* NUM NAM COM LAT_D LAT_M LAT_S LON_D LON_M LON_S COD ALT FRE RW_D RW_H RW_L RW_S RW_W RW_G ICAO NAM_12 * * ============================================================================== * * Filename "lstrvr22.stx" created Monday, 06 June 2022 at 07:54 GMT * Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange format version 0.5.4 * * Lines starting with a * are comments and are ignored by programs using this file * Lines starting with a $ are definitions of parameters available to programs using this file * The first line that is neither a comment nor a definition contains the definitions * of the contents of the columns that follow * All other lines are waypoint definitions * The line containing the column definitions can be placed anywhere before the first waypoint. * It is placed as a comment at the top of this file for convenience in using this file * with a spreadsheet program, where the first line can be placed in a separate window * to label the columns as you scroll down. * The columns are separated by the "tab" character * * The specification of the .STX file format is available at * http://soaringweb.org/TP/stx_specification.html * * This version is to support ClearNav. * * ============================================================================== * * Starting the definition of various parameters for the file * $STX_VERSION 0.5.4 $MYTIMESTAMP 202206060754 $HOME Lost River Mountain Range, Idaho $CAI_TITLE Lost River Mtn Range $HEADER Control Points for Mackay, Idaho and King Mountain Glider Park, Idaho - Southern Idaho, Western Montana and Wyoming $HEADER Version 2011 $COUNTRY US $TIMEZONE_NAME US/Mountain $STATE Idaho $STATE_ABBREV ID $MAGVAR 16.0E $HEADER Soar Idaho and King Mountain Glider Park $CONTRIBUTOR Wayne Paul '6F' $ALTITUDE_UNIT FEET $FILENAME_3 ls2 $FILENAME_4 lst2 $FILENAME_5 lstr2 $FILENAME_8 lstrvr22 $FILENAME_FULL Lost River ID 2022 $MODIFICATIONS 15 Dec 10: Original contribution $MODIFICATIONS 05 Oct 14: Ilec airspace file updated with AirParse Version 2.5 $MODIFICATIONS 06 Jun 22: Steen's Mountain added. Airport attribute removed from Albion, Bowman ID, Haas, Interstate, Mason, Queen Bee, Skyline, and Tezak's-Colterville-Spur * ============================================================================== * * Filename "lstrvr22.stx" created Monday, 06 June 2022 at 07:54 GMT * Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange format version 0.5.4 * * Lines starting with a * are comments and are ignored by programs using this file * Lines starting with a $ are definitions of parameters available to programs using this file * The first line that is neither a comment nor a definition contains the definitions * of the contents of the columns that follow * All other lines are waypoint definitions * The line containing the column definitions can be placed anywhere before the first waypoint. * It is placed as a comment at the top of this file for convenience in using this file * with a spreadsheet program, where the first line can be placed in a separate window * to label the columns as you scroll down. * The columns are separated by the "tab" character * * The specification of the .STX file format is available at * http://soaringweb.org/TP/stx_specification.html * * This version is to support ClearNav. * * ============================================================================== * * Starting the definition of various parameters for the file * $STX_VERSION 0.5.4 $MYTIMESTAMP 202206060754 $HOME Lost River Mountain Range, Idaho $COUNTRY US $TIMEZONE_NAME US/Mountain $STATE_ABBREV ID $MAGVAR 16.0E $CONTRIBUTOR Wayne Paul '6F' $ALTITUDE_UNIT FEET $RW_L_UNIT Feet $CONTRIBUTION_DATE 06 June 2022 $LONGITUDE West $LATITUDE North * * ============================================================================== * * The next line defines the contents of columns. It MUST appear before the first waypoint line NUM NAM COM LAT_D LAT_M LAT_S LON_D LON_M LON_S COD ALT FRE RW_D RW_H RW_L RW_S RW_W RW_G ICAO NAM_12 * * Starting the waypoints * 1 Aberdeen U36 42 55 16 112 52 52 TA 4472 122.9 06/24 60 3650 A 50 U36 Aberdeen 2 Afton AFO 42 42 40 110 56 32 TA 6220 122.8 16/34 180 7025 A 75 0.5 AFO Afton 3 Albion Private 42 24 2 113 33 39 T 4777 Albion 4 Allen H Tigert U78 42 38 55 111 34 54 TA 5840 122.8 16/34 160 3500 A 50 U78 Allen H Tige 5 Alpine 46U 43 11 5 111 2 33 TA 5633 122.9 13/31 130 5850 A 50 46U Alpine WY 6 American Falls U01 42 47 50 112 49 30 TA 4409 122.8 03/21 52 4900 A 50 U01 American Fal 7 Anderson Private 43 11 4 112 27 53 TAP 4449 03/21 30 2700 G 80 ID12 Anderson 8 Antelope Run Ranch Private 42 49 1 110 16 42 TAP 7470 07/25 70 7500 A 75 WY33 Antelope Run 9 Antelope Valley U92 43 40 38 113 36 9 TA 6181 122.9 05/23 50 3450 G 130 U92 Antelope Val 10 Arco East 2 43 42 54 113 5 25 T 7723 Arco East 2 11 Arco-Butte County AOC 43 36 19 113 19 54 TA 5328 122.8 06/24 70 6600 A 75 AOC Arco-Butte C 12 Atlanta 55h 43 48 49 115 8 6 TA 5499 122.9 16/34 160 2460 G 75 55H Atlanta 13 Baird Mountain 43 21 46 111 5 41 T 9984 Baird Mounta 14 Baldy 43 39 36 114 24 33 T 8520 Baldy 15 Bancroft U51 42 43 15 111 52 3 TA 5436 122.9 07/25 70 3280 V 30 U51 Bancroft 16 Bear Lake 1U7 42 14 59 111 20 30 TA 5928 122.8 10/28 100 5730 A 75 1U7 Bear Lake 17 Bear Trap 1U0 42 58 30 113 21 2 TA 4715 122.9 06/24 60 2250 G 120 1U0 Bear Trap 18 Bert Mooney BTM 45 57 17 112 29 51 TA 5545 123.0 15/33 167 9001 A 150 BTM Bert Mooney 19 Big Creek U60 45 8 0 115 19 18 TA 5745 122.9 01/19 10 3550 G 110 U60 Big Creek 20 Big Piney-Marbleton BPI 42 35 6 110 6 40 TA 6991 122.8 08/26 92 3300 G 140 BPI Big Piney-Ma 21 Big Southern Butte U46 43 25 55 113 3 21 TA 5000 122.9 01/19 10 2600 D 110 U46 Big Southern 22 Blackfoot U02 43 12 45 112 20 47 TA 4488 122.8 01/19 24 4314 A 75 U02 Blackfoot 23 Boarder Junction 42 12 47 111 2 34 T 6122 Boarder Junc 24 Boulder 3U9 46 12 42 112 6 21 T 4970 122.9 11/29 110 3675 G 72 3U9 Boulder 25 Bowman ID Private,ID52 43 59 35 111 33 2 T 5102 03/21 30 2600 G 30 ID52 Bowman 26 Bowman MT 3u3 46 9 10 112 52 4 TA 5030 122.8 17/35 180 6011 A 75 3U3 Bowman MT 27 Bruce Meadows U63 44 24 56 115 19 0 TA 6371 122.9 05/23 50 5000 G 110 U63 Bruce Meadow 28 Buhl U03 42 35 49 114 47 57 TA 3661 122.9 09/27 90 3900 A 60 U03 Buhl 29 Burley BYI 42 32 34 113 46 17 TA 4150 122.9 02/20 37 4094 A 80 BYI Burley 30 Caldwell EUL 43 38 31 116 38 7 TA 2428 122.7 12/30 135 5500 A 100 EUL Caldwell 31 Canyon Ferry 8U9 46 25 8 111 34 38 TA 3839 122.8 16/34 160 3200 T 75 8U9 Canyon Ferry 32 Carey U65 43 18 30 113 56 3 TA 4783 122.9 07/25 70 2650 G 170 U65 Carey 33 Carson Lake 44 17 0 113 45 0 T 9301 Carson Lake 34 Cascade U70 44 29 38 116 0 59 TA 4741 122.9 12/30 120 4300 A 60 U70 Cascade ID 35 Challis LLJ 44 31 23 114 13 3 TA 5072 122.8 16/34 160 4600 A 60 LLJ Challis 36 Challis Look 44 34 22 114 5 43 T 7923 Challis Look 37 Chamberlain U79 45 22 24 115 12 19 TA 5764 122.9 07/25 70 4100 G 200 U79 Chamberlain 38 Copper Basin 0U2 43 48 7 113 49 53 TA 7920 122.9 12/30 120 4700 G 100 0U2 Copper Basin 39 Council U82 44 44 59 116 26 49 TA 2963 122.8 17/35 170 3600 A 60 U82 Council 40 Cox's Well U48 43 13 5 113 13 38 TA 5033 122.9 07/25 70 2700 G 100 U48 Cox's Well 41 Deadwood AF Private 44 17 51 115 38 29 TP 5400 NE/SW 45 1800 D 50 ID86 Deadwood AF 42 Deer Lodge-City-County 38S 46 23 20 112 46 1 TA 4688 122.9 12/30 141 5799 A 75 38S Deer Lodge-C 43 Dell Flight 4U9 44 44 9 112 43 12 TA 6007 122.9 14/32 140 7000 A 70 4U9 Dell Flight 44 Dillon DLN 45 15 19 112 33 9 TA 5243 122.8 17/35 179 6500 A 75 1.3 DLN Dillon 45 Donnelly U84 44 43 32 116 5 29 TA 4859 122.9 18/36 180 2500 G 125 U84 Donnelly 46 Downey/Hyde U58 42 25 27 112 6 34 TA 4905 122.9 17/35 170 3550 A 50 U58 Downey/Hyde 47 Driggs DIJ 43 44 30 111 5 54 TA 6230 122.7 03/21 48 7302 A 75 DIJ Driggs 48 Double Spring Pass 44 11 29 113 51 12 T 7349 DS_Pass 49 Dubois WY U25 43 32 54 109 41 25 TA 7290 122.9 10/28 100 6100 A 60 U25 Dubois 50 Dubois ID U41 44 9 46 112 13 15 TA 5125 122.9 16/34 160 4600 G 100 U41 Dubois ID 51 Edsall Field Private 45 43 27 111 2 35 TAP 4659 12/30 120 1800 G 80 MT71 Edsall Field 52 Elk City S90 45 49 22 115 26 23 T 4098 122.9 14/35 140 2600 G 150 S90 Elk City 53 Elkhorn Peak 42 20 2 112 19 42 T 9094 Elkhorn Peak 54 Emmett S78 43 51 9 116 32 19 TA 2349 122.9 10/28 100 3250 A 50 S78 Emmett 55 Ennis-Big Sky EKS 45 16 9 111 38 53 TA 5381 122.8 16/34 177 6600 A 75 EKS Ennis-Big Sk 56 Fairbanks Private,1ID7 42 35 16 114 20 3 TAP 3829 07/25 70 2300 G 80 1ID7 Fairbanks 57 Fairfield U86 43 20 31 114 47 54 TA 5059 122.9 07/25 70 2950 D 40 U86 Fairfield 58 Farewell Bend 44 18 0 117 13 29 T 2133 FarewellBend 59 Flat Top Air Private 43 29 40 113 55 18 TAP 5840 NE/SW 45 3000 V 40 10ID Flat Top Air 60 Flying B Ranch Private 44 58 5 114 43 58 TAP 3648 N/S 180 2000 G 100 12ID Flying B Ran 61 Flying Joseph Ranch Private 44 26 35 113 46 23 TAP 5600 130.3 11/29 110 6507 A 75 0ID2 Flying Josep 62 Flying Y Ranch Private 45 26 5 110 38 40 TAP 4856 122.8 03/21 30 6000 G 50 MT48 Flying Y Ran 63 Freedom Air Ranch Private,0WY0 43 2 23 111 2 17 TAP 5699 18/36 180 2000 G 30 0WY0 Freedom Air 64 Galena Summit 43 51 47 114 42 32 T 8927 Galena Summi 65 Gallatin Field BZN 45 46 37 111 9 11 TA 4475 118.2 12/30 136 8994 A 150 0.5 BZN Gallatin Fie 66 Garden Valley U88 44 4 1 115 55 53 TA 3176 122.9 10/28 100 3850 G 125 U88 Garden Valle 67 Gardiner 29S 45 3 0 110 44 48 TA 5285 122.8 10/28 100 3200 A 55 29S Gardiner 68 Glenns Ferry U89 42 56 37 115 19 48 TA 2536 122.9 08/26 80 3050 A 60 U89 Glenns Ferry 69 Gowen Field BOI,Rw Width: 150 43 33 52 116 13 22 TA 2867 118.1 10L/28R 115 10000 A 150 0.5 BOI Gowen Field 70 Grand Teton 43 44 29 110 48 8 T 13501 Grand Teton 71 Grangeville S80 45 56 33 116 7 27 TA 3310 122.9 07/25 91 5101 A 75 0.5 S80 Grangeville 72 Grasmere U91 42 22 24 115 52 44 TA 5154 122.9 05/23 50 2750 D 150 U91 Grasmere 73 Green Acres Private 43 29 5 116 27 39 TAP 2864 07/25 70 2500 D 100 ID68 Green Acres 74 Haas Private,2WY3 43 0 26 110 19 2 T 7979 07/25 70 2960 G 100 2WY3 Haas 75 Hailey Sun 43 30 17 114 17 47 TA 5315 121.7 13/31 145 7550 A 100 SUN Hailey 76 Hamilton 6S5 46 15 4 114 7 32 TA 3638 122.8 16/34 181 4200 A 75 6S5 Hamilton 77 Hazelton U94 42 34 34 114 8 13 TA 4173 122.9 06/24 60 2800 V 90 U94 Hazelton 78 Heiner Private,WY60 42 51 40 110 53 53 TAP 6440 04/22 40 3500 G 40 WY60 Heiner 79 Helena HLN 46 36 25 111 58 58 TA 3875 118.3 09/27 102 9000 A 150 HLN Helena 80 Henrys Lake U53 44 38 6 111 20 31 TA 6598 122.9 06/24 60 4600 G 170 U53 Henrys Lake 81 Hi Valley Bills Private 44 14 19 116 8 43 TAP 4882 18/36 180 2300 G 50 ID35 Hi Valley Bi 82 Hidden Lakes Private 44 13 30 116 10 47 TAP 4846 07/25 70 4300 G 200 ID44 Hidden Lakes 83 Hollow Top 0U7 43 19 30 113 35 18 TA 5358 122.9 05/23 50 2500 G 140 0U7 Hollow Top 84 Homedale S66 43 36 53 116 55 17 TA 2211 122.9 13/31 130 2900 A 50 S66 Homedale 85 Howe U97 43 51 3 113 3 26 TA 4931 122.9 13/31 130 3800 V 25 U97 Howe 86 Hubler Field Private 43 41 44 116 38 19 TAP 2385 10/28 100 2800 A 100 ID00 Hubler Field 87 Hunt LND,RW Width: 100 42 48 55 108 43 47 TA 5587 122.8 03/21 30 5000 A 100 LND Hunt 88 Huskey Private 43 25 15 111 17 6 TAP 5200 122.8 17/35 170 2500 G 100 ID72 Huskey 89 Idaho City U98 43 49 15 115 51 3 TA 3921 122.9 03/21 30 3400 V 50 U98 Idaho City 90 Idaho Falls Ida 43 30 52 112 4 13 TA 4741 109.0 02/20 38 9002 A 150 IDA Idaho Falls 91 Interstate Private,07ID 42 16 42 113 18 18 T 4580 NW/SE 315 3000 G 75 07ID Interstate 92 Jackson Hole JAC 43 36 24 110 44 17 TA 6444 118.075 01/19 20 6300 A 150 JAC Jackson Hole 93 Jerome JER 42 43 36 114 27 26 TA 4049 122.8 09/27 100 5001 A 75 JER Jerome 94 Johnson Creek 3U2 44 54 44 115 29 8 TA 4934 122.9 17/35 170 3400 G 150 3U2 Johnson Cree 95 Jump West Private 43 43 44 116 31 23 TAP 2549 06/24 60 4200 A 60 ID92 Jump West 96 Kamiah Muni S73 46 13 10 116 0 48 TA 1194 122.9 14/32 140 3000 G 90 S73 Kamiah Muni 97 King Mountain Glider Park Rw Width: 120 43 45 44 113 20 40 FTAP 5499 16/34 160 3900 G 120 ID36 King Mountai 98 King Mountain Start 43 44 31 113 16 15 S 6886 King_Start 99 Kinky Creek Private,WY30 43 22 32 110 6 36 TAP 8802 NW/SE 315 3450 G 60 WY30 Kinky Creek 100 Klies Air Private 46 20 47 112 20 37 TP 6299 11/29 110 2100 G 30 MT43 Klies Air 101 KMGP 4 44 26 2 115 8 0 T 6906 KMGP 4 102 Kooskia Muni S82 46 7 58 115 58 44 TA 1263 122.9 14/32 140 1900 G 100 S82 Kooskia Muni 103 Krassel USFS 24K 44 58 28 115 43 47 TA 3983 122.9 17/35 170 1500 G 150 24K Krassel USFS 104 La Barge 42 17 54 110 9 55 TL 6611 La Barge 105 La Voie Private 46 20 46 114 10 34 TAP 3665 07/25 70 3000 G 80 MT72 La Voie 106 Laidlaw U99 43 2 15 113 44 3 TA 4426 122.9 07/25 70 2250 G 130 U99 Laidlaw 107 Lava Hot Springs Private,01ID 42 36 30 112 1 57 TAP 5269 14/32 140 2894 G 100 01ID Lava Hot Spr 108 Leadore U00 44 40 26 113 21 11 TA 6017 122.9 11/29 110 3500 A 140 U00 Leadore 109 Lone Pine Flying Ranch Private,WY64 42 57 27 110 58 58 TAP 6001 N/S 180 2640 D 200 WY64 Lone Pine Fl 110 LR3C1 300KM triangle from KMGP or MacKay 44 27 0 113 57 12 T 7651 LR3C1 111 LR3C2 300KM Triangle from KMGP or MacKay 43 55 30 114 45 0 T 7999 LR3C2 112 LR3C3 300KM Triangle From KMGP or MacKay 43 42 0 113 18 6 T 7700 LR3C3 113 Mackay 43 54 36 113 36 9 HSFTA 5892 122.9 12/30 120 4389 A 60 U62 Mackay 114 Mackay Bar Private 45 22 45 115 30 18 TAP 2172 NE/SW 45 1900 D 200 ID28 Mackay Bar 115 Magic Reservoir U93 43 16 57 114 23 43 TA 4846 122.9 03/21 30 4000 G 100 U93 Magic Reserv 116 Mahoney Creek 0U3 44 44 41 114 55 17 T 4619 122.9 03/21 30 2150 D 15 0U3 Mahoney Cree 117 Malad City MLD 42 10 11 112 17 21 TA 4505 122.9 16/34 160 4950 A 60 MLD Malad City 118 Mason Private,30ID 42 25 56 114 9 59 T 4209 09/27 90 2800 G 100 30ID Mason 119 May 0U8 44 36 37 113 53 45 TA 5325 122.9 09/27 90 4950 G 200 0U8 May 120 May Mounntain 44 41 12 113 49 56 T 10971 MayMtn 121 May Peak South 315,44:34:55N 44 34 55 113 41 46 T 10561 MayPeakSo 122 McCall Myl 44 53 20 116 6 6 TA 5020 122.8 16/34 179 6108 A 75 MYL McCall 123 McCall Start MT MCC Start Point 43 58 24 113 35 51 S 7644 McCSt 124 Meade Peak 42 29 43 111 14 56 T 9938 Meade Peak 125 Melody Ranch Private 43 24 35 110 46 23 TAP 6076 NW/SE 315 1800 G 75 WY31 Melody Ranch 126 Memaloose 25U 45 25 40 116 41 38 TA 6709 122.9 17/35 192 3300 D 120 25U Memaloose 127 Metzel Creek Private 44 41 13 111 53 37 TAP 6690 N/S 180 4500 G 50 MT47 Metzel Creek 128 Midvale 0U9 44 27 41 116 45 28 TA 2618 122.9 08/26 93 2875 A 60 0U9 Midvale 129 Midway U37 43 27 18 112 48 22 TA 5016 122.9 02/20 20 3800 V 175 U37 Midway 130 Mink Creek 42 16 26 111 37 8 T 8333 Mink Creek 131 MacKay East 43 55 45 113 30 0 T 7900 Mky_E 132 MacKay South 43 49 42 113 39 22 T 7362 Mky_S 133 Moose Creek 1U1 46 7 15 114 55 38 TA 2454 122.9 01/19 10 4100 G 250 1U1 Moose Creek 134 Morgan Ranch Private 44 33 20 115 18 18 TP 5633 NE/SW 45 2000 G 100 02ID Morgan Ranch 135 Mountain Home U76 43 7 53 115 43 46 TA 3163 122.8 10/28 116 5000 A 75 U76 Mountain Hom 136 Mud Lake 1U2 43 50 54 112 29 57 TA 4787 122.9 02/20 20 3300 A 40 1U2 Mud Lake 137 Murphy 1U3 43 12 58 116 32 56 TA 2854 122.9 12/30 120 2500 A 45 1U3 Murphy 138 Nampa 43 34 53 116 31 24 SFTA 2530 122.7 11/29 126 5000 A 75 MAN Nampa 139 Northwest of Castle Peak 44 10 30 114 39 0 T 8999 NCastle 140 New Meadows 1U4 44 58 45 116 17 3 TA 3907 122.9 14/32 140 2400 G 150 1U4 New Meadows 141 Nez Perce Muni 0S5 46 14 18 116 14 19 TA 3202 122.9 15/33 150 2400 A 30 0S5 Nez Perce Mu 142 Nine Quarter Circle Ranch Private 45 4 3 111 17 50 TAP 6975 122.8 10/28 100 4000 G 100 1MT0 Nine Quarter 143 North Fork 45 24 13 113 59 31 T 3615 North Fork 144 NW Stanley 44 20 31 114 50 21 T 8543 NW Stanley 145 Oakley 1U6 42 14 2 113 52 39 TA 4649 122.9 16/34 160 3800 V 40 1U6 Oakley 146 Old Tom Mountain 42 37 24 112 19 15 T 8724 Old Tom Moun 147 Ontario Ono 44 1 14 117 0 49 TA 2192 122.8 14/32 158 5011 A 100 ONO Ontario 148 Oxford Peak 42 16 11 112 5 53 T 9262 Oxford Peak 149 Parma 50S 43 46 44 116 56 19 TA 2228 122.9 12/30 120 2700 A 50 50S Parma 150 Payette S75 44 5 29 116 54 4 TA 2228 122.9 13/31 130 3000 A 50 S75 Payette 151 Peak near Sal Mountain 45 0 54 113 50 43 T 9449 peak near sa 152 Picabo Private 43 18 30 114 3 48 TAP 4829 08/26 80 3000 G 100 ID82 Picabo 153 Pinacle Peak 43 47 34 113 15 49 T 10781 PinaclePeak 154 Pine 1U9 43 27 45 115 18 33 TA 4232 122.9 16/34 176 2300 G 125 1U9 Pine 155 Pocatello PIH 42 54 41 112 35 45 TA 4449 119.1 03/21 45 9060 A 150 PIH Pocatello 156 Putnam Mount 42 54 49 112 7 50 T 8917 Putnam Mount 157 Queen Bee Private 43 36 4 112 14 36 T 4872 17/35 170 2600 D 40 ID50 Queen Bee 158 Rainbow Ranch Private 43 24 8 111 58 45 TAP 4751 122.8 07/25 70 2400 G 120 ID87 Rainbow Ranc 159 Ralph Wenz PNA 42 47 44 109 48 26 TA 7103 122.8 11/29 123 8900 A 100 PNA Ralph Wenz 160 Rexburg RXE 43 50 2 111 48 19 TA 5072 122.8 17/35 186 4200 A 75 RXE Rexburg 161 Riddick Field U05 46 19 10 113 18 18 TA 5213 122.9 16/34 160 3600 A 60 U05 Riddick Fiel 162 Rigby Jefferson U56 43 38 40 111 55 43 TA 4846 122.9 01/19 10 3500 A 50 U56 Rigby Jeffer 163 Rockford 2U4 43 11 25 112 31 55 TA 4465 122.9 16/34 160 2800 A 50 2U4 Rockford 164 Running Creek Private 45 54 51 114 50 8 TP 2969 03/21 30 2000 G 70 05ID Running Cree 165 Salmon SMN 45 7 14 113 52 55 TA 4045 122.8 17/35 188 5150 A 60 SMN Salmon 166 Salt River Pass 42 30 13 110 54 30 T 7621 Salt River P 167 Sedgwick Peak 42 30 56 111 55 26 T 9147 Sedgwick Pea 168 Seven Devils Private 45 0 40 116 41 20 TP 4488 18/36 180 3900 G 60 ID17 Seven Devils 169 Shearer USFS 2U5 45 59 30 114 50 27 T 2635 122.9 18/36 180 2000 G 15 2U5 Shearer USFS 170 Sherman Peak 42 27 55 111 32 57 T 9692 Sherman Peak 171 Silva Ranch Private 44 15 57 115 0 15 TAP 6401 N/S 180 1600 G 100 13ID Silva Ranch 172 Simpson Private,ID62 42 36 30 111 43 43 TAP 5597 16/34 160 3750 V 30 ID62 Simpson 173 Skyline Private,1ID9 42 46 50 112 10 15 T 6152 01/19 10 400 G 20 1ID9 Skyline 174 Skyranch Private 43 30 13 116 39 32 TAP 2789 09/27 90 2200 D 35 ID79 SkyRanch 175 South End Lemhi Mt. Range 43 51 17 112 53 8 T 6099 S-Lemhis 176 Sluder Air Private 43 24 13 114 16 21 TAP 5016 16/34 160 4000 V 30 ID16 Sluder Air 177 Smiley Creek U87 43 54 54 114 47 50 TA 7159 122.9 14/32 140 4900 G 150 U87 Smiley Creek 178 Smith Prairie 2U0 43 29 54 115 32 54 TA 4902 122.9 05/23 50 5400 G 150 2U0 Smith Prairi 179 Soda Springs Peak For Logan, UT Flights 42 43 0 111 38 0 T 9600 Soda_Spr_Pk 180 Soldier Bar 85U 45 6 16 114 47 57 T 4190 122.9 07/25 70 1650 D 15 85U Soldier Bar 181 South Dillon 45 4 32 112 31 56 T 6119 South Dillon 182 Sportsmans Field 45 21 15 111 44 5 TL 4967 Sportsmans F 183 St Anthony U12 43 57 2 111 41 3 TA 4967 122.9 04/22 40 4500 A 50 U12 St Anthony 184 Stanley AP 2U7 44 12 31 114 56 4 TA 6404 122.9 17/35 170 4300 G 150 2U7 Stanley AP 185 Star Valley Ranch Private,WY39 42 58 10 110 57 57 TAP 6211 15/33 150 5400 V 60 WY39 Star Valley 186 Star-S Ranch Private 43 58 55 114 2 37 TAP 6660 03/21 30 5000 G 50 ID56 Star-S Ranch 187 Stevensville 32S 46 31 30 114 3 3 TA 3619 122.8 12/30 133 3800 A 60 2.0 32S Stevensville 188 Stewart Peak 43 7 13 110 56 44 T 8734 Stewart Peak 189 Stibnite Private 44 53 55 115 20 3 TAP 6526 06/24 60 2450 V 175 ID41 Stibnite 190 Sula 45 50 11 113 58 58 T 4222 Sula Mont 191 Sunrise Private 43 25 1 116 42 20 TAP 2241 12/30 137 2892 A 40 ID40 Sunrise 192 Symms Private 43 34 8 116 46 34 TAP 2680 NW/SE 315 2500 V 60 08ID Symms 193 Taylor Mountain 43 15 23 111 54 49 T 7241 Taylor Mount 194 Tezak's-Colterville-Spur Private 45 23 56 112 9 34 T 5000 122.8 10/28 100 3400 G 100 MT22 Tezak's-Colt 195 Thomas Creek 2U8 44 43 35 115 0 12 T 4400 122.9 03/21 42 2100 G 75 2U8 Thomas Creek 196 Three Forks 9S5 45 52 58 111 33 51 TA 4085 122.8 02/20 20 5100 A 60 9S5 Three Forks 197 Townsend 8U8 46 19 52 111 28 53 TA 3885 122.8 16/34 178 4000 A 60 0.5 8U8 Townsend 198 Tracy Ranch Private 43 17 11 115 4 48 TAP 5072 07/25 70 3300 D 110 ID88 Tracy Ranch 199 Trapper Creek Private 45 56 25 114 8 13 TAP 4039 16/34 160 1470 G 60 MT30 Trapper Cree 200 Twin Bridges MT 7S1 45 32 0 112 18 33 TA 4774 122.9 07/25 83 3400 G 110 2.1 7S1 Twin Bridges 201 Twin Bridges ID U61 43 56 48 114 6 36 TA 6890 122.9 03/21 30 4450 G 100 U61 Twin Bridges 202 Twin Falls TWF 42 28 55 114 29 16 TA 4150 118.2 07/25 91 8703 A 150 TWF Twin Falls 203 Upper Loon Creek USFS U72 44 35 30 114 49 23 T 5499 122.9 04/22 40 2500 G 75 U72 Upper Loon C 204 Wagner Mountain 42 36 13 110 46 49 T 10135 Wagner Mount 205 Warm Springs 0U1 44 8 32 115 18 51 TA 4833 122.9 02/20 20 2850 G 135 0U1 Warm Springs 206 Warren USFS 3U1 45 16 6 115 41 0 TA 5896 122.9 11/29 110 2765 D 50 3U1 Warren USFS 207 Weatherby USFS 52U 43 49 30 115 19 55 TA 4495 122.9 03/21 30 2200 G 60 52U Weatherby 208 Weiser S87 44 12 25 116 57 44 TA 2113 122.8 12/30 136 4000 A 60 S87 Weiser 209 West Yellowstone WYS 44 41 18 111 7 3 TA 6644 123.0 01/19 26 8400 A 150 WYS West Yellows 210 Whitehall Private 45 52 42 112 7 2 TAP 4511 122.8 09/27 90 3800 G 60 MT41 Whitehall 211 Wisdom 7S4 45 35 18 113 27 26 TA 6132 122.9 01/19 10 3445 G 60 7S4 Wisdom 212 Wise River 02T 45 46 9 112 58 54 TA 5830 122.9 02/20 40 4050 D 60 02T Wise River 213 Ziggy's Private,0ID1 42 38 28 114 36 20 TAP 3225 10/28 100 1900 G 75 0ID1 Ziggy's 214 Steens Mt 42 38 10 118 34 35 T 9748