* NAM COM LAT_D LAT_M LON_D LON_M COD ALT FRE RW_D RW_L RW_S ICAO * * ============================================================================== * * Filename "lkeepgp4.stx" created Saturday, 15 November 2014 at 17:46 GMT * Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange format version 0.5.1 * * Lines starting with a * are comments and are ignored by programs using this file * Lines starting with a $ are definitions of parameters available to programs using this file * The first line that is neither a comment nor a definition contains the definitions * of the contents of the columns that follow * All other lines are waypoint definitions * The line containing the column definitions can be placed anywhere before the first waypoint. * It is placed as a comment at the top of this file for convenience in using this file * with a spreadsheet program, where the first line can be placed in a separate window * to label the columns as you scroll down. * The columns are separated by the "tab" character * * The specification of the .STX file format is available at * http://soaringweb.org/TP/stx_specification.html * * This is a 'beta' release to support the release of the NK ClearNav and is subject to change. * * ============================================================================== * * Starting the definition of various parameters for the file * $STX_VERSION 0.5.1 * 16-22 Nov 2014 $CD Y $USE_EXISTING_SUA Y $MAGNETIC_VARIATION 11.3E $STATE_ABBREV NSW $STATE New South Wales $LATITUDE S $LONGITUDE E $ALTITUDE_UNIT feet $DISTANCE_UNIT km $RW_L_UNIT_ m $HOME_SITE Lake Keepit, NSW, Australia [Grand Prix] $CONTEST 2014 Australian FAI SGP Qualifier $IDL_MAP_TITLE Lake Keepit, NSW, 2014 Australian FAI SGP Qualifier $CAI_TITLE LakeKeepit, NSW, SGP $URL_INFORMATION_HIDE www.sgp.aero/australia2015.aspx?contestID=6275 the GP $CONTRIBUTOR Jacques Graells $CONTRIBUTOR_EMAIL jacques.gra@gmail.com $DATUM WGS84 $TIMEZONE_NAME Australia/NSW $COUNTRY AU $HEADER See also the overall Lake Keepit data, the local waypoints within 150 km of Lake Keepit, all of the 2010 comps waypoints, and the 2010 comps control points only. $NAME_NUMER N $FILENAME_3 gp4 $FILENAME_4 kgp4 $FILENAME_5 lkgp4 $FILENAME_8 lkeepgp4 $MODIFICATIONS 25 Oct 04: The 2014 NSW State comps points were used as a base but added 5 Funnel points (N,E,W,NE,SW) the points are exactly 10 KM from the Keepit start/finish point, in line with 14/32, E 90 degree from 14/32, W 90 degree from 14/32, NE in line with 02/20, SW in line with 02/20, Fixed CTAF frequencies. Added missing ICAO codes. Removed code AF or AG from no longer landable points (changed them from Land point to turn point only) (eg: Baan Baa, Keera. Renamed some points to AF/AG/AD when they are landable. Renamed all points to match new GFA naming standard (2 numbers + 4 letters). Fixed a few oversized comment fields. Added point altitude where missing. Fixed/added Rway length when wrong or missing. Fixed inconsistent start points names (Name was ST, comment was SP). $MODIFICATIONS 15 Nov 04: Finish points 82, 83, 84 added. * repeates the comment with lower case $MILOMEI Yes * ============================================================================== * * Filename "lkeepgp4.stx" created Saturday, 15 November 2014 at 17:46 GMT * Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange format version 0.5.1 * * Lines starting with a * are comments and are ignored by programs using this file * Lines starting with a $ are definitions of parameters available to programs using this file * The first line that is neither a comment nor a definition contains the definitions * of the contents of the columns that follow * All other lines are waypoint definitions * The line containing the column definitions can be placed anywhere before the first waypoint. * It is placed as a comment at the top of this file for convenience in using this file * with a spreadsheet program, where the first line can be placed in a separate window * to label the columns as you scroll down. * The columns are separated by the "tab" character * * The specification of the .STX file format is available at * http://soaringweb.org/TP/stx_specification.html * * This is a 'beta' release to support the release of the NK ClearNav and is subject to change. * * ============================================================================== * * Starting the definition of various parameters for the file * $STX_VERSION 0.5.1 $MAGNETIC_VARIATION 11.3E $STATE_ABBREV NSW $LATITUDE S $LONGITUDE E $ALTITUDE_UNIT feet $RW_L_UNIT_ m $HOME_SITE Lake Keepit, NSW, Australia [Grand Prix] $CONTEST 2014 Australian FAI SGP Qualifier $CONTRIBUTOR Jacques Graells $CONTRIBUTOR_EMAIL jacques.gra@gmail.com $DATUM WGS84 $TIMEZONE_NAME Australia/NSW $COUNTRY AU $NAME_NUMER N * repeates the comment with lower case $CONTRIBUTION_DATE 15 November 2014 $LONGITUDE East $LATITUDE South * * ============================================================================== * * The next line defines the contents of columns. It MUST appear before the first waypoint line NAM COM LAT_D LAT_M LON_D LON_M COD ALT FRE RW_D RW_L RW_S ICAO * * Starting the waypoints * 01LKPT LAKE KEEPIT 30 53.440 150 31.550 AHFST 1141 122.7 14/32 1370 YKEP 02SPA1 SPA1 30 55.530 150 30.840 S 994 03SPA2 SPA2 30 51.130 150 24.750 S 1044 04SPA3 SPA3 30 46.900 150 32.200 S 1103 05SPB1 SPB1 30 58.680 150 27.150 S 926 06SPB2 SPB2 30 50.610 150 28.630 S 1169 07SPB3 SPB3 30 48.920 150 36.000 S 1234 08SPC1 SPC1 30 54.620 150 26.360 S 944 09SPC2 SPC2 30 47.630 150 26.090 S 1379 10SPC3 SPC3 30 51.700 150 33.000 S 1098 11FPN FPN 30 48.780 150 28.330 T 1326 12FPW FPW 30 55.810 150 25.840 T 966 13FPE FPE 30 51.610 150 37.420 T 1319 14FPSW FPSW 30 58.630 150 29.800 T 1076 15FPNE FPNE 30 48.430 150 33.860 T 1077 16ARGR ARDGOUR AG 31 39.300 150 02.500 AT 1750 14/32 800 D 17ARIE ARMIDALE AD 30 32.000 151 36.920 AT 3500 124.2 06/24 1800 YARM 18ASLY ASHLEY AF 29 17.970 149 46.060 AT 680 18/36 1200 V 19BABA BAAN BAA 30 32.937 149 56.802 T 765 20BARA BARRABA AD 30 23.600 150 35.860 AT 1680 127.1 15/33 1120 G YBBA 21BELA BELLATA SILO 29 55.658 149 47.230 T 748 22BEWS BERWICKS AF 31 44.000 150 25.000 AT 1350 127.1 13/31 900 V 23BIGA BINGARA AF 29 49.010 150 32.340 AT 1000 127.1 10/28 1130 V YBIA 24BIGY BINIGUY AF 29 30.330 150 11.508 AT 800 127.1 18/36 2000 G YBGY 25BNWY BINNAWAY 31 32.833 149 22.500 T 1329 26BOGI BOGGABRI AF 30 43.396 150 02.727 AT 800 127.1 03/21 920 G YBOG 27BRZA BREEZA SILO 31 14.350 150 27.300 T 1030 28BRGS BRIGALOWS AF 30 13.005 150 22.093 AT 1400 127.1 03/21 670 D 29BUDA BUNDARA 30 10.200 151 04.566 T 2110 30BUJN BURREN JN AD 30 09.500 148 58.500 AT 530 127.1 14/32 1230 V YBRJ 31CATP CASTLETOP AG 30 08.000 150 07.000 AT 1500 13/31 450 32COLH COOLAH AD 31 46.500 149 36.500 AT 1654 126.7 08/26 1080 G YCAH 33COLI COOLATAI 29 15.068 150 45.130 T 1506 34COBN COONABARABRN 31 20.000 149 15.700 AT 2117 126.7 11/29 1500 A YCBB 35CULS CURLEWIS 31 07.120 150 16.060 T 1073 36DELA DELUNGRA AF 29 38.000 150 46.000 AT 1900 127.1 11/29 1000 G 37EDRI EDGEROI SILO 30 06.980 149 47.790 T 928 38EMHL EMERALD HILL 30 53.160 150 06.239 T 892 39EUGE EUMUNGERIE 31 56.500 148 37.250 T 988 40GARH GARAH SILO 29 04.569 149 38.290 T 643 41GIGA GILGANDRA 31 42.667 148 40.000 T 909 42GLIS GLN INNES AD 29 40.500 151 41.420 AT 3422 126.7 10/28 1660 A YGLI 43GLCE GLENCAIRE AF 30 48.280 151 06.830 AT 2700 13/31 580 44GUDH GUNNEDAH AD 30 57.400 150 14.900 AT 863 127.4 11/29 1660 A YGDH 45GULY GURLEY SILO 29 44.000 149 48.000 T 679 46GURA GUYRA 30 13.300 151 40.200 T 4000 47INRL INVERELL AD 29 53.333 151 09.000 AT 2667 126.7 16/34 2110 A YIVL 48KATR KAPUTAR TWR 30 17.069 150 10.075 T 4953 49KERA KEERA 30 03.000 150 45.000 T 1250 50KETY KENTUCKY AF 30 48.750 151 30.833 AT 3400 127.1 07/25 600 G 51KETH KEYTAH AF 29 29.000 149 31.000 AT 620 127.1 01/19 1300 A 52KITN KINGSTOWN 30 30.416 151 07.000 T 2400 53LOFD LONGFORD 30 45.970 151 06.680 T 2600 54MAIA MANILLA AF 30 45.854 150 43.412 AT 1200 127.1 01/19 750 55MEDN MENDOORAN 31 50.166 149 07.666 T 1181 56MERS MERRYLNDS AF 30 56.304 149 50.752 AT 900 127.1 09/27 1200 D 57MIGY MILGUY SILO 29 20.988 150 11.920 T 755 58MORE MOREE AD 29 29.933 149 50.683 AT 701 126.7 01/19 1590 A YMOR 59MULY MULLALEY AF 31 06.526 149 56.305 AT 1000 127.1 12/30 1050 G YLMB 60NARI NARRABRI AD 30 19.200 149 49.600 AT 788 126.7 18/36 1530 A YNBR 61NARE NARROMINE AD 32 13.250 148 13.983 AT 782 126.7 11/29 1500 A YNRM 62NOSR NTH STAR AF 28 55.350 150 23.200 AT 1000 18/36 1300 G 63PRMR PREMER AG 31 28.768 149 54.173 AT 1300 127.1 18/36 800 G YPRE 64QURI QUIRINDI AD 31 29.917 150 31.083 AT 1054 127.8 13/31 1780 A YQDI 65RAGI RANGARI AF 30 41.183 150 23.534 AT 1400 119.4 18/36 600 D 66SPRK SPLIT ROCK 30 35.250 150 41.333 T 1342 67SPRE SPRNG RDG AF 31 26.004 150 13.302 AT 1100 18/36 700 D 68TMSS TAMBAR SP AF 31 18.706 149 50.496 AT 1100 120.5 18/36 1300 G YTMS 69TMWH TAMWORTH AD 31 05.033 150 50.800 AT 1334 119.4 12/30 2210 A YSTW 70TMDE TAMWORTH DME 31 04.000 150 49.800 T 1334 71TEHE TERRY HIE HI 29 47.716 150 09.166 T 977 72TOGO TOGO STN AF 30 04.900 149 32.610 AT 650 127.1 09/27 1200 D YTOG 73TORH TOORAWEENAH 31 26.600 148 53.900 AT 1380 127.1 04/22 1150 G YTWN 74UPHN UPPER HORTON 30 06.554 150 24.209 AT 1300 18/36 1000 G YUPH 75WACA WALCHA AF 31 00.000 151 34.000 AT 3793 127.1 06/24 1300 G YWCH 76WAGT WALGETT AD 30 02.000 148 07.500 AT 439 126.7 05/23 1630 A YWLG 77WAAA WARIALDA AF 29 32.000 150 32.000 AT 1140 127.1 09/27 1040 V YWRL 78WACK WATSONS CRK 30 43.170 151 00.650 T 2870 79WEWA WEE WAA AD 30 15.500 149 24.500 AT 622 126.7 04/22 1130 A YWWA 80WETA WEETALIBA 31 38.568 149 35.330 T 1453 81WIBE WIMBOYNE AF 31 34.931 150 10.502 AT 1400 126.7 18/36 800 V 82EPN Finish North 30 53.020S 150 31.320E FA 1097 122.7 14/32 1370 D YKEP 83EPS Finish South 30 53.860S 150 31.790E FA 1153 122.7 14/32 1370 D YKEP 84EPE Finish East 30 53.360S 150 31.940E FA 1177 122.7 D YKEP