*+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ * + * Tasknav data for Luchon, France + * + * Contributed by Jean-Claude Ferdinand + * Contribution date was 23 June, 2002 + * Airport and elevation information courtesy of Michael-Lorenz Meier + * File created Wednesday, 16 June 2010 at 22:54 GMT + * + * Available from the Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange at + * http://soaringweb.org/TP [ North America ] + * or http://soaring.gahsys.com/TP [ North America ] + * or http://soaring.xinqu.net/TP [ New Zealand ] + * + * UNOFFICIAL, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK + * + * Do not use for navigation, for flight verification only. + * + * Always consult the relevant publications for current and correct + * information. This service is provided free of charge with no warrantees, + * expressed or implied. + * User assumes all risk of use. + * + *+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ANS Ainsa U# 4226.267N 00008.233E E2.16/34.380m.Cultures AIR Aire sur lAdour U# 4342.934N 00015.250W 12/30;79M;118.97; ANO Andoins U 4317.633N 00013.933W Andoins ULM AND Andorra U 4231.000N 00132.000E Ville ANG Angouleme U# 4539.266N 00009.917E Gare ARG Argeles Gazost U 4300.000N 00005.833W Ville ARS Aries U# 4354.383N 00002.900E Aero Lo 350M ARX Arx U# 4405.200N 00001.050E 100M Champs ABT Aubiet U 4338.800N 00047.000E Ville AVR Averon U# 4344.816N 00004.250E Bedeille BTS Bats U 4339.650N 00027.433W Ville BZS Bazas U# 4427.900N 00011.083W 13 BDS Bedous U# 4259.200N 00036.983W 10/28;400m;Cultures BLN Belin Beliet U# 4430.000N 00047.250W Belin Beliet BLL Bielle U# 4303.784N 00025.984W 09/27;300m;Cultures BLC Bouloc U# 4418.733N 00105.267E Aero Para BRT Bretagne U 4353.567N 00008.567E 145M Aero ULM CBN Cabanac U# 4437.000N 00035.000W 70 CDL Cadillac U# 4438.000N 00020.000W 13 CMP CampagnedArmagnac U# 4351.767N 00000.334W CPT Captieux U 4417.567N 00015.484W Ville CST Casteljaloux U# 4419.000N 00004.600E Casteljaloux CAS Castelnau Magnoac U# 4316.733N 00031.234E CDC Caudecoste U# 4406.266N 00043.633E Caudecoste 450M CYL Caylus U# 4413.450N 00143.883E Alt 330M Lo 450M CZR Cazere U# 4312.050N 00102.650E Palaminy 935M CDS Cdesos U# 4231.950N 00029.500E E5;02/20;200m CHN Chinon U 4710.117N 00014.833E Ville CND Condon U# 4354.350N 00023.066E Aerodrome CON Condon Ville U 4357.000N 00022.483E Ville CTR Coutras U 4502.267N 00007.367W Ville DEM Demu U# 4345.967N 00009.634E Champs DHR Duhort U# 4342.367N 00018.500W Lac de Duhort Barrage DNS Dunes U# 4406.350N 00046.650E Alt 73M Lo 615M DRN Durance U# 4409.983N 00009.716E DRS Duras U 4440.633N 00011.117E Ville EAZ Eauze U 4351.600N 00006.050E Ville ENG Engomer U# 4256.900N 00102.966E 15/33;250m;Prairie EST Esterri dAneu U# 4237.183N 00107.150E 16/34;400m;Prairie FOS Fos U# 4253.183N 00043.534E 14/32;200m;Prairie FRQ Fourques U# 4427.983N 00009.683E Alt 21M Lo 500M FRN Fronsac U# 4258.384N 00039.617E 01/19;350m;Prairie GBR Gabarret U 4359.200N 00000.683E Gabaret Ville GEN Geaune U 4338.000N 00022.750W Ville GNS Genos U# 4248.283N 00024.467E 15/33;500m;Herbe GER Ger U 4314.450N 00007.350W ULM GMN Gimont U 4337.550N 00052.600E Ville GND Gondrin U# 4353.200N 00014.200E Gondrin GOX Goux U# 4337.534N 00001.250W Intersection Route et Fer GRG Grignols U 4423.333N 00002.366W Grigmols Ville HGT Hagetmau U# 4339.416N 00035.567W Hagetmau HST Hostens U# 4430.000N 00047.066W 70 HLL Houielles U 4411.417N 00001.950E Houilles Ville ISS Issigeac U# 4441.850N 00037.534E Aero ITX Itxassou U# 4320.200N 00125.400W Aero JAC Jaca U# 4234.000N 00040.000W 10/28;ALT670M;123.5 LBH Labouheyre U# 4412.433N 00055.084W LBR Labrit U 4406.283N 00032.366W Ville LCR La Couronne U# 4536.433N 00006.067E LNG Langon U# 4433.150N 00014.900W Gare SNCF LNN Lannemaigan U 4354.217N 00012.034W Lannemaigan Ville LRC La Roche Chalais U# 4508.933N 00000.433E Laroche Chalais LRM La Romieu U# 4359.050N 00029.833E LSC Lasclaverie U# 4326.083N 00016.534W Para LCT Lectoure U# 4355.500N 00038.533E Aero220 LPT Le Poteau U# 4411.500N 00016.000W LRD Lourdes U 4305.500N 00002.816W Ville LCH Luchon U# 4249.000N 00036.000E LXY Luxey U 4415.866N 00031.067W Ville MNC Manciet U 4347.966N 00002.650E Ville MRC Marciac U 4331.350N 00009.767E Ville MBG Maubouguet U 4328.234N 00004.350E ULM MZN Mezin U 4403.533N 00015.133E Ville MLN Mielan U 4326.000N 00018.000E Ville MRN Mirande U# 4328.166N 00023.333E Aero220n MOT Montegut U 4352.817N 00011.250W Ville MON Mont Louis U# 4233.034N 00207.267E 14/32;1710M;123.5; MOM Montmoreau U# 4528.250N 00008.983E Aero MNT Montrejo U 4305.000N 00034.000E Ville 1 MOR Morcenx U 4401.933N 00054.566W Ville NGR Nogaro U# 4346.300N 00002.000W 14/32;91M;130.05; OLR Oloron U# 4310.466N 00034.084W 07/25;299M;123.5 ORT Orthez U 4329.300N 00046.000W Ville OST Oust U# 4253.417N 00113.133E Champ PYR Peyresourde U# 4248.350N 00026.134E 10/28;1582m;118.75;Peyresourde PCD Pic du Midi U# 4256.666N 00008.750E Pic Midi Bigorre 2865M PLS PlaisanceenBigorr U# 4336.000N 00003.000E PMM Pommevic U 4405.083N 00055.084E ULM RBS Rabastens U 4322.583N 00010.050W ULM RQF Roquefort U 4402.134N 00019.200W Ville RFF Ruffec U# 4601.834N 00011.317E Gare SNCF SBR Sabres U 4408.850N 00043.950W Ville SMD Samadet U 4338.100N 00029.150W Ville SPT Septfond U# 4410.550N 00132.300E Aero STG St Gaudens U# 4306.850N 00037.283E 07/25;405m;123.5;Montrejeau STI St Giron U# 4300.883N 00106.367E 16/34;ALT418M;118.25; STE St JeanPieddePort U# 4310.200N 00114.500W STJ St Jean Poutge U# 4343.267N 00022.433E STA St Lanne U 4335.767N 00003.500W Ville STL St Leoca U# 4227.383N 00201.084E 07/25;1320M;123.5; STS St Symphorien U# 4425.933N 00029.366W TRS Tarasc U# 4251.583N 00135.767E Tarascon Champ 200M TRB Tarbes U# 4313.600N 00005.117E 08/26;329m;122.6;Laloubčre TRT Tartas U 4349.933N 00049.067W Ville URG Urgons U# 4339.034N 00026.533W VAR Vaure U# 4250.167N 00020.117E 04/22.240m.Herbe VCF Vic Fezenzac U# 4345.566N 00018.167E VLL Viella U 4243.000N 00048.000E Ville VVN Vivonne U 4625.517N 00015.833E Ville