* NAM ID COM LAT_D LAT_M LAT_S LON_D LON_M LON_S EW COD ALT FRE RW_D RW_H RW_L RW_S ICAO * * ============================================================================== * * Filename "l_mntgn.stx" created Saturday, 18 May 2013 at 19:56 GMT * Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange format version 0.5.1 * * Lines starting with a * are comments and are ignored by programs using this file * Lines starting with a $ are definitions of parameters available to programs using this file * The first line that is neither a comment nor a definition contains the definitions * of the contents of the columns that follow * All other lines are waypoint definitions * The line containing the column definitions can be placed anywhere before the first waypoint. * It is placed as a comment at the top of this file for convenience in using this file * with a spreadsheet program, where the first line can be placed in a separate window * to label the columns as you scroll down. * The columns are separated by the "tab" character * * The specification of the .STX file format is available at * http://soaringweb.org/TP/stx_specification.html * * This is a 'beta' release to support the release of the NK ClearNav and is subject to change. * * ============================================================================== * * Starting the definition of various parameters for the file * $STX_VERSION 0.5.1 $HOME Revel, France [La Montagne Noire] $EXTRACT_FROM_EXISTING_SUA /home/leib/WSX/Airspace/FR/FR.txt $CONTEST Rencontre K13 2013 $URL_TURNPOINTS_HIDE www.soaringspot.com/contests/k13_vvmn/CCK13.cup * URL_information: www.soaringspot.com/k13_vvmn/ the contest $ILEC_CONTRIBUTOR_NAME XXMN $URL_INFORMATION k13montagnenoire.blogspot.fr/ the contest $HEADER Vol à voile La Montagne Noire vvmn.free.fr/ $CONTRIBUTOR Rencontre La Montagne Noire $CONTRIBUTOR_E-MAIL k13.montagne.noire@gmail.com $COUNTRY FR $TIMEZONE_NAME MET $ALTITUDE_UNIT METERS $RW_L_UNIT METERS $MILOMEI Yes * ============================================================================== * * Filename "l_mntgn.stx" created Saturday, 18 May 2013 at 19:56 GMT * Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange format version 0.5.1 * * Lines starting with a * are comments and are ignored by programs using this file * Lines starting with a $ are definitions of parameters available to programs using this file * The first line that is neither a comment nor a definition contains the definitions * of the contents of the columns that follow * All other lines are waypoint definitions * The line containing the column definitions can be placed anywhere before the first waypoint. * It is placed as a comment at the top of this file for convenience in using this file * with a spreadsheet program, where the first line can be placed in a separate window * to label the columns as you scroll down. * The columns are separated by the "tab" character * * The specification of the .STX file format is available at * http://soaringweb.org/TP/stx_specification.html * * This is a 'beta' release to support the release of the NK ClearNav and is subject to change. * * ============================================================================== * * Starting the definition of various parameters for the file * $STX_VERSION 0.5.1 $HOME Revel, France [La Montagne Noire] $CONTEST Rencontre K13 2013 $CONTRIBUTOR Rencontre La Montagne Noire $CONTRIBUTOR_E-MAIL k13.montagne.noire@gmail.com $COUNTRY FR $TIMEZONE_NAME MET $ALTITUDE_UNIT METERS $RW_L_UNIT METERS $DECIMAL_SEPARATOR , $CONTRIBUTION_DATE 18 May 2013 $LATITUDE North * * ============================================================================== * * The next line defines the contents of columns. It MUST appear before the first waypoint line NAM ID COM LAT_D LAT_M LAT_S LON_D LON_M LON_S EW COD ALT FRE RW_D RW_H RW_L RW_S ICAO * * Starting the waypoints * Albi-le-Sequestre ALBI0 43 54 48 2 7 0 E AT 171 118.95 09/27 90 1560 A LFCI Albias ALBIA2 Ul 44 4 46 1 25 31 E zT 91 05/23 50 480 G Argeliers ARGLI2 43 18 31 2 53 35 E LT 44 123.0 00/18 90 670 G Artigat ARTIG2 Ul 43 8 49 1 26 24 E zT 256 17/35 170 200 G Aubiet AUBIE2 Ul 43 38 1 0 45 50 E zT 182 09/27 90 260 G Auch-Lamothe AUCHL 43 41 13 0 36 0 E AT 125 123.0 18/36 180 1500 A LFDH Balesta BALES 43 9 13 0 59 42 E AT 393 130.0 01/19 10 450 A Banadets BANAD2 Ul 44 2 52 1 17 0 E zT 79 123.5 16/34 160 230 G Baraigne BARAI2 320X20 43 19 25 1 50 0 E LT 270 136.5 11/29 110 320 G Beaumont de Lomagne BEADL2 43 52 35 0 59 1 E zT 103 07/25 70 440 A Bédaneux BEDAR 43 38 27 3 8 42 E AT 378 17/35 170 950 G LFNX Beziers Vias BEZIE 43 19 24 3 21 12 E AT 18 120.175 10/28 100 1990 A LFMU Bois BOISU2 Ul 43 20 37 1 8 26 E zT 259 13/31 130 310 G Bouloc BOULO Aéro Para 44 18 28 1 4 52 E AT 225 123.35 09/27 90 700 A Bournazel BOURZ2 Ul 44 6 27 1 58 0 E zT 256 Bouscatel BOUSC2 Ul 43 43 41 2 23 40 E zT 591 16/34 160 260 G Brugnens BRUGN2 Ul 43 50 5 0 43 52 E zT 177 09/27 90 350 G Bruniquel BRUQU2 Ul 44 4 56 1 39 32 E zT 242 05/23 50 300 G Buzet sur Tarn BUZST2 Ul 43 46 6 1 36 17 E zT 122 13/31 130 300 G Cahors Lalbenque CAHOR 44 21 2 1 28 43 E AT 277 119.225 13/31 130 1500 A LFCC Cannac CANNA2 Ul 44 5 32 2 40 58 E zT 802 04/22 40 300 G Carcassonne-Salvaza CARCA 43 12 57 2 18 31 E AT 131 121.0 10/28 100 2050 A LFMK Cassagnes Begonhes CASSA 44 10 46 2 31 5 E AT 616 10/28 100 1050 A LFIG Castelnau Magnoac CASTN 43 16 46 0 31 16 E DT 299 123.5 04/22 40 740 G LFDQ Castelnaudary CASTV 43 18 44 1 55 13 E AT 168 118.9 11/29 110 800 A LFMW Castelsarrasin-Moissac CASTS 44 5 13 1 7 40 E AT 73 121.05 10/28 100 890 A LFCX Castres Mazamet CASTM 43 33 18 2 17 26 E AT 241 118.5 14/32 140 1810 A LFCK Caylus CAYLU Aéro PRV 44 13 23 1 43 57 E PDT 315 16/34 160 340 G Cazeres Palaminy CAZER 43 12 8 1 3 1 E AT 247 123.5 10/28 100 890 G LFJH Cezac CEZAC2 Ul 44 20 52 1 20 52 E zT 271 17/35 170 280 G Cier-de-Rivière CIERD2 Ul 43 4 4 0 37 45 E zT 415 08/26 80 240 G Corneilla CORNE2 Ul 42 41 27 2 43 49 E zT 78 12/30 120 270 G Coufouleux COUFO2 Ul 43 48 5 1 43 8 E zT 116 13/31 130 350 G Engomer ENGOM2 Praerie 42 56 54 1 2 58 E LT 461 09/27 90 250 G Esperce Pauz ES2PE2 Ul 43 18 58 1 24 14 E zT 318 08/26 80 550 G Fleury de Aude FLEDA2 43 12 49 3 7 48 E LT 33 11/29 110 300 G Fousseret FOUSS2 Ul 43 16 8 1 3 16 E zT 250 10/28 100 450 G Fronsac FRON22 Praerie 42 58 23 0 39 37 E LT 548 01/19 10 350 S Gaillac L'Îsle/Tarn GAILL 43 52 59 1 52 27 E AT 134 119.95 07/25 70 1110 G LFDG Gardouch GARDO2 43 24 6 1 41 11 E LT 169 12/30 120 320 G Graulhet Montdragon GRAUL 43 46 6 2 0 41 E AT 177 119.65 10/28 100 950 A LFCQ L'Isle en Dodon LISDO 43 22 50 0 51 6 E AT 271 11/29 110 600 A L'Isle sur Tarn LISLT2 43 51 24 1 49 13 E LT 125 123.55 04/22 40 300 G La Boulouze LABO22 Ul 43 30 32 1 1 7 E zT 242 La Montagne Noire LAMON 43 24 27 1 59 22 E hSFAT 448 120.925 12/30 120 500 A LFMG La Ramiere LARMI2 Ul 43 44 51 1 48 53 E zT 124 07/25 70 540 G Labastide Sa LABTD2 Ul 43 44 0 1 27 35 E zT 152 01/19 10 320 G Labastide-St-Pierre LABAS2 43 53 54 1 21 52 E LT 108 07/25 70 270 G Lanta LANTA2 Ul 43 35 1 1 41 29 E zT 249 14/32 140 260 G Latou Villeneuve LATOU2 43 12 14 1 25 8 E LT 307 07/25 70 220 G Le Caussanel LECSN Aéro 44 12 48 2 45 22 E AT 820 18/36 180 330 G Le Cros LECRO2 450X 43 52 47 3 20 47 E LT 730 16/34 160 330 G Le Mayne LEMAY2 Ul 43 59 7 1 17 23 E zT 101 04/22 40 200 G Lectoure LECRE2 43 55 25 0 40 24 E LT 185 10/28 100 410 G Lectoure LECTO PRV 43 54 32 0 39 22 E PAT 158 123.5 15/33 150 480 G Leguille LEGUI2 270X35 43 57 52 1 33 17 E LT 131 09/27 90 270 G Les Gardios LESGA2 Ul 44 4 51 1 30 3 E zT 100 10/28 100 260 G Lezignan Corbier LEZIG 43 10 33 2 43 59 E AT 64 121.2 08/26 80 980 A LFMZ Limogne-en-Quercy LIMO22 Ul 44 23 59 1 46 59 E zT 314 Limoux LIMOU2 Ul 43 3 25 2 13 36 E zT 209 01/19 10 280 G Llupia LLUPI2 Ul 42 37 36 2 46 52 E zT 89 13/31 130 210 G Lodève LODEV2 Champ 43 44 56 3 19 43 E LT 280 18/36 180 500 G Lombiers LOBIE2 500X20 43 49 48 2 7 15 E LT 242 123.55 10/28 100 480 G Manent Montane MANEN 43 20 49 0 36 40 E AT 301 29/47 290 530 G Mantardoise MANTA2 Ul 43 12 56 1 43 10 E zT 171 05/23 50 550 G Marmouzet MARMO2 43 14 44 1 13 56 E LT 302 07/25 70 380 G Millau Larzac MILLL 43 59 21 3 11 0 E AT 796 120.8 14/32 140 1690 A LFCM Mont Louis MONTL GLD 42 32 37 2 7 10 E DT 1710 14/32 140 980 G LFNQ Montauban MONTA 44 1 39 1 22 39 E AT 107 120.6 14/32 140 980 A LFDB Montbartier MOBAR2 Ul 43 54 1 1 16 30 E zT 135 12/30 120 650 G Montjaux MOJAJ2 Ul 44 5 31 2 53 41 E zT 707 09/27 90 360 G Montplaisier Esp MONPL2 42 50 42 2 1 34 E LT 875 10/28 100 390 G Moussoulens MOUSS 43 16 47 2 12 31 E AT 174 120.15 11/29 110 800 A Muret Lherm MURET 43 26 57 1 15 49 E AT 189 123.2 12/30 120 1110 A LFBR Nailloux NAILL2 Ul 43 22 10 1 34 37 E zT 201 14/32 140 300 G Narbonne NARBO PRV 43 11 39 3 3 6 E PAT 3 12/30 120 500 G Nebias NEBIA2 Ul 42 53 29 2 7 30 E zT 557 11/29 110 350 G Negrepelisse NEGRE X22 44 3 21 1 33 3 E AT 119 12/30 120 320 G Pamiers-les-Pujols PAMIE 43 5 26 1 41 45 E AT 341 118.175 09/27 90 1290 A LFDJ Parisot PARIS2 Ul 43 48 7 1 50 6 E zT 199 11/29 110 270 G Perpignan Rivesaltes PERPI 42 44 27 2 52 11 E AT 43 118.3 15/33 150 2510 A LFMP Perpignan PERPI2 Ul 42 47 52 3 0 9 E zT 1 13/31 130 980 S Pezenas Niza PEZEN GLD 43 30 18 3 24 44 E DT 91 130.85 11/29 110 680 G LFNP Pommevic POMME Ul 44 5 3 0 55 33 E AT 61 123.5 13/31 130 440 G Pratviel PRAT22 Ul 43 38 30 1 54 0 E zT 192 Puisserguiier PUISS2 Ul 43 23 55 3 2 6 E zT 194 12/30 120 220 G Puivert PUIVE GLD 42 54 41 2 3 20 E DT 491 14/32 140 740 G LFNW Revel Montgey REVEL 43 28 53 1 58 45 E AT 195 119.575 13/31 130 740 A LFIR Rieux RIEUX2 Ul 43 13 33 1 11 9 E zT 252 11/29 110 400 G Rodez Marcillac RODEZ 44 24 27 2 29 0 E AT 582 118.125 13/31 130 2020 A LFCR Roquemaure ROQUE2 Ul L 43 49 19 1 36 20 E zT 186 15/33 150 260 G Saint-Lieux-lès-Lavaur SLIEU2 43 45 44 1 44 23 E LT 119 123.55 13/31 130 310 G Sabonnères SABON Aéro 43 27 20 1 4 32 E DT 327 09/27 90 600 G Saint Afrique SAIAF2 Ul 43 32 40 2 12 43 E zT 186 12/30 120 470 G Saint Beauliz SAIBE2 Ul 43 54 2 3 7 45 E zT 776 16/34 160 270 G Saint Blancard SAIKL2 43 20 29 0 40 28 E LT 278 07/25 70 280 G Saint-Rome-de-Tarn SAIRO2 Ul 44 2 15 2 54 10 E zT 538 18/36 180 320 G Sainte Leocadie SAILE 42 26 50 2 0 39 E AT 1320 118.625 07/25 70 800 G LFYS Sarrat Belpech SARR22 43 12 56 1 43 10 E LT 250 05/23 549 G Septfonds SEPTF Aéro 44 10 48 1 35 51 E DT 196 123.5 11/29 110 700 G Serignan SERIG2 Ul 43 16 21 3 15 0 E zT 26 08/26 80 340 G Solomiac Lomagne SOLOM2 43 47 19 0 54 39 E LT 163 123.5 15/33 150 400 G St Affrique-Belmont STAFF 43 49 27 2 44 53 E AT 515 12/30 120 1290 A LFIF St Clar STCLA2 43 54 45 0 45 38 E zT 166 13/31 130 650 G St Felix Laragais STFLA2 43 26 34 1 54 30 E LT 213 St Gaudens-Montréjeau STGAU 43 6 26 0 37 10 E DT 405 129.3 07/25 70 740 G LFIM St Girons STGIR 43 0 28 1 6 13 E AT 418 118.25 16/34 160 1110 A LFCG St Cyprien Plage STCYP2 42 38 30 3 0 45 E LT 1 12/30 120 300 G Ste Croix STECR2 44 24 50 1 56 35 E LT 342 12/30 120 220 G Tarascon/Ariège TARAS2 Champ 42 51 30 1 35 36 E LT 481 02/20 20 200 G Torreilles TORLP PRV 42 44 43 3 0 59 E PAT 2 13/31 130 500 G Torreilles TORLS2 Ul 42 46 28 3 2 12 E zT 1 17/35 170 Toulouse-Blagnac TOULB 43 38 6 1 22 4 E AT 153 118.1 14/32 140 3490 C LFBO Toulouse-Bourg St Bernard TOULO 43 36 41 1 43 27 E DT 161 118.85 12/30 120 680 G LFIT Toulouse-Francaz TOELF 43 32 57 1 21 26 E AT 165 118.4 12/30 120 1810 A LFBF Toulouse-Lasbord TOULL 43 35 20 1 29 59 E AT 140 122.7 16/34 160 950 A LFCL Uls Melles ULSME2 Ul 42 51 7 0 50 56 E zT 1983 Vacquiers VACQU2 Ul 43 48 19 1 30 48 E zT 121 13/31 130 240 G Valmascle VALMA2 43 36 23 3 17 5 E LT 373 13/31 130 430 G Venes VENES2 Ul 43 45 28 2 10 53 E zT 271 12/30 120 300 G Villefranche de Rouergue VILGR Aéro 44 22 12 2 1 38 E AT 335 123.5 13/31 130 1010 G LFCV Villematier VIMAT2 43 49 40 1 29 21 E LT 113 14/32 140 280 G