* NUM NAM ID LAT_D LAT_M LAT_S NS LON_D LON_M LON_S EW COD ALT FRE RW_D RW_H RW_L RW_S ICAO CUP_PICS * * ============================================================================== * * Filename "kazan_20.stx" created Saturday, 21 November 2020 at 17:55 GMT * Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange format version 0.5.2 * * Lines starting with a * are comments and are ignored by programs using this file * Lines starting with a $ are definitions of parameters available to programs using this file * The first line that is neither a comment nor a definition contains the definitions * of the contents of the columns that follow * All other lines are waypoint definitions * The line containing the column definitions can be placed anywhere before the first waypoint. * It is placed as a comment at the top of this file for convenience in using this file * with a spreadsheet program, where the first line can be placed in a separate window * to label the columns as you scroll down. * The columns are separated by the "tab" character * * The specification of the .STX file format is available at * http://soaringweb.org/TP/stx_specification.html * * This is a 'beta' release to support the release of the NK ClearNav and is subject to change. * * ============================================================================== * * Starting the definition of various parameters for the file * $STX_VERSION 0.5.2 * combine_icao run on Saturday, 21 November 2020 at 17:49 GMT $EXTRACT_FROM_EXISTING_SUA /home/leib/WSX/Airspace/RU/RU.txt $TIME_ZONE_NAME Europe/Moscow $HOME Baltasi [Kazan], Tatarstan, Russia $CONTEST Tatarstan Gliding Championship 2020 $CONTRIBUTOR Sergey Klyuev * check URLs from the IGC * URL_Information: www.soaringspot.com/rccb2016/ the contest $URL_TURNPOINTS www.soaringspot.com/en_gb/kazan-2020/downloads * Baltasinskiy Region $FILENAME_3 kz0 $FILENAME_4 kzn0 $FILENAME_5 kazn0 $FILENAME_8 kazan_20 $FILENAME_FULL Baltasi, Tatarstan, Russia 2020 $COUNTRY RU $CAI_TITLE Baltasi Kazan] Tatarstan Russia $MAGNETIC_VARIATION 13.0E $MODIFICATIONS 08 Jun 11: Original contribution courtesy of Sergey Klyuev $MODIFICATIONS 05 Oct 14: Ilec airspace file updated with AirParse Version 2.5 $MODIFICATIONS 24 Nov 16: 001-SART, 002-SART, 003-SART, 004-SART, 005-SART, 006-SART, 28CIPYA, 29SARD, and 30NUSA added.   0Koshkino, Mariyets, and Stku removed. $MODIFICATIONS 21 Nov 20: Kuba and Vesu added. * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- $CUP_TASK ,"01BALT","000-START","03STAS","04KREN","09KUKM","26MALM","FINISH","01BALT" $CUP_TASK Options,TaskTime=00:02:00,WpDis=False $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=2,R1=1000m,A1=180,Move=1,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=1,Style=2,R1=10000m,A1=180 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=2,Style=2,R1=15000m,A1=180 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=3,Style=2,R1=15000m,A1=180 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=4,Style=2,R1=10000m,A1=180 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=5,Style=3,R1=500m,A1=180,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ,"01BALT","000-START","10LAZA","26MALM","09KUKM","04KREN","FINISH","01BALT" $CUP_TASK Options,TaskTime=02:30:00,WpDis=False $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=2,R1=5000m,A1=180,Move=1,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=1,Style=2,R1=10000m,A1=180 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=2,Style=2,R1=5000m,A1=180 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=3,Style=2,R1=20000m,A1=180 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=4,Style=2,R1=5000m,A1=180 $CUP_TASK ,"000-START","000-START","06NKLU","10LAZA","26MALM","04KREN","03STAS","FINISH","FINISH" $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=2,R1=500m,A1=180,Move=1,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=6,Style=3,R1=500m,A1=180,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ,"000-START","000-START","06NKLU","26MALM","04KREN","09KUKM","FINISH","FINISH" $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=2,R1=500m,A1=180,Move=1,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=5,Style=3,R1=500m,A1=180,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ,"000-START","000-START","03STAS","10LAZA","26MALM","04KREN","FINISH","01BALT" $CUP_TASK Options,TaskTime=02:20:00,WpDis=False $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=0,R1=1500m,A1=180,A12=267.1,Move=1,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=1,Style=2,R1=10000m,A1=180 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=2,Style=2,R1=20000m,A1=180 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=3,Style=2,R1=10000m,A1=180 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=4,Style=2,R1=10000m,A1=180 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=5,Style=3,R1=500m,A1=180,Line=1 $CUP_TASK "18/06/16","000-START","003-START","03STAS","02HLEB","FINISH","FINISH" $CUP_TASK Options,TaskTime=01:30:00,WpDis=False $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=2,R1=5000m,A1=45,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=1,Style=1,R1=10000m,A1=180 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=2,Style=1,R1=15000m,A1=180 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=3,Style=3,R1=2000m,A1=180 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- $ALTITUDE_UNIT METERS $RW_L_UNIT METERS * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- $MILOMEI Yes * ============================================================================== * * Filename "kazan_20.stx" created Saturday, 21 November 2020 at 17:55 GMT * Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange format version 0.5.2 * * Lines starting with a * are comments and are ignored by programs using this file * Lines starting with a $ are definitions of parameters available to programs using this file * The first line that is neither a comment nor a definition contains the definitions * of the contents of the columns that follow * All other lines are waypoint definitions * The line containing the column definitions can be placed anywhere before the first waypoint. * It is placed as a comment at the top of this file for convenience in using this file * with a spreadsheet program, where the first line can be placed in a separate window * to label the columns as you scroll down. * The columns are separated by the "tab" character * * The specification of the .STX file format is available at * http://soaringweb.org/TP/stx_specification.html * * This is a 'beta' release to support the release of the NK ClearNav and is subject to change. * * ============================================================================== * * Starting the definition of various parameters for the file * $STX_VERSION 0.5.2 $TIME_ZONE_NAME Europe/Moscow $HOME Baltasi [Kazan], Tatarstan, Russia $CONTEST Tatarstan Gliding Championship 2020 $CONTRIBUTOR Sergey Klyuev $COUNTRY RU $MAGNETIC_VARIATION 13.0E $CUP_TASK ,"01BALT","000-START","03STAS","04KREN","09KUKM","26MALM","FINISH","01BALT" $CUP_TASK Options,TaskTime=00:02:00,WpDis=False $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=2,R1=1000m,A1=180,Move=1,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=1,Style=2,R1=10000m,A1=180 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=2,Style=2,R1=15000m,A1=180 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=3,Style=2,R1=15000m,A1=180 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=4,Style=2,R1=10000m,A1=180 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=5,Style=3,R1=500m,A1=180,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ,"01BALT","000-START","10LAZA","26MALM","09KUKM","04KREN","FINISH","01BALT" $CUP_TASK Options,TaskTime=02:30:00,WpDis=False $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=2,R1=5000m,A1=180,Move=1,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=1,Style=2,R1=10000m,A1=180 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=2,Style=2,R1=5000m,A1=180 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=3,Style=2,R1=20000m,A1=180 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=4,Style=2,R1=5000m,A1=180 $CUP_TASK ,"000-START","000-START","06NKLU","10LAZA","26MALM","04KREN","03STAS","FINISH","FINISH" $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=2,R1=500m,A1=180,Move=1,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=6,Style=3,R1=500m,A1=180,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ,"000-START","000-START","06NKLU","26MALM","04KREN","09KUKM","FINISH","FINISH" $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=2,R1=500m,A1=180,Move=1,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=5,Style=3,R1=500m,A1=180,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ,"000-START","000-START","03STAS","10LAZA","26MALM","04KREN","FINISH","01BALT" $CUP_TASK Options,TaskTime=02:20:00,WpDis=False $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=0,R1=1500m,A1=180,A12=267.1,Move=1,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=1,Style=2,R1=10000m,A1=180 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=2,Style=2,R1=20000m,A1=180 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=3,Style=2,R1=10000m,A1=180 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=4,Style=2,R1=10000m,A1=180 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=5,Style=3,R1=500m,A1=180,Line=1 $CUP_TASK "18/06/16","000-START","003-START","03STAS","02HLEB","FINISH","FINISH" $CUP_TASK Options,TaskTime=01:30:00,WpDis=False $CUP_TASK ObsZone=0,Style=2,R1=5000m,A1=45,Line=1 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=1,Style=1,R1=10000m,A1=180 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=2,Style=1,R1=15000m,A1=180 $CUP_TASK ObsZone=3,Style=3,R1=2000m,A1=180 $ALTITUDE_UNIT METERS $RW_L_UNIT METERS $CONTRIBUTION_DATE 26 September 2020 * * ============================================================================== * * The next line defines the contents of columns. It MUST appear before the first waypoint line NUM NAM ID LAT_D LAT_M LAT_S NS LON_D LON_M LON_S EW COD ALT FRE RW_D RW_H RW_L RW_S ICAO CUP_PICS * * Starting the waypoints * Start 0 000-SART 56 22 13 N 50 12 38 E S 160 Start 1 001-SART 56 23 25 N 50 7 38 E S 156 Start 2 002-SART 56 25 16 N 50 11 7 E S 162 Start 3 003-SART 56 23 21 N 50 16 56 E S 147.1 Start 4 004-SART 56 21 12 N 50 16 2 E S 91.1 Start 5 005-SART 56 19 28 N 50 12 22 E S 164.4 Start 6 006-SART 56 20 54 N 50 9 10 E S 101.1 1 Baltasi 01BALT 56 22 10 N 50 12 41 E HDSFT 157 2 Hlebnikovo 02HLEB 56 38 44 N 49 56 12 E T 140.4 3 Star Ashit 03STAS 56 21 13 N 49 40 0 E T 123 4 Krenni 04KREN 56 5 25 N 50 16 30 E T 126 5 Tat-Kitnya 05TKIT 56 48 22 N 49 42 42 E T 124 6 Nuzh-Klyuch 06NKLU 56 24 10 N 49 17 42 E T 146 7 Kosolapovo 07KOSO 56 56 0 N 49 36 18 E T 133 8 Morki 08MORK 56 25 54 N 48 59 42 E T 113 9 Kukmor 09KUKM 56 11 9 N 50 53 42 E T 109 10 Lazarevo 10LAZA 56 49 38 N 50 12 48 E T 131 11 Shemordan 11SHEM 56 11 9 N 50 24 12 E T 194 12 Ananur 12ANNR 57 16 13 N 49 10 18 E T 110 13 Kozhlayer 13KOGL 56 21 54 N 48 43 36 E T 162 14 Bol'shaya Atnya 14BATN 56 15 0 N 49 27 30 E T 131 15 Kuzhener 15KUGE 56 48 38 N 48 57 0 E T 208 16 Paran'ga 16PARA 56 42 12 N 49 25 48 E T 152 17 Sernur 17SERN 56 56 0 N 49 11 24 E T 134 18 Kazanskoye 18KAZA 57 8 45 N 49 10 48 E T 136 19 Baisa 19BAIS 57 11 51 N 49 31 42 E T 124 20 Buyskoye 20BUYS 57 4 54 N 49 42 48 E T 109 21 Mariyets 21MARI 56 30 44 N 49 50 24 E T 175 22 Ilet' 22ILET 56 34 12 N 49 31 12 E T 153 23 Urnyak 23URNY 56 13 38 N 50 0 30 E T 126 24 Tat-Verkh-Gon'ba 24TVGA 56 39 12 N 50 28 12 E T 115 25 Koshkino 25KOSH 56 19 44 N 50 48 15 E T 85 26 Malmyzh 26MALM 56 31 12 N 50 40 30 E T 80 27 Stary Kushket 27STKU 56 25 16 N 50 19 19 E T 107.7 28 Cipya 28CIPYA 56 31 29 N 50 17 54 E T 113 29 Sardek-Bash 29SARD 56 19 18 N 50 34 21 E T 139.9 30 Nusa 30NUSA 56 26 34 N 49 55 10 E T 160 31 Kushketbash 31KUBA 56 26 34 N 50 10 39 E T 110 32 Verkhniy Subash 32VESU 56 29 22 N 50 6 46 E T 110 Finish FINISH 56 22 14 N 50 12 26 E FD 160.8 Finish NE FNE 56 22 27 N 50 12 31 E FD 161.9 Finish NW FNW 56 22 26 N 50 12 4 E FD 159.7 Finish SE FSE 56 21 59 N 50 12 44 E FD 150.2 Finish SW FSW 56 22 4 N 50 12 13 E FD 147