++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Control points for Lyon-Corbas, France + + + + Contributed by Jean-Marc Savoie + + Contributed on 08 May 2012 + + + + Formatted for the world-wide version of the software + + + + Last updated Monday, 14 May 2012 at 00:23 GMT + + + + UNOFFICIAL, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK + + + + Do not use for navigation, for flight verification only. + + + + Always consult the relevant publications for current and correct + + information. This service is provided free of charge with no warrantees, + + expressed or implied. + + User assumes all risk of use. + + + + Rename this file to TURNPTS.DAT to use with your Glide Navigator. + +Delete all of the header lines in this box, down to and including the next one+ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1, AmbertlePot, 45, 31.02, 3, 44.78, 0565 2, Amberieu, 45, 58.85, 5, 20.35, 0251 3, ArgentalBrg, 45, 17.95, 4, 33.7 4, Agreve Ste, 45, 0.6, 4, 23.85, 1075 5, Albain, 46, 25.28, 4, 52.68 6, AlbanLimgnl, 44, 46.97, 3, 23.28 7, AmberieuVll, 45, 57.52, 5, 21.58 8, Amour, 46, 26.2, 5, 20.47 9, Aubenasson, 44, 41.7, 5, 9.03, 0250 10, Annonay, 45, 14.65, 4, 41.17 11, Arbresle, 45, 50.32, 4, 37.08 12, Arlempdes, 44, 51.92, 3, 55.37, 0834 13, ArnayleDuc, 47, 8.0, 4, 29.42 14, Arvant, 45, 21.9, 3, 18.65 15, Aumontdbrc, 44, 43.48, 3, 17.27 16, AutunBellv, 46, 58.35, 4, 15.73, 0304 17, AutunVille, 46, 57.0, 4, 18.15 18, BrrgdsPrdx, 45, 32.33, 3, 50.72, 1200 19, Barbieres, 44, 57.33, 5, 8.35, 0425 20, Bataille, 44, 54.0, 5, 13.9, 1313 21, BenChllngs, 47, 0.67, 4, 53.85, 0199 22, BeauneMrcl, 46, 57.8, 4, 50.27 23, BellevllSn, 46, 6.78, 4, 43.83 24, Bessat le, 45, 22.13, 4, 30.95, 1128 25, BonnetlFrd, 45, 8.55, 4, 26.15, 1115 26, Brindas, 45, 42.7, 4, 41.87, 0317 27, BrioudBmnt, 45, 19.28, 3, 21.67, 0452 28, BellevllPz, 46, 8.57, 4, 42.88, 0215 29, Blet, 46, 53.5, 2, 43.75 30, BlignyOuch, 47, 6.3, 4, 40.32 31, Boen Ville, 45, 44.9, 4, 0.27 32, BoisdOingt, 45, 55.27, 4, 35.05, 0341 33, BourbonLnc, 46, 37.4, 3, 46.47 34, Brioude, 45, 17.57, 3, 23.12 35, Brouilly, 46, 6.48, 4, 39.28, 0510 36, BourgnBrss, 46, 12.4, 5, 17.58, 0261 37, BourbonLan, 46, 37.75, 3, 44.0 38, Buxy Ville, 46, 42.8, 4, 41.68 39, Chagny, 46, 54.63, 4, 45.3 40, ChamndlHrm, 45, 29.58, 4, 32.13, 0395 41, ChariteLor, 47, 10.57, 3, 0.68, 0165 42, Charolles, 46, 26.12, 4, 16.43 43, ChazellsLn, 45, 38.27, 4, 23.48, 0602 44, Ch Chinon, 47, 3.97, 3, 56.05 45, Crest, 44, 43.78, 5, 0.83, 0195 46, Cheylard, 44, 54.82, 4, 25.63 47, ClrmntFrrn, 45, 47.17, 3, 9.7, 0332 48, ChlnChmpfr, 46, 49.75, 4, 49.1, 0189 49, Cluny, 46, 26.23, 4, 39.65 50, ChmbnLgnnl, 45, 3.73, 4, 18.12 51, Chamond, 45, 28.8, 4, 30.95 52, CorbasAero, 45, 39.25, 4, 54.65, 0200 53, Corbasvill, 45, 39.87, 4, 53.77 54, Costaros, 44, 53.63, 3, 50.93 55, Decize, 46, 49.5, 3, 29.5 56, Depart, 45, 38.13, 4, 52.12, 0200 57, Die Gare, 44, 45.5, 5, 21.75, 0410 58, Die Champs, 44, 46.1, 5, 21.2, 0550 59, Digoin, 46, 29.15, 3, 59.08 60, Dijon, 47, 19.42, 5, 2.15, 0220 61, DijonLngvc, 47, 15.98, 5, 5.78, 0222 62, DomprrBsbr, 46, 31.38, 3, 40.75 63, Donjon le, 46, 22.87, 3, 47.53 64, Dunieres, 45, 12.65, 4, 21.03, 0789 65, EstablesLs, 44, 54.33, 4, 9.22, 1344 66, EtiennBthn, 45, 32.1, 4, 17.9, 0404 67, EtienneVll, 45, 26.67, 4, 24.03 68, FeursChmbn, 45, 42.22, 4, 12.07, 0334 69, FeursVille, 45, 44.72, 4, 13.45 70, Firminy, 45, 23.58, 4, 17.23 71, Flour, 45, 4.57, 2, 59.62, 0979 72, Frontenas, 45, 55.27, 4, 38.17, 0328 73, FutdAvenas, 46, 10.83, 4, 36.68, 0839 74, Galmier, 45, 36.43, 4, 18.35, 0386 75, GalmierSte, 45, 35.57, 4, 19.17 76, Gannat, 46, 5.83, 3, 12.32, 0335 77, GrenblStGr, 45, 21.82, 5, 20.03, 0397 78, GngxlNtnlS, 46, 36.78, 4, 39.72 79, Grmnlspnss, 46, 6.22, 4, 0.77 80, GnstMlfxSt, 45, 20.45, 4, 25.18, 0993 81, Georgesdrc, 45, 9.47, 3, 32.52 82, Gueugnon, 46, 36.25, 4, 3.48 83, Iguerande, 46, 12.53, 4, 4.65 84, Infernet, 44, 53.23, 5, 17.23, 1492 85, Int. A31A6, 47, 1.77, 4, 52.57 86, Int.A39A31, 47, 16.42, 5, 8.6 87, Int.A42A41, 46, 4.07, 5, 19.72 88, Int.A48A43, 45, 34.02, 5, 20.87 89, IssoirlBrc, 45, 30.9, 3, 16.05, 0378 90, IssarlesLc, 44, 49.08, 4, 4.22, 0971 91, Issoire, 45, 32.73, 3, 15.33 92, JeanenRons, 45, 1.67, 5, 18.6, 0264 93, JalignBrsb, 46, 22.87, 3, 35.55 94, Lalouvesc, 45, 7.15, 4, 32.13, 1083 95, Lamastre, 44, 59.23, 4, 35.03, 0455 96, LaplssPrgn, 46, 15.23, 3, 35.32, 0317 97, LapalissCh, 46, 14.93, 3, 38.38, 0275 98, Limouche, 44, 53.08, 5, 9.23, 1086 99, LnggnLsprn, 44, 42.38, 3, 53.3, 1015 100, LanggnVll, 44, 43.57, 3, 51.32, 0915 101, LyonSatls, 45, 43.62, 5, 4.92, 0250 102, Louhans, 46, 37.68, 5, 13.45 103, Lugny, 46, 28.35, 4, 48.68 104, Lyon Bron, 45, 43.82, 4, 56.38, 0201 105, MaconChrn, 46, 17.82, 4, 47.85, 0222 106, Macon, 46, 18.23, 4, 49.57 107, MonstrlLr, 45, 19.88, 4, 9.43, 0440 108, MlnsMntbg, 46, 32.1, 3, 25.37, 0278 109, Mnstrldll, 44, 58.2, 3, 38.75 110, Monistrol, 45, 19.82, 4, 10.35, 0519 111, MntbrsnGr, 45, 36.22, 4, 4.75, 0380 112, Montmarlt, 46, 19.07, 2, 57.22 113, Mornayllr, 46, 49.0, 3, 2.75 114, Moulins, 46, 33.25, 3, 20.0 115, Mrtndstrx, 46, 12.43, 3, 47.92 116, Mervans, 46, 48.03, 5, 11.32 117, MntbrsnVl, 45, 36.53, 4, 3.92 118, MntclsMns, 46, 36.25, 4, 20.03, 0314 119, Montceaul, 46, 40.95, 4, 21.9 120, MntrvlnBr, 46, 20.25, 5, 7.7 121, NazairRns, 45, 4.03, 5, 14.57, 0175 122, NblnsHbrg, 46, 54.82, 5, 19.63 123, NvrsFrchm, 47, 0.28, 3, 6.72, 0179 124, Nevers, 46, 59.0, 3, 9.0 125, Noailly, 46, 8.1, 4, 0.72 126, NutStGrgs, 47, 8.58, 4, 58.15, 0243 127, Pacaudier, 46, 10.58, 3, 52.13 128, Panissirs, 45, 47.62, 4, 20.28, 0613 129, ParaylMnl, 46, 28.07, 4, 8.1, 0304 130, PgdRsslln, 45, 22.17, 4, 48.03 131, Pelussin, 45, 25.0, 4, 40.5 132, Pertuis, 45, 5.93, 4, 3.63 133, PuyGuillm, 45, 57.45, 3, 28.42 134, PierrlMtr, 46, 47.5, 3, 7.5 135, PinBouchn, 45, 55.13, 4, 20.8 136, PontLignn, 45, 15.57, 4, 8.93 137, PntchrrTr, 45, 52.43, 4, 30.13 138, PoullMcng, 47, 13.28, 4, 33.67, 0430 139, PllSsChrl, 46, 9.0, 4, 6.0 140, Priay, 46, 0.28, 5, 17.72 141, PerogMxmx, 45, 52.18, 5, 11.23, 0214 142, PontSalmn, 45, 20.02, 4, 14.97 143, PontdeVax, 46, 26.05, 4, 56.23 144, PourcanSl, 46, 18.57, 3, 17.38 145, Puy Loude, 45, 4.63, 3, 45.87, 0832 146, PuydeDome, 45, 46.37, 2, 57.92, 1480 147, PuyenVela, 45, 2.63, 3, 53.67 148, Rmbrtdlbn, 45, 15.37, 4, 49.55, 0155 149, IsrdrmStR, 45, 16.67, 4, 49.63 150, RambertdA, 45, 17.77, 4, 48.87 151, RepubliqC, 45, 19.58, 4, 28.88, 1139 152, Ricamarie, 45, 24.08, 4, 21.68 153, RoannRnsn, 46, 3.22, 4, 0.07, 0337 154, RoannePnt, 46, 1.95, 4, 5.03 155, Romans, 45, 3.77, 5, 5.63, 0181 156, Romenay, 46, 30.13, 5, 4.0 157, Royer, 44, 41.15, 5, 20.52, 1144 158, SallnsDrm, 44, 41.82, 5, 11.85, 0280 159, Sancoins, 46, 50.05, 2, 55.32 160, SauliLrns, 47, 14.37, 4, 15.95, 0525 161, Saugue, 44, 57.62, 3, 33.05 162, SnnclGrnd, 46, 38.68, 4, 52.38 163, Seurre, 46, 59.78, 5, 8.8 164, SocnJrrst, 45, 40.68, 4, 41.92, 0358 165, Saulieu, 47, 17.02, 4, 13.9 166, SymphrnCs, 45, 37.92, 4, 27.17, 0587 167, Talaudier, 45, 28.77, 4, 25.87 168, Tarare, 45, 53.77, 4, 26.07, 0395 169, TordPnCss, 45, 33.6, 5, 23.08, 0320 170, ThiersOst, 45, 51.6, 3, 30.23 171, TrvrsdCrt, 46, 27.62, 5, 4.92 172, Tourniol, 44, 55.23, 5, 11.23, 1145 173, Tournon, 45, 4.12, 4, 50.52 174, TournsVll, 46, 33.67, 4, 54.75 175, TournsCsr, 46, 33.77, 4, 58.6, 0208 176, Uchizy, 46, 30.35, 4, 53.2 177, Valence, 44, 55.75, 4, 53.63 178, Vallier, 45, 10.67, 4, 48.83 179, VrnnsllrD, 46, 19.5, 3, 22.25 180, VrnnsllrV, 46, 18.92, 3, 24.12 181, VinnRvntn, 45, 27.85, 4, 49.77, 0219 182, VichChrml, 46, 10.38, 3, 24.33, 0248 183, Vichygare, 46, 7.62, 3, 25.83 184, VieillBrd, 45, 15.72, 3, 24.58 185, Vienne, 45, 31.3, 4, 52.48 186, VllfrnchS, 45, 59.18, 4, 43.28 187, ValonnSll, 46, 32.22, 2, 36.37 188, ValncChbl, 44, 54.98, 4, 58.18, 0162 189, Vocance, 45, 12.12, 4, 33.2, 0514 190, Vonnas, 46, 13.23, 4, 59.55 191, Yan Saint, 46, 24.45, 4, 1.33, 0242 192, Yorre, 46, 3.9, 3, 27.68 193, Yssingeax, 45, 8.63, 4, 7.52