* NAM LAT_D LAT_M LAT_S LON_D LON_M LON_S COD ALT FRE RW_D RW_H RW_L RW_S ICAO * * ============================================================================== * * Filename "lk15_xc.stx" created Sunday, 04 October 2015 at 02:45 GMT * Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange format version 0.5.1 * * Lines starting with a * are comments and are ignored by programs using this file * Lines starting with a $ are definitions of parameters available to programs using this file * The first line that is neither a comment nor a definition contains the definitions * of the contents of the columns that follow * All other lines are waypoint definitions * The line containing the column definitions can be placed anywhere before the first waypoint. * It is placed as a comment at the top of this file for convenience in using this file * with a spreadsheet program, where the first line can be placed in a separate window * to label the columns as you scroll down. * The columns are separated by the "tab" character * * The specification of the .STX file format is available at * http://soaringweb.org/TP/stx_specification.html * * This is a 'beta' release to support the release of the NK ClearNav and is subject to change. * * ============================================================================== * * Starting the definition of various parameters for the file * $STX_VERSION 0.5.1 $HEADER This list is the combination of the "Australian Club, Sports and Standard class Gliding Nationals 2015 Competition Points" and the "Lake Keepit additional landing strips 2015".However, the naming convention is different, the competition list points start with numbers, this one starts with names. $HEADER This list is NOT to be used for gliding competitions. $HEADER Description: 236 points including 91 Points from competitions list, 202 Landing fields, 25 Turn Points, 9 Start Point $HEADER Suitable for Local and extended tasks beyond 750km $HEADER Version 1.0 $HEADER Warning: Don't rely on the landing fields being serviceableSome definitely are not. Use normal precautions when selecting a site for outlanding. $HEADER See also the Australian Club, Sports and Standard class Gliding Nationals 2015 Competition Points and the additional landing sites $OFFICIAL Y $IDL_MAP_TITLE Lake Keepit, NSW, Australia (2015 Cross-Country) $CAI_TITLE Lake Keepit 2015 XC $URL_INFORMATION_ www.keepitsoaring.com soaring at Lake Keepit * URL_INFORMATION_hide: www.keepitsoaring.com/LKSC/index.php/club-sports-nats-2015 the 2015 Nats $MILOMEI Yes $FILENAME_8 lk15_xc $FILENAME_5 lk15x $FILENAME_4 lk5x $FILENAME_3 k5x $SUA_FILENAME_8 lkptair $SUA_FILENAME_4 lkar * ---------------------------------------------------------------- $STATE New South Wales $STATE_ABBREV NSW $DISTANCE_UNIT km $USE_EXISTING_SUA Y $CONTRIBUTOR Jacques Graells $CONTRIBUTOR_EMAIL jacques.gra@gmail.com $MODIFICATION 28 Jan 00: Original contribution couresy of Jim Stanley $MODIFICATION 28 Aug 05: Updated courtesy of Dave Shorter $MAGNETIC_VARIATION 11.3E $STATE_ABBREV NSW $STATE New South Wales $LATITUDE S $LONGITUDE E $ALTITUDE_UNIT FEET $RW_L_UNIT METERS $CAI_TITLE Extended 300km Rad, Lake Keepit, NSW $DATUM WGS84 $TIMEZONE_NAME Australia/NSW $COUNTRY AU $MILOMEI Yes $MAGNETIC_VARIATION 11.3E $STATE_ABBREV NSW $STATE New South Wales $LATITUDE S $LONGITUDE E $HOME_SITE Lake Keepit, NSW, Australia (Cross Country) $GARMIN_ID ID_6 $GARMIN_COMMENT COM $CAI_TITLE Extended 300km Rad, Lake Keepit, NSW $MILOMEI Yes $RW_L_UNIT METERS $MILOMEI Yes * ============================================================================== * * Filename "lk15_xc.stx" created Sunday, 04 October 2015 at 02:45 GMT * Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange format version 0.5.1 * * Lines starting with a * are comments and are ignored by programs using this file * Lines starting with a $ are definitions of parameters available to programs using this file * The first line that is neither a comment nor a definition contains the definitions * of the contents of the columns that follow * All other lines are waypoint definitions * The line containing the column definitions can be placed anywhere before the first waypoint. * It is placed as a comment at the top of this file for convenience in using this file * with a spreadsheet program, where the first line can be placed in a separate window * to label the columns as you scroll down. * The columns are separated by the "tab" character * * The specification of the .STX file format is available at * http://soaringweb.org/TP/stx_specification.html * * This is a 'beta' release to support the release of the NK ClearNav and is subject to change. * * ============================================================================== * * Starting the definition of various parameters for the file * $STX_VERSION 0.5.1 $STATE_ABBREV NSW $CONTRIBUTOR Jacques Graells $CONTRIBUTOR_EMAIL jacques.gra@gmail.com $MAGNETIC_VARIATION 11.3E $STATE_ABBREV NSW $LATITUDE S $LONGITUDE E $ALTITUDE_UNIT FEET $RW_L_UNIT METERS $DATUM WGS84 $TIMEZONE_NAME Australia/NSW $COUNTRY AU $MAGNETIC_VARIATION 11.3E $STATE_ABBREV NSW $LATITUDE S $LONGITUDE E $HOME_SITE Lake Keepit, NSW, Australia (Cross Country) $RW_L_UNIT METERS $CONTRIBUTION_DATE 28 September 2015 $LONGITUDE East $LATITUDE South * * ============================================================================== * * The next line defines the contents of columns. It MUST appear before the first waypoint line NAM LAT_D LAT_M LAT_S LON_D LON_M LON_S COD ALT FRE RW_D RW_H RW_L RW_S ICAO * * Starting the waypoints * Ardglen Rw TP 31 44 18 150 47 17 T 2096 Ardgour AG 31 39 18 150 2 30 AT 1742 14/32 150 813 D Armidale AD 30 32 0 151 36 55 AT 3570 124.2 60 1880 Ashford AF 29 19 2 151 3 23 AT 1531 126.7 08/26 90 1079 G YASF Ashley AF 29 17 58 149 46 4 AT 657 18/36 10 1282 V Baan Baa AG 30 32 56 149 56 48 AT 765 126.7 17/35 585 G Baan Baa S AG 30 36 18 149 57 39 LT 793 90 651 Ballandool AG 28 57 38 147 37 37 AT 490 80 1257 Bando AG 31 14 18 149 50 49 LT 1156 126.7 09/27 110 1321 D Baradine AF 30 57 18 149 5 30 AT 1006 126.7 11/29 120 1846 S YBAD Barraba AD 30 23 36 150 35 52 AT 1674 127.1 15/33 160 1246 G YBBA Bathurst AD 33 24 25 149 39 4 AT 2404 127.35 17/35 180 1832 A YBTH Bathurst GC AF 33 22 45 149 31 7 DT 2151 127.1 04/22 40 729 G Belara AG 28 49 39 150 27 48 AT 790 140 857 Bellata Silo TP 29 55 9 149 47 23 T 775 Ben Lomond AG 30 0 41 151 40 47 AT 4706 11/29 110 637 G Bengalala AG 30 53 52 150 14 38 AT 866 05/23 70 818 D Berwicks AG 31 43 33 150 24 18 AT 1305 126.7 13/31 130 809 V Bingara AF 29 49 0 150 32 20 AT 988 127.1 10/28 110 1372 V YBIA Biniguy AF 29 30 20 150 11 30 AT 785 127.1 18/36 10 1864 G YBGY Binnaway AF 31 33 11 149 20 41 AT 1525 60 476 Boggabri AF 30 43 22 150 2 57 AT 800 127.1 03/21 30 849 G YBOG Boggabri S AG 30 46 44 150 4 39 AT 816 10 743 BooBoo AG 29 53 44 149 55 28 AT 968 80 935 Boolcaroll AG 29 59 51 149 23 22 AT 593 721 Booloola AG 31 4 31 149 50 49 AT 1006 100 838 Boomi AF 28 43 42 149 35 42 AT 612 123.9 18/36 10 1246 V Bora HG AF 30 40 29 150 38 50 AT 1280 03/21 40 444 G Breeza Silo TP 31 14 41 150 27 37 T 961 Brewarrina AD 29 58 24 146 48 58 AT 407 126.7 03/21 40 1386 A YBRW Brewon Stn AG 30 14 7 147 31 1 AT 422 126.7 09/27 100 874 D Brigalows AF 30 13 0 150 22 6 AT 1511 126.7 03/21 40 926 D Brightn Wat AG 29 16 57 149 13 40 AT 548 130 996 Bullamon Pn AG 28 36 15 148 52 4 AT 573 160 907 Bulli Creek AF 28 1 9 150 53 26 AT 1160 120 1243 Bundara AG 30 9 54 151 6 3 AT 2215 10/28 110 858 G Burren Jn AD 30 9 30 148 58 30 AT 543 127.1 14/32 150 1354 V YBRJ Carinda AD 30 27 30 147 42 35 AT 456 126.7 06/24 70 1436 S YCRA Carnarvon AF 31 3 5 149 54 48 AT 941 18/36 10 883 D Caroona AG 31 24 15 150 23 57 AT 1094 09/27 100 1190 D Carrol Cmn AG 31 0 27 150 26 35 LT 907 09/27 100 1141 D Cassilis AG 32 0 8 149 57 50 AT 1555 08/26 90 813 D YCSI Castletop AG 30 7 56 150 7 9 AT 1602 130 434 Chesney Oks TP 31 47 20 150 40 15 T 1633 Clift AG 31 16 33 150 21 33 AT 987 150 658 Coladdi AG 31 16 34 149 55 56 AT 1073 10/28 110 933 D Collarenbri AD 29 31 19 148 34 56 AT 471 120.5 18/36 1337 G YCBR Collie AG 31 39 33 148 19 44 AT 780 126.7 05/23 60 897 D YCOI Condobolin AD 33 3 57 147 12 46 AT 642 126.7 01/19 20 1471 A YCDO Coolaba AG 30 58 0 146 50 0 AT 620 70 1326 Coolah AD 31 46 30 149 36 30 AT 1660 127.1 08/26 90 1191 G YCAH Coolatai TP 29 15 4 150 45 8 T 1195 Coonabarabn AD 31 20 0 149 15 42 AT 2106 126.7 11/29 120 1666 A YCBB Coonamble AD 30 58 49 148 22 45 AT 589 126.7 05/23 50 1637 A YCNM Coorabin AF 30 18 55 150 41 45 AT 2336 130 691 Croppa Crk TP 29 7 50 150 18 15 T 926 Cryon AG 29 58 35 148 45 38 AT 494 100 2000 Curlewis Si TP 31 6 50 150 16 10 T 914 Dabee AF 32 49 16 150 2 29 AT 1980 15/33 100 952 G Dalby AD 27 9 31 151 15 49 AT 1128 126.7 04/22 140 1276 G YDAY Delungra AF 29 37 34 150 46 3 AT 1919 126.7 11/29 120 1228 G Dubbo AD 32 13 6 148 34 25 AT 920 134 05/23 50 1825 A YSDU Dunmore AF 30 39 29 150 52 32 AT 1382 18/36 10 872 G YDNR Edgeroi Silo TP 30 6 59 149 47 47 T 787 Ellis AG 29 40 41 150 12 22 AT 1135 90 775 Emby West AG 31 7 43 147 55 7 AT 547 126.7 16/34 170 756 D Emerald Hil TP 30 52 57 150 6 18 T 859 Erinvale AG 30 45 58 150 0 48 AT 819 18/36 10 1069 D Eumungerie TP 31 56 49 148 37 17 T 990 Flood Hill AG 30 42 39 150 5 47 AT 810 20 1037 Gainey AG 30 46 36 150 36 24 AT 1131 126.7 01/19 20 730 G Garah Silo TP 29 4 34 149 38 18 T 599 Garrawilla AG 31 10 24 149 38 9 AT 1276 05/23 60 652 D Gilgandra AD 31 41 50 148 38 11 AT 945 120.6 15/33 160 1407 G YGIL Glen Innes AD 29 40 30 151 41 25 AT 3421 126.7 10/28 150 2045 A YGLI Glenanaar AG 31 4 19 147 56 20 AT 541 126.7 01/19 20 958 D Glenara AG 29 59 47 150 14 20 AT 1675 100 542 Glencaire AG 30 48 17 151 6 50 AT 2673 130 582 Glencoe AG 31 37 17 148 11 57 AT 730 126.7 08/26 90 1109 L Goondiwindi AD 28 31 21 150 19 12 AT 711 126.7 04/22 40 1459 A YGDI Goonoo Gono AG 31 17 54 150 55 16 AT 1482 126.7 03/21 40 974 G YGGO Greenbah AF 30 8 34 149 32 46 AT 645 126.7 16/34 170 563 D Gulgong AF 32 17 55 149 33 38 DT 1452 08/26 90 978 G Gum Springs AG 31 33 44 149 18 13 AT 1685 120 725 Gunnedah AD 30 57 24 150 14 54 AT 863 127.4 11/29 120 1771 A YGDH GunnedahSES AF 31 2 36 150 17 4 AT 952 09/27 100 1079 D Gunyerwarld AF 29 17 17 150 31 33 AT 1121 126.7 09/27 100 1039 S Gurley Silo TP 29 44 0 149 48 0 T 721 Guyra AG 30 11 59 151 40 22 AT 4356 03/21 40 733 G Haddon Rig AF 31 27 58 147 53 45 AT 608 126.7 15/33 160 1017 D YHRG Inglewood AF 28 25 3 151 5 47 AT 932 123.9 08/26 90 978 G Inverell AD 29 53 21 151 8 43 AT 2659 126.7 16/34 170 2252 A YIVL Inverell N AF 29 46 33 151 10 4 AT 2284 126.7 08/26 90 987 G YINO Judes Creek AG 31 28 56 148 39 5 AT 908 40 1045 Kaputar Twr TP 30 17 4 150 10 4 T 4804 Keera AG 30 2 20 150 46 10 AT 1248 150 810 Kennedys AF 30 58 18 150 11 0 AT 1015 20 1052 Kentucky AG 30 48 45 151 30 50 AT 3420 126.71 07/25 130 920 G Keytah AF 29 29 0 149 31 0 AT 601 126.7 01/19 20 1289 A Kilarney AG 30 9 11 150 45 38 AT 1966 130 734 Kingstown AG 30 30 37 151 6 27 AT 2346 126.7 02/20 30 546 G Koiwon AG 29 49 47 149 39 30 AT 649 10 954 Kurrajon Pk AG 31 39 28 149 42 48 AT 1788 100 1580 Lake Keepit AF 30 53 26 150 31 33 HSFDT 1141 122.7 14/32 140 1615 A YKEP Lightning R AD 29 27 8 147 58 31 AT 518 126.7 10/28 110 1521 G YLRD Lindesay AG 30 22 26 150 22 21 AT 2815 13/31 130 775 D Lochalgin AG 30 13 30 149 34 12 AT 653 10 593 Longford AG 30 45 58 151 6 41 AT 2662 60 558 Lorrimer AG 29 36 58 150 58 6 AT 2150 80 721 Lydhurst AG 30 44 40 150 30 38 AT 1250 100 796 Manilla AG 30 45 51 150 43 25 AT 1194 10 748 Mendooran TP 31 50 10 149 7 40 T 1181 Merah N AF 30 7 31 149 26 4 AT 621 170 603 Merrimba AG 31 12 8 147 55 30 AT 570 126.7 14/32 150 1062 D Merryfield AG 30 20 45 151 12 1 AT 2328 100 767 Merrylands AF 30 56 18 149 50 45 AT 918 09/27 10 1179 D Midbk Scone AG 31 58 27 150 48 40 AT 927 10 1119 Middlebrook AF 31 5 4 150 29 31 AT 962 09/27 100 645 D Mihi AG 30 37 2 150 21 1 LT 1776 10 796 Milchomi AG 31 6 32 148 59 39 AT 1125 875 Miles AF 26 48 30 150 10 6 AT 989 126.7 04/22 50 1582 G YMLS Milguy Silo TP 29 20 59 150 11 55 T 890 Miralwyn AF 30 8 55 147 19 34 AT 421 126.7 09/27 100 1327 V Moema AG 30 4 4 149 53 15 AT 949 70 1001 Montana AG 30 4 58 149 57 25 AT 1161 09/27 100 571 D Moree AD 29 29 56 149 50 41 AT 694 126.7 01/19 20 1770 A YMOR MtAbundance AG 31 36 48 149 36 51 AT 1863 60 754 Mudgee AD 32 33 45 149 36 40 AT 1526 126.7 04/22 50 1851 A YMDG Mullaley AF 31 6 31 149 56 18 AT 1020 126.7 12/30 10 710 G YLMB Mungindi AD 28 58 4 149 3 16 AT 552 126.7 12/30 130 1469 A YMGI N Woodside AG 31 19 54 148 9 43 AT 651 80 772 Narrabri AD 30 19 12 149 49 36 AT 730 126.7 18/36 10 1598 A YNBR Narromine AD 32 13 15 148 13 59 AT 783 126.7 11/29 120 1640 A YNRM Nea AG 31 10 5 150 19 57 AT 934 12/30 130 809 D North Star AF 28 52 19 150 24 51 AT 822 130 1356 Nyngan AD 31 33 9 147 11 54 AT 560 126.7 60 1765 Oakhampton AF 30 34 34 150 39 43 AT 1372 16/34 160 763 D Oaky Creek AG 30 31 15 150 36 33 AT 1669 01/19 20 552 D Orange AD 33 22 54 149 7 59 AT 3120 119 11/29 130 1845 A YORG Orungul AF 28 37 6 151 7 20 AT 994 110 1064 Ourimperee AF 30 54 46 150 2 26 AT 917 03/21 150 628 D Oxley AG 31 6 20 147 35 9 AT 527 536 Pallal AG 29 55 16 150 26 11 AT 1319 30 765 Parkes AD 33 7 53 148 14 21 DT 1053 126.7 04/22 50 1800 A YPKS Peak Hill AF 32 43 50 148 12 40 AT 943 113.4 18/36 713 G Peidmont AG 30 14 45 150 37 50 AT 1937 16/34 170 1199 D Pilliga AF 30 22 1 148 54 19 AT 532 119.1 17/35 180 1005 Y YPLG Pine View TP 30 22 57 150 7 59 T 1524 Ponds AG 30 7 23 150 35 52 AT 2054 10 812 Premer AG 31 28 46 149 54 10 AT 1247 123.9 18/36 10 738 G YPRE Primavera AG 30 42 58 150 48 47 AT 1232 126.7 04/22 40 528 G Quambone AF 30 52 46 147 50 30 AT 486 120.0 18/36 10 909 S YQBE Quirindi AD 31 29 55 150 31 5 AT 1054 127.8 13/31 140 1889 A YQDI Quirindi Si TP 31 30 15 150 40 51 T 1297 Rangari AG 30 41 11 150 23 32 AT 1415 126.7 18/36 10 619 D Ridegelands AG 30 11 48 150 36 6 AT 2157 18/36 150 503 D Rocky Creek AG 30 3 1 150 16 20 AT 1297 90 598 Roma AD 26 32 42 148 46 30 AT 1004 126.7 18/36 10 1500 A YROM Rosebery Pk AG 30 7 49 150 9 1 AT 1498 02/20 30 671 D Rowena Eura AF 29 53 56 148 49 51 AT 509 18/36 100 838 Y Rowena Farf AF 29 48 15 148 53 11 AT 507 126.7 18/36 10 763 D Rylstone AD 32 46 15 149 59 36 AT 1997 126.7 09/27 100 971 G Sandy Camp AF 30 51 52 147 45 0 AT 491 126.7 16/34 160 1413 D Scone AD 32 2 16 150 49 53 AT 739 128 11/29 120 1523 A YSCO Silent Grve AG 29 58 9 151 38 5 AT 4571 126.71 18/36 10 672 G YSLG Southwood AF 27 53 42 150 2 33 AT 861 40 677 SPE1 30 50 10 150 31 36 T 1077 SPE2 30 50 20 150 34 43 T 1190 SPE3 30 52 36 150 32 59 T 1148 Split Rock TP 30 34 38 150 41 50 T 1462 Sport Rec AG 30 50 52 150 29 51 AT 1090 15/33 160 430 G Spring rdge AG 31 26 0 150 13 18 AT 1120 18/36 10 706 D SPS1 30 54 42 150 28 7 T 1028 SPS2 30 54 52 150 31 15 T 988 SPS3 30 57 8 150 29 30 T 1136 SPW1 30 50 1 150 28 29 T 1151 SPW2 30 52 26 150 29 52 T 1060 SPW3 30 52 17 150 26 45 T 1243 St Elmo AG 29 23 52 149 21 32 AT 569 70 1389 St George 28 3 1 148 35 43 AT 658 126.7 11/29 110 1639 A YSGE Stanthorpe AD 28 37 12 151 58 53 AT 2897 126.7 08/26 90 1826 A YSPE Strathalie AG 30 56 47 150 34 24 AT 1050 170 916 Strathaven AG 31 14 3 150 38 28 AT 1191 12/30 120 1007 D Strathfield AG 30 38 56 150 44 35 AT 1385 11/29 120 682 D Sundown Val AF 30 27 20 150 59 13 AT 3027 120 1247 Tabletop Mi AG 30 16 9 150 30 25 AT 2289 120 498 Tallawang AG 29 22 54 150 54 48 AT 1803 126.7 17/35 1061 G Tambar Sprg AF 31 18 42 149 50 30 AT 1202 120.5 18/36 10 1522 G Tamworth AD 31 5 2 150 50 48 AT 1315 119.4 12/30 130 2192 A YSTW Tamwrth DME TP 31 4 0 150 49 48 T 1282 Tara AD 27 9 24 150 28 36 AT 1185 126.7 17/35 1206 G YTAA Tellaraga N AG 29 31 12 149 22 48 AT 569 80 1386 Tellaraga S AG 29 35 40 149 24 26 AT 577 10 1209 Tenterfield AD 28 59 30 151 55 45 AT 2610 126.8 07/25 80 1273 D YTFD Terry HieHi TP 29 47 43 150 9 10 T 977 Texas AF 28 50 5 151 9 10 AT 982 08/26 90 917 V The Gap TP 31 21 24 150 35 30 T 1109 The Pines AG 30 58 36 149 43 5 AT 1021 126.7 09/27 100 829 G Tiawandra AG 30 57 34 150 17 28 AT 870 100 739 Tienyah AG 30 46 9 150 27 47 AT 1441 60 739 Togo Stn AF 30 4 54 149 32 37 AT 629 126.7 09/27 100 1128 D Tongy Stn AG 31 58 43 149 47 42 AT 1714 126.7 01/19 20 766 G Tooraweenah AD 31 26 36 148 53 54 AT 1347 127.1 04/22 50 1301 G YTWN Tottenham AF 32 15 22 147 22 9 AT 785 123.9 03/21 40 1104 G YTOT Trangie AF 31 58 32 148 0 15 AT 696 126.7 18/36 10 1595 A YTGI Tranquil AG 30 52 17 150 23 20 AT 1002 18/36 10 660 D Turrawan AG 30 28 43 149 54 41 AT 802 130 514 Twynam AG 29 37 13 150 51 36 AT 1941 126.7 12/30 130 1027 Y Ultralight AF 30 51 55 150 32 19 zT 1122 08/26 90 669 D Upper Hrtn AF 30 6 33 150 24 12 AT 1275 127.1 18/36 10 872 G YUPH Urubula AG 31 16 51 150 19 57 AT 1005 100 1037 Walcha AF 31 0 30 151 33 11 AT 3796 125.75 06/24 70 1540 G YWCH Walgett AD 30 2 0 148 7 30 AT 441 126.7 05/23 60 1632 A YWLG Walladabah TP 31 32 20 150 49 50 T 1559 Wangabutta AF 31 27 15 149 10 7 AT 2119 07/25 130 838 D Warialda AF 29 32 0 150 32 0 AT 1260 127.1 09/27 100 1386 V YWRL Warkworth AF 32 32 53 151 1 24 AT 236 124.8 10/28 110 1536 G YWKW Warraba Stn AG 30 28 24 150 57 53 AT 2903 126.7 09/27 100 484 G Warrah Rdg AG 31 38 2 150 36 41 AT 1173 160 519 Warren AD 31 44 0 147 48 5 AT 650 126.7 09/27 100 1197 A YWRN Watsons Crk TP 30 43 10 151 0 39 T 2876 Wean Racecr AG 30 40 58 150 14 24 AT 916 18/36 100 641 D Wee Waa AD 30 15 30 149 24 30 AT 616 126.7 04/22 50 1184 A YWWA Wee Waa Sth AF 30 17 37 149 29 37 AT 658 10 1101 Weetaliba TP 31 38 23 149 35 2 T 1535 Wellington AD 32 27 45 148 59 27 AT 1304 123.9 13/31 140 1562 A YWEL Werrs Creek AG 31 16 51 150 31 34 AT 964 140 736 Widgen AD 30 11 2 149 40 15 AT 676 160 734 Willow Tree TP 31 39 1 150 43 33 T 1393 Wilsons Crk AG 30 39 41 151 25 39 AT 3425 126.71 08/26 100 1200 G Wimboyne AF 31 34 56 150 10 30 AT 1396 126.7 18/36 901 V Wittagoona AG 30 42 8 150 47 32 AT 1203 02/20 20 754 D Wydidya AF 29 6 46 150 24 46 AT 1071 160 1079 Yahgunyah AG 31 3 51 147 52 43 AT 524 126.7 16/34 170 1108 G Yarramundi AG 31 14 15 148 28 15 AT 709 330 557 Yarran AG 31 26 47 148 18 12 AT 739 100 926