TP#,LFEL , 46620000, 1086389, 354,140,LFEL Aerodrome TP#,START LF, 46645833, 1080556, 367,132,Depart Nord TP#,START L2, 46592778, 1055278, 308,132,Depart Sud TP#,FINSH 22, 46623056, 1091111, 335,128,seuil 22 herbe TP#,FINSH 04, 46616111, 1081944, 358,128,seuil 04 herbe TP#,ALLNTSRT, 47874722, 3350556, 384,136,center of the town TP#,AINAYLVL, 46668056, 2549722, 518,136,castle TP#,AIRVAULT, 46826944, -137778, 361,136,center of the city TP#,AMBSDRRR, 47340556, 941111, 177,137,LFEF runway 11/29 TP#,AMBOISCH, 47413611, 987778, 328,136,castle TP#,ANGRSLRR, 47560278, -312222, 197,137,LFJR runway 08/26 TP#,ANGLMBRC, 45729444, 218333, 436,137,LFBU runway 10/28 TP#,ARDENTES, 46741667, 1830556, ,136,bridge over Indre river TP#,ARGNTSRS, 47561944, 2441111, 574,136,center of the city TP#,ARGENTNR, 46595833, 1601111, 666,137,LFEG runway 04/22 TP#,ARGNTNSR, 46592778, 1516667, 377,136,railway station TP#,ABGNSRNR, 47480556, 2394167, 630,137,LFEH runway 06/24 TP#,ATRLCHTL, 47595000, 2600000, 558,136,castle TP#,AUXERRPG, 47851667, 3548611, 328,136,motorway toll North of the city TP#,AVALLONR, 47503056, 3899444, 781,137,LFGE runway 05/23 TP#,AYRON , 46663889, 74167, 492,136,railway station TP#,AZALFRRN, 46850556, 1074167, 249,136,road intersection East of the city TP#,BARSRSNR, 48066944, 4413611, 938,137,LFFR runway 12/30 TP#,BARANTHM, 46862778, 2428056, 574,136,road bridge over motorway TP#,BELABRE , 46551111, 1159444, 492,136,center of the city TP#,BELLACLM, 46130556, 1079167, 833,136,airfield ULM - 06/24 500x20m TP#,BELLCST., 46124444, 1045833, 853,136,railway station TP#,BELLEGRD, 47992778, 2443333, 387,136,center of the city TP#,BLET , 46896667, 2733333, 623,136,center of the city TP#,BLSLBRLR, 47679722, 1205833, 400,137,LFOQ runways 12/30 et 02/20 TP#,BLOISBRG, 47585278, 1337222, 262,136,old bridge over Loire river TP#,BONNETBL, 48176667, 425833, 394,136,castle center of the city TP#,BNNLMTRS, 46681944, 575833, 486,136,bridge over Vienne river TP#,BONNEVAL, 48186111, 1386667, 427,136,railway station TP#,BORBNLNC, 46621667, 3769444, 722,136,center of the city TP#,BRBNLRCH, 46584444, 3057500, 915,136,center of the city TP#,BOURDALO, 47383611, 2086111, 394,136,airfield TP#,BOURGESR, 47064444, 2378889, 528,137,LFLD runway 06/24 TP#,BRESSUIR, 46839444, -496111, 443,136,railway station TP#,BRRCHTLL, 47614444, 2781944, 541,137,LFEI runway 14/32 TP#,BRRBRGCN, 47631944, 2736389, 394,136,bridge over Loire river TP#,BNBNNVXR, 48351111, 2425556, 420,136,LFFB runways 01/19 et 10/28 TP#,BUZANCAS, 46886111, 1418889, 459,136,railway station TP#,CELON , 46508333, 1505556, 719,136,bridge D72 over A20 highway TP#,CERDON , 47636389, 2362500, 492,136,center of the city TP#,CERILLY , 46617500, 2820556, 955,136,center of the city TP#,CHAILLEY, 48081667, 3703611, 440,136,village TP#,CHAMBORD, 47615833, 1517500, 279,136,castle TP#,CHRTRSMT, 48458889, 1523889, 509,137,LFOR runway 10/28 TP#,CHCHINON, 47062500, 3932222,1699,136,center of the city TP#,CHDULOIR, 47683333, 416667, 220,136,railway station TP#,CHATENFR, 46871111, 2376944, 551,137,LFFU runway 09/27 TP#,CHRENARD, 47930278, 2928889, 427,136,castle TP#,CHTRXVLL, 46841944, 1621111, 541,137,LFEJ runway 04/22 TP#,CHTLLRLT, 46781389, 551944, 207,137,LFCA runway 18/36 TP#,CHATELLE, 46836667, 533889, 213,136,motorway toll North of the city TP#,CHTLLNCL, 47822222, 2845833, 394,136,center of the city TP#,CHTLLNSR, 46988056, 1175278, 427,136,center of the city TP#,CHATILLO, 47846389, 4580556, 906,137,LFQH runway 02/20 TP#,CHTRSSRC, 47264167, 1905833, 295,136,Bridge over the Cher river TP#,CHAUVGNR, 46583611, 642500, 440,137,LFDW runway 05/23 TP#,CHEMILLE, 47240000, -732500, 308,136,motorway junction North of the city TP#,CHENONCX, 47324722, 1070278, 197,136,castle TP#,CHEROY , 48201944, 2999444, 479,136,center of the city TP#,CHEVERNY, 47500000, 1458056, 312,136,castle TP#,CHINON , 47165000, 238056, 121,136,bridge over Vienne river TP#,CHLTLPNT, 47081944, -877222, 443,137,LFOU runway 03/21 TP#,CLAMECYR, 47438333, 3508611, 712,137,LFJC runway 18/36 TP#,CLUIS , 46544167, 1748889, 912,136,center of the city TP#,CLMBLSDX, 48224444, 4879722,1280,136,Croix de Lorraine TP#,CONCRMRS, 46595278, 1016389, 266,136,bridge over the Anglin river TP#,CONFOLNS, 46013333, 670000, 427,136,bridge over Vienne river TP#,CONTRES , 47417778, 1428333, 328,136,center of the city TP#,CORBIGNY, 47255833, 3683611, 741,136,center of the city TP#,COSNDLLR, 46475833, 2833056, 823,136,center of the city TP#,CSNSRLRR, 47360556, 2919444, 607,137,LFGH runway 12/30 TP#,CSNSRLRS, 47413611, 2931667, 591,136,railway TP#,COSSENEX, 47602778, 2086389, 430,136,airfield TP#,COUHVRCR, 46272778, 190556, 499,137,LFDV runway 02/20 TP#,CLNGSSRN, 47524444, 3540556, 492,136,bridge over Yonne river TP#,CLMMRSLT, 47781667, 1142500, 377,136,ancient tower TP#,COURMEMN, 47471667, 1627222, 322,136,center of the village TP#,CRTLNTGV, 48080556, 1100833, 558,136,TGV railway junction West of the city TP#,COURTENA, 48060000, 3095278, 558,136,motorway toll TP#,CRAVANT , 47682500, 3686667, 505,136,bridge over Yonne river TP#,CRESSNGS, 46441389, 3160556,1378,136,bridge over N79 TP#,CULAN , 46545278, 2352500, 755,136,castle TP#,DAMEMRLM, 47534444, 1018056, 410,136,airfield 17/35 TP#,DECIZES , 46827778, 3457222, 755,136,bridge over Loire river TP#,DESCARTS, 46950000, 668611, 400,136,airfield TP#,DORDIVES, 48156389, 2763611, 230,136,roundabout way North of the city TP#,DUNSURRN, 46883333, 2566944, 525,136,bridge over Auron river TP#,ECUEILLE, 47083889, 1346389, 492,136,center of the village TP#,EGUZON , 46453889, 1613889, 673,136,hydroelectric dam TP#,ENTRNSSR, 47463056, 3256667, 709,136,center of the city TP#,EVXLSBNS, 46168333, 2431944, 495,136,airfield TP#,FNTNLCMT, 46441389, -792778, 85,137,LFFK runway 09/27 TP#,FNTGMBLT, 46676389, 978611, 246,136,cloister of the abbey TP#,FGRSSRBV, 47457778, 1363889, 335,136,airfield 09/27 TP#,GARGILSS, 46512778, 1596944, 492,136,castle TP#,GENCAY , 46372778, 405556, 427,136,center of the city TP#,GIEN , 47687778, 2614444, 410,136,railway bridge over Loire river TP#,GRACAY , 47142500, 1845556, 364,136,center of the city TP#,GRTSTLRN, 46179167, 1958333,1207,137,LFCE runway 05/23 TP#,ISSDNLFR, 46888889, 2038889, 528,137,LFEK runways 36/18 and 29/11 intersection TP#,JARGEAU , 47867222, 2124167, 335,136,center of the town TP#,JOIGNYAR, 47995000, 3391944, 728,137,LFGK runway 08/26 TP#,JUVNCRTR, 48113889, 4819444,1132,137,LFQX runway 05/25 TP#,LECHLRLM, 47108889, 1563889, 499,136,airfield 18/36 TP#,LISLJRDN, 46230278, 680556, 433,136,bridge over Vienne river TP#,LABRNDLM, 46690556, 1529167, 515,136,airfield ULM TP#,LABRUYER, 46916389, 442500, 427,136,bridge D749 over railway TP#,LCLLGNND, 46944722, 894444, 427,136,village TP#,LCHPLLDN, 47361944, 2432222, 640,136,roundabout way South of the city TP#,LCHRTSRL, 47180833, 3023611, 591,136,railway station TP#,LACHTGNR, 46650278, -740833, 469,136,center of the city TP#,LACHAATR, 46580556, 1987222, 755,136,center of the city TP#,LFRTBRNR, 48182778, 645000, 371,136,stadium TP#,LFLCHTHR, 47694167, 3333, 121,137,LFAL runway 09/27 TP#,LGTTDSSN, 46580833, 2404167, 850,136,airfield - 03/21 - 350m TP#,LAGUERCH, 46948611, 2948056, 591,136,railway station TP#,LA PUYE , 46641389, 753333, 374,136,monastery TP#,LAROCHPS, 46788611, 815556, 180,136,bridge over Creuse river TP#,LARCHDMN, 46941944, 255556, 344,136,castle TP#,LRCHSRNR, 46701667, -1376944, 299,137,LFRI runway 10/28 TP#,LASOTRRN, 46239722, 1492222, 984,136,railway station TP#,LATRIMLL, 46466667, 1043056, 328,136,bridge over Asse river TP#,LMTTBVRN, 47656667, 1989167, 413,136,runway 15/33 TP#,LPLSSPRG, 46253889, 3588611,1040,137,LFHX runway 05/23 TP#,LVLNTRMM, 48032222, -742778, 328,137,LFOV runway 15/33 TP#,LE BLANC, 46629722, 1063889, 266,136,bridge over Creuse river TP#,LECHATLT, 46641667, 2283056, 705,136,center of the city TP#,LLNDNGRS, 47627500, -714167, 79,136,center of the city TP#,TRSLLRXR, 47150000, 712778, 413,137,LFJT runway 03/21 TP#,LMNSRNGR, 47948611, 201667, 194,137,LFRM runway 02/20 TP#,LSVNTGRD, 47813611, 2234167, 351,136,airfield - 11/29 400x25m TP#,LSMSNSBL, 46137778, 179444, 410,136,road intersection TP#,LSPNTSDC, 47418611, -505278, 79,136,motorway bridge over Loire river TP#,LSQTRVNT, 45889444, 579167, 722,136,railway station TP#,LEVROXLM, 46961667, 1662222, 443,137,airfield TP#,LVRXCNTR, 46973889, 1613889, 443,136,city TP#,LGNLRBLT, 47705556, 1773611, 377,136,airfield TP#,LIGUEIL , 47043611, 818056, 262,136,church - center of the city TP#,LOCHESLM, 47153333, 1011944, 390,136,airfield 260/08 TP#,LOUDUNAR, 47037222, 101389, 315,137,LFDL runway 08/26 TP#,LOUDUNST, 47008889, 105000, 361,136,roundabout east TP#,LOUE , 47995278, -153056, 276,136,center of the city TP#,LURCLVSR, 46712778, 2946111, 745,137,LFJU runway 06/24 TP#,MALSHRBS, 48292500, 2401111, 377,136,railway station TP#,MANRDRDS, 46486111, 2012778,1312,136,Manoir golf building and lakes TP#,MRGNLCHT, 48346944, 3635556, 449,136,center of the city TP#,MARMAGNE, 47100278, 2281389, 394,136,bridge D160 over railway TP#,MASSAY , 47151944, 1993889, 358,136,church - center of the city TP#,MAULEONR, 46903889, -696389, 577,137,LFJB runway 04/22 TP#,MEHNSRVR, 47139444, 2207222, 427,136,railway station TP#,MZRLSCLR, 47813056, 1842222, 341,136,gliding airflield TP#,MIGENNES, 47960556, 3517778, 269,136,Railway yard TP#,MILLANCA, 47446944, 1771944, 344,136,center of the city TP#,MIREBEAU, 46785000, 182778, 361,136,church - center of the city TP#,MOISY , 47904167, 1309444, 394,136,road intersection South of th city TP#,MNDRVLLL, 48168333, 2597500, 344,136,airfield ULM - 01/19 500x40m TP#,MNTRGSVM, 47960556, 2685833, 305,137,LFEM runway 05/23 TP#,MNTRGSCH, 47970556, 2735000, 308,136,road intersection South of the city TP#,MNTRGSNR, 48062222, 2667222, 299,136,motorway junction A19-A77 North West Montargis TP#,MONTBARD, 47618611, 4336389, 722,136,railway station TP#,MNTLCNGR, 46226111, 2362778,1339,137,LFBK runway 17/35 TP#,MNTLCNDM, 46353611, 2572222, 771,137,LFLT runway 11/29 TP#,MONTMRLT, 46329722, 2966944,1552,136,echangeur A71 TP#,MNTMRLLN, 46390278, 948611, 515,136,airfield ULM - 17/35 600x40m TP#,MONTMORI, 46419444, 870833, 328,136,railway TP#,MNTRLBLL, 47125278, -147778, 115,136,railway station TP#,MNTRCHRD, 47335556, 1200000, 223,136,airfield TP#,MRNSRLLR, 46815833, 3043333, 607,136,bridge over Allier river TP#,MLNSMNTB, 46534444, 3421667, 915,137,LFHY runway 08/26 TP#,MOULINS , 46557500, 3338333, 715,136,railway station TP#,MURDSLGN, 47412500, 1607222, 509,136,center of the village TP#,NNCRDTLS, 47371111, 2197500, 446,136,antenna TP#,NEMOURS , 48266667, 2693611, 230,136,center of the city TP#,NVSTSPLC, 46595556, 1808611, ,136,church - center of the city TP#,NVRSFRCH, 47003611, 3110833, 604,137,LFQG runway 12/30 TP#,NIRTSCHR, 46313333, -394444, 203,137,LFBN runway 07/25 TP#,NGNTLRTR, 48314167, 820556, 459,136,castle TP#,NONLFZLR, 47533889, 2033333, 344,136,railway station TP#,NOYANT , 47511111, 120556, 262,136,center of the city TP#,ONZAINLM, 47524444, 1181389, 449,136,airfield TP#,ORBIGNY , 47222778, 1289722, 528,136,airfield 06/24 TP#,ORCAYULM, 47295833, 2100556, 587,136,airfield TP#,ORLNSSTD, 47897500, 2164167, 397,137,LFOZ runway 05/23 TP#,PARLMNLR, 46467778, 4135000,1001,137,LFGN runway 13/31 TP#,PARTHENA, 46648333, -240556, 328,136,railway station TP#,PERREXLM, 47875000, 3135556, 597,136,airfield - runway 08-26 TP#,PITHVRSR, 48157222, 2192500, 384,137,LFFP runway 07/25 TP#,PNTSRNNR, 48290556, 3250833, 236,137,LFGO runway 14/32 TP#,PONTLVLM, 47385556, 1218889, 325,136,airfield TP#,PORTDPLS, 47006111, 600556, 144,136,bridge over Creuse river TP#,PREMERY , 47175278, 3337500, 755,136,center of the city TP#,PRLLSRCL, 46849722, 928889, 279,136,railway station TP#,PRISSCLM, 46519722, 1311944, 548,136,field ULM - 06/26 230x20m TP#,PUYDEDOM, 45771667, 2963611,4803,136,summit TP#,QUINCY , 47132778, 2158333, 410,136,castle TP#,REIGNAC , 47227222, 915000, ,136,center of the city TP#,REUILLY , 47084444, 2047500, ,136,railway station TP#,RICHELIE, 47012222, 324167, 180,136,main square center of the city TP#,RMRNTNPR, 47320833, 1688889, 289,137,LFYR runway 05R/23L TP#,ROUY , 47025833, 3534167, 837,136,center of the city TP#,RFFCNCHR, 46025833, 179167, 354,136,bridge N10 over railway TP#,RFFCNNDR, 46626389, 1172778, 266,136,bridge over the Creuse river TP#,SBLSRSRT, 47841667, -341944, 164,136,railway station TP#,SALBRIS , 47423611, 2048611, 361,136,center of the city TP#,SANCERRE, 47329167, 2833333, 591,136,road intersection West of the city TP#,SANCOINS, 46830278, 2919444, 673,136,church - center of the city TP#,SANDILLN, 47845556, 2033056, 322,136,center of the town TP#,SANTLLLM, 48158333, 1853056, 410,136,airfield - 18/36 750x40m TP#,SLZSLPTR, 46598611, 2495556, 705,136,center of the city TP#,SMRSTFLR, 47256667, -113611, 269,137,LFOD runway 10/28 TP#,SLLSSTDN, 47400000, 1916667, 315,136,airfield TP#,SLLSSRCH, 47281389, 1555000, 289,136,factory TP#,SENS , 48198056, 3282778, 312,136,cathedral - center of the city TP#,STAIGNNT, 47295556, 1363056, 230,136,grain silos TP#,STMNDMNT, 46726667, 2490833, 509,136,bridge over Cher river TP#,STBAUDEL, 46839167, 2207500, 525,136,report finish 29 - village TP#,STBNTDSL, 46453333, 1403611, 781,136,used to be a runway TP#,STBNTSRL, 47792222, 2336111, 410,136,airfield TP#,STCALAIS, 47919444, 765556, 509,136,road intersection East of the city TP#,STFARGEA, 47639167, 3071944, 656,136,castle TP#,STFLRNTN, 47981389, 3776944, 358,137,LFGP runway 07/25 TP#,STFLOREN, 47996389, 3732778, 328,136,marina south-east of the town TP#,STGRGSSR, 46998889, 2093056, 436,136,Report finish 18 - center of the city TP#,STHPPLTL, 47060000, 1142778, 440,136,airfield TP#,STJUNINR, 45903333, 920000, 902,137,LFBJ runway 07/25 TP#,STMAIXNT, 46412778, -200833, 492,136,main square center of the city TP#,STPRRLMT, 46801944, 3120000, 722,136,road intersection North of the city TP#,STPRSTDS, 45959722, 2748611,2231,136,airfield ULM - landing runway 01 350x20m TP#,STRMNLPR, 47938611, 3243889, 417,136,motorway junction TP#,ST SAVIN, 46564722, 865278, 344,136,church TP#,STELIZGN, 47007222, 2022778, 476,136,Report finish 18 - center of the city TP#,STETHRTT, 47077778, 2180556, 377,136,roundabout way D23 D27 intersection TP#,SULLSRLR, 47770000, 2373611, 361,136,bridge over Loire river TP#,TERRAY , 46810278, 2306111, 531,136,report finish 29 - lake and camping TP#,THOUARSR, 46961944, -152778, 341,137,LFCT runways 02/20 16/34 TP#,TNNRRTGV, 47678333, 4082500,1073,136,TGV railway junction TP#,TNNRRCNT, 47856111, 3973889, 666,136,center of the city TP#,TOUCY , 47734167, 3294444, 679,136,center of the city TP#,TRNNSTMR, 46736944, 957778, 279,136,railway station TP#,TRGNPSLM, 47550833, 3197222, 919,136,airfield TP#,TROO ULM, 47762500, 737500, 197,136,airfield ULM - 08/26 TP#,TRSBRBRR, 48321667, 4016667, 394,137,LFQB runway 18/36 et 05/23 TP#,TUILIRLM, 46532500, 3118333, 902,136,airfield ULM - 02/20 500x20m TP#,VAIGES , 48056111, -482778, 354,136,motorway junction North of the city TP#,VLLSRSLD, 47458333, 2650556, 623,136,center of the city TP#,VALDBRGS, 47281667, 3226667, 883,136,center of the city TP#,VALANCAY, 47158056, 1563333, 476,136,castle TP#,VLLNNSLL, 46507500, 2630833, 984,136,motorway junction South TP#,VRNNSSRL, 46321944, 3364167, 771,136,bridge over Allier river TP#,VATAN , 47073889, 1810556, 459,136,center of the city TP#,VENDOVRS, 46801111, 1353333, 410,136,roundabout way West of the village TP#,VEZELAY , 47466389, 3748056, 984,136,basilica TP#,VCHCHRML, 46171667, 3404167, 820,137,LFLV runway 01/19 TP#,VIRZNMRR, 47194722, 2066667, 430,137,LFFV runway 04/22 TP#,VIERZNPG, 47243333, 2072222, 558,136,motorway junction North TP#,VIHIERS , 47135000, -527500, 459,136,motorway junction South TP#,VILLELNG, 46946389, 3491667, 886,136,airfield 17/35 TP#,VLLFRNCH, 47296111, 1770000, 328,136,center of the city TP#,VOUZERON, 47254722, 2236111, 459,136,castle TP#,VOVES , 48275000, 1622222, 492,136,railway station TP#,VUITTON , 46902222, 1983333, 476,136,report finish 11 - factory