* NAM ID COM LAT_D LAT_M LAT_S LON_D LON_M LON_S COD ALT FRE RW_D RW_H RW_L RW_S RW_W ICAO * * ============================================================================== * * Filename "hngr_rpr.stx" created Friday, 24 February 2012 at 06:22 GMT * Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange format version 0.5.1 * * Lines starting with a * are comments and are ignored by programs using this file * Lines starting with a $ are definitions of parameters available to programs using this file * The first line that is neither a comment nor a definition contains the definitions * of the contents of the columns that follow * All other lines are waypoint definitions * The line containing the column definitions can be placed anywhere before the first waypoint. * It is placed as a comment at the top of this file for convenience in using this file * with a spreadsheet program, where the first line can be placed in a separate window * to label the columns as you scroll down. * The columns are separated by the "tab" character * * The specification of the .STX file format is available at * http://soaringweb.org/TP/stx_specification.html * * This is a 'beta' release to support the release of the NK ClearNav and is subject to change. * * ============================================================================== * * Starting the definition of various parameters for the file * $STX_VERSION 0.5.1 $HOME Hungarian Airports $OTHER_ONLY Y $COUNTRY HU $TIMEZONE_NAME MET $ALTITUDE_UNIT Meters $DISTANCE_UNIT Kilometers $LATITUDE North $LONGITUDE East $DECIMAL_SEPARATOR , $CONTRIBUTOR Tamas Gal $CONTRIBUTOR_E-MAIL ventus479@yahoo.co.uk $VIA Klaus Ertl $VIA_EMAIL Ertl.Klaus@utanet.at $CONTRIBUTOR_E-MAIL ventus479@yahoo.co.uk $MAGNETIC_VARIATION 3.9E $RW_L_UNIT METERS * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ============================================================================== * * Filename "hngr_rpr.stx" created Friday, 24 February 2012 at 06:22 GMT * Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange format version 0.5.1 * * Lines starting with a * are comments and are ignored by programs using this file * Lines starting with a $ are definitions of parameters available to programs using this file * The first line that is neither a comment nor a definition contains the definitions * of the contents of the columns that follow * All other lines are waypoint definitions * The line containing the column definitions can be placed anywhere before the first waypoint. * It is placed as a comment at the top of this file for convenience in using this file * with a spreadsheet program, where the first line can be placed in a separate window * to label the columns as you scroll down. * The columns are separated by the "tab" character * * The specification of the .STX file format is available at * http://soaringweb.org/TP/stx_specification.html * * This is a 'beta' release to support the release of the NK ClearNav and is subject to change. * * ============================================================================== * * Starting the definition of various parameters for the file * $STX_VERSION 0.5.1 $HOME Hungarian Airports $COUNTRY HU $TIMEZONE_NAME MET $ALTITUDE_UNIT Meters $LATITUDE North $LONGITUDE East $DECIMAL_SEPARATOR , $CONTRIBUTOR Tamas Gal $CONTRIBUTOR_E-MAIL ventus479@yahoo.co.uk $VIA Klaus Ertl $VIA_EMAIL Ertl.Klaus@utanet.at $CONTRIBUTOR_E-MAIL ventus479@yahoo.co.uk $MAGNETIC_VARIATION 3.9E $RW_L_UNIT METERS $CONTRIBUTION_DATE 21 February 2012 * * ============================================================================== * * The next line defines the contents of columns. It MUST appear before the first waypoint line NAM ID COM LAT_D LAT_M LAT_S LON_D LON_M LON_S COD ALT FRE RW_D RW_H RW_L RW_S RW_W ICAO * * Starting the waypoints * Atkár ATKAR 800 X 70M, 03-21 47 43 2 19 55 6 A 112 30 800 Atkár-Margitkút ATKARMK 800 X 70M, 13-31 47 43 16 19 54 15 A 112 124.9 350 800 Attala ATTALA 220 X 50M, 18-36 46 23 6 18 4 11 A 133 360 220 Baja BAJA 855 X 45M, 16-34 46 8 45 19 2 34 A 89 120.125 160 855 Balassagyarmat BALASSGY 48 5 13 19 19 0 A 145 134.8 90 Ballószög BALLOSZG 500 X 75M, 14-32 46 51 37 19 33 30 A 116 140 500 Balotaszállás BALOTSZL 900 X 30M, 13-31 46 22 10 19 28 39 A 127 130 900 Balatonfökajár BFOKAJAR 350 X 50M, 15-33 47 0 21 18 12 40 A 107 150 350 Balatonkeresztúr BKRSZTUR 800 X 60M, 13-31 46 41 37 17 23 50 A 109 130 800 Békéscsaba LHBC 1300 X 30M, 17-35 - 790 X 40M, 17-35 46 40 59 21 9 45 A 85 123.25 170 1300 LHBC Balatonakali BLTAKALI 700 X 25M, 08-16 46 52 51 17 43 50 A 106 80 700 Balatonfüred BLTFURED 200 X 20M, 05-23 46 56 22 17 51 34 A 109 50 200 Böny BONY 700 X 60M, 13-31 47 40 3 17 47 4 A 148 130 700 Börgönd BORGOND 800 X 200M, 01-19 47 7 30 18 30 4 A 123 135.7 01/19 10 800 G Budaörs LHBS 1000 X 60M, 09-27 47 27 4 18 58 51 A 126 124.5 09/27 90 1000 G LHBS Bükkfürdö BUKKFURD 850 X 30M, 16-34 47 23 5 16 48 11 A 167 340 850 Csákvár CSAKVAR 2050 X 20M, 04-22 47 21 2 18 25 48 A 148 04/22 40 2050 C Csurgó CSURGO 600 X 60M, 18-36 46 13 47 17 7 4 A 137 180 1000 Dáka DAKA 1000 X 40M, 16-34 47 16 18 17 24 38 A 149 160 1000 Debrecen LHDC 2500 X 40M, 05-23 47 29 20 21 36 55 A 109 125.9 05/23 50 2500 C LHDC Dávaványa DEVAVNYA 325 X 30M, 18-36 47 0 48 20 58 58 A 80 180 325 Domaszap DOMASZAP 400 X 40M, 15-33 46 15 6 19 56 56 A 87 150 400 Dunaújváros LHDV 950 X 60M, 14-32 46 53 41 18 54 47 A 123 130.8 14/32 140 950 G LHDV Dunabogdány DUNABOGD 500 X 40M, 06-24 47 46 25 19 3 41 A 109 60 500 Dunakeszi LHDK 800 X 500M, 11-29 47 36 48 19 8 35 A 126 129.8 12/30 110 800 G LHDK Eger LHER 700 X 60M, 14-34 47 54 20 20 24 19 A 258 122.7 160 700 LHER Érsekcsanád ERSKCSND 660 X 80M, 16-34 46 14 59 18 55 40 A 89 119.35 17/35 160 660 G Érsekvadkert ERSKVADK 600 X 60M, 11-29 47 58 40 19 11 43 A 187 110 600 Esztergom LHEM 1000 X 80M, 02-20 47 45 23 18 43 48 A 113 127.6 02/20 20 1000 G LHEM Farkashegy LHFH 1000 X 200M, 15-33 47 29 13 18 54 52 A 215 125.6 150 1000 LHFH Ferihegy-Budapest LHBP 3700 X 45M, 13-31 - 3010 X 45M, 13-31 47 26 3 19 16 31 A 151 121.9 13/31 130 3700 C LHBP Fertöszentmiklós LHFM 985 X 23M, 16-34 47 34 58 16 50 43 A 134 124.45 16/34 160 985 A LHFM Földes FOLDES 47 17 18 21 24 2 A 94 07/25 60 610 G Forráskút FORRASKT 500 X 150M, 13-31 46 21 46 19 55 37 A 87 310 500 Gödöllö LHGD 1000 X 100M, 13-31 47 34 20 19 20 10 A 217 118.65 13/31 130 1000 G LHGD Gyomaendröd GYOMA 400 X 18M, 14-32 46 57 19 20 53 0 A 91 119.35 14/32 140 400 C Gyúró GYURO 850 X 200M, 15-33 47 23 28 18 45 25 A 198 123.3 150 850 Hajmáskér HAJMASKE 700 X 100M, 14-32 47 8 34 17 59 51 A 174 140 700 Harta HARTAAPT 600 X 50M, 01-19 46 43 1 19 2 34 A 92 10 600 Hasznos HASZNOS 1000 X 30M, 10-28 47 55 53 19 46 15 A 415 123.5 100 1000 Hatvan 1 HATVAN1 700 X 100M, 04-22 47 40 45 19 38 49 A 117 40 700 Hatvan 2 HATVAN2 400 X 30M, 17-35 47 37 53 19 43 53 A 114 350 400 Hévíz HEVIZ 450 X 80M, 17-35 46 48 33 17 11 59 A 112 170 450 Hármas-Határhegy LHHH 1000 X 100M, 13-31 47 33 5 18 58 35 A 295 120.3 13/31 130 1000 G LHHH Hódmezövásárhely 1 HODMEZO1 800 X 60M, 04-22 46 23 4 20 18 31 A 77 40 800 Hódmezövásárhely 2 HODMEZO2 800 X 80M, 16-34 46 27 27 20 23 31 A 78 160 800 Hortobágy HORTOBGY 500 X 20M, 13-31 - 500 X 20M, 07-25 47 35 16 21 4 49 A 85 13/31 130 500 G Hajdúszoboszló LHHO 1000 X 50M, 04-22 - 800 X 50M, 10-28 47 27 37 21 23 31 A 102 124.2 05/23 40 1000 G LHHO Jakabszálás LHJK 600 X 18M, 14-32 - 1000 X 30M, 14-32 46 44 51 19 36 19 A 110 125.2 14/32 140 1000 A LHJK Jászapáti JASZAPTI 700 X 60M, 11-29 47 31 18 20 9 43 A 89 110 700 Kákahalom KAKAHALM 650 X 70M, 09-27 46 48 13 20 31 38 A 78 90 650 Kálmánháza KALMANHZ 400 X 70M, 06-24 47 53 8 21 34 16 A 111 60 400 Kalocsa LHKA 2500 X 60, 17-35 46 33 6 18 56 31 A 91 134.8 18/36 170 2500 A LHKA Kaposújlak LHKV 620 X 18M, 17-35 - 1200 X 200M, 17-35 46 23 11 17 44 1 A 155 124.5 17/35 170 1200 C LHKV Kecskéd LHKD 1200 X 50M, 15-33 - 1000 X 50M, 02-20 47 30 56 18 19 23 A 173 120.6 150 1200 LHKD Kecskemét LHKE 2500 X 60M 46 55 3 19 44 55 Y 115.5 129.0 12/30 120 2500 A LHKE Kenderes KENDERES 800 X 200M, 01-19 47 16 12 20 41 16 A 81 124.5 10 800 Kisköre KISKORE 800 X 80M, 17-35 47 27 49 20 31 27 A 83 170 800 Kiskörös KISKORSR 550 X 100M, 15-33 46 39 25 19 14 32 A 91 150 550 Kisújszállás KISUJSZL 47 12 36 20 47 24 A 81 Kiskunfélegyháza LHKH 760 X 160M, 10-28 - 535 X 100M, 17-35 46 43 58 19 53 34 A 96 118.85 10/28 10 760 C LHKH Kiskunlach Kiskunlacház LHKK 2500 X 45M, 14-32 47 10 38 19 4 26 A 98 124.025 15/33 140 2500 A LHKK Kozmapuszta KOZMPUSZ 800 X 30M, 17-35 46 22 15 17 25 40 A 141 170 800 Kunmadaras KUNMADRS 2500x 60M, 05-23 47 23 24 20 47 0 A 84 124.575 06/24 50 2500 G Maklár LHMR 800 X 80M, 17-35 47 48 41 20 25 20 A 130 134.8 17/35 170 800 G LHMR Matkópuszta LHMP 1200 X 100M, 13-31 46 47 59 19 41 0 A 112 134.8 13/31 130 1200 G LHMP Mezöberény MEZOBRNY 500 X 60M, 04-22 46 49 3 21 2 36 A 81 40 500 Mezöhegyes MEZOHGYS 900 X 60M, 03-21 - 1200 X 60M, 12-30 46 17 49 20 48 48 A 93 30 900 Mezökövesd MEZOKOVD 3500 X 80M, 05-23 47 48 55 20 38 11 A 106 05/23 50 3500 C Miskolc LHMC 800 X 100M, 16-34 48 8 14 20 47 27 A 119 132.2 17/35 160 800 G LHMC Murony MURONY 560 X 30M, 13-31 46 45 36 21 1 37 A 81 130 560 Nagykanizsa LHNK 1000 X 100M, 01-19 46 25 44 16 57 27 A 141 135.7 01/19 10 1000 G LHNK Nagyszénás NGYSZENS 650 X 50M, 18-36 - 650 X 50M, 09-27 46 41 49 20 40 7 A 81 180 650 Nyíregyháza LHNY 1000 X 20M, 18-36 - 1000 X 60M, 18-36 47 59 2 21 41 32 A 102 127.6 18/36 180 1000 A LHNY Öcsény LHOY 1200 X 150M, 17-35 46 18 29 18 46 3 A 89 127.9 16/34 170 1200 G LHOY Orosháza OROSHAZR 900 X 90M, 18-36 46 36 38 20 41 34 A 85 600 Ozoraap OZORAAP 1000 X 100M, 17-35 46 44 8 18 21 37 A 142 170 1000 Pápa LHPA 2400 X 60M, 16-34 47 21 49 17 30 2 A 145 128.0 16/34 160 2400 A LHPA Papktpus PAPKTPUS 1100 X 50M, 17-35 46 52 33 18 2 20 A 128 170 1100 Pécs/Pogány LHPP 1500 X 30M, 16-34 45 59 20 18 14 32 A 198 126.9 16/34 160 1500 A LHPP Pér LHPR 1450 X 30M, 12-30 - 1340 X 150M, 12-30 47 37 37 17 48 30 A 128 129.9 12/30 120 1450 A LHPR Pipishegy LHGY 760 X 120M, 15-33 47 48 50 19 58 38 A 350 124.9 15/33 150 760 G LHGY Pirtó PIRTO 300 X 20M, 05-23 46 30 22 19 26 2 A 123 50 300 Piuszpuszta PIUSZPUS 1000 X 100M, 17-35 47 44 39 16 36 51 A 145 170 1000 Pusztaszer PUSTASZR 400 X 40M, 04-22 46 34 39 19 59 31 A 83 40 1000 Pusztacsalád PUSTCSLD 1200 X 30M, 18-36 47 29 39 16 53 53 A 155 131.1 180 1200 Rétság RETSAG 550 X 40M, 12-30 47 55 59 19 7 17 A 214 120 550 Sármellék LHSM 2500 X 60M, 15-34 46 41 11 17 9 33 A 123 127.6 16/34 160 2500 A LHSM Sárospatak SAROSPTK 1000 X 30M, 13-31 48 18 59 21 35 21 A 96 123.2 130 1000 Siófok/Kiliti LHSK 2500 X 50M. 15-33 46 51 30 18 5 42 A 126.5 125.8 15/33 150 2500 G LHSK Soltvadkert SOLTVDKT 500 X 40M, 05-23 46 34 16 19 25 37 A 107 60 500 Surjány SURJANY 600 X 50M, 13-31 47 12 3 20 28 50 A 81 130 600 Szatymaz SZATYMAZ 800 X 50M, 16-34 46 19 21 20 3 12 A 77 123.2 14/32 160 800 G Szeged LHUD 1185 X 30M, 16-34 46 14 44 20 5 26 A 80 122.8 18/36 160 1185 A LHUD Szentes LHSZ 750 X 150M, 15-33 46 36 46 20 16 59 A 84 123.95 16/34 150 750 G LHSZ Szentkirályszabadja LHSA 2000 X 60M, 16-34 47 4 39 17 58 6 A 280 133.425 16/34 160 2000 A LHSA Szolnok Kilián LHSN 2000 X 70M, 02-20 47 7 22 20 14 9 Y 88 130.25 03/21 10 2000 A LHSN Szolnok Jász-Nagykun LHSS 1050 X 200M, 01-19 47 8 30 20 11 33 A 84 134.3 01/19 20 1050 G LHSS Szombathely LHSY 1150 X 80M, 16-34 47 16 39 16 37 39 A 223 119.7 16/34 160 1150 G LHSY Tapolca TAPOLCA 1200 X 30M, 16-34 46 52 2 17 24 21 A 115 16/34 170 1200 G Tard TARD 300 X 10M, 11-29 47 53 45 20 34 53 A 142 110 300 Tarnaméra TARNMERA 300 X 30M, 08-26 - 200 X 30M, 17-35 47 38 24 20 10 18 A 97 80 300 Taszár LHTA 2500 X 60M, 16-34 46 23 36 17 55 2 A 155 123.0 16/34 160 2500 A LHTA Telekgerendás TELEKGRN 600 X 60M, 07-25 46 39 10 20 57 46 A 87 70 600 Tököl LHTL 2500 X 60M, 14-32 47 20 44 18 58 51 Y 99 127.55 15/33 140 2500 A LHTL Tokorcs TOKORCS 1000 X 50M, 15-33 47 16 17 17 6 34 A 134 131.1 150 1000 Tótkomlós TOTKOMLS 600 X 60M, 04-22 46 22 38 20 41 27 A 87 40 600 Újszentmargita UJSZMARG 400 X 30M, 16-34 47 45 4 21 7 36 A 89 160 400 Úrhida URHIDA 600 X 150M, 06-24 47 7 40 18 18 42 A 188 60 600 Visnye VISNYE 670 X 50M, 17-35 46 13 15 17 40 19 A 199 170 670 Zalacsan ZALACSAN 200 X 50M, 16-30 46 48 1 17 6 41 A 113 160 200 Zalaegerszeg LHZA Andráshida - 1500 X 40M, 17-35 46 53 2 16 47 21 A 195 135.7 17/35 170 1500 G 40 LHZA Zalakaros ZALKAROS 900 X 60M, 02-20 46 33 14 17 9 7 A 127 135.7 20 900