Site Luchon, France Courtesy of Jean-Claude Ferdinand jcferdinand& Airport and elevation information courtesy of Michael-Lorenz Meier Dated 23 June, 2002 Magnetic Variation 0.6W Time Zone Name MET File created on Wednesday, 16 June 2010 at 22:54 GMT The primary specification of the waypoint coordinates is degrees and decimal minutes UNOFFICIAL, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK Do not use for navigation, for flight verification only. Always consult the relevant publications for current and correct information. This service is provided free of charge with no warrantees, expressed or implied. User assumes all risk of use. Number Name North/South Latitude [degrees] Latitude [minutes] Latitude [seconds] Latitude [decimal minutes] Latitude [decimal degrees] East/West Longitude [degrees] Longitude [minutes] Longitude [seconds] Longitude [decimal minutes] Longitude [decimal degrees] Elevation [Meters] Control P Turnpoint ID[3] ID[5] ID[6] ID[10] ID[12] ICAO Identifier 1 Argeles-Gazost N 43 0 0 0 43 W 0 5 50 5.833 -0.0972167 T Ville ARG ARGLS ARGLSG ArgelsGzst ArgelesGazst 2 Andorra N 42 31 0 31 42.5166667 E 1 32 0 32 1.5333333 T Ville AND ANDRR ANDORR Andorra Andorra 3 Bedous N 42 59 12 59.2 42.9866667 W 0 36 59 36.983 -0.6163833 TL 10/28;400m;Cultures BDS BEDOS BEDOUS Bedous Bedous 4 Bielle N 43 3 47 3.784 43.0630667 W 0 25 59 25.984 -0.4330667 TL 09/27;300m;Cultures BLL BIELL BIELLE Bielle Bielle 5 Engomer N 42 56 54 56.9 42.9483333 E 1 2 58 2.966 1.0494333 TA 15/33;250m;Prairie ENG ENGMR ENGOMR Engomer Engomer 6 Esterri d'Aneu N 42 37 11 37.183 42.6197167 E 1 7 9 7.15 1.1191667 TA 16/34;400m;Prairie EST ESTRR ESTRRD EsterridAn EsterridAneu 7 Fos N 42 53 11 53.183 42.8863833 E 0 43 32 43.534 0.7255667 TA 14/32;200m;Prairie FOS FOS FOS Fos Fos 8 Fronsac N 42 58 23 58.384 42.9730667 E 0 39 37 39.617 0.6602833 TA 01/19;350m;Prairie FRN FRNSC FRONSC Fronsac Fronsac 9 Genos N 42 48 17 48.283 42.8047167 E 0 24 28 24.467 0.4077833 TA 15/33;500m;Herbe GNS GENOS GENOS Genos Genos 10 Luchon N 42 49 0 49 42.8166667 E 0 36 0 36 0.6 619 HSFTA LCH LUCHN LUCHON Luchon Luchon LFCB 11 Montrejo N 43 5 0 5 43.0833333 E 0 34 0 34 0.5666667 T Ville 1 MNT MNTRJ MONTRJ Montrejo Montrejo 12 Oloron N 43 10 28 10.466 43.1744333 W 0 34 5 34.084 -0.5680667 299 TA 07/25;299M;123.5 OLR OLORN OLORON Oloron Oloron LFCO 13 Peyresourde N 42 48 21 48.35 42.8058333 E 0 26 8 26.134 0.4355667 1582 TA 10/28;1582m;118.75;Peyresourde PYR PYRSR PYRSRD Peyresourd Peyresourde LFIP 14 St Gaudens N 43 6 51 6.85 43.1141667 E 0 37 17 37.283 0.6213833 405 TA 07/25;405m;123.5;Montrejeau STG STGDN STGDNS St Gaudens St Gaudens LFIM 15 St-Giron N 43 0 53 0.883 43.0147167 E 1 6 22 6.367 1.1061167 418 TA 16/34;ALT418M;118.25; STI STGRN STGIRN St Giron St Giron LFCG 16 St-Leoca N 42 27 23 27.383 42.4563833 E 2 1 5 1.084 2.0180667 1320 TA 07/25;1320M;123.5; STL STLEC STLEOC St Leoca St Leoca LFYS 17 Tarasc N 42 51 35 51.583 42.8597167 E 1 35 46 35.767 1.5961167 TL Tarascon Champ 200M TRS TARSC TARASC Tarasc Tarasc 18 Tarbes N 43 13 36 13.6 43.2266667 E 0 5 7 5.117 0.0852833 329 TA 08/26;329m;122.6;Laloubere TRB TARBS TARBES Tarbes Tarbes LFDT 19 Vaure N 42 50 10 50.167 42.8361167 E 0 20 7 20.117 0.3352833 TA 04/22.240m.Herbe VAR VAURE VAURE Vaure Vaure 20 Viella N 42 43 0 43 42.7166667 E 0 48 0 48 0.8 T Ville VLL VIELL VIELLA Viella Viella 21 Pic du Midi N 42 56 40 56.666 42.9444333 E 0 8 45 8.75 0.1458333 2865 TA Pic Midi Bigorre 2865M PCD PCDMD PICDMD Pic duMidi Pic du Midi 22 Ainsa N 42 26 16 26.267 42.4377833 E 0 8 14 8.233 0.1372167 TL E2.16/34.380m.Cultures ANS AINSA AINSA Ainsa Ainsa 23 Cdesos N 42 31 57 31.95 42.5325 E 0 29 30 29.5 0.4916667 TA E5;02/20;200m CDS CDESS CDESOS Cdesos Cdesos 24 Jaca N 42 34 0 34 42.5666667 W 0 40 0 40 -0.6666667 TA 10/28;ALT670M;123.5 JAC JACA JACA Jaca Jaca 25 Mont-Louis N 42 33 2 33.034 42.5505667 E 2 7 16 7.267 2.1211167 1710 TA 14/32;1710M;123.5; MON MNTLS MONTLS Mont Louis Mont Louis LFNQ 26 Andoins N 43 17 38 17.633 43.2938833 W 0 13 56 13.933 -0.2322167 Tz Andoins ULM ANO ANDNS ANDONS Andoins Andoins 27 Angouleme N 45 39 16 39.266 45.6544333 E 0 9 55 9.917 0.1652833 TA Gare ANG ANGLM ANGOLM Angouleme Angouleme 28 Aries N 43 54 23 54.383 43.9063833 E 0 2 54 2.9 0.0483333 TA Aero Lo 350M ARS ARIES ARIES Aries Aries 29 Arx N 44 5 12 5.2 44.0866667 E 0 1 3 1.05 0.0175 TL 100M Champs ARX ARX ARX Arx Arx 30 Aubiet N 43 38 48 38.8 43.6466667 E 0 47 0 47 0.7833333 T Ville ABT AUBIT AUBIET Aubiet Aubiet 31 Bats N 43 39 39 39.65 43.6608333 W 0 27 26 27.433 -0.4572167 T Ville BTS BATS BATS Bats Bats 32 Bazas N 44 27 54 27.9 44.465 W 0 11 5 11.083 -0.1847167 TA 13 BZS BAZAS BAZAS Bazas Bazas 33 Belin-Beliet N 44 30 0 30 44.5 W 0 47 15 47.25 -0.7875 52 TA Belin Beliet BLN BLNBL BLNBLT BelinBelit Belin Beliet 34 Bouloc N 44 18 44 18.733 44.3122167 E 1 5 16 5.267 1.0877833 220 TA Aero Para BLC BOULC BOULOC Bouloc Bouloc 35 Bretagne N 43 53 34 53.567 43.8927833 E 0 8 34 8.567 0.1427833 115 Tz 145M Aero ULM BRT BRTGN BRETGN Bretagne Bretagne 36 Cabanac N 44 37 0 37 44.6166667 W 0 35 0 35 -0.5833333 58 TA 70 CBN CABNC CABANC Cabanac Cabanac 37 Cadillac N 44 38 0 38 44.6333333 W 0 20 0 20 -0.3333333 56 TA 13 CDL CDLLC CADLLC Cadillac Cadillac 38 Campagne d'Armagnac N 43 51 46 51.767 43.8627833 W 0 0 20 0.334 -0.0055667 TA CMP CMPGN CMPGND Cmpgndrmgn Campgndrmgnc 39 Captieux N 44 17 34 17.567 44.2927833 W 0 15 29 15.484 -0.2580667 T Ville CPT CAPTX CAPTIX Captieux Captieux 40 Casteljaloux N 44 19 0 19 44.3166667 E 0 4 36 4.6 0.0766667 TA Casteljaloux CST CSTLJ CSTLJL Casteljalx Casteljaloux 41 Caudecoste N 44 6 16 6.266 44.1044333 E 0 43 38 43.633 0.7272167 84 TA Caudecoste 450M CDC CDCST CADCST Caudecoste Caudecoste 42 Caylus N 44 13 27 13.45 44.2241667 E 1 43 53 43.883 1.7313833 TA Alt 330M Lo 450M CYL CAYLS CAYLUS Caylus Caylus 43 Cazere N 43 12 3 12.05 43.2008333 E 1 2 39 2.65 1.0441667 247 TA Palaminy 935M CZR CAZER CAZERE Cazere Cazere LFJH 44 Chinon N 47 10 7 10.117 47.1686167 E 0 14 50 14.833 0.2472167 T Ville CHN CHINN CHINON Chinon Chinon 45 Condon N 43 54 21 54.35 43.9058333 E 0 23 4 23.066 0.3844333 134 TA Aerodrome CND CONDN CONDON Condon Condon LFID 46 Condon Ville N 43 57 0 57 43.95 E 0 22 29 22.483 0.3747167 T Ville CON CNDNV CNDNVL CondonVill Condon Ville 47 Coutras N 45 2 16 2.267 45.0377833 W 0 7 22 7.367 -0.1227833 T Ville CTR COTRS COUTRS Coutras Coutras 48 Demu N 43 45 58 45.967 43.7661167 E 0 9 38 9.634 0.1605667 TL Champs DEM DEMU DEMU Demu Demu 49 Dunes N 44 6 21 6.35 44.1058333 E 0 46 39 46.65 0.7775 84 TA Alt 73M Lo 615M DNS DUNES DUNES Dunes Dunes 50 Durance N 44 9 59 9.983 44.1663833 E 0 9 43 9.716 0.1619333 TA DRN DURNC DURANC Durance Durance 51 Duras N 44 40 38 40.633 44.6772167 E 0 11 7 11.117 0.1852833 T Ville DRS DURAS DURAS Duras Duras 52 Eauze N 43 51 36 51.6 43.86 E 0 6 3 6.05 0.1008333 T Ville EAZ EAUZE EAUZE Eauze Eauze 53 Fourques N 44 27 59 27.983 44.4663833 E 0 9 41 9.683 0.1613833 44 TA Alt 21M Lo 500M FRQ FORQS FOURQS Fourques Fourques 54 Gabarret N 43 59 12 59.2 43.9866667 E 0 0 41 0.683 0.0113833 T Gabaret Ville GBR GBRRT GABRRT Gabarret Gabarret 55 Geaune N 43 38 0 38 43.6333333 W 0 22 45 22.75 -0.3791667 T Ville GEN GEAUN GEAUNE Geaune Geaune 56 Ger N 43 14 27 14.45 43.2408333 W 0 7 21 7.35 -0.1225 Tz ULM GER GER GER Ger Ger 57 Gimont N 43 37 33 37.55 43.6258333 E 0 52 36 52.6 0.8766667 T Ville GMN GIMNT GIMONT Gimont Gimont 58 Gondrin N 43 53 12 53.2 43.8866667 E 0 14 12 14.2 0.2366667 TA Gondrin GND GNDRN GONDRN Gondrin Gondrin 59 Goux N 43 37 32 37.534 43.6255667 W 0 1 15 1.25 -0.0208333 TA Intersection Route et Fer GOX GOUX GOUX Goux Goux 60 Grignols N 44 23 20 23.333 44.3888833 W 0 2 22 2.366 -0.0394333 T Grigmols Ville GRG GRGNL GRGNLS Grignols Grignols 61 Hagetmau N 43 39 25 39.416 43.6569333 W 0 35 34 35.567 -0.5927833 TA Hagetmau HGT HAGTM HAGETM Hagetmau Hagetmau 62 Hostens N 44 30 0 30 44.5 W 0 47 4 47.066 -0.7844333 52 TA 70 HST HSTNS HOSTNS Hostens Hostens 63 Houielles N 44 11 25 11.417 44.1902833 E 0 1 57 1.95 0.0325 T Houilles Ville HLL HOLLS HOULLS Houielles Houielles 64 Issigeac N 44 41 51 41.85 44.6975 E 0 37 32 37.534 0.6255667 TA Aero ISS ISSGC ISSIGC Issigeac Issigeac 65 Labouheyre N 44 12 26 12.433 44.2072167 W 0 55 5 55.084 -0.9180667 TA LBH LBHYR LABHYR Labouheyre Labouheyre 66 Labrit N 44 6 17 6.283 44.1047167 W 0 32 22 32.366 -0.5394333 T Ville LBR LABRT LABRIT Labrit Labrit 67 La Couronne N 45 36 26 36.433 45.6072167 E 0 6 4 6.067 0.1011167 TA LCR LCRNN LACRNN LaCouronne La Couronne 68 Langon N 44 33 9 33.15 44.5525 W 0 14 54 14.9 -0.2483333 TA Gare SNCF LNG LANGN LANGON Langon Langon 69 La Roche-Chalais N 45 8 56 8.933 45.1488833 E 0 0 26 0.433 0.0072167 TA Laroche Chalais LRC LRCHC LRCHCH LaRochChls LaRocheChals 70 La Romieu N 43 59 3 59.05 43.9841667 E 0 29 50 29.833 0.4972167 TA LRM LAROM LAROMI La Romieu La Romieu 71 Lasclaverie N 43 26 5 26.083 43.4347167 W 0 16 32 16.534 -0.2755667 200 TA Para LSC LSCLV LSCLVR Lasclaveri Lasclaverie 72 Lectoure N 43 55 30 55.5 43.925 E 0 38 32 38.533 0.6422167 TA Aero220 LCT LECTR LECTOR Lectoure Lectoure 73 Castelnau Magnoac N 43 16 44 16.733 43.2788833 E 0 31 14 31.234 0.5205667 299 TA CAS CSTLN CSTLNM CastlnMgnc CastelnaMgnc LFDQ 74 Itxassou N 43 20 12 20.2 43.3366667 W 1 25 24 25.4 -1.4233333 186 TA Aero ITX ITXSS ITXASS Itxassou Itxassou LFIX 75 Lannemaigan N 43 54 13 54.217 43.9036167 W 0 12 2 12.034 -0.2005667 T Lannemaigan Ville LNN LNNMG LNNMGN Lannemaign Lannemaigan 76 Lourdes N 43 5 30 5.5 43.0916667 W 0 2 49 2.816 -0.0469333 T Ville LRD LORDS LOURDS Lourdes Lourdes 77 Luxey N 44 15 52 15.866 44.2644333 W 0 31 4 31.067 -0.5177833 T Ville LXY LUXEY LUXEY Luxey Luxey 78 Manciet N 43 47 58 47.966 43.7994333 E 0 2 39 2.65 0.0441667 T Ville MNC MANCT MANCIT Manciet Manciet 79 Marciac N 43 31 21 31.35 43.5225 E 0 9 46 9.767 0.1627833 T Ville MRC MARCC MARCIC Marciac Marciac 80 Maubouguet N 43 28 14 28.234 43.4705667 E 0 4 21 4.35 0.0725 Tz ULM MBG MABGT MAUBGT Maubouguet Maubouguet 81 Mezin N 44 3 32 3.533 44.0588833 E 0 15 8 15.133 0.2522167 T Ville MZN MEZIN MEZIN Mezin Mezin 82 Mielan N 43 26 0 26 43.4333333 E 0 18 0 18 0.3 T Ville MLN MIELN MIELAN Mielan Mielan 83 Mirande N 43 28 10 28.166 43.4694333 E 0 23 20 23.333 0.3888833 198 TA Aero220n MRN MIRND MIRAND Mirande Mirande 84 Montegut N 43 52 49 52.817 43.8802833 W 0 11 15 11.25 -0.1875 T Ville MOT MNTGT MONTGT Montegut Montegut 85 Morcenx N 44 1 56 1.933 44.0322167 W 0 54 34 54.566 -0.9094333 T Ville MOR MRCNX MORCNX Morcenx Morcenx 86 Montmoreau N 45 28 15 28.25 45.4708333 E 0 8 59 8.983 0.1497167 TA Aero MOM MNTMR MONTMR Montmoreau Montmoreau 87 Orthez N 43 29 18 29.3 43.4883333 W 0 46 0 46 -0.7666667 T Ville ORT ORTHZ ORTHEZ Orthez Orthez 88 Oust N 42 53 25 53.417 42.8902833 E 1 13 8 13.133 1.2188833 TL Champ OST OUST OUST Oust Oust 89 Plaisance en Bigorre N 43 36 0 36 43.6 E 0 3 0 3 0.05 TA PLS PLSNC PLSNCN PlsncnBgrr PlaisncnBgrr 90 Pommevic N 44 5 5 5.083 44.0847167 E 0 55 5 55.084 0.9180667 TZ ULM PMM PMMVC POMMVC Pommevic Pommevic 91 Le Poteau N 44 11 30 11.5 44.1916667 W 0 16 0 16 -0.2666667 TA LPT LEPOT LEPOTE Le Poteau Le Poteau 92 Rabastens N 43 22 35 22.583 43.3763833 W 0 10 3 10.05 -0.1675 Tz ULM RBS RBSTN RBSTNS Rabastens Rabastens 93 Roquefort N 44 2 8 2.134 44.0355667 W 0 19 12 19.2 -0.32 T Ville RQF RQFRT ROQFRT Roquefort Roquefort 94 Ruffec N 46 1 50 1.834 46.0305667 E 0 11 19 11.317 0.1886167 TA Gare SNCF RFF RUFFC RUFFEC Ruffec Ruffec 95 Sabres N 44 8 51 8.85 44.1475 W 0 43 57 43.95 -0.7325 T Ville SBR SABRS SABRES Sabres Sabres 96 Samadet N 43 38 6 38.1 43.635 W 0 29 9 29.15 -0.4858333 T Ville SMD SAMDT SAMADT Samadet Samadet 97 Septfond N 44 10 33 10.55 44.1758333 E 1 32 18 32.3 1.5383333 TA Aero SPT SPTFN SPTFND Septfond Septfond 98 St Lanne N 43 35 46 35.767 43.5961167 W 0 3 30 3.5 -0.0583333 T Ville STA STLNN STLANN St Lanne St Lanne 99 St Jean-Poutge N 43 43 16 43.267 43.7211167 E 0 22 26 22.433 0.3738833 TA STJ STJNP STJNPT StJeanPotg StJeanPoutge 100 St Jean Pied de Port N 43 10 12 10.2 43.17 W 1 14 30 14.5 -1.2416667 TA STE STJEA STJNPD StJnPddPrt StJeanPddPrt 101 St Symphorien N 44 25 56 25.933 44.4322167 W 0 29 22 29.366 -0.4894333 TA STS STSYM STSYMP StSymphorn StSymphorien 102 Tartas N 43 49 56 49.933 43.8322167 W 0 49 4 49.067 -0.8177833 T Ville TRT TARTS TARTAS Tartas Tartas 103 Urgons N 43 39 2 39.034 43.6505667 W 0 26 32 26.533 -0.4422167 TA URG URGNS URGONS Urgons Urgons 104 Vic-Fezenzac N 43 45 34 45.566 43.7594333 E 0 18 10 18.167 0.3027833 TA VCF VCFZN VCFZNZ VicFezenzc Vic Fezenzac 105 Vivonne N 46 25 31 25.517 46.4252833 E 0 15 50 15.833 0.2638833 T Ville VVN VIVNN VIVONN Vivonne Vivonne 106 Averon N 43 44 49 44.816 43.7469333 E 0 4 15 4.25 0.0708333 TA Bedeille AVR AVERN AVERON Averon Averon 107 Duhort N 43 42 22 42.367 43.7061167 W 0 18 30 18.5 -0.3083333 TA Lac de Duhort Barrage DHR DUHRT DUHORT Duhort Duhort 108 Nogaro N 43 46 18 46.3 43.7716667 W 0 2 0 2 -0.0333333 92 TA 14/32;91M;130.05; NGR NOGAR NOGARO Nogaro Nogaro LFCN 109 Aire-sur-l'Adour N 43 42 56 42.934 43.7155667 W 0 15 15 15.25 -0.2541667 79 TA 12/30;79M;118.97; AIR ARSRL ARSRLD Airesurldr AiresurlAdor LFDA