;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; + ; Laval Entrammes, France + ; + ; Concour Regional de planeur de la region pays de la Loire + ; + ; User Specified Waypoints formatted for EWView II and EWView III + ; + ; Contributed by Michel + ; + ; Generated Sunday, 25 February 2007 at 07:35 GMT + ; + ; This file uses , as the decimal point in latitude and longitude 1 ; + ; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> USE AT YOUR OWN RISK <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< + ; All data and information contained in these data files are provided without + ; guarantee as to their completeness or correctness. Any conclusions drawn + ; from these data and information are the sole responsibility of the user. + ; + ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Laval Entrammes" "LVLNTR" "Aéro" "N4801,933" "W00044,567" "Force" "FORCE" "Point de départ" "N4802,000" "W00041,917" "Airvault" "AIRVLT" "Eglise" "N4649,617" "W00008,267" "Alencon" "ALENCN" "Centre Ville" "N4825,817" "E00005,467" "Allainville" "ALLNVL" "A10 Sortie 11" "N4827,333" "E00154,733" "Allanssnt" "ALLNSS" "Aéro" "N4809,700" "E00151,200" "Alencon Valframbert" "ALNCNV" "Aéro" "N4826,850" "E00006,500" "Amboise" "AMBOIS" "La Pagode" "N4723,467" "E00058,267" "Amboise Dierre" "AMBSDR" "Aéro" "N4720,483" "E00056,500" "Andouille" "ANDOLL" "Aéro" "N4810,400" "W00050,783" "Antrain" "ANTRAN" "_" "N4827,967" "W00129,300" "Argentan" "ARGNTN" "Centre Ville" "N4844,750" "W00001,033" "Argenton" "ARGENT" "Château" "N4659,600" "W00026,967" "Aron" "ARON" "Aéro" "N4816,983" "W00031,300" "Aubigny/Nere" "ABGNNR" "Gare SNCF" "N4729,217" "E00226,033" "Aulnay" "AULNAY" "_" "N4601,200" "W00020,767" "Auxerre" "AUXERR" "Cathedrale" "N4747,833" "E00334,383" "Avranches" "AVRNCH" "Aéro" "N4839,700" "W00124,316" "Ayron" "AYRON" "SNCF" "N4639,583" "E00004,516" "Bagnoles de lOrne" "BGNLSD" "Aéro" "N4832,733" "W00023,066" "Bailleau Armenonville" "BLLRMN" "Aéro" "N4830,950" "E00138,350" "Ballon" "BALLON" "Tour" "N4810,200" "E00014,383" "Bain de Bretagne" "BNDBRT" "Aéro" "N4747,466" "W00138,166" "Bauge" "BAUGE" "Gare SNCF" "N4731,850" "W00006,333" "Beauvoir" "BEAUVR" "_" "N4610,867" "W00028,350" "Bellac" "BELLAC" "croisement" "N4607,350" "E00103,000" "Bellegarde" "BLLGRD" "Aérodrome privé" "N4801,417" "E00224,867" "Bernay St Martin" "BRNSTM" "Aéro" "N4906,166" "E00033,950" "Blois le Breuil" "BLSLBR" "Aéro" "N4740,783" "E00112,350" "Blois pont" "BLSPNT" "Vieux pont sud" "N4735,100" "E00120,367" "Bonneuil Matours" "BNNLMT" "Pont D3 Vienne" "N4640,967" "E00034,550" "Bonnetable" "BNNTBL" "Gare SNCF" "N4810,383" "E00025,167" "Bourganeuf" "BORGNF" "_" "N4557,200" "E00145,333" "Brantome" "BRANTM" "_" "N4522,117" "E00039,033" "Bressuire" "BRESSR" "Gare SNCF" "N4650,283" "W00029,750" "Brissac Quincy" "BRSSCQ" "_" "N4721,000" "W00027,000" "Buzancais" "BUZNCS" "Gare S" "N4653,166" "E00125,133" "Cabourg" "CABORG" "_" "N4917,000" "W00005,500" "Caen Carpiquet" "CNCRPQ" "Aéro" "N4910,400" "W00027,000" "Cande" "CANDE" "Centre Ville" "N4733,800" "W00101,767" "Chailley" "CHAILL" "Eglise" "N4804,933" "E00342,167" "Chambord" "CHMBRD" "Château" "N4736,950" "E00131,050" "Champigne" "CHMPGN" "_" "N4739,933" "W00033,750" "Chartres" "CHRTRS" "Cathedrale" "N4826,883" "E00129,267" "Chateaubriant" "CHTBRN" "Château" "N4743,267" "W00122,100" "Chateaudun" "CHATDN" "Aéro" "N4803,466" "E00122,766" "Chateau Gontier" "CHTGNT" "Gare" "N4750,000" "W00042,200" "Chateau la Valliere" "CHTLVL" "Gare SNCF" "N4733,083" "E00019,317" "Chatebriand Pouance" "CHATEB" "Aéro" "N4744,416" "W00111,333" "Chatelleralt" "CHTLLR" "Aéro" "N4646,883" "E00033,066" "Chatillon/Loire" "CHTLLN" "Pont routier/Loire" "N4735,867" "E00245,733" "Chatillon/Indre" "CHATIL" "Gare" "N4659,683" "E00110,333" "Chaumont/Loire" "CHMNTL" "_" "N4728,716" "E00111,016" "Chemille" "CHEMLL" "Gare SNCF" "N4713,117" "W00043,867" "Chenonceaux" "CHNNCX" "Château" "N4719,483" "E00104,283" "Cheverny" "CHEVRN" "Château" "N4730,033" "E00127,483" "Chinon" "CHINON" "PNTRTRD749VN" "N4709,867" "E00014,333" "Chalonnes/Loire" "CHLNNS" "Pontferrvrlr" "N4721,750" "W00043,117" "Cholet Lepontreau" "CHLTLP" "120,40" "N4704,933" "W00052,633" "Chartres Champhols" "CHARTR" "Aéro" "N4827,533" "E00131,383" "Chatillon Coligny" "CHATIO" "Centre ville" "N4749,267" "E00251,017" "Chateau du Loir" "CHTDLR" "Gare SNCF" "N4741,017" "E00025,050" "Civray de Touraine" "CVRDTR" "_" "N4608,867" "E00017,700" "Clion" "CLION" "Gare" "N4656,833" "E00114,466" "Conde/Noireau" "CONDNR" "Aéro" "N4853,500" "W00030,150" "Confolens" "CNFLNS" "Pont/Vienne" "N4600,750" "E00040,550" "Contres" "CONTRS" "N675 Y N956" "N4725,016" "E00125,733" "Cormery" "CORMER" "Gare SNCF" "N4715,783" "E00050,066" "Courtenay" "COURTN" "Gare SNCF" "N4802,233" "E00303,467" "Craon" "CRAON" "Centre Ville" "N4751,300" "W00056,933" "Dame Marie" "DAMEMR" "Aéro privé 30" "N4731,967" "E00101,133" "Derval" "DERVAL" "_" "N4740,033" "W00140,266" "Descartes" "DSCRTS" "Gare S" "N4658,433" "E00041,733" "Dhuizon" "DHUIZN" "Eglise" "N4735,350" "E00139,517" "Donfront" "DNFRNT" "Centre Ville" "N4835,517" "W00038,167" "Doue la Fontaine" "DLFNTN" "Eglise" "N4711,633" "W00016,466" "Dreux" "DREUX" "Gare SNCF" "N4843,833" "E00122,250" "Dreux Senonches" "DRXSNN" "_" "N4838,583" "E00106,416" "Dreux Vernouillet" "DRXVRN" "Hangar" "N4842,466" "E00121,750" "Durtal" "DURTAL" "_" "N4740,233" "W00014,550" "Ecueille" "ECUELL" "Eglise" "N4705,133" "E00120,950" "Eguzon Lac de Chambon" "EGZNLC" "Barrage" "N4627,233" "E00136,833" "Entrains/Nohains" "ENTRNS" "Gare SNCF" "N4727,917" "E00315,683" "Epuisay" "EPUISA" "Carrefour centre ville" "N4754,017" "E00055,833" "Ernee" "ERNEE" "_" "N4817,883" "W00055,866" "Etampes Mondesir" "ETMPSM" "Aéro" "N4822,916" "E00204,466" "Evreuxfauvll" "EVRXFV" "Aéro" "N4901,716" "E00113,200" "Eymoutiers" "EYMTRS" "Gare SNCF" "N4544,400" "E00144,467" "Falaise" "FALAIS" "Aéro" "N4855,633" "W00008,733" "Flers St Paul" "FLRSST" "Aéro" "N4845,133" "W00035,416" "Fontenay le Comte" "FNTNLC" "Hangars" "N4626,583" "W00047,450" "Fougeres" "FOUGRS" "Aérodrome privé" "N4727,467" "E00121,967" "Gencay" "GENCAY" "Centre Ville" "N4622,383" "E00024,217" "Gueret" "GUERET" "Gare SNCF" "N4610,417" "E00152,883" "Hasard" "HASARD" "On sait pas ce que c'est!" "N4756,433" "E00002,867" "Herbault" "HERBLT" "Eglise" "N4736,450" "E00108,683" "Ile Bouchard" "ILBCHR" "_" "N4706,933" "E00025,550" "Illiers Combray" "ILLRSC" "Gare SNCF" "N4818,250" "E00114,817" "Ingrandes" "INGRND" "Gare SNCF" "N4652,450" "E00034,100" "Issoudun" "ISSODN" "Carrefour" "N4657,167" "E00200,433" "Jahnville" "JHNVLL" "A10 Sortie12" "N4812,233" "E00150,950" "Jargeau" "JARGEA" "D921 X Loire" "N4752,133" "E00207,533" "Jumilhac le Grand" "JMLHCL" "Eglise" "N4529,783" "E00103,833" "La Fleche" "LAFLCH" "Aéro" "N4741,650" "E00000,150" "La Gravelle" "LGRVLL" "Péage A81" "N4805,050" "W00101,366" "La Loupe" "LALOUP" "Gare SNCF" "N4828,483" "E00101,117" "LAbsie" "LABSIE" "_" "N4638,017" "W00034,650" "La Chatre" "LACHTR" "Croisement D943 D9" "N4635,117" "E00159,800" "La Dominelais" "LDMNLS" "Za" "N4745,000" "W00138,966" "La Ferte Vidame" "LFRTVD" "Château" "N4836,083" "E00053,983" "LAigle St Michel" "LGLSTM" "Aéro" "N4845,583" "E00039,500" "La Motte Beuron" "LMTTBR" "Aéro" "N4739,400" "E00159,316" "La Roche Posay" "LRCHPS" "Pont routier Creuse" "N4647,317" "E00048,933" "La Souterraine" "LSTRRN" "Gare SNCF" "N4614,350" "E00129,567" "La Trimouille" "LTRMLL" "Pont/Benaize" "N4628,467" "E00102,200" "Le Lude" "LELUDE" "Gare SNCF" "N4738,467" "E00009,383" "LEchalier" "LECHLR" "Aéro privé" "N4706,516" "E00133,983" "Le Mans Arnage" "LMNSRN" "Aéro" "N4756,916" "E00012,100" "Le Merlerault" "LMRLRL" "Gare SNCF" "N4842,133" "E00017,000" "Lencloitre" "LNCLTR" "Gare" "N4649,183" "E00019,833" "Le Petit Bois Landry" "LPTTBS" "Aéro" "N4823,600" "E00103,300" "La Ferte Bernard" "LFRTBR" "Gare SNCF" "N4811,133" "E00038,400" "La Ferte St Aubin" "LFRTST" "Gare SNCF" "N4743,217" "E00155,950" "Le Grand Pressigny" "LGRNDP" "_" "N4655,366" "E00048,150" "Ligny le Ribault" "LGNLRB" "Aéro" "N4742,400" "E00146,533" "Ligueil" "LIGUEL" "Eglise" "N4702,650" "E00049,183" "LIle dElle" "LILDLL" "_" "N4619,500" "W00056,750" "Le Lion dAngers" "LLNDNG" "Centre Ville" "N4737,500" "W00041,767" "Loches" "LOCHES" "Aéro privé 15m" "N4709,267" "E00100,883" "Loches Donjon" "LCHSDN" "_" "N4707,433" "E00059,966" "Longue" "LONGUE" "Centre ville" "N4722,767" "W00006,367" "Loudun" "LOUDUN" "Gare SNCF" "N4700,967" "E00005,083" "Loulay" "LOULAY" "_" "N4602,917" "W00030,483" "Lussac les Chateaux" "LSSCLS" "Pontroutrvnn" "N4624,217" "E00042,167" "Lucon" "LUCON" "Gare SNCF" "N4627,667" "W00109,917" "Luigny" "LUIGNY" "Echangeur A11" "N4813,967" "E00102,033" "Lusignan" "LUSGNN" "Pont SNCF N11 sud" "N4625,850" "E00006,433" "Maintenon" "MANTNN" "Gare SNCF" "N4834,517" "E00135,767" "Malesherbes" "MLSHRB" "Gare SNCF" "N4817,567" "E00224,117" "Mamers" "MAMERS" "Centre" "N4820,850" "E00022,000" "Manthelan" "MNTHLN" "Centre Ville" "N4708,000" "E00047,683" "Marce" "MARCE" "Aéro d'Angers" "N4733,617" "W00018,733" "Martizay" "MARTIZ" "Centre Ville" "N4648,383" "E00102,617" "Mauleon" "MAULEN" "Aéro" "N4654,233" "W00041,833" "Mayenne" "MAYENN" "Gare SNCF" "N4817,983" "W00036,600" "Maze" "MAZE" "_" "N4727,383" "W00016,266" "Mazieres" "MAZIRS" "_" "N4632,033" "W00019,333" "Menars" "MENARS" "Château" "N4738,350" "E00124,667" "Millancay" "MILLNC" "Eglise" "N4726,900" "E00146,300" "Mire" "MIRE" "_" "N4745,316" "W00029,500" "Mirebeau" "MIREBE" "Centre Ville" "N4647,100" "E00010,950" "Montreuil Juigne" "MNTRLJ" "Gare SNCF" "N4731,433" "W00037,217" "Montgeoffroy" "MNTGFF" "_" "N4728,067" "W00016,683" "Montoire" "MONTOR" "Gare" "N4745,400" "E00052,216" "Montreuil Bellay" "MNTRLB" "123" "N4706,933" "W00006,333" "Montrichard" "MNTRCH" "Pont Cher" "N4720,500" "E00111,233" "Montreuil Bellay2" "MONTRE" "Gare SNCF" "N4707,483" "W00008,783" "Monts/Guesnes" "MNTSGS" "Eglise" "N4655,000" "E00013,000" "Mortagne au Perche" "MRTGNP" "Aéro" "N4832,416" "E00031,983" "Marigny le Chatel" "MRGNLC" "Eglise" "N4824,200" "E00344,283" "Mt Saint Michel Aero" "MTSNTM" "_" "N4836,183" "W00133,166" "Mt SaintMichelArchange" "MTSAIN" "_" "N4838,267" "W00135,733" "Murs Erigne" "MRSRGN" "Echangeur N260 D748" "N4723,833" "W00030,650" "Neuvy/Barangeon" "NVBRNG" "Eglise" "N4718,883" "E00215,350" "Nevers" "NEVERS" "Pont SNCF Loire" "N4658,833" "E00312,917" "Nogent le Rotrou" "NGNTLR" "Gare SNCF" "N4819,550" "E00048,650" "Noirterre" "NORTRR" "Aéro" "N4653,633" "W00025,100" "Nonancourt" "NNNCRT" "Gare" "N4846,516" "E00111,466" "Nouans le Fuzelier" "NNSLFZ" "Gare" "N4732,050" "E00202,183" "Noyant" "NOYANT" "Gare" "N4731,000" "E00007,000" "Omahabch" "OMHBCH" "_" "N4921,500" "W00049,333" "Onzain" "ONZAIN" "Aéro privé" "N4731,467" "E00110,883" "Orbigny" "ORBIGN" "Aéro privé" "N4713,133" "E00116,583" "Orleans Bricy" "ORLNSB" "Aéro" "N4759,266" "E00145,633" "OrleansStDenisdelHotel" "ORLNSS" "Aéro" "N4753,850" "E00209,850" "Parigne lEveque" "PRGNLV" "Eglise" "N4756,367" "E00021,933" "Parthenay" "PARTHN" "Gare SNCF" "N4638,850" "W00014,217" "Premery" "PREMER" "Château" "N4710,517" "E00320,250" "Piegut Pluviers" "PGTPLV" "_" "N4537,417" "E00041,483" "Pithiviers" "PTHVRS" "Aéro" "N4809,433" "E00211,500" "Poitiers" "POITRS" "Biard" "N4636,250" "E00018,400" "Pontlevoy" "PONTLV" "Aéro privé 15" "N4723,167" "E00113,167" "Pontorson" "PNTRSN" "_" "N4833,483" "W00130,483" "Port de Piles" "PRTDPL" "Pont routier Creuse" "N4700,367" "E00036,033" "Port Brillet" "PRTBRL" "Eglise" "N4806,850" "W00058,317" "Richelieu" "RICHEL" "Gare SNCF" "N4700,917" "E00019,150" "Rochechouart" "RCHCHR" "Gare nord de la ville" "N4549,817" "E00049,833" "Romorantin Pruniers" "RMRNTN" "Hangars S" "N4718,916" "E00141,683" "Sable/Sarthe" "SBLSRT" "Gare SNCF" "N4750,467" "W00020,467" "Salbris" "SALBRS" "Gare SNCF" "N4725,417" "E00202,917" "Sandillon" "SNDLLN" "15M privé" "N4749,383" "E00203,833" "Saumur Saint Florent" "SMRSNT" "Aéro" "N4715,400" "W00006,816" "Saumur Chateau" "SMRCHT" "Château" "N4716,000" "W00005,000" "Sees" "SEES" "Abbaye" "N4835,967" "E00010,433" "Segre" "SEGRE" "Gare SNCF" "N4740,750" "W00051,933" "Selles/Cher" "SLLSCH" "Gare" "N4717,067" "E00133,017" "Sens" "SENS" "Gare SNCF" "N4812,500" "E00317,317" "Sille le Guillaume" "SLLLGL" "Château" "N4810,917" "W00006,983" "Saintes" "SAINTS" "06/24" "N4542,117" "W00038,167" "St Aignan" "STAGNN" "Château" "N4716,133" "E00122,467" "Stpierre" "STPIRR" "Eglise" "N4640,700" "E00050,600" "St Sigismond" "STSGSM" "Aéro" "N4725,983" "W00056,000" "St Andre de lEure" "STNDRD" "Aéro" "N4853,916" "E00115,000" "St Calais" "STCALS" "Eglise" "N4755,283" "E00044,817" "St Fargeau" "STFARG" "Château" "N4738,300" "E00304,350" "St Hilaire du Harcouet" "STHLRD" "_" "N4835,016" "W00105,983" "St Hippolyte" "STHPPL" "Aéro privé" "N4703,617" "E00108,650" "St Maure de Touraine" "STMRDT" "Eglise" "N4706,000" "E00037,000" "St Maixent" "STMXNT" "Centre ville" "N4624,767" "W00012,250" "Sully/Loire" "SULLLR" "Pont Routier" "N4746,200" "E00222,417" "Thivars" "THIVRS" "Echangeur" "N4821,766" "E00126,766" "Thouars Aero" "THORSR" "123,35" "N4657,716" "W00009,216" "Thouars SNCF" "THRSSN" "Gare" "N4659,083" "W00012,433" "Tournon St Martin" "TRNNST" "Gare" "N4644,233" "E00057,500" "Tours Le Louroux" "TRSLLR" "Aéro" "N4709,000" "E00042,716" "Tours Sorigny" "TRSSRG" "Aéro" "N4716,050" "E00042,016" "Troo" "TROO" "Aéro privé" "N4745,733" "E00044,000" "Troyes" "TROYES" "Triangle voie ferré" "N4818,733" "E00403,700" "Tours St Symphorien" "TRSSTS" "Aéro" "N4725,916" "E00043,383" "Tuffe" "TUFFE" "Gare" "N4806,850" "E00030,783" "Vaiges" "VAIGES" "Eglise" "N4802,550" "W00028,717" "Valencay" "VALENC" "Château" "N4709,483" "E00133,800" "Valves" "VALVES" "_" "N4634,633" "W00001,500" "Vendome" "VENDOM" "Gare SNCF" "N4748,050" "E00103,983" "Verneuil/Avre" "VRNLVR" "Gare SNCF" "N4844,500" "E00055,850" "Viabon" "VIABON" "Eglise" "N4815,750" "E00131,417" "Vihiers" "VIHIRS" "Château du Coudray" "N4708,317" "W00034,717" "Villaines la Juhel" "VLLNSL" "Centre" "N4820,267" "W00017,017" "Villeromain" "VLLRMN" "Rond Point" "N4744,017" "E00108,550" "Villefagnan" "VLLFGN" "_" "N4600,700" "E00004,850" "Villefranche/Cher" "VLLFRN" "N76 D922" "N4717,550" "E00146,150" "Villeneuve lArcheveque" "VLLNVL" "Gare SNCF" "N4814,267" "E00333,083"