;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; + ; Marcos Juarez, Argentina + ; + ; Control Points formatted for EWView II and EWView III + ; + ; Contributed by Sebastian Bollatti + ; + ; Generated Thursday, 25 October 2007 at 07:05 GMT + ; + ; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> USE AT YOUR OWN RISK <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< + ; All data and information contained in these data files are provided without + ; guarantee as to their completeness or correctness. Any conclusions drawn + ; from these data and information are the sole responsibility of the user. + ; + ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Home MJZ" "HOMMJZ" "Centropista" "S3241.033" "W06209.483" "P1 Marcos Juarez" "P1MRCS" "Estaciontren" "S3241.933" "W06206.308" "Alineacion 07" "ALNCN0" "Alineacionmj" "S3241.843" "W06212.709" "Alineacion 25" "ALNCN2" "Alineacionmj" "S3239.981" "W06206.124" "P2 Chacra Oest MJ" "P2CHCR" "Norteruta9" "S3239.761" "W06214.834" "P3 Est La Elsita" "P3STLL" "Centroestan" "S3245.876" "W06208.085" "P4 Estan Moreno" "P4STNM" "Centroestan" "S3237.470" "W06205.191" "P5 Leones" "P5LENS" "Estaciontren" "S3239.899" "W06217.947" "P6 General Roca" "P6GNRL" "Estaciontren" "S3243.926" "W06154.825" "Inriville" "INRVLL" "Estaciontren" "S3256.607" "W06213.775" "Colonia 25 de Mayo" "CLN25D" "Centrociudad" "S3253.283" "W06156.958" "San Marcos Sud" "SNMRCS" "Estaciontren" "S3237.934" "W06228.823" "Saira" "SAIRA" "Estaciontren" "S3224.368" "W06205.983" "Tortugas" "TORTGS" "Estaciontren" "S3244.948" "W06149.103" "El Saladillo" "ELSLDL" "Iglesia" "S3256.156" "W06220.638" "Los Surgentes" "LSSRGN" "Estaciontren" "S3258.866" "W06201.169" "Noetinger" "NOTNGR" "Estaciontren" "S3222.229" "W06218.667" "Monte Buey" "MONTEB" "Estaciontren" "S3255.090" "W06227.370" "Bouquet" "BOUQUT" "Estaciontren" "S3225.270" "W06153.333" "Montes de Oca" "MNTSDC" "Plazacentro" "S3233.983" "W06146.067" "Cruz Alta Est" "CRZLTS" "Estaciontren" "S3300.748" "W06148.471" "Camilo Aldao" "CAMLLD" "Estaciontren" "S3307.653" "W06205.632" "Baldisera" "BALDSR" "Plazacentro" "S3307.335" "W06218.115" "Bell Ville Est" "BLLVLL" "Estaciontren" "S3236.725" "W06241.638" "Chilibroste" "CHLBRS" "Estaciontren" "S3220.076" "W06230.738" "Maria Susana" "MARSSN" "Estaciontren" "S3215.940" "W06154.175" "Armstrong" "ARMSTR" "Estaciontren" "S3247.195" "W06136.214" "Justini Posse" "JSTNPS" "Estaciontren" "S3252.758" "W06240.677" "Arteaga" "ARTEAG" "Estaciontren" "S3305.252" "W06147.337" "Las Parejas" "LSPRJS" "Estaciontren" "S3240.904" "W06131.229" "Las Rosas" "LASRSS" "Estaciontren" "S3228.554" "W06134.171" "Cintra" "CINTRA" "Estaciontren" "S3218.640" "W06239.640" "Piamonte" "PIAMNT" "Estaciontren" "S3208.307" "W06158.435" "S Jose Esquina" "SJSSQN" "Estaciontren" "S3307.206" "W06142.780" "Los Cardos" "LSCRDS" "Estaciontren" "S3219.031" "W06137.917" "Morrison" "MORRSN" "Estaciontren" "S3235.706" "W06250.089" "Villa Eloisa" "VILLLS" "Estaciontren" "S3257.824" "W06133.202" "Isla Verde Est" "ISLVRD" "Estaciontren" "S3314.549" "W06224.199" "Corral Bustos Est" "CORRAL" "Estaciontren" "S3316.868" "W06211.006" "San Antonio del Liti" "SNNTND" "Plazacentro" "S3212.809" "W06237.822" "General Ordonez" "GNRLRD" "Estaciontren" "S3250.611" "W06252.045" "El Trebol Est" "ELTREB" "Estaciontren" "S3211.587" "W06142.049" "Chanar Ladeado" "CHNRLD" "Estaciontren" "S3318.475" "W06202.026" "Monte Maiz" "MONTMZ" "Estaciontren" "S3312.468" "W06236.074" "Los Nogales" "LSNGLS" "Estaciontren" "S3308.403" "W06136.257" "Canada de Gomez Est" "CNDDGM" "Estaciontren" "S3249.429" "W06123.262" "Landeta" "LANDET" "Estaciontren" "S3200.680" "W06203.536" "Alto Alegre" "ALTLGR" "Estaciontren" "S3220.877" "W06253.030" "Berabevu" "BERABV" "Estaciontren" "S3320.297" "W06151.694" "Carlos Pellegrini" "CRLSPL" "Estaciontren" "S3203.066" "W06147.210" "Ballesteros" "BLLSTR" "Estaciontren" "S3232.916" "W06259.078" "We Escalante" "WSCLNT" "Estaciontren" "S3310.459" "W06246.205" "El Fortin" "ELFRTN" "Estaciontren" "S3158.189" "W06218.028" "Bustinza" "BUSTNZ" "Centrociudad" "S3244.289" "W06117.443" "Centeno" "CENTEN" "Estaciontren" "S3217.939" "W06124.764" "Arequito" "AREQUT" "Estaciontren" "S3308.628" "W06128.247" "San Genaro" "SANGNR" "Estaciontren" "S3222.283" "W06121.403" "Las Bandurrias" "LSBNDR" "Estaciontren" "S3211.756" "W06129.460" "Ideazabal" "IDEZBL" "Plazacentro" "S3248.797" "W06301.884" "Laborde Est" "LBRDST" "Estaciontren" "S3309.454" "W06251.452" "Cafferata" "CAFFRT" "Plazacentro" "S3326.389" "W06205.054" "Clason" "CLASON" "Estaciontren" "S3227.644" "W06117.306" "Correa" "CORREA" "Estaciontren" "S3250.809" "W06114.970" "Silvio Pellico" "SLVPLL" "Plazacentro" "S3214.983" "W06255.848" "Alicia" "ALICIA" "Estaciontren" "S3156.451" "W06227.898" "Canada de Rosquin" "CNDDRS" "Estaciontren" "S3203.188" "W06135.973" "Los Quirquincho" "LSQRQN" "Estaciontren" "S3322.652" "W06142.662" "Cavanagh" "CAVNGH" "Estaciontren" "S3328.705" "W06220.442" "Guatimozin" "GUTMZN" "Estaciontren" "S3327.661" "W06226.368" "Cayuqueo" "CAYUQU" "Centrociudad" "S3248.055" "W06307.113" "Romon J Carcano" "RMNJCR" "Estaciontren" "S3229.506" "W06306.016" "San Jorge Est" "SNJRGS" "Estaciontren" "S3154.046" "W06151.281" "Totoras" "TOTORS" "Estaciontren" "S3235.603" "W06110.740" "Traill" "TRAILL" "Estaciontren" "S3155.205" "W06142.022" "Pascanas" "PASCNS" "Estaciontren" "S3307.650" "W06302.213" "Canada del Ucle" "CNDDLC" "Estaciontren" "S3324.667" "W06136.382" "Carcarana" "CARCRN" "Estaciontren" "S3251.452" "W06109.076" "Las Petacas" "LSPTCS" "Estaciontren" "S3149.188" "W06206.177" "La Chispa" "LACHSP" "Estaciontren" "S3332.429" "W06158.764" "Chabas" "CHABAS" "Estaciontren" "S3314.707" "W06121.536" "Villada" "VILLAD" "Estaciontren" "S3321.002" "W06126.679" "Froilan Palacios" "FRLNPL" "Estaciontren" "S3240.041" "W06105.056" "S Francisco S Fe" "SFRNCS" "Centrociudad" "S3335.319" "W06207.359" "Casilda Plz" "CSLDPL" "Plazacentro" "S3302.688" "W06109.831" "Los Molinos" "LSMLNS" "Estaciontren" "S3206.138" "W06119.560"