;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; + ; Lawrenceville, IL + ; + ; Control Points formatted for EWView II and EWView III + ; + ; + ; Generated Sunday, 02 July 2006 at 18:16 GMT + ; + ; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> USE AT YOUR OWN RISK <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< + ; All data and information contained in these data files are provided without + ; guarantee as to their completeness or correctness. Any conclusions drawn + ; from these data and information are the sole responsibility of the user. + ; + ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "LawrencevilleVincennes" "LWRNCV" "122.800" "N3845.850" "W08736.333" "Aero Plaines" "ARPLNS" "_" "N3921.167" "W08722.400" "Alford" "ALFORD" "_" "N3827.833" "W08715.000" "Austin Air Ads" "ASTNRD" "_" "N3913.083" "W08722.083" "Beckerman" "BCKRMN" "_" "N3824.500" "W08750.250" "Benham IN" "BENHMN" "_" "N3858.600" "W08701.350" "Booe" "BOOE" "_" "N3916.383" "W08707.333" "Boonville IN" "BNVLLN" "122.900" "N3802.550" "W08719.067" "Bottoms Brothers" "BTTMSB" "_" "N3817.083" "W08722.917" "Brazil Clay County" "BRZLCL" "122.800" "N3928.600" "W08705.983" "Buchta" "BUCHTA" "_" "N3829.567" "W08655.983" "Bussart" "BUSSRT" "_" "N3934.750" "W08750.917" "Careferre Acres" "CRFRRC" "_" "N3910.983" "W08707.567" "Carmi" "CARMI" "122.800" "N3805.367" "W08807.383" "Casey IL" "CASEYL" "122.800" "N3918.150" "W08800.250" "Coles County" "CLSCNT" "122.700" "N3928.683" "W08816.750" "Cornell IN" "CRNLLN" "_" "N3758.933" "W08717.933" "Cumberland RLA" "CMBRLN" "_" "N3918.833" "W08820.667" "Daviess County" "DVSSCN" "122.800" "N3842.033" "W08707.783" "Davis IN 1" "DAVSN1" "_" "N3857.417" "W08723.650" "Davis IN 2" "DAVSN2" "_" "N3757.717" "W08746.733" "Dozier" "DOZIER" "_" "N3819.000" "W08816.333" "Drake IN 1" "DRAKN1" "_" "N3907.900" "W08722.917" "Ed Air" "ED AIR" "122.800" "N3851.083" "W08729.983" "Effingham County" "EFFNGH" "122.800" "N3904.233" "W08832.017" "Eickholtz" "ECKHLT" "_" "N3827.650" "W08739.300" "Ellis Fly In" "ELLSFL" "_" "N3916.967" "W08718.217" "Evansville" "EVNSVL" "118.7" "N3802.217" "W08731.950" "Fairfield IL" "FRFLDL" "123.050" "N3822.717" "W08824.767" "Fifer" "FIFER" "_" "N3812.767" "W08755.167" "Flora IL" "FLORAL" "122.700" "N3839.900" "W08827.183" "French Lick" "FRNCHL" "122.800" "N3830.367" "W08638.217" "Garrett" "GARRTT" "_" "N3814.617" "W08747.400" "Glatthaar" "GLTTHR" "_" "N3931.500" "W08748.350" "Godahavit" "GODHVT" "_" "N3839.267" "W08716.967" "Hepler" "HEPLER" "_" "N3808.250" "W08740.583" "Higginbotham" "HGGNBT" "_" "N3920.483" "W08731.883" "Hilakos" "HILAKS" "_" "N3755.917" "W08746.283" "Hollingsworth" "HLLNGS" "_" "N3820.167" "W08728.067" "Hopkins Farms" "HPKNSF" "_" "N3818.500" "W08724.517" "Hull IN 2" "HULLN2" "122.800" "N3824.133" "W08735.967" "Huntingburg" "HNTNGB" "122.800" "N3814.933" "W08657.217" "Indian Creek" "INDNCR" "_" "N3759.250" "W08756.300" "Isley IL" "ISLEYL" "_" "N3905.250" "W08817.333" "J and S IN" "J +SIN" "_" "N3807.117" "W08738.850" "Jasper County IL" "JSPRCN" "_" "N3855.900" "W08809.417" "John R Reed" "JHNRRD" "_" "N3932.950" "W08801.933" "Kester Fly Inn" "KSTRFL" "_" "N3916.700" "W08724.817" "Kibler" "KIBLER" "_" "N3926.767" "W08738.667" "Klein" "KLEIN" "_" "N3839.167" "W08733.817" "Lewis IN 2" "LEWSN2" "_" "N3755.017" "W08745.667" "Mann IN" "MANNIN" "_" "N3859.300" "W08731.083" "Marchino" "MARCHN" "_" "N3838.267" "W08726.083" "Miller IN 3" "MLLRN3" "_" "N3917.500" "W08649.417" "Monroe County IN" "MNRCNT" "120.775" "N3908.767" "W08637.000" "Morrison IN" "MRRSNN" "122.900" "N3901.333" "W08711.250" "Mount Carmel" "MTCRML" "122.700" "N3836.400" "W08743.600" "NMeier" "NMEIER" "_" "N3850.783" "W08714.417" "Nelson Private" "NLSNPR" "_" "N3824.033" "W08759.317" "ONeal" "ONEAL" "123.000" "N3841.483" "W08733.133" "Olney Noble" "OLNNBL" "123.000" "N3843.317" "W08810.583" "Parrish IN" "PRRSHN" "_" "N3759.583" "W08757.083" "Percival Springs" "PRCVLS" "122.900" "N3900.833" "W08832.333" "Pipers Landing" "PPRSLN" "_" "N3842.400" "W08738.000" "Plugger" "PLUGGR" "_" "N3802.133" "W08743.450" "Posey Patch" "PSPTCH" "_" "N3754.233" "W08747.417" "Raceway" "RACEWA" "_" "N3802.950" "W08722.883" "Ralph E Koch" "RLPHKC" "122.700" "N3812.450" "W08746.467" "Richardson IN" "RCHRDS" "_" "N3822.833" "W08713.233" "Ridgway Flying Service" "RDGWFL" "_" "N3854.400" "W08724.100" "Robertsons Roost" "RBRTSN" "_" "N3851.567" "W08839.517" "Robinson IL" "RBNSNL" "123.000" "N3900.967" "W08738.983" "Sarver" "SARVER" "_" "N3756.467" "W08709.283" "Schroeder Private IN" "SCHRDR" "122.750" "N3800.200" "W08745.383" "Shakamak" "SHAKMK" "_" "N3910.167" "W08711.417" "Shawnee IN" "SHAWNN" "122.900" "N3902.667" "W08700.333" "Shrum" "SHRUM" "_" "N3902.633" "W08725.317" "Shure" "SHURE" "_" "N3915.683" "W08725.250" "Skillet Fork Farm" "SKLLTF" "_" "N3817.750" "W08833.417" "Sky King" "SKYKNG" "122.800" "N3932.867" "W08722.633" "Skylane" "SKYLAN" "122.900" "N3800.700" "W08735.683" "Snider" "SNIDER" "_" "N3830.000" "W08735.750" "Stoney Real Estate" "STNRLS" "_" "N3802.917" "W08818.033" "Sullivan County IN" "SLLVNC" "122.800" "N3906.883" "W08726.900" "T and T" "T + T" "_" "N3836.283" "W08727.783" "Terre Haute Hulman" "TRRHTH" "118.3" "N3927.083" "W08718.450" "Thrust Industries" "THRSTN" "_" "N3812.750" "W08734.767" "Timber Trails" "TMBRTR" "_" "N3920.233" "W08646.783" "Williamson IL 1" "WLLMSN" "_" "N3919.133" "W08825.500" "Yelverton" "YLVRTN" "_" "N3805.217" "W08740.900" "Zeller Elev Co" "ZLLRLV" "_" "N3754.500" "W08745.500"