100 100 Mile House 1.5% Slope up W-E 51 38.550 N 121 18.417 W 108 108 Mile AP 51 44.200 N 121 19.967 W ABB Abbotsford AP TWR 119.4 (inner) 121.0 (outer); Rwy 01/19 1500m 49 01.517 N 122 21.600 W ALX Alexis Creek AP Airport is CLOSED 52 03.817 N 123 15.533 W ALL Allison Lake AS 5% Slope up South-North; Dirt strip 49 42.833 N 120 37.000 W AND Anderson Lk Middle 50 37.700 N 122 24.967 W ASH Ashcroft Sundance AS 2% Slope up W-E; Ashcroft Sundance Guest Ranch Air 50 39.500 N 121 16.483 W ASP Aspen Grove Town 49 55.883 N 120 37.783 W ASS Assina Lower ridge on Mt Storm 50 52.233 N 115 39.000 W AVS Avey State Laurier Dirt strip 10 m wide + 5 m on each side; right on 48 59.900 N 118 13.350 W BNF Banff AS turf/snow reopened 2007 51 12.500 N 115 32.417 W BRS Bear S5 WP on top of the Bear Mountain East of Harrison Sp 49 17.933 N 121 44.467 W BVR Beaverhead Pk 51 15.267 N 116 51.067 W BRK Birken Town 50 28.733 N 122 36.650 W BIR Birkenhead Lk Middle 50 32.183 N 122 41.567 W BLC Black Tusk Peak 49 58.517 N 123 02.567 W BLA Blackcomb P-P Peak to Peak Gondola 50 05.733 N 122 54.033 W BLR Blue River AP 17 m paved width; Operator Mike wigly heli Sking 52 07.483 N 119 17.567 W BST Boston Bar AS Grass Strip 49 58.983 N 121 29.917 W BND Boundary Bay AP Rwy 13/31 1550m 49 04.400 N 123 00.500 W BRE Breakenridge Lk Middle 49 44.100 N 121 55.800 W CCH Cache Creek AP 50 46.500 N 121 19.267 W CST Castlegar AP 49 17.767 N 117 37.950 W CAL Cayley AP Paved agri runway; sides of the runway may be over 50 27.233 N 113 44.867 W CHS Chaos Lk Middle 50 07.400 N 122 41.600 W CHP Chapperon Lake AS Grass strip east of lake; check for vegetation on 50 12.517 N 120 02.117 W CHK Chekamus Lk Middle 50 00.550 N 122 55.067 W CHR Cherryville Town 50 12.967 N 118 35.250 W CHL Chilliwack AP 49 09.200 N 121 56.350 W CHI Chilliwack Lk Middle 49 03.617 N 121 24.933 W CLR Clearwater AS West of Duch Lake 51 39.450 N 120 04.250 W CLN Clinton AP Echo Valley AP 51 14.500 N 121 59.650 W CMX Comox AP Terminal 123.7; Military 49 42.650 N 124 53.200 W CQB Coq Bridge 49 23.250 N 121 18.550 W CQH Coquihalla Lks Middle of south lake 49 38.100 N 121 00.317 W CRT Cortez AS 1.5% Slope up S-N; Jim Hansen Tel: 250-935-6385 50 01.400 N 124 59.067 W COU Courtenay 2 360m (1800 ft paved) on the East side 49 40.000 N 125 06.000 W COR Courtenay AP 18 m paved width; downtown 49 40.767 N 124 58.833 W CTL Coutlee 50 07.567 N 120 49.550 W CRN Cranbrook AP 49 36.733 N 115 46.917 W CRW Crawford Bay AS 49 40.000 N 116 49.000 W CRS Creston AP 49 02.200 N 116 29.817 W CRF Croft Island 49 22.750 N 121 27.317 W CRD Croydon Ridge 53 03.517 N 119 49.683 W CNM CuNim AP Other runway 760 m 50 43.350 N 114 10.767 W CW_ CUW_1 50 23.317 N 115 43.733 W CUW CUW_2 50 59.733 N 116 23.333 W CU_ CUW_3 50 23.317 N 115 43.733 W CU4 CUW_4 50 06.133 N 115 20.783 W CU5 CUW_5 49 46.983 N 116 21.167 W CU6 CUW_6 50 59.583 N 116 18.733 W CU7 CUW_7 50 59.583 N 116 18.733 W CU8 CUW_8 50 22.517 N 115 44.367 W CU9 CUW_9 50 42.667 N 116 45.183 W CU1 CUW_10 51 17.600 N 116 26.017 W CW1 CUW_11 50 27.417 N 115 48.333 W CU2 CUW_12 51 28.650 N 116 47.967 W CU3 CUW_13 50 23.200 N 115 47.717 W CW4 CUW_14 50 04.383 N 114 48.517 W CW5 CUW_15 50 24.083 N 115 47.767 W CW6 CUW_16 50 56.717 N 116 16.667 W CW7 CUW_17 50 28.983 N 116 30.017 W CW8 CUW_18 50 24.083 N 115 47.767 W CW9 CUW_19 51 21.700 N 116 18.133 W CU0 CUW_20 50 26.650 N 115 48.317 W CW2 CUW_21 51 32.183 N 117 02.500 W C_2 CUW_22 50 34.717 N 115 58.483 W CW3 CUW_23 51 21.917 N 116 52.367 W C_4 CUW_24 50 12.400 N 115 47.467 W C_5 CUW_25 50 34.717 N 115 58.483 W C_6 CUW_26 51 21.117 N 116 56.667 W C_7 CUW_27 50 32.183 N 115 56.833 W C_8 CUW_28 51 01.617 N 116 25.217 W C_9 CUW_29 50 21.017 N 115 49.400 W CW0 CUW_30 50 58.617 N 116 19.733 W C_3 CUW_31 51 01.067 N 116 21.317 W C32 CUW_32 51 01.067 N 116 21.317 W C33 CUW_33 50 17.100 N 116 16.133 W C34 CUW_34 50 48.300 N 116 59.750 W C35 CUW_35 50 12.950 N 115 44.450 W C36 CUW_36 50 36.533 N 115 57.150 W C37 CUW_37 51 22.767 N 116 50.167 W C38 CUW_38 50 36.533 N 115 57.150 W C39 CUW_39 49 30.517 N 120 36.267 W C_0 CUW_40 49 32.983 N 120 41.817 W C_1 CUW_41 49 27.183 N 121 20.333 W C44 CUW_44 49 27.183 N 121 20.333 W C45 CUW_45 50 03.817 N 121 20.450 W C46 CUW_46 49 45.717 N 120 31.833 W C47 CUW_47 49 30.900 N 121 20.267 W C48 CUW_48 49 26.833 N 121 22.583 W C49 CUW_49 50 28.583 N 121 35.967 W C50 CUW_50 49 26.833 N 121 22.583 W C51 CUW_51 49 26.317 N 121 21.550 W C52 CUW_52 51 18.417 N 121 57.350 W C53 CUW_53 50 56.500 N 118 15.017 W C54 CUW_54 49 26.317 N 121 21.550 W C55 CUW_55 49 26.983 N 121 20.000 W C56 CUW_56 50 59.750 N 121 34.750 W C57 CUW_57 50 36.800 N 119 30.617 W C58 CUW_58 49 26.983 N 121 20.000 W C59 CUW_59 49 25.183 N 121 23.133 W C60 CUW_60 49 47.950 N 121 24.000 W C61 CUW_61 49 36.767 N 121 06.100 W C62 CUW_62 49 25.183 N 121 23.133 W C63 CUW_63 49 26.683 N 121 22.233 W C64 CUW_64 49 24.033 N 121 23.917 W C65 CUW_65 49 24.083 N 121 23.850 W C66 CUW_66 50 25.983 N 121 01.450 W C67 CUW_67 50 07.417 N 121 17.483 W C68 CUW_68 49 22.817 N 121 30.150 W C69 CUW_69 49 23.567 N 121 18.600 W C70 CUW_70 49 15.033 N 121 58.483 W C71 CUW_71 49 22.017 N 121 35.850 W C72 CUW_72 49 22.050 N 121 27.117 W C73 CUW_73 49 24.033 N 121 25.383 W C74 CUW_74 49 22.267 N 121 28.733 W DSL Daisy Lk Middle 49 59.917 N 123 07.633 W DRL Deer Lake 49 21.983 N 121 40.233 W DLT Delta Air Park AS Ultralight Airfield 49 05.133 N 122 55.867 W DVL Devil Lake 49 23.183 N 121 28.117 W DEV Devils Lk Middle 50 24.600 N 121 52.867 W DGL Douglas Lake AS 22 m width may be usable; 0.7% Slope Up E-W; 1400m 50 09.933 N 120 10.317 W DRP Drop zone 5112 Galdwin Rd 49 05.767 N 122 18.767 W DFF Duffy Lake Middle 50 24.217 N 122 18.967 W ETN Eaton Lk Middle 49 15.250 N 121 20.633 W ELK Elko AS 49 17.067 N 115 09.383 W ELT Elton Lk Middle 50 08.033 N 122 10.233 W END Enderby Cliffs Rock cliffs 50 36.233 N 119 04.617 W FRM Fairmont Pk 50 18.300 N 115 46.800 W FAI Fairmont AP 50 19.817 N 115 52.400 W FLL Falls Lk Middle 49 37.050 N 121 04.667 W FLD Field 51 23.217 N 116 28.683 W FND Findlay 50 05.500 N 116 29.033 W FRD Ford SW Lower SW Peak 49 13.833 N 121 05.033 W FRT Fort Langley AP 18m paved width; South of the river 49 10.050 N 122 33.267 W FRN Frances Lk Middle 50 00.467 N 121 39.367 W GNG Gang Ranch AS Dirt strip; Grass on the South side not cut 51 33.100 N 122 19.617 W GRB Garibaldi Lk Middle 49 56.017 N 123 01.083 W GRN Garnet American 49 25.033 N 121 35.850 W GLC Glacier Lk Middle 49 52.867 N 122 26.867 W GLD Gold Bridge AS Dirt airstrip (Gun Lake Airport) 50 53.867 N 122 50.267 W GOL Golden AP 51 17.950 N 116 58.950 W GRA Grand Forks AP 49 00.933 N 118 25.833 W GRD Grand View AS 7m wide strip in the middle of the field; Dirt Agr 50 24.033 N 119 17.017 W GRE Grande Cache AP 53 55.017 N 118 52.450 W GRL Green Lake AS 2% Slope Up S-N; 20m wide grass; Flying U Guest Ra 51 25.767 N 121 12.583 W GRW Greenwood Island 49 22.550 N 121 26.833 W HRS Haras 49 17.250 N 122 03.433 W HCK Hicks Lk 49 20.533 N 121 41.900 W HNT Hinton/Jasper AP 53 19.150 N 117 45.200 W HOP Hope Town 49 22.083 N 121 29.883 W HOE Hope AP 49 22.117 N 121 29.817 W INK Inkawthia Lk Middle 49 37.367 N 121 30.683 W INV Invermere AP 50 31.317 N 116 00.350 W IPS Ipsoot Lk Middle (Named by BS) 50 21.217 N 123 02.133 W JSP Jasper AS 7m wide dirt strip in a big field 52 59.800 N 118 03.567 W KML Kamloops AP 50 42.150 N 120 26.917 W KSL Kaslo AP 49 54.217 N 116 56.117 W KLL Kelly Lake 50 58.417 N 121 36.567 W KLW Kelowna AP Automated weather 127.5 49 57.433 N 119 22.683 W KNN Kennedy Lk 49 20.850 N 120 35.117 W KNW Knowl 49 21.533 N 121 29.317 W KNT Knutsford AS 8 km S of Kamloops; Very narrow and hilly 50 35.917 N 120 18.550 W LKR Lakeorth Wds 49 24.983 N 121 27.133 W LNG Langley AP 49 06.050 N 122 37.850 W LZL Lazy Lake 49 49.450 N 115 37.333 W LLL Lillooet AP 50 40.483 N 121 53.617 W LIL Lillooet Pk 50 42.150 N 121 44.317 W LIO Lillooet Pk 2 50 46.783 N 121 45.867 W LON Long Mt Mountain Plateau 50 08.200 N 119 14.983 W LWR Lwr Joffree Lk Middle 50 21.983 N 122 29.800 W MBL Mabel Lake AS Grass beween houses and trees; 30m wide slopes up 50 36.533 N 118 43.867 W MCB McBride AP Charlie Leake Field Airport 53 18.900 N 120 10.233 W MCK McKenzie Antenna Antennas on the South side of McKenzie Ridge 50 21.317 N 122 46.667 W MCE McKenzie ParaG Paraglider Launch Site 50 21.617 N 122 47.567 W MCI McKirdy 52 46.333 N 118 50.083 W MGR Meager WP 50 37.900 N 123 30.250 W MEA Meager A WP 50 42.317 N 123 26.383 W MEG Meager B WP 50 43.317 N 123 29.917 W MRR Merritt AP 50 07.367 N 120 44.700 W MER Merritt Bowl 50 08.500 N 120 46.250 W MCS Mica AS 51 50.217 N 118 37.633 W MDW Midway AS Grass airstrip 49 00.600 N 118 47.383 W MSS Mission 49 05.800 N 122 18.800 W MNT Monte Lake 50 30.833 N 119 50.150 W MTW Mt. Woodside Hang glider launch 49 14.617 N 121 53.250 W MRP Murphy Lakes Middle Point between 49 33.483 N 120 55.517 W MYR Myra Town 49 48.100 N 119 18.633 W NHT Nahatlach Lk Middle 49 58.733 N 121 46.467 W NNM Nanaimo AP Automated terminal 128.425 1-877-517-2847 Terminal 49 03.133 N 123 52.217 W NSK Naskup AP 50 16.000 N 117 48.783 W NLS Nelson AP 49 29.650 N 117 18.033 W OGL Ogilvie 49 24.100 N 121 23.983 W OLD Old Settler 49 30.333 N 121 37.150 W OLS Olds-Netook AP Rwy 01/19 1132m 51 50.850 N 114 03.883 W OLV Oliver AP 49 10.400 N 119 33.067 W ONN Onion Lk Middle 50 28.550 N 121 59.167 W OSS Osoyoos AP 49 02.233 N 119 29.333 W OTH Othello 49 22.517 N 121 22.217 W OTT Otter Lk Middle 49 34.117 N 120 45.700 W PRS Parson 51 06.683 N 116 35.383 W PMB Pemberton AP Whistler 122.7; Blackcomb Helicopters 122.775; Vil 50 18.150 N 122 44.267 W PNT Penticton AP 49 27.750 N 119 36.133 W PTR Peter's Point Usually a good thermal in the afternoon (Named by 50 02.717 N 122 29.167 W PNC Pincher Cr AP 49 31.233 N 113 59.833 W PTT Pitt Meadows AP Runway 08L/26R 760m; Runway 18/36 760m 49 12.967 N 122 42.800 W PRT Port Alberni AP 49 19.267 N 124 55.767 W PWL Powell River AP 1% Slope Up W-E 49 50.050 N 124 30.017 W PRM Premier Lake 49 56.283 N 115 39.267 W PRN Prince George AP Automated weather 128.725; Rwy 06/24 1500m; Rwy 01 53 53.050 N 122 40.650 W PRI Princeton AP 49 28.067 N 120 30.750 W QLC Qualicum Beach AP 49 20.233 N 124 23.633 W QSN Quesnel AP 53 01.567 N 122 30.617 W QUE Quesnel Lk AS 52 30.900 N 121 02.700 W QUI Quilchena AS Gravel and CLOSED; landable fields around 50 09.733 N 120 30.383 W RDM Radium Hot Springs AS On the west side of the mill 50 37.667 N 116 05.700 W RCH Rauch 53 09.500 N 120 04.700 W RVL Revelstoke AP 50 57.733 N 118 11.067 W RSS Ross Creek AS 2.2% Slope Up S-N; 19m wide; New Anglemont AP Nort 50 57.950 N 119 13.533 W ROS Ross Lk Beach at the North tip of Ross Lake just north of 49 00.033 N 121 03.967 W RWN Rowena AS 4.5m paved width; watch for vegetation & rocks on 49 15.167 N 121 56.717 W SLM Salamander Lake Middle 50 05.783 N 122 27.500 W SAL Salmon Arm AP 50 40.950 N 119 13.717 W SCT Scotch Lk Middle (Named by BS) 49 52.950 N 122 12.867 W SCM Scum Lake AS 1.6% Slope Up NE-SW; Dirt strip; Wach for vegetati 51 47.717 N 123 34.883 W SHR Seahorse Lk Middle (Named by BS) 49 42.233 N 121 41.133 W SCH Sechelt Gibsons AP 49 27.633 N 123 43.117 W SRP Serpentine Lk Middle 49 26.083 N 121 14.233 W STT Settler Slide 49 29.350 N 121 39.233 W SET Setton Lk Middle 50 41.900 N 122 08.300 W SHS Shuswap AS Skwlax Field betw. Little and Big Shuswap 50 52.733 N 119 35.417 W SLV Silvertip Ridge WP on the South ridge of Silvertip Mountin 49 08.883 N 121 12.900 W SIL Silver Lk Middle 49 18.850 N 121 24.733 W SKK Skookumchuck 49 54.917 N 115 43.983 W SPR Sparwood AP 17/35 49 50.067 N 114 52.717 W SPI Springhouse AP grass 51 57.333 N 122 08.367 W SQM Squamish AP Total usable Rwy 1000m? 49 46.900 N 123 09.717 W STR Start 52 52.567 N 119 16.733 W STP Steeple 49 34.000 N 115 25.700 W STA Strawberry Island 49 27.733 N 121 25.050 W STW Strawberry Point Middle 50 11.850 N 122 28.167 W SGR Sugar Lake Lake 50 25.067 N 118 31.050 W SNP Sun Pks Ski Resort 50 53.933 N 119 54.567 W TLK Tao Lk Middle 50 06.817 N 122 26.300 W TXD Texada AP Gillies Bay Airport 49 41.650 N 124 31.067 W TPL Tipella AS Gravel runway; Watch for vegetation on the sides o 49 44.583 N 122 09.783 W TDD Todd Lk Middle 49 45.300 N 122 03.267 W TRL Trail AP 49 03.383 N 117 36.550 W TRD Trudeau 52 34.667 N 119 09.833 W TND Tundra Lk Middle 50 09.250 N 122 16.183 W VLM Valemount AP 52 51.167 N 119 20.183 W VNC Vancouver AP VFR 124.02 125.65; Terminal 125.2; TWR 118.7 (Sout 49 11.683 N 123 11.033 W VRN Vernon AP 50 14.767 N 119 19.850 W VCT Victoria AP Terminal 127.8; TWR 119.7 inner 119.1 Outer 48 38.833 N 123 25.550 W VMD Vomad 50 37.333 N 119 57.400 W WDG Wedgemount Lk Middle 50 09.583 N 122 48.900 W WHL Whaleatch Lk Middle 49 13.800 N 121 36.750 W WHS Whiskey Lk Middle 49 51.200 N 122 16.717 W WHI Whistler HP Heliport Radio at 122.7 within 5NM 5200 ASL 50 10.100 N 122 54.267 W WHT Whistler P-P Whistler Peak to Peak Gondola 50 04.167 N 122 56.767 W WLL Williams Lake AP 52 11.000 N 122 03.267 W WDP WoodPile 49 22.250 N 121 29.183 W WPJ Wp Jarvis 49 23.583 N 121 17.667 W XTV Xotuv 50 14.050 N 119 49.217 W YLH Yale Hill WP on top of the hill East of Yale 49 32.867 N 121 21.283 W HCQ H Coqihalla 1 1% Slope Up S-N; Land on the Left edge of the Coqu 49 27.433 N 121 15.483 W HCO H Coqihalla 2 2% Slope Up NE-SW; Land in dir 230 on the left edg 49 37.867 N 121 00.917 W HCI H Coqihalla 3 1% Slope Up N-S; Land on the Left side of the Sout 49 42.333 N 121 00.933 W HCH H Coqihalla 4 1.3% Slope Up NE-SW; Land on the Left side of the 49 46.917 N 120 58.800 W HHW H Hwy 99 8.3% Slope Up S-N; Land on the Yelllow Striped are 49 54.633 N 123 09.900 W HMN H Manning Park 2.4% Slope Up E-W; *** Need at least 3 lanes clear 49 03.667 N 120 46.183 W LGS L Agassiz Many fields North of Agassiz 49 15.700 N 121 42.950 W LGT L Agate NW Several smallish but adequate fields 3 km NW of Ag 50 17.350 N 121 10.100 W LAN L Anglemont ASX Old Anglemont Airport CLOSED Slopes UP 75m from S 50 58.117 N 119 10.000 W LRM L Armstrong Next to a subdivision; Manyother large fields near 50 26.817 N 119 09.517 W LSH L Ashcroft Several good fields on the NE side of Ashcroft 50 44.217 N 121 16.200 W LAS L Ashcroft SW1 Several fileds E of Hwy 1 6 km South of Ashcroft 50 41.367 N 121 20.167 W LAH L Ashcroft SW2 Several fileds E of Hwy 1 10km South of Ashcroft 50 39.467 N 121 21.233 W LAT L Ashton Creek Many mid size fields around Ashton Creek 50 32.700 N 119 00.533 W LBL L Balmoral Several large fields 4 km South of Blind Bay (Sorr 50 50.917 N 119 22.150 W LBR L Bear Creek Sergey Landed here 49 31.683 N 121 45.717 W LBG L Big White E Several fields in the N-S valley 16 km ESE of Big 49 38.500 N 118 45.300 W LBI L Birkenhead Lk Several fields of the North tip of Birkenhead Lake 50 34.017 N 122 38.517 W LBS L Boston Bar Clearing West of the Railway on the South side of 49 51.217 N 121 26.250 W LBC L Brisco Large fields both sides of Brisco Rd 50 49.483 N 116 18.033 W LBD L Buddha Several fields 1 km South of Temple NUMUH: Clear-M 49 21.033 N 118 52.167 W LBU L Burrell Creek 1.2% Slope Up S-N; Several Grass fields East of Bu 49 24.783 N 118 25.317 W LCC L Cache Cr N Several fields 12 km North of of Cache Creek next 50 54.283 N 121 24.567 W LCN L Canford Couple of fields South of Hwy 8 14 km West of Merr 50 08.467 N 120 59.283 W LCA L Canyon Alpine 8.5% Slope up E-W; Medium size field West of the r 49 55.767 N 121 28.050 W LCH L Chasm S 2% Slope up S-N; Long field 1 km East of Hwy 99 3k 51 09.950 N 121 29.467 W LCE L Cherryville Many large fields NE of Hwy 6 50 13.700 N 118 34.767 W LCR L Christian Valley Large field btw road and river 49 32.933 N 118 48.217 W LCL L Clapperton 11% Slope Up SW-NE; Round irrigated field in the b 50 20.100 N 121 13.483 W LCI L Clinton S 3.8% Slope up S-N; Several fields on Hwy 97 10 km 51 00.217 N 121 31.950 W LCT L Clinton SW Several fields 3km SW of Clinton 51 04.600 N 121 37.783 W LCO L Coldwater Rd West of Coldwater Rd betw Rd and Rail 49 59.567 N 120 54.817 W LCP L Copper Mt Couple of fields 6 km North of Copper Mnt 49 22.800 N 120 33.167 W LC1 L Copper1 Very nice field W of Lack LeJoune Rd 50 34.667 N 120 26.267 W LCB L Cranbr N 14 km North of Cranbrook AP CYXC; Old Cranbrook ai 49 43.617 N 115 46.967 W LDN L Dan Cook Dan Cook Landed here Aug 11 2011; many fields arou 50 31.650 N 120 19.217 W LDO L Donald Medium cultivated field just North of the road 51 29.583 N 117 09.950 W LST L Eastgate Short airstrip East of Hwy 3 49 08.217 N 120 36.950 W LND L Enderby 3 km North of Enderby; many medium fields around 50 35.267 N 119 08.050 W LNQ L Enquist Couple of medium size fields West of Hwy 1 betw En 50 53.483 N 118 53.400 W LFL L Falkland Multiple medium size fields West of the HWY 97 50 29.717 N 119 32.583 W LFQ L Fauquier 2% Slope Up E-W; Several fields 6 km SW of Fauquie 49 50.533 N 118 09.283 W LFR L Fort Steele A good field 2.5 km West of Fort Steele; Some othe 49 36.950 N 115 35.683 W LFN L Fountain Two large fields West of Hwy 99 plus one South 50 51.300 N 121 52.050 W LFO L Fountain Valley Several large fields 50 44.433 N 121 52.717 W LFE L Frembd L South of Frembd Lake 8 km North of Tulameen 49 36.967 N 120 46.317 W LGL L Galena Bay 30m wide passage and road field between the trees 50 40.467 N 117 48.700 W LGA L Gates Couple of medium fields 50 30.450 N 122 32.050 W LGR L Grasslands Many landable fields North of Hwy 97 50 28.567 N 119 45.933 W LHD L Hedley N Other fields around 49 22.850 N 120 09.833 W LHE L Hedley S Big field 5 km South of Hedley West of Hwy 3 49 19.000 N 120 02.300 W LHR L Hoar Int AL Hoar landed here Jul 12 2018 very nice land own 53 05.467 N 119 41.167 W LHP L Hope Golf Several geens appear landable 11/29; 17/35 49 23.467 N 121 26.017 W LHW L Hwy 6-3 Jct Irregular shaped field East of Hwy 6 1.5 km North 49 05.233 N 117 15.867 W LHY L Hwy 99-97 W Couple of fields South of Hwy 99 10 km West of int 50 50.350 N 121 32.183 W LJL L Jellicoe Large field betw Jelicoe and Chain Lake East of Pr 49 41.067 N 120 16.767 W LKN L Kane Valley AS I Think this is the Airstrip Andrew Lau was tellin 49 54.650 N 120 52.017 W LKL L Kelly Lake Medium Field off the North tip of Kelly Lake 51 00.717 N 121 46.050 W LKE L Keremeos Just south of Keremeos S side of the river several 49 11.950 N 119 50.300 W LKM L Keremeos N1 Several fields W of Hwy 3A North of Keremeos 49 17.517 N 119 49.500 W LKO L Keremeos W1 Nort of Ashola Rd West of Keremeos 49 13.083 N 119 56.050 W LLD L Laidlaw Between Laidlaw Rd anr Hwy 1 49 19.583 N 121 36.900 W LLV L Lavington Many fields in the middle of Lavington South of Hw 50 14.217 N 119 05.833 W LLI L Lillooet Outlanding field 1 km North of Lillooet bridge Eas 50 41.483 N 121 55.383 W LLO L Lillooet S Large field 6 km South of Lillooet AP 50 37.333 N 121 52.267 W LLY L Lilo-Lyt S Several fields Btw Liloolet & Lytton 18 km N of Ly 50 23.133 N 121 40.350 W LLE L Lilooet Lake W Several fields on the West tip of Lilooet lake 50 18.283 N 122 37.400 W LLT L Little Fort Long field on the East side of the Rail line 51 25.050 N 120 11.817 W LLG L Logan Lk Golf Use the middle N-S fairway 50 29.783 N 120 47.900 W LLW L Lower Nicola W Several fields 2 km West of Lower Nicola just Sout 50 08.933 N 120 54.417 W LLM L Lumby Many fields just West of Lumby South of Hwy 6 50 14.933 N 118 56.750 W LLS L Lytt-Spenc Big beautiful field mid point btw Lytton and Spenc 50 20.333 N 121 23.683 W LLN L Lytton AS Dirt strip; CLOSED; obstacles on the Rwy cutting u 50 14.700 N 121 34.100 W LYT L Lytton NE Several medium fields 6 km NNE of Lytton 50 17.033 N 121 33.633 W LYO L Lytton S Two fields South one longer; 2 km South of Lytton 50 12.683 N 121 35.317 W LML L Malakwa 1% Slope Up E-W; Several large fields 3 km NE of M 50 57.383 N 118 45.850 W LMM L Mamit Lake Multiple large fields West of Hwy 97C South of Mam 50 21.933 N 120 48.150 W LMR L Mara Several mid size fields West of Rosemont Lake Rd o 50 41.417 N 119 03.967 W LMC L McMurdo 3.5% Slope Up S-N; Medium size field South of Hwy 51 09.050 N 116 47.817 W LMD L Meadow Creek Nice flat field at Meadow Creek 50 13.850 N 116 58.617 W LME L Mercer Multiple fields next to a farm in the valley 5km E 49 05.817 N 121 39.367 W LMN L Monte Creek Several fields East of Hwy 1 Hwy 97 interchange 50 38.767 N 119 55.917 W LMO L Moyie Lk Green field 3 km North of Moyie Lk 49 23.850 N 115 48.833 W LMK L Myook Several medium fields West of Hwy 3 49 29.067 N 115 33.383 W LNW L New Denver 1.3% Slope Up S-N; Elongated field West edge of go 50 00.717 N 117 23.283 W LNC L Nick S Watch out for power lines mid field; South of Monc 50 10.100 N 120 38.833 W LPR L Parson Three small fields South of Hwy 95 1.3 km NW of Pa 51 04.583 N 116 39.017 W LPA L Parson NW Three medium fields 7.5 km NW of Parson 51 06.850 N 116 43.167 W LPV L Pavilion Lake One etra field 1km West 430m 50 53.617 N 121 45.967 W LPM L Pemb Glover Small Field at the South end of Pemberton Glover R 50 18.417 N 122 46.800 W LPE L Pemb Valley Several landable fields in Pemberton Valley 50 30.583 N 123 01.900 W LPT L Peterson Rd 600m total; watch out for irrigation lines; 1 km W 49 56.733 N 120 55.133 W LPI L Premier Lake Several mid sized fields 4 km North of Premier Lak 49 59.250 N 115 39.967 W LPN L Princ E1 Fields on both sides of Crowsnest Hwy 49 27.417 N 120 21.633 W LPC L Princ W Several fields SW of Coalmont Rd 49 27.333 N 120 34.800 W LPS L Princ-Summ Rd Irregular shape field SW of Princeton-Summerland R 49 41.833 N 119 59.650 W LRX L Rexmount 3.3% Slope up SE-NW; Sloped field behind a hill no 50 51.050 N 122 26.900 W LRS L Roosville CA-US Three large fields 0.5 North of Roosville CA-US Bo 49 00.350 N 115 03.367 W LSL L S YellHd 1 Big fields W of Southern Yellowhead Hwy #5 50 59.600 N 120 13.733 W LSY L S YellHd 2 Many good fields around Hwy 5 51 17.650 N 120 10.700 W LSM L Seymor Arm Couple of small fields in the middle of Seymor Arm 51 14.850 N 118 56.217 W LSO L Shore Acres 4% Slope Up E-W; Small back yard field perpendicul 49 25.917 N 117 31.367 W LSC L Sicamous Mid size field on the West edge of Sicamous 50 50.017 N 118 57.933 W LSK L Skookumchuck Several mid size fields on the West side of Skooku 49 54.583 N 115 43.100 W LSA L Slocan Several mid size fields 2 km South of Slocan West 49 44.817 N 117 28.233 W LSN L Slocan Lake N 5.8% Slope up S-N; Several fields off the North ti 50 05.683 N 117 28.683 W LSE L Sommerland N 5% Slope Up W-E ; Crop field across the valley 5 k 49 38.667 N 119 42.950 W LSP L Spatsum 9 km NE of Spences Bridge East of Hwy 1 several go 50 28.533 N 121 16.650 W LSS L Spences Br Field just south of the SPences Bridge next to Hwy 50 24.883 N 121 21.617 W LSU L Stump Lake 1.2% Slope Up W-E; Couple of fields off the NE tip 50 23.050 N 120 19.433 W LSI L Sunshine Bay 4.4% Slope Up W-E; Several small to mid size field 49 36.450 N 117 00.017 W LSV L Sunshine Val Along the road just North of Hwy 3 opposite of tra 49 16.450 N 121 13.767 W LTR L Trickle Cr Golf Trickle Creek Golf Course 49 40.783 N 115 59.833 W LTL L Tulam2 Wast of Coalmont Rd 49 39.533 N 120 46.800 W LTU L Tulam3 Between the Coalmont road and the railway or West 49 41.867 N 120 45.967 W LTA L Tulameen 1.5 km East of Tulameen 49 32.383 N 120 43.983 W LVL L Vallican Medium field 2.5 km North of Vallican West of Hwy 49 34.633 N 117 37.650 W LWS L Wasalk Next to Irrigated field watch for irrigating lines 49 49.200 N 115 43.800 W LWE L Westbank Small field South of Hwy 97C next to farm house at 49 48.167 N 119 42.933 W LWH L Whistler Golf Whistler Golf Course; 3 parallel Big fairways; mor 50 08.100 N 122 57.833 W LWI L White Swan Lk Grass North of the lake 50 09.383 N 115 27.733 W LWN L Wyndell Many large fields West of Wyndell off the South ti 49 11.000 N 116 35.483 W L70 L 70 Mile House Several good fields on the West side of 70 Mile Ho 51 18.333 N 121 24.250 W XGT X Agate SE Irrigated circular field 2km SE of Agate 50 15.533 N 121 06.650 W XBR X Brookmere 3% Slope Up E-W; Short field place by Brookmere ma 49 48.767 N 120 51.233 W XCL X Coalmont Several very short fields 49 30.433 N 120 41.050 W XDR X Darcy 19% Slope Up NW-SE; Small field at Darcy; Land dia 50 32.700 N 122 28.033 W XDW X Downton Lake W Sand banks off the West end of Downton Lake; There 50 49.217 N 123 09.933 W XHG X Highcountry Model flyer field logan lake exit Landed with R2 J 50 27.583 N 120 36.333 W XDB X Idabel Lake Small field just West of Idabel Lake in the Idabel 49 44.550 N 119 10.633 W XKN X Kanaka Bar X @ Kanaka Bar looks like an ATV polygon 50 06.817 N 121 33.883 W XLL X Lilo-Lyt M 9% Slope Up W-E; Mid Btw Lilooet & Lytton 50 29.800 N 121 42.833 W XLT X Lytton E 5% Slope Up N-S; Small field 8 km E of Lytton on a 50 15.267 N 121 28.283 W XRC X Race Track 15m wide Race track Btw Whistler & Pemb; WN side s 50 14.967 N 122 51.533 W XRS X Ross Lk Short clearing off the North tip of Ross Lake; fla 49 00.950 N 121 04.300 W XST X Seaton Lake Very short field off the East End of Seaton Lake 50 40.050 N 121 58.633 W XSE X Seton Very short field at Seton 50 42.550 N 122 16.900 W XSL X Silver River Long dirt road/strip but Only 15 m wide 49 35.700 N 121 49.500 W XSK X Skookumchuck Short back yard field 4.5 km NW of Skookumchuk bet 49 58.117 N 122 26.267 W XSP X Spences Br N Very short field 6 km NNE of Spences Bridge 50 27.233 N 121 18.283 W XSU X Sulliv Very short field on aluvial plane West of Kinbaske 51 57.733 N 117 49.500 W XTL X Tulameen W1 14% Sideway Slope Up N-S; Very short; Last resort 49 32.217 N 120 52.217 W XTU X Tulameen W2 Very short field; dirt road through clearing; on t 49 28.133 N 120 58.367 W XYL X Yale 25% Slope Across E-W; Very short back yard field 49 33.100 N 121 26.783 W