++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Control points for Jaca, Spain + + + + Contributed by Josep Seto + + + + Formatted for the world-wide version of the software + + + + Last updated Wednesday, 02 January 2002 at 04:31 GMT + + + + >>>>>>>>>> UNOFFICIAL, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK <<<<<<<<<< + + + + Always consult the relevant publications + + for current and correct information. This + + service is provided free of charge with + + no warrantees, expressed or implied. + + User assumes all risk of use. + + + + Rename this file to TURNPTS.DAT to use with your Glide Navigator. + +Delete all of the header lines in this box, down to and including the next one+ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1, Abizanda, 42, 14.64, 0, 11.94, 636 2, AD Ablitas, 42, 0.5, -1, -37.27, 324 3, ADBenabarre, 42, 1.28, 0, 28.87, 770 4, AD Binefar, 41, 51.32, 0, 14.93, 386 5, ADBrclnSbdl, 41, 31.0, 2, 6.0, 149 6, AD Calaf, 41, 44.87, 1, 33.83, 750 7, AD Igualada, 41, 35.5, 1, 37.55, 350 8, ADLaCerdana, 42, 23.25, 1, 51.83, 1093 9, AD Lerida, 41, 33.0, 0, 39.0, 215 10, ADMonflort, 42, 5.42, -0, -19.75, 540 11, AD Manresa, 41, 45.55, 1, 51.45, 280 12, ADSeodergl, 42, 20.38, 1, 24.62, 800 13, ADSanguees, 42, 34.22, -1, -17.22, 460 14, ADSntCldJc, 42, 34.17, -0, -43.87, 680 15, Ager, 42, 0.04, 0, 45.84, 618 16, Aguero, 42, 21.36, -0, -47.59, 696 17, Aibar, 42, 35.6, -1, -21.51, 566 18, Ainsa, 42, 25.4, 0, 8.88, 589 19, Aisa, 42, 40.84, -0, -37.12, 1046 20, Almudevar, 42, 2.73, -0, -34.78, 425 21, Alp, 42, 22.42, 1, 53.2, 1158 22, Alquezar, 42, 10.41, 0, 1.74, 660 23, Angues, 42, 6.75, -0, -9.14, 543 24, Anso, 42, 45.34, -0, -49.66, 860 25, Aoiz, 42, 47.25, -1, -22.13, 504 26, Ardisa, 42, 12.14, -0, -45.49, 433 27, Aren, 42, 15.61, 0, 43.33, 709 28, ArtesadSgr, 41, 53.85, 1, 2.94, 138 29, Ayerbe, 42, 16.74, -0, -41.28, 582 30, Baga, 42, 15.23, 1, 51.78, 786 31, Bailo, 42, 30.68, -0, -48.6, 717 32, Balaguer, 41, 47.56, 0, 48.35, 233 33, Benasque, 42, 36.36, 0, 31.5, 1138 34, Benabarre, 42, 6.49, 0, 28.98, 788 35, Berdun, 42, 36.43, -0, -51.63, 665 36, Berga, 42, 6.26, 1, 50.71, 715 37, Bielsa, 42, 38.15, 0, 13.2, 1023 38, Biescas, 42, 37.81, -0, -19.39, 880 39, Binefar, 41, 51.25, 0, 17.68, 386 40, BilFncldrs, 42, 23.32, -0, -56.12, 760 41, Barbastro, 42, 2.26, 0, 7.42, 341 42, Broto, 42, 36.31, -0, -7.21, 905 43, Burgui, 42, 43.31, -1, -0.19, 629 44, Calaf, 41, 44.11, 1, 30.76, 685 45, Campo, 42, 24.66, 0, 23.9, 691 46, Cardona, 41, 54.89, 1, 40.96, 506 47, CastejndSs, 42, 30.85, 0, 29.67, 904 48, Cervera, 41, 40.01, 1, 16.34, 548 49, Caldearens, 42, 23.98, -0, -29.98, 640 50, Canfranc, 42, 43.06, -0, -31.42, 1040 51, Carcastill, 42, 22.85, -1, -26.6, 352 52, CstjndMngr, 41, 37.1, -0, -14.31, 371 53, CastilldJc, 42, 37.97, -0, -32.93, 921 54, EjdlsCbllr, 42, 7.81, -1, -8.19, 318 55, Estadilla, 42, 3.52, 0, 14.69, 450 56, Figuerasa, 42, 7.21, 1, 49.5, 1078 57, Fraga, 41, 31.4, 0, 21.01, 120 58, Graus, 42, 11.32, 0, 20.14, 500 59, Guesa, 42, 48.47, -1, -5.64, 657 60, Huarte, 42, 49.97, -1, -35.32, 440 61, Huesca, 42, 8.5, -0, -24.43, 488 62, Isaba, 42, 51.75, -0, -55.33, 814 63, Jaca, 42, 34.31, -0, -32.9, 818 64, Liedena, 42, 37.2, -1, -16.46, 443 65, Loarre, 42, 18.9, -0, -37.5, 772 66, Loporzano, 42, 9.76, -0, -19.36, 581 67, LaPobldSgr, 42, 14.85, 0, 58.38, 823 68, Lumbier, 42, 39.24, -1, -18.37, 466 69, Luna, 42, 10.21, -0, -55.73, 477 70, MnstrdSnVc, 42, 27.65, 0, 13.32, 1110 71, Moia, 41, 48.76, 2, 6.0, 717 72, MonstrdLyr, 42, 38.17, -1, -10.22, 750 73, Monreal, 42, 42.36, -1, -30.42, 568 74, Mont Louis, 42, 30.93, 2, 8.37, 1710 75, Monzon, 41, 54.69, 0, 11.75, 279 76, MonstrdlPy, 42, 3.44, 0, 9.1, 612 77, Naval, 42, 11.62, 0, 9.12, 637 78, Navardun, 42, 30.84, -1, -8.68, 518 79, Navascues, 42, 43.12, -1, -6.76, 625 80, Nueno, 42, 16.03, -0, -26.32, 726 81, Ochagavia, 42, 54.45, -1, -5.37, 765 82, Pamplona, 42, 46.18, -1, -38.75, 459 83, Panticosa, 42, 43.51, -0, -16.95, 1184 84, Piera, 41, 31.32, 1, 44.9, 300 85, Plan, 42, 34.98, 0, 20.26, 1119 86, PuntdMntnn, 42, 9.09, 0, 41.66, 540 87, PontdeSurt, 42, 24.0, 0, 45.0, 1325 88, PuntlRndJc, 42, 35.32, -0, -44.0, 690 89, Ponts, 41, 55.13, 1, 11.34, 362 90, PresadeOln, 42, 5.68, 1, 17.83, 593 91, Presadscls, 42, 19.68, 0, 43.48, 1010 92, PresdSnPns, 41, 58.0, 1, 36.18, 581 93, Puigcerda, 42, 26.02, 1, 55.65, 1202 94, Riglos, 42, 21.02, -0, -43.49, 532 95, Rodellar, 42, 17.0, -0, -4.76, 613 96, Roncal, 42, 48.52, -0, -57.31, 727 97, Sabinanigo, 42, 31.19, -0, -21.77, 780 98, Sadaba, 42, 16.94, -1, -16.27, 443 99, Sallent, 41, 49.49, 1, 53.86, 278 100, Senterada, 42, 19.55, 0, 56.35, 729 101, Sigues, 42, 37.9, -1, -0.69, 521 102, SllntdGll, 42, 46.43, -0, -19.82, 1305 103, Slvtrrdsc, 42, 40.19, -1, -0.24, 582 104, SnLlrnsdM, 42, 7.5, 1, 35.0, 663 105, SnQrzdBsr, 42, 6.27, 2, 13.45, 516 106, SantCldJc, 42, 33.75, -0, -42.72, 649 107, SntCrzdlS, 42, 31.43, -0, -40.37, 788 108, Solsona, 41, 59.72, 1, 31.24, 664 109, Sopeira, 42, 19.03, 0, 44.9, 720 110, Sort, 42, 24.74, 1, 7.86, 692 111, SrrcdBllr, 42, 21.63, 0, 52.93, 1001 112, SsdlRyCtl, 42, 29.91, -1, -12.85, 653 113, Suria, 41, 49.95, 1, 45.24, 260 114, Tafalla, 42, 31.77, -1, -40.55, 438 115, Tarrega, 41, 38.86, 1, 8.43, 373 116, Torla, 42, 37.74, -0, -6.57, 1033 117, Tremp, 42, 10.1, 0, 53.81, 468 118, ToraRbrgs, 41, 48.0, 1, 21.0, 511 119, Ujue, 42, 30.44, -1, -29.91, 815 120, Uncastill, 42, 21.76, -1, -7.77, 501 121, Villanua, 42, 40.79, -0, -31.77, 953 122, Vilaller, 42, 28.66, 0, 43.1, 981 123, YebradeBs, 42, 29.23, -0, -16.9, 880 124, Yesa, 42, 37.3, -1, -12.15, 514 125, ZaragozaB, 41, 40.09, -1, -2.66, 263 126, Zaragoza, 41, 39.45, -0, -52.68, 0 127, Zuera, 41, 52.21, -0, -47.13, 279