++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Control points for La Mancha, Spain + + + + Contributed by Angel Casado + + Contributed on 10 May, 1999 + + + + Formatted for the world-wide version of the software + + + + Last updated Sunday, 13 July 2003 at 06:42 GMT + + + + UNOFFICIAL, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK + + + + Always consult the relevant publications for current and correct + + information. This service is provided free of charge with no warrantees, + + expressed or implied. + + User assumes all risk of use. + + + + Rename this file to TURNPTS.DAT to use with your Glide Navigator. + +Delete all of the header lines in this box, down to and including the next one+ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1, QuintnrdlRy, 39, 20.62, -1, -55.58, 732 2, VillanvdlJr, 39, 26.42, -1, -56.96, 769 3, EspinosdlRy, 39, 39.22, -4, -46.95, 723 4, ElCmplldlJr, 39, 35.45, -5, -3.22, 650 5, LaNvdRcmlll, 39, 39.17, -4, -59.3, 652 6, SevilljdlJr, 39, 34.62, -4, -57.77, 665 7, Consuegra, 39, 27.73, -3, -36.54, 705 8, Madridejos, 39, 28.18, -3, -31.94, 689 9, Urda, 39, 24.8, -3, -42.87, 763 10, CampdCrptn, 39, 24.41, -3, -7.49, 700 11, MotadelCrv, 39, 29.99, -2, -52.17, 704 12, PedroMunoz, 39, 24.25, -2, -56.72, 660 13, La Solana, 38, 56.57, -3, -14.29, 767 14, Membrilla, 38, 58.43, -3, -20.64, 670 15, Manzanares, 38, 59.96, -3, -22.14, 660 16, VllrtdSnJn, 39, 14.36, -3, -25.27, 620 17, ArensdSnJn, 39, 13.26, -3, -30.03, 620 18, PuertoLapc, 39, 19.54, -3, -28.78, 680 19, Argmslldlb, 39, 7.78, -3, -5.41, 670 20, Tomelloso, 39, 9.57, -3, -1.18, 670 21, CiudadReal, 38, 59.26, -3, -55.8, 628 22, PzlsdCltrv, 38, 54.18, -4, -10.05, 579 23, VillardlPz, 38, 51.03, -3, -57.73, 638 24, La Gineta, 39, 6.9, -1, -59.78, 688 25, CasasdeHar, 39, 19.48, -2, -16.14, 732 26, Minaya, 39, 16.34, -2, -19.1, 720 27, Almagro, 38, 53.46, -3, -42.62, 646 28, BlnsdCltrv, 38, 54.43, -3, -39.89, 645 29, Daimiel, 39, 4.12, -3, -36.62, 620 30, TrrlbdCltr, 39, 1.1, -3, -44.88, 620 31, Fernncbllr, 39, 7.5, -3, -54.0, 620 32, Piedrabuen, 39, 2.24, -4, -10.4, 600 33, Porzuna, 39, 8.85, -4, -9.12, 650 34, ArgmslldCl, 38, 43.72, -4, -4.78, 676 35, Puertollan, 38, 41.25, -4, -6.67, 711 36, VllmyrdClt, 38, 47.42, -4, -8.22, 661 37, Valdepenas, 38, 45.69, -3, -23.03, 704 38, Brazatorts, 38, 39.57, -4, -17.47, 729 39, ClzddCltrv, 38, 42.35, -3, -46.54, 660 40, MorldCltrv, 38, 49.86, -3, -34.91, 670 41, Ajofrin, 39, 42.88, -3, -58.86, 772 42, AlmncddTld, 39, 45.26, -3, -51.22, 716 43, Arges, 39, 48.48, -4, -3.37, 651 44, Casasbuens, 39, 45.68, -4, -7.51, 683 45, Guadamur, 39, 48.79, -4, -8.9, 628 46, Nambroca, 39, 48.01, -3, -56.49, 672 47, Noez, 39, 44.5, -4, -10.97, 753 48, Sonseca, 39, 40.66, -3, -58.38, 756 49, Villaminay, 39, 42.77, -3, -52.09, 731 50, Galvez, 39, 42.12, -4, -16.32, 712 51, PicodeNoez, 39, 44.98, -4, -12.02, 1035 52, La Guardia, 39, 47.38, -3, -28.53, 700 53, Lillo, 39, 43.43, -3, -18.19, 684 54, El Romeral, 39, 42.54, -3, -26.01, 662 55, Tembleque, 39, 41.89, -3, -30.13, 635 56, LosNvlmrls, 39, 43.65, -4, -38.32, 661 57, TrrclldlJr, 39, 42.29, -4, -46.24, 648 58, Mascaraque, 39, 43.02, -3, -48.63, 714 59, Villamuels, 39, 49.11, -3, -44.08, 585 60, VillnvdBgs, 39, 43.52, -3, -39.39, 654 61, Malagon, 39, 10.17, -3, -51.26, 640 62, AlczrdSnJn, 39, 23.4, -3, -12.26, 644 63, Camunas, 39, 25.64, -3, -27.49, 674 64, Herencia, 39, 22.08, -3, -21.24, 640 65, Vllfrncdls, 39, 25.63, -3, -21.69, 643 66, FuentlFrsn, 39, 13.9, -3, -46.4, 700 67, Vllrrbdlsj, 39, 13.23, -3, -36.39, 625 68, Cuerva, 39, 39.92, -4, -12.66, 771 69, LsVntscnPn, 39, 36.71, -4, -13.66, 791 70, Menasalbas, 39, 38.51, -4, -17.0, 702 71, Navahermos, 39, 38.04, -4, -28.13, 735 72, SnPbldlsMn, 39, 32.44, -4, -19.81, 908 73, Arisgotas, 39, 37.65, -3, -56.41, 783 74, LosYebenes, 39, 34.99, -3, -52.19, 819 75, Marjaliza, 39, 33.86, -3, -56.09, 853 76, Orgaz, 39, 38.91, -3, -52.39, 744 77, LVlldDnFdr, 39, 37.18, -3, -13.0, 671 78, Quero, 39, 30.67, -3, -14.91, 651 79, Villacanas, 39, 37.52, -3, -19.91, 665 80, Manzaneque, 39, 38.19, -3, -47.6, 715 81, Turleque, 39, 36.13, -3, -36.64, 691 82, Almuradiel, 38, 30.93, -3, -29.73, 808 83, CstllrdSnt, 38, 32.38, -3, -16.52, 830 84, SntCrzdMdl, 38, 38.76, -3, -27.99, 716 85, Socuellams, 39, 17.15, -2, -47.48, 680 86, Villarrbld, 39, 16.13, -2, -36.35, 720 87, Belmonte, 39, 33.55, -2, -42.19, 750 88, El Toboso, 39, 30.85, -2, -59.66, 692 89, LPbldlmrdl, 39, 35.99, -3, -7.05, 694 90, Miguelstbn, 39, 31.73, -3, -4.54, 678 91, Qntnrdlrdn, 39, 35.51, -3, -2.49, 688 92, Cabezamesd, 39, 49.04, -3, -6.07, 735 93, Corrldlmgr, 39, 45.64, -3, -9.79, 704 94, Pozorrubio, 39, 49.08, -2, -56.95, 786 95, VllmyrdSnt, 39, 43.79, -2, -55.59, 772 96, Vllnvdlcrd, 39, 40.46, -3, -0.67, 723 97, ElPedernos, 39, 29.19, -2, -44.62, 712 98, ElProvenci, 39, 22.71, -2, -34.35, 704 99, Las Mesas, 39, 23.47, -2, -45.96, 687 100, SntMrdlsL, 39, 33.58, -2, -25.3, 796 101, CssdlsPns, 39, 20.1, -2, -22.16, 725 102, SanClemnt, 39, 24.27, -2, -25.7, 722 103, VaradelRy, 39, 25.54, -2, -17.61, 822 104, ADPzlsdCl, 38, 54.73, -4, -11.47, 600 105, Madronera, 39, 25.65, -5, -45.16, 589 106, Zorita, 39, 17.07, -5, -41.86, 423 107, Montachez, 39, 13.64, -6, -9.1, 713 108, TrrdSntMr, 39, 15.22, -6, -6.96, 493 109, HrcjdlsMn, 39, 19.57, -4, -38.91, 600 110, VllrtdlsM, 39, 12.89, -4, -47.45, 551 111, Vldcbllrs, 39, 14.7, -5, -11.33, 401 112, Almadndzg, 38, 46.6, -4, -50.3, 509 113, Albacete, 38, 59.82, -1, -51.27, 686 114, Balazote, 38, 53.11, -2, -8.98, 760 115, Navasdstn, 39, 29.79, -4, -31.16, 660 116, RtrtdBllq, 39, 27.76, -4, -24.48, 730 117, ElBonillo, 38, 57.11, -2, -32.31, 1064 118, SantaElen, 38, 20.37, -3, -32.27, 742 119, Barrax, 39, 2.81, -2, -11.95, 740 120, Munera, 39, 2.44, -2, -28.91, 920 121, SantaMart, 38, 36.96, -6, -37.56, 340 122, La Roda, 39, 12.52, -2, -9.49, 716 123, TrzndlMnc, 39, 16.0, -1, -54.69, 700 124, Chinchill, 38, 55.22, -1, -43.64, 968 125, VllrdChnc, 38, 54.08, -1, -31.59, 902 126, Abengibre, 39, 12.67, -1, -32.56, 640 127, Bormate, 39, 43.98, -1, -35.0, 654 128, Cenizate, 39, 18.27, -1, -39.59, 720 129, Madrigurs, 39, 14.28, -1, -47.91, 700 130, Mahora, 39, 12.85, -1, -43.41, 670 131, Motilleja, 39, 10.84, -1, -47.34, 670 132, NavsdJrqr, 39, 16.93, -1, -43.06, 710 133, Carboners, 38, 13.84, -3, -37.8, 406 134, Guarroman, 38, 10.96, -3, -41.13, 349 135, LaCarolin, 38, 16.63, -3, -36.93, 605 136, Torrenuev, 38, 38.5, -3, -21.85, 734 137, Canamero, 39, 22.81, -5, -23.17, 598 138, Guadalupe, 39, 27.25, -5, -19.55, 640 139, Logrosan, 39, 20.36, -5, -29.53, 467 140, ADVisMrqs, 38, 29.93, -3, -26.08 141, ADAlddlCn, 39, 19.75, -6, -20.62, 410 142, ADAliGdlp, 39, 20.62, -5, -11.53, 417 143, ADCaudete, 38, 44.23, -0, -58.05, 1899 144, ADelPlatr, 39, 5.44, -3, -12.14 145, ADHinjsDq, 38, 30.5, -5, -5.23, 540 146, ADBlnlBrr, 38, 2.3, -3, -45.85, 255 147, ADBesdSgr, 38, 16.27, -2, -56.93, 545 148, ADlaManch, 39, 33.33, -3, -15.08, 734 149, ADLinares, 38, 5.45, -3, -42.4 150, ADMnyCssd, 39, 17.7, -2, -22.7, 700 151, AD Ontur, 38, 37.02, -1, -31.5 152, AD Ocana, 39, 56.25, -3, -30.2, 733 153, ADVldpnsL, 38, 44.73, -3, -32.02 154, SantaCruz, 38, 39.96, -3, -27.73, 726 155, AD elPino, 39, 51.1, -5, -36.07, 302 156, ADCssdHts, 39, 13.0, -5, -27.0, 308 157, Alarcon, 39, 32.87, -2, -5.1, 837 158, Bnchdlrcn, 39, 39.42, -2, -9.47, 821 159, Gabaldon, 39, 37.63, -1, -56.61, 920 160, MtlldlPln, 39, 33.7, -1, -54.52, 831 161, Olmdlldlr, 39, 36.96, -2, -6.2, 821 162, AtlydlCnv, 39, 31.11, -2, -15.1, 818 163, Canadjncs, 39, 33.0, -2, -15.08, 807 164, CstlldGrc, 39, 39.71, -2, -22.86, 936 165, ElCanavat, 39, 32.63, -2, -18.04, 788 166, Honrubia, 39, 36.79, -2, -16.76, 817 167, SntMrdlCm, 39, 29.39, -2, -48.6, 711 168, TrrbdlCst, 39, 39.57, -2, -18.61, 849 169, Castlblnc, 39, 17.17, -5, -5.29, 503 170, HlchsdlsM, 39, 18.82, -4, -54.48, 430 171, Peloche, 39, 11.38, -5, -8.08, 386 172, Navalpino, 39, 13.57, -4, -35.4, 620 173, La Cumbre, 39, 24.33, -5, -58.67, 483 174, Plasenzul, 39, 22.9, -6, -2.75, 427 175, Torremoch, 39, 20.82, -6, -10.3, 440 176, Trujillo, 39, 27.82, -5, -52.89, 564 177, Caceres, 39, 28.46, -6, -22.19, 459 178, MlprtddCc, 39, 26.81, -6, -30.24, 371 179, SirrdFnts, 39, 26.3, -6, -16.37, 429 180, Torreorgz, 39, 22.97, -6, -14.92, 425 181, Torrequmd, 39, 22.05, -6, -13.27, 434 182, SantaQutr, 39, 27.65, -4, -58.59, 475 183, Anchuras, 39, 28.84, -4, -50.12, 560 184, Alcoba, 39, 15.74, -4, -28.53, 636 185, Fontanarj, 39, 13.33, -4, -30.98, 640 186, AlcdtdlJr, 39, 47.37, -4, -52.14, 412 187, AlcoledTj, 39, 48.62, -5, -8.8, 354 188, AldnvdBrb, 39, 45.62, -5, -1.09, 511 189, Azutan, 39, 47.2, -5, -7.43, 337 190, BelvsdlJr, 39, 45.66, -4, -56.89, 449 191, ElPntdlrz, 39, 48.21, -5, -10.21, 335 192, Fuentes, 39, 57.06, -2, -1.27, 1027 193, LaEstrell, 39, 41.31, -5, -5.5, 557 194, Navalmrlj, 39, 44.46, -5, -8.5, 423 195, VisdlMrqs, 38, 31.4, -3, -33.73, 780 196, Cbzrrbsdl, 38, 36.96, -4, -10.95, 730 197, HnjssdClt, 38, 37.01, -4, -8.37, 770 198, Mestanza, 38, 34.54, -4, -4.19, 740 199, VllnvdSnC, 38, 37.35, -3, -54.48, 640 200, CssdJnNnz, 39, 6.17, -1, -33.41, 700 201, La Felipa, 39, 2.58, -1, -42.15, 694 202, PozoRubio, 39, 6.78, -1, -50.78, 682 203, Valdegang, 39, 8.2, -1, -40.51, 660 204, Sotuelams, 39, 2.6, -2, -34.88, 924 205, ElBallstr, 38, 50.63, -2, -27.21, 1026 206, Lezuza, 38, 57.0, -2, -21.16, 920 207, Tirteafur, 38, 46.45, -4, -15.11, 655 208, Alhambra, 38, 54.05, -3, -3.18, 863 209, Carrizosa, 38, 50.86, -2, -59.48, 825 210, Alcnchldl, 39, 43.21, -2, -34.47, 842 211, AlmncddlM, 39, 49.46, -2, -46.03, 895 212, FntlspndH, 39, 41.47, -2, -40.11, 854 213, Hontanaya, 39, 42.98, -2, -50.05, 809 214, Publdlmnr, 39, 47.11, -2, -48.93, 862 215, Tresjuncs, 39, 42.0, -2, -45.32, 800 216, VillrdCns, 39, 46.77, -2, -33.87, 814 217, VllrjdFnt, 39, 47.45, -2, -41.58, 865 218, Povedilla, 38, 42.17, -2, -36.16, 870 219, VllnvdlFn, 38, 41.62, -2, -41.65, 1000 220, Viveros, 38, 46.49, -2, -34.48, 1010 221, Alcubills, 38, 45.21, -3, -8.01, 805 222, Montiel, 38, 41.86, -2, -51.65, 900 223, Villahrms, 38, 45.1, -2, -52.27, 956 224, Vllnvdlsn, 38, 44.29, -3, -0.83, 880 225, VlhrmsdlF, 39, 33.25, -2, -0.97, 801 226, Valverdej, 39, 37.02, -2, -1.34, 968 227, LlbrcdZnc, 39, 30.86, -2, -29.37, 810 228, Pinarejo, 39, 36.95, -2, -25.45, 882 229, Aldecntnr, 39, 31.71, -5, -37.69, 565 230, Deleitosa, 39, 38.73, -5, -38.65, 564 231, Torreclls, 39, 34.25, -5, -44.45, 506 232, CbnsdlCst, 39, 32.9, -5, -30.53, 786 233, Carrasclj, 39, 38.8, -5, -13.0, 607 234, Castnrdbr, 39, 37.65, -5, -24.93, 689 235, La Calera, 39, 30.88, -5, -15.17, 814 236, Nvlvllrdb, 39, 35.21, -5, -24.74, 665 237, Navatrsrr, 39, 36.4, -5, -14.4, 733 238, Navezuels, 39, 30.73, -5, -26.27, 930 239, Robledlln, 39, 36.67, -5, -30.39, 710 240, Retamoso, 39, 44.64, -4, -45.23, 607 241, SnBrtlmdl, 39, 49.87, -4, -43.11, 554 242, SnMrtndPs, 39, 47.06, -4, -37.74, 507 243, SantandPs, 39, 45.72, -4, -42.34, 594 244, VllrjdMnt, 39, 46.19, -4, -34.29, 531 245, SnMrtndMn, 39, 42.2, -4, -23.3, 654 246, BrgllsdTl, 39, 47.89, -3, -59.46, 677 247, Buey, 39, 40.98, -3, -42.03, 964 248, Cstlldlmn, 39, 44.81, -3, -51.07, 829 249, AldnvdSnB, 39, 38.34, -5, -6.73, 573 250, MohdsdlJr, 39, 36.32, -5, -8.56, 643 251, PrtdSnVcn, 39, 31.42, -5, -6.68, 736 252, RobleddMz, 39, 36.58, -4, -54.26, 739 253, Piedrscrt, 39, 32.68, -4, -46.67, 858 254, Casalgord, 39, 38.59, -3, -57.87, 769 255, CrrscsdHr, 39, 35.94, -2, -32.36, 786 256, LosHinjss, 39, 36.27, -2, -49.4, 779 257, OsadelaVg, 39, 39.75, -2, -45.66, 756 258, RadadeHar, 39, 34.26, -2, -37.17, 823 259, VllscsdHr, 39, 35.91, -2, -40.39, 825 260, Villrdncn, 39, 38.29, -2, -31.24, 822 261, Garciaz, 39, 24.81, -5, -37.58, 670 262, Herguijul, 39, 22.54, -5, -45.47, 472 263, Alia, 39, 27.03, -5, -12.95, 583 264, Solana, 39, 28.86, -5, -28.64, 678 265, LasPdrnrs, 39, 27.18, -2, -40.48, 704 266, CssdFrnnd, 39, 21.2, -2, -19.48, 725 267, Pozoamarg, 39, 22.06, -2, -11.74, 752 268, Sisante, 39, 24.5, -2, -11.99, 745 269, El Peral, 39, 30.03, -1, -53.84, 800 270, El Picazo, 39, 26.96, -2, -5.25, 697 271, Tebar, 39, 30.05, -2, -9.86, 892 272, Escurial, 39, 10.16, -5, -52.9, 314 273, PrtdSntCr, 39, 19.06, -5, -51.46, 457 274, Ruanes, 39, 19.76, -6, -0.7, 479 275, Alcollarn, 39, 14.72, -5, -44.33, 310 276, LasLabors, 39, 16.55, -3, -31.03, 649 277, Fuensanta, 39, 14.75, -2, -3.96, 700 278, Picon, 39, 3.06, -4, -3.55, 600 279, CrrndCltr, 39, 1.18, -3, -49.0, 620 280, PzldCltrv, 38, 54.79, -3, -50.17, 624 281, AlmdvrdlC, 38, 42.67, -4, -10.66, 669 282, AldeadlRy, 38, 44.57, -3, -50.29, 663 283, Abenojar, 38, 52.85, -4, -21.38, 620 284, ADCasatjd, 39, 57.82, -5, -40.5 285, Bargas, 39, 56.56, -4, -1.11, 598 286, Magan, 39, 57.74, -3, -55.79, 486 287, Mocejon, 39, 56.49, -3, -54.93, 479 288, OliasdlRy, 39, 56.86, -3, -59.15, 584 289, VllmldTld, 39, 58.93, -4, -7.45, 485 290, VllscdlSg, 39, 57.69, -3, -52.86, 481 291, ADAlbacet, 38, 56.98, -1, -51.73, 708 292, ADAlmansa, 38, 54.07, -1, -6.57, 706 293, Alburqurq, 39, 13.27, -6, -59.98, 430 294, AD Lacopa, 39, 12.4, -5, -23.35, 700 295, AD Benito, 38, 58.8, -5, -51.97 296, PntnCntrr, 39, 32.75, -1, -30.27 297, ADlaCldrn, 39, 17.8, -3, -49.96 298, Toledo, 39, 51.5, -4, -1.38, 529 299, Noblejas, 39, 58.89, -3, -26.5, 732 300, VllrrbdSn, 39, 59.29, -3, -22.15, 754 301, Dosbarris, 39, 52.91, -3, -29.0, 708 302, HrcjdSntg, 39, 50.58, -2, -59.75, 762 303, MntgddlsS, 39, 48.33, -1, -53.93, 1007 304, Hontanar, 39, 36.8, -4, -29.82, 843 305, San Pedro, 38, 49.66, -2, -11.1, 840 306, Pozuelo, 38, 48.65, -2, -6.0, 840 307, Almendros, 39, 55.33, -2, -52.98, 870 308, Villarrub, 39, 56.75, -2, -53.63, 823 309, Pozoblanc, 38, 22.81, -4, -50.9, 650 310, FntdPdrNh, 39, 55.41, -3, -0.47, 768 311, Pozohondo, 38, 43.34, -1, -54.61, 880 312, Alcaraz, 38, 39.93, -2, -29.35, 940 313, SntCrzdlZ, 39, 59.09, -3, -11.15, 790 314, Almansa, 38, 52.25, -1, -5.58, 700 315, Mora, 39, 41.14, -3, -46.37, 717 316, Ocana, 39, 57.68, -3, -29.9, 730 317, Alagro, 38, 57.28, -3, -44.4, 630 318, ADlCstnLc, 39, 0.53, -4, -23.3, 640 319, ADelMannt, 38, 46.62, -6, -59.38, 223 320, ADAlcolea, 37, 56.58, -4, -36.92, 141 321, ADVlllbll, 37, 53.0, -4, -58.0, 332 322, ADPdrbnLs, 39, 4.0, -4, -13.0 323, ADVldprdc, 39, 24.1, -5, -2.4 324, ADPalmdlR, 37, 43.02, -5, -12.75, 70 325, ADSaetill, 37, 38.67, -5, -16.25 326, ADSanJrnm, 37, 50.0, -4, -50.0, 160 327, ADPenascs, 38, 40.85, -2, -24.7, 1165 328, AD Casar, 39, 46.27, -3, -36.28 329, PuertoLap, 39, 18.77, -3, -28.99 330, Quintanar, 39, 34.7, -3, -1.31 331, AD Lillo, 39, 43.02, -3, -19.23, 681 332, ADHerrrDq, 39, 13.5, -4, -53.39 333, Bonete, 38, 52.24, -1, -20.82, 890 334, CrrldCltr, 38, 51.59, -4, -4.79, 594 335, HrtdVldcr, 39, 51.89, -3, -36.66, 623 336, PicoBrrrs, 38, 57.8, -2, -29.33, 1101 337, Carro, 39, 9.24, -2, -24.79, 840 338, PicoRoble, 38, 43.67, -2, -5.75, 1257 339, PicoCrvls, 39, 33.26, -5, -17.93, 1443 340, CabezadBy, 38, 38.04, -3, -12.33, 1158 341, Duranes, 38, 50.88, -4, -38.86, 853 342, Picostrll, 38, 23.88, -3, -36.11, 1298 343, PicJgdBls, 38, 52.62, -3, -6.1, 1087 344, PicoMachr, 39, 20.81, -4, -19.93, 1012 345, PcPlzdlJd, 38, 35.07, -4, -31.79, 1106 346, Picodelmr, 39, 34.49, -4, -8.81, 1379 347, PcVlrnqll, 39, 1.29, -4, -19.63, 921 348, PicoBolos, 39, 29.46, -3, -26.87, 720 349, PicoCrbnr, 39, 32.84, -3, -35.99, 718 350, PicoGolln, 39, 44.61, -3, -13.44, 833 351, PcCrrldCn, 39, 34.5, -4, -29.12, 1420 352, PicCmbrlt, 39, 35.71, -4, -56.75, 1273 353, PiclCldrn, 39, 19.56, -3, -48.25, 1028 354, PntndFnst, 39, 37.9, -3, -40.9 355, PntnTrrdb, 39, 23.56, -4, -14.65 356, PntnlTrcn, 39, 37.22, -4, -22.54 357, Pntndlrcn, 39, 39.2, -2, -12.91 358, PntnPnrry, 39, 2.37, -2, -57.86 359, OssadMntl, 38, 57.79, -2, -44.49, 900 360, ADCuevals, 39, 2.08, -2, -53.44 361, Toelloso, 39, 10.1, -2, -53.83 362, Villarrob, 39, 13.26, -2, -40.6 363, CabnsdYps, 39, 53.75, -3, -32.0, 733 364, PicoNavaj, 39, 19.45, -3, -24.34 365, FincalNvj, 39, 34.4, -4, -3.28 366, CasasIbnz, 39, 17.29, -1, -28.2, 700 367, Fuentlbll, 39, 16.14, -1, -32.85, 680 368, ADTldlgdr, 39, 53.17, -3, -52.97, 478 369, Cervanta, 39, 40.07, -3, -10.77 370, Chaparral, 39, 45.7, -3, -24.03 371, Berzocana, 39, 26.35, -5, -27.59, 728 372, HinjsdlDq, 38, 30.11, -5, -8.83, 547 373, VllnvdCrd, 38, 19.42, -4, -37.63, 726 374, Fuencalnt, 38, 24.37, -4, -18.23, 700 375, Siles, 38, 23.27, -2, -34.86, 828 376, Yeste, 38, 22.06, -2, -19.07, 877 377, ElchdlSrr, 38, 26.95, -2, -2.79, 620 378, Ayna, 38, 33.2, -2, -4.12, 700 379, PicolRmrl, 39, 39.87, -3, -24.5, 879 380, CabezdlBy, 38, 43.36, -5, -13.06, 540 381, PbldDnRdr, 39, 5.24, -4, -37.19, 500 382, Villrrdrg, 38, 29.22, -2, -38.05, 872 383, Lillo12, 39, 43.1, -3, -19.48, 681 384, Lillo30, 39, 42.94, -3, -18.99, 681 385, ADSanEnrq, 38, 43.85, -4, -18.78 386, ADLeonBnb, 36, 48.1, -4, -8.13 387, ADlaJulin, 37, 17.7, -6, -9.75 388, ADlaPerdz, 38, 30.8, -3, -21.83 389, ADlsMrtnz, 37, 47.93, -1, -5.85 390, ADGibraln, 37, 21.73, -6, -55.32 391, ADMorante, 39, 2.22, -6, -41.43 392, ADMuchaml, 38, 26.33, -0, -28.5 393, ADSirrMrn, 38, 2.3, -3, -45.85 394, ADCordoba, 37, 50.52, -4, -50.93 395, ADSanJavr, 37, 51.67, -0, -54.92 396, ADordoba, 37, 50.6, -4, -50.85, 98 397, HerrrdlDq, 39, 10.0, -5, -2.9, 468 398, BeasdeSgr, 38, 15.11, -2, -53.16, 579 399, Vllnvdlrz, 38, 10.25, -3, -0.64, 687 400, ChclndSgr, 38, 18.81, -3, -2.48, 871 401, Bailen, 38, 5.8, -3, -46.47, 342 402, Linares, 38, 5.6, -3, -38.02, 416 403, Caudete, 38, 42.42, -0, -59.25, 560 404, Alpera, 38, 57.65, -1, -13.77, 840 405, Hellin, 38, 30.8, -1, -42.13, 560 406, Ontur, 38, 36.96, -1, -29.86, 640 407, Belalcazr, 38, 34.78, -5, -9.9, 489 408, VllfrncdC, 37, 57.81, -4, -32.65, 144 409, PalmadelR, 37, 42.14, -5, -17.03, 55