51.6425000, -121.3069444, "100 Mile House", "100MlH", "Description: 1.5% Slope up W-E", ff0000, 145 51.7366667, -121.3327778, "108 Mile AP", "108Mil", "", ff0000, 145 49.0252778, -122.3600000, "Abbotsford AP", "Abbtsf", "Description: TWR 119.4 (inner) 121.0 (outer); Rwy 01/19 1500m", ff0000, 145 52.0636111, -123.2588889, "Alexis Creek AP", "AlxsCr", "Description: Airport is CLOSED", ff0000, 138 49.7138889, -120.6166667, "Allison Lake AS", "AllsnL", "Description: 5% Slope up South-North; Dirt strip", ff0000, 145 50.6283333, -122.4161111, "Anderson Lk", "Andrsn", "Description: Middle", ff0000, 138 50.6583333, -121.2747222, "Ashcroft Sundance AS", "Ashcrf", "Description: 2% Slope up W-E; Ashcroft Sundance Guest Ranch Airstrip 1-800-553-3533", ff0000, 145 49.9313889, -120.6297222, "Aspen Grove", "AspnGr", "Description: Town", ff0000, 138 50.8705556, -115.6500000, "Assina", "Assina", "Description: Lower ridge on Mt Storm", ff0000, 138 48.9983333, -118.2225000, "Avey State Laurier", "AvSttL", "Description: Dirt strip 10 m wide + 5 m on each side; right on the US border", ff0000, 145 51.2083333, -115.5402778, "Banff AS", "BanffS", "Description: turf/snow reopened 2007", ff0000, 145 49.2988889, -121.7411111, "Bear S5", "BearS5", "Description: WP on top of the Bear Mountain East of Harrison Springs (Thermal)", ff0000, 138 51.2544444, -116.8511111, "Beaverhead Pk", "Bevrhd", "", ff0000, 138 50.4788889, -122.6108333, "Birken", "Birken", "Description: Town", ff0000, 138 50.5363889, -122.6927778, "Birkenhead Lk", "Brknhd", "Description: Middle", ff0000, 138 49.9752778, -123.0427778, "Black Tusk", "BlckTs", "Description: Peak", ff0000, 138 50.0955556, -122.9005556, "Blackcomb P-P", "Blckcm", "Description: Peak to Peak Gondola", ff0000, 138 52.1247222, -119.2927778, "Blue River AP", "BluRvr", "Description: 17 m paved width; Operator Mike wigly heli Sking", ff0000, 145 49.9830556, -121.4986111, "Boston Bar AS", "BstnBr", "Description: Grass Strip", ff0000, 145 49.0733333, -123.0083333, "Boundary Bay AP", "BondrB", "Description: Rwy 13/31 1550m", ff0000, 145 49.7350000, -121.9300000, "Breakenridge Lk", "Brknrd", "Description: Middle", ff0000, 138 50.7750000, -121.3211111, "Cache Creek AP", "CchCrk", "", ff0000, 145 49.2961111, -117.6325000, "Castlegar AP", "Cstlgr", "", ff0000, 145 50.4538889, -113.7477778, "Cayley AP", "Cayley", "Description: Paved agri runway; sides of the runway may be overgrown with vegetation", ff0000, 145 50.1233333, -122.6933333, "Chaos Lk", "ChasLk", "Description: Middle", ff0000, 138 50.2086111, -120.0352778, "Chapperon Lake AS", "Chpprn", "Description: Grass strip east of lake; check for vegetation on the sides of the strip; landable fields around", ff0000, 145 50.0091667, -122.9177778, "Chekamus Lk", "ChkmsL", "Description: Middle", ff0000, 138 50.2161111, -118.5875000, "Cherryville", "Chrrvl", "Description: Town", ff0000, 138 49.1533333, -121.9391667, "Chilliwack AP", "Chllwc", "", ff0000, 145 49.0602778, -121.4155556, "Chilliwack Lk", "Chilli", "Description: Middle", ff0000, 138 51.6575000, -120.0708333, "Clearwater AS", "Clrwtr", "Description: West of Duch Lake", ff0000, 145 51.2416667, -121.9941667, "Clinton AP", "Clintn", "Description: Echo Valley AP", ff0000, 145 49.7108333, -124.8866667, "Comox AP", "Comox ", "Description: Terminal 123.7; Military", ff0000, 138 49.3875000, -121.3091667, "Coq Bridge", "CoqBrg", "", ff0000, 138 49.6350000, -121.0052778, "Coquihalla Lks", "CqhllL", "Description: Middle of south lake", ff0000, 138 50.0233333, -124.9844444, "Cortez AS", "CortzS", "Description: 1.5% Slope up S-N; Jim Hansen Tel: 250-935-6385", ff0000, 145 49.6666667, -125.1000000, "Courtenay 2", "Cortn2", "Description: 360m (1800 ft paved) on the East side", ff0000, 145 49.6794444, -124.9805556, "Courtenay AP", "Courtn", "Description: 18 m paved width; downtown", ff0000, 145 50.1261111, -120.8258333, "Coutlee", "Coutle", "", ff0000, 138 49.6122222, -115.7819444, "Cranbrook AP", "Crnbrk", "", ff0000, 145 49.6666667, -116.8166667, "Crawford Bay AS", "Crwfrd", "", ff0000, 145 49.0366667, -116.4969444, "Creston AP", "Crestn", "", ff0000, 145 49.3791667, -121.4552778, "Croft Island", "Crftsl", "", ff0000, 138 53.0586111, -119.8280556, "Croydon Ridge", "CrdnRd", "", ff0000, 138 50.7225000, -114.1794444, "CuNim AP", "CuNim ", "Description: Other runway 760 m", ff0000, 138 50.3886111, -115.7288889, "CUW_1", "CUW_1 ", "", ff0000, 138 50.9955556, -116.3888889, "CUW_2", "CUW_2 ", "", ff0000, 138 50.3886111, -115.7288889, "CUW_3", "CUW_3 ", "", ff0000, 138 50.1022222, -115.3463889, "CUW_4", "CUW_4 ", "", ff0000, 138 49.7830556, -116.3527778, "CUW_5", "CUW_5 ", "", ff0000, 138 50.9930556, -116.3122222, "CUW_6", "CUW_6 ", "", ff0000, 138 50.9930556, -116.3122222, "CUW_7", "CUW_7 ", "", ff0000, 138 50.3752778, -115.7394444, "CUW_8", "CUW_8 ", "", ff0000, 138 50.7111111, -116.7530556, "CUW_9", "CUW_9 ", "", ff0000, 138 51.2933333, -116.4336111, "CUW_10", "CUW_10", "", ff0000, 138 50.4569444, -115.8055556, "CUW_11", "CUW_11", "", ff0000, 138 51.4775000, -116.7994444, "CUW_12", "CUW_12", "", ff0000, 138 50.3866667, -115.7952778, "CUW_13", "CUW_13", "", ff0000, 138 50.0730556, -114.8086111, "CUW_14", "CUW_14", "", ff0000, 138 50.4013889, -115.7961111, "CUW_15", "CUW_15", "", ff0000, 138 50.9452778, -116.2777778, "CUW_16", "CUW_16", "", ff0000, 138 50.4830556, -116.5002778, "CUW_17", "CUW_17", "", ff0000, 138 50.4013889, -115.7961111, "CUW_18", "CUW_18", "", ff0000, 138 51.3616667, -116.3022222, "CUW_19", "CUW_19", "", ff0000, 138 50.4441667, -115.8052778, "CUW_20", "CUW_20", "", ff0000, 138 51.5363889, -117.0416667, "CUW_21", "CUW_21", "", ff0000, 138 50.5786111, -115.9747222, "CUW_22", "CUW_22", "", ff0000, 138 51.3652778, -116.8727778, "CUW_23", "CUW_23", "", ff0000, 138 50.2066667, -115.7911111, "CUW_24", "CUW_24", "", ff0000, 138 50.5786111, -115.9747222, "CUW_25", "CUW_25", "", ff0000, 138 51.3519444, -116.9444444, "CUW_26", "CUW_26", "", ff0000, 138 50.5363889, -115.9472222, "CUW_27", "CUW_27", "", ff0000, 138 51.0269444, -116.4202778, "CUW_28", "CUW_28", "", ff0000, 138 50.3502778, -115.8233333, "CUW_29", "CUW_29", "", ff0000, 138 50.9769444, -116.3288889, "CUW_30", "CUW_30", "", ff0000, 138 51.0177778, -116.3552778, "CUW_31", "CUW_31", "", ff0000, 138 51.0177778, -116.3552778, "CUW_32", "CUW_32", "", ff0000, 138 50.2850000, -116.2688889, "CUW_33", "CUW_33", "", ff0000, 138 50.8050000, -116.9958333, "CUW_34", "CUW_34", "", ff0000, 138 50.2158333, -115.7408333, "CUW_35", "CUW_35", "", ff0000, 138 50.6088889, -115.9525000, "CUW_36", "CUW_36", "", ff0000, 138 51.3794444, -116.8361111, "CUW_37", "CUW_37", "", ff0000, 138 50.6088889, -115.9525000, "CUW_38", "CUW_38", "", ff0000, 138 49.5086111, -120.6044444, "CUW_39", "CUW_39", "", ff0000, 138 49.5497222, -120.6969444, "CUW_40", "CUW_40", "", ff0000, 138 49.4530556, -121.3388889, "CUW_41", "CUW_41", "", ff0000, 138 49.4530556, -121.3388889, "CUW_44", "CUW_44", "", ff0000, 138 50.0636111, -121.3408333, "CUW_45", "CUW_45", "", ff0000, 138 49.7619444, -120.5305556, "CUW_46", "CUW_46", "", ff0000, 138 49.5150000, -121.3377778, "CUW_47", "CUW_47", "", ff0000, 138 49.4472222, -121.3763889, "CUW_48", "CUW_48", "", ff0000, 138 50.4763889, -121.5994444, "CUW_49", "CUW_49", "", ff0000, 138 49.4472222, -121.3763889, "CUW_50", "CUW_50", "", ff0000, 138 49.4386111, -121.3591667, "CUW_51", "CUW_51", "", ff0000, 138 51.3069444, -121.9558333, "CUW_52", "CUW_52", "", ff0000, 138 50.9416667, -118.2502778, "CUW_53", "CUW_53", "", ff0000, 138 49.4386111, -121.3591667, "CUW_54", "CUW_54", "", ff0000, 138 49.4497222, -121.3333333, "CUW_55", "CUW_55", "", ff0000, 138 50.9958333, -121.5791667, "CUW_56", "CUW_56", "", ff0000, 138 50.6133333, -119.5102778, "CUW_57", "CUW_57", "", ff0000, 138 49.4497222, -121.3333333, "CUW_58", "CUW_58", "", ff0000, 138 49.4197222, -121.3855556, "CUW_59", "CUW_59", "", ff0000, 138 49.7991667, -121.4000000, "CUW_60", "CUW_60", "", ff0000, 138 49.6127778, -121.1016667, "CUW_61", "CUW_61", "", ff0000, 138 49.4197222, -121.3855556, "CUW_62", "CUW_62", "", ff0000, 138 49.4447222, -121.3705556, "CUW_63", "CUW_63", "", ff0000, 138 49.4005556, -121.3986111, "CUW_64", "CUW_64", "", ff0000, 138 49.4013889, -121.3975000, "CUW_65", "CUW_65", "", ff0000, 138 50.4330556, -121.0241667, "CUW_66", "CUW_66", "", ff0000, 138 50.1236111, -121.2913889, "CUW_67", "CUW_67", "", ff0000, 138 49.3802778, -121.5025000, "CUW_68", "CUW_68", "", ff0000, 138 49.3927778, -121.3100000, "CUW_69", "CUW_69", "", ff0000, 138 49.2505556, -121.9747222, "CUW_70", "CUW_70", "", ff0000, 138 49.3669444, -121.5975000, "CUW_71", "CUW_71", "", ff0000, 138 49.3675000, -121.4519444, "CUW_72", "CUW_72", "", ff0000, 138 49.4005556, -121.4230556, "CUW_73", "CUW_73", "", ff0000, 138 49.3711111, -121.4788889, "CUW_74", "CUW_74", "", ff0000, 138 49.9986111, -123.1272222, "Daisy Lk", "DaisLk", "Description: Middle", ff0000, 138 49.3663889, -121.6705556, "Deer Lake", "DeerLk", "", ff0000, 138 49.0855556, -122.9311111, "Delta Air Park AS", "DeltaS", "Description: Ultralight Airfield", ff0000, 138 49.3863889, -121.4686111, "Devil Lake", "DevlLk", "", ff0000, 138 50.4100000, -121.8811111, "Devils Lk", "DvlsLk", "Description: Middle", ff0000, 138 50.1655556, -120.1719444, "Douglas Lake AS", "DglsLk", "Description: 22 m width may be usable; 0.7% Slope Up E-W; 1400m x12m next to the road", ff0000, 145 49.0961111, -122.3127778, "Drop zone", "Dropzn", "Description: 5112 Galdwin Rd", ff0000, 145 50.4036111, -122.3161111, "Duffy Lake", "DuffLk", "Description: Middle", ff0000, 138 49.2541667, -121.3438889, "Eaton Lk", "EatnLk", "Description: Middle", ff0000, 138 49.2844444, -115.1563889, "Elko AS", "ElkoAS", "", ff0000, 145 50.1338889, -122.1705556, "Elton Lk", "EltnLk", "Description: Middle", ff0000, 138 50.6038889, -119.0769444, "Enderby Cliffs", "EndrbC", "Description: Rock cliffs", ff0000, 138 50.3050000, -115.7800000, "Fairmont Pk", "Farmnt", "", ff0000, 138 50.3302778, -115.8733333, "Fairmont AP", "Fairmo", "", ff0000, 145 49.6175000, -121.0777778, "Falls Lk", "FllsLk", "Description: Middle", ff0000, 138 51.3869444, -116.4780556, "Field", "Field ", "", ff0000, 138 50.0916667, -116.4838889, "Findlay", "Findla", "", ff0000, 138 49.2305556, -121.0838889, "Ford SW", "FordSW", "Description: Lower SW Peak", ff0000, 138 49.1675000, -122.5544444, "Fort Langley AP", "FrtLng", "Description: 18m paved width; South of the river", ff0000, 145 50.0077778, -121.6561111, "Frances Lk", "FrncsL", "Description: Middle ", ff0000, 138 51.5516667, -122.3269444, "Gang Ranch AS", "GngRcS", "Description: Dirt strip; Grass on the South side not cut", ff0000, 145 49.9336111, -123.0180556, "Garibaldi Lk", "GrbldL", "Description: Middle", ff0000, 138 49.4172222, -121.5975000, "Garnet American", "Grntmr", "", ff0000, 138 49.8811111, -122.4477778, "Glacier Lk", "GlcrLk", "Description: Middle", ff0000, 138 50.8977778, -122.8377778, "Gold Bridge AS", "GldBrg", "Description: Dirt airstrip (Gun Lake Airport)", ff0000, 138 51.2991667, -116.9825000, "Golden AP", "Golden", "", ff0000, 145 49.0155556, -118.4305556, "Grand Forks AP", "GrndFr", "", ff0000, 145 50.4005556, -119.2836111, "Grand View AS", "GrndVw", "Description: 7m wide strip in the middle of the field; Dirt Agri Rwy 7 km SW of Armstrong BC", ff0000, 145 53.9169444, -118.8741667, "Grande Cache AP", "GrndCc", "", ff0000, 145 51.4294444, -121.2097222, "Green Lake AS", "GrnLkS", "Description: 2% Slope Up S-N; 20m wide grass; Flying U Guest Ranch", ff0000, 145 49.3758333, -121.4472222, "Greenwood Island", "Grnwds", "", ff0000, 138 49.2875000, -122.0572222, "Haras", "Haras ", "", ff0000, 138 49.3422222, -121.6983333, "Hicks Lk", "HcksLk", "", ff0000, 138 53.3191667, -117.7533333, "Hinton/Jasper AP", "HntnJs", "", ff0000, 145 49.3680556, -121.4980556, "Hope", "Hope ", "Description: Town", ff0000, 138 49.3686111, -121.4969444, "Hope AP", "Hope2 ", "", ff0000, 118 49.6227778, -121.5113889, "Inkawthia Lk", "Inkwth", "Description: Middle", ff0000, 138 50.5219444, -116.0058333, "Invermere AP", "Invrmr", "", ff0000, 145 50.3536111, -123.0355556, "Ipsoot Lk", "IpstLk", "Description: Middle (Named by BS)", ff0000, 138 52.9966667, -118.0594444, "Jasper AS", "JasprS", "Description: 7m wide dirt strip in a big field", ff0000, 145 50.7025000, -120.4486111, "Kamloops AP", "Kamlps", "", ff0000, 145 49.9036111, -116.9352778, "Kaslo AP", "Kaslo ", "", ff0000, 145 50.9736111, -121.6094444, "Kelly Lake", "KellLk", "", ff0000, 138 49.9572222, -119.3780556, "Kelowna AP", "Kelown", "Description: Automated weather 127.5", ff0000, 145 49.3475000, -120.5852778, "Kennedy Lk", "KnndLk", "", ff0000, 138 49.3588889, -121.4886111, "Knowl", "Knowl ", "", ff0000, 138 50.5986111, -120.3091667, "Knutsford AS", "Kntsfr", "Description: 8 km S of Kamloops; Very narrow and hilly", ff0000, 145 49.4163889, -121.4522222, "Lakeorth Wds", "LkrthW", "", ff0000, 138 49.1008333, -122.6308333, "Langley AP", "Langle", "", ff0000, 145 49.8241667, -115.6222222, "Lazy Lake", "LazyLk", "", ff0000, 138 50.6747222, -121.8936111, "Lillooet AP", "Lillot", "", ff0000, 145 50.7025000, -121.7386111, "Lillooet Pk", "Lilloo", "", ff0000, 138 50.7797222, -121.7644444, "Lillooet Pk 2", "LlltPk", "", ff0000, 138 50.1366667, -119.2497222, "Long Mt", "Long ", "Description: Mountain Plateau", ff0000, 138 50.3663889, -122.4966667, "Lwr Joffree Lk", "LwrJff", "Description: Middle", ff0000, 138 50.6088889, -118.7311111, "Mabel Lake AS", "MblLkS", "Description: Grass beween houses and trees; 30m wide slopes up 12m S to N", ff0000, 145 53.3150000, -120.1705556, "McBride AP", "McBrid", "Description: Charlie Leake Field Airport", ff0000, 145 50.3552778, -122.7777778, "McKenzie Antenna", "McKnzn", "Description: Antennas on the South side of McKenzie Ridge", ff0000, 138 50.3602778, -122.7927778, "McKenzie ParaG", "McKnzP", "Description: Paraglider Launch Site", ff0000, 138 52.7722222, -118.8347222, "McKirdy", "McKird", "", ff0000, 138 50.6316667, -123.5041667, "Meager", "Meager", "Description: WP", ff0000, 138 50.7052778, -123.4397222, "Meager A", "MeageA", "Description: WP", ff0000, 138 50.7219444, -123.4986111, "Meager B", "MeagrB", "Description: WP", ff0000, 138 50.1227778, -120.7450000, "Merritt AP", "Merrtt", "", ff0000, 145 50.1416667, -120.7708333, "Merritt Bowl", "MrrttB", "", ff0000, 138 51.8369444, -118.6272222, "Mica AS", "MicaAS", "", ff0000, 145 49.0100000, -118.7897222, "Midway AS", "MidwaS", "Description: Grass airstrip", ff0000, 145 49.0966667, -122.3133333, "Mission", "Missin", "", ff0000, 138 50.5138889, -119.8358333, "Monte Lake", "MontLk", "", ff0000, 138 49.2436111, -121.8875000, "Mt. Woodside", "MtWdsd", "Description: Hang glider launch", ff0000, 138 49.5580556, -120.9252778, "Murphy Lakes", "MrphLk", "Description: Middle Point between", ff0000, 138 49.8016667, -119.3105556, "Myra", "Myra ", "Description: Town", ff0000, 138 49.9788889, -121.7744444, "Nahatlach Lk", "Nhtlch", "Description: Middle", ff0000, 138 49.0522222, -123.8702778, "Nanaimo AP", "Nanaim", "Description: Automated terminal 128.425 1-877-517-2847 Terminal Victoria 120.8", ff0000, 145 50.2666667, -117.8130556, "Naskup AP", "Naskup", "", ff0000, 145 49.4941667, -117.3005556, "Nelson AP", "Nelson", "", ff0000, 145 49.4016667, -121.3997222, "Ogilvie", "Ogilvi", "", ff0000, 138 49.5055556, -121.6191667, "Old Settler", "OldStt", "", ff0000, 138 51.8475000, -114.0647222, "Olds-Netook AP", "OldsNt", "Description: Rwy 01/19 1132m", ff0000, 145 49.1733333, -119.5511111, "Oliver AP", "Oliver", "", ff0000, 145 50.4758333, -121.9861111, "Onion Lk", "OninLk", "Description: Middle", ff0000, 138 49.0372222, -119.4888889, "Osoyoos AP", "Osoyos", "", ff0000, 145 49.3752778, -121.3702778, "Othello", "Othell", "", ff0000, 138 49.5686111, -120.7616667, "Otter Lk", "OttrLk", "Description: Middle", ff0000, 138 51.1113889, -116.5897222, "Parson", "Parson", "", ff0000, 138 50.3025000, -122.7377778, "Pemberton AP", "Pmbrtn", "Description: Whistler 122.7; Blackcomb Helicopters 122.775; Village 604-894-6135", ff0000, 145 49.4625000, -119.6022222, "Penticton AP", "Pntctn", "", ff0000, 145 50.0452778, -122.4861111, "Peter's Point", "PtrsPn", "Description: Usually a good thermal in the afternoon (Named by BS)", ff0000, 138 49.5205556, -113.9972222, "Pincher Cr AP", "PnchrC", "", ff0000, 145 49.2161111, -122.7133333, "Pitt Meadows AP", "PttMdw", "Description: Runway 08L/26R 760m; Runway 18/36 760m", ff0000, 145 49.3211111, -124.9294444, "Port Alberni AP", "Prtlbr", "", ff0000, 145 49.8341667, -124.5002778, "Powell River AP", "PwllRv", "Description: 1% Slope Up W-E", ff0000, 145 49.9380556, -115.6544444, "Premier Lake", "PrmrLk", "", ff0000, 138 53.8841667, -122.6775000, "Prince George AP", "PrncGr", "Description: Automated weather 128.725; Rwy 06/24 1500m; Rwy 01/19 1100m", ff0000, 145 49.4677778, -120.5125000, "Princeton AP", "Prnctn", "", ff0000, 145 49.3372222, -124.3938889, "Qualicum Beach AP", "QlcmBc", "", ff0000, 145 53.0261111, -122.5102778, "Quesnel AP", "Quesnl", "", ff0000, 145 52.5150000, -121.0450000, "Quesnel Lk AS", "QsnlLk", "", ff0000, 145 50.1622222, -120.5063889, "Quilchena AS", "QlchnS", "Description: Gravel and CLOSED; landable fields around", ff0000, 112 50.6277778, -116.0950000, "Radium Hot Springs AS", "RdmHtS", "Description: On the west side of the mill", ff0000, 145 53.1583333, -120.0783333, "Rauch", "Rauch ", "", ff0000, 138 50.9622222, -118.1844444, "Revelstoke AP", "Rvlstk", "", ff0000, 145 50.9658333, -119.2255556, "Ross Creek AS", "RssCrk", "Description: 2.2% Slope Up S-N; 19m wide; New Anglemont AP North of the Hwy just West of Anglemont", ff0000, 145 49.0005556, -121.0661111, "Ross Lk", "RossLk", "Description: Beach at the North tip of Ross Lake just north of the US border; may be dry during summer", ff0000, 138 49.2527778, -121.9452778, "Rowena AS", "RowenS", "Description: 4.5m paved width; watch for vegetation & rocks on the SE side; Do NOT use NW tip of the strip; Owner Betty Anne Faulkner1 778 288 85851 604 796 1000", ff0000, 145 50.0963889, -122.4583333, "Salamander Lake", "Slmndr", "Description: Middle", ff0000, 138 50.6825000, -119.2286111, "Salmon Arm AP", "Slmnrm", "", ff0000, 145 49.8825000, -122.2144444, "Scotch Lk", "SctchL", "Description: Middle (Named by BS)", ff0000, 138 51.7952778, -123.5813889, "Scum Lake AS", "ScmLkS", "Description: 1.6% Slope Up NE-SW; Dirt strip; Wach for vegetation on the sides of the Rwy", ff0000, 145 49.7038889, -121.6855556, "Seahorse Lk", "ShrsLk", "Description: Middle (Named by BS)", ff0000, 138 49.4605556, -123.7186111, "Sechelt Gibsons AP", "SchltG", "", ff0000, 145 49.4347222, -121.2372222, "Serpentine Lk", "Srpntn", "Description: Middle", ff0000, 138 49.4891667, -121.6538889, "Settler Slide", "SttlrS", "", ff0000, 138 50.6983333, -122.1383333, "Setton Lk", "SttnLk", "Description: Middle", ff0000, 138 50.8788889, -119.5902778, "Shuswap AS", "ShswpS", "Description: Skwlax Field betw. Little and Big Shuswap", ff0000, 145 49.1480556, -121.2150000, "Silvertip Ridge", "Slvrtp", "Description: WP on the South ridge of Silvertip Mountin", ff0000, 138 49.3141667, -121.4122222, "Silver Lk", "SlvrLk", "Description: Middle", ff0000, 138 49.9152778, -115.7330556, "Skookumchuck", "Skkmch", "", ff0000, 138 49.8344444, -114.8786111, "Sparwood AP", "Sparwd", "Description: 17/35", ff0000, 145 51.9555556, -122.1394444, "Springhouse AP", "Sprngh", "Description: grass", ff0000, 145 49.7816667, -123.1619444, "Squamish AP", "Squmsh", "Description: Total usable Rwy 1000m?", ff0000, 145 52.8761111, -119.2788889, "Start", "Start ", "", ff0000, 138 49.5666667, -115.4283333, "Steeple", "Steepl", "", ff0000, 138 49.4622222, -121.4175000, "Strawberry Island", "Strwbr", "", ff0000, 138 50.1975000, -122.4694444, "Strawberry Point", "Strawb", "Description: Middle", ff0000, 138 50.4177778, -118.5175000, "Sugar Lake", "SugrLk", "Description: Lake", ff0000, 138 50.8988889, -119.9094444, "Sun Pks", "SunPks", "Description: Ski Resort", ff0000, 138 50.1136111, -122.4383333, "Tao Lk", "Tao Lk", "Description: Middle", ff0000, 138 49.6941667, -124.5177778, "Texada AP", "Texada", "Description: Gillies Bay Airport", ff0000, 145 49.7430556, -122.1630556, "Tipella AS", "TipllS", "Description: Gravel runway; Watch for vegetation on the sides of the Rwy; Innergex Renewable Energy 604-633-9990", ff0000, 145 49.7550000, -122.0544444, "Todd Lk", "ToddLk", "Description: Middle", ff0000, 138 49.0563889, -117.6091667, "Trail AP", "Trail ", "", ff0000, 145 52.5777778, -119.1638889, "Trudeau", "Trudea", "", ff0000, 138 50.1541667, -122.2697222, "Tundra Lk", "TndrLk", "Description: Middle", ff0000, 138 52.8527778, -119.3363889, "Valemount AP", "ValeMt", "", ff0000, 145 49.1947222, -123.1838889, "Vancouver AP", "Vancvr", "Description: VFR 124.02 125.65; Terminal 125.2; TWR 118.7 (South) 119.55 (North)", ff0000, 145 50.2461111, -119.3308333, "Vernon AP", "Vernon", "", ff0000, 145 48.6472222, -123.4258333, "Victoria AP", "Victor", "Description: Terminal 127.8; TWR 119.7 inner 119.1 Outer", ff0000, 145 50.6222222, -119.9566667, "Vomad", "Vomad ", "", ff0000, 138 50.1597222, -122.8150000, "Wedgemount Lk", "WdgMtL", "Description: Middle", ff0000, 138 49.2300000, -121.6125000, "Whaleatch Lk", "Whltch", "Description: Middle", ff0000, 138 49.8533333, -122.2786111, "Whiskey Lk", "WhskLk", "Description: Middle", ff0000, 138 50.1683333, -122.9044444, "Whistler HP", "Whstlr", "Description: Heliport Radio at 122.7 within 5NM 5200 ASL", ff0000, 138 50.0694444, -122.9461111, "Whistler P-P", "Whistl", "Description: Whistler Peak to Peak Gondola", ff0000, 138 52.1833333, -122.0544444, "Williams Lake AP", "WllmsL", "", ff0000, 145 49.3708333, -121.4863889, "WoodPile", "WoodPl", "", ff0000, 138 49.3930556, -121.2944444, "Wp Jarvis", "WpJrvs", "", ff0000, 138 50.2341667, -119.8202778, "Xotuv", "Xotuv ", "", ff0000, 138 49.5477778, -121.3547222, "Yale Hill", "YalHll", "Description: WP on top of the hill East of Yale", ff0000, 138 49.4572222, -121.2580556, "H Coqihalla 1", "HCqhll", "Description: 1% Slope Up S-N; Land on the Left edge of the Coquihalla Northbound lane; Do NOT land in the rest area because of the light poles", ff0000, 112 49.6311111, -121.0152778, "H Coqihalla 2", "HCoqih", "Description: 2% Slope Up NE-SW; Land in dir 230 on the left edge of the Southbound lane; Rest area also landable, but only 130m usable length(Old Toll Booth location)", ff0000, 112 49.7055556, -121.0155556, "H Coqihalla 3", "HCoqia", "Description: 1% Slope Up N-S; Land on the Left side of the Southbound lane on the straight portion of the Hwy", ff0000, 112 49.7819444, -120.9800000, "H Coqihalla 4", "HCoqil", "Description: 1.3% Slope Up NE-SW; Land on the Left side of the Southbound lane after the median ends", ff0000, 112 49.9105556, -123.1650000, "H Hwy 99", "HHwy99", "Description: 8.3% Slope Up S-N; Land on the Yelllow Striped area on the Left side of the Northbound lane; *** Approach between two High Voltage power lines then slight left turn to land under the power on Wes side", ff0000, 112 49.0611111, -120.7697222, "H Manning Park", "HMnnng", "Description: 2.4% Slope Up E-W; *** Need at least 3 lanes clear of traffic; off Highway 3 at East side of Manning Park (Visitor Centre exit); Watch for power and light poles; 1km to the West at the main exit also landable", ff0000, 112 49.2616667, -121.7158333, "L Agassiz", "LAgssz", "Description: Many fields North of Agassiz", ff0000, 112 50.2891667, -121.1683333, "L Agate NW", "LAgtNW", "Description: Several smallish but adequate fields 3 km NW of Agate", ff0000, 112 50.9686111, -119.1666667, "L Anglemont ASX", "Lnglmn", "Description: Old Anglemont Airport CLOSED Slopes UP 75m from S to N; Always land in 010", ff0000, 112 50.4469444, -119.1586111, "L Armstrong", "Lrmstr", "Description: Next to a subdivision; Manyother large fields near Armstrong", ff0000, 112 50.7369444, -121.2700000, "L Ashcroft", "Lshcrf", "Description: Several good fields on the NE side of Ashcroft", ff0000, 112 50.6894444, -121.3361111, "L Ashcroft SW1", "LAshcr", "Description: Several fileds E of Hwy 1 6 km South of Ashcroft", ff0000, 112 50.6577778, -121.3538889, "L Ashcroft SW2", "LAshco", "Description: Several fileds E of Hwy 1 10km South of Ashcroft", ff0000, 112 50.5450000, -119.0088889, "L Ashton Creek", "LshtnC", "Description: Many mid size fields around Ashton Creek", ff0000, 112 50.8486111, -119.3691667, "L Balmoral", "LBlmrl", "Description: Several large fields 4 km South of Blind Bay (Sorrento)", ff0000, 112 49.5280556, -121.7619444, "L Bear Creek", "LBrCrk", "Description: Sergey Landed here", ff0000, 112 49.6416667, -118.7550000, "L Big White E", "LBgWht", "Description: Several fields in the N-S valley 16 km ESE of Big White next to a farm Mnt", ff0000, 112 50.5669444, -122.6419444, "L Birkenhead Lk", "LBrknh", "Description: Several fields of the North tip of Birkenhead Lake", ff0000, 112 49.8536111, -121.4375000, "L Boston Bar", "LBstnB", "Description: Clearing West of the Railway on the South side of Boston Bar", ff0000, 112 50.8247222, -116.3005556, "L Brisco", "LBrisc", "Description: Large fields both sides of Brisco Rd", ff0000, 112 49.3505556, -118.8694444, "L Buddha", "LBuddh", "Description: Several fields 1 km South of Temple NUMUH: Clear-Mind Buddhism - Jeweled Path of Living Visdom 250-446-2022", ff0000, 112 49.4130556, -118.4219444, "L Burrell Creek", "LBrrll", "Description: 1.2% Slope Up S-N; Several Grass fields East of Burrell Creek accessible by forrest service road", ff0000, 112 50.9047222, -121.4094444, "L Cache Cr N", "LCchCr", "Description: Several fields 12 km North of of Cache Creek next to a Car Wreck Yard; The field 1 km to the South is longer (450m)", ff0000, 112 50.1411111, -120.9880556, "L Canford", "LCnfrd", "Description: Couple of fields South of Hwy 8 14 km West of Merritt", ff0000, 112 49.9294444, -121.4675000, "L Canyon Alpine", "LCnnlp", "Description: 8.5% Slope up E-W; Medium size field West of the river", ff0000, 112 51.1658333, -121.4911111, "L Chasm S", "LChsmS", "Description: 2% Slope up S-N; Long field 1 km East of Hwy 99 3km S of Chasm Pulp Mill", ff0000, 112 50.2283333, -118.5794444, "L Cherryville", "LChrrv", "Description: Many large fields NE of Hwy 6", ff0000, 112 49.5488889, -118.8036111, "L Christian Valley", "LChrst", "Description: Large field btw road and river", ff0000, 112 50.3350000, -121.2247222, "L Clapperton", "LClppr", "Description: 11% Slope Up SW-NE; Round irrigated field in the bend of Hwy 8; There is a flat irrigated field just to the South 270m long 65m below", ff0000, 112 51.0036111, -121.5325000, "L Clinton S", "LClntn", "Description: 3.8% Slope up S-N; Several fields on Hwy 97 10 km South of Clinton", ff0000, 112 51.0766667, -121.6297222, "L Clinton SW", "LClint", "Description: Several fields 3km SW of Clinton", ff0000, 112 49.9927778, -120.9136111, "L Coldwater Rd", "LCldwt", "Description: West of Coldwater Rd betw Rd and Rail", ff0000, 112 49.3800000, -120.5527778, "L Copper Mt", "LCoppr", "Description: Couple of fields 6 km North of Copper Mnt", ff0000, 112 50.5777778, -120.4377778, "L Copper1", "LCppr1", "Description: Very nice field W of Lack LeJoune Rd", ff0000, 112 49.7269444, -115.7827778, "L Cranbr N", "LCrnbr", "Description: 14 km North of Cranbrook AP CYXC; Old Cranbrook airport", ff0000, 112 50.5275000, -120.3202778, "L Dan Cook", "LDanCk", "Description: Dan Cook Landed here Aug 11 2011; many fields around", ff0000, 112 51.4930556, -117.1658333, "L Donald", "LDonld", "Description: Medium cultivated field just North of the road", ff0000, 112 49.1369444, -120.6158333, "L Eastgate", "LEstgt", "Description: Short airstrip East of Hwy 3", ff0000, 112 50.5877778, -119.1341667, "L Enderby", "LEndrb", "Description: 3 km North of Enderby; many medium fields around", ff0000, 112 50.8913889, -118.8900000, "L Enquist", "LEnqst", "Description: Couple of medium size fields West of Hwy 1 betw Enquist farm anf the river", ff0000, 112 50.4952778, -119.5430556, "L Falkland", "LFlkln", "Description: Multiple medium size fields West of the HWY 97", ff0000, 112 49.8422222, -118.1547222, "L Fauquier", "LFauqr", "Description: 2% Slope Up E-W; Several fields 6 km SW of Fauquier", ff0000, 112 49.6158333, -115.5947222, "L Fort Steele", "LFrtSt", "Description: A good field 2.5 km West of Fort Steele; Some other fields in the area", ff0000, 112 50.8550000, -121.8675000, "L Fountain", "LFontn", "Description: Two large fields West of Hwy 99 plus one South", ff0000, 112 50.7405556, -121.8786111, "L Fountain Valley", "LFntnV", "Description: Several large fields", ff0000, 112 49.6161111, -120.7719444, "L Frembd L", "LFrmbd", "Description: South of Frembd Lake 8 km North of Tulameen", ff0000, 112 50.6744444, -117.8116667, "L Galena Bay", "LGalnB", "Description: 30m wide passage and road field between the trees on a farm 2.5 km ENE of Galena Bay", ff0000, 112 50.5075000, -122.5341667, "L Gates", "LGates", "Description: Couple of medium fields", ff0000, 112 50.4761111, -119.7655556, "L Grasslands", "LGrssl", "Description: Many landable fields North of Hwy 97", ff0000, 112 49.3808333, -120.1638889, "L Hedley N", "LHedlN", "Description: Other fields around", ff0000, 112 49.3166667, -120.0383333, "L Hedley S", "LHedlS", "Description: Big field 5 km South of Hedley West of Hwy 3", ff0000, 112 53.0911111, -119.6861111, "L Hoar Int", "LHornt", "Description: AL Hoar landed here Jul 12 2018 very nice land owner named Mac Cochrane cell # 250 566 3140", ff0000, 112 49.3911111, -121.4336111, "L Hope Golf", "LHpGlf", "Description: Several geens appear landable 11/29; 17/35", ff0000, 112 49.0872222, -117.2644444, "L Hwy 6-3 Jct", "LHw63J", "Description: Irregular shaped field East of Hwy 6 1.5 km North of Hwy 6 & Hwy 3 T Junction", ff0000, 112 50.8391667, -121.5363889, "L Hwy 99-97 W", "LHw999", "Description: Couple of fields South of Hwy 99 10 km West of intersection Hwy 99 and Hwy 97", ff0000, 112 49.6844444, -120.2794444, "L Jellicoe", "LJellc", "Description: Large field betw Jelicoe and Chain Lake East of Princeton-Summerland Rd; Land on the lane mid field or on Miller Rd", ff0000, 112 49.9108333, -120.8669444, "L Kane Valley AS", "LKnVll", "Description: I Think this is the Airstrip Andrew Lau was telling me about.", ff0000, 112 51.0119444, -121.7675000, "L Kelly Lake", "LKllLk", "Description: Medium Field off the North tip of Kelly Lake", ff0000, 112 49.1991667, -119.8383333, "L Keremeos", "LKerms", "Description: Just south of Keremeos S side of the river several fields", ff0000, 112 49.2919444, -119.8250000, "L Keremeos N1", "LKrmsN", "Description: Several fields W of Hwy 3A North of Keremeos", ff0000, 112 49.2180556, -119.9341667, "L Keremeos W1", "LKrmsW", "Description: Nort of Ashola Rd West of Keremeos", ff0000, 112 49.3263889, -121.6150000, "L Laidlaw", "LLadlw", "Description: Between Laidlaw Rd anr Hwy 1", ff0000, 112 50.2369444, -119.0972222, "L Lavington", "LLvngt", "Description: Many fields in the middle of Lavington South of Hwy 6", ff0000, 112 50.6913889, -121.9230556, "L Lillooet", "LLillt", "Description: Outlanding field 1 km North of Lillooet bridge East river bank", ff0000, 112 50.6222222, -121.8711111, "L Lillooet S", "LLlltS", "Description: Large field 6 km South of Lillooet AP", ff0000, 112 50.3855556, -121.6725000, "L Lilo-Lyt S", "LLlLtS", "Description: Several fields Btw Liloolet & Lytton 18 km N of Lytton", ff0000, 112 50.3047222, -122.6233333, "L Lilooet Lake W", "LLltLk", "Description: Several fields on the West tip of Lilooet lake", ff0000, 112 51.4175000, -120.1969444, "L Little Fort", "LLttlF", "Description: Long field on the East side of the Rail line", ff0000, 112 50.4963889, -120.7983333, "L Logan Lk Golf", "LLgnLk", "Description: Use the middle N-S fairway", ff0000, 112 50.1488889, -120.9069444, "L Lower Nicola W", "LLwrNc", "Description: Several fields 2 km West of Lower Nicola just South of Hwy 8", ff0000, 112 50.2488889, -118.9458333, "L Lumby", "LLumby", "Description: Many fields just West of Lumby South of Hwy 6", ff0000, 112 50.3388889, -121.3947222, "L Lytt-Spenc", "LLttSp", "Description: Big beautiful field mid point btw Lytton and Spences Bridge", ff0000, 112 50.2450000, -121.5683333, "L Lytton AS", "LLttnS", "Description: Dirt strip; CLOSED; obstacles on the Rwy cutting usable length from 700m to 300m", ff0000, 112 50.2838889, -121.5605556, "L Lytton NE", "LLttnN", "Description: Several medium fields 6 km NNE of Lytton", ff0000, 112 50.2113889, -121.5886111, "L Lytton S", "LLytto", "Description: Two fields South one longer; 2 km South of Lytton East of Fraser", ff0000, 112 50.9563889, -118.7641667, "L Malakwa", "LMalkw", "Description: 1% Slope Up E-W; Several large fields 3 km NE of Malakwa West of Hwy 1", ff0000, 112 50.3655556, -120.8025000, "L Mamit Lake", "LMmtLk", "Description: Multiple large fields West of Hwy 97C South of Mamit Lake", ff0000, 112 50.6902778, -119.0661111, "L Mara", "L Mara", "Description: Several mid size fields West of Rosemont Lake Rd of Hwy 97A 1 km West of Mara", ff0000, 112 51.1508333, -116.7969444, "L McMurdo", "LMcMrd", "Description: 3.5% Slope Up S-N; Medium size field South of Hwy 95", ff0000, 112 50.2308333, -116.9769444, "L Meadow Creek", "LMdwCr", "Description: Nice flat field at Meadow Creek", ff0000, 112 49.0969444, -121.6561111, "L Mercer", "LMercr", "Description: Multiple fields next to a farm in the valley 5km ESE of Mt Mercer", ff0000, 112 50.6461111, -119.9319444, "L Monte Creek", "LMntCr", "Description: Several fields East of Hwy 1 Hwy 97 interchange", ff0000, 112 49.3975000, -115.8138889, "L Moyie Lk", "LMoyLk", "Description: Green field 3 km North of Moyie Lk", ff0000, 112 49.4844444, -115.5563889, "L Myook", "LMyook", "Description: Several medium fields West of Hwy 3", ff0000, 112 50.0119444, -117.3880556, "L New Denver", "LNwDnv", "Description: 1.3% Slope Up S-N; Elongated field West edge of golf course 2 km North of New Denver East of Hwy 6", ff0000, 112 50.1683333, -120.6472222, "L Nick S", "LNickS", "Description: Watch out for power lines mid field; South of Monch Park Rd", ff0000, 112 51.0763889, -116.6502778, "L Parson", "LParsn", "Description: Three small fields South of Hwy 95 1.3 km NW of Parson; use the middle one", ff0000, 112 51.1141667, -116.7194444, "L Parson NW", "LPrsnN", "Description: Three medium fields 7.5 km NW of Parson", ff0000, 112 50.8936111, -121.7661111, "L Pavilion Lake", "LPvlnL", "Description: One etra field 1km West 430m", ff0000, 112 50.3069444, -122.7800000, "L Pemb Glover", "LPmbGl", "Description: Small Field at the South end of Pemberton Glover Rd; 2.5 km West of CYPS", ff0000, 112 50.5097222, -123.0316667, "L Pemb Valley", "LPmbVl", "Description: Several landable fields in Pemberton Valley", ff0000, 112 49.9455556, -120.9188889, "L Peterson Rd", "LPtrsn", "Description: 600m total; watch out for irrigation lines; 1 km West of Coquihalla Hwy", ff0000, 112 49.9875000, -115.6661111, "L Premier Lake", "LPrmrL", "Description: Several mid sized fields 4 km North of Premier Lake on the West side of the hills", ff0000, 112 49.4569444, -120.3605556, "L Princ E1", "LPrnc1", "Description: Fields on both sides of Crowsnest Hwy", ff0000, 112 49.4555556, -120.5800000, "L Princ W", "LPrncW", "Description: Several fields SW of Coalmont Rd", ff0000, 112 49.6972222, -119.9941667, "L Princ-Summ Rd", "LPrncS", "Description: Irregular shape field SW of Princeton-Summerland Rd 24 km WNW of Summerland", ff0000, 112 50.8508333, -122.4483333, "L Rexmount", "LRxmnt", "Description: 3.3% Slope up SE-NW; Sloped field behind a hill north of Carpenter Lake", ff0000, 112 49.0058333, -115.0561111, "L Roosville CA-US", "LRsvll", "Description: Three large fields 0.5 North of Roosville CA-US Border Crossing on the West side of Hwy 93", ff0000, 112 50.9933333, -120.2288889, "L S YellHd 1", "LSllHd", "Description: Big fields W of Southern Yellowhead Hwy #5", ff0000, 112 51.2941667, -120.1783333, "L S YellHd 2", "LSYell", "Description: Many good fields around Hwy 5", ff0000, 112 51.2475000, -118.9369444, "L Seymor Arm", "LSmrrm", "Description: Couple of small fields in the middle of Seymor Arm village", ff0000, 112 49.4319444, -117.5227778, "L Shore Acres", "LShrcr", "Description: 4% Slope Up E-W; Small back yard field perpendicular to the river; Other fields in the vicinity but not really suitable", ff0000, 112 50.8336111, -118.9655556, "L Sicamous", "LSicms", "Description: Mid size field on the West edge of Sicamous", ff0000, 112 49.9097222, -115.7183333, "L Skookumchuck", "LSkkmc", "Description: Several mid size fields on the West side of Skookumchuck 3 km West from the Pulp Mill", ff0000, 112 49.7469444, -117.4705556, "L Slocan", "LSlocn", "Description: Several mid size fields 2 km South of Slocan West of Hwy 6", ff0000, 112 50.0947222, -117.4780556, "L Slocan Lake N", "LSlcnL", "Description: 5.8% Slope up S-N; Several fields off the North tip of SLocan Lake SOuth of Hills East of Hwy 6", ff0000, 112 49.6444444, -119.7158333, "L Sommerland N", "LSmmrl", "Description: 5% Slope Up W-E ; Crop field across the valley 5 km North of Summerland; Many other vinyard fields around Sommerland", ff0000, 112 50.4755556, -121.2775000, "L Spatsum", "LSptsm", "Description: 9 km NE of Spences Bridge East of Hwy 1 several good sized fields", ff0000, 112 50.4147222, -121.3602778, "L Spences Br", "LSpncs", "Description: Field just south of the SPences Bridge next to Hwy", ff0000, 112 50.3841667, -120.3238889, "L Stump Lake", "LStmpL", "Description: 1.2% Slope Up W-E; Couple of fields off the NE tip of Stump Lake SE of Hwy 5A", ff0000, 112 49.6075000, -117.0002778, "L Sunshine Bay", "LSnshn", "Description: 4.4% Slope Up W-E; Several small to mid size fields just West of Sunshine Bay", ff0000, 112 49.2741667, -121.2294444, "L Sunshine Val", "LSunsh", "Description: Along the road just North of Hwy 3 opposite of trailer park", ff0000, 112 49.6797222, -115.9972222, "L Trickle Cr Golf", "LTrckl", "Description: Trickle Creek Golf Course", ff0000, 112 49.6588889, -120.7800000, "L Tulam2", "LTulm2", "Description: Wast of Coalmont Rd", ff0000, 112 49.6977778, -120.7661111, "L Tulam3", "LTulm3", "Description: Between the Coalmont road and the railway or West of Railway", ff0000, 112 49.5397222, -120.7330556, "L Tulameen", "LTulmn", "Description: 1.5 km East of Tulameen", ff0000, 112 49.5772222, -117.6275000, "L Vallican", "LVllcn", "Description: Medium field 2.5 km North of Vallican West of Hwy 6", ff0000, 112 49.8200000, -115.7300000, "L Wasalk", "LWaslk", "Description: Next to Irrigated field watch for irrigating lines; parts of the field may be rough", ff0000, 112 49.8027778, -119.7155556, "L Westbank", "LWstbn", "Description: Small field South of Hwy 97C next to farm house at the West entry to Kewlona Westbank; No other suitable fields in the area", ff0000, 112 50.1350000, -122.9638889, "L Whistler Golf", "LWhstl", "Description: Whistler Golf Course; 3 parallel Big fairways; more landable fairways around", ff0000, 112 50.1563889, -115.4622222, "L White Swan Lk", "LWhtSw", "Description: Grass North of the lake", ff0000, 112 49.1833333, -116.5913889, "L Wyndell", "LWndll", "Description: Many large fields West of Wyndell off the South tip of Duck Lake", ff0000, 112 51.3055556, -121.4041667, "L 70 Mile House", "L70MlH", "Description: Several good fields on the West side of 70 Mile House", ff0000, 112 50.2588889, -121.1108333, "X Agate SE", "XAgatS", "Description: Irrigated circular field 2km SE of Agate", ff0000, 112 49.8127778, -120.8538889, "X Brookmere", "XBrkmr", "Description: 3% Slope Up E-W; Short field place by Brookmere may be Rough; 250m if crossing the lane; otherwise 200m", ff0000, 112 49.5072222, -120.6841667, "X Coalmont", "XClmnt", "Description: Several very short fields", ff0000, 112 50.5450000, -122.4672222, "X Darcy", "XDarcy", "Description: 19% Slope Up NW-SE; Small field at Darcy; Land diagonally into 145", ff0000, 112 50.8202778, -123.1655556, "X Downton Lake W", "XDwntn", "Description: Sand banks off the West end of Downton Lake; There is also 300 m long grassy field 1 km West", ff0000, 112 50.4597222, -120.6055556, "X Highcountry", "XHghcn", "Description: Model flyer field logan lake exit Landed with R2 Jul 26 2012 Gate Code 4233 Now closed", ff0000, 112 49.7425000, -119.1772222, "X Idabel Lake", "XdblLk", "Description: Small field just West of Idabel Lake in the Idabel Lake Resort; field may be bumpy", ff0000, 112 50.1136111, -121.5647222, "X Kanaka Bar", "XKnkBr", "Description: X @ Kanaka Bar looks like an ATV polygon", ff0000, 112 50.4966667, -121.7138889, "X Lilo-Lyt M", "XLlLtM", "Description: 9% Slope Up W-E; Mid Btw Lilooet & Lytton", ff0000, 112 50.2544444, -121.4713889, "X Lytton E", "XLyttn", "Description: 5% Slope Up N-S; Small field 8 km E of Lytton on a plateau; may be rocky", ff0000, 112 50.2494444, -122.8588889, "X Race Track", "XRcTrc", "Description: 15m wide Race track Btw Whistler & Pemb; WN side seems a bit wider", ff0000, 112 49.0158333, -121.0716667, "X Ross Lk", "XRssLk", "Description: Short clearing off the North tip of Ross Lake; flar; may be bumpy", ff0000, 112 50.6675000, -121.9772222, "X Seaton Lake", "XStnLk", "Description: Very short field off the East End of Seaton Lake", ff0000, 112 50.7091667, -122.2816667, "X Seton", "XSeton", "Description: Very short field at Seton", ff0000, 112 49.5950000, -121.8250000, "X Silver River", "XSlvrR", "Description: Long dirt road/strip but Only 15 m wide", ff0000, 112 49.9686111, -122.4377778, "X Skookumchuck", "XSkkmc", "Description: Short back yard field 4.5 km NW of Skookumchuk betw Pemberton & Tipella", ff0000, 112 50.4538889, -121.3047222, "X Spences Br N", "XSpncs", "Description: Very short field 6 km NNE of Spences Bridge", ff0000, 112 51.9622222, -117.8250000, "X Sulliv", "XSullv", "Description: Very short field on aluvial plane West of Kinbasket Lake", ff0000, 112 49.5369444, -120.8702778, "X Tulameen W1", "XTlmnW", "Description: 14% Sideway Slope Up N-S; Very short; Last resort outlanding site!", ff0000, 112 49.4688889, -120.9727778, "X Tulameen W2", "XTulam", "Description: Very short field; dirt road through clearing; on the East side od the river 17 km SW of Tulameen", ff0000, 112 49.5516667, -121.4463889, "X Yale", "X Yale", "Description: 25% Slope Across E-W; Very short back yard field", ff0000, 112