;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; + ; Jaca, Spain + ; + ; XXXIII Campeonato Nacional de Vuelo a Vela and III Copa Pirineos + ; + ; User Specified Waypoints formatted for EWView II and EWView III + ; + ; Contributed by Josep Seto + ; + ; Generated Tuesday, 17 July 2001 at 04:54 GMT + ; + ; This file uses , as the decimal point in latitude and longitude 1 ; + ; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> USE AT YOUR OWN RISK <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< + ; All data and information contained in these data files are provided without + ; guarantee as to their completeness or correctness. Any conclusions drawn + ; from these data and information are the sole responsibility of the user. + ; + ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Abizanda" "ABIZND" "_" "N4214,638" "E00011,942" "Aerodromo Ablitas" "ADBLTS" "_" "N4200,500" "W00137,267" "Aerodromo Benabarre" "ADBNBR" "_" "N4201,283" "E00028,867" "Aerodromo Binefar" "ADBNFR" "_" "N4151,317" "E00014,933" "AD Barcelona Sabadell" "ADBRCL" "_" "N4131,000" "E00206,000" "Aerodromo Calaf" "ADCALF" "_" "N4144,867" "E00133,833" "Aerodromo Igualada" "ADIGLD" "_" "N4135,500" "E00137,550" "Aerodromo La Cerdana" "ADLCRD" "_" "N4223,250" "E00151,833" "Aerodromo Lerida" "ADLERD" "_" "N4133,000" "E00039,000" "Aerodromo Monflorite" "ADMNFL" "_" "N4205,417" "W00019,750" "Aerodromo Manresa" "ADMNRS" "_" "N4145,550" "E00151,450" "Aerodromo Seo de Urgel" "ADSDRG" "_" "N4220,383" "E00124,617" "Aerodromo Sangueesa" "ADSNGS" "_" "N4234,217" "W00117,217" "AD Santa Cilia de Jaca" "ADSNTC" "123,5" "N4234,167" "W00043,867" "Ager" "AGER" "_" "N4200,040" "E00045,842" "Aguero" "AGUERO" "_" "N4221,363" "W00047,591" "Aibar" "AIBAR" "_" "N4235,601" "W00121,509" "Ainsa" "AINSA" "_" "N4225,400" "E00008,883" "Aisa" "AISA" "_" "N4240,845" "W00037,118" "Almudevar" "ALMDVR" "_" "N4202,729" "W00034,782" "Alp" "ALP" "_" "N4222,417" "E00153,200" "Alquezar" "ALQUZR" "_" "N4210,408" "E00001,737" "Angues" "ANGUES" "_" "N4206,747" "W00009,136" "Anso" "ANSO" "_" "N4245,345" "W00049,658" "Aoiz" "AOIZ" "_" "N4247,249" "W00122,130" "Ardisa" "ARDISA" "_" "N4212,142" "W00045,490" "Aren" "AREN" "_" "N4215,605" "E00043,327" "Artesa de Segre" "ARTSDS" "_" "N4153,848" "E00102,944" "Ayerbe" "AYERBE" "_" "N4216,740" "W00041,277" "Baga" "BAGA" "_" "N4215,228" "E00151,783" "Bailo" "BAILO" "_" "N4230,675" "W00048,604" "Balaguer" "BALAGR" "_" "N4147,558" "E00048,346" "Benasque" "BENASQ" "_" "N4236,363" "E00031,500" "Benabarre" "BENBRR" "_" "N4206,486" "E00028,985" "Berdun" "BERDUN" "_" "N4236,432" "W00051,634" "Berga" "BERGA" "_" "N4206,263" "E00150,711" "Bielsa" "BIELSA" "_" "N4238,153" "E00013,201" "Biescas" "BIESCS" "_" "N4237,809" "W00019,395" "Binefar" "BINEFR" "_" "N4151,246" "E00017,679" "Biel Fuencalderas" "BLFNCL" "_" "N4223,320" "W00056,120" "Barbastro" "BRBSTR" "_" "N4202,264" "E00007,420" "Broto" "BROTO" "_" "N4236,315" "W00007,205" "Burgui" "BURGUI" "_" "N4243,308" "W00100,186" "Calaf" "CALAF" "_" "N4144,107" "E00130,757" "Campo" "CAMPO" "_" "N4224,664" "E00023,898" "Cardona" "CARDON" "_" "N4154,891" "E00140,957" "Castejon de Sos" "CSTJND" "_" "N4230,849" "E00029,672" "Cervera" "CERVER" "_" "N4140,012" "E00116,342" "Caldearenas" "CLDRNS" "_" "N4223,978" "W00029,979" "Canfranc" "CNFRNC" "_" "N4243,056" "W00031,424" "Carcastillo" "CRCSTL" "_" "N4222,854" "W00126,596" "Castejon de Monegros" "CASTEJ" "_" "N4137,099" "W00014,314" "Castiello de Jaca" "CSTLLD" "_" "N4237,966" "W00032,929" "Ejea de los Caballeros" "EJDLSC" "_" "N4207,810" "W00108,192" "Estadilla" "ESTDLL" "_" "N4203,521" "E00014,691" "Figuerasa" "FIGURS" "_" "N4207,212" "E00149,502" "Fraga" "FRAGA" "_" "N4131,400" "E00021,010" "Graus" "GRAUS" "_" "N4211,320" "E00020,136" "Guesa" "GUESA" "_" "N4248,473" "W00105,645" "Huarte" "HUARTE" "_" "N4249,971" "W00135,321" "Huesca" "HUESCA" "_" "N4208,504" "W00024,432" "Isaba" "ISABA" "_" "N4251,751" "W00055,328" "Jaca" "JACA" "_" "N4234,310" "W00032,899" "Liedena" "LIEDEN" "_" "N4237,198" "W00116,457" "Loarre" "LOARRE" "_" "N4218,900" "W00037,501" "Loporzano" "LOPRZN" "_" "N4209,763" "W00019,361" "La Pobla de Segur" "LPBLDS" "_" "N4214,850" "E00058,383" "Lumbier" "LUMBIR" "_" "N4239,238" "W00118,368" "Luna" "LUNA" "_" "N4210,212" "W00055,734" "MonasteriodeSanVictorn" "MNSTRD" "_" "N4227,650" "E00013,317" "Moia" "MOIA" "_" "N4148,755" "E00205,996" "Monasterio de Leyre" "MONAST" "_" "N4238,167" "W00110,217" "Monreal" "MONREL" "_" "N4242,359" "W00130,418" "Mont Louis" "MONTLS" "_" "N4230,933" "E00208,367" "Monzon" "MONZON" "_" "N4154,686" "E00011,751" "Monasterio del Pueyo" "MOASTE" "_" "N4203,440" "E00009,100" "Naval" "NAVAL" "_" "N4211,625" "E00009,122" "Navardun" "NAVRDN" "_" "N4230,835" "W00108,684" "Navascues" "NAVSCS" "_" "N4243,119" "W00106,762" "Nueno" "NUENO" "_" "N4216,027" "W00026,322" "Ochagavia" "OCHAGV" "_" "N4254,453" "W00105,367" "Pamplona" "PAMPLN" "_" "N4246,182" "W00138,748" "Panticosa" "PANTCS" "_" "N4243,513" "W00016,950" "Piera" "PIERA" "_" "N4131,315" "E00144,896" "Plan" "PLAN" "_" "N4234,977" "E00020,258" "Puente de Montanana" "PNTDMN" "_" "N4209,087" "E00041,657" "Pont de Suert" "PNTDSR" "_" "N4224,000" "E00045,000" "Puente la Reina deJaca" "PNTLRN" "_" "N4235,322" "W00044,000" "Ponts" "PONTS" "_" "N4155,134" "E00111,340" "Presa de Oliana" "PRSDLN" "_" "N4205,683" "E00117,833" "Presa de Escales" "PRSDSC" "_" "N4219,677" "E00043,478" "Presa de San Pons" "PRSDSN" "_" "N4158,000" "E00136,183" "Puigcerda" "PUGCRD" "_" "N4226,024" "E00155,650" "Riglos" "RIGLOS" "_" "N4221,019" "W00043,489" "Rodellar" "RODLLR" "_" "N4216,998" "W00004,762" "Roncal" "RONCAL" "_" "N4248,525" "W00057,311" "Sabinanigo" "SABNNG" "_" "N4231,188" "W00021,768" "Sadaba" "SADABA" "_" "N4216,939" "W00116,274" "Sallent" "SALLNT" "_" "N4149,486" "E00153,864" "Senterada" "SENTRD" "_" "N4219,546" "E00056,349" "Sigues" "SIGUES" "_" "N4237,898" "W00100,688" "Sallent de Gallego" "SLLNTD" "_" "N4246,429" "W00019,820" "Salvatierra de Esca" "SLVTRR" "_" "N4240,187" "W00100,241" "San Llorens de Morunys" "SNLLRN" "_" "N4207,500" "E00135,000" "San Quirze de Besora" "SNQRZD" "_" "N4206,267" "E00213,450" "Santa Cilia de Jaca" "SNTCLD" "_" "N4233,746" "W00042,718" "Santa Cruz de la Seros" "SNTCRZ" "_" "N4231,425" "W00040,373" "Solsona" "SOLSON" "_" "N4159,719" "E00131,243" "Sopeira" "SOPEIR" "_" "N4219,033" "E00044,903" "Sort" "SORT" "_" "N4224,736" "E00107,863" "Sarroca de Bellera" "SRRCDB" "_" "N4221,631" "E00052,929" "Sos del Rey Catolico" "SSDLRY" "_" "N4229,905" "W00112,845" "Suria" "SURIA" "_" "N4149,946" "E00145,242" "Tafalla" "TAFALL" "_" "N4231,765" "W00140,553" "Tarrega" "TARREG" "_" "N4138,862" "E00108,432" "Torla" "TORLA" "_" "N4237,736" "W00006,571" "Tremp" "TREMP" "_" "N4210,103" "E00053,811" "Tora Riubregos" "TRRBRG" "_" "N4148,000" "E00121,000" "Ujue" "UJUE" "_" "N4230,436" "W00129,907" "Uncastillo" "UNCSTL" "_" "N4221,762" "W00107,769" "Villanua" "VILLAN" "_" "N4240,790" "W00031,765" "Vilaller" "VILLLR" "_" "N4228,660" "E00043,102" "Yebra de Basa" "YBRDBS" "_" "N4229,234" "W00016,899" "Yesa" "YESA" "_" "N4237,298" "W00112,146" "Zaragoza AB" "ZARGZB" "_" "N4140,086" "W00102,664" "Zaragoza" "ZARAGZ" "_" "N4139,455" "W00052,683" "Zuera" "ZUERA" "_" "N4152,211" "W00047,129"