;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; + ; Le Mans, France + ; + ; Championnat Regional Pays de la Loire, 2003 + ; + ; User Specified Waypoints formatted for EWView II and EWView III + ; + ; Contributed by Samuel Hibon + ; + ; Generated Saturday, 28 June 2003 at 06:43 GMT + ; + ; This file uses , as the decimal point in latitude and longitude 1 ; + ; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> USE AT YOUR OWN RISK <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< + ; All data and information contained in these data files are provided without + ; guarantee as to their completeness or correctness. Any conclusions drawn + ; from these data and information are the sole responsibility of the user. + ; + ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Ablis" "ABLIS" "N10 x A11" "N4831,450" "E00149,966" "Aire Fontaine" "ARFNTN" "A10" "N4710,000" "E00037,883" "Aire Gidy" "AIRGDY" "A10" "N4758,616" "E00151,566" "Aire Meung" "AIRMNG" "A10" "N4749,200" "E00138,466" "Aire Usseau" "AIRESS" "A10" "N4654,383" "E00031,383" "Aire Val de Loire" "ARVLDL" "_" "N4728,466" "E00046,583" "Aire de Blois Me" "ARDBLS" "A10" "N4739,866" "E00123,233" "Aire de Francheville" "ARDFRN" "A10" "N4816,383" "E00151,316" "Airfault" "AIRFLT" "Gare" "N4648,433" "E00008,800" "Airvault" "AIRVLT" "Eglise" "N4649,616" "W00008,266" "Alencon Valframbert" "ALNCNV" "Aéro" "N4826,850" "E00006,500" "Allaines Santilly" "ALLNSS" "Aéro" "N4809,700" "E00151,200" "Allainville" "ALLNVL" "A10 Sortie 11" "N4827,333" "E00154,733" "Amboise Chateau" "AMBSCH" "Château" "N4724,816" "E00059,266" "Amboise Dierre" "AMBSDR" "Aéro" "N4720,483" "E00056,500" "Ancenis" "ANCENS" "D763 x Loire" "N4721,666" "W00110,533" "Ancenis Aero" "ANCNSR" "_" "N4724,466" "W00110,700" "Andouille" "ANDOLL" "Aéro" "N4810,400" "W00050,783" "Anet" "ANET" "Sud D928 SP" "N4850,916" "E00125,900" "Angers Ponts de Ce" "ANGRSP" "_" "N4724,050" "W00030,316" "Angers Marce" "ANGRSM" "Aéro" "N4733,616" "W00018,733" "Angers/Avrille" "ANGRSV" "Aéro" "N4729,866" "W00034,400" "Angerville" "ANGRVL" "Gare" "N4818,633" "E00200,116" "Antrain" "ANTRAN" "_" "N4827,966" "W00129,300" "Arcay" "ARCAY" "Y Branchement chemin de fer" "N4657,933" "E00000,033" "Archigny Chenevelles" "ARCHGN" "ZA" "N4641,500" "E00039,450" "Argentan" "ARGNTN" "Aéro" "N4842,633" "E00000,183" "Argenton Chateau" "ARGENT" "Château" "N4659,600" "W00026,966" "Aron" "ARON" "Aéro" "N4816,983" "W00031,300" "Artenay" "ARTENY" "Péage A10" "N4805,033" "E00151,450" "Autreche" "AUTRCH" "Ulm Privé" "N4732,233" "E00100,983" "Avranches" "AVRNCH" "Aéro" "N4839,700" "W00124,316" "Ayron" "AYRON" "SNCF" "N4639,583" "E00004,516" "Azay le Rideau" "AZYLRD" "Château" "N4715,483" "E00028,016" "Bagnoles de lOrne" "BGNLSD" "Aéro" "N4832,733" "W00023,066" "Bailleau AiredeService" "BLLRDS" "A11" "N4828,050" "E00134,750" "Bailleau Bercheres" "BLLBRC" "_" "N4823,216" "E00133,233" "Bailleau Santeuil" "BLLSNT" "Pont SNCF/D93" "N4823,183" "E00143,633" "Bailleau Armenonville" "BLLRMN" "Aéro" "N4830,950" "E00138,350" "Bain de Bretagne Piste" "BNDBRT" "Aéro" "N4747,466" "W00138,166" "Ballon" "BALLON" "tour" "N4810,200" "E00014,383" "Bauge" "BAUGE" "Gare SNCF" "N4731,850" "W00006,283" "Beaugency" "BEGNCY" "Gare S" "N4746,633" "E00137,600" "Beausoleil" "BEASLL" "Aéro" "N4746,983" "W00033,000" "Bernay St Martin" "BRNYST" "Aéro" "N4906,166" "E00033,950" "Beuxes" "BEUXES" "ZA" "N4705,100" "E00010,700" "Beville le Comte" "BVLLLC" "Château" "N4827,066" "E00143,816" "Blere" "BLERE" "N31 Y N76" "N4719,650" "E00059,533" "Blois" "BLOIS" "Vieux Pont" "N4735,083" "E00120,333" "Blois le Breuil" "BLSLBR" "Aéro" "N4740,783" "E00112,350" "Bonnetable" "BNNTBL" "Gare" "N4810,383" "E00025,166" "Bonneuil Matours" "BNNLMT" "_" "N4640,966" "E00034,550" "Bonneval" "BONNVL" "Gare SNCF" "N4811,183" "E00123,116" "Bouchemaine" "BOCHMN" "N23 x Sarthe" "N4725,233" "W00036,383" "Bouglainval" "BGLNVL" "Eglise" "N4833,966" "E00130,483" "Bourgbarre" "BRGBRR" "Eglise" "N4759,783" "W00136,766" "Bournan" "BOURNN" "ZA" "N4705,000" "E00043,100" "Bressuire" "BRESSR" "Gare S" "N4650,250" "W00029,733" "Breteuil/Iton" "BRTLTN" "Eglise" "N4850,016" "E00054,966" "Brissac Quincay" "BRSSCQ" "_" "N4721,000" "W00027,000" "Brou" "BROU" "Gare SNCF" "N4813,000" "E00109,716" "Bruz" "BRUZ" "Centre Commercial" "N4801,333" "W00144,433" "Buxeuil" "BUXEUL" "Privé 15M" "N4656,933" "E00040,200" "Buzancais" "BUZNCS" "Gare S" "N4653,166" "E00125,133" "CELAR" "CELAR" "Centre de Recherhe" "N4759,566" "W00144,683" "Caen Carpiquet" "CNCRPQ" "Aéro" "N4910,400" "W00027,000" "Cande" "CANDE" "Centre Ville" "N4733,766" "W00101,733" "Chateau Gontier" "CHTGNT" "Gare" "N4750,000" "W00042,200" "Chateau Touffou" "CHTTFF" "_" "N4636,933" "E00034,966" "Chateau du Loir" "CHTDLR" "Gare" "N4741,000" "E00025,033" "Chateau la Valliere" "CHTLVL" "Gare" "N4733,083" "E00019,283" "Chateau Renauld" "CHTRNL" "A10 Sortie 018" "N4732,750" "E00059,116" "Chateau Renault" "CHATEA" "Gare" "N4735,183" "E00054,116" "Chateaubriand Pouance" "CHTBRN" "Aéro" "N4744,416" "W00111,333" "Chateaubriant Chateau" "CHTEAU" "Château" "N4743,216" "W00122,516" "Chateaudun" "CHATDN" "Aéro" "N4803,466" "E00122,766" "Chateaudun" "CHEAUD" "Gare" "N4804,366" "E00120,300" "Chateauneuf/Thymerais" "CHTNFT" "Centre Ville" "N4834,800" "E00114,566" "Chatellerault" "CHTLLR" "Aéro" "N4646,883" "E00033,066" "Chatellerault" "CHATEL" "SNCF Vienne" "N4649,750" "E00032,466" "Chatillon en Vendome" "CHTLLN" "Eglise" "N4813,550" "W00110,600" "Chatillon/Indre" "CHATIL" "Gare" "N4659,683" "E00110,333" "Chalonnes" "CHLNNS" "Eb X Loire" "N4721,750" "W00043,116" "Chambord" "CHMBRD" "Château" "N4736,950" "E00131,050" "Champigne" "CHMPGN" "_" "N4739,933" "W00033,750" "Chanteloup Pagode" "CHNTLP" "_" "N4723,416" "E00058,266" "Chartres" "CHRTRS" "Cathédrale" "N4826,866" "E00129,250" "Chartres Champhols" "CHARTR" "Aéro" "N4827,533" "E00131,383" "Chaumont sur Loire" "CHMNTS" "_" "N4728,716" "E00111,016" "Chavagne" "CHAVGN" "Centre" "N4803,166" "W00147,250" "Chemille" "CHEMLL" "Gare SNCF" "N4713,116" "W00043,866" "Chenevelles" "CHNVLL" "ZA" "N4644,850" "E00040,766" "Chenonceaux" "CHNNCX" "Château S" "N4719,483" "E00104,283" "Cheverny" "CHVRNY" "Château" "N4730,033" "E00127,483" "Chinon" "CHINON" "Château" "N4710,116" "E00014,833" "Cholet" "CHOLET" "Gare" "N4703,900" "W00057,766" "Chouze" "CHOUZE" "KKW 322FT" "N4714,000" "E00010,000" "Clery St Andre E" "CLRYST" "Eglise" "N4749,183" "E00145,366" "Clion" "CLION" "Gare" "N4656,833" "E00114,466" "Cloyes/Loir" "CLYSLR" "Gare" "N4759,483" "E00114,600" "Combree" "COMBRE" "Centre Ville" "N4742,266" "W00101,733" "Conches" "CONCHS" "Gare SNCF" "N4857,733" "E00056,266" "Conde sur Noire" "CNDSRN" "Aéro" "N4853,500" "W00030,150" "Contres" "CONTRS" "N675 Y N956" "N4725,016" "E00125,733" "Cormery" "CORMRY" "Gare SNCF" "N4715,783" "E00050,066" "Courtalain" "CORTLN" "TGV Point" "N4804,783" "E00105,833" "Courville sur Eure" "CRVLLS" "Gare" "N4827,100" "E00114,083" "Craon" "CRAON" "Centre Cha" "N4751,300" "W00056,933" "Derval" "DERVAL" "_" "N4740,033" "W00140,266" "Descartes" "DSCRTS" "Gare S" "N4658,433" "E00041,733" "Dhuizon" "DHUIZN" "Eglise" "N4735,350" "E00139,516" "Dissay Chateau" "DSSYCH" "Château" "N4642,016" "E00025,700" "Doue la Fontaine" "DLFNTN" "Eglise" "N4711,633" "W00016,466" "Dourdan D149 A10" "DRDND1" "A10 x D149" "N4834,100" "E00159,250" "Dourdan Peage A10" "DRDNPG" "_" "N4833,166" "E00155,833" "Dreux" "DREUX" "Gare SNCF" "N4843,800" "E00122,233" "Dreux Senonches" "DRXSNN" "_" "N4838,583" "E00106,416" "Dreux Vernouillet" "DRXVRN" "Hangar" "N4842,466" "E00121,750" "Durtal" "DURTAL" "_" "N4740,233" "W00014,550" "Ecueille" "ECUELL" "Eglise" "N4705,133" "E00120,950" "Epuisay Carrefour" "EPSYCR" "_" "N4753,983" "E00055,833" "Ercee" "ERCEE" "Village Sud" "N4749,950" "W00133,450" "Ernee" "ERNEE" "_" "N4817,883" "W00055,866" "Etampes Mondesir" "ETMPSM" "Aéro" "N4822,916" "E00204,466" "Evreux Fauville" "EVRXFV" "Aéro" "N4901,716" "E00113,200" "Falaise" "FALAIS" "Aéro" "N4855,633" "W00008,733" "Flers St Paul" "FLRSST" "Aéro" "N4845,133" "W00035,416" "Fougeres" "FOUGRS" "Gare SNCF" "N4821,366" "W00112,450" "Fougeres Aero" "FOGRSR" "Aéro Privée" "N4727,450" "E00121,950" "Freteval" "FRETVL" "Gare SNCF" "N4753,483" "E00112,783" "Herbault" "HERBLT" "Eglise" "N4736,450" "E00108,683" "Houdan" "HOUDAN" "Stade" "N4847,233" "E00136,233" "Ifsic" "IFSIC" "Batiment O" "N4806,966" "W00138,266" "Ile Bouchard" "ILBCHR" "_" "N4706,933" "E00025,550" "Illiers Combray" "ILLRSC" "Gare" "N4818,233" "E00114,800" "Ingrandes" "INGRND" "Gare S" "N4652,433" "E00034,083" "Jahnville" "JHNVLL" "A10 Sortie 12" "N4812,233" "E00150,950" "Janze" "JANZE" "Centre Ville" "N4757,833" "W00129,683" "Jargeau" "JARGEA" "D921 x Loire" "N4752,133" "E00207,533" "LAigle St Michel" "LGLSTM" "Aéro" "N4845,583" "E00039,500" "LEchalier" "LECHLR" "Aéro Privé" "N4706,516" "E00133,983" "La Bazouge" "LABAZG" "Aéro" "N4800,766" "W00029,583" "La Celle Guenand" "LCLLGN" "ZA" "N4657,533" "E00055,400" "La Dominelais" "LDMNLS" "ZA" "N4745,000" "W00138,966" "La Ferriere en Parthe" "LFRRRN" "_" "N4639,000" "W00004,333" "La Ferte Bernard" "LFRTBR" "Gare" "N4811,116" "E00038,400" "La Ferte St Aubin" "LFRTST" "Gare" "N4743,200" "E00155,916" "La Ferte Vidame" "LFRTVD" "_" "N4836,066" "E00053,966" "La Fleche" "LAFLCH" "Aéro" "N4741,650" "E00000,150" "La Gravelle" "LGRVLL" "Péage A81" "N4805,050" "W00101,366" "La Guerche" "LAGRCH" "Centre Ville" "N4756,633" "W00113,833" "La Loupe" "LALOUP" "Gare SNCF" "N4828,466" "E00101,083" "La Motte Beuvron" "LMTTBV" "Aéro" "N4739,400" "E00159,316" "La Roche Posay" "LRCHPS" "D72r Pont/Creuse" "N4647,316" "E00048,933" "Laval Entrammes" "LVLNTR" "Aéro" "N4801,933" "W00044,566" "Le Grand Pressigny" "LGRNDP" "_" "N4655,366" "E00048,150" "Le Lion dAngers" "LLNDNG" "_" "N4737,483" "W00041,733" "Le Lude" "LELUDE" "Gare SNCF" "N4738,450" "E00009,350" "Le Merlerault" "LMRLRL" "Gare" "N4842,116" "E00016,983" "Le Mans Arnage" "LMNSRN" "Aéro" "N4756,916" "E00012,100" "Le Neubourg" "LENBRG" "Centre Ville" "N4908,933" "E00054,083" "Le Petit Bois Landr" "LPTTBS" "Aéro" "N4823,600" "E00103,300" "Lencloitre" "LNCLTR" "Gare" "N4649,183" "E00019,833" "Les Rotis Veuil" "LSRTSV" "ZA" "N4707,500" "E00131,166" "Ligny Ribault" "LGNYRB" "Eglise" "N4741,066" "E00146,983" "Ligny le Ribault" "LGNYLR" "Aéro" "N4742,400" "E00146,533" "Ligre" "LIGRE" "ZA" "N4706,900" "E00016,900" "Ligueil" "LIGUEL" "Eglise" "N4702,633" "E00049,166" "Loches Aero" "LOCHSR" "15M Privé" "N4709,233" "E00100,850" "Loches Donjon" "LCHSDN" "_" "N4707,433" "E00059,966" "Longee" "LONGEE" "_" "N4722,733" "W00006,833" "Loudun" "LOUDUN" "Gare SNCF" "N4700,933" "E00005,050" "Loudun" "LODUN" "Aéro" "N4702,233" "E00006,033" "Loury" "LOURY" "SX N152 x D11" "N4759,866" "E00205,300" "Luigny" "LUIGNY" "Echangeur" "N4813,933" "E00102,016" "Maintenon" "MANTNN" "Gare SNCF" "N4834,516" "E00135,733" "Mamers" "MAMERS" "centre" "N4820,850" "E00022,000" "Manthelan" "MNTHLN" "Centre Ville" "N4708,000" "E00047,683" "Marchenoir" "MRCHNR" "Eglise" "N4749,350" "E00123,816" "Marcille Robert" "MRCLLR" "_" "N4756,683" "W00121,133" "Martigne Ferchau" "MRTGNF" "_" "N4749,733" "W00118,700" "Martizay" "MARTZY" "Centre Ville" "N4648,350" "E00102,600" "Mauleon" "MAULEN" "Aéro" "N4654,233" "W00041,833" "Mauves sur Loire" "MVSSRL" "Gare" "N4717,500" "W00123,166" "Mayenne" "MAYENN" "Gare SNCF" "N4817,950" "W00036,583" "Maze" "MAZE" "_" "N4727,383" "W00016,266" "Menarse" "MENARS" "Château" "N4738,350" "E00124,666" "Mer" "MER" "Gare SNCF" "N4742,366" "E00130,483" "Meung/Loire" "MENGLR" "A10 Péage" "N4749,983" "E00139,900" "Millancay" "MLLNCY" "Eglise" "N4726,900" "E00146,300" "Mire" "MIRE" "_" "N4745,316" "W00029,500" "Mirebeau" "MIREBE" "Centre Ville" "N4647,100" "E00010,950" "Moisy" "MOISY" "N826 x D924" "N4754,216" "E00118,600" "Monnaie" "MONNAI" "Péage A10" "N4729,433" "E00049,183" "Mont sur Guesne" "MNTSRG" "Eglise" "N4655,000" "E00013,000" "Montoire sur le Loir" "MNTRSR" "Gare" "N4745,400" "E00052,216" "Montreuil Bellay" "MNTRLB" "Gare" "N4707,466" "W00008,750" "Montreuil Bellay Aero" "MONTRE" "123,50" "N4706,933" "W00006,333" "Montreuil Juigne" "MNTRLJ" "Gare" "N4731,816" "W00036,500" "Montreuil Rondpoint" "MNTRLR" "_" "N4708,483" "W00009,516" "Montrichard" "MNTRCH" "Pont Cher" "N4720,500" "E00111,233" "Montsoreau" "MONTSR" "Centre" "N4712,516" "E00005,966" "Montsurs" "MNTSRS" "Aéro" "N4807,400" "W00033,866" "Mortagne au Perche" "MRTGNP" "Aéro" "N4832,416" "E00031,983" "Mt St Michel" "MTSTMC" "Aéro" "N4836,183" "W00133,166" "Muides" "MUIDES" "Pont sur Loire" "N4740,450" "E00131,650" "Murs Erigne" "MRSRGN" "_" "N4723,766" "W00033,216" "Neung sur Beuvron" "NNGSRB" "D925/D923" "N4732,233" "E00148,050" "Neung sur Beuvron Aero" "NEUNGS" "_" "N4732,183" "E00145,500" "Neuville aux Bois" "NVLLXB" "Gare" "N4804,066" "E00203,583" "Neuville de Poitou" "NVLLDP" "Gare" "N4640,833" "E00014,816" "Nogent le Rotrou" "NGNTLR" "Gare" "N4819,533" "E00048,650" "Noirterre" "NORTRR" "Aéro" "N4653,633" "W00025,100" "Nonancourt" "NNNCRT" "Gare" "N4846,516" "E00111,466" "Nouans le Fuzelier" "NNSLFZ" "Gare" "N4732,050" "E00202,183" "Nouans les Fontaine" "NNSLSF" "D675 x D760" "N4708,133" "E00117,933" "Noyant" "NOYANT" "Gare" "N4731,000" "E00007,000" "Nueil" "NUEIL" "Gare" "N4656,550" "E00035,400" "Onzain" "ONZAIN" "Privé Aéro" "N4731,433" "E00110,883" "Orbigny1" "ORBGNY" "Aéro" "N4712,466" "E00115,900" "Orleans A10" "ORLNS1" "Y A71" "N4754,183" "E00150,816" "Orleans Bricy" "ORLNSB" "Aéro" "N4759,266" "E00145,633" "Orleans Noeud Sud" "ORLNSN" "_" "N4750,516" "E00151,966" "Orleans S Gare" "ORLNSS" "Gare" "N4755,016" "E00154,133" "OrleansStDenisdelHotel" "ORLEAN" "Aéro" "N4753,850" "E00209,850" "Pacy/Eure" "PACYER" "Gare SNCF" "N4900,816" "E00123,333" "Palluau" "PALLUA" "Château" "N4656,750" "E00118,650" "Parigne lEveque" "PRGNLV" "Eglise" "N4756,316" "E00021,916" "Parthenay" "PRTHNY" "Gare SNCF" "N4638,833" "W00014,183" "Peronville" "PRNVLL" "Gare" "N4803,583" "E00134,883" "Pithiviers" "PTHVRS" "Aéro" "N4809,433" "E00211,500" "Poitiers" "POITRS" "Biard" "N4636,250" "E00018,400" "Pontlevoy" "PNTLVY" "15M Privé" "N4723,150" "E00113,150" "Pontorson" "PNTRSN" "_" "N4833,483" "W00130,483" "Port Brillet" "PRTBRL" "Eglise" "N4806,866" "W00058,366" "Port de Piles" "PRTDPL" "N10 x Creuse Pont" "N4700,366" "E00036,033" "Ports" "PORTS" "A10 x Vienne" "N4701,033" "E00033,716" "Retiers" "RETIRS" "Centre Ville" "N4754,933" "W00122,766" "Richelieu" "RICHEL" "Gare SNCF" "N4700,916" "E00019,150" "Romorantin" "RMRNTN" "HangarS S" "N4718,916" "E00141,683" "Rouge" "ROUGE" "Gare" "N4747,033" "W00127,433" "Sable/Sarthe" "SBLSRT" "Gare" "N4750,450" "W00020,450" "Saint Calais" "SNTCLS" "Eglise" "N4755,266" "E00044,800" "Saint Ustre Fabr" "SNTSTR" "_" "N4653,516" "E00034,466" "Salbris" "SALBRS" "Gare SNCF" "N4725,416" "E00202,916" "Sancheville" "SNCHVL" "_" "N4811,016" "E00134,966" "Sandillon" "SNDLLN" "15M Privé" "N4749,383" "E00203,833" "Saumur Chateau" "SMRCHT" "Château" "N4716,000" "W00005,000" "Saumur Pont" "SMRPNT" "_" "N4715,200" "W00003,366" "Saumur St Florent" "SMRSTF" "Aéro" "N4715,400" "W00006,816" "Sees" "SEES" "abbaye" "N4835,967" "E00010,433" "Segre Chateau" "SGRCHT" "Château" "N4740,783" "W00059,866" "Segre Gare" "SEGRGR" "Gare SNCF" "N4740,750" "W00051,866" "Selles sur Cher" "SLLSSR" "Gare" "N4717,066" "E00133,016" "Senonches" "SNNCHS" "Château" "N4833,633" "E00102,216" "Sens de Bretagne" "SNSDBR" "_" "N4819,950" "W00132,100" "Serguigny" "SRGGNY" "Gare" "N4905,416" "E00046,266" "Sille" "SILLE" "Château" "N4810,916" "W00006,983" "Sorigny" "SORGNY" "A10 Péage" "N4713,083" "E00039,466" "Soucelle" "SOUCLL" "Aéro" "N4735,000" "W00025,000" "Souge" "SOUGE" "Aéro" "N4743,500" "E00044,200" "Soulaire" "SOULAR" "Aéro" "N4733,833" "W00033,016" "St Aignan" "STAGNN" "Château" "N4716,133" "E00122,466" "St Amand Sevre" "STMNDS" "Aéro" "N4653,500" "W00048,300" "St Andre de lEure" "STNDRD" "Eglise" "N4854,350" "E00116,550" "St Andre de lEure" "STANDR" "Aéro" "N4853,916" "E00115,000" "St Hilaire du Hacoe" "STHLRD" "_" "N4835,016" "W00105,983" "St Hippolyte 15M" "STHPPL" "Aéro" "N4703,600" "E00108,616" "St Lambert du Lattay" "STLMBR" "Eglise" "N4718,050" "W00037,766" "St Martin/Cher" "STMRTN" "_" "N4720,500" "E00054,750" "St Maure de Tour" "STMRDT" "Eglise" "N4706,000" "E00037,000" "St Pierre" "STPIRR" "Eglise" "N4640,700" "E00050,600" "St Sigismond" "STSGSM" "Aéro" "N4725,983" "W00056,000" "Ste GauburgeSteColombe" "STGBRG" "Gare" "N4843,050" "E00025,750" "Thivars Echangeur" "THVRSC" "_" "N4821,766" "E00126,766" "Thouars Aero" "THORSR" "Aéro" "N4657,716" "W00009,216" "Thouars Gare SNCF" "THRSGR" "Gare" "N4659,083" "W00012,433" "Tournon St Martin" "TRNNST" "Gare" "N4644,233" "E00057,500" "Tours A10 X Loire" "TRS10X" "_" "N4723,966" "E00042,600" "Tours Eb X Loire P" "TRSBXL" "_" "N4723,716" "E00049,250" "Tours Le Louroux Aero" "TRSLLR" "Aéro" "N4709,000" "E00042,716" "Tours Sorigny Aero" "TRSSRG" "Aéro" "N4716,050" "E00042,016" "Tours St Symphorien" "TRSSTS" "Aéro" "N4725,916" "E00043,383" "Toury" "TOURY" "N20 x D927" "N4811,283" "E00155,650" "Troo Prive" "TROPRV" "Aéro" "N4745,733" "E00044,000" "Tuffe" "TUFFE" "Gare" "N4806,850" "E00030,783" "Vaiges" "VAIGES" "Eglise" "N4802,450" "W00028,533" "Val dIze" "VALDIZ" "Installations Aéro" "N4811,000" "W00118,000" "Valencay" "VALNCY" "Château" "N4709,483" "E00133,800" "Varad" "VARAD" "Gare SNCF" "N4722,450" "W00101,183" "Vendome" "VENDOM" "Gare SNCF" "N4748,050" "E00103,983" "Vern dAnjou" "VRNDNJ" "_" "N4735,800" "W00049,450" "Verneuil/Avre" "VRNLVR" "Gare" "N4844,483" "E00055,833" "Vernou en Sologne" "VRNNSL" "Aéro" "N4736,166" "E00145,166" "Viabon" "VIABON" "Eglise" "N4815,716" "E00131,416" "Vihiers" "VIHIRS" "Château" "N4708,316" "W00034,716" "Villaines la Juhel" "VLLNSL" "centre" "N4820,267" "W00017,017" "Villefranche sur Cher" "VLLFRN" "N76 D922" "N4717,550" "E00146,150" "Villeromain" "VLLRMN" "Rond Point" "N4744,016" "E00108,500" "Vitre" "VITRE" "Château" "N4807,633" "W00112,683" "Vouille" "VOUILL" "_" "N4638,466" "E00009,966" "Voves" "VOVES" "Gare SNCF" "N4816,433" "E00137,316"