Site Innisfail, Alberta, Canada Contest Alberta Provincials, 2004 Courtesy of Tony Burton Airport and elevation information courtesy of Michael-Lorenz Meier Dated 27 July, 2004 Time Zone Name Canada/Mountain File created on Wednesday, 28 July 2004 at 03:07 GMT The primary specification of the waypoint coordinates is degrees and decimal minutes UNOFFICIAL, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK Do not use for navigation, for flight verification only. Always consult the relevant publications for current and correct information. This service is provided free of charge with no warrantees, expressed or implied. User assumes all risk of use. Number Name North/South Latitude [degrees] Latitude [minutes] Latitude [seconds] Latitude [decimal minutes] Latitude [decimal degrees] East/West Longitude [degrees] Longitude [minutes] Longitude [seconds] Longitude [decimal minutes] Longitude [decimal degrees] Elevation [Feet] Control P ID ID[3] ID[5] ID[6] ID[10] ID[12] Comments ICAO Identifier 1 Innisfail a/p N 52 4 56 4.94 52.0823333 W 114 1 0 1 -114.0166667 3022 HSFTA Infail INN INNSF Infail Innisfail Innisfail AP terminal building 2 Red Deer a/p N 52 10 32 10.54 52.1756667 W 113 53 8 53.13 -113.8855 2969 TA Red-ap RDD REDDR Red-ap Red Deer Red Deer a/p tower CYQF 3 Dickson Dam N 52 2 30 2.5 52.0416667 W 114 13 41 13.68 -114.228 T Dicksn DCK DCKSN Dicksn DicksonDam Dickson Dam spillway 4 Olds-Netook a/p N 51 51 0 51 51.85 W 114 4 0 4 -114.0666667 3330 TA Oldsap OLD OLDSN Oldsap OldsNetook Olds Netook runway intersection 5 Pine Lake N 52 6 42 6.7 52.1116667 W 113 28 30 28.5 -113.475 T PineLk PNL PINLk PineLk Pine Lake Pine Lake Northwest end of lake 6 Wimborne N 51 51 36 51.6 51.86 W 113 35 30 35.5 -113.5916667 T Wimbor WMB WMBRN Wimbor Wimborne Wimborne hamlet centre 7 Hespero a/p N 52 18 0 18 52.3 W 114 27 49 27.82 -114.4636667 3179 TA Hes-ap HSP HESPR Hes-ap Hespero AP Hespero a/p runway intersection 8 Bentley N 52 28 0 28 52.4666667 W 114 3 0 3 -114.05 T Bent BNT BENTL Bent Bentley Bentley RR crossing in town 9 Didsbury N 51 39 39 39.65 51.6608333 W 114 7 22 7.36 -114.1226667 T Didsby DDS DDSBR Didsby Didsbury Didsbury hospital on east side of town 10 Caroline N 52 5 35 5.59 52.0931667 W 114 44 21 44.35 -114.7391667 T Caroli CRL CARLN Caroli Caroline Caroline hwy intersection in town centre 11 Lacombe a/p N 52 29 29 29.48 52.4913333 W 113 42 41 42.68 -113.7113333 2779 TA Lac-ap LCM LACMB Lac-ap Lacombe AP Lacombe a/p north end of runway 12 Delburne N 52 11 53 11.88 52.198 W 113 13 16 13.27 -113.2211667 T Delbur DLB DLBRN Delbur Delburne Delburne centre of lagoons east of town 13 Sundre a/p N 51 46 32 46.53 51.7755 W 114 40 42 40.7 -114.6783333 3661 TA Sun-ap SND SUNDR Sun-ap Sundre a/p Sundre a/p hangar "Sundre" on roof 14 Elnora N 51 59 23 59.39 51.9898333 W 113 11 52 11.87 -113.1978333 T Elnora ELN ELNOR Elnora Elnora Elnora east (green) elevator 15 Trochu N 51 49 19 49.32 51.822 W 113 13 34 13.57 -113.2261667 T Trochu TRC TROCH Trochu Trochu Trochu hwy/RR crossing 16 Rimbey N 52 38 16 38.26 52.6376667 W 114 14 5 14.08 -114.2346667 T Rimbey RMB RIMBE Rimbey Rimbey Rimbey centre of racetrack 17 Tees N 52 27 48 27.8 52.4633333 W 113 18 36 18.6 -113.31 T Tees TES TEES Tees Tees Tees Hwy Y southeast of village 18 Cremona N 51 32 37 32.61 51.5435 W 114 29 4 29.06 -114.4843333 T Cremon CRM CREMN Cremon Cremona Cremona building in centre of sports track 19 Ponoka a/p N 52 39 23 39.38 52.6563333 W 113 36 13 36.22 -113.6036667 2671 TA Pon-ap PNK PONOK Pon-ap Ponoka a/p Ponoka a/p north end of runway 16 20 Three Hills a/p N 51 41 48 41.8 51.6966667 W 113 12 33 12.55 -113.2091667 2979 TA ThH-ap THR THRHL ThH-ap ThreeHills Three Hills NW end of runway 21 Acme N 51 30 37 30.62 51.5103333 W 113 29 56 29.93 -113.4988333 T Acme ACM ACME Acme Acme Acme S tip of lagoon N of town 22 Rumsey N 51 50 32 50.54 51.8423333 W 112 50 25 50.41 -112.8401667 T Rumsey RMS RUMSE Rumsey Rumsey Rumsey south elevator 23 Big Valley N 52 2 9 2.15 52.0358333 W 112 44 44 44.74 -112.7456667 T BigVal BGV BGVLL BigVal Big Valley Big Valley north (green) elevator 24 Bashaw N 52 34 31 34.51 52.5751667 W 112 58 44 58.73 -112.9788333 T Bashaw BSH BASHW Bashaw Bashaw Bashaw hwy/RR xing south of town 25 Stettler a/p N 52 18 36 18.6 52.31 W 112 45 14 45.23 -112.7538333 2690 TA Stetap STT STTTL Stetap Stettler Stettler a/p runway east end 26 Hobbema N 52 49 35 49.59 52.8265 W 113 26 52 26.86 -113.4476667 T Hobbem HBB HOBBM Hobbem Hobbema Hobbema north elevator 27 Ma-Me-O Beach N 52 58 26 58.43 52.9738333 W 113 57 51 57.85 -113.9641667 T MaMe-O MMB MMBCH MaMe-O MaMeOBeach Ma Me OBeach end of wharf 28 Winfield N 52 57 50 57.83 52.9638333 W 114 26 4 26.07 -114.4345 2999 T Winfie WNF WNFLD Winfie Winfield Winfield sewage lagoon west of town 29 Ferintosh N 52 45 55 45.92 52.7653333 W 112 58 27 58.45 -112.9741667 T Ferint FRN FRNTS Ferint Ferintosh Ferintosh elevator west side of town 30 Wetaskiwin a/p N 52 58 8 58.14 52.969 W 113 25 2 25.03 -113.4171667 2510 TA Wet-ap WTS WTSKW Wet-ap Wetaskiwin Wetaskiwin northwest end of runway 31 Drunheller a/p N 51 30 5 30.08 51.5013333 W 112 44 51 44.85 -112.7475 2602 TA Drumap DRN DRNHL Drumap Drunheller Drunheller north end of runway 32 Donalda N 52 35 3 35.05 52.5841667 W 112 34 14 34.23 -112.5705 T Donald DNL DONLD Donald Donalda Donalda RR/hwy xing on east side of town 33 Rosebud N 51 17 58 17.97 51.2995 W 112 56 51 56.85 -112.9475 T Rosebu RSB ROSBD Rosebu Rosebud Rosebud road/RR crossing 34 Edburg N 52 47 14 47.24 52.7873333 W 112 42 44 42.73 -112.7121667 T Edburg EDB EDBRG Edburg Edburg Edburg Battle R bridge 5 km east of town