;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; + ; Jaca, Spain + ; + ; XXXIII Campeonato Nacional de Vuelo a Vela and III Copa Pirineos + ; + ; User Specified Waypoints formatted for EWView II and EWView III + ; + ; Contributed by Josep Seto + ; + ; Generated Tuesday, 17 July 2001 at 04:54 GMT + ; + ; This file uses , as the decimal point in latitude and longitude 1 ; + ; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> USE AT YOUR OWN RISK <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< + ; All data and information contained in these data files are provided without + ; guarantee as to their completeness or correctness. Any conclusions drawn + ; from these data and information are the sole responsibility of the user. + ; + ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Riglos" "01" "N4218,860" "W00043,990" "Agueero" "01" "N4220,660" "W00047,200" "Murillo de Gallego" "01" "N4219,820" "W00045,180" "Pantano de la Pena" "01" "N4224,040" "W00045,800" "Caldearenas 1" "01" "N4224,330" "W00030,820" "Caldearenas 2" "01" "N4223,900" "W00029,920" "Latre" "01" "N4224,360" "W00028,790" "Hostal de Ipies" "01" "N4226,310" "W00025,380" "Puerto del Serrablo" "01" "N4224,190" "W00003,600" "Abena" "01" "N4229,210" "W00026,690" "Navasa" "01" "N4232,490" "W00028,240" "Sabinanigo" "01" "N4230,350" "W00021,220" "Oros Alto" "01" "N4236,600" "W00019,070" "Guaso" "01" "N4226,050" "E00005,470" "ULM Ainsa" "01" "N4222,780" "E00010,820" "Las VentasdeStaLucia" "01" "N4214,580" "E00021,580" "Laguarres" "01" "N4212,280" "E00028,710" "Samitier" "01" "N4219,140" "E00010,940" "Gerbe" "01" "N4223,970" "E00010,210" "Alueza" "01" "N4223,700" "E00016,030" "Morillo de Monclus" "01" "N4220,910" "E00016,780" "Ager" "01" "N4200,530" "E00043,670" "Alsamora" "01" "N4204,670" "E00044,750" "Pont de Montanyana" "01" "N4214,310" "E00043,080" "Pont de Suert" "01" "N4225,490" "E00043,990" "Villacarli" "01" "N4220,770" "E00033,530" "Serrate" "01" "N4222,580" "E00029,570" "Campo" "01" "N4224,440" "E00024,600" "Cruce de Roncal" "01" "N4236,790" "W00101,650" "Yesa1" "01" "N4236,680" "W00103,230" "Yesa2" "01" "N4235,840" "W00103,870" "Yesa3" "01" "N4235,700" "W00106,790" "El Grado" "01" "N4208,570" "E00013,090" "Samper" "01" "N4225,760" "E00017,710" "Castejon de Sos" "01" "N4231,460" "E00028,760" "Aerodromo Benabarre" "01" "N4201,410" "E00028,690" "Gravera Ainsa" "01" "N4225,750" "E00008,080" "Plan" "01" "N4234,670" "E00020,270"