++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Landing sites for Johnson City, Tennessee + + + + Contributed by Kevin Anderson + + Contributed on 08 April 2024 + + Last updated Friday, 12 April 2024 at 23:14 GMT + + + + UNOFFICIAL, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK + + + + Do not use for navigation, for flight verification only. + + + + Always consult the relevant publications for current and correct + + information. This service is provided free of charge with no warrantees, + + expressed or implied. + + User assumes all risk of use. + + + + Rename this file to LNDGSITE.DAT to use with your Glide Navigator. + +Delete all of the header lines in this box, down to and including the next one+ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ JHN, Johnson, 36, 21.82, 82, 18.54, 1550 JHN, Johnson, 36, 21.82, 82, 18.54, 1550 ASH, AsheConty, 36, 25.95, 81, 25.18, 3180 AVR, Avery, 35, 56.67, 81, 59.74, 2750 BON, Boone, 36, 11.81, 81, 38.37, 3120 CTW, CatwbVlly, 37, 16.91, 80, 18.33, 1720 BLC, Blacksbrg, 37, 12.09, 80, 24.64, 2132 ELZ, Elizbthtn, 36, 22.26, 82, 10.42, 1585 ELK, Elk River, 36, 9.62, 81, 53.81, 3468 FLY, Flying W, 36, 53.38, 82, 17.87, 1720 GTL, GtlnbrgPg, 35, 51.47, 83, 31.72, 1014 GRN, Greenevll, 36, 11.58, 82, 48.9, 1608 HWK, HwknsCnty, 36, 27.45, 82, 53.1, 1255 HLL, Hillsvill, 36, 45.77, 80, 49.51, 2698 IND, IndnSprng, 36, 32.12, 82, 25.83, 1550 JOH, JhnsnCnty, 36, 25.07, 81, 49.51, 2240 KNX, KnxvllDwn, 35, 57.83, 83, 52.42, 833 KNV, KnxvllTys, 35, 48.75, 83, 59.57, 981 LNS, LonesomPn, 36, 59.25, 82, 31.81, 2685 MRR, Morristwn, 36, 10.76, 83, 22.53, 1313 MTN, MtnEmpire, 36, 53.69, 81, 21.0, 2559 NWC, NewCastle, 37, 28.75, 80, 6.1, 1320 NWR, NwRvrVlly, 37, 8.2, 80, 41.12, 2105 TRC, TriCitsTN, 36, 28.51, 82, 24.45, 1519 VRG, VrgnHghln, 36, 41.23, 82, 2.0, 2088 FLG, Flaglor, 36, 14.92, 82, 58.1, 1135 MTA, Mtn Air, 35, 51.95, 82, 20.75, 4432 ALM, AlumRidge, 36, 58.59, 80, 29.64, 2375 BRR, Barrows, 37, 29.52, 79, 55.72, 1100 BGH, Big Hill, 37, 43.87, 79, 48.67, 1620 BRK, BurksGrdn, 37, 5.74, 81, 22.16, 3060 CNT, Cantwell, 36, 30.09, 83, 15.33, 1150 CXF, Cox Farm, 35, 47.67, 84, 20.5, 1000 DRR, Deer Run, 36, 59.66, 80, 27.27, 2400 FNC, Fincastle, 37, 31.34, 79, 51.12, 1140 HFF, Huffaker, 36, 11.0, 82, 40.73, 1420 LKV, Lake View, 36, 20.34, 83, 46.73, 1066 MCF, McfSTLPtc, 36, 22.34, 82, 23.49, 1925 MSS, Massingal, 35, 45.84, 84, 11.24, 840 MXW, Maxwell, 36, 31.16, 81, 8.21, 3050 MLT, Melton, 36, 9.12, 83, 43.97, 1060 MNT, Montvale, 35, 41.55, 83, 59.93, 1030 OLV, OlvrSprng, 36, 2.25, 84, 18.41, 790 RBY, Raby, 35, 50.5, 84, 10.87, 830 RNR, RinerFarm, 36, 11.0, 84, 5.95, 1125 RBR, RbrtsnFrm, 36, 0.07, 84, 4.47, 1020 SYM, Seymour, 35, 48.71, 83, 46.48, 1000 SKY, Sky Ranch, 35, 53.14, 83, 57.46, 830 SKL, Skyland, 36, 27.61, 81, 21.69, 2860 SPR, SpringwdS, 37, 33.24, 79, 44.99, 1000 TRS, Trussmark, 37, 17.09, 80, 4.19, 1020 VLG, Village, 35, 39.35, 84, 11.13, 920 WHT, WhitkStnd, 36, 48.47, 81, 42.07, 2100 WLL, WllHldrth, 35, 48.0, 84, 19.16, 900 CMP, CmpbllCnt, 36, 20.07, 84, 9.74, 1180 HNT, Hntnldrsn, 37, 40.77, 80, 42.62, 1520 MRC, MercrCnty, 37, 17.75, 81, 12.46, 2857 NWT, NewTazwll, 36, 24.61, 83, 33.33, 1179 RNK, Roanoke, 37, 19.53, 79, 58.53, 1176 SHF, Shiflet, 35, 43.24, 82, 0.59, 1212 TZW, TzwllCnty, 37, 3.82, 81, 47.9, 2652 TCK, TuckrGthr, 36, 51.59, 83, 21.66, 1551