* NUM NAM COM LAT_D LAT_M LON_D LON_M COD ALT FRE RW_D RW_H RW_L RW_S RW_W RW_G ICAO NAM_12 * * ============================================================================== * * Filename "hutch_18.stx" created Wednesday, 08 May 2019 at 21:51 GMT * Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange format version 0.5.2 * * Lines starting with a * are comments and are ignored by programs using this file * Lines starting with a $ are definitions of parameters available to programs using this file * The first line that is neither a comment nor a definition contains the definitions * of the contents of the columns that follow * All other lines are waypoint definitions * The line containing the column definitions can be placed anywhere before the first waypoint. * It is placed as a comment at the top of this file for convenience in using this file * with a spreadsheet program, where the first line can be placed in a separate window * to label the columns as you scroll down. * The columns are separated by the "tab" character * * The specification of the .STX file format is available at * http://soaringweb.org/TP/stx_specification.html * * This is a 'beta' release to support the release of the NK ClearNav and is subject to change. * * ============================================================================== * * Starting the definition of various parameters for the file * $STX_VERSION 0.5.2 * add_ndb_air run Sunday, 05 October 2014 at 23:13 GMT * AND points within 1 nm were given the FAA coordinates * ANY points with the attribute A that do not have an FAA airport close enough, * HAVE the A attribute changed to L. * Hutchinson, KS # 08 April 2010 $COUNTRY US $HOME Hutchinson, Kansas [ Sunflower Gliderport ] $SKIP_WAYPOINT_MODE_CHANGES y $ILEC_HOME Hutchinson, KS $CONTRIBUTOR Andrew Peters '3T' $ILEC_CONTRIBUTOR_NAME Andrew Peters * F Contributor's e-mail: AAPeters@cessna.textron.com $CONTRIBUTOR'S_E-MAIL apsoars@yahoo.com $HEADER See also the Hutchinson contests waypoints $MODIFICATIONS 08 Feb 96: Original contribution courtesy of Aland Adams 'AA' $MODIFICATIONS 18 May 99: Most coordinates changed. $MODIFICATIONS 23 Mar 00: Contest URL included $MODIFICATIONS 20 Jul 00: Turnpoint numbers, start line center and both ends, finish line center and both ends, east and west IP added   Sunflower elevation changed courtesy of Dennis Brown 'LY' $MODIFICATIONS 18 Aug 00: Ashland latitude changed $MODIFICATIONS 22 Jul 02: Halstead moved. Starts and Finish changed, courtesy of Steve Leonard $MODIFICATIONS 09 Apr 10: Alderson, Andale, Anton Flying V, Bar P Ranch, Beaumont Hotl, Beaver OK, Brollier, Buehler, Buhler, Cade's, Chase County, Christman OK, ConverseFarm, Council Grove, Decker, Dickson, Dighton, Ditch Witch, Elk County, Elkhrt-MrtnC, Emporia, EnidWoodring, Eureka, EveleighFrms, F.W.Zaloudek, Fairmont, Fairview, Freedom, Freeman, Garden City, Gilley's, Godfrey, Griffith, HendersonFrm, Hilltop OK 2, HitchFeedrs., Hugoton, Ingalls, Inman, Johns, Judy Ranch, KegelmanAFAx, King Rc, Laflin Ranch, Lakin, Laverne, Leo's Place, Liberal Md-mrc, Liebau Ranch, LndgrnHrfrdR, Logsdon Rc, Lucas, Manhattan, Mark Hoard, Medford, Miller Aerpln, Minnepls C Cnt, Mooreland, Morgan Farms, Moritz, Mulberry Hill, N & N, Nickerson, Osborne, Pawhuska, Pawnee, Perry, PhillpsbrgKS, Plainville, Plevna, Pond Creek, Prtty Prarie, Quinter, R J C Farms, Roberts 2, Rose Port, Satanta, Scott City, Secrest Rc, Sedan City, Seiling, Sickler, Smith 2, Smith Center, Solomon Valle, Srcs-HmltnCn, StantonCount, Start S, Start W, SteinertLaks, Stillwater, Stockton, Stuber Flng Rc, Sublette, Sunshine Rc, ThomasLandng, TregoWakeene, Tribune, Ulysses, W Woodward, Wamego, Wilkens, and Woodlake OK added.   Alva, Anthony, Argonia, Arlington, Ashland, Blackwell Tonkawa, Bucklin, Burrton, Coldwater, Ellinwood, Ellsworth, Garden Plain, Great Bend, Harper, Haviland, Herington, Holyrood, Kingman, Kinsley, Kiowa, Larned-Pawnee, Lucas, Lyons-Rice, Marion, Meade, Montezuma, Moundridge, Ness City, Newton, Norwich, Patty, Pilot Pointe Estates, Ponca City, Pratt, Riverside, Rush County, Russell, Salina, Start E, Sterling, Turon, Wellington, and Winfield moved.   Beech Factory, Berwick, Beyer Farm, Blocker, Cessna Acft, DMH, Hamilton, Hetsel Ranch, Kennedy, Maize, McConnell AFB, Montezuma Coop, Navrat, R F Roesner, Rogers, Savute, Shupe, Vankirk, Westport, Westport Auxiliary, Wichita Mid-Continent, and Wilroads Gardens removed.   Benton renamed Lloyd Stearman, Cook Airfield renamed Cook, Hays Regional renamed Hays, Mills renamed HUT VOR, Start E renamed Haven, and Start SW renamed Castleton. $MODIFICATIONS 12 Apr 10: "L" attribute removed from Kiowa. Coordinates for airports changed to FAA ARP values. $ALTITUDE_UNIT Feet * Magnetic Variation updated Tuesday, 19 January 2010 at 05:40 GMT $MAGNETIC_VARIATION 4.8E $CD Yes $ZANDER_START_FINISH Orig $HEADER $TIMEZONE_NAME US/Central $MODIFICATIONS 05 Oct 14: Ilec airspace file updated with AirParse Version 2.5 $MODIFICATIONS 12 May 18: Airport attribute for Holyrood changed to landable. Abel Ranch, Bar P Ranch, Cade's, Dick, Dickson, Ditch Witch, Elm Creek, Flying H Ranch, Flying N Ranch, Gilley's, Grass Roots, Hitch Feeders II, Johns, Kendrigan, Liebau Ranch, Paul Windle, Plainville, Quinter, Riverside KS, Rush, Selby Farm, Solomon Valley, Steinert Lakes, Stockton, and Tyler non-control-point airports removed, courtesy of Tony Condon. Numbers for non-control-point airports removed. $FILENAME_3 ht8 $FILENAME_4 ht18 $FILENAME_5 htc18 $FILENAME_8 hutch_18 $NDB_AIR_FILENAME ht0R * STATE_ABBEV added 30 Jan 10 $STATE_ABBREV KS $STATE Kansas * ============================================================================== * * Filename "hutch_18.stx" created Wednesday, 08 May 2019 at 21:51 GMT * Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange format version 0.5.2 * * Lines starting with a * are comments and are ignored by programs using this file * Lines starting with a $ are definitions of parameters available to programs using this file * The first line that is neither a comment nor a definition contains the definitions * of the contents of the columns that follow * All other lines are waypoint definitions * The line containing the column definitions can be placed anywhere before the first waypoint. * It is placed as a comment at the top of this file for convenience in using this file * with a spreadsheet program, where the first line can be placed in a separate window * to label the columns as you scroll down. * The columns are separated by the "tab" character * * The specification of the .STX file format is available at * http://soaringweb.org/TP/stx_specification.html * * This is a 'beta' release to support the release of the NK ClearNav and is subject to change. * * ============================================================================== * * Starting the definition of various parameters for the file * $STX_VERSION 0.5.2 $COUNTRY US $HOME Hutchinson, Kansas [ Sunflower Gliderport ] $CONTRIBUTOR Andrew Peters '3T' $CONTRIBUTOR'S_E-MAIL apsoars@yahoo.com $ALTITUDE_UNIT Feet $MAGNETIC_VARIATION 4.8E $TIMEZONE_NAME US/Central $NDB_AIR_FILENAME ht0R $STATE_ABBREV KS $RW_L_UNIT Feet $CONTRIBUTION_DATE 10 May 2018 $LONGITUDE West $LATITUDE North * * ============================================================================== * * The next line defines the contents of columns. It MUST appear before the first waypoint line NUM NAM COM LAT_D LAT_M LON_D LON_M COD ALT FRE RW_D RW_H RW_L RW_S RW_W RW_G ICAO NAM_12 * * Starting the waypoints * 1 Sunflower 37 55.583 97 54.367 HTAP 1582 17/35 170 7000 A 200 SN76 SUNFLOWER 2 Alva 36 46.383 98 40.2 TA 1473 122.8 17/35 90 1850 G 170 AVK Alva 3 Andale 37 47.433 97 37.770 T 1438 Andale 4 Anthony 37 9.517 98 4.783 TA 1340 122.8 17/35 104 2200 G 150 0.3 ANY Anthony 5 Arlington 37 53.801 98 10.721 T 1595 Arlington 6 Ashland 37 10.0 99 46.5 TA 1951 122.9 14/32 140 3135 G 300 K58 Ashland 7 Blackwell Tonkawa 36 44.7 97 20.983 TA 1030 122.8 17/35 180 3501 A 60 BKN BlckwllTnk 8 Buhler 38 08.067 97 46.205 T 1477 Buhler 9 Burrton 38 01.436 97 40.188 T 1451 Burrton 10 Castleton 37 51.999 97 58.181 T 1472 Castleton 11 Coldwater 37 13.683 99 19.850 TA 2085 122.9 17/35 170 4500 C 60 3K8 Coldwater 12 Ellsworth 38 45.017 98 13.750 TA 1615 122.7 17/35 120 2229 G 250 9K7 Ellsworth 13 Garden Plain 37 39.501 97 41.019 T 1450 GardenPln 14 Great Bend 38 20.650 98 51.550 TA 1887 122.8 17/35 180 7851 A 100 GBD GreatBend 15 Halstead 38 1.883 97 30.550 TAP 1412 17/35 170 2640 G 150 SN05 Halstead 16 Harper 37 16.683 98 2.617 TA 1427 122.9 17/35 134 2138 G 160 8K2 Harper 17 Haven 37 54.066 97 46.962 T 1481 Haven 18 Haviland 37 36.5 99 6.933 TAP 2162 17/35 170 3100 G 120 SN63 Haviland 19 Herington 38 41.683 96 48.483 TA 1480 122.9 17/35 180 4184 C 75 HRU Herington 20 Holyrood 38 35.250 98 24.283 TL 1805 17/35 170 1650 G 100 Holyrood 21 HUT VOR 37 59.815 97 56.049 TP 1541 17/35 170 2400 G 75 31KS HUT VOR 22 Inman 38 13.918 97 46.405 T 1522 Inman 23 Kanopolis 38 36.523 97 57.879 T 1523 Kanopolis 24 Kingman 11/29 22.8 37 40.150 98 7.433 TA 1595 122.8 11/29 188 4300 C 75 9K8 Kingman 25 Kinsley 18/36 22.9 37 54.533 99 24.183 TA 2170 122.9 18/36 187 3290 A 56 33K Kinsley 26 Kiowa 37 00.920 98 29.758 T 1327 18/36 Kiowa 27 Larned-Pawnee 04/22 22.8 38 12.517 99 5.167 TA 2010 122.8 04/22 135 3086 G 180 LQR LarnedPwn 28 Lucas 17/35 22.9 39 3.717 98 31.517 TA 1487 122.9 17/35 170 2904 A 50 38K Lucas 29 Lyons-Rice 14/32 22.8 38 20.567 98 13.617 TA 1685 122.8 14/32 170 2550 G 150 LYO LyonsRice 30 Marion 03/21 22.9 38 20.250 96 59.5 TA 1383 122.9 03/21 30 2745 G 95 43K Marion 31 McPherson 08/26 22.8 38 21.150 97 41.483 TA 1492 122.8 08/26 186 5502 C 100 MPR McPherson 32 Meade 08/26 22.8 37 16.617 100 21.383 TA 2510 122.8 08/26 90 2553 G 80 MEJ Meade 33 Medicine Lodge 01/19 22.9 37 15.750 98 32.767 TA 1508 122.9 01/19 10 2270 G 90 1.0 K51 MedicnLdg 34 Moundridge 17/35 22.9 38 12.550 97 30.167 TA 1491 122.9 17/35 180 3405 A 50 47K Moundridg 35 Ness City 17/35 22.9 38 28.267 99 54.483 TA 2294 122.9 17/35 180 3156 A 48 48K Ness City 36 Newton 08/26 23.0 38 3.5 97 16.467 TA 1528 123.0 08/26 180 7003 A 100 EWK Newton 37 Nickerson 38 08.836 98 5.019 T 1593 Nickerson 38 Norwich 17/35 22.9 37 27.333 97 50.017 TA 1487 122.9 17/35 170 3230 G 80 49K Norwich 39 Plevna 37 58.335 98 18.521 T 1689 Plevna 40 Pratt 17/35 22.8 37 42.150 98 44.817 TA 1942 122.8 17/35 180 5500 C 100 PTT Pratt 41 Prtty Prarie 37 46.805 98 1.192 T 1571 Prtty Prarie 42 Russell 03/21 22.7 38 52.283 98 48.7 TA 1862 122.7 03/21 40 1602 G 300 RSL Russell 43 Sterling 38 12.603 98 12.423 T 1641 Sterling 44 Turon 37 48.435 98 25.606 T 1762 Turon 45 Wellington 17/35 22.8 37 19.417 97 23.3 TA 1270 122.8 17/35 179 4201 C 100 EGT Wellingtn 46 Winfield 13/31 22.8 37 10.117 97 2.250 TA 1154 122.8 13/31 180 5506 A 100 WLD Winfield 47 Start E 37 55.821 97 48.905 S 1491 Start E 48 Start S 37 53.028 97 54.383 S 1491 Start S 49 Start W 37 55.938 97 59.907 S 1551 Start W 50 Finish 37 55.583 97 54.367 FAP 1582 17/35 170 7000 A 200 SN76 Finish 51 Dodge City 37 45.783 99 57.933 TA 2594 122.7 14/32 154 6899 A 100 DDC Dodge City 52 Cimarron 37 49.833 100 21.033 TA 2752 122.9 11/29 110 2450 G 50 8K8 Cimarron KS 53 Garden City 37 55.650 100 43.467 TA 2891 118.15 17/35 180 7300 C 100 GCK Garden City 54 Montezuma 37 35.133 100 28.217 TA 2780 122.9 17/35 170 4000 G 120 K17 Montezuma KS 55 Sublette 37 29.817 100 49.967 TA 2907 122.9 08/26 80 2300 G 100 19S Sublette 56 Satanta 37 27.4 100 59.083 TA 2976 122.8 03/21 30 3250 A 40 1K9 Satanta 57 Ulysses 37 36.233 101 22.417 TA 3067 122.8 17/35 180 6000 C 100 ULS Ulysses * Abilene 22.8 17/35 38 54.250 97 14.150 A 1152 122.8 17/35 180 4100 A 75 K78 Abilene KS Albers 37 39.5 97 46.467 AP 1380 18/36 180 2623 G 50 SN13 Albers Alderson 39 2.083 97 34.8 AP 1250 17/35 170 2700 V 99 08KS Alderson Alfred Schroeder 22.9 17/35 38 20.583 97 12.850 A 1434 122.9 17/35 170 3229 A 44 0.6 M66 AlfredSchrdr Alley 37 30.833 97 0.017 AP 1260 17/35 170 1200 G 75 60KS Alley Amy E/W 37 28.0 100 0.017 AP 2560 E/W 090 1300 G 20 SN94 Amy KS Anton Flying V 37 25.250 100 56.533 AP 2954 01/19 10 2150 G 100 SN98 AntonFlyingv Argonia 22.9 17/35 37 16.517 97 45.533 A 1275 122.9 17/35 170 3200 G 60 2K8 Argonia Augusta 22.8 18/36 37 40.3 97 4.667 A 1328 122.8 18/36 184 4199 A 60 3AU Augusta KS Barnard 38 38.217 97 12.817 AP 1420 17/35 170 1900 G 100 51KS Barnard Beaumont Hotel 37 39.550 96 31.633 AP 1617 122.9 18/36 180 2400 G 80 SN07 BeaumontHotl Beaver 22.9 04/22 36 47.933 100 31.8 A 2491 122.9 04/22 45 3025 G 95 K44 Beaver OK Belcher 23.05 17/35 38 52.117 97 56.267 AP 1420 123.05 17/35 170 3000 G 75 SN28 Belcher KS Belle Plaine Farms 37 23.750 97 12.6 AP 1190 01/19 10 2200 G 50 SN10 BellePlnFrms Bob Park N/S 37 18.167 97 57.850 AP 1396 N/S 180 2000 D 30 SN71 Bob Park Brady-Pippin N/S 37 43.167 97 2.933 AP 1300 N/S 180 2000 G 80 SN20 Brady-Pippin Brollier 37 19.583 101 11.867 AP 3056 18/36 180 2400 A 75 SN97 Brollier Bucklin 22.9 18/36 37 32.750 99 38.5 A 2418 122.9 18/36 180 2560 G 150 8K0 Bucklin Buehler E/W 38 30.917 100 59.683 AP 3038 E/W 090 2500 G 80 1KS8 Buehler KS Buffalo 22.9 17/35 36 51.8 99 37.117 A 1822 122.9 17/35 180 4000 A 60 BFK Buffalo OK Burger's Valley 38 55.333 97 42.517 AP 1325 18/36 180 2400 G 60 58KS Burger'sVall Butler 37 33.533 97 3.9 AP 1310 01/19 10 2687 G 40 4KS7 Butler KS Button N/S 38 23.0 98 45.017 AP 1845 N/S 180 1900 G 90 SN67 Button Caldwell 22.9 17/35 37 2.167 97 35.183 A 1157 122.9 17/35 170 2460 G 110 01K Caldwell KS Chase County 22.9 17/35 38 21.517 96 33.267 A 1273 122.9 17/35 170 2300 G 155 9K0 Chase County Cherokee KS 37 22.250 97 6.433 AP 1270 17/35 170 2500 G 200 18KS Cherokee KS Cherokee OK 22.9 17/35 36 47.283 98 21.5 A 1177 122.9 17/35 181 3570 A 50 4O5 Cherokee OK Christman 22.9 17/35 36 6.750 98 18.517 A 1205 122.9 17/35 180 3000 A 60 O65 Christman OK Colonel James Jabara 22.7 18/36 37 44.850 97 13.267 A 1421 122.7 18/36 187 6101 C 100 AAO ColonlJmsJbr Converse Farm N/S 38 46.0 96 6.433 AP 1231 N/S 180 2400 G 60 SN47 ConverseFarm Cook 22.8 01/19 37 33.983 97 10.467 A 1345 122.8 01/19 10 1600 G 50 K50 Cook KS Council Grove 22.9 04/22 38 40.583 96 34.367 A 1409 122.9 04/22 40 1845 G 120 K63 CouncilGrove Captain Jack Thomas/El Dorado 22.8 04/22 37 46.450 96 49.050 A 1378 122.8 04/22 43 4204 A 75 EQA CptnJckThmsl Curtis 37 51.383 97 16.183 AP 1380 18/36 180 630 G 50 SN16 Curtis KS Daniel's Landing 37 41.867 97 6.617 AP 1325 17/35 170 2000 G 75 13KS Danil'sLndng Decker 22.9 03/21 36 22.317 98 10.7 A 1330 122.9 03/21 30 2215 G 75 0.3 4O7 Decker Deweze 37 16.767 98 1.083 AP 1414 04/22 40 2200 G 30 5KS3 Deweze Dighton 22.9 06/24 38 29.383 100 28.783 A 2778 122.9 06/24 60 2000 G 110 K65 Dighton Eagle 37 50.933 97 30.6 AP 1379 17/35 170 3600 G 92 7KS9 Eagle KS Earl Henry 36 47.750 97 19.017 AP 1054 17/35 170 2400 G 120 6OK6 Earl Henry Eck N/S 37 41.750 97 32.350 AP 1330 N/S 180 2640 G 70 SN64 Eck Elk County 22.9 18/36 37 22.833 96 16.250 A 1063 122.9 18/36 180 2510 A 40 2K6 Elk County Elkhart-Morton County 22.8 04/22 37 0.050 101 52.8 A 3622 122.8 04/22 48 4900 A 60 EHA Elkhrt-MrtnC Ellinwood 22.9 08/26 38 22.367 98 35.917 A 1797 122.9 08/26 80 2150 G 150 1K6 Ellinwood Emporia 22.8 06/24 38 19.833 96 11.4 A 1208 122.8 06/24 65 3881 G 300 EMP Emporia Enid Woodring 18.9 13/31 36 22.7 97 47.333 A 1167 118.9 13/31 135 3149 A 108 WDG EnidWoodring Esplund Farm 37 23.2 99 51.917 AP 2555 18/36 180 2640 G 40 75KS Esplund Farm Airpark Estates 37 40.550 96 53.117 AP 1340 17/35 170 2340 G 50 20KS Estates KS Eureka 22.8 18/36 37 51.1 96 17.5 A 1206 122.8 18/36 191 3503 A 60 13K Eureka KS Eveleigh Farms N/S 37 46.067 101 26.083 AP 3207 N/S 180 3700 G 100 3KS4 EveleighFrms F.W. Zaloudek 36 33.4 97 50.017 AP 1118 17/35 170 4600 G 100 OK66 F.W.Zaloudek Fairmont 36 21.883 97 40.067 AP 1168 17/35 170 2211 G 65 OK16 Fairmont OK Fairview 22.8 17/35 36 17.417 98 28.550 A 1272 122.8 17/35 180 3620 A 60 6K4 Fairview OK Fisher 37 59.5 97 39.383 AP 1430 18/36 180 3100 G 80 SN08 Fisher KS Foster 37 52.2 96 38.8 AP 1440 17/35 170 2440 G 50 SN58 Foster KS Fowler 22.9 03/21 37 23.050 100 11.167 A 2483 122.9 03/21 30 2310 G 100 18K Fowler KS Freedom 22.9 12/30 36 45.517 99 6.117 A 1517 122.9 12/30 120 3000 A 35 K77 Freedom OK Freeman 22.8 05/23 39 2.6 96 50.6 A 1101 122.8 05/23 57 1927 G 200 3JC Freeman KS Godfrey 38 6.583 96 6.933 AP 1100 06/24 60 2300 G 100 SN91 Godfrey Griffith 39 30.467 98 35.167 AP 1500 16/34 160 1800 G 80 65KS Griffith Harold K. Wells 38 23.217 96 43.783 AP 1100 18/36 180 2600 G 60 SN37 HaroldK.Wlls Hays 22.8 16/34 38 50.533 99 16.383 A 1999 122.8 16/34 167 6501 A 100 HYS Hays Heape 37 44.050 96 56.2 AP 1321 18/36 180 2000 G 45 07KS Heape Henderson Farm 36 37.983 99 9.067 AP 1750 17/35 170 2500 G 50 35OL HendersonFrm Miles 37 49.9 97 21.783 AP 1345 17/35 170 2648 G 50 46KS HiddenVallKS High Point 37 51.0 97 21.017 AP 1395 17/35 170 2400 G 100 3KS5 High Point Hilltop 36 11.6 97 5.450 AP 1070 17/35 170 1600 G 75 88OK Hilltop OK 2 Homestead Farms 22.9 17/35 36 41.5 97 43.6 A 1030 122.9 17/35 170 2870 A 21 O66 HomestedFrms Hugoton 22.8 02/20 37 9.783 101 22.233 A 3134 122.8 02/20 25 5000 C 75 HQG Hugoton Hutchinson 18.5 13/31 38 3.933 97 51.633 A 1543 118.5 13/31 138 7004 A 100 HUT HutchinsonKS Ingalls 22.9 17/35 37 54.417 100 31.883 A 2814 122.9 17/35 180 3000 C 75 30K Ingalls KS J Roesner 38 50.833 97 33.017 AP 1211 18/36 180 1287 G 30 SN00 J Roesner Jenkinson 37 21.833 100 28.283 AP 2737 01/19 10 3500 G 75 SN12 Jenkinson Jetmore 22.7 17/35 37 59.067 99 53.667 A 2466 122.7 17/35 181 4205 A 75 K79 Jetmore Judy Ranch 36 58.0 100 19.033 AP 2240 06/24 60 3100 G 60 OK39 Judy Ranch Kaypod N/S 37 15.083 97 57.267 AP 1379 N/S 180 2300 G 40 SN70 Kaypod Kegelman AF Aux 36 45.0 98 7.0 A 1202 17/35 183 7800 C 150 CKA KegelmanAFAx King Ranch 22.7 17/35 37 56.333 96 13.850 AP 1160 122.7 17/35 170 1800 G 40 8KS2 King Rc KS Laflin Ranch 39 24.0 96 37.017 AP 1190 05/23 50 2000 G 50 SN99 Laflin Ranch Lakin 22.9 02/20 37 58.167 101 15.317 A 3077 122.9 02/20 20 2600 G 90 36K Lakin Laverne 22.9 17/35 36 44.667 99 54.517 AP 2112 122.9 17/35 170 3950 A 50 O51 Laverne Leo's Place 39 18.250 96 45.517 AP 1350 11/29 110 1100 G 30 1KS3 Leo's Place Liberal Mid-America 22.8 04/22 37 2.650 100 57.6 A 2885 122.8 04/22 45 5721 C 150 LBL LiberlMd-mrc Lil Bird 37 52.750 97 18.617 AP 1456 18/36 180 2300 G 60 SN68 Lil Bird Lincoln 22.9 15/33 39 3.483 98 10.017 A 1412 122.9 15/33 150 2700 G 370 K71 Lincoln KS Lake Waltanna 37 35.5 97 37.017 AP 1440 17/35 170 2100 G 100 SN65 Lk Waltanna Lloyd Stearman 23.075 17/35 37 46.517 97 6.8 A 1364 123.075 17/35 176 4600 A 60 1K1 LloydStearmn LMN 120 37 30.950 96 55.183 AP 1330 05/23 50 3000 G 150 0KS9 LMN 120 Lundgren Hereford Ranch 38 48.783 100 34.250 AP 2600 16/34 160 2600 G 100 9KS6 LndgrnHrfrdR Logsdon Ranch 36 31.833 98 38.2 AP 1475 17/35 170 1350 G 75 OK43 Logsdon Rc Lucas 37 25.117 101 33.5 AP 3172 17/35 170 2640 V 50 SN25 Lucas KS 1 Manhattan 18.55 03/21 39 8.467 96 40.250 A 1057 118.55 03/21 40 7000 C 150 MHK Manhattan Mark Hoard 22.7 17/35 38 27.483 101 21.050 A 3303 122.7 17/35 170 4300 A 50 3K7 Mark Hoard May Ranch 36 59.8 99 0.283 AP 1833 08/26 80 1500 G 75 OK54 May Ranch McCrays 36 57.533 98 4.517 AP 1260 17/35 170 1500 G 100 OK46 McCrays Medford 22.8 17/35 36 47.433 97 44.933 A 1092 122.8 17/35 180 3007 A 60 O53 Medford Mike's Place 36 50.933 99 27.4 AP 1787 17/35 170 4000 G 35 96OK Mike's Place Miller Aeroplane 39 14.117 96 17.983 AP 1020 18/36 180 2600 G 40 83KS MillerAerpln Miller Brothers N/S 36 56.5 98 1.017 AP 1250 N/S 180 1300 G 50 OK47 MillerBrthrs Mills 37 59.750 97 55.767 AP 1520 17/35 170 2400 G 75 31KS Mills KS Minneapolis City County 22.9 16/34 39 5.683 97 43.233 A 1245 122.9 16/34 160 3970 A 20 45K MinneplsCCnt Mono Aircraft 37 41.567 97 53.183 AP 1450 18/36 180 2000 G 75 0KS7 MonoAircraft Moore 37 47.3 98 50.983 AP 1992 17/35 170 2400 G 75 SN48 Moore KS Mooreland 22.8 17/35 36 29.083 99 11.650 A 1970 122.8 17/35 180 3500 A 60 MDF Mooreland Morgan Farms 37 48.750 101 27.533 AP 3190 08/26 80 2800 G 70 8KS0 Morgan Farms Moritz 22.8 04/22 39 28.267 98 7.733 A 1416 122.8 04/22 45 2381 G 110 0.1 K61 Moritz Mulberry Hill 36 8.5 96 56.6 AP 1026 17/35 170 2670 G 100 6OK9 MulberryHill * N & N 39 12.850 N 96 40.333 W 1230 AP N & N 17/35 2200 100 17/35 G 49KS Manhattan 49KS N & N 06E 170 Kansas KS 785-539-7436 N &N N+N N +N N + N N + N N and N N and N N and N N and N N and N N and N N and N N and N N and N N and N N & N 39 12.850 96 40.333 AP 1230 17/35 170 2200 G 100 49KS N & N Olson 37 31.417 97 11.9 AP 1325 18/36 180 1900 G 50 SN40 Olson KS Osborne 22.9 12/30 39 25.750 98 40.767 A 1565 122.9 12/30 120 2900 G 80 K75 Osborne KS Oxford 22.9 17/35 37 16.183 97 5.483 A 1189 122.9 17/35 170 3380 A 60 55K Oxford Patty 22.9 18/36 37 48.033 96 47.950 A 1385 122.9 18/36 180 1800 G 60 9K6 Patty Pawhuska 22.9 17/35 36 40.3 96 24.333 A 1000 122.9 17/35 170 3200 A 60 H76 Pawhuska Pawnee 22.9 18/36 36 23.0 96 48.617 A 875 122.9 18/36 180 2130 G 100 H97 Pawnee Perry 22.8 17/35 36 23.133 97 16.633 A 1002 122.8 17/35 180 5110 A 75 0.6 F22 Perry OK Philip Ranch 38 46.833 99 13.267 AP 1923 14/32 140 2046 G 144 73KS Philip Ranch Phillipsburg 22.8 03/21 39 44.150 99 19.033 A 1907 122.8 03/21 36 2743 G 140 0.3 PHG PhillpsbrgKS Pilot Pointe Estates 37 28.750 97 0.767 AP 1237 18/36 180 2400 G 60 SN52 PilotPntstts Plains 37 16.250 100 35.283 AP 2762 17/35 170 3200 G 150 2KS5 Plains KS Ponca City 23.0 17/35 36 43.917 97 5.983 A 1008 123.0 17/35 180 7201 C 150 PNC Ponca City Pond Creek 22.9 17/35 36 39.750 97 48.517 A 1061 122.9 17/35 180 2320 G 430 2K1 Pond Creek Prairie Cottage 38 55.067 97 0.467 AP 1222 122.8 18/36 180 2400 G 60 8KS8 PrairieCottg Prichard 38 54.0 97 7.017 AP 1164 17/35 170 1900 G 55 1KS4 Prichard R J C Farms 38 12.917 101 0.2 AP 2900 17/35 170 2200 G 27 SN55 R J C Farms Rands 37 25.583 97 16.167 AP 1210 17/35 170 2200 G 75 SN32 Rands Rans 38 54.3 99 21.050 AP 2100 17/35 170 1200 G 30 8KS4 Rans Rexford N/S 37 26.750 100 29.533 AP 2775 N/S 350 2440 G 100 98KS Rexford Roberts 1 37 52.450 97 30.750 AP 1384 09/27 90 1900 G 40 SN62 Roberts KS 1 Roberts 2 38 25.383 96 22.317 AP 1185 18/36 180 1800 G 60 SN04 Roberts KS 2 Roberts 3 22.8 13/31 37 58.650 98 24.250 AP 1765 122.8 13/31 130 3150 G 95 SN95 Roberts KS 3 Rose Port 39 38.183 98 21.583 AP 1500 16/34 160 2600 G 50 9KS4 Rose Port Rucker 37 34.5 97 29.517 AP 1300 17/35 170 2600 G 100 SN34 Rucker Rucker Burdett 22.8 03/21 38 11.250 99 32.033 AP 2151 122.8 03/21 30 2480 G 100 SN29 RuckerBurdtt Rush County 22.9 17/35 38 32.817 99 17.383 A 2070 122.9 17/35 179 3200 A 50 K94 Rush County Salina 19.3 17/35 38 47.450 97 39.133 A 1288 119.3 17/35 180 12300 A 150 SLN Salina Scott City 22.8 17/35 38 28.450 100 53.1 A 2963 122.8 17/35 179 4999 A 70 TQK Scott City Secrest Ranch 36 39.0 97 1.017 AP 1050 17/35 170 1900 G 75 OK49 Secrest Rc Sedan City 22.9 12/30 37 8.9 96 11.117 A 1005 122.9 12/30 120 1790 G 95 61K Sedan City Seiling 22.9 17/35 36 9.3 98 56.017 A 1746 122.9 17/35 170 2435 A 38 1S4 Seiling Sickler 38 25.833 96 5.3 AP 1200 18/36 180 2300 G 50 15KS Sickler Silers Plane Valley N/S 38 52.0 97 32.183 AP 1204 N/S 180 2500 G 60 1KS6 SilersPlnVll Sills 37 40.0 97 1.017 AP 1295 17/35 170 2400 V 300 SN18 Sills Smith Center 22.8 14/32 39 45.667 98 47.6 A 1799 122.8 14/32 151 2453 G 75 0.3 K82 Smith Center Smith 1 1 37 58.5 98 57.933 AP 2023 17/35 170 2600 A 200 94KS Smith KS 1 Smith 2 39 6.117 96 25.067 AP 1100 17/35 170 2800 G 50 43KS Smith KS 2 Sooter 37 56.117 97 29.267 AP 1420 17/35 170 2600 G 50 12KS Sooter Syracuse-Hamilton County 22.8 18/36 37 59.5 101 44.783 A 3322 122.8 18/36 180 4600 C 75 3K3 Srcs-HmltnCn Stafford 22.9 03/21 37 57.5 98 39.017 A 1886 122.9 03/21 30 1580 G 260 3TA Stafford KS Stanton County 22.8 17/35 37 35.117 101 43.933 A 3324 122.8 17/35 180 5200 C 75 2K3 StantonCount Stillwater 21.6 17/35 36 9.667 97 5.150 A 1000 121.6 17/35 180 7401 A 100 SWO Stillwater Stuber Flying Ranch 37 39.333 96 17.433 AP 1200 02/20 20 1500 G 40 2KS2 StuberFlngRc Sunshine Ranch N/S 39 20.0 96 42.017 AP 1300 N/S 180 2100 G 60 SN92 Sunshine Rc Taylor 37 52.317 97 4.333 AP 1340 09/27 90 2600 G 100 SN46 Taylor KS Thomas Landing 36 44.533 96 57.833 AP 1110 18/36 180 2440 G 150 27OK ThomasLandng Trego Wakeeney 22.9 17/35 39 0.267 99 53.567 A 2435 122.9 17/35 172 4000 A 50 0H1 TregoWakeene Tribune 22.8 17/35 38 27.250 101 44.783 A 3620 122.8 17/35 170 5000 C 60 5K2 Tribune Vonada 39 7.0 98 24.017 AP 1629 18/36 180 1900 G 40 2KS8 Vonada West Woodward 22.8 17/35 36 26.283 99 31.367 A 2189 122.8 17/35 180 5502 C 100 WWR W Woodward Wamego 22.9 17/35 39 11.833 96 15.533 A 966 122.9 17/35 170 3184 A 45 69K Wamego Wamsley 37 25.583 97 38.267 AP 1335 17/35 170 2400 G 80 SN36 Wamsley Waynoka 22.9 17/35 36 34.0 98 51.133 A 1543 122.9 17/35 180 2507 A 50 1K5 Waynoka Weaver Ranch 38 6.5 97 25.967 AP 1460 17/35 170 1370 G 50 53KS Weaver Ranch Wilcox Field 22.9 B1 37 5.0 97 57.850 A 1263 122.9 B1 178 1400 G 1600 7K6 Wilcox KS Wilkens 38 35.583 100 36.817 AP 2856 18/36 180 2800 G 50 32KS Wilkens Wilson 38 50.283 98 29.133 AP 1727 17/35 170 2300 G 60 2KS3 Wilson KS Woodlake 36 50.117 98 39.467 AP 1420 17/35 170 1000 G 40 OK14 Woodlake OK Yoder 37 39.583 97 37.767 AP 1475 18/3 180 2500 G 100 SN61 Yoder KS