluffton U# 405308N 0835207W BGG Boggy Bottoms U# 412524N 0825858W BHN Bohannan U# 402044N 0825626W BLT Bolton U# 395404N 0830813W BRD Bordner U# 412010N 0834324W BWM Bowman U# 402006N 0830810W BRW Brown's Lakeside U# 401645N 0825501W BUC Buckeye Executive U# 395742N 0823226W CRL Carl R Keller U# 413059N 0825207W CRR Carroll's U# 412002N 0820610W CDR Cedar Creek U# 403728N 0823808W CHP Chapin U# 411200N 0823425W CHA Chapman U# 401741N 0824353W CHI Chippewa U# 413600N 0831900W CHR Christy's U# 412003N 0840949W CLR Clarks Dream Stri U# 393839N 0830106W CLM Clum U# 395254N 0822453W COL Cole U# 404930N 0824749W COU Columbia U# 411908N 0815737W COM Columbus Southwes U# 395440N 0831120W CNK Conklin U# 412330N 0834212W CRC Crocker U# 411656N 0815656W CLV Culver U# 413947N 0832456W CTL Cutler U 401135N 0830643W DCH D. A. Chandler U# 410758N 0822739W DRB Darby U# 400825N 0832325W DAR Darby Dan U# 395631N 0831218W DVS Davies Air U# 404420N 0815218W DEC Dechant Farms U# 411515N 0821150W DDS Deeds U# 393854N 0823224W DLW Delaware U# 401647N 0830653W DRR Derry U# 395938N 0815149W DSH Deshler U# 411257N 0835228W DBL Diebleys U# 410505N 0832611W DRL Dorlon U# 411718N 0815746W DOU Double S Farms U# 411220N 0821953W DRK Drake U# 412715N 0833511W DWG Dwight U# 401547N 0823052W EBL Eibling Circle E U# 404427N 0834016W ECK Eickmeier U# 411740N 0835717W ELL Elliotts Landing U# 403129N 0833042W ELR Elyria U# 411954N 0820601W FRF Fairfield U# 394520N 0823926W FTT Fayette U# 393413N 0832514W FRR Ferrell U# 405835N 0833830W FND Findlay U# 410049N 0834007W FLW Fly-A-Way Farm U# 401501N 0825940W FLN Flying Acres U# 402302N 0830625W FLY Flying J U# 394902N 0834521W FRS Forest U# 404943N 0833050W FRT Fortman U# 403319N 0842312W FST Fostoria Metro U# 411127N 0832340W FRE Freefall U# 405557N 0830825W FRM Freeman U# 404653N 0820321W FRO Fremont U# 411959N 0830940W FRY Fry U# 401118N 0841522W GNR Gainer U# 400152N 0834800W GLN Galion U# 404512N 0824326W GLL Galloway U# 412256N 0824258W GRK Gerker U# 405713N 0841625W GBB Gibbs U# 412506N 0830103W GRM Gorman U# 404517N 0822330W GRH Graham Farm U# 400912N 0815824W GRA Graham's Landing U# 411332N 0815629W GRF Griffing Sandusky U# 412600N 0823908W GRI Grimes U# 400757N 0834512W GRV Grover U# 401314N 0825647W GRT Gruetter U# 413533N 0832232W HAR Haar U# 412715N 0831555W HMM Hammond U# 394647N 0835433W HRD Hardin U# 403639N 0833837W HRL Harlan U# 411210N 0820655W HRR Harris Corn U# 411023N 0820334W HWK Hawk's Nest U# 403224N 0822338W HLM Heilman U# 404008N 0832637W HTM Heitman U# 402234N 0841518W HNR Henry U# 412227N 0840405W HDW Hide-A-Way Hills U# 393835N 0822801W HLL Hillview U# 401831N 0833655W HLT Hiltner U# 410918N 0841254W HIL Hilty U# 405629N 0814752W HND Hinde U# 412413N 0823605W HOL Holmes U# 403214N 0815716W HRN Horning U# 404410N 0824510W HUL Hull U# 411526N 0831222W HDB Hydebrook U# 394648N 0835400W IND Industry U# 395041N 0823447W JMF J-Em Farm U# 400915N 0831630W JNK Jenkins U# 395814N 0835442W JEN Jenkins U# 411835N 0830658W JRM Jer-Mar U# 411522N 0820838W JHN Johns Landing U# 395355N 0820637W KRN Kearns U# 400537N 0824301W KLL Kelley's Island U# 413610N 0824105W KPS Kepes Flying U# 395525N 0833942W KNG Knight U# 410930N 0823400W KNX Knox U# 401943N 0823126W KSK Kosik U# 411433N 0821613W KRG Kruggel U# 410835N 0820143W LKR Lake Air Ranch U# 411620N 0823723W LNK Lanker U# 403502N 0824046W LVL Leavelle U# 400043N 0841653W LML Lima Allen U# 404225N 0840136W LND Lindsey L.S U# 394115N 0830549W LSB Lisbon U# 395200N 0833800W LGN Logan's Chance U# 395948N 0835117W LRN Lorain U# 412039N 0821040W LTZ Lutz U# 405742N 0833543W LTT Lyttle U# 400258N 0824718W MCR M.C.R U# 410343N 0815843W MDR Mad River U# 400112N 0834943W MDS Madison U# 395558N 0832743W MNS Mansfield Lahm U# 404917N 0823100W MRG Margos Sky Ranch U# 410240N 0814856W MRN Marion U# 403659N 0830349W MSS Massengill U# 400408N 0820810W MTH Mather U# 412321N 0824546W MCA McArdle U# 411257N 0833329W MCC McColloch's U# 401038N 0841740W MCK McKnight U# 401125N 0823917W MTC Metcalf U# 413354N 0832856W MDD Middle Bass Islan U# 414106N 0824818W MID Middle Bass-East U# 414140N 0824748W MLL Mill Creek U# 401606N 0831318W MIL Miller Farm U# 395304N 0823521W MIE Millertime U# 394734N 0830702W MIS Missler-Bellevue U# 411710N 0825200W MIT Mitchell U# 400814N 0831305W MOL Mole U# 411542N 0815927W MRR Morrow U# 403128N 0825100W MLH Mulholland U# 403424N 0842924W NLR Neil Armstrong U# 402936N 0841756W NST Nesta U# 403758N 0821037W NWR Newark-Heath U# 400129N 0822743W NTZ Nietz U# 412445N 0834047W NRW Norwalk-Huron U# 411441N 0823304W OBN Obi One U# 402110N 0830304W OHD Ohio Dusting U# 405709N 0835856W OHN Ohio University U# 400447N 0830423W PCK Packer U# 402429N 0831310W PRK Parknavy U# 400418N 0831348W PRR Parr U# 400025N 0820044W PLZ Pelz U# 395902N 0833648W PIC Pickaway U# 393058N 0825856W PNL Pine Lake U# 401405N 0825510W PQR Piqua Airport - H U# 400953N 0841830W PLN Planevue U# 400650N 0822730W PLS Pleasant Home U# 405509N 0820651W PRT Port Bucyrus-Craw U# 404654N 0825829W POR Port Columbus U# 395953N 0825331W POT Port-O-John U# 394743N 0831324W POE Porter U# 395715N 0821100W PRB Priebe U# 410650N 0834104W PTN Put in Bay U# 413812N 0824942W PUT Putnam U# 410208N 0835855W RLL Rall U# 404540N 0822505W RTT Rattlesnake Islan U# 414045N 0825050W RHS Rauhaus U# 411236N 0815825W RDR Reader-Botsford U# 410945N 0821210W RDS Reeds U# 400440N 0835350W RIC Rice U 404200N 0841404W RCH Richard Downing U# 401833N 0815112W RIH Richards U# 412414N 0820624W RCK Rickenbacker U# 394850N 0825540W RVR Riverside U# 395910N 0815901W RIV Riverview U# 400811N 0815937W RBR Roberts U# 395110N 0832814W ROB Roberts U# 395518N 0822733W ROC Rocky Ridge U# 413028N 0834617W RNS Ronshausen U# 394106N 0830419W RUH Ruhe's U# 410611N 0840307W RUT Rutter U# 410551N 0833010W SND S and S U# 401805N 0835834W SAN Sandusky U# 411745N 0830214W SCH Schaller U# 405648N 0834048W SCE Scheibe U# 404503N 0820016W SCU Schulze's U# 405700N 0825530W SNC Seneca U# 410539N 0831245W SHL Shelby Community U# 405222N 0824151W SHE Shelton U# 412152N 0833251W SHN Shenandoah U# 405512N 0822845W SDN Sidney U# 401429N 0840904W SNO Snoddy U# 404140N 0820705W SRN Soaring Horse U# 410458N 0820236W SLT Soltis U# 403013N 0830525W STH Southcreek U# 411758N 0830041W SPR Spring Valley Far U# 405511N 0814204W SPI Springfield-Beckl U# 395025N 0835025W STN Stine U# 404400N 0815335W STL Stoltzfus U# 404540N 0814644W STO Stone U# 410023N 0832539W SNS Sunset Strip U# 401107N 0831025W TTH Tathams' U# 410425N 0834105W TNG Tong Farm U# 405815N 0832730W TSS Toussaint U# 413056N 0831821W TRN Transportation Re U# 401829N 0833230W TRC Tri-City U# 401452N 0814409W UNN Union U# 401329N 0832106W VLL Valley City U# 411525N 0815815W VRN Varns Farms U# 404941N 0815847W VLS Velesky U# 393930N 0834031W VNS Vensil Farms U# 400624N 0820756W VRH Verhoff U# 410423N 0841246W VGL Vogel U# 405740N 0822215W WAC Waco U# 400053N 0841153W WDS Wadsworth U# 410011N 0814524W WKM Wakeman U# 411735N 0822215W WRN Warner U# 412310N 0825350W WAN Wayne U# 405229N 0815318W WVR Weaver U# 410207N 0833408W WKR Weiker U# 411345N 0830145W WLL Weller U# 400528N 0834122W WLT Weltzien Skypark U# 410142N 0814754W WST Westfield U# 410046N 0815513W WHT White's U# 394210N 0830538W WTF Wiita Farms U# 410418N 0814504W WIL Willard U# 394104N 0822800W WIA Willard U# 410220N 0824328W WII Williamson U# 394245N 0834814W WND Windswept U# 411155N 0834203W WOD Wood U# 412328N 0833749W WRG Wright's U# 401125N 0815826W WRI Wright-Patterson U# 394934N 0840254W WYA Wyandot U# 405300N 0831852W WNK Wynkoop U# 402154N 0822945W YNG Youngpeter U# 404700N 0842204W ZMM Zimmerman U# 412235N 0830500W ZLL Zoellner U# 412410N 0823745W ZRN Zorn Acres U# 412124N 0823730W ZRK Zurik U# 402049N 0824640W