* NUM NAM ID COM LAT_D LAT_M LAT_S LON_D LON_M LON_S EW COD ALT FRE RW_H RW_L RW_W ICAO CUP_PICS * * ============================================================================== * * Filename "issodn21.stx" created Wednesday, 30 June 2021 at 05:50 GMT * Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange format version 0.5.4 * * Lines starting with a * are comments and are ignored by programs using this file * Lines starting with a $ are definitions of parameters available to programs using this file * The first line that is neither a comment nor a definition contains the definitions * of the contents of the columns that follow * All other lines are waypoint definitions * The line containing the column definitions can be placed anywhere before the first waypoint. * It is placed as a comment at the top of this file for convenience in using this file * with a spreadsheet program, where the first line can be placed in a separate window * to label the columns as you scroll down. * The columns are separated by the "tab" character * * The specification of the .STX file format is available at * http://soaringweb.org/TP/stx_specification.html * * This version is to support ClearNav. * * ============================================================================== * * Starting the definition of various parameters for the file * $STX_VERSION 0.5.4 $HOME Issoudun, France $STATE Indre $STATE_ABBREV 36 $CD Y $IDL_MAP_TITLE Issoudun, France, 2021 $USE_EXISTING_SUA Y $TIMEZONE_NAME MET $COUNTRY FR $DECIMAL_SEPARATOR , $DISTANCE_UNIT kilometers $FACEBOOK aeroclub.issoudun $CONTRIBUTOR Aéroclub Issoudun $ILEC_CONTRIBUTOR_NAME AeroclubIssoudun $CONTEST 45e International Issoudun 2021 $FILENAME_3 i21 $FILENAME_4 is21 $FILENAME_5 iss21 $FILENAME_8 issodn21 $FILENAME_FULL Issoudun, France, 45e International Issoudun 2021 $AIRSPACE_FILENAME ACI2021_airspace_06-2021_v2 $AIRSPACE_FILENAME_4 I1v2 $AIRSPACE_FILENAME_8 AI0621v2 $URL_INFORMATION www.aeroclub-issoudun.fr/index.php/inter-2021 the contests $URL_TURNPOINTS www.soaringspot.com/en_gb/international-issoudun-2021/downloads $MODIFICATIONS 14 Feb 01: Original contribution from Pascal Lefèvre via Etienne Cendron $MODIFICATIONS 11 Mar 01: Amboise, Chauvigny hangar, Levroux Private airfield, and St Amand Monrond added. Amboise-Dierre, Angouleme, Blet, and Chartres-Champhol moved. Aillant/Tholon, Ancenis, Beaune, Brienne le Chateau, Chalonnes/Loire, Chalons/Marne, Chantonnay, Fontenay le Comte, Jonzac Neulles, La Fleche, La Rochelle, Macon, Montreuil Bellay, Pouilly sous Charlieu, Sable/Sarthe, Saumur, St Maixent, and Thouars removed. $MODIFICATIONS 24 Apr 01: Cendron files used instead. $MODIFICATIONS 19 Jul 01: Archigny moved. Aerotow retrieval airports that were not part of turnpoint list added. $MODIFICATIONS 01 Mar 02: Comments translated to French. $MODIFICATIONS 12 Jul 02: Starts renamed, and waypoints arranged alphabetically $MODIFICATIONS 04 Jul 07: Many changes, all new data, courtesy of Régis Kuntz $MODIFICATIONS 12 Jul 07: Home moved. Bressuire, Chemille, Cholet, Fontenay, La Châtaigneraie, Laval Aéro, Le Lion d'Angers, Les ponts de Cé, Mauleon Aéro, and Vihiers removed. $MODIFICATIONS 16 Jun 09: Ancenis, Anglure, Bailleau, Bressuire, Châteaubriant, Châtellerault Péage, Chatillon Coligny, Chemille, Cholet, Fontenay le Comte, La Chataigneraie, La Pouge, La Roche sur Yon, La Rochelle, Laval, Le Blanc Pont, Le Lion d'Angers, Les Herbiers, Les Ponts de Cé, Les Sables d'Olonnes, Mauleon, Mont St Michel, Mortagne Aero, St Gautier, and Vihiers added.   Auxerre, Descartes, and Sancerre moved.   Belabre, Châteauneuf Bridge, Charost, Chezal-Benoît, Magny Cours, Massay, Mezieres, Souesmes, St Florent, St-Ambroix, and Ste Lizaigne removed. $MODIFICATIONS 19 Jan 10: Magnetic Variation added $MODIFICATIONS 21 Aug 10: Ardentes, Bouesse, Neuvy St-Sepulcre, and Reignac added. $MODIFICATIONS 03 Jul 12: Airspace updated to 2012V2. $MODIFICATIONS 10 Jul 12: Airspace updated to 2012V3. $MODIFICATIONS 25 May 13: Ainay le Vieil, Belabre, Cerilly, Cluis, Contres, Cosne Allier, La Souterraine, Le Chatelet, Manoir Dryades, Massay, Nancay - Radiotelescope, ST Baudel, ST Gautier - le Pavillon, ST Georges Sur Arnon, Saulzais le Potier, Ste Lizaigne, and Terray added.   Bellegarde ULM, Blois Pont, Bonnetable, Château du Loir, Châteaurenard, Coulanges sur Yonne, Dame Marie, Decizes, Home, La Celle Guenand, La Châtre, La Ferté-Bernard, Ligueil, Mehun sur Yèvre, Nemours, Nogent le Rotrou, Perreux, Richelieu, Ruffec, St Aubin, St Fargeau, Tonnerre TGV, Troo, and Voves moved.   Alençon, Ancenis, Anglure, Arces-Dilo, Bailleau, Bouesse, Bouilly, Bourges SNCF, Châteaubriant, Châteauneuf, Finish 11, Finish 18, Finish 29, Finish 36, Fougère, Issoire, La Châtre, La Pouge, La Roche sur Yon, La Rochelle, Langesse, Le Blanc Aéro, Les Herbiers, Les Sables d'Olonnes, Lothiers, Lurcy Levis, Lusignan, Lussac les Châteaux, Melle, Mont St Michel, Mortagne, Orçay, Puy de Dôme, Romilly, St Amand Montrond, St Benoît du Sault, St Gautier, St Romain le Preux, Ussel, Vendôme, and Vierzon Aéro removed.   Verions 2013, no airspace yet. $MODIFICATIONS 28 Jun 13: Airspace added. 2013V2 $MODIFICATIONS 29 Jun 13: Number attached to name flavor of files added. Le Blanc frequency corrected. Version 2013a. $MODIFICATIONS 08 Aug 13: Azay le Ferron, Concremiers, Cosseneux, Finish 11, Finish 18, Finish 29, Finish 36, Puy de Dome, Ruffec en Indre, and Selles-Saint-Denis added.   Ruffec renamed Ruffec en Charente.   Version 2013b $MODIFICATIONS 05 Oct 14: Ilec airspace file updated with AirParse Version 2.5 $MODIFICATIONS 30 Apr 16: Châtres sur Cher, Graçay, and La Roche sur Yon aéro added.   Airspace V3 updated. $MODIFICATIONS 28 Jun 17: Autry le Chatel, Bourdaloue, Briare pont canal, Cheverny, Colombey Les Deux Eglises, Coulommiers La Tour, Courmemin, Ecueille, Fontgombault, Juvancourt aéro, La Bruyere, La Chappelle Angillon, La Puye, La Roche du Maine, Marmagne, Migennes, Montargis echangeur, Montbard, Mur de Sologne, Quincy, St Romain le Preux, Ste Thorette, Vendoeuvres, and Vezelay added.   Finish 29 and St Hippolyte moved.   Aubigny Aéro, Auxerre, Avallon Aéro, Bar sur Seine Aéro, Blois Aéro, Briare Aéro, Buzançais, Châtellerault Péage, Chauvigny Aéro, Fougère, Millançay, Montargis Aéro, Romorantin Aéro, St Gautier - le Pavillon, and St Hippolyte removed.   $MODIFICATIONS 05 Apr 18: Aillant sur Tholon, Bellac ULM, Jargeau, La Brande ULM, Les Avant Gardes ULM, Loudun est, Mezière aéro, Mondreville ULM, Montargis nord, Montmorillon ULM, Prissac ULM, St Florentin marina, St Priest ULM, and Tuiliere ULM added.   Migennes, Mur de Sologne, and Sandillon moved.   Bellegarde ULM removed. $MODIFICATIONS 05 Aug 18: Airspace updated to 17 July release; filenames end in 8a. $MODIFICATIONS 23 Jun 19: Celon, Cressanges, Gargilesse, La Goutte des Saints, and Montmaraultadded.   St Benôit du Saut and Vouzéron moved. $MODIFICATIONS 29 Jun 19: Airspace updated to version 2019Reva $MODIFICATIONS 06 Jun 20: Bournizeau and Thouars gare added. $MODIFICATIONS 29 Aug 20: Pouan les Vallées added.   Troyes aéro removed.   Waypoints renumbered. Airspace updated.   Version 2020a. $MODIFICATIONS 13 Jun 21: Alencon gare, Ambert le Poyet aero, Autun aero, Bannegon, Beaune Hospices, Beaune aero, Chalon sur saone, Champlemy ULM, Charleville Mezieres, Cluny, Deux Chaises, Dijon Chartreuse, Dijon Darois aero, Dompierre, Douaumont, Gannat ULM, Gimouille, Issoire aero, Joinville aero, Lac des Settons, Lignerolles, Lignieres, Luzy, Macon aero, Magny Cours, Mayenne, Menetou Salon, Mont Beuvray, Montardoise ULM, Montceau les mines aero, Montchanin TGV, Mortagne aero, Nevers nord, Noiretable, Nuits St Georges aero, Pouilly aero, Pradeaux barrage, Puy de Sancy, Reims sud, Rethel aero, Roanne aero, Roanne nord, Roche de Solutre, Saulieu aero, Sedan aero, Semur en Auxois aero, St Germain des fosses, St Hubert aero, St Morel Roland Garros, St Sulpice des Landes, Viaduc Garabit, Vichy Celestins, and Villefranche Tarare aero added.   La Charité moved.   Château Chinon, Chartres aéro, Colombey les Deux Eglises, La Chapelle d'Angilon, Lapalisse aéro, Le Lion d'Angers, Nevers aéro, Paray le Monial aéro, Pouan-les-Vallées, Puy de Dôme, and Vichy aéro removed.   $MODIFICATIONS 28 Jun 21: Airspace updated to version 2. $MAGNETIC_VARIATION 0.5W $ALTITUDE_UNIT METERS $RW_L_UNIT METERS * ============================================================================== * * Filename "issodn21.stx" created Wednesday, 30 June 2021 at 05:50 GMT * Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange format version 0.5.4 * * Lines starting with a * are comments and are ignored by programs using this file * Lines starting with a $ are definitions of parameters available to programs using this file * The first line that is neither a comment nor a definition contains the definitions * of the contents of the columns that follow * All other lines are waypoint definitions * The line containing the column definitions can be placed anywhere before the first waypoint. * It is placed as a comment at the top of this file for convenience in using this file * with a spreadsheet program, where the first line can be placed in a separate window * to label the columns as you scroll down. * The columns are separated by the "tab" character * * The specification of the .STX file format is available at * http://soaringweb.org/TP/stx_specification.html * * This version is to support ClearNav. * * ============================================================================== * * Starting the definition of various parameters for the file * $STX_VERSION 0.5.4 $HOME Issoudun, France $STATE_ABBREV 36 $TIMEZONE_NAME MET $COUNTRY FR $DECIMAL_SEPARATOR , $CONTRIBUTOR Aéroclub Issoudun $CONTEST 45e International Issoudun 2021 $AIRSPACE_FILENAME ACI2021_airspace_06-2021_v2 $AIRSPACE_FILENAME_4 I1v2 $AIRSPACE_FILENAME_8 AI0621v2 $MAGNETIC_VARIATION 0.5W $ALTITUDE_UNIT METERS $RW_L_UNIT METERS $CONTRIBUTION_DATE 28 June 2021 $LATITUDE North * * ============================================================================== * * The next line defines the contents of columns. It MUST appear before the first waypoint line NUM NAM ID COM LAT_D LAT_M LAT_S LON_D LON_M LON_S EW COD ALT FRE RW_H RW_L RW_W ICAO CUP_PICS * * Starting the waypoints * 1 HOME 001HOM LFEK runways 36/18 and 29/11 intersection 46 53 20 2 2 20 E HDF 161 LFEK 2 Start Issoudun 002STI roundabout way East of the city 46 57 10 2 0 26 E S 145 3 Start Mareuil 003STM West end of the lake 46 52 48 2 8 47 E S 157 4 Start St Aubin 004STA village on the edge of the forest 46 51 5 2 1 27 E S 159 5 Finish 18 005F18 LFEK seuil 18 46 53 37 2 2 18 E FD 161 180 1000 LFEK 6 Finish 11 006F11 LFEK seuil 11 46 53 25 2 2 1 E FD 161 110 1000 LFEK 7 Finish 29 007F29 LFEK seuil 29 46 53 14 2 2 42 E FD 161 290 1000 LFEK 8 Finish 36 008F36 LFEK seuil 36 46 53 6 2 2 22 E FD 161 360 1000 LFEK 9 Aillant sur Tholon 009AST center of the town 47 52 29 3 21 2 E T 117 10 Ainay le Vieil 010ANY castle 46 40 5 2 32 59 E T 158 11 Airvault 011AVT center of the city 46 49 37 0 8 16 W T 110 12 Alencon gare 012ALC railway station 48 26 1 0 5 56 E T 146 13 Ambert le Poyet aero 013ABP LFHT runway 02/20 45 30 56 3 44 42 E AT 563 123.5 20 730 LFHT 14 Amboise aéro 014AMA LFEF runway 11/29 47 20 26 0 56 28 E AT 54 118.775 110 700 LFEF 15 Amboise castle 015AMB 47 24 49 0 59 16 E T 100 16 Angers aéro 016AGA LFJR runway 08/26 47 33 37 0 18 44 W AT 60 119.0 80 1100 LFJR 17 Angoulême aéro 017ANG LFBU runway 10/28 45 43 46 0 13 6 E AT 133 118.2 100 750 LFBU 18 Ardentes 018ADT bridge over Indre river 46 44 30 1 49 50 E T 164 19 Argent sur Sauldre 019ARG center of the city 47 33 43 2 26 28 E T 175 20 Argenton aéro 020AGR LFEG runway 04/22 46 35 45 1 36 4 E AT 203 123.5 40 830 LFEG 21 Argenton station 021AGT railway station 46 35 34 1 31 0 E T 115 22 Aubigny aéro 022AUB LFEH runway 06/24 47 28 50 2 23 39 E AT 192 123.5 60 1015 LFEH 23 Autry le Châtel 023ATY castle 47 35 42 2 36 0 E T 170 24 Autun aero 024ATA LFQL runway 36/18 46 58 10 4 15 41 E AT 304 123.5 36 640 LFQF 25 Auxerre péage 025AUX motorway toll North of the city 47 51 6 3 32 55 E T 100 26 Avallon aéro 026AVL LFGE runway 05/23 47 30 11 3 53 58 E AT 238 123.5 50 750 LFGE 27 Ayron 027AYR railway station 46 39 50 0 4 27 E T 150 28 Azay-le-Ferron 028AZF road intersection East of the city 46 51 2 1 4 27 E T 76 29 Bannegon 029BNG castle 46 48 8 2 42 56 E T 180 30 Bar sur Seine aéro 030BAA LFFR runway 12/30 48 4 1 4 24 49 E AT 286 123.5 120 800 LFFR 31 Baranthaume 031BAR road bridge over motorway 46 51 46 2 25 41 E T 175 32 Beaune Hospices 032BNH Hotel-Dieu 47 1 20 4 50 12 E T 219 33 Beaune aéro 033BEA LFGF runway 03/21 47 0 25 4 53 40 E AT 196 123.5 30 860 LFGF 34 Belabre 034BLB center of the city 46 33 4 1 9 34 E T 150 35 Bellac 035BLU ULM airfield - 06/24 500x20m 46 7 50 1 4 45 E zPT 254 60 36 Bellac station 036BEL railway 46 7 28 1 2 45 E T 260 37 Bellegarde 037BLG center of the city 47 59 34 2 26 36 E T 118 38 Blet 038BLT center of the city 46 53 48 2 44 0 E T 190 39 Blois aéro 039BOA LFOQ runways 12/30 et 02/20 47 40 47 1 12 21 E AT 122 118.45 120 800 LFOQ 40 Blois pont 040BLO old bridge over Loire river 47 35 7 1 20 14 E T 80 41 Bonnetable 041BNT castle center of the city 48 10 36 0 25 33 E T 120 42 Bonneuil Matours 042BOM bridge over Vienne river 46 40 55 0 34 33 E T 148 43 Bonneval 043BON railway station 48 11 10 1 23 12 E T 130 44 Bourbon l'Archambault 044BAB center of the city 46 35 4 3 3 27 E T 279 45 Bourbon Lancy 045BBL center of the city 46 37 18 3 46 10 E T 220 46 Bourdaloue 046BOU airfield 47 23 1 2 5 10 E LPT 120 47 Bourges aéro 047BRG LFLD runway 06/24 47 3 52 2 22 44 E AT 161 119.6 60 915 LFLD 48 Bournizeau 048BNZ airfield 46 52 49 0 17 12 W LPT 130 260 1000 49 Bressuire 049BRE railway station 46 50 22 0 29 46 W T 135 50 Briare aéro 050BRI LFEI runway 14/32 47 36 52 2 46 55 E AT 165 125.4 140 850 LFEI 51 Briare 051BPC bridge over Loire river 47 37 55 2 44 11 E T 120 52 Buno aéro 052BUN LFFB runways 01/19 et 10/28 48 21 4 2 25 32 E AT 128 123.15 100 800 LFFB 53 Buzançais 053BUZ railway station 46 53 10 1 25 8 E T 140 54 Celon 054CEL bridge D72 over A20 highway 46 30 30 1 30 20 E T 219 55 Cerdon 055CER center of the city 47 38 11 2 21 45 E T 150 56 Cerilly 056CRY center of the city 46 37 3 2 49 14 E T 291 57 Chailley 057CHY village 48 4 54 3 42 13 E T 134 58 Chalon sur Saone 058CSS railway station 46 46 53 4 50 35 E T 182 59 Chambord 059CBD castle 47 36 57 1 31 3 E T 85 60 Champlemy 060CPY ULM airfield runway 14/32 47 17 27 3 21 50 E zPT 296 320 750 61 Charleville Mezieres 061CVM motorway junction south 49 44 6 4 43 16 E T 165 62 Chartres aéro 062CHA LFOR runway 10/28 48 27 32 1 31 26 E AT 155 119.2 100 900 LFOR 63 Château Chinon 063CCH center of the city 47 3 45 3 55 56 E T 518 64 Château du Loir 064CLR railway station 47 41 0 0 25 0 E T 67 65 Châteauneuf aéro 065CHT LFFU runway 09/27 46 52 16 2 22 37 E AT 168 123.5 90 800 LFFU 66 Châteaurenard 066CTR castle 47 55 49 2 55 44 E T 130 67 Châteauroux Villers aéro 067CTV LFEJ runway 04/22 46 50 31 1 37 16 E AT 165 123.5 40 800 LFEJ 68 Châtellerault aéro 068CTA LFCA runway 18/36 46 46 53 0 33 7 E AT 63 120.05 360 800 LFCA 69 Châtellerault péage 069CTL motorway toll North of the city 46 50 12 0 32 2 E T 65 70 Châtillon Coligny 070CHC center of the city 47 49 20 2 50 45 E T 120 71 Châtillon sur Indre 071CTI center of the city 46 59 17 1 10 31 E T 130 72 Châtillon sur Seine aéro 072CTS LFQH runway 02/20 47 50 47 4 34 50 E AT 276 123.5 20 950 LFQH 73 Châtres sur Cher 073CHT Bridge over the Cher river 47 15 51 1 54 21 E T 90 74 Chauvigny aéro 074CHV LFDW runway 05/23 46 35 1 0 38 33 E AT 134 123.5 50 740 LFDW 75 Chemillé 075CHE motorway junction North of the city 47 14 24 0 43 57 W T 94 76 Chenonceaux 076CHN castle 47 19 29 1 4 13 E T 60 77 Cheroy 077CRY center of the city 48 12 7 2 59 58 E T 146 78 Cheverny 078CVY castle 47 30 0 1 27 29 E T 95 79 Chinon 079CHI bridge over Vienne river 47 9 54 0 14 17 E T 37 80 Cholet aéro 080CHO LFOU runway 03/21 47 4 55 0 52 38 W AT 135 120.4 30 1000 LFOU 81 Clamecy aéro 081CLA LFJC runway 18/36 47 26 18 3 30 31 E AT 217 123.5 360 790 LFJC 82 Cluis 082CLU center of the city 46 32 39 1 44 56 E T 278 83 Cluny 083CLN Abbey 46 26 4 4 39 32 E T 300 84 Colombey les Deux Eglises 084CDE Croix de Lorraine 48 13 28 4 52 47 E T 390 85 Concremiers 085CCR bridge over the Anglin river 46 35 43 1 0 59 E T 81 86 Confolens 086CFL bridge over Vienne river 46 0 48 0 40 12 E T 130 87 Contres 087CNT center of the city 47 25 4 1 25 42 E T 100 88 Corbigny 088COR center of the city 47 15 21 3 41 1 E T 226 89 Cosne Allier 089CNA center of the city 46 28 33 2 49 59 E T 251 90 Cosnes sur Loire aéro 090CON LFGH runway 12/30 47 21 38 2 55 10 E AT 185 123.5 120 810 LFGH 91 Cosnes sur Loire station 091COS railway 47 24 49 2 55 54 E T 180 92 Cosseneux 092CSS airfield 47 36 10 2 5 11 E LPT 131 93 Couhé Vérac aéro 093COU LFDV runway 02/20 46 16 22 0 11 26 E AT 152 119.225 20 1065 LFDV 94 Coulanges sur Yonne 094CLY bridge over river 47 31 28 3 32 26 E T 150 95 Coulommiers La Tour 095CLT ancient tower 47 46 54 1 8 33 E T 115 96 Courmemin 096CMM center of the village 47 28 18 1 37 38 E T 98 97 Courtalain 097CRT TGV railway junction West of the city 48 4 50 1 6 3 E T 170 98 Courtenay 098CTY motorway toll 48 3 36 3 5 43 E T 170 99 Cravant 099CRV bridge over Yonne river 47 40 57 3 41 12 E T 154 100 Cressanges 100CSG bridge over N79 46 26 29 3 9 38 E T 420 101 Culan 101CUL castle 46 32 43 2 21 9 E T 230 102 Dame Marie 102DAM ULM airfield 17/35 47 32 4 1 1 5 E zPT 125 350 1000 103 Decizes 103DCZ bridge over Loire river 46 49 40 3 27 26 E T 230 104 Descartes 104DCA airfield 46 57 0 0 40 7 E TP 122 105 Deux Chaises 105DCH road intersection north of the city 46 23 58 3 2 43 E T 456 106 Dijon Chartreuse 106DJN hospital 47 19 16 5 1 0 E T 240 107 Dijon Darois aéro 107DJD LFGI runway 02/20 47 23 6 4 56 50 E AT 477 119.55 20 750 LFGI 108 Dompierre 108DMP motorway junction North of the city 46 32 17 3 41 36 E T 219 109 Dordives 109DOR roundabout way North of the city 48 9 23 2 45 49 E T 70 110 Douaumont 110DOM memorial 49 12 30 5 25 25 E T 334 111 Dun sur Auron 111DUN bridge over Auron river 46 53 0 2 34 1 E T 160 112 Ecueille 112ECL center of the village 47 5 2 1 20 47 E T 150 113 Eguzon 113EGU hydroelectric dam 46 27 14 1 36 50 E T 205 114 Entrains sur Nohain 114ENN center of the city 47 27 47 3 15 24 E T 216 115 Evaux les Bains 115EVA airfield 46 10 6 2 25 55 E LPT 151 1250 116 Fontenay le Comte aéro 116FLC LFFK runway 09/27 46 26 29 0 47 34 W AT 26 123.5 90 960 LFFK 117 Fontgombault 117FGB cloister of the abbey 46 40 35 0 58 43 E T 75 118 Fougère-sur-Bièvre 118FOU ULM airfield 09/27 47 27 28 1 21 50 E zPT 102 90 600 119 Gannat 119GNT ULM airfield runway 01/19 46 4 17 3 11 58 E zPT 363 10 417 120 Gargilesse 120GGS castle 46 30 46 1 35 49 E T 150 121 Gençay 121GEN center of the city 46 22 22 0 24 20 E T 130 122 Gien 122GIE railway bridge over Loire river 47 41 16 2 36 52 E T 125 123 Gimouille 123GML bridge over Allier river 46 56 45 3 4 18 E T 169 124 Graçay 124GRY center of the city 47 8 33 1 50 44 E T 111 125 Guéret aéro 125GUE LFCE runway 05/23 46 10 45 1 57 30 E AT 368 123.5 50 675 LFCE 126 Illiers Combray 126ILC railway station 48 18 17 1 14 49 E T 162 127 Issoire aéro 127ISR LFHA runway 18L/36R 45 30 50 3 15 58 E AT 378 118.15 360 850 LFHA 128 Jargeau 128JRG center of the town 47 52 2 2 7 27 E T 102 129 Joigny aéro 129JOI LFGK runway 08/26 47 59 42 3 23 31 E AT 222 123.5 80 700 LFGK 130 Joinville aéro 130JVL LFFJ runway 09/27 48 26 34 5 8 14 E AT 206 123.5 270 660 131 Juvancourt aéro 131JVC LFQX runway 05/25 48 6 50 4 49 10 E AT 345 123.5 50 900 LFQX 132 L'Echalier 132LCH ULM airfield 18/36 47 6 32 1 33 50 E zPT 152 180 640 133 L'Isle-Jourdain 133LIL bridge over Vienne river 46 13 49 0 40 50 E T 132 134 La Brande 134LBD ULM airfield ULM 46 41 26 1 31 45 E zPT 157 135 La Bruyère 135LBY bridge D749 over railway 46 54 59 0 26 33 E T 130 136 La Celle Guenand 136LCG villlage 46 56 41 0 53 40 E T 130 137 La Chapelle d'Angilon 137CPA roundabout way South of the city 47 21 43 2 25 56 E T 195 138 La Charite 138LCR bridge over Loire river 47 10 37 3 0 50 E T 180 139 La Châtaigneraie 139LCT center of the city 46 39 1 0 44 27 W T 143 140 La Châtre 140LCA center of the city 46 34 50 1 59 14 E T 230 141 La Ferté Bernard 141LFB stadium 48 10 58 0 38 42 E T 113 142 La Flêche aéro 142LFA LFAL runway 09/27 47 41 39 0 0 12 E AT 37 123.5 90 1470 LFAL 143 La Goutte des Saints 143LGS airfield - 03/21 - 350m 46 34 51 2 24 15 E LPT 259 30 350 144 La Guerche 144LGR railway station 46 56 55 2 56 53 E T 180 145 La Puye 145LPY monastery 46 38 29 0 45 12 E T 114 146 La Roche Posay 146RCH bridge over Creuse river 46 47 19 0 48 56 E T 55 147 La Roche du Maine 147LRM castle 46 56 31 0 15 20 E T 105 148 La Roche sur Yon aéro 148LRY LFRI runway 10/28 46 42 6 1 22 37 W AT 91 119.9 28 900 LFRI 149 La Souterraine 149SOU railway station 46 14 23 1 29 32 E T 300 150 La Trimouille 150LAT bridge over Asse river 46 28 0 1 2 35 E T 100 151 Lac des Settons 151LST dam 47 11 48 4 3 25 E T 582 152 Lamotte Beuvron 152LAM runway 15/33 47 39 24 1 59 21 E LT 126 150 570 153 Lapalisse aéro 153LAP LFHX runway 05/23 46 15 14 3 35 19 E AT 317 123.35 50 760 LFHX 154 Laval aéro 154LVL LFOV runway 15/33 48 1 56 0 44 34 W AT 100 119.3 150 1500 LFOV 155 Le Blanc aéro 155LBL LFEL runway 04/22 46 37 12 1 5 9 E DT 117 123.35 50 1050 LFEL 156 Le Blanc pont 156LBN bridge over Creuse river 46 37 47 1 3 50 E T 81 157 Le Châtelet 157LCT center of the city 46 38 30 2 16 59 E T 215 158 Le Lion d'Angers 158LLA center of the city 47 37 39 0 42 51 W T 24 159 Le Louroux aéro 159LLR LFJT runway 03/21 47 9 0 0 42 46 E AT 126 123.05 30 900 LFJT 160 Le Mans aéro 160LEM LFRM runway 02/20 47 56 55 0 12 6 E AT 59 125.9 20 970 LFRM 161 Les Avant Gardes 161LAG ULM airfield - 11/29 400x25m 47 48 49 2 14 3 E zPT 107 290 400 162 Les Maisons Blanches 162MAI road intersection 46 8 16 0 10 46 E T 125 163 Les Ponts de Cé 163PCE motorway bridge over Loire river 47 25 7 0 30 19 W T 24 164 Les Quatre vents 164QVT railway station 45 53 22 0 34 45 E T 220 165 Levroux ULM 165LVX airfield 46 57 42 1 39 44 E AT 135 123.5 40 166 Levroux centre 166LEV center of the city 46 58 26 1 36 50 E T 135 167 Lignerolles 167LGN center of the city 48 50 52 1 16 25 E T 142 168 Lignieres 168LGN castle 46 45 1 2 10 44 E T 160 169 Ligny le Ribault 169LGY airfield 47 42 20 1 46 25 E LPT 115 170 Ligueil 170LIG church - center of the city 47 2 37 0 49 5 E T 80 171 Loches 171LOC ULM airfield 260/08 47 9 12 1 0 43 E zPT 119 260 450 172 Loudun aéro 172LDN LFDL runway 08/26 47 2 14 0 6 5 E AT 96 123.5 80 790 LFDL 173 Loudun est 173LOU roundabout east 47 0 32 0 6 18 E T 110 174 Loué 174LOU center of the city 47 59 43 0 9 11 W T 84 175 Lurcy-Lévis aéro 175LCY LFJU runway 06/24 46 42 46 2 56 46 E AT 227 123.5 60 810 LFJU 176 Luzy 176LUZ railway station 46 47 39 3 58 10 E T 274 177 Macon aéro 177MCN LFLM runway 17/35 46 17 45 4 47 45 E AT 218 119.0 350 1230 LFLM 178 Magny Cours 178MGC circuit 46 51 51 3 9 50 E T 218 179 Malesherbes 179MAL railway station 48 17 33 2 24 4 E T 115 180 Manoir Dryades 180MDY Golf building and lakes 46 29 10 2 0 46 E T 400 181 Marigny le Châtel 181MLC center of the city 48 20 49 3 38 8 E T 137 182 Marmagne 182MAR bridge D160 over railway 47 6 1 2 16 53 E T 120 183 Massay 183MAY church - center of the city 47 9 7 1 59 38 E T 109 184 Mauléon aéro 184MAU LFJB runway 04/22 46 54 14 0 41 47 W AT 176 123.5 40 1300 LFJB 185 Mayenne 185MYN bridge over river 48 18 13 0 36 59 W T 82 186 Mehun sur Yèvre 186MEH railway station 47 8 22 2 12 26 E T 130 187 Menetou Salon 187MNS castle 47 14 6 2 29 30 E T 259 188 Mezière aéro 188MZR gliding airflield 47 48 47 1 50 32 E DT 104 189 Migennes 189MIG Railway yard 47 57 38 3 31 4 E T 82 190 Millançay 190MIL center of the city 47 26 49 1 46 19 E T 105 191 Mirebeau 191MIR church - center of the city 46 47 6 0 10 58 E T 110 192 Moisy 192MOI road intersection South of the city 47 54 15 1 18 34 E T 120 193 Mondreville 193MVL ULM airfield ULM - 01/19 500x40m 48 10 6 2 35 51 E zPT 105 194 Mont Beuvray 194MBV (small) mountain summit 46 55 23 4 2 13 E T 821 195 Montardoise 195MTD ULM airfield 06/24 48 28 1 4 11 43 E LT 176 240 800 196 Montargis aéro 196MON LFEM runway 05/23 47 57 38 2 41 9 E AT 93 123.5 50 900 LFEM 197 Montargis echangeur 197MNT road intersection South of the city 47 58 14 2 44 6 E T 94 198 Montargis nord 198MEN motorway junction A19-A77 north-west 48 3 44 2 40 2 E T 91 199 Montbard 199MBD railway station 47 37 7 4 20 11 E T 220 200 Montceau les Mines aéro 200MLM LFGM runway 09/27 46 36 11 4 20 15 E AT 308 123.5 270 900 LFGM 201 Montchanin 201MTN TGV railway crossing motorway 46 44 58 4 30 18 E T 363 202 Montluçon Guéret aéro 202MTG LFBK runway 17/35 46 13 34 2 21 46 E AT 408 118.4 350 1000 LFBK 203 Montluçon Domerat aéro 203MTL LFLT runway 11/29 46 21 13 2 34 20 E AT 235 123.5 110 1000 LFLT 204 Montmarault 204MML echangeur A71 46 19 47 2 58 1 E T 473 205 Montmorillon ULM 205MMN airfield ULM - 17/35 600x40m 46 23 25 0 56 55 E zPT 157 206 Montmorillon station 206MMR railway 46 25 10 0 52 15 E T 100 207 Montreuil Bellay 207MTB railway station 47 7 31 0 8 52 W T 35 208 Montrichard 208MTR airfield 47 20 8 1 12 0 E LPT 68 90 600 209 Mornay sur Allier 209MOR bridge over Allier river 46 48 57 3 2 36 E T 185 210 Mortagne aéro 210MAP LFAX runway 07/25 48 32 23 0 32 3 E AT 252 123.5 250 720 LFAX 211 Moulins aéro 211MLS LFHY runway 08/26 46 32 4 3 25 18 E AT 279 125.2 80 1000 LFHY 212 Moulins gare 212MOU railway station 46 33 27 3 20 18 E T 218 213 Mur de Sologne 213MDS center of the village 47 24 45 1 36 26 E T 155 214 Nançay Radiotelescope 214RDT radio telescope antenna 47 22 16 2 11 51 E T 136 215 Nemours 215NEM centre of the city 48 16 0 2 41 37 E T 70 216 Neuvy St Sepulcre 216NSS church - center of the city 46 35 44 1 48 31 E T 180 217 Nevers aéro 217NEV LFQG runway 12/30 47 0 13 3 6 39 E AT 184 120.6 300 930 LFQG 218 Nevers nord 218NVA motorway junction North of the city 47 2 7 3 8 35 E T 187 219 Niort aéro 219NIO LFBN runway 07/25 46 18 48 0 23 40 W AT 62 119.1 70 680 LFBN 220 Nogent le Rotrou 220NLR castle 48 18 51 0 49 14 E T 140 221 Noiretable 221NRE center of the city 45 48 59 3 45 59 E T 709 222 Nouan le Fuzelier 222NLF railway station 47 32 2 2 2 0 E T 105 223 Noyant 223NOY center of the city 47 30 40 0 7 14 E T 80 224 Nuits St Georges aéro 224NSG LFGZ runway 11/29 47 8 31 4 58 7 E AT 240 123.5 290 894 LFGZ 225 Onzain 225ONZ ULM airfield 47 31 28 1 10 53 E zPT 137 226 Orbigny 226ORB airfield 06/24 47 13 22 1 17 23 E LPT 161 240 800 227 Orçay 227ORC ULM airfield 47 17 45 2 6 2 E zPT 179 228 Orléans-St Denis de l'Hôtel aéro 228ODH LFOZ runway 05/23 47 53 51 2 9 51 E DT 121 122.4 230 1060 LFOZ 229 Paray le Monial aéro 229PAM LFGN runway 13/31 46 28 4 4 8 6 E DT 305 123.5 310 600 LFGN 230 Parthenay 230PAR railway station 46 38 54 0 14 26 W T 100 231 Perreux 231PRX ULM airfield - runway 08-26 47 52 30 3 8 8 E LT 182 250 232 Pithiviers aéro 232PIT LFFP runway 07/25 48 9 26 2 11 33 E AT 117 123.5 70 1140 LFFP 233 Pont sur Yonne aéro 233PTY LFGO runway 14/32 48 17 26 3 15 3 E AT 72 118.17 140 1000 LFGO 234 Pontlevoy 234PTL ULM airfield 47 23 8 1 13 8 E LT 99 600 235 Port de Piles 235PIL bridge over Creuse river 47 0 22 0 36 2 E T 44 236 Pouan-les-Vallées 236PLV center of the city 48 32 25 4 3 46 E T 85 237 Pouilly aéro 237PLY LFEP runway 03/21 47 13 14 4 33 37 E AT 428 123.5 30 850 LFEP 238 Pradeaux barrage 238PDX dam 45 32 22 3 50 40 E T 1258 239 Premery 239PRY center of the city 47 10 31 3 20 15 E T 230 240 Preuilly sur Claise 240PRE railway station 46 50 59 0 55 44 E T 85 241 Prissac 241PRS ULM field ULM - 06/26 230x20m 46 31 11 1 18 43 E zPT 167 242 Puy de Dôme 242PDM summit 45 46 18 2 57 49 E T 1464 243 Puy de Sancy 243PDS mountain summit 45 31 42 2 48 50 E T 1865 244 Quincy 244QUI castle 47 7 58 2 9 30 E T 125 245 Reignac 245RGN center of the city 47 13 38 0 54 54 E T 63 246 Reims sud 246REIM motorway junction South of the city 49 12 24 4 0 42 E T 95 247 Rethel aéro 247RTH LFAP runway 06/24 49 28 52 4 21 49 E AT 121 123.5 240 760 LFAP 248 Reuilly 248RLY railway station 47 5 4 2 2 51 E T 115 249 Richelieu 249RIC main square center of the city 47 0 44 0 19 27 E T 55 250 Roanne aéro 250ROA LFLO runway 02/20 46 3 17 4 0 2 E AT 336 120.9 20 740 LFLO 251 Roanne nord 251RNN roundabout way North of the city 46 3 57 4 3 19 E T 320 252 Roche de Solutre 252RSL rock 46 17 57 4 43 7 E T 490 253 Romorantin aéro 253ROM LFYR runway 05R/23L 47 19 15 1 41 20 E AT 88 119.07 50 800 LFYR 254 Rouy 254ROU center of the city 47 1 33 3 32 3 E T 255 255 Ruffec en Charente 255RUF bridge N10 over railway 46 1 33 0 10 45 E T 108 256 Ruffec en Indre 256RFC bridge over the Creuse river 46 37 35 1 10 22 E T 81 257 Sable sur Sarthe 257SSS railway station 47 50 30 0 20 31 W T 50 258 Salbris 258SAL center of the city 47 25 25 2 2 55 E T 110 259 Sancerre 259SAN road intersection West of the city 47 19 45 2 50 0 E T 180 260 Sancoins 260SNC church - center of the city 46 49 49 2 55 10 E T 205 261 Sandillon 261SND center of the town 47 50 44 2 1 59 E T 98 262 Santilly 262JAN ULM airfield - 18/36 750x40m 48 9 30 1 51 11 E zPT 125 263 Saulieu aéro 263SAA LFEW runway 05/23 47 14 18 4 15 49 E AT 517 123.5 50 730 LFEW 264 Saulzais le Potier 264SZP center of the city 46 35 55 2 29 44 E T 215 265 Saumur aéro 265SAU LFOD runway 10/28 47 15 24 0 6 49 W AT 82 120.6 100 970 LFOD 266 Sedan aéro 266SDN LFSJ runway 08/26 49 39 32 5 2 12 E AT 156 123.5 260 1100 LFSJ 267 Selles St Denis 267SSD airfield 47 24 0 1 55 0 E LPT 96 268 Selles sur Cher 268SEL factory 47 16 53 1 33 18 E T 88 269 Semur en Auxois aéro 269SMA LFGQ runway 04/22 47 28 52 4 20 35 E AT 320 123.5 40 620 LFGQ 270 Sens 270SEN cathedral - center of the city 48 11 53 3 16 58 E T 95 271 St Aignant 271SAI grain silos 47 17 44 1 21 47 E T 70 272 St Amand Montrond 272SAM bridge over Cher river 46 43 36 2 29 27 E T 155 273 St Baudel 273SBD report finish 29 - village 46 50 21 2 12 27 E T 160 274 St Benoît du Sault 274SBS used to be a runway 46 27 12 1 24 13 E T 238 275 St Benoît sur Loire 275SBL ULM airfield 47 47 32 2 20 10 E LT 125 275 276 St Calais 276SCA road intersection East of the city 47 55 10 0 45 56 E T 155 277 St Fargeau 277SFA castle 47 38 21 3 4 19 E T 200 278 St Florentin aéro 278SFL LFGP runway 07/25 47 58 53 3 46 37 E AT 109 123.5 70 1050 LFGP 279 St Florentin marina 279SFP marina south-east of the town 47 59 47 3 43 58 E T 100 280 St Georges sur Arnon 280SGA Report finish 18 - center of the city 46 59 56 2 5 35 E T 133 281 St Germain des Fosses 281SGF railway station 46 12 33 3 25 50 E T 253 282 St Hippolyte 282SHP ULM airfield 47 3 36 1 8 34 E LT 134 250 283 St Hubert aéro 283SHB EBSH runway 05/23 14/32 50 2 9 5 24 15 E AT 560 122.18 230 800 EBSH 284 St Junien aéro 284SJU LFBJ runway 07/25 45 54 12 0 55 12 E AT 275 123.5 70 585 LFBJ 285 St Maixent 285SMX main square center of the city 46 24 46 0 12 3 W T 150 286 St Morel Roland Garros 286STM memorial stele 49 21 0 4 40 53 E T 113 287 St Pierre le Moutiers 287SPM road intersection North of the city 46 48 7 3 7 12 E T 220 288 St Priest 288SPS ULM airfield ULM runway 01 350x20m 45 57 35 2 44 55 E zPT 680 10 350 289 St Romain le Preux 289SRP motorway junction 47 56 19 3 14 38 E T 127 290 St Savin 290SSV church 46 33 53 0 51 55 E T 105 291 St Sulpice des Landes 291SSL LFSS runway 09/27 47 47 30 1 38 37 W AT 95 123.5 270 772 LFSS 292 Ste Lizaigne 292SLZ Report finish 18 - center of the city 47 0 26 2 1 22 E T 145 293 Ste Thorette 293STT roundabout way D23 D27 intersection 47 4 40 2 10 50 E T 115 294 Sully sur Loire 294SUL bridge over river 47 46 12 2 22 25 E T 110 295 Terray 295TER report finish 29 - lake and camping 46 48 37 2 18 22 E T 162 296 Thouars aéro 296THO LFCT runways 02/20 16/34 46 57 43 0 9 10 W AT 104 123.35 120 950 LFCT 297 Thouars gare 297THG railway station 46 59 10 0 12 1 W T 87 298 Tonnerre TGV 298TGV TGV railway junction 47 40 42 4 4 57 E T 327 299 Tonnerre centre 299TON center of the city 47 51 22 3 58 26 E T 203 300 Toucy 300TOU center of the city 47 44 3 3 17 40 E T 207 301 Tournon St Martin 301TOU railway station 46 44 13 0 57 28 E T 85 302 Treigny 302TNY ULM airfield 47 33 3 3 11 50 E zT 280 360 303 Troo 303TRO ULM airfield ULM - 08/26 47 45 45 0 44 15 E zPT 60 260 760 304 Troyes aéro 304TRY LFQB runway 18/36 et 05/23 48 19 18 4 1 0 E AT 120 125.35 180 900 LFQB 305 Tuilière 305TLR ULM airfield ULM - 02/20 500x20m 46 31 57 3 7 6 E zPT 275 306 Vaiges 306VAI motorway junction North of the city 48 3 22 0 28 58 W T 108 307 Vailly sur Sauldre 307VLS center of the city 47 27 30 2 39 2 E T 190 308 Val de Bargis 308VLB center of the city 47 16 54 3 13 36 E T 269 309 Valençais 309VAL castle 47 9 29 1 33 48 E T 145 310 Vallon en Sully 310VLS motorway junction South 46 30 27 2 37 51 E T 300 311 Varennes sur Allier 311VAR bridge over river 46 19 19 3 21 51 E T 235 312 Vatan 312VAT center of the city 47 4 26 1 48 38 E T 140 313 Vendoeuvres 313VDV roundabout way West of the village 46 48 4 1 21 12 E T 125 314 Vezelay 314VEZ basilica 47 27 59 3 44 53 E T 300 315 Viaduc Garabit 315STM 44 58 25 3 10 25 E T 830 316 Vichy Celestins 316VCC South bridge over Allier river 46 7 10 3 25 2 E T 255 317 Vichy aéro 317VIC LFLV runway 01/19 46 10 18 3 24 15 E AT 250 121.4 190 2200 LFLV 318 Vierzon aéro 318VIE LFFV runway 04/22 47 11 41 2 4 0 E AT 131 125.25 40 680 LFFV 319 Vierzon péage 319VZP motorway junction North 47 14 36 2 4 20 E T 170 320 Vihiers 320VIH motorway junction south 47 8 6 0 31 39 W T 140 321 Ville Langy 321VLY airfield 17/35 46 56 47 3 29 30 E LPT 270 350 322 Villefranche Tarare aéro 322VFA LFHV runway 18/36 45 55 9 4 38 6 E AT 326 118.25 360 1040 LFHV 323 Villefranche sur Cher 323VIL center of the city 47 17 46 1 46 12 E T 100 324 Vouzeron 324VOU castle 47 15 17 2 14 10 E T 140 325 Voves 325VOV railway station 48 16 30 1 37 20 E T 150 326 Vuitton 326VUI report finish 11 - factory 46 54 8 1 59 0 E T 145