* NUM NAM COM LAT_D LAT_M LAT_S LON_D LON_M LON_S COD ALT FRE ICAO COM_12 COMMENT LEGS * * ============================================================================== * * Filename "ltlfld00.stx" created Sunday, 04 May 2008 at 01:16 GMT * Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange format version 0.5 * * Lines starting with a * are comments and are ignored by programs using this file * Lines starting with a $ are definitions of parameters available to programs using this file * The first line that is neither a comment nor a definition contains the definitions * of the contents of the columns that follow * All other lines are waypoint definitions * The line containing the column definitions can be placed anywhere before the first waypoint. * It is placed as a comment at the top of this file for convenience in using this file * with a spreadsheet program, where the first line can be placed in a separate window * to label the columns as you scroll down. * The columns are separated by the "tab" character * * The specification of the .STX file format is available at * http://soaringweb.org/TP/stx_specification.html * * This is a 'beta' release to support the release of the NK ClearNav and is subject to change. * * The primary specification of the waypoint coordinates [degrees and decimal minutes] * was changed to degrees, minutes, and seconds * * ============================================================================== * * Starting the definition of various parameters for the file * $STX_VERSION 0.5 $HOME Littlefield, Texas * www.physiology.ttuhsc.edu/Caprock/2000/contest2.shtml the 2000 Standard Class Nationals * www.physiology.ttuhsc.edu/Caprock/2000/Turnpoints.shtml $CONTRIBUTOR Thomas A. Pressley $CONTRIBUTOR_E-MAIL Thomas.Pressley@ttuhsc.edu $CONTEST 2000 Standard Class Nationals $MAGNETIC_VARIATION -9 $LATITUDE North $LONGITUDE West $COUNTRY US $TIMEZONE_NAME US/Central $ALTITUDE_UNIT Feet $RW_L_UNIT Feet $CONTRIBUTION_DATE 09 April 1998 $LONGITUDE West $LATITUDE North * * ============================================================================== * * The next line defines the contents of columns. It MUST appear before the first waypoint line NUM NAM COM LAT_D LAT_M LAT_S LON_D LON_M LON_S COD ALT FRE ICAO COM_12 COMMENT LEGS * * Starting the waypoints * 1 Littlefield Approach end Rwy 01 33 55 12 102 23 18 TAh 3614 122.8 Q00 01/19 22.8 01/19 40A 1 to 7, 30 2 Andrews Approach end Rwy 33 32 19 29 102 31 44 TA 3178 122.8 E11 02/20 22.8 02/20 33A 2 to 14, 28 3 Bledsoe Road intersection on W side 33 37 5 103 1 27 T 3 to 7 4 Brownfield Approach end Rwy 31 33 10 20 102 11 21 TA1 3263 122.8 Q26 02/20 22.8 02/20 52A 4 to 14, 28 5 Caprock Approach end Rwy 06 33 19 47 103 34 17 T 5 to 7, 14 6 Clovis Approach end Rwy 04 34 25 14 103 5 10 TA 4214 122.8 CVN 04/22 22.8 04/22 62A 6 to 7, 30 7 Crosbyton Approach end Rwy 35 33 37 8 101 14 27 TA 3017 122.8 8F3 17/35 22.8 17/35 36A 7 to 1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 11, 12, 20, 22, 24, 25, 27, 29, 31, 35, 37, 41, 42 8 Crossroads Driveway/Highway intersection on W 33 30 45 103 20 46 T 8 to 7, 14 9 Denver City Approach end Rwy 08 32 58 35 102 50 59 TA1 3575 122.8 E57 04/22 22.8 04/22 58A 9 to 14 10 Dimmit Approach end Rwy 19 34 34 27 102 19 7 TA1 3883 122.9 Q55 01/19 22.9 01/19 55A 10 to 30, 36 11 Dora S end of oval track W of town 33 56 19 103 20 25 T 11 to 7 12 Elida RR/Highway intersection on W 33 56 45 103 39 38 T 12 to 7 13 Eunice Approach end Rwy 36 32 27 2 103 14 36 TA 3569 122.9 E04 10/28 22.9 10/28 23G 13 to 14 14 Floydada Approach end Rwy 17 34 0 26 101 19 48 TA 3183 122.8 Q41 17/35 22.8 17/35 37A 14 to 2, 4, 5, 8, 9, 13, 19, 22, 23, 27, 31, 32, 33, 37 15 Friona Approach end Rwy 22 34 39 3 102 41 23 T 15 to 30 16 Happy Grain elevators on N 34 44 47 101 51 14 T 16 to 21, 26, 34, 36 17 Hart Grain elevators on NW 34 23 13 102 7 11 T1 17 to 21, 26, 30, 34, 36 18 Hereford Approach end Rwy 21 34 51 50 102 19 16 TA1 3783 122.8 HRX 03/21 22.8 03/21 54A 18 to 26, 30, 36 19 Hobbs Approach end Rwy 35 32 45 30 103 13 28 TAP 3707 HBB 03/21 70A 03/21 70A 19 to 14 20 Kenna Town center 33 50 33 103 46 20 T 20 to 7, 38 21 Lamesa Approach end Rwy 34 32 44 49 101 54 51 TA1 2998 122.8 2F5 07/25 22.8 07/25 40A 21 to 16, 17, 28, 39 22 Levelland Approach end Rwy 35 33 32 29 102 22 21 TA1 3508 122.8 Q24 08/26 22.8 08/26 23D 22 to 7, 14 23 Lovington Approach end Rwy 03 32 57 1 103 24 53 TA 3978 122.8 E06 03/21 22.8 03/21 60A 23 to 14 24 Morton Approach end Rwy 04 33 43 43 102 44 27 TA 3746 122.9 F85 04/22 22.9 04/22 34A 24 to 7 25 Muleshoe Approach end Rwy 07 34 11 1 102 38 58 TA 3778 122.9 2T1 07/25 22.9 07/25 51A 25 to 7, 30 26 O'Donnell Grain elevator on S 32 57 42 101 50 18 T1 26 to 16, 17, 18, 28, 39, 40 27 Plains Approach end Rwy 35 33 12 42 102 50 3 TA 3678 122.9 F98 08/26 22.9 08/26 15D 27 to 7, 14 28 Plainview Approach end Rwy 22 34 10 22 101 42 38 TA 3372 123.0 PVW 04/22 23.0 04/22 60A 28 to 2, 4, 21, 26, 32, 33, 34, 36 29 Portales Approach end Rwy 01 34 8 17 103 24 56 TA 4076 122.8 Q34 01/19 22.8 01/19 57A 29 to 7 30 Post Approach end Rwy 35 33 11 55 101 20 16 TA1 2545 122.9 5F1 06/24 22.9 06/24 22A 30 to 1, 6, 10, 15, 17, 18, 25, 31, 35, 38, 40 31 Roundup Approach end Rwy 30 33 44 43 102 3 45 TAP1 3330 TA67 12/30 30T 12/30 30T 31 to 7, 14, 30 32 Seagraves Approach end Rwy 35 32 57 4 102 32 9 TA1 3366 122.9 F97 04/22 22.9 04/22 40A 32 to 14, 28 33 Seminole Approach end Rwy 35 32 39 54 102 38 54 TA1 3315 122.8 31F 08/26 22.8 08/26 54A 33 to 14, 28 34 Stanton Approach end Rwy 34 32 10 3 101 49 14 TA 2731 122.9 63F 16/34 22.9 16/34 42A 34 to 16, 17, 28, 39 35 Sudan Approach end Rwy 21 34 3 2 102 31 32 TAP 3769 9XS6 04/22 29A 04/22 29A 35 to 7, 30 36 Tahoka Approach end Rwy 35 33 10 17 101 49 24 TA1 3126 122.8 2F4 08/26 22.8 08/26 25G 36 to 10, 16, 17, 18, 28, 39, 40 37 Tatum Approach end Rwy 05 33 15 32 103 16 50 TA 3986 122.9 E07 12/30 22.9 12/30 29A 37 to 7, 14 38 Tucumcari Approach end Rwy 08 35 10 58 103 36 11 TA1 4064 122.95 TCC 03/21 22.95 03/21 71A 38 to 20, 30 39 Tulia Approach end Rwy 18 34 34 26 101 46 50 TA 3502 122.7 Q06 18/36 22.7 18/36 49A 39 to 21, 26, 34, 36 40 Vega Approach end Rwy 17 35 14 13 102 23 52 TA1 3995 122.9 E52 17/35 22.9 17/35 42A 40 to 26, 30, 36 * GPS Start Cylinder 5 SM Radius 33 55.342 102 23.259 5 SM Radius S 3614 Str Start StartC GPSStCyl GPSStrCyl GPSStrtCyl GPSStrtCylnd GPSStartCylndr GPSStartCylindr GPSStartCylinder GPS StartCylinder GPS Start Cylinder GPS Start Cylinder 41GPSCl 41 GPS Start Cylinder 5 SM Radius 33 55 21 102 23 16 S 3614 42 Visual Finish - South South Finish Center 33 55 7 102 23 12 FHA 3614 43 Visual Finish - West West Finish Center 33 55 20 102 23 27 FA 3614 44 Auxiliary Start North 34 3 8 102 24 33 S 5 sm radius 45 Auxiliary Start East 33 54 41 102 13 44 S 5 sm radius 46 Auxiliary Start South 33 47 50 102 19 57 S 5 sm radius 47 Auxiliary Start West 33 54 46 102 32 56 S 5 sm radius * Starting Non-Contest Waypoints ******************* 48 West End of Finish Gate South SW Corner of AP 33 55 7 102 23 27 t 3614 49 East End of Finish Gate South SE Corner of AP 33 55 7 102 22 57 t 3614 50 North End of Finish Gate West NW Corner of AP 33 55 33 102 23 27 t 3614 51 South End of Finish Gate West SW Corner of AP 33 55 7 102 23 27 t 3614 * Starting Private Airports ************************ 52 Aero Tech 34 24 56 103 8 6 AVP 4220 NM42 18/36 26T 18/36 26T 53 Airsport Skyranch 34 55 8 101 54 10 AVP 3611 45XS N/S 53D N/S 53D 54 Akin and Akin 34 46 20 103 51 22 AVP 4858 E99 05/23 26T 05/23 26T 55 Bartos Farm 33 28 21 101 47 7 AVP 3153 47XS 17/35 22D 17/35 22D 56 Biggin Hill 33 44 54 102 4 2 AVP 3330 TA67 12/30 30T 12/30 30T 57 Buddy Harmel 34 13 10 101 58 47 AVP 3552 0TA1 N/S 20T N/S 20T 58 Canam 34 59 26 101 58 7 AVP 3603 E08 03/21 26A 03/21 26A 59 Coleman Cattle Company NR 1 32 32 3 101 43 30 AVP 2820 75TA 16/34 47A 16/34 47A 60 Coleman Cattle Company NR 2 35 24 6 102 48 28 AVP 3820 76TA 03/21 35A 03/21 35A 61 Cone 33 48 40 101 23 47 AVP 3144 122.8 3F1 08/26 22.8 08/26 25T 62 Curtis and Curtis 34 43 36 103 36 35 AVP 4691 65E 17/35 36D 17/35 36D 63 Del-Tex 34 11 47 102 7 40 AVP 3600 TS42 17/35 45D 17/35 45D 64 Farwell Spraying Service 34 22 56 103 1 4 AVP 4115 30XS 17/35 27T 17/35 27T 65 Flying K 35 6 27 102 2 18 AVP 3560 7TX8 01/19 36T 01/19 36T 66 Gardner Farm 33 48 0 101 2 2 AVP 3000 18XS 17/35 24D 17/35 24D 67 Hamilton Aircraft 32 43 55 102 56 38 AVP 3520 5TA0 E/W 37T E/W 37T 68 Hart Aerial 34 22 10 102 5 2 AVP 3655 1TX8 17/35 28T 17/35 28T 69 Horan 34 10 8 101 38 7 AVP 3339 9TX3 17/35 26A 17/35 26A 70 Kimball Farm Service 35 2 0 102 12 2 AVP 3700 5E3 03/21 26A 03/21 26A 71 Kitten Farm 33 21 0 101 38 30 AVP 3050 9XS5 N/S 36D N/S 36D 72 L P Askew Farms 33 2 0 101 56 2 AVP 3110 00XS 17/35 15T 17/35 15T 73 Laney Farm 34 7 45 101 54 32 AVP 3483 1TX5 09/27 34T 09/27 34T 74 Locker Brothers 34 16 10 102 43 2 AVP 3802 T37 08/26 31G 08/26 31G 75 Lockmiller & Sons 34 32 50 103 27 52 AVP 4559 59E 04/22 25T 04/22 25T 76 McNabb Farm 33 24 23 102 4 37 AVP 3315 55F 01/19 15T 01/19 15T 77 Mabee Ranch 32 13 1 102 9 36 AVP 2862 7TX5 06/24 41A 06/24 41A 78 Macy Ranch 33 6 12 101 27 54 AVP 2870 9XS3 03/21 28T 03/21 28T 79 Mitchell Farms 34 52 30 103 4 2 AVP 4475 NM30 08/26 27T 08/26 27T 80 Moore 35 7 5 102 11 7 AVP 3850 6E8 08/26 26D 08/26 26D 81 Ryan 32 5 0 102 1 1 AVP 2740 7TX7 N/S 27T N/S 27T 82 Seminole Spraying Service 32 43 5 102 44 18 AVP 3372 E39 08/26 27G 08/26 27G 83 Smith Farms 34 13 0 101 55 32 AVP 3487 0TA2 E/W 23T E/W 23T 84 Thorp 32 34 40 101 55 52 AVP 2900 9F3 15/33 26D 15/33 26D 85 Two Leggs 32 56 30 103 0 2 AVP 3625 1TA5 08/26 36T 08/26 36T 86 Vigo Park 34 39 0 101 30 2 AVP 3383 1TA2 17/35 30T 17/35 30T 87 Williams 34 0 24 102 59 12 AVP 4085 TX99 01/19 26T 01/19 26T 88 Willis-Isler 34 10 51 101 50 15 AVP 3470 7TA3 N/S 38D N/S 38D * Starting Military Airports *********************** 89 Cannon AFB 34 22 58 103 19 20 AVY 4295 CVS 04/22 100C 04/22 100C * Starting Public Airports ************************* 90 Abernathy 33 50 45 101 45 47 AV 3327 122.9 F83 17/35 22.9 17/35 40A 91 Benger 34 39 15 102 41 31 AV 4003 122.9 Q54 04/22 22.9 04/22 30A 92 Big Spring McMahon-Wrinkle 32 12 45 101 31 18 AV 2572 122.8 21XS 06/24 22.8 06/24 46A 93 Everitt 33 40 54 101 40 7 AV 3200 2TX6 08/26 22D 08/26 22D 94 Gartrell 35 3 55 101 57 41 AV 3677 122.9 1E9 17/35 22.9 17/35 39G 95 Joe Vaughn Spraying 34 23 45 101 46 2 AV 3500 122.7 29F 17/35 22.7 17/35 39D 96 Lea Cnty 32 41 15 103 13 1 AV 3659 120.65 HOB 03/21 20.65 03/21 74A 97 Lubbock 33 39 49 101 49 22 AV 3281 122.95 LBB 08/26 22.95 08/26 80C 98 Midland 32 2 11 102 6 3 AV 2802 122.7 MDD 07/25 22.7 07/25 50A 99 Odessa-Schlemeyer 31 55 14 102 23 14 AV 3001 123.0 E02 02/20 23.0 02/20 57A 100 Slaton 33 29 5 101 39 39 AV 3123 123.0 F49 08/26 23.0 08/26 17T 101 Town & Country 33 29 8 101 48 46 AV 3200 122.8 F82 07/25 22.8 07/25 15T 102 Ute Dam 35 21 23 103 26 15 AV 3812 122.9 E97 03/21 22.9 03/21 36D