* NAM ID COM LAT_D LAT_M LAT_S LON_D LON_M LON_S EW COD ALT FRE RW_D RW_H RW_L RW_S ICAO * * ============================================================================== * * Filename "jonkopg0.stx" created Wednesday, 14 July 2010 at 21:58 GMT * Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange format version 0.5.1 * * Lines starting with a * are comments and are ignored by programs using this file * Lines starting with a $ are definitions of parameters available to programs using this file * The first line that is neither a comment nor a definition contains the definitions * of the contents of the columns that follow * All other lines are waypoint definitions * The line containing the column definitions can be placed anywhere before the first waypoint. * It is placed as a comment at the top of this file for convenience in using this file * with a spreadsheet program, where the first line can be placed in a separate window * to label the columns as you scroll down. * The columns are separated by the "tab" character * * The specification of the .STX file format is available at * http://soaringweb.org/TP/stx_specification.html * * This is a 'beta' release to support the release of the NK ClearNav and is subject to change. * * ============================================================================== * * Starting the definition of various parameters for the file * $STX_VERSION 0.5.1 $EXTRACT_FROM_EXISTING_SUA /home/leib/WSX/Airspace/SE/SE.txt $COUNTRY SE $CONTEST Skyrace 2010 $HOME Jönköping, Sweden $CONTRIBUTOR Gunnar Axelsson $CONTRIBUTOR_E-MAIL gaxelsson@hotmail.com $TIMEZONE_NAME MET $ALTITUDE_UNIT Meters $RW_L_UNIT Meters $MODIFICATIONS 23 Mar 06: Original contribution. $MODIFICATIONS 07 May 06: Airspace files changed $MODIFICATIONS 19 Jan 10: Magnetic Variation added $MODIFICATIONS 14 Jul 10: Start Alpha, Start Bravo, and Start Charlie added.   Galmern N Spets, Säby Ka, and V Eneby Ka removed. $FILENAME_3 jn0 $FILENAME_4 jnk0 $FILENAME_5 jnkp0 $FILENAME_8 jonkopg0 $MAGNETIC_VARIATION 3.2E $MILOMEI Yes $RW_L_UNIT METERS $MILOMEI Yes * ============================================================================== * * Filename "jonkopg0.stx" created Wednesday, 14 July 2010 at 21:58 GMT * Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange format version 0.5.1 * * Lines starting with a * are comments and are ignored by programs using this file * Lines starting with a $ are definitions of parameters available to programs using this file * The first line that is neither a comment nor a definition contains the definitions * of the contents of the columns that follow * All other lines are waypoint definitions * The line containing the column definitions can be placed anywhere before the first waypoint. * It is placed as a comment at the top of this file for convenience in using this file * with a spreadsheet program, where the first line can be placed in a separate window * to label the columns as you scroll down. * The columns are separated by the "tab" character * * The specification of the .STX file format is available at * http://soaringweb.org/TP/stx_specification.html * * This is a 'beta' release to support the release of the NK ClearNav and is subject to change. * * ============================================================================== * * Starting the definition of various parameters for the file * $STX_VERSION 0.5.1 $COUNTRY SE $CONTEST Skyrace 2010 $HOME Jönköping, Sweden $CONTRIBUTOR Gunnar Axelsson $CONTRIBUTOR_E-MAIL gaxelsson@hotmail.com $TIMEZONE_NAME MET $ALTITUDE_UNIT Meters $RW_L_UNIT Meters $MAGNETIC_VARIATION 3.2E $RW_L_UNIT METERS $DECIMAL_SEPARATOR , $CONTRIBUTION_DATE 14 July 2010 $LATITUDE North * * ============================================================================== * * The next line defines the contents of columns. It MUST appear before the first waypoint line NAM ID COM LAT_D LAT_M LAT_S LON_D LON_M LON_S EW COD ALT FRE RW_D RW_H RW_L RW_S ICAO * * Starting the waypoints * Ålleberg Flp Res 001 58 8 8 13 36 20 E AT 327 Älmhult Station 002 56 33 6 14 8 25 E T 150 Almundsryd Ka 003 56 27 49 14 42 4 E T 141 Alsterbro 004 56 56 12 15 54 55 E T 111 Alvesta 005 56 53 56 14 33 39 E T 145 Älvsered Ka 006 57 14 30 12 52 11 E T 139 Anderstorp Flp 007 ESMP 57 16 5 13 36 22 E AT 156 123.4 04/22 3210 A ESMP Aneboda Ka 008 57 7 16 14 34 0 E T 207 Annerstad Ka 009 56 45 39 13 43 28 E T 151 Asa Ka 010 57 9 55 14 47 51 E T 186 Asby Ka 011 57 54 15 15 12 28 E T 189 Åseda Ka 012 57 10 11 15 20 57 E T 238 Åsenhöga Ka 013 57 24 25 13 48 0 E T 272 Askeryd Ka 014 57 48 22 14 59 40 E T 266 Åsunden N-Spets 015 57 48 10 13 24 18 E T 168 Bäckseda Ka 016 57 24 3 15 4 48 E T 189 Båraryd Ka 017 57 20 49 13 31 39 E T 213 Beateberg Ka 018 58 35 11 14 16 22 E T 138 Björkö Ka 020 57 30 57 14 54 35 E T 216 Blåvik Ka 021 58 3 37 15 3 55 E T 166 Bor Stn 022 57 6 58 14 10 19 E T 160 Borås Gamla Sege 023 57 41 52 12 50 8 E AT 173 123.65 Borgunda Vägk 024 58 18 3 13 48 29 E T 179 Bredaryd Ka 025 57 10 27 13 44 23 E T 158 Bredestad Ka 026 57 49 1 14 51 25 E T 174 Broaryd Ka 027 57 7 20 13 14 35 E T 130 Burseryd Ka 028 57 12 31 13 17 21 E T 152 Dädesjö Ka 029 57 0 39 15 6 35 E T 221 Dalstorp Ka 030 57 36 42 13 30 46 E T 212 Djursdala Ka 031 57 46 11 15 51 32 E T 133 Edshult Ka 032 57 33 54 15 13 16 E T 221 Eksjö/Ränneslätt 148 57 40 16 14 56 43 E AT 220 123.45 Emmaboda FLP 033 56 37 0 15 36 34 E AT 136 Eskilsryd Väg/Jvg 034 56 39 42 15 42 11 E T 160 Exen N Spets 036 56 41 35 13 45 9 E T 129 Fagerhult Ka 038 57 8 57 15 40 1 E T 193 Falköping Flp 039 ESGK 58 10 13 13 35 26 E AT 240 122.8 04/22 4330 A ESGK Fegen S Spets 041 57 6 23 13 2 15 E T 139 Feringe Flp Taxi 042 56 57 15 13 55 35 E AT 165 122.25 Finish 36 FIN36 57 35 54 14 17 8 E HFSA 205 Fivlered Ka 043 57 56 49 13 39 39 E T 203 Flisby Ka 044 57 45 40 14 50 42 E T 229 Floby Stn 045 58 8 20 13 20 8 E T 222 Fryele Ka 046 57 15 42 14 9 21 E T 181 Furuby Ka 047 56 51 4 15 2 12 E T 198 Gällaryd Ka 048 57 7 56 14 17 26 E T 185 Gislaved Ka 050 57 18 20 13 32 32 E T 160 Gnosjö Stn 051 57 21 30 13 44 20 E T 159 Göteryd Ka 052 56 34 18 13 53 19 E T 132 Guddarp Vägkors 054 56 55 23 13 53 0 E T 156 Gullringen Stn 055 57 48 10 15 42 24 E T 157 Hagshult Flp 056 ESMV 57 17 17 14 7 55 E AT 169 132.25 04/22 6720 A ESMV Hagshult Ka 057 57 20 24 14 11 36 E T 207 Hallaryd Ka 058 56 29 11 13 53 20 E T 130 Hamneda Ka 059 56 42 1 13 51 20 E T 133 Hängasjön S-Spets 060 56 36 18 13 53 50 E T 139 Hästveda Ka 062 56 16 50 13 57 9 E T 91 Herrljunga Flp 063 58 1 58 13 6 36 E AT 147 123.65 Hässleby Ka 061 57 36 58 15 33 41 E T 147 Hindsen S-Spets 064 57 7 42 14 10 19 E T 180 Hinneryd Ka 065 56 37 5 13 36 41 E T 162 Hjälmseryd Ka 066 57 14 44 14 31 3 E T 234 Högsby Ka 067 57 9 54 16 1 37 E T 71 Hökesjön S-Spets 068 57 38 22 15 45 30 E T 163 Holsljunga Ka 069 57 25 13 12 57 52 E T 154 Holssjön S-Spets 070 57 23 4 12 55 34 E T 156 Höreda Ka 072 57 36 48 15 1 42 E T 205 Horn Ka 073 57 54 5 15 50 30 E T 124 Hornsborg Bro 074 56 39 0 13 48 26 E T 144 Hova Ka 075 58 51 34 14 13 14 E T 104 Hovmantorp Ka 076 56 47 20 15 8 10 E T 156 Hult Ka 077 57 37 54 15 7 33 E T 221 Hultsjö Ka 079 57 18 57 14 42 53 E T 248 Hultsfeld Flp 078 57 31 18 15 50 10 E AT 112 124.05 Ingatorp Ka 080 57 38 19 15 24 41 E T 167 IP36 IP36 57 34 19 14 16 23 E T 205 Jäla Stn 081 58 1 10 13 21 45 E T 200 Jämshög Ka 082 56 14 22 14 32 10 E T 44 Jareda Ka 083 57 24 13 15 36 21 E T 98 Kalv Ka 084 57 14 39 13 4 36 E T 140 Kalvsvik Ka 085 56 43 7 14 43 42 E T 151 Kånna Ka 086 56 46 45 13 54 12 E T 135 Kansjön SV-Spets 087 57 38 2 14 32 15 E T 313 Kärda Ka 088 57 10 22 13 55 16 E T 174 Karlskoga S Ban 089 59 20 26 14 29 39 E T 122 Kinnarp Fabrik 090 58 4 37 13 31 25 E T 273 Kisa Ka 091 57 59 24 15 37 55 E T 116 Kosta Bana/Vag 093 56 50 22 15 27 25 E AT 229 Kråksmåla Ka 094 57 1 20 15 51 22 E T 163 Kristdala Ka 095 57 24 0 16 12 15 E T 74 Krön S-Spets 096 57 41 29 15 49 51 E T 121 Kronobergshed Flp 097 56 58 31 14 34 9 E AT 185 123.45 18/36 2650 G Kulltorp Ka 098 57 15 23 13 47 15 E T 172 Kyrkhult Ka 099 56 21 20 14 35 28 E T 139 L Sinnern V-Sund 100 57 5 32 16 1 18 E T 160 Lagan/E4 Bro 101 56 30 30 13 40 28 E T 105 Lammhult Ka 102 57 10 10 14 35 40 E T 217 Landeryd Stn 103 57 4 37 13 16 6 E T 134 Länghem Ka 104 57 35 55 13 15 12 E T 175 Laxå Hangar 105 58 58 45 14 40 3 E AT 119 123.4 03/21 887 A ESSH Liared Ka 106 57 50 22 13 39 1 E T 272 Limmared Stn 108 57 32 10 13 21 19 E T 177 Linneryd Ka 109 56 39 25 15 8 4 E T 148 Ljuder Ka 110 56 40 58 15 19 5 E T 146 Ljungby Ka 111 56 50 5 13 56 15 E T 143 Locknevi Ka 112 57 47 53 16 4 59 E T 111 Lönsboda Ka 113 56 23 52 14 19 35 E T 138 Loshult Ka 114 56 30 8 14 7 3 E T 134 Målilla Ka 115 57 23 12 15 47 56 E T 94 Malmbäck Ka 116 57 34 47 14 27 53 E T 289 Marbäck Ka 117 57 44 39 13 25 5 E T 184 Markaryd Ka 118 56 28 15 13 34 29 E T 109 Möasjön S-Spets 119 57 21 56 14 20 13 E T 212 Möckeln V-Spets 120 56 56 23 15 25 41 E T 239 Moholm S Ban 121 58 35 25 14 6 17 E AT 88 Mullsjö Stn 122 57 54 16 13 51 55 E T 241 Myresjö Ka 123 57 22 40 14 56 18 E T 206 N Ljunga Ka 124 57 22 36 14 35 54 E T 222 N Vi Ka 125 57 53 7 15 21 11 E T 153 Nässjö Gla Ka 126 57 41 4 14 39 40 E T 276 Nässjö TV-Mast 127 57 38 37 14 40 20 E T 328 Nöbbele Ka 128 56 41 53 15 1 20 E T 173 Nottebäck Ka 129 57 6 2 15 10 55 E T 231 Nöttja Ka 130 56 42 55 13 46 3 E T 147 Nydala Ka 131 57 19 23 14 20 36 E T 194 Ö Frölunda Ka 132 57 20 30 13 2 10 E T 131 Ödestugu Flp 133 57 36 8 14 17 21 E AT 205 123.45 18/36 18 1800 G Okna Ka 134 57 26 6 15 26 0 E T 215 Orrefors Glasbruk 136 56 50 30 15 45 3 E T 161 Örsås Ka 137 57 26 34 13 7 30 E T 163 Örsjö Ka 138 56 42 1 15 45 21 E T 115 Os Ka 139 57 11 54 14 20 22 E T 161 Österbymo Vägk 142 57 49 28 15 17 28 E T 186 Pelarne Ka 143 57 37 39 15 42 59 E T 123 Raklangen S Spet 146 57 54 39 15 3 24 E T 227 Ramkvilla Ka 147 57 12 16 14 57 10 E T 195 Rävemåla Ka 149 56 33 20 15 15 56 E T 157 Reftele Ka 150 57 10 53 13 34 12 E T 150 Roasjö Ka 151 57 32 37 12 58 5 E T 160 Rörvik Stn 152 57 14 16 14 35 14 E T 208 Rumskulla Ka 153 57 40 34 15 35 40 E T 148 Rusken Damm 154 57 16 30 14 23 25 E T 206 Rusken S Spets 155 57 11 10 14 21 2 E T 189 Rydaholm Ka 156 56 59 27 14 16 52 E T 230 Ryssby Ka 157 56 51 55 14 9 51 E T 145 S Ljunga Ka 158 56 44 25 13 58 27 E T 134 S Solberga Ka 159 57 14 33 15 2 53 E T 173 S Vi Ka 160 57 44 38 15 48 11 E T 119 S Vixen N Spets 161 57 38 1 14 52 59 E T 227 Sandhem Ka 163 57 59 42 13 47 19 E T 235 Sandsjön S-Spets 164 56 53 35 15 20 24 E T 191 Sandvik Ka 165 57 10 37 13 9 38 E T 132 Sexdrega Ka 166 57 34 38 13 7 27 E T 167 Sk Fagerhult Flp 167 ESMF 56 23 23 13 28 26 E AT 116 123.6 17/35 1730 G ESMF Skara Ka 168 58 23 13 13 26 30 E T 114 Skärsjön V-Spets 169 57 15 24 14 50 35 E T 171 Skatelöv Ka 170 56 45 25 14 34 51 E T 151 Skede Ka 171 57 28 20 15 10 46 E T 149 Skillingaryd Stn 173 57 25 43 14 5 40 E T 187 Skirö Ka 174 57 22 27 15 22 32 E T 174 Skövde Segelhangar 175 58 27 10 13 58 38 E AT 98 122.325 Skruv Stn 176 56 40 41 15 22 13 E T 147 Slätthög Ka 177 57 1 15 14 30 55 E T 194 Sm Stenar Flp 178 57 9 59 13 26 20 E AT 166 123.2 Söraby Ka 179 57 1 34 14 53 35 E T 174 Start Alpha STARTPHA 57 33 42 14 23 17 E S 316 Start Bravo STARTAWO 57 31 40 14 18 27 E S 252 Start Charlie STARTLIE 57 36 32 14 25 38 E S 310 Stenberga Ka 180 57 19 20 15 25 21 E T 199 Stockaryd Ka 182 57 18 58 14 35 27 E T 220 Stråken S-Spets 183 57 3 39 14 35 45 E T 167 Svenarum Ka 184 57 28 17 14 19 8 E T 193 Svinhult Ka 185 57 45 14 15 22 57 E T 290 Tånnö Ka 186 57 5 29 14 2 50 E T 149 Tävelsås Ka 187 56 46 34 14 49 47 E T 162 Tibro Stn 188 58 25 30 14 10 13 E T 117 Tidaholm N Ban 189 58 11 43 14 0 15 E AT 140 123.65 Tidersrum Ka 190 57 55 36 15 29 52 E T 182 Timmele Flp Hangar 191 57 52 28 13 25 57 E AT 180 123.65 Timmersdala 192 58 31 36 13 46 3 E T 94 Tolken S Spets 193 57 44 0 13 12 51 E T 263 Töreboda Stn 194 58 42 2 14 7 54 E T 96 Torpa Ka 195 56 42 35 13 35 50 E T 150 Tranemo Ka 196 57 29 16 13 20 59 E T 166 Traryd Ka 197 56 34 50 13 44 56 E T 131 Tuna Ka 198 57 34 0 16 8 8 E T 96 Tutaryd Ka 199 56 50 38 14 3 2 E T 152 Ullene Ka 200 58 11 10 13 21 2 E T 149 Unnaryd Ka 202 56 57 19 13 32 1 E T 149 Uråsa N Ban 203 56 41 28 14 56 40 E AT 167 Urshult Ka 204 56 31 51 14 48 6 E T 149 V Ryd Ka 206 57 48 6 15 9 2 E T 203 V Torsås Ka 207 56 39 1 14 31 10 E T 182 Vallsjö Ka 208 57 23 50 14 41 42 E T 236 Vallsjön N-Spets 209 57 26 30 14 46 22 E T 234 Våmmesjön O-Spets 210 57 19 18 15 56 5 E T 101 Värnamo Jvgbro 211 57 11 3 14 2 19 E T 159 Vena Ka 212 57 31 26 15 58 15 E T 88 Verveln Stn 213 57 53 41 15 36 45 E T 139 Vimmerby Ka 214 57 39 58 15 51 39 E T 121 Viren Bro S-Spets 215 56 37 3 15 14 14 E T 140 Virestad Ka 216 56 37 33 14 20 34 E T 144 Virserum Ka 217 57 19 9 15 35 18 E T 119 Vislanda Ka 218 56 46 40 14 25 58 E T 182 Visseltofta Ka 220 56 25 41 13 51 33 E T 107 Vittsjö Ka 221 56 20 35 13 39 41 E T 105 Voxtorp Ka 222 57 7 41 14 7 52 E T 167 Vrå Ka 223 56 44 5 13 27 22 E T 162 Vrången S-Spets 224 57 28 37 15 19 52 E T 264 Vrigstad Ka 225 57 21 21 14 28 22 E T 199