;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; + ; Inyokern, California + ; + ; Control Points formatted for EWView II and EWView III + ; + ; Contributed by Walter Rogers + ; + ; Generated Sunday, 12 June 2011 at 00:03 GMT + ; + ; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> USE AT YOUR OWN RISK <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< + ; All data and information contained in these data files are provided without + ; guarantee as to their completeness or correctness. Any conclusions drawn + ; from these data and information are the sole responsibility of the user. + ; + ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Start A" "STRT A" "_" "N3541.333" "W11754.533" "Start B" "STRT B" "_" "N3545.833" "W11754.817" "Start C" "STRT C" "_" "N3537.983" "W11758.200" "Inyokern" "INYKRN" "122.8" "N3539.517" "W11749.767" "Flying M Ranch" "FLNGMR" "_" "N3836.667" "W11900.117" "Hawthorne Airport" "HWTHRN" "122.8" "N3832.650" "W11838.050" "Sweetwater" "SWTWTR" "122.9" "N3830.900" "W11912.800" "Mina" "MINA" "122.9" "N3822.983" "W11806.050" "Bryant Field" "BRNTFL" "122.9" "N3815.833" "W11913.350" "Potato Pk" "POTATO" "_" "N3814.083" "W11905.217" "Tonopah" "TONOPH" "123.0" "N3803.600" "W11705.200" "Basalt Int" "BSLTNT" "_" "N3800.617" "W11816.483" "Lee Vining" "LEVNNG" "122.9" "N3757.467" "W11906.333" "Boundary Pk 2NW" "BNDRPK" "_" "N3751.883" "W11822.783" "Crestview" "CRSTVW" "_" "N3747.733" "W11900.150" "Glass Mtn" "GLSSMT" "_" "N3746.500" "W11842.500" "Silver Pk DL" "SLVRPK" "_" "N3745.750" "W11737.283" "Goldfield" "GLDFLD" "_" "N3743.350" "W11714.167" "Circle L Ranch" "CRCLRC" "_" "N3742.983" "W11805.050" "White Mtn Peak 2W" "WHTMTN" "_" "N3738.033" "W11817.500" "Mammoth Mtn" "MMMTHM" "_" "N3737.850" "W11901.950" "Mammoth Airport" "MAMMTH" "122.8" "N3737.433" "W11850.317" "Lida Junc Airstrip" "LDJNCS" "122.9" "N3729.517" "W11711.300" "Bishop Airport" "BISHOP" "123.0" "N3722.383" "W11821.817" "Scottys Junct" "SCTTSJ" "_" "N3717.950" "W11703.250" "Black Mtn" "BLCKMT" "_" "N3716.000" "W11813.533" "Bigpine5w" "BGPN5W" "_" "N3710.317" "W11822.800" "Waucoba Mtn" "WCBMTN" "_" "N3701.333" "W11800.433" "Beatty" "BEATTY" "122.9" "N3651.667" "W11647.100" "Independence" "INDPND" "122.9" "N3648.967" "W11812.283" "Mt Inyo" "MTINYO" "_" "N3644.100" "W11759.133" "Desert Rock" "DSRTRC" "122.8" "N3637.150" "W11601.967" "Stovepipe Wells" "STVPPW" "122.9" "N3636.217" "W11709.550" "Whitney Portal" "WHTNPR" "_" "N3635.350" "W11813.783" "Lone Pine" "LONEPN" "122.8" "N3635.283" "W11803.117" "Cerro Gordo Pk" "CRRGRD" "_" "N3632.267" "W11747.183" "Tucki Mtn" "TCKMTN" "_" "N3629.950" "W11707.867" "Switchbacks" "SWTCHB" "_" "N3628.750" "W11806.650" "Amargosa" "AMARGS" "_" "N3617.733" "W11625.550" "Darwin" "DARWIN" "_" "N3615.817" "W11735.883" "Olancha Strip" "OLANCH" "_" "N3615.350" "W11759.817" "Steering D" "STRNGD" "_" "N3614.667" "W11753.733" "Steering C" "STRNGC" "_" "N3614.550" "W11724.233" "Haiwee SierraFoothills" "HWSRRF" "_" "N3610.817" "W11802.217" "Telescope Pk" "TELSCP" "_" "N3610.250" "W11705.250" "Funeral Peak" "FNRLPK" "_" "N3606.183" "W11637.417" "Porter Peak" "PRTRPK" "_" "N3602.967" "W11703.333" "Cinder Cone DL" "CNDRCN" "_" "N3558.917" "W11754.000" "Shoshone" "SHOSHN" "122.9" "N3558.100" "W11616.150" "Nine Mile Canyon" "NNMLCN" "_" "N3551.150" "W11757.583" "Trona" "TRONA" "122.9" "N3548.733" "W11719.633" "Kern Valley" "KRNVLL" "122.8" "N3543.683" "W11825.167" "Steering B" "STRNGB" "_" "N3539.933" "W11724.183" "Steering A" "STRNGA" "_" "N3536.583" "W11747.517" "Hwy 14 Hwy 178 Int." "HW14HW" "_" "N3536.000" "W11754.350" "Terra 1 SW" "TRR1SW" "_" "N3535.483" "W11737.650" "Steering F" "STRNGF" "_" "N3527.367" "W11740.133" "Steering E" "STRNGE" "_" "N3527.333" "W11747.750" "Smugglers" "SMGGLR" "_" "N3525.300" "W11804.433" "Goler Wash" "GLRWSH" "_" "N3525.000" "W11744.000" "Flying S Ranch" "FLNGSR" "_" "N3524.417" "W11830.000" "Kelso Valley New" "KLSVLL" "_" "N3522.983" "W11813.117" "Johannesburg" "JHNNSB" "_" "N3522.000" "W11738.000" "Road Int N Cal City" "RDXNCL" "_" "N3519.000" "W11759.000" "Baker" "BAKER" "122.9" "N3517.133" "W11604.867" "Bear Mtn" "BERMTN" "_" "N3512.300" "W11838.283" "California City Muni" "CLFRNC" "122.7" "N3509.067" "W11800.983" "Mountain Valley" "MTNVLL" "123.0" "N3506.050" "W11825.383" "Mojave" "MOJAVE" "127.6" "N3503.517" "W11809.033" "Afton Cement Plant" "AFTNCM" "_" "N3503.000" "W11625.000" "Borax" "BORAX" "_" "N3501.800" "W11742.517" "Four Corners" "FRCRNR" "_" "N3459.750" "W11733.033" "Radar Site" "RADRST" "_" "N3455.450" "W11831.767" "Lloyds Landing" "LLDSLN" "123.0" "N3454.317" "W11818.100" "Barstow Railroad Yard" "BRSTWR" "_" "N3454.000" "W11702.000" "Rosamond Intersection" "RSMNDN" "_" "N3451.850" "W11809.783" "Barstow Daggett" "BRSTWD" "123.0" "N3451.217" "W11647.200" "Helendale Radar" "HLNDLR" "_" "N3449.667" "W11718.033" "Oso Pumping Station" "OSPMPN" "_" "N3449.000" "W11843.000" "Hector Vortac" "HCTRVT" "_" "N3447.817" "W11627.783" "General Wm J Fox AF" "GNRLWM" "120.3" "N3444.450" "W11813.117" "Hivista" "HIVIST" "_" "N3443.917" "W11749.400" "El Mirage Field" "ELMRGF" "_" "N3437.417" "W11735.967" "Apple Valley" "APPLVL" "122.8" "N3434.517" "W11711.167" "Crystal" "CRYSTL" "123.0" "N3429.067" "W11749.583" "Lucerne Valley Int" "LCRNVL" "_" "N3427.000" "W11657.000" "Wrightwood" "WRGHTW" "_" "N3421.650" "W11738.000" "Valley Vista" "VLLVST" "122.8" "N3420.233" "W11634.783" "Lake Arrowhead" "LKRRWH" "123.075" "N3418.250" "W11709.067" "Big Bear City" "BIGBRC" "122.725" "N3415.817" "W11651.350" "Roy Williams" "RWLLMS" "122.8" "N3409.250" "W11615.133" "Twentynine Palms" "TWNTNN" "122.8" "N3407.883" "W11556.733"