++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Landing sites for Houston, Texas [ Wallis ] + + + + Contributed by Todd Hahn + + Contributed on 09 August 2018 + + Last updated Monday, 20 August 2018 at 23:13 GMT + + + + UNOFFICIAL, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK + + + + Do not use for navigation, for flight verification only. + + + + Always consult the relevant publications for current and correct + + information. This service is provided free of charge with no warrantees, + + expressed or implied. + + User assumes all risk of use. + + + + Rename this file to LNDGSITE.DAT to use with your Glide Navigator. + +Delete all of the header lines in this box, down to and including the next one+ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ GHS, GHSA, 29, 36.67, 96, 1.67, 120 AST, AustinExc, 30, 23.85, 97, 33.98, 620 BCM, Bay C Mun, 28, 58.4, 95, 51.8, 45 BDS, Bedias Rc, 30, 45.8, 96, 0.03, 350 BVL, Beeville, 28, 21.72, 97, 47.47, 268 BLL, Bellville, 29, 56.43, 96, 14.7, 289 BRZ, BrazorCnt, 29, 6.52, 95, 27.73, 25 BRN, Brenham, 30, 13.1, 96, 22.45, 308 CLD, Caldwell, 30, 30.93, 96, 42.23, 390 CMR, Cameron, 30, 52.72, 96, 58.32, 402 CHR, Cherry Ag, 29, 49.78, 97, 5.95, 370 CLM, Columbus, 29, 38.47, 96, 30.95, 242 CTT, CottnPtch, 30, 23.2, 97, 6.33, 430 CVT, CoveyTrls, 29, 41.2, 95, 50.42, 131 CRS, CrssCntrs, 30, 37.55, 97, 34.28, 690 CUR, Cuero, 29, 5.0, 97, 16.0, 214 D+W, D + W Rc, 31, 39.48, 96, 24.68, 526 EGL, Eagle AP, 28, 58.93, 95, 34.77, 15 EAG, Eagle Lk, 29, 36.03, 96, 19.33, 181 ELC, El Campo, 29, 16.02, 96, 19.5, 128 FRW, FairWethr, 29, 56.25, 96, 2.37, 175 FLT, FltLnFlrs, 30, 51.45, 97, 56.78, 1150 FLN, FlyingCRc, 30, 20.97, 96, 19.1, 250 FLY, FlyingVRc, 29, 6.5, 96, 23.92, 60 FRR, Freer, 27, 53.35, 98, 36.0, 564 GLX, Galaxy Rc, 29, 21.65, 96, 37.35, 178 GHS, GHSA, 29, 36.67, 96, 1.67, 120 GDD, Giddings, 30, 10.13, 96, 58.8, 486 GLS, Gloster, 29, 43.98, 96, 3.55, 145 GNZ, Gonzales, 29, 31.73, 97, 27.85, 354 HHN, Hahns AP, 28, 56.93, 96, 32.98, 52 HLL, Halltsvll, 29, 23.4, 96, 57.37, 276 HRN, Hearne, 30, 52.3, 96, 37.33, 287 HIL, Hillsboro, 32, 5.02, 97, 5.83, 686 HIT, HilltopLk, 31, 4.87, 96, 12.9, 501 HST, HstnFrtBn, 29, 29.95, 95, 53.9, 105 ISB, Isbell Rc, 30, 48.53, 97, 16.42, 430 JCK, JacksnCnt, 29, 0.07, 96, 34.92, 61 KRN, KarnesCnt, 28, 49.5, 97, 51.93, 289 KRC, K Ranch, 30, 43.93, 96, 7.78, 285 KBC, KbckFlngS, 28, 58.85, 96, 37.32, 65 LCK, Lackey Av, 29, 15.87, 96, 0.43, 90 LGR, La Grange, 29, 54.52, 96, 57.0, 322 LAN, Lane, 29, 31.38, 95, 46.77, 94 LSK, LesikarRc, 29, 31.02, 96, 50.67, 275 LBR, LibertHll, 31, 17.68, 97, 17.82, 790 LVK, LiveOkCnt, 28, 21.77, 98, 6.98, 129 LOC, Lockhart, 29, 51.03, 97, 40.3, 532 LLN, Luling, 29, 43.7, 97, 39.57, 268 MDS, Madisnvll, 30, 54.75, 95, 57.1, 292 MRS, MrsFlngPz, 29, 44.87, 96, 17.57, 233 MRL, Marlin, 31, 20.5, 96, 51.12, 411 MXL, MxLmstnCn, 31, 38.47, 96, 30.87, 543 MKS, Mikeska, 29, 52.43, 96, 0.28, 161 MRR, Moore Rc, 31, 12.87, 95, 49.65, 315 MLT, Moulton, 29, 34.22, 97, 9.25, 375 NVS, Navasota, 30, 22.43, 96, 6.78, 227 NWG, New Gulf, 29, 16.4, 95, 53.22, 100 PKR, P K Ranch, 30, 2.15, 96, 15.82, 350 RCK, Rockdale, 30, 37.9, 96, 59.37, 474 ROC, RockyCrek, 29, 55.42, 96, 48.03, 380 RDG, RodgrsRst, 29, 17.27, 96, 20.98, 129 RSF, RoseField, 29, 27.12, 95, 51.93, 100 SLD, Salado, 30, 55.23, 97, 32.42, 670 SND, SndbrRnch, 31, 0.68, 96, 32.45, 455 SCH, SCOHGlidr, 30, 12.15, 95, 57.83, 320 SHN, Shanks Ag, 29, 19.57, 96, 1.18, 100 SKD, SkyeDance, 30, 22.85, 97, 25.65, 532 SKL, Skylakes, 29, 59.6, 95, 55.82, 235 SMT, Smithvill, 30, 1.83, 97, 10.0, 323 SPR, SportFlrs, 29, 50.28, 95, 56.97, 180 STV, StvllRcNr, 29, 12.2, 96, 33.43, 108 TLR, Taylor, 30, 34.23, 97, 26.58, 590 THM, ThmpsnFlr, 29, 9.77, 96, 13.6, 95 TMJ, TomJMrFrm, 30, 23.05, 96, 13.45, 198 TSA, TSA, 32, 22.97, 97, 0.7, 660 VCT, Victoria, 28, 51.15, 96, 55.12, 115 WRD, Ward AP, 29, 30.17, 95, 56.17, 107 WDC, WDCrnlsRc, 28, 57.02, 96, 3.6, 47 WBR, Weber Rc, 30, 35.23, 96, 38.05, 350 WHR, Wharton, 29, 15.23, 96, 9.25, 100 WLB, WilbornRc, 29, 41.23, 97, 26.13, 350 YKM, Yoakum, 29, 18.8, 97, 8.3, 365