Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange
Unofficial Hood River Control Points

Courtesy of Tom Roth
Dated: 24 October 2022
Magnetic Variation: 19E
Time zone: US/Pacific, Summer offset from GMT is -7:00 and in Winter it is -8:00.

Information about soaring at Hood River is available at

The primary specification of the waypoint coordinates is degrees, minutes, and seconds


Do not use for navigation, for flight verification only.

Always consult the relevant publications for current and correct
information. This service is provided free of charge with no warrantees,
expressed or implied.
User assumes all risk of use.

"Please note that private use airports in the FAA's National
Airspace System are for the use of the owner only or with the
permission of the owner only. Other users are not authorized
and should not be attempting to land at private use airports."

Use is subject to these conditions.


Name                Codes             Links              Latitude    Longitude        Latitude     Longitude   Elevation          ID         ICAO   Frequency  R/W Direction  R/W Length   R/W Width  R/W Surface
                                                         °  '  "      °  '  "         °   '         °   '         Feet                        ID                                  Feet                             

Ken Jernstedt Airfield   HSF   a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G             45 40 22 N  121 32 02 W  or  45 40.367 N  121 32.033 W      638    KENJERNSTEDT  4S2                                122.8                   07/25               3040         75  A          PUB (4S2)|AWOS:134.375|RY 07/25:3040x75-ASPH-LGT|FUEL: 100LL|MGR: GREG HAGBERY|541-386-1645
Allete Energy            T     a,g,V,o,G                   45 14 43 N  120 16 11 W  or  45 14.717 N  120 16.183 W     3166    ALLETENGY                     68       134                                                                               
Bald Butte               T     a,g,V,o,G                   45 32 09 N  121 32 01 W  or  45 32.150 N  121 32.017 W     3682    BALDYHR                      9.5       199                                                                               
Beaver Creek             T     a,g,V,o,G                   45 20 12 N  120 57 00 W  or  45 20.200 N  120 57.000 W      562    BEAVCREK                      37       148                                                                               
Black Butte              5T    a,g,V,o,G                   44 23 56 N  121 38 05 W  or  44 23.933 N  121 38.083 W     6436    BLKBUTTE                      88       202                                                                               

Bull Run Canyon          T     a,g,V,o,G                   45 26 09 N  120 52 49 W  or  45 26.150 N  120 52.817 W     1367    TEMP                          36       136                                                                               
BZ Corner                T     a,g,V,o,G                   45 51 00 N  121 30 32 W  or  45 51.000 N  121 30.533 W      713    BZCORNER                      12        25                                                                               
Camp Baldwin             T     a,g,V,o,G                   45 24 15 N  121 25 29 W  or  45 24.250 N  121 25.483 W     3606    CAMBLWIN                      19       183                                                                               
Cathedral Ridge          T     a,g,V,o,G                   45 29 01 N  121 31 51 W  or  45 29.017 N  121 31.850 W     3719    CATHEDRAL                     13       198                                                                               
Cloud Cap Inn            T     a,g,V,o,G                   45 24 07 N  121 39 23 W  or  45 24.117 N  121 39.383 W     5912    CLOUDINN                      20       217                                                                               

Cooper Spur              T     a,g,V,o,G                   45 25 31 N  121 35 25 W  or  45 25.517 N  121 35.417 W     3408    COOPERSPUR                    17       208                                                                               
Corner                   TP    a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G             45 34 49 N  121 32 00 W  or  45 34.817 N  121 32.000 W     1673    CORNR         0OR9           6.4       199                               16/34               1900         25  A          
Dee Flat                 T     a,g,V,o,G                   45 34 45 N  121 38 18 W  or  45 34.750 N  121 38.300 W     1206    DEEFLAT                      8.2       237                                                                               
Dog Bowl                 T     a,g,V,o,G                   45 37 52 N  121 28 32 W  or  45 37.867 N  121 28.533 W     1818    DOGBOWL                      4.0       155                                                                               
Dry Creek                T     a,g,V,o,G                   45 13 10 N  121 23 01 W  or  45 13.167 N  121 23.017 W     2192    DRYCREEK                      32       186                                                                               

Dufur                    T     a,g,V,o,G                   45 27 12 N  121 07 38 W  or  45 27.200 N  121 07.633 W     1350    DUFUR                         25       146                                                                               
Fossil                   T     a,g,V,o,G                   44 59 53 N  120 12 58 W  or  44 59.883 N  120 12.967 W     2654    FOSSIL                        79       145                                                                               
Grass Valley             T     a,g,V,o,G                   45 21 12 N  120 47 09 W  or  45 21.200 N  120 47.150 W     2279    GRASSVAL                      42       140                                                                               
Hanel Mill               T     a,g,V,o,G                   45 33 41 N  121 36 39 W  or  45 33.683 N  121 36.650 W     1329    HANEL                        8.5       225                                                                               
Husum                    TP    a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G             45 47 55 N  121 29 14 W  or  45 47.917 N  121 29.233 W      407    HUSUM         75WA           9.0        33                               17/35               1600         40  G          

Int. 26-216              T     a,g,V,o,G                   45 07 52 N  121 36 06 W  or  45 07.867 N  121 36.100 W     3476    INT26216                      38       204                                                                               
IP 07                    T     a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G             45 39 47 N  121 31 44 W  or  45 39.783 N  121 31.733 W      314    HOODRVRIPR07  4S2            0.7       179       122.8                   07/25               3040         75  A          
IP 25                    T     a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G             45 41 05 N  121 32 45 W  or  45 41.083 N  121 32.750 W      586    HOODRVRIPR25  4S2            1.0       344       122.8                   07/25               3040         75  A          
Jakes Strip              LTP   a,A,g,V,v,N,o,G             45 47 18 N  121 31 05 W  or  45 47.300 N  121 31.083 W      364    JAKESSTRIP    WA66           8.0        24                               18/36               1000         38  G          Possible outlanding location, approximate width
Junkyard                 T     a,g,V,o,G                   45 45 27 N  121 33 07 W  or  45 45.450 N  121 33.117 W     1210    JUNKYARD                     5.9        11                                                                               

Ka Ne Ta                 T     a,g,V,o,G                   44 51 32 N  121 10 47 W  or  44 51.533 N  121 10.783 W     1715    KANETA                        59       182                                                                               
Kingsley                 T     a,g,V,o,G                   45 20 30 N  121 11 57 W  or  45 20.500 N  121 11.950 W     2436    KINGSLEY                      28       164                                                                               
Klickatat                T     a,g,V,o,G                   45 50 27 N  121 04 08 W  or  45 50.450 N  121 04.133 W      813    KLICKTAT                      25        81                                                                               
Laurance Lake            T     a,g,V,o,G                   45 27 34 N  121 39 51 W  or  45 27.567 N  121 39.850 W     2982    LAURANCELK                    16       222                                                                               
Lava Flow                T     a,g,V,o,G                   45 29 56 N  121 37 21 W  or  45 29.933 N  121 37.350 W     2213    LAVAFLOW                      13       219                                                                               

Lone Rock Corner         T     a,g,V,o,G                   45 20 16 N  120 39 24 W  or  45 20.267 N  120 39.400 W     2392    LONEROCK                      48       137                                                                               
Lookout Mtn              T     a,g,V,o,G                   45 20 32 N  121 31 53 W  or  45 20.533 N  121 31.883 W     6205    LOOKOUT                       23       199                                                                               
Maupin                   T     a,g,V,o,G                   45 10 41 N  121 04 48 W  or  45 10.683 N  121 04.800 W     1028    MAUPIN                        41       166                                                                               
Mt Hood Meadows          T     a,g,V,o,G                   45 19 54 N  121 39 54 W  or  45 19.900 N  121 39.900 W     5367    MTHDMEADOWS                   24       214                                                                               
Middle Mtn               T     a,g,V,o,G                   45 35 38 N  121 35 23 W  or  45 35.633 N  121 35.383 W     2491    MIDDL                        6.1       225                                                                               

Mill Creek Bridge        T     a,g,V,o,G                   44 51 55 N  121 25 21 W  or  44 51.917 N  121 25.350 W     2541    MILLCREK                      56       193                                                                               
Mt Adams                 5T    a,g,V,o,G                   46 12 11 N  121 29 28 W  or  46 12.183 N  121 29.467 W    12245    MTADAMS                       37        22                                                                               
Mt Bachelor              5T    a,g,V,o,G                   43 58 46 N  121 41 20 W  or  43 58.767 N  121 41.333 W     9069    MTBACH                       117       203                                                                               
Mt Defiance              5T    a,g,V,o,G                   45 38 55 N  121 43 24 W  or  45 38.917 N  121 43.400 W     4932    MTDEFAN                      9.3       279                                                                               
Mt Hood                  5T    a,g,V,o,G                   45 22 25 N  121 41 45 W  or  45 22.417 N  121 41.750 W    11184    MTHOOD                        22       220                                                                               

Mt Hood Community        T     a,g,V,o,G                   45 32 21 N  121 34 00 W  or  45 32.350 N  121 34.000 W     1550    MHCOM                        9.4       209                                                                               
Mt Jefferson             5T    a,g,V,o,G                   44 40 27 N  121 48 01 W  or  44 40.450 N  121 48.017 W    10230    MTJEFF                        70       210                                                                               
Mt St Helens             5T    a,g,V,o,G                   46 11 29 N  122 11 44 W  or  46 11.483 N  122 11.733 W     8319    MTSTHEL                       48       338                                                                               
Mt Washington            5T    a,g,V,o,G                   44 19 56 N  121 50 19 W  or  44 19.933 N  121 50.317 W     7792    MTWASH                        94       208                                                                               
Neal Creek               T     a,g,V,o,G                   45 35 22 N  121 29 43 W  or  45 35.367 N  121 29.717 W     1180    NEAL                         6.1       181                                                                               

Notch                    T     a,g,V,o,G                   45 40 40 N  121 28 56 W  or  45 40.667 N  121 28.933 W      934    NOTCH                        2.5       101                                                                               
Odell                    T     a,g,V,o,G                   45 37 47 N  121 32 46 W  or  45 37.783 N  121 32.767 W      711    ODELL                        3.0       210                                                                               
Parkdale                 T     a,g,V,o,G                   45 31 01 N  121 35 49 W  or  45 31.017 N  121 35.817 W     1763    PARKD                         11       215                                                                               
Power Lines North        T     a,g,V,o,G                   45 45 43 N  121 30 04 W  or  45 45.717 N  121 30.067 W     1929    POWERLN                      6.4        33                                                                               
Power Lines South        T     a,g,V,o,G                   45 31 38 N  121 32 16 W  or  45 31.633 N  121 32.267 W     2661    POWERLS                       10       200                                                                               

Ranch                    T     a,g,V,o,G                   45 36 37 N  121 29 01 W  or  45 36.617 N  121 29.017 W     1917    RANCH                        5.0       170                                                                               
S Curve                  T     a,g,V,o,G                   45 27 58 N  121 33 58 W  or  45 27.967 N  121 33.967 W     2138    SCURV                         14       205                                                                               Hwy 35 
Shell Rock Mtn           T     a,g,V,o,G                   45 28 28 N  121 31 37 W  or  45 28.467 N  121 31.617 W     4251    SHELL                         14       198                                                                               
South Sister             5T    a,g,V,o,G                   44 06 12 N  121 46 09 W  or  44 06.200 N  121 46.150 W    10351    SOSISTER                     109       205                                                                               
Start East               S     a,g,V,o,G                   45 39 39 N  121 27 53 W  or  45 39.650 N  121 27.883 W     1782    STARTEAST                    3.4       123                                                                               

Start West               S     a,g,V,o,G                   45 40 17 N  121 36 38 W  or  45 40.283 N  121 36.633 W     1380    STARTWEST                    3.7       288                                                                               
Tamanawas Falls          T     a,g,V,o,G                   45 24 02 N  121 35 21 W  or  45 24.033 N  121 35.350 W     3574    TAMANLLS                      19       207                                                                               
Timberline Lodge         T     a,g,V,o,G                   45 19 52 N  121 42 41 W  or  45 19.867 N  121 42.683 W     5953    TMBRLDG                       25       219                                                                               
Timothy Lake             T     a,g,V,o,G                   45 06 49 N  121 48 23 W  or  45 06.817 N  121 48.383 W     3229    TIMOLAKE                      41       218                                                                               
Timothy Lake Dam         T     a,g,V,o,G                   45 06 52 N  121 48 25 W  or  45 06.867 N  121 48.417 W     3234    TIMLKDAM                      41       218                                                                               

Trillium Lake            T     a,g,V,o,G                   45 16 02 N  121 44 32 W  or  45 16.033 N  121 44.533 W     3608    TRLLAKE                       30       219                                                                               
Underwood Mountain       T     a,g,V,o,G                   45 45 02 N  121 34 52 W  or  45 45.033 N  121 34.867 W     2704     UNDERMNT                    5.8       356                                                                               
Wahtum Lake              T     a,g,V,o,G                   45 34 52 N  121 47 42 W  or  45 34.867 N  121 47.700 W     3717    WAHTUMLK                      14       262                                                                               
Wolf Run                 T     a,g,V,o,G                   45 26 45 N  121 10 56 W  or  45 26.750 N  121 10.933 W     1551    WOLFRUN                       23       152                                                                               

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