Aberdeen Strip ,,A,280403,S,1503830,E, 951ft,,YABD,, ,, Agnes Water AF ,,A,241204,S,1515331,E, 39ft,,YAWT,,1000ft,, Aldersyde ALA ,,A,264051,S,1501124,E,1008ft,, ,, ,, Alderton Strip ,,A,270027,S,1494304,E, 881ft,, ,, ,, Allawah Strip ,,L,242649,S,1501350,E, 750ft,, ,, ,, Allora ,, ,280211,S,1515856,E,1548ft,, ,, ,, Amaroo Strip ,,A,271548,S,1523052,E, 300ft,, ,, ,, Amberley AF ,, ,273826,S,1524243,E, 84ft,,YAMB,,3048ft,, Aranbanga HS ,, ,254824,S,1513953,E,1093ft,, ,, ,, Arcadia Station Strip ,,A,251238,S,1484007,E,1145ft,,YACI,, ,, Archer Falls Strip ,,A,265823,S,1524000,E, 358ft,,AU-0213,, ,, Arcturus Downs Strip ,,A,240214,S,1482432,E, 664ft,, ,, ,, Ardno Strip ,,A,264624,S,1483242,E,1169ft,, ,, ,, Argyle ALA ,,A,272848,S,1514730,E,1468ft,,YAGL,, 610ft,, Armstrong Ag Strip ,,L,273249,S,1511948,E,1184ft,, ,, ,, Ashford Strip ,,A,291900,S,1510323,E,1575ft,,YASF,, ,, Ashley Strip ,,A,291755,S,1494604,E, 661ft,, ,, ,, Atkinson Dam Strip ,,A,272506,S,1522406,E, 355ft,, ,, ,, Auburn Station ,,L,255638,S,1503638,E, 966ft,, ,, ,, Augathella Airport ,,A,254517,S,1463510,E,1345ft,126.7,YAUA,, ,, Ballina Airport ,,A,284959,S,1533341,E, 10ft,,YBNA,, ,, Ban Ban X ,, ,254051,S,1514855,E, 494ft,, ,, ,, Bandana Strip ,,L,250509,S,1481700,E,1423ft,, ,, ,, Barakula ALA ,,A,262646,S,1503055,E,1115ft,, ,, ,, Baralaba AF ,,A,241138,S,1495037,E, 341ft,,YBAB,, ,, Barra Strip ,,A,260035,S,1524239,E, 307ft,, ,, ,, Begonia Station Strip ,,A,272955,S,1481918,E, 822ft,, ,, ,, Bell Silo ,, ,265614,S,1512702,E,1575ft,, ,, ,, Bells Bridge ,, ,260729,S,1523419,E, 137ft,, ,, ,, Ben Lomond Strip ,,A,300042,S,1514049,E,4701ft,, ,, ,, Bendemeer ALA ,,A,263039,S,1492359,E,1053ft,, ,, ,, Berwick Strip ,,A,272257,S,1513308,E,1273ft,126.7, ,, ,, Bibilahom Strip ,,A,285217,S,1502448,E, 812ft,, ,, ,, Biggenden ALA ,,A,253118,S,1520245,E, 397ft,126.7,YBIN,, ,, Billa Billa X ,, ,280843,S,1501720,E, 733ft,, ,, ,, Bingara ALA ,,A,294854,S,1503203,E, 974ft,,YBIA,, ,, Biniguy AF ,,A,293020,S,1501130,E, 797ft,,YBGY,, ,, Binjour X ,, ,253044,S,1512722,E, 897ft,, ,, ,, Bjelke-Petersen Dam ,,L,261814,S,1515840,E,1036ft,, ,, ,, Blackbutt ,, ,265307,S,1520612,E,1453ft,, ,, ,, Blackwater ALA ,,A,233607,S,1484822,E, 658ft,126.7,YBTR,, ,, Blackwood ,, ,264304,S,1505242,E,1068ft,, ,, ,, Boat Mountain ,, ,260943,S,1515830,E,1649ft,, ,, ,, Bongeen Silo ,, ,273358,S,1512647,E,1220ft,, ,, ,, Bony Mt Radio ,, ,280551,S,1515224,E,1950ft,, ,, ,, Booie X ,, ,263429,S,1515830,E,1119ft,, ,, ,, Boomi AF ,,A,284340,S,1493543,E, 614ft,,YBMI,, ,, Boonah AF ,,A,280104,S,1524034,E, 322ft,122.750,YBOA,, ,, Boondooma Dam Wall ,,L,260542,S,1512603,E, 950ft,, ,, ,, Boongala Strip ,,L,273212,S,1501230,E,1005ft,, ,, ,, Booroondoo North Strip ,,L,274634,S,1502256,E, 910ft,, ,, ,, Booyar Strip ,,A,260538,S,1523216,E, 163ft,, ,, ,, Boreen Point Strip ,,A,261738,S,1525753,E, 30ft,,AU-0219,, ,, Brae Station Strip ,,A,251756,S,1501543,E, 949ft,, ,, ,, Brendal Downs Station ,,A,283041,S,1495635,E, 654ft,, ,, ,, Brians Strip ,,A,270608,S,1525338,E, 91ft,118.8, ,, 914ft,, Brigalow Silo ,, ,265034,S,1504724,E,1050ft,, ,, ,, Brigalows Station Strip ,,A,301259,S,1502209,E,1501ft,, ,, ,, Brisbane VOR ,, ,272154,S,1530818,E, 7ft,, ,, ,, Brisbane West Wellcamp ,,A,273330,S,1514736,E,1509ft,127.650,YBWW,, ,, Broadmead Bridge ,, ,265954,S,1510141,E,1065ft,, ,, ,, Broadwater Lagoon ,, ,272119,S,1510600,E,1100ft,, ,, ,, Brodies Plains AF ,,A,294625,S,1510956,E,2287ft,,YINO,, ,, Brooklyn Station Strip ,,A,283059,S,1495012,E, 639ft,, ,, ,, Brookstead Strip ,,A,274425,S,1512610,E,1270ft,, ,, ,, Brymaroo Strip ,,A,271350,S,1513651,E,1358ft,,YBYO,, ,, Bular Rd Strip ,,A,260408,S,1521732,E, 404ft,, ,, ,, Bundaberg Airport ,,A,245411,S,1521917,E, 100ft,,YBUD,, ,, Bunya Towers ,, ,265338,S,1513629,E,4023ft,, ,, ,, Burncluith HS ,, ,263734,S,1504220,E,1047ft,, ,, ,, Caboolture Airport ,,A,270431,S,1525910,E, 40ft,125.850,YCAB,, ,, Caloundra Airport ,,A,264812,S,1530619,E, 38ft,125.850,YCDR,, ,, Canaga X ,, ,263943,S,1505628,E,1119ft,, ,, ,, Canopus Park Strip ,,A,241950,S,1482519,E, 749ft,, ,, ,, Carina Downs Strip ,,A,241638,S,1482534,E, 772ft,, ,, ,, Carnarvon ALA ,,A,244839,S,1474456,E,2450ft,, ,, ,, Casino Airport ,,A,285252,S,1530334,E, 75ft,,YCAS,, ,, Cattle Ck Strip ,,A,273823,S,1504950,E,1083ft,126.7, ,,1300ft,, Cecil Plains Silo ,, ,273201,S,1511132,E,1199ft,, ,, ,, Cedars Park Strip ,,A,243500,S,1501142,E, 751ft,, ,, ,, Chantio Strip ,,A,264027,S,1503454,E,1039ft,, ,, ,, Charleville Airport ,,A,262445,S,1461543,E,1004ft,126.7,YBCV,, ,, Chelmer Strip ,,A,281336,S,1485422,E, 640ft,, ,, 853ft,, Cherrabah ALA ,,A,282548,S,1520520,E,2198ft,,YCHB,, ,, Childers ALA ,,A,251507,S,1522005,E, 161ft,,YCDS,, ,, Chinchilla Airport ,,A,264622,S,1503706,E,1033ft,126.350,YCCA,, ,, Cinnabar Bridge ,, ,260854,S,1521127,E, 497ft,, ,, ,, Clara Creek Strip ,,A,255951,S,1465603,E,1468ft,, ,, ,, Clerkness ,,L,300953,S,1510602,E,2215ft,, ,, ,, Clifton ALA ,,A,275542,S,1515048,E,1450ft,126.7,YCFN,, ,, Cloyna X ,, ,260627,S,1515042,E, 890ft,, ,, ,, Coalstoun Lakes National Park ,, ,253542,S,1515432,E,1173ft,, ,, ,, Cobbs Hill ,, ,260511,S,1515323,E,1495ft,, ,, ,, Colinton ,,L,265523,S,1521919,E, 411ft,, ,, ,, Colonsay Strip ,,A,272854,S,1512310,E,1175ft,, ,, ,, Columboola Rail X ,, ,264017,S,1501950,E,1079ft,, ,, ,, Condabri Strip ,,A,264705,S,1501413,E, 983ft,, ,, ,, Condamine ,, ,265534,S,1500750,E, 905ft,, ,, ,, Consuelo Strip ,,A,243906,S,1482812,E, 781ft,,YCSL,,1201ft,, Cooee Strip ,,A,261808,S,1511443,E,1159ft,, ,, ,, Cooloola Cove Strip ,,A,255835,S,1530013,E, 28ft,126.7,YCXA,, ,, Coominya ,,A,272327,S,1522801,E, 338ft,126.7,YBCM,, ,, Cooper Downs Strip ,,A,241121,S,1500545,E, 463ft,, ,, ,, Cooranga ,, ,264608,S,1512422,E,1750ft,, ,, ,, Cooranga Strip ,,A,254537,S,1512009,E, 550ft,, ,, ,, Cooyar ,, ,265857,S,1514953,E,1433ft,, ,, ,, Cornells Rd Strip ,,A,301950,S,1522731,E,4049ft,,YBLI,, ,, Croppa Creek Silo ,, ,290748,S,1501815,E, 935ft,, ,, ,, Crows Nest ,, ,271548,S,1520318,E,1774ft,, ,, ,, Croydon Park Strip ,,A,271916,S,1494527,E, 996ft,, ,, ,, Cudmore Rd Strip ,,A,274604,S,1515110,E,1600ft,, ,, ,, Cunningham Gap ,, ,280301,S,1522338,E,2611ft,, ,, ,, Currajong Park Strip ,,A,273139,S,1494535,E,1072ft,, ,, ,, DDSC McCaffery Field ,,A,272059,S,1513050,E,1200ft,126.7, ,, ,, Daandine X ,, ,270534,S,1505804,E,1076ft,, ,, ,, Dalby AF X ,,A,270930,S,1511549,E,1128ft,126.7,YDAY,, 920ft,, Dangore HS ,, ,262851,S,1513425,E,1676ft,, ,, ,, Delungra North Strip ,,A,293713,S,1505138,E,1936ft,, ,, ,, Didcot X ,, ,252825,S,1515205,E, 475ft,, ,, ,, Dingo Strip ,,A,233918,S,1492017,E, 446ft,,AU-0090,, ,, Dirranbandi AF ,,A,283530,S,1481300,E, 567ft,126.7,YDBI,, 371ft,, Dixalea/McMaster Field (Dululu) ALA,,A,235717,S,1501602,E, 390ft,122.7, ,, ,, Dogwood Creek Feedlot ,, ,265330,S,1495100,E, 903ft,, ,, ,, Dooloogarah Strip ,,A,245311,S,1474731,E,2525ft,, ,, ,, Dovedale Strip ,,A,254724,S,1520651,E, 530ft,, ,, ,, Drillham ,, ,263826,S,1495859,E,1078ft,, ,, ,, Drumburle Strip ,,A,243913,S,1503211,E,1097ft,126.7, ,, ,, Duaringa Strip ,,A,234412,S,1493954,E, 447ft,126.7,YDRG,, ,, Ducklo X ,, ,271514,S,1510034,E,1093ft,, ,, ,, Dulacca Strip ,,A,263834,S,1494350,E,1088ft,,YDLC,, ,, Dululu X ,, ,235045,S,1501543,E, 433ft,, ,, ,, Dunbar Strip ,,A,274142,S,1511926,E,1217ft,, ,, ,, Dunmore HS ,, ,274406,S,1505411,E,1092ft,, ,, ,, Durong X ,, ,262342,S,1511436,E,1001ft,, ,, ,, East Marshall ,, ,271248,S,1511830,E,1140ft,, ,, ,, Eden Strip ,,A,271138,S,1510659,E,1088ft,,AU-0602,, ,, Eidsvold AF ,,A,252141,S,1510632,E, 883ft,126.7,AU-0547,, 305ft,, Elgin Vale HS ,, ,262634,S,1521107,E,1365ft,, ,, ,, Elimbah Oval ,,L,270048,S,1525659,E, 90ft,, ,, ,, Ellesmere X ,, ,264427,S,1514315,E,1788ft,, ,, ,, Elliott River Strip ,,A,250304,S,1521331,E, 253ft,,YETT,, ,, Enarra Strip ,,A,274550,S,1494536,E, 850ft,, ,,1219ft,, Eschol HS ,, ,264544,S,1505648,E,1073ft,, ,, ,, Eskdale Strip ,,A,270930,S,1521007,E,1225ft,, ,, ,, Ettiewyn HS ,, ,255421,S,1515055,E, 586ft,, ,, ,, Fairfield Station Strip ,,A,244435,S,1491315,E, 596ft,, ,, ,, Fairymeadow Strip ,,A,264904,S,1502235,E, 988ft,, ,, ,, Felton ,, ,274751,S,1514625,E,1426ft,, ,, ,, Fish Creek Strip ,,A,244310,S,1494812,E, 467ft,, ,, ,, Forest Vale Strip ,,A,255558,S,1475205,E,1321ft,, ,, ,, Formartin X ,, ,272337,S,1512435,E,1181ft,, ,, ,, Forrest Hill ALA ,,A,273618,S,1522221,E, 340ft,, ,, ,, Frazer West Strip ,,A,252718,S,1525947,E, 24ft,, ,, ,, Gamut Lea Strip ,,A,283010,S,1494410,E, 625ft,, ,, ,, Gatton Airpark ALA ,,A,273524,S,1521524,E, 423ft,126.7,YGAS,, ,, Gayndah AF ,,A,253654,S,1513712,E, 371ft,126.7,YGAY,, ,, George Lee Strip ,,A,270257,S,1511632,E,1192ft,,AU-0214,, ,, Gladstone Airport ,,A,235210,S,1511330,E, 66ft,,YGLA,, ,, Glanhaughton ,,L,252137,S,1492148,E, 893ft,, ,, ,, Glen Innes Airport ,,A,294024,S,1514123,E,3422ft,,YGLI,, ,, Glentana Strip ,,A,243629,S,1473415,E,1374ft,, ,, ,, Gold Coast Airport ,,A,280951,S,1533020,E, 21ft,,YBCG,, ,, Goombi Rail X ,, ,264112,S,1502839,E,1128ft,, ,, ,, Goombungee ,, ,271810,S,1515100,E,1588ft,, ,, ,, Goomeri ,, ,261057,S,1520406,E, 827ft,, ,, ,, Goondiwindi AF ,,A,283118,S,1501914,E, 714ft,126.7,YGDI,, 408ft,, Goonoo Feedlot Strip ,,A,234516,S,1483219,E, 578ft,126.7, ,, ,, Gooroolba ,, ,253045,S,1514827,E, 540ft,, ,, ,, Gordonbrook Dam ,,L,262602,S,1514402,E,1300ft,, ,, ,, Grafton Airport ,,A,294518,S,1530152,E, 110ft,126.7,YGFN,, ,, Grassdale Strip ,,A,272412,S,1511052,E,1140ft,, ,,1200ft,, Gum Gully Weir ,,L,264248,S,1495524,E,1059ft,, ,, ,, Gunyerwarild Strip ,,A,291717,S,1503135,E,1132ft,, ,, ,, Guyra Strip ,,A,301157,S,1514024,E,4354ft,, ,, ,, Gympie Airport ,,A,261724,S,1524211,E, 233ft,126.7,YGYM,, ,, Hanceys Turf ,,L,265450,S,1524627,E, 386ft,, ,, ,, Hangar O ,,A,260108,S,1523405,E, 150ft,, ,, ,, Hawkwood Outlanding ,,L,254623,S,1504834,E, 802ft,, ,, ,, Hedlow AF ,,A,231332,S,1503612,E, 121ft,,YHEW,, ,, Helidon Strip ,,A,273322,S,1520515,E, 567ft,,AU-0346,, ,, Hereward Rd Strip ,,L,271132,S,1510831,E,1087ft,, ,, ,, Hernani Strip ,,A,301922,S,1522509,E,4062ft,, ,, ,, Hervey Bay Airport ,,A,251917,S,1525259,E, 39ft,,YHBA,, ,, Hivesville X ,, ,261037,S,1514130,E,1215ft,, ,, ,, Hodgson Silo ,, ,263436,S,1483722,E,1078ft,, ,, ,, Hornet Bank Strip ,,A,254534,S,1492501,E, 734ft,, ,, ,, Ingelara Strip ,,A,245951,S,1481957,E,1064ft,,YING,,1097ft,, Inglewood AF ,,A,282506,S,1510545,E, 939ft,126.7,YILW,, ,, Injune Airport ,,A,255105,S,1483301,E,1309ft,,YINJ,, ,, Inverell Airport ,,A,295314,S,1510842,E,2654ft,,YIVL,, ,, Irongate Strip ,,A,273812,S,1513044,E,1634ft,, ,, ,, Irvingdale Strip ,,A,270955,S,1513057,E,1429ft,, ,, ,, Jackson ,, ,263838,S,1493727,E,1055ft,, ,, ,, Jambin Strip ,,A,241641,S,1502659,E, 513ft,, ,, ,, Jan X ,, ,263903,S,1510405,E,1190ft,, ,, ,, Jandowae Silo ,, ,264800,S,1510720,E,1176ft,, ,, ,, Jasons Strip ,,A,261921,S,1520100,E,1041ft,, ,, ,, Jimbour House AF ,,A,265735,S,1511407,E,1250ft,126.7,AU-0223,, ,, Jimna Fire Tower ,, ,263932,S,1522710,E,1764ft,, ,, ,, Juandah Downs Strip ,,A,255846,S,1500853,E, 935ft,, ,, ,, KR2NA ,, ,262243,S,1514228,E,1341ft,, ,, ,, KR2NC ,, ,261836,S,1514655,E,1261ft,, ,, ,, KR2ND ,, ,262056,S,1515244,E,1130ft,, ,, ,, KR2NF ,, ,262826,S,1514901,E,1510ft,, ,, ,, KR2NH ,, ,263619,S,1515042,E,1498ft,, ,, ,, KR2NI ,, ,262331,S,1514758,E,1515ft,, ,, ,, KR2NM ,, ,263322,S,1515004,E,1398ft,, ,, ,, KR2SE ,, ,264550,S,1515806,E,1518ft,, ,, ,, KR2SF ,, ,264007,S,1515132,E,1299ft,, ,, ,, KR2SG ,, ,264958,S,1515339,E,1690ft,, ,, ,, KR2SH ,, ,263124,S,1515406,E,1452ft,, ,, ,, KR2SI ,, ,264503,S,1515235,E,1570ft,, ,, ,, KR2SJ ,, ,264737,S,1514748,E,1434ft,, ,, ,, Kagaru Strip ,,A,275103,S,1525542,E, 170ft,, ,, ,, Kaimkillenbun Silo ,, ,270333,S,1512608,E,1289ft,, ,, ,, Karriba Strip ,,A,280109,S,1505327,E,1159ft,, ,, ,, Karrweena HS ,, ,264631,S,1511954,E,1477ft,, ,, ,, Kerwee Rd ,,L,251540,S,1511904,E, 783ft,, ,, ,, Keytah Station Strip ,,A,292912,S,1493047,E, 604ft,, ,, ,, Kilbeggan Strip ,,A,260416,S,1503430,E,1009ft,, ,, ,, Kilcoy AF ,,A,265817,S,1523407,E, 387ft,,AU-0040,, ,, Kilkivan Bridge ,, ,260503,S,1521417,E, 475ft,, ,, ,, Killara Strip ,,A,271950,S,1503326,E,1110ft,, ,, ,, Killarney ,, ,281955,S,1521747,E,1712ft,, ,, ,, Killawarra Strip ,,L,273615,S,1501653,E, 942ft,, ,, ,, Kinbombi Falls HS ,, ,261344,S,1520930,E,1039ft,, ,, ,, Kindon Strip ,,A,280510,S,1504514,E, 968ft,, ,, ,, Kingaroy AF X ,, S,263501,S,1515026,E,1492ft,127.450,YKRY,, ,, Kioma Strip ,,A,281311,S,1494740,E, 689ft,, ,, ,, Knapdale ALA ,,A,273027,S,1513024,E,1260ft,, ,,1200ft,, Kogan Power Plant ,, ,265504,S,1504503,E,1115ft,, ,, ,, Kolane Strip ,,A,254812,S,1501652,E,1084ft,, ,, ,, Koloona East Strip ,,A,293734,S,1504605,E,1926ft,, ,, ,, Kommamurra Silo ,, ,271352,S,1512230,E,1161ft,, ,, ,, Kooralbyn AF ,,A,280519,S,1525044,E, 302ft,,YKBN,, ,, Kumbarilla X ,, ,271856,S,1505227,E,1224ft,, ,, ,, Kumbia Racecourse ,,L,264201,S,1513907,E,1779ft,, ,, ,, Kupunn Silo ,, ,271336,S,1510648,E,1092ft,, ,, ,, Lakeland Downs Strip ,,A,265955,S,1500047,E, 907ft,, ,, ,, Lamington ,,L,281443,S,1525945,E, 525ft,, ,, ,, Landsborough Strip ,,L,264923,S,1525840,E, 90ft,,AU-0274,, ,, Lapunyah Strip ,,A,280132,S,1500137,E, 844ft,,AU-0211,, ,, Lauroy Strip ,,A,262924,S,1501003,E,1215ft,, ,, ,, Lawless Bridge ,, ,255637,S,1515659,E, 617ft,, ,, ,, Lentara ,, ,272824,S,1502552,E,1022ft,, ,, ,, Leyburn ,, ,280047,S,1513452,E,1349ft,, ,, ,, Linden Strip ,,A,255721,S,1503240,E, 989ft,, ,, ,, Lismore Airport ,,A,284951,S,1531530,E, 26ft,,YLIS,, ,, Logeah Strip ,,A,273220,S,1495620,E, 962ft,, ,, ,, Longatong/Cherelly Strip ,,A,251802,S,1515654,E, 198ft,, ,, ,, Lothlorien Strip ,,A,261912,S,1514100,E,1265ft,, ,, ,, Lyndley Strip ,,A,264938,S,1511349,E,1288ft,,YLYD,,1000ft,, Lynette Downs ,,L,281501,S,1510638,E,1214ft,, ,, ,, Macalister Silo ,, ,270231,S,1510432,E,1078ft,, ,, ,, Maclagan X ,, ,270502,S,1513805,E,1486ft,, ,, ,, Macquarrie Downs Strip ,,A,275633,S,1512954,E,1294ft,, ,,1341ft,, Malarga Strip ,,A,254253,S,1520952,E, 414ft,, ,, ,, Malmoe X ,, ,252833,S,1511233,E, 505ft,, ,, ,, Manumbar ALA ,,A,262630,S,1522830,E, 640ft,, ,, ,, Marston Strip ,,A,271719,S,1502632,E,1021ft,, ,, ,, Maryborough Airport ,,A,253049,S,1524250,E, 42ft,,YMYB,, ,, Maryvale ,, ,280416,S,1521421,E,1700ft,, ,, ,, McPhee Rd Strip ,,A,262359,S,1512128,E,1230ft,, ,, ,, Meandarra Strip ,,A,272048,S,1495257,E, 958ft,, ,, ,, Memooloo Strip ,,A,240009,S,1484250,E, 779ft,,YMEM,, ,, Merambi X ,, ,262707,S,1514924,E,1472ft,, ,, ,, Merino Strip ,,A,264720,S,1483533,E,1206ft,, ,, ,, Meteor Downs Strip ,,A,242258,S,1481936,E, 850ft,, ,, ,, Middle Ridge ,, ,262224,S,1514027,E,1401ft,, ,, ,, Miles AF ,,A,264829,S,1501005,E, 996ft,126.350,YMLS,,1420ft,, Millmerran AF ,,A,275148,S,1511630,E,1319ft,126.7,YMMN,, ,, Millwood ,, ,280116,S,1511240,E,1400ft,, ,, ,, Mimosa Strip ,,A,255324,S,1512349,E, 610ft,, ,, ,, Mingo Crossing ,, ,252348,S,1514638,E, 221ft,, ,, ,, Mitchell AF ,,A,262911,S,1475639,E,1125ft,,YMIT,, ,, Mobandilla Strip ,,A,282509,S,1500009,E, 659ft,, ,, ,, Moira Runda Strip ,,A,265248,S,1493620,E, 964ft,, ,, ,, Monduran ALA ,,A,245258,S,1515448,E, 164ft,,YMUA,, ,, Mondure X ,, ,261055,S,1514631,E, 922ft,, ,, ,, Montana Strip ,,A,253632,S,1484804,E,1495ft,, ,, ,, Monto Airport ,,A,245333,S,1510605,E, 768ft,,YMTO,, ,, Moonie X ,, ,274301,S,1502212,E, 922ft,, ,, ,, Moree Airport ,,A,292957,S,1495043,E, 696ft,,YMOR,, ,, Morven ALA ,,A,262355,S,1470730,E,1445ft,,YMVN,,1372ft,, Mount Kiangarow ,, ,264947,S,1513251,E,3472ft,, ,, ,, Mount Maria ,, ,272810,S,1512915,E,1372ft,, ,, ,, Mount Owen Strip ,,A,253100,S,1473435,E,1812ft,, ,, ,, Mount Perry ALA ,,A,251219,S,1514006,E, 525ft,, ,, ,, Mount Tyson ,, ,273430,S,1513410,E,1410ft,, ,, ,, Mount Walla ,, ,253844,S,1515127,E,1258ft,, ,, ,, Moura AF ,,A,243636,S,1495941,E, 476ft,,YMOU,, ,, Muckadilla ,, ,263506,S,1482313,E,1180ft,, ,, ,, Mundine ALA ,,A,283658,S,1500902,E, 690ft,, ,,1100ft,, Mundubbera AF ,,A,253557,S,1511909,E, 410ft,,YMDA,, ,, Mungindi AF ,,A,285803,S,1490316,E, 550ft,,YMGI,, ,, Murbar X ,, ,262040,S,1520333,E,1154ft,, ,, ,, Murgon Strip ,,A,261513,S,1515551,E,1024ft,,AU-0307,, ,, Murwillumbah AF ,,A,281959,S,1532445,E, 13ft,,YMUR,, ,, Nanango ALA ,,A,264119,S,1515922,E,1190ft,126.7,YNAN,, ,, Nangwee Silo ,, ,273246,S,1511725,E,1178ft,, ,, ,, Narayen Outlanding ,,L,254050,S,1505139,E, 946ft,,YNRN,, ,, Nee Nee ALA ,,A,290659,S,1500103,E, 715ft,, ,, 600ft,, Noosa ,,A,262524,S,1530355,E, 21ft,126.7,YNSH,, ,, Noosa North Shore Strips ,,A,261849,S,1530241,E, 17ft,,AU-0218,, ,, North Star Solo ,, ,285533,S,1502328,E, 865ft,, ,, ,, Norwin Silo ,, ,273328,S,1512249,E,1200ft,, ,, ,, Nukinenda Strip ,,A,270420,S,1520755,E,1223ft,, ,, ,, Nungil Rd Strip ,,A,271043,S,1513037,E,1284ft,, ,, ,, Oakey AF ,,A,272359,S,1514412,E,1336ft,127.650,YBOK,, ,, Obergurgl Strip ,,A,265731,S,1510526,E,1102ft,126.7, ,, ,, Oil Field Moonie Strip ,,A,274436,S,1501547,E, 886ft,, ,, ,, Old Porter ,,L,270232,S,1520456,E,1281ft,, ,, ,, Oombabeer Strip ,,L,243624,S,1492945,E, 473ft,, ,, ,, Opal Creek Feed Lot Strip ,,A,274003,S,1505538,E,1138ft,, ,, ,, Orana Park Strip ,,A,244849,S,1492623,E, 847ft,, ,, ,, Orchid Beach Strip ,,A,245732,S,1531853,E, 76ft,126.7,YORC,, ,, Orungal ALA ,,A,283706,S,1510719,E, 995ft,, ,, ,, Pacific Haven ALA ,,A,251424,S,1523236,E, 24ft,126.7,YPAC,,1000ft,, Pelican X ,, ,263644,S,1505144,E,1063ft,, ,, ,, Petelyn Strip ,,A,260629,S,1513809,E,1390ft,, ,, ,, Pittsworth ALA ,,A,274400,S,1513800,E,1690ft,126.7,YPWH,, ,, Planet Downs Strip ,,A,243213,S,1485321,E, 882ft,, ,, ,, Pony Hills Strip ,,A,255643,S,1490042,E,1271ft,, ,, ,, Proston ,, ,261000,S,1513559,E,1195ft,, ,, ,, Punchs Creek HS ,, ,280006,S,1512335,E,1371ft,, ,, ,, Purrawanda Silo ,, ,273217,S,1513746,E,1455ft,, ,, ,, Quebec Strip ,,A,254343,S,1512123,E, 511ft,, ,, ,, Quinalow Pool ,, ,270625,S,1513719,E,1444ft,, ,, ,, Rainbow Beach Strip ,,A,255108,S,1530409,E, 40ft,,YRBB,, ,, Redcliffe Airport ,,A,271220,S,1530408,E, 10ft,,YRED,, ,, Redford Station Strip ,,A,255020,S,1472444,E,1702ft,, ,, ,, Ripcord ALA ,,A,273255,S,1522332,E, 261ft,,AU-0347,, ,, Robin Lee X ,, ,263318,S,1520024,E,1073ft,, ,, ,, Rockhampton Airport ,,A,232255,S,1502831,E, 30ft,,YBRK,, ,, Rocky Creek X ,, ,263902,S,1503445,E,1063ft,, ,, ,, Rolleston AF ,,A,242735,S,1483736,E, 721ft,126.7,YRLL,,1150ft,, Roma AF ,,A,263242,S,1484630,E,1027ft,126.950,YROM,, 458ft,, Rondolyn Strip ,,A,260631,S,1500630,E,1018ft,, ,, ,, Rosalie Plains ALA ,,A,271306,S,1514148,E,1430ft,, ,, ,, Rosevale Strip ,,A,264234,S,1511729,E,1452ft,, ,, ,, Ross Road X ,, ,255124,S,1515005,E, 554ft,, ,, ,, Rossmore Strip ,,A,275423,S,1492657,E, 721ft,, ,, ,, Russell Park Strip ,,A,270741,S,1491911,E, 948ft,, ,, ,, SFWest ,, ,263540,S,1514847,E,1500ft,, ,, ,, Saint George Airport ,,A,280300,S,1483542,E, 656ft,126.7,YSGE,,1494ft,, Samarai Strip ,,A,271424,S,1514058,E,1404ft,, ,, ,, Sandy Cape Beach Strip ,,L,244316,S,1531220,E, 6ft,, ,, ,, Shedleigh Strip ,,A,263636,S,1514033,E,1790ft,, ,, 366ft,, Sherwood Strip ,,A,281608,S,1492951,E, 769ft,, ,, ,, Silent Grove Strip ,,A,295809,S,1513805,E,4580ft,, ,, ,, Silverleaf X ,, ,260805,S,1514710,E, 905ft,, ,, ,, Smokey Creek Strip ,,A,240739,S,1502643,E, 540ft,126.7, ,, ,, South Grafton AF ,,A,294233,S,1525530,E, 20ft,122.6,YSGR,, ,, Southbrook ALA ,,A,274006,S,1514348,E,1784ft,, ,, ,, Southport AF ,,A,275518,S,1532217,E, 7ft,,YSPT,, ,, Southwood West Strip ,,A,275342,S,1500233,E, 860ft,, ,, 610ft,, Spur ,, ,274751,S,1521025,E,1184ft,, ,, ,, Stanthorpe Airport ,,A,283713,S,1515854,E,2898ft,,YSPE,, ,, Stewart Creek ALA ,,A,261727,S,1482736,E,1306ft,, ,, ,, Stuartville ALA ,,A,284013,S,1495347,E, 649ft,, ,, ,, Sundown HS ,, ,272511,S,1511713,E,1139ft,, ,, ,, Sunpork Piggery ,,A,270200,S,1505157,E,1092ft,, ,, ,, Surat Airport ,,A,270935,S,1490438,E, 880ft,126.7,YSRT,, ,, Sylvan Springs ,,A,255710,S,1514613,E, 938ft,, ,, ,, Taabinga HS ,, ,263908,S,1513859,E,1672ft,, ,, ,, Talbingo Feedlot Strip ,,A,272101,S,1504350,E,1146ft,, ,, ,, Talgai ALA ,,A,280318,S,1515548,E,1536ft,,AU-0235,, 701ft,, Tallawang Strip ,,A,292256,S,1505448,E,1804ft,, ,, ,, Talwood ALA ,,A,282936,S,1492725,E, 625ft,,AU-0315,,1311ft,, Tansey X ,, ,260227,S,1520255,E, 703ft,, ,, ,, Tara AF ,,A,270949,S,1502836,E,1184ft,126.7,YTAA,, ,, Tarangau Strip ,,A,261045,S,1525856,E, 92ft,127.0, ,, ,, Taringa Strip ,,A,255552,S,1483836,E,1438ft,, ,, ,, Taroom AF ,,A,254806,S,1495400,E, 786ft,126.7,YTAM,,1110ft,, Taylors Plains Strip ,,A,254149,S,1471743,E,1783ft,, ,, ,, Teelba X ,, ,272618,S,1492258,E,1066ft,, ,, ,, Tenterfield AF ,,A,285930,S,1515546,E,2612ft,,YTFD,, ,, Texas ALA ,,A,285005,S,1510912,E, 980ft,,AU-0234,, ,, Thangool Airport ,,A,242943,S,1503444,E, 643ft,,YTNG,, ,, The Feedlot ,, ,264844,S,1502448,E,1100ft,, ,, ,, The Gorge Strip ,,A,284422,S,1524248,E, 787ft,, ,, ,, The Gums Silo ,, ,271944,S,1501111,E, 934ft,, ,, ,, Theodore AF ,,A,245912,S,1500535,E, 561ft,,YTDR,, ,, Timm Creek Strip ,,A,264520,S,1521855,E,1484ft,, ,, ,, Tingoora X ,, ,262148,S,1514915,E,1365ft,, ,, ,, Tingun X ,, ,264436,S,1485452,E, 920ft,, ,, ,, Tipton Ag Strip ,,A,272747,S,1511133,E,1207ft,, ,, 762ft,, Toobeah Silo ,, ,282518,S,1495211,E, 647ft,, ,, ,, Toogoolawah AF ,,A,270415,S,1522301,E, 305ft,129.0, ,, ,, Tooloombilla Strip ,,A,255225,S,1480233,E,1512ft,, ,, ,, Toondahra Creek Strip ,,L,255334,S,1512252,E, 646ft,, ,, ,, Toowoomba Airport ,,A,273230,S,1515442,E,2086ft,127.650,YTWB,,1341ft,, Topwater Strip ,,A,270922,S,1503434,E,1082ft,, ,, ,, Trugananni Strip ,,A,242937,S,1491251,E, 778ft,, ,, ,, Tuckerang X ,, ,264528,S,1504947,E,1053ft,, ,, ,, Tungamah Strip ,,A,273738,S,1502933,E, 989ft,, ,, ,, Twin Rivers ,,L,253839,S,1511102,E, 439ft,, ,, ,, Tyagarah AF ,,A,283541,S,1533306,E, 16ft,,YTYH,, ,, Upper Cooyar Creek ,,L,265858,S,1514606,E,1623ft,, ,, ,, Upper Horton ALA ,,A,300617,S,1502415,E,1253ft,,YUPH,, ,, Upper Warrego Strip ,,A,251139,S,1470832,E,1691ft,,YABB,, ,, Uragara Strip ,,A,281621,S,1495858,E, 680ft,, ,, ,, Waikola Strip ,,A,260211,S,1491459,E, 820ft,, ,, ,, Waitangi Strip ,,A,261711,S,1500645,E,1230ft,, ,, 914ft,, Walkers Creek HS ,, ,265229,S,1512510,E,1521ft,, ,, ,, Wallumbilla Microwave ,, ,263043,S,1491034,E,1243ft,, ,, ,, Wandoan ALA ,,A,260646,S,1495726,E, 875ft,, ,, 762ft,, Warialda AF ,,A,293210,S,1503210,E,1236ft,,YWRL,, ,, Warra Silo ,, ,265513,S,1505428,E,1067ft,, ,, ,, Warrowa Strip ,,A,275030,S,1500853,E, 874ft,126.7, ,, ,, Warwick Airport ,,A,280858,S,1515635,E,1516ft,127.850,YWCK,, ,, Waterview AF ,,A,294018,S,1525150,E, 157ft,, ,, ,, Waterview Station Strip ,,A,253456,S,1484835,E,1516ft,, ,, ,, Wattle Creek X ,, ,262619,S,1515749,E,1116ft,, ,, ,, Wattle Downs Strip ,,A,272641,S,1501234,E, 969ft,, ,, ,, Watts Bridge AF ,,A,270539,S,1522733,E, 295ft,127.3,YWSG,, ,, Westmar X ,, ,275509,S,1494302,E, 815ft,, ,, ,, Whaka Feedlot Strip ,,A,270843,S,1513604,E,1569ft,, ,, ,, Whyalla ALA ,,A,284538,S,1510213,E, 911ft,, ,, ,, Wide Bay Strip ,,A,255607,S,1525754,E, 94ft,, ,, ,, Wilga Park Strip ,,A,280525,S,1494404,E, 807ft,, ,, ,, Wills Rd Strip ,,L,272311,S,1522851,E, 338ft,,YBCM,, ,, Windera Lagoon Resort ,, ,255854,S,1514923,E, 635ft,, ,, ,, Womblebank HS ,, ,254528,S,1480736,E,1619ft,, ,, ,, Wondai AF ,,A,261639,S,1515141,E,1070ft,126.7,YWND,, ,, Woodlands Strip ,,A,271637,S,1480524,E, 893ft,, ,, ,, Woods Drive Strip ,,A,275903,S,1510555,E,1433ft,, ,, ,, Wooroolin X ,, ,262445,S,1514855,E,1557ft,, ,, ,, Wyaga Strip ,,A,281022,S,1503837,E, 880ft,, ,,1200ft,, Wyoming Strip ,,A,271309,S,1512942,E,1241ft,, ,, ,, Wyreema ,, ,273923,S,1515132,E,1757ft,, ,, ,, Yandilla Silo ,, ,275024,S,1512202,E,1245ft,, ,, ,, Yarraman ,, ,265027,S,1515853,E,1509ft,, ,, ,, Yarranlea Silo ,, ,274332,S,1513143,E,1387ft,, ,, ,, Yelarbon Silo ,, ,283414,S,1504522,E, 823ft,, ,, ,, Yellow Bank Junction Strip ,,A,252652,S,1482719,E,1814ft,, ,, ,, Yenda HS ,, ,252724,S,1513937,E, 279ft,, ,, ,, Yeramba Bridge ,, ,270813,S,1500903,E, 919ft,, ,, ,, Yuleba ,, ,263648,S,1492258,E, 999ft,, ,, ,,